More ethnic cleansing on the horizon as iraqi government gives Bush/McCain its last elecoral gift.
At least 30,000 Iraqi security forces backed by 10,000 U.S. soldiers plan major operations in the eastern province of Diyala starting in August, officials say.
Diyala is an ethnically diverse region, with Christians, Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites all settling in the region…”Diyala remains the most dangerous province in Iraq,” said Iraqi military Col. Ali al-Karkhi.
Karkhi said the diversity of the region contributes to the restive nature of the eastern province….”The other provinces are far less mixed, which is why it is so difficult to restore peace here. It is also the reason why people are so extremist,” he said.
“It’s dangerous because it’s diverse.” Yeah, that what Karadzic said about Srebrenica too.
So if we just kill or drive out anyone but the Shiites, everything will be nice and calm in Diyala, just like in Baghdad. After all, how many more refugees could we create (over the current 4 million, I mean)?
“I ain’t playin.’ Y’all bess get out of my grill ‘for I traffic circle your ass.”
I just made that up off the top of my head. I wonder if that’s a real expression now in the hood? To “traffic circle” someone. If it’s not, it should be.
Troll has long been in the “Klake” category. So delusional, you just scroll past every utterance.
That’s funny, because that’s how I feel about most of everyone in this comment section. You’re all a bunch of predictable, amening kiss-asses. Virtually every comment here is some variation on someone agreeing with Goldy & Co.
I want to see some critical analysis and thinking.
That’s funny, because yesterday someone wrote that they thought I was very wise, and was one of the most respected commenters here.
Stephen Schwartzspews:
What is really boring are the clowns of the right who never make substantive comments.
So do you consider the comments @4 substantive?
Don Joespews:
So do you consider the comments @4 substantive?
Infinitely more substantive than the question @10.
@10 re: @9’s thinking on @4. Please resubstantiate @13.
So, you think the Iraqi operation is ethnic cleansing?
It’s good to see the Bush regime and their butt-boy 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain coming around to President Obama’s position on the region.
As President Obama gets ready to give his speech in Germany today – 1000s have lined up hours early to try to get in. Meanwhile, the “GOP” handlers are paying $5.00 to anyone who will go listen to FlipFlop McCain speak somewhere in New Hampshire today. I think they managed to get 73 people to show up to his big speech in Louisiana last month. HE HE!
Daddy Lovespews:
13 T
I think that’s what the result will be. And if that’s the result, then that’s what it is.
The Maliki government needs a PR win, and they have discovered that ethnic cleansing works, especially in the absence of organized opposition. The Bush/McCain campaign needs a military opertaiotn, and particularly one that is “succeeding,” for their boy to point to. A marriage made in hell.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Stephen Schwartz spews:
What is really boring are the clowns of the right who never make substantive comments.
That’s kinda how lee views your posts isn’t it?
Right Stuffspews:
Teachers of the 8th district support Reichert… NEA and WEA endorse Reichert and give him hi marks…..
Wow, an org that gives 90% to Dem candidates endorses Reichert…
Of course crickets from the DB cheer site.
Marvin Stamnspews:
No talk about that Reason article about seattle being the #2 nanny city in the country?
The more the nanny state, the less freedom.
Go figure that seattle is the 2nd worst city when it comes to freedom.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Everyday we see more democrats/liberals see the sinking of the O-Titanic. If he can’t put distance with mcsame what does that say abut his message? Oh yeah, it says “A majority (55%) think he would be the riskier choice for president, less than half of respondents say he doesn’t share their values and background”
Here’s today’s take from msnbc. our latest NBC/WSJ poll, which has Obama leading McCain by six points (47%-41%), unchanged from last month. While the survey finds that the political winds are at the Dem candidate’s back — just 13% believe the country’s on the right track, an all-time low in the poll; this is the 25th-straight NBC/WSJ survey in which the GOP has a net-negative rating; and Bush’s approval rating is only at 30% — there are plenty of signs that Obama hasn’t yet closed the deal; if anything, he’s simply grabbing on to the reverse Bush coattails at the moment. A majority (55%) think he would be the riskier choice for president, less than half of respondents say he doesn’t share their values and background, and McCain clobbers him on experience and commander-in-chief questions.
Daddy Love @4:
this is a VERY substanitive comment – all the talk about the “success” of the surge is pure bull. Iraq already has 3 million refugees, 3-500,000 dead Iraqis and over 4,000 US servicemen killed. What was once an intergrated society is now balkanized. To keep repeating that the surge is a “succes” fails to take into account the collosal failure of an unnecessary war that has made Iran more powerful and failed to go after the Taliban/al qaida. It is like calling Darfur a success since the killing is down because everyone has fled or died.
Right Stuffspews:
Do nothing Democrats have no plan for US energy needs.
Let’s get drilling people. We have reserves that should be tapped…Democrats are standing in the way…
Poor right stuff – the ignorance that spouts from you is like an oil well that needs to be capped.
First, if we start drilling today we would not see any oil for 10-15 years.
Second, the amount of oil we have would move the global market by….1-2 cents in 15 years.
Third, anyone calling for more drilling RIGHT now and trying to imply it will do anything to current prices is a flat out liar.
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
re 5: “Curbing” is an expression. That’s what happened to Paroline.
