Don’t miss Postman’s column in today’s fishwrapper about Rossi’s laughable attempt to re-brand himself as a “GOP” candidate instead of a “Republican” candidate!
The Real Markspews:
Yet another thing the Democrat Party has “borrowed” from the Republicans…
Online Fundraising? McCain raised millions online back in 2000!
Master Databases? Karl Rove. Voter Vault. 10 years ahead of the dems.
Fiscal Responsibility? Only recently have the Dems picked up on this Republican gem (only since the Reps have fumbled the ball in recent years).
And now… how sad that Obama finds the need to copy Pat Buchanan’s public fist bump.
I realize that it is difficult for Dems to actually come up with ideas and plans (that aren’t written by their PR folks, Darcy), but at least give the Republicans credit when you keep stealing their stuff.
And what does the Democrat Party give back to Republicans? Sex scandals and corruption.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“And what does the Democrat Party give back to Republicans? Sex scandals and corruption.”
Well, ya’ gotta’ admit, mark, they appear to have been eager learners.
Rick D.spews:
I agree the fist bump thing is pretty inane.
Hey Roger Roadkill @1, you need some anger counseling. Get the carrot out of your ass and hop on over to the couch and let a professional give you a diagnosis of which of the DSM IV maunal afflictions you suffer from. Godspeed chap.
The Real Markspews:
PTBA @ 4
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with you. I have been truly sickened by some of the crap I’ve seem from some of the Republicans in office recently.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you sell BOOM at 43 like I suggested??
I told you there is serious resistance you stubborn Rabbit.
It closed yesterday at $37.58.
I told you I bought Wells Fargo back again the other day at $24.85 because the current $1.24 Dividend equates to 5%. It closed yesterday at $25.91.
What is your plan??
When it comes to making real money, listening to your Conservative voice of reason (that’s me) is a good idea. Comprende?
More importantly, when forced to choose between Obama’s proposal for a responsible troop withdrawal and a shift of resources to the U.S. and McCain’s commitment to stay the course but have most troops out of Iraq by 2013, Democrats win the argument by double-digit margins. Engaging in the Iraq debate allows Democrats to reach out to independents and winnable voters well beyond their electoral support.
Buh-bye Dave.
Buh-bye John.
Daddy Lovespews:
Even TRM has stopped the “Obama would be a Carter 2nd term” bullcrap.
Here’s the real stupidity of the “Carter 2nd term” idiocy. Conservatives are well-known to believe that their pet ideological dogma are actually, objectively true. Any attempt to inform them that they are pretty much uniformly false by reference to objective standards is met with utter incomprehension on their parts. So knowing this, here I go anyway:
Gallup’s Feb. 9-11, 2007 poll asked Americans to rate their overall opinion of the three living former presidents. Americans are quite positive in their ratings of all three presidents, but slightly more so in their views of Carter. Sixty-nine percent of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of Carter…
You see, the reason it works to say “McCain would be a Bush third term” is because most people dislike Bush.
The Real Markspews:
Who cares what a partisan hack survey says? Read the fine print. It is nothing but a push poll.
And Obama has no “responsible troop withdrawal.” “Cut & Run” is not responsible.
I guess we shouldn’t expect anything better from you, since you’ve been citing discredited crap about McCain for some time now.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Just saw this Rossi Press Release–
“Redmond, WA – The Dino Rossi for Governor campaign today announced raising
$701,112 during the month of May. In addition, Rossi raised $201,679 in the
first eight days of June, bringing his to-date fundraising total for the
campaign to $5,349,175. As of the end of May, Rossi’s cash-on-hand total is
“Our fundraising is one more indication that this race is extremely close
and competitive,” said Jill Strait, Rossi spokesperson. “May was our second
best month of fundraising since kicking-off our campaign in October, and
June is already off to a great start. Despite the incumbent’s three-year
head start in fundraising, we have come remarkably close to her cash-on-hand
total. People in Washington state are energized behind Dino Rossi and with
their help we’ve been able to consistently show strong fundraising numbers
since we started this campaign for change.”
The average contribution to the Rossi for Governor campaign is $89.07. Only
2.3 percent of the money raised by Rossi has come from out-of-state. By
comparison, as of the end of the April over 15 percent of Gregoire’s money
was raised out-of-state.
Financial support of Rossi’s 2008 gubernatorial campaign is well ahead of
money raised during the 2004 election. In the last campaign, it was
mid-October before Rossi raised over $5.1 million.”
OVER 15% of Gregoire’s contributions from out-of-state??
The Real Markspews:
Mr. C @ 11
Even better news for Rossi (and the public in general) is the fact that Dean “Mr. Election Fraud” Logan has moved and is screwing the folks of LA County now:
It’s interesting how much cable news has followed the lead of local news over the years: burning warehouses and isolated crimes lead, graphic video and aren’t-criminals-stupid stories provide filler, and useless advice from experts on brain health and nutrition provide the rest. And now (as long as the stories themselves are retarded, and there aren’t enough to fill 24 hours) you can’t read the news without a few people around to slow everything down further by emoting and going, “wha’, you-think?”
10 – Oh Surreal. If Gallup is a partisan hack outfit, it’s for the Republicans. Wingnuts have long cited the Gallup polls.
Let’s see the latest from Wingnuttia has called Obama’s fist taps “terrorist”. That’s your style Surreal. Total bullcrap of course designed to waste news cycles and detract from the real issues of the total failure of the Republicans.
What else? Not much. Running out of steam much Surreal?
Oh cut and run. Exactly what Ronnie Raygun did in Lebanon. Just think. What if Raygun just sacrificed a nap or two and played “resolute