@18: Where is the citation for 8th district teachers supporting Reichert?
I didn’t realize there was a teachers union restricted to the 8th district ….do you have any facts, ever? Let’s see your supposed citation or are you blowing hot air again?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Barack Obama heckled as he visits Western Wall
The US presidential nominee was heckled as he visited the Western Wall
One yelled out: “Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!” before Mr Obama was whisked away to his waiting plane.
The news that the liberal media forgets to tell us.
If you use the phrase “follow the money,” yes, the media is liberal. Why are liberals so scared to admit the obvious truth? Just like liberal nominees ALWAYS have to track right to be accepted with main stream americans.
I guess obama is too busy campaigning to be president of the world to visit injured soldiers.
Did you hear this in the liberal media? No, you have to read foreign media to learn about it.
1:42 p.m.: SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned that Obama has cancelled a planned short visit to the Rammstein and Landstuhl US military bases in the southwest German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The visits were planned for Friday. “Barack Obama will not be coming to us,” a spokesperson for the US military hospital in Landstuhl announced. “I don’t know why.”
Obviously he was more concerned with going to the nazi victory column to show his solidarity with israel.
Last I checked techers of the 8th district are members of the WEA…..
Just using the same rhetoric as the cheer site..
Marvin Stamnspews:
Looks like obama has started pissing off the french. Not a good start as president of the world.
++ Paris Left Cold by Obama Visit ++
3:30 p.m.: While Obama’s Berlin visit has caused a stir, hardly anyone is interested in his trip to Paris on Friday. There are hardly any French media reports on the eve of his visit. There is merely some grumbling about the extensive itinerary for his trip to Berlin. “A speech in Berlin, five little hours in Paris,” writes French daily Le Monde.
How can the democrats put up a candidate that causes such feelings from the french. He’s over in europe embarrassing himsl;ef speaking english only.
You guys should have picked john jerry, he likes the french people.
Right Stuffspews:
23. correctnotright spews:
Poor right stuff – the ignorance that spouts from you is like an oil well that needs to be capped.
First, if we start drilling today we would not see any oil for 10-15 years. Same old argument we have heard from your side…Let’s grant your “facts” then we need to start now…. We have huge reserves…
Second, the amount of oil we have would move the global market by….1-2 cents in 15 years. Really? Democrats in congress killing all new drilling legislation helped to spike gas prices in two years…Third, anyone calling for more drilling RIGHT now and trying to imply it will do anything to current prices is a flat out liar. Your solution is what? “new technologies”? you gonna pull those out or where? get real. Release strategic petroleum reserves? gimmic.
“July 23 (Bloomberg) — The Arctic may hold 90 billion barrels of oil, more than all the known reserves of Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Mexico combined, and enough to supply U.S. demand for 12 years, the U.S. Geological Survey said. “
McCain Makes Significant Gains in Key Battleground States
Majority of Voters in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin Favor Keeping Troops in Iraq, According to Street Journal Survey
Clearly, there are reservations about Obama despite (or because?) his Big Tour.
Just the messenger . . .
Marvin Stamnspews:
What?? Information leaked that obama didn’t visit the troops because he wanted time off. How special.
Obama noted that in a break from his whirlwind schedule, “we’ve got some down time tonight. What are you guys gonna do in Berlin? Huh? Huh? You guys got any big. plans? …I’ve never been to Berlin, so…I would love to tour around a little bit.”
From the same article…
Does he give his staff time off?
A reporter noted that the campaign has been distributing fliers to Berliners to drum up attendance.
“Why don’t you guys go out and distribute some fliers” Obama asked. “Is that a conflict for you guys?”
Joked a cable news correspondent: “We have been. It’s called television.”
Ouch. Of course the media is in the tank for obama.
Daddy Lovespews:
24 WKS
“Accident” is an expression too. Had the guy fallen on grass, we’d never have read the story. But if you’re black you get Man 2.
Right Stuffspews:
I can’t believe Obama isn’t 15-20 points ahead with all the media coverage he gets…
I mean, the guy takes a piss and it’s on the breaking news ticker for MSNBC…
And it’s true that a single poll (Quinnipiac) now shows McCain making up ground in three of the six states in which Obama was recently leading, that were states went for Bush in 2004 (and so so ones that that he MUST win), and it’s also true that he’s still behind in the other three.
Nope, not looking good for Shorty McOld.
Daddy Lovespews:
35 RS
If McCain weren’t McSnooze, maybe he’d get some press too. But don’t get all pissy; until recently McCain was referring to the press as “my base.” Now Whiney McWhiteass is all upset.
Daddy Lovespews:
19 MS
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass when you leave.
Nope, not looking good for Shorty McOld.
It’s only July and you might expect Obama to have a much greater lead in view of the issues.
Why doesn’t he? And where’s the bounce from his trip?
Right Stuffspews:
@37 all I’m saying is that with all the fawning puff piece journalism that follows Obama, he should be enjoying a much greater lead…
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, of course you are. In fact, you’re ALL saying it, pretty much endlessly. Note Tukow @39. I’ll bet I could cite 7-10 posts all individually posted (that is, not in response to seomone else’s) all making the same point. Why, it’s as though there were some central entity dictating your responses.
Daddy Lovespews:
As for “Why isn’t Barack Obama getting a ‘bounce’ from a trip he hasn’t even finished yet”, or from the speech in Germany no one here has heard yet, I say: untwist yer panties.
Obama’s world tour has gotten him a ton of coverage during a month in which almost no one traditionally pays attention to politics, and the coverage has mostly been very positive. It may not have given him an instantaneous bump, but honestly, you know, not everything shows up in tracking polls within 24 hours. The trip is good for Obama, it increases his foreign policy credibility, and once it’s out of the way he’ll be well positioned to stay home and bear down on the campaign through the summer.
As for McCain, he’ll make progress here and there depending on where he spends money and what the issue of the hour happens to be, but overall he’s not making up any ground based on polling averages. McCain is sepnding on the ground right now while Obama’s abroad. as Hillary Clinton found out, when you go head to head with Obama in a state, his numbers tend to r-i-s-e.
Daddy Lovespews:
Heck, I was wrong. I found only four, and only three of those were individually posted.
@20 Marvin Stamn
@35 Right Stuff
@39 Tukow
@40 right stuff
Here’s a speech from the soon to be leader of the free world – more than 200,000 came to hear it. I chuckle thinking what would have happened if Flip Flop McCain was the one giving the speech. 100 old nazi friends would have come and McCain would have forgotten his speech.
People of the world – look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one.”
“The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.”
“No one welcomes war. I recognize the enormous difficulties in Afghanistan. But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO’s first mission beyond Europe’s borders is a success. For the people of Afghanistan, and for our shared security, the work must be done. America cannot do this alone. The Afghan people need our troops and your troops; our support and your support to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaida, to develop their economy, and to help them rebuild their nation. We have too much at stake to turn back now.”
“This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we must forge trade that truly rewards the work that creates wealth, with meaningful protections for our people and our planet. This is the moment for trade that is free and fair for all.”
“This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East. My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions. We must support the Lebanese who have marched and bled for democracy, and the Israelis and Palestinians who seek a secure and lasting peace. And despite past differences, this is the moment when the world should support the millions of Iraqis who seek to rebuild their lives, even as we pass responsibility to the Iraqi government and finally bring this war to a close.”
“Let us resolve that we will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our lands. Let us resolve that all nations – including my own – will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere.”
“I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.”
“People of Berlin – and people of the world – the scale of our challenge is great. The road ahead will be long. But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope. Let us build on our common history, and seize our common destiny, and once again engage in that noble struggle to bring justice and peace to our world.”
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain loves to tell us how much he supported the theft of troops that could have helped in Afghanistan“surge,” and how Holy Saint Petraeus and his Sacred Counter-Insurgency Tactics have saved the day in Iraq.
The problem is, McCain has never endorsed or supported counter-insurgency (COIN) tactics such as the basic “we really ought to be reaching out to the insurgency and negotiating with them.” That is at the very heart of counter-insurgency. In contrast, here’s McCain in June 2006 speaking on Iraq:
“What does victory mean? It is the classic reduction and eventual elimination of any insurgency…That’s the way every insurgency in history is put down. There’s no peace signing on board the USS Missouri. It is an insurgency that is to be surrounded, contained and eliminated.”
The military forces that successfully defeat insurgencies are usually those able to overcome their institutional inclination to wage conventional war against insurgents…Resolving most insurgencies requires a political solution; it is thus imperative that counterinsurgent actions do not hinder achieving that political solution…Any human rights abuses or legal violations committed by U.S. forces quickly become known throughout the local populace and eventually around the world. Illegitimate actions undermine both long- and short-term COIN efforts…An operation that kills five insurgents is counterproductive if collateral damage leads to the recruitment of fifty more insurgents.
And by the way, the air strikes we have been calling more or less non-stop in urban areas such as Sadr City are exactly the OPPOSITE of counter-insurgency, and only inflames the insurgency by causing loads of civilian women and children to die, and their relatives to become insurgents.
Daddy Lovespews:
The Iraq war is failing not just because it has been poorly executed. Even in the case of Saddam’s heinous regime, the core objective of overthrowing one government and forcibly creating a new one in its place was fundamentally and fatally flawed.
38. Daddy Love spews:
19 MS
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass when you leave.
At least you are not disagreeing that seattle is your nanny.
At least now we know when it comes to freedom, don’t vote democrat.
Anybody notice the new high-rise building on the SW corner of 1st and Union? I thought Seattle didn’t allow that kind of thing anymore – a building wall on the sidewalk. It’s damned ugly. I much prefered the old garage structure that was there.
(of course it’s a military site so it can’t be trusted. All those republicans you know…)
Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to ‘ The War Zone ‘ . I wanted to share with you what happened.
He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.
As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand, he blew them off and didn’t say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.
So really he was just here to make a showing for the Americans back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you.
I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don’t understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.
If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.
Funny how you never hear black leaders describe white on black attacks as an “accident.”
I have more respect for a steaming pile of dog shit than I do most black leaders.
Daddy Lovespews:
49 MS
Then again, Bush treated servicemen like props for his perpetual political codpiece campaign as he hauled a fake turkey down a ramp for the cameras as though he were Father Thanksgiving himself. But that’s OK, right?
Daddy Lovespews:
47 MS
On the other hand, just go. You probably don’t want to stay where you are not wanted.
Anyone see The Dark Knight?
One helluva movie!
It’s so depressing how the right wing demagogues any issue that takes some study to really understand.
The price of oil is not determined by States not wanting to have their shorelines fouled by oil spills like what just happened in New Orleans.
The price of oil is determined by demand that is not just the U.S, Europe and Japan but instead it is that same demand also joined by China, India and the burgeoning consumption of the oil producing countries themselves (among other places). Add in the factor of plateauing production and it’s goodbye cheap oil no matter how much we drill on our own territory.
The wingnuts are so freaking stupid. Even a Bush supporter like Matt Simmons says that U.S. offshore oil would only benefit our grandchildren if they’re lucky. You can’t get an oil rig freed up to drill anything new until 2013 at the earliest.
Elect John McSame if you want to see more good economic news like this!
Won’t it be funny when John McCain loses in his home state?
It would be even funnier if Microsoft could get its OS out in a reasonable amount of time (shall we say, less than a decade?), in a form that people actually desired (see the Mac), and without a lifetime’s worth of security patches that make every second Tuesday feel like the latest release of a Halloween movie . . .
My Goldy Itchesspews:
It looks like John Edwards will be nowhere near a VP running mate announcement. Trying to keep the press quite about his love child he and his mistress have together, while his wife is dying of cancer, is proving too difficult.
It looks like that cunt CIN Dee McCain’s tax records being hidden, her 800k a month Amex bill, FlipFlop McCain’s affairs with energy lobbyists, his attempts to keep secret his help to the VC during Nam and his decision to cheat on and abandon his disfigured wife are the new “GOP” values.
…angry Army brass debunked the Obama-bashing soldier’s allegations, which went viral Thursday over the Web and on military blogs such as Blackfive.
The e-mail claims Obama repeatedly shunned soldiers on his way to the Clamshell – a recreation tent – to “take his publicity pictures playing basketball.”
“These comments are inappropriate and factually incorrect,” said Bagram spokeswoman Army Lt. Col. Rumi Nielson-Green, who added that such political commentary is barred for uniformed personnel.
Obama didn’t play basketball at Bagram or visit the Clamshell, she said. Home-state troops were invited to meet him, but his arrival was kept secret for security reasons.
A Pentagon spokesperson confirms to me that because of longstanding Department of Defense regulations, Pentagon officials told Obama aides that he couldn’t visit the base with campaign staff...the Pentagon did in fact tell Obama that in this case, it was not only “inappropriate,” but against DOD rules, for him to conduct the visit with campaign staff.
“We have longstanding Department of Defense policy in regards to political campaigns and elections,” Pentagon spokesperson Elizabeth Hibner told me. “We informed the Obama staff that he was more than welcome to visit as Senator Obama, with Senate staff. However, he could not conduct the visit with campaign staff.”
Nope. Totally unjustified by the “facts on the ground.”
Anyone worried that the worl is in need of Barack humor might look here.
I just checked out the blackfive site you referenced. No, it isn’t a “military site”. It’s run by a private information technology (IT) executive that is no longer affiliated with the military.
It is a blatantly and overtly anti-Obama site. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. Mr. Burden (the owner of the site) has a right to his opinions. While many Veterans are pro-Obama, some, like Mr. Burden, are not, and that’s their right.
I’ll even give it one bit of credibility. Unlike the fake SEAL site that was quoted so often around here, the fellow running this site seems legit.
That still doesn’t make it anything other than a private, tightly controlled, anti-Obama, right-wing blog.
But if you’re insisting that simply because Mr. Burden is a Veteran, that makes his posts automatically beyond criticism, I would like you to check out another site run by Veterans.
1. He is a sitting US Senator.
2. He can visit troops as such
3. I thought this wasn’t a campaign trip?
4. He was in Germany “not as a candidate for president, but a citizen of the world”
1. Yes.
2. Not on this trip, according to the Pentagon. Perhaps you could enquire of them.
3. Did you? He was part of a congressional delegation (CODEL) for his visits to Iraq and Afghanistan, then he terminated his participation in the CODEL and then went to Jordan, Israel, and Europe. Is this a tough one for you?
4. As both Kennedy and Reagan have said as well. It’s a common American trope, pre-Chimp. And who has more right that Barack Obama to present himself that way? Certainly more than white-boy son-of-admiral-grandson-of-Admiral McCain.
“5.” That article says nothing different from what Obama’s campaign and the article I linked to said. They said that he could go with his Senate staff and not with his campaign staff, but he had his campaign staff with him because he was on the campaign portion of this trip and it would be illegal to have his Senate staff working with him then. Just what has been said before.
The Obama campaign goes further to say that “Senator Obama made the decision that we were not gonna have wounded men and women become involved in a campaign event or what would be perceived as a campaign event.” And you’d be criticizing him either way.
Be careful of what you ask for you just might get it.
Sen. McCain goaded Obama into taking this trip. Now that he has, it’s obvious to every honest person in the world that Barak Obama has the capacity to lead on the world’s stage.
Because when you’re vying for the presidency of the United States of America, you’re also running as the leader of the free-world. Obviously, there’s no legal authority in being the leader of the free-world, but you do have to LEAD! What is plainly obvious, again only to the honest observer, is that there is NO anti-American sentiment in Europe as the conservatives would have you believe. The world still loves and respects America and they showed that to Barak Obama.
In order to win the War on Terror, we need a leader that our allies can trust and will follow. That person is Barak Obama and NOT John McCain.
What ever happened to the “coalition of the willing?” Don’t for get Poland!!
Why aren’t McSame and the Republicans chanting “Stay The Course” anymore?
Why is McSame copying Obama on everything? From the “Change” slogan instead of “Stay The Course” right down to eating at a German restaurant while Obama was in Germany. Pathetic.
McSame is just an old, lying fool who will say and do anything to get elected. Even lie. Too bad he at one time had honorable principles. To remain as a POW when he could have gone free demonstrates the best in American principles. But after being indoctrinated in the Culture of Corruption for the last 20+ years, he has lost his moral compass that guided him to American hero status so many decades ago.
So the right wing republican military disputes President Obama’s version. Who cares? They’re controlled by republicans and therefor – they lie.
This is similar to when the Commander & Thief visited Iraq in the early days of the war as a photo opp. My nephew was there in the Marines. They were ORDERED to appear and told to clap and cheer for Monkeyface or be issued misconduct citations. That’s the way the right works.
Sen. McCain goaded Obama into taking this trip. Now that he has, it’s obvious to every honest person in the world that Barak Obama has the capacity to lead on the world’s stage
IMO, if you’re going to do irony right, you should trust the audience enough not to explain the joke at the end.
Of course, look at what that did for The New Yorker.
It’s a little “preaching to the choir.”
I like this artist.
More ethnic cleansing on the horizon as iraqi government gives Bush/McCain its last elecoral gift.
“It’s dangerous because it’s diverse.” Yeah, that what Karadzic said about Srebrenica too.
So if we just kill or drive out anyone but the Shiites, everything will be nice and calm in Diyala, just like in Baghdad. After all, how many more refugees could we create (over the current 4 million, I mean)?
“I ain’t playin.’ Y’all bess get out of my grill ‘for I traffic circle your ass.”
I just made that up off the top of my head. I wonder if that’s a real expression now in the hood? To “traffic circle” someone. If it’s not, it should be.
Troll has long been in the “Klake” category. So delusional, you just scroll past every utterance.
That’s funny, because that’s how I feel about most of everyone in this comment section. You’re all a bunch of predictable, amening kiss-asses. Virtually every comment here is some variation on someone agreeing with Goldy & Co.
I want to see some critical analysis and thinking.
That’s funny, because yesterday someone wrote that they thought I was very wise, and was one of the most respected commenters here.
What is really boring are the clowns of the right who never make substantive comments.
So do you consider the comments @4 substantive?
So do you consider the comments @4 substantive?
Infinitely more substantive than the question @10.
@10 re: @9’s thinking on @4. Please resubstantiate @13.
So, you think the Iraqi operation is ethnic cleansing?
It’s good to see the Bush regime and their butt-boy 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain coming around to President Obama’s position on the region.
As President Obama gets ready to give his speech in Germany today – 1000s have lined up hours early to try to get in. Meanwhile, the “GOP” handlers are paying $5.00 to anyone who will go listen to FlipFlop McCain speak somewhere in New Hampshire today. I think they managed to get 73 people to show up to his big speech in Louisiana last month. HE HE!
13 T
I think that’s what the result will be. And if that’s the result, then that’s what it is.
The Maliki government needs a PR win, and they have discovered that ethnic cleansing works, especially in the absence of organized opposition. The Bush/McCain campaign needs a military opertaiotn, and particularly one that is “succeeding,” for their boy to point to. A marriage made in hell.
That’s kinda how lee views your posts isn’t it?
Teachers of the 8th district support Reichert… NEA and WEA endorse Reichert and give him hi marks…..
Wow, an org that gives 90% to Dem candidates endorses Reichert…
Of course crickets from the DB cheer site.
No talk about that Reason article about seattle being the #2 nanny city in the country?
The more the nanny state, the less freedom.
Go figure that seattle is the 2nd worst city when it comes to freedom.
Everyday we see more democrats/liberals see the sinking of the O-Titanic. If he can’t put distance with mcsame what does that say abut his message? Oh yeah, it says “A majority (55%) think he would be the riskier choice for president, less than half of respondents say he doesn’t share their values and background”
Here’s today’s take from msnbc.
our latest NBC/WSJ poll, which has Obama leading McCain by six points (47%-41%), unchanged from last month. While the survey finds that the political winds are at the Dem candidate’s back — just 13% believe the country’s on the right track, an all-time low in the poll; this is the 25th-straight NBC/WSJ survey in which the GOP has a net-negative rating; and Bush’s approval rating is only at 30% — there are plenty of signs that Obama hasn’t yet closed the deal; if anything, he’s simply grabbing on to the reverse Bush coattails at the moment. A majority (55%) think he would be the riskier choice for president, less than half of respondents say he doesn’t share their values and background, and McCain clobbers him on experience and commander-in-chief questions.
Daddy Love @4:
this is a VERY substanitive comment – all the talk about the “success” of the surge is pure bull. Iraq already has 3 million refugees, 3-500,000 dead Iraqis and over 4,000 US servicemen killed. What was once an intergrated society is now balkanized. To keep repeating that the surge is a “succes” fails to take into account the collosal failure of an unnecessary war that has made Iran more powerful and failed to go after the Taliban/al qaida. It is like calling Darfur a success since the killing is down because everyone has fled or died.
Do nothing Democrats have no plan for US energy needs.
What? 84% of reserves lie offshore?
Let’s get drilling people. We have reserves that should be tapped…Democrats are standing in the way…
Poor right stuff – the ignorance that spouts from you is like an oil well that needs to be capped.
First, if we start drilling today we would not see any oil for 10-15 years.
Second, the amount of oil we have would move the global market by….1-2 cents in 15 years.
Third, anyone calling for more drilling RIGHT now and trying to imply it will do anything to current prices is a flat out liar.
re 5: “Curbing” is an expression. That’s what happened to Paroline.
@18: Where is the citation for 8th district teachers supporting Reichert?
I didn’t realize there was a teachers union restricted to the 8th district ….do you have any facts, ever? Let’s see your supposed citation or are you blowing hot air again?
Barack Obama heckled as he visits Western Wall
The news that the liberal media forgets to tell us.
If you use the phrase “follow the money,” yes, the media is liberal. Why are liberals so scared to admit the obvious truth? Just like liberal nominees ALWAYS have to track right to be accepted with main stream americans.
Gasoline prices have spiked since Democrats took control of congress.
And to think that the 2006 campaign promises were about how Democrats were going to lower gas prices……
I guess obama is too busy campaigning to be president of the world to visit injured soldiers.
Did you hear this in the liberal media? No, you have to read foreign media to learn about it.
1:42 p.m.: SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned that Obama has cancelled a planned short visit to the Rammstein and Landstuhl US military bases in the southwest German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The visits were planned for Friday. “Barack Obama will not be coming to us,” a spokesperson for the US military hospital in Landstuhl announced. “I don’t know why.”
Obviously he was more concerned with going to the nazi victory column to show his solidarity with israel.
Last I checked techers of the 8th district are members of the WEA…..
Just using the same rhetoric as the cheer site..
Looks like obama has started pissing off the french. Not a good start as president of the world.
++ Paris Left Cold by Obama Visit ++
3:30 p.m.: While Obama’s Berlin visit has caused a stir, hardly anyone is interested in his trip to Paris on Friday. There are hardly any French media reports on the eve of his visit. There is merely some grumbling about the extensive itinerary for his trip to Berlin. “A speech in Berlin, five little hours in Paris,” writes French daily Le Monde.
How can the democrats put up a candidate that causes such feelings from the french. He’s over in europe embarrassing himsl;ef speaking english only.
You guys should have picked john jerry, he likes the french people.
23. correctnotright spews:
Poor right stuff – the ignorance that spouts from you is like an oil well that needs to be capped.
First, if we start drilling today we would not see any oil for 10-15 years.
Same old argument we have heard from your side…Let’s grant your “facts” then we need to start now…. We have huge reserves…
Second, the amount of oil we have would move the global market by….1-2 cents in 15 years.
Really? Democrats in congress killing all new drilling legislation helped to spike gas prices in two years…Third, anyone calling for more drilling RIGHT now and trying to imply it will do anything to current prices is a flat out liar.
Your solution is what? “new technologies”? you gonna pull those out or where? get real. Release strategic petroleum reserves? gimmic.
“July 23 (Bloomberg) — The Arctic may hold 90 billion barrels of oil, more than all the known reserves of Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Mexico combined, and enough to supply U.S. demand for 12 years, the U.S. Geological Survey said. “
Most recent poll data:
Also see:
McCain Makes Significant Gains in Key Battleground States
Majority of Voters in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin Favor Keeping Troops in Iraq, According to Street Journal Survey
Clearly, there are reservations about Obama despite (or because?) his Big Tour.
Just the messenger . . .
What?? Information leaked that obama didn’t visit the troops because he wanted time off. How special.
Obama noted that in a break from his whirlwind schedule, “we’ve got some down time tonight. What are you guys gonna do in Berlin? Huh? Huh? You guys got any big. plans? …I’ve never been to Berlin, so…I would love to tour around a little bit.”
From the same article…
Does he give his staff time off?
A reporter noted that the campaign has been distributing fliers to Berliners to drum up attendance.
“Why don’t you guys go out and distribute some fliers” Obama asked. “Is that a conflict for you guys?”
Joked a cable news correspondent: “We have been. It’s called television.”
Ouch. Of course the media is in the tank for obama.
24 WKS
“Accident” is an expression too. Had the guy fallen on grass, we’d never have read the story. But if you’re black you get Man 2.
I can’t believe Obama isn’t 15-20 points ahead with all the media coverage he gets…
I mean, the guy takes a piss and it’s on the breaking news ticker for MSNBC…
32 T
If you look at the Real Clear Politics site, you’ll see that in the poll averages, Obama has been keeping a pretty consistent 4+ percent lead nationally for some weeks.
And it’s true that a single poll (Quinnipiac) now shows McCain making up ground in three of the six states in which Obama was recently leading, that were states went for Bush in 2004 (and so so ones that that he MUST win), and it’s also true that he’s still behind in the other three.
Nope, not looking good for Shorty McOld.
35 RS
If McCain weren’t McSnooze, maybe he’d get some press too. But don’t get all pissy; until recently McCain was referring to the press as “my base.” Now Whiney McWhiteass is all upset.
19 MS
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass when you leave.
Nope, not looking good for Shorty McOld.
It’s only July and you might expect Obama to have a much greater lead in view of the issues.
Why doesn’t he? And where’s the bounce from his trip?
@37 all I’m saying is that with all the fawning puff piece journalism that follows Obama, he should be enjoying a much greater lead…
Yes, of course you are. In fact, you’re ALL saying it, pretty much endlessly. Note Tukow @39. I’ll bet I could cite 7-10 posts all individually posted (that is, not in response to seomone else’s) all making the same point. Why, it’s as though there were some central entity dictating your responses.
As for “Why isn’t Barack Obama getting a ‘bounce’ from a trip he hasn’t even finished yet”, or from the speech in Germany no one here has heard yet, I say: untwist yer panties.
Obama’s world tour has gotten him a ton of coverage during a month in which almost no one traditionally pays attention to politics, and the coverage has mostly been very positive. It may not have given him an instantaneous bump, but honestly, you know, not everything shows up in tracking polls within 24 hours. The trip is good for Obama, it increases his foreign policy credibility, and once it’s out of the way he’ll be well positioned to stay home and bear down on the campaign through the summer.
As for McCain, he’ll make progress here and there depending on where he spends money and what the issue of the hour happens to be, but overall he’s not making up any ground based on polling averages. McCain is sepnding on the ground right now while Obama’s abroad. as Hillary Clinton found out, when you go head to head with Obama in a state, his numbers tend to r-i-s-e.
Heck, I was wrong. I found only four, and only three of those were individually posted.
@20 Marvin Stamn
@35 Right Stuff
@39 Tukow
@40 right stuff
Here’s a speech from the soon to be leader of the free world – more than 200,000 came to hear it. I chuckle thinking what would have happened if Flip Flop McCain was the one giving the speech. 100 old nazi friends would have come and McCain would have forgotten his speech.
People of the world – look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one.”
“The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.”
“No one welcomes war. I recognize the enormous difficulties in Afghanistan. But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO’s first mission beyond Europe’s borders is a success. For the people of Afghanistan, and for our shared security, the work must be done. America cannot do this alone. The Afghan people need our troops and your troops; our support and your support to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaida, to develop their economy, and to help them rebuild their nation. We have too much at stake to turn back now.”
“This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we must forge trade that truly rewards the work that creates wealth, with meaningful protections for our people and our planet. This is the moment for trade that is free and fair for all.”
“This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East. My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions. We must support the Lebanese who have marched and bled for democracy, and the Israelis and Palestinians who seek a secure and lasting peace. And despite past differences, this is the moment when the world should support the millions of Iraqis who seek to rebuild their lives, even as we pass responsibility to the Iraqi government and finally bring this war to a close.”
“Let us resolve that we will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our lands. Let us resolve that all nations – including my own – will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere.”
“I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.”
“People of Berlin – and people of the world – the scale of our challenge is great. The road ahead will be long. But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope. Let us build on our common history, and seize our common destiny, and once again engage in that noble struggle to bring justice and peace to our world.”
John McCain loves to tell us how much he supported the
theft of troops that could have helped in Afghanistan“surge,” and how Holy Saint Petraeus and his Sacred Counter-Insurgency Tactics have saved the day in Iraq.The problem is, McCain has never endorsed or supported counter-insurgency (COIN) tactics such as the basic “we really ought to be reaching out to the insurgency and negotiating with them.” That is at the very heart of counter-insurgency. In contrast, here’s McCain in June 2006 speaking on Iraq:
Now here’s David Petraeus’ manual of counter-insurgency:
And by the way, the air strikes we have been calling more or less non-stop in urban areas such as Sadr City are exactly the OPPOSITE of counter-insurgency, and only inflames the insurgency by causing loads of civilian women and children to die, and their relatives to become insurgents.
From “Strategic Leadership: Framework for a 21st Century National Security Strategy“
At least you are not disagreeing that seattle is your nanny.
At least now we know when it comes to freedom, don’t vote democrat.
Anybody notice the new high-rise building on the SW corner of 1st and Union? I thought Seattle didn’t allow that kind of thing anymore – a building wall on the sidewalk. It’s damned ugly. I much prefered the old garage structure that was there.
Words from a serviceman in Afghanistan–
(of course it’s a military site so it can’t be trusted. All those republicans you know…)
@43 Heck, I was wrong.
I knew you had it in you (somewhere).
Funny how you never hear black leaders describe white on black attacks as an “accident.”
I have more respect for a steaming pile of dog shit than I do most black leaders.
49 MS
Then again, Bush treated servicemen like props for his perpetual political codpiece campaign as he hauled a fake turkey down a ramp for the cameras as though he were Father Thanksgiving himself. But that’s OK, right?
47 MS
On the other hand, just go. You probably don’t want to stay where you are not wanted.
Anyone see The Dark Knight?
One helluva movie!
It’s so depressing how the right wing demagogues any issue that takes some study to really understand.
The price of oil is not determined by States not wanting to have their shorelines fouled by oil spills like what just happened in New Orleans.
The price of oil is determined by demand that is not just the U.S, Europe and Japan but instead it is that same demand also joined by China, India and the burgeoning consumption of the oil producing countries themselves (among other places). Add in the factor of plateauing production and it’s goodbye cheap oil no matter how much we drill on our own territory.
The wingnuts are so freaking stupid. Even a Bush supporter like Matt Simmons says that U.S. offshore oil would only benefit our grandchildren if they’re lucky. You can’t get an oil rig freed up to drill anything new until 2013 at the earliest.
Re #49,
Won’t it be funny when John McCain loses in his home state?
Elect John McSame if you want to see more good economic news like this!
Won’t it be funny when John McCain loses in his home state?
It would be even funnier if Microsoft could get its OS out in a reasonable amount of time (shall we say, less than a decade?), in a form that people actually desired (see the Mac), and without a lifetime’s worth of security patches that make every second Tuesday feel like the latest release of a Halloween movie . . .
It looks like John Edwards will be nowhere near a VP running mate announcement. Trying to keep the press quite about his love child he and his mistress have together, while his wife is dying of cancer, is proving too difficult.
It looks like that cunt CIN Dee McCain’s tax records being hidden, her 800k a month Amex bill, FlipFlop McCain’s affairs with energy lobbyists, his attempts to keep secret his help to the VC during Nam and his decision to cheat on and abandon his disfigured wife are the new “GOP” values.
49 MS
Oh, and this @28 is a lie also:
Nope. Totally unjustified by the “facts on the ground.”
Anyone worried that the worl is in need of Barack humor might look here.
Uh, Mr. Stamm?
I just checked out the blackfive site you referenced. No, it isn’t a “military site”. It’s run by a private information technology (IT) executive that is no longer affiliated with the military.
It is a blatantly and overtly anti-Obama site. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. Mr. Burden (the owner of the site) has a right to his opinions. While many Veterans are pro-Obama, some, like Mr. Burden, are not, and that’s their right.
I’ll even give it one bit of credibility. Unlike the fake SEAL site that was quoted so often around here, the fellow running this site seems legit.
That still doesn’t make it anything other than a private, tightly controlled, anti-Obama, right-wing blog.
But if you’re insisting that simply because Mr. Burden is a Veteran, that makes his posts automatically beyond criticism, I would like you to check out another site run by Veterans.
John Barelli, NCC(AW), USN (Ret)
1. He is a sitting US Senator.
2. He can visit troops as such
3. I thought this wasn’t a campaign trip?
4. He was in Germany “not as a candidate for president, but a citizen of the world”
The pentagon disputes Obama’s claims.;page=2
65 RS
1. Yes.
2. Not on this trip, according to the Pentagon. Perhaps you could enquire of them.
3. Did you? He was part of a congressional delegation (CODEL) for his visits to Iraq and Afghanistan, then he terminated his participation in the CODEL and then went to Jordan, Israel, and Europe. Is this a tough one for you?
4. As both Kennedy and Reagan have said as well. It’s a common American trope, pre-Chimp. And who has more right that Barack Obama to present himself that way? Certainly more than white-boy son-of-admiral-grandson-of-Admiral McCain.
“5.” That article says nothing different from what Obama’s campaign and the article I linked to said. They said that he could go with his Senate staff and not with his campaign staff, but he had his campaign staff with him because he was on the campaign portion of this trip and it would be illegal to have his Senate staff working with him then. Just what has been said before.
The Obama campaign goes further to say that “Senator Obama made the decision that we were not gonna have wounded men and women become involved in a campaign event or what would be perceived as a campaign event.” And you’d be criticizing him either way.
Be careful of what you ask for you just might get it.
Sen. McCain goaded Obama into taking this trip. Now that he has, it’s obvious to every honest person in the world that Barak Obama has the capacity to lead on the world’s stage.
Because when you’re vying for the presidency of the United States of America, you’re also running as the leader of the free-world. Obviously, there’s no legal authority in being the leader of the free-world, but you do have to LEAD! What is plainly obvious, again only to the honest observer, is that there is NO anti-American sentiment in Europe as the conservatives would have you believe. The world still loves and respects America and they showed that to Barak Obama.
In order to win the War on Terror, we need a leader that our allies can trust and will follow. That person is Barak Obama and NOT John McCain.
What ever happened to the “coalition of the willing?” Don’t for get Poland!!
Why aren’t McSame and the Republicans chanting “Stay The Course” anymore?
Why is McSame copying Obama on everything? From the “Change” slogan instead of “Stay The Course” right down to eating at a German restaurant while Obama was in Germany. Pathetic.
McSame is just an old, lying fool who will say and do anything to get elected. Even lie. Too bad he at one time had honorable principles. To remain as a POW when he could have gone free demonstrates the best in American principles. But after being indoctrinated in the Culture of Corruption for the last 20+ years, he has lost his moral compass that guided him to American hero status so many decades ago.
So the right wing republican military disputes President Obama’s version. Who cares? They’re controlled by republicans and therefor – they lie.
This is similar to when the Commander & Thief visited Iraq in the early days of the war as a photo opp. My nephew was there in the Marines. They were ORDERED to appear and told to clap and cheer for Monkeyface or be issued misconduct citations. That’s the way the right works.
Sen. McCain goaded Obama into taking this trip. Now that he has, it’s obvious to every honest person in the world that Barak Obama has the capacity to lead on the world’s stage
At last, the secret to finding an honest person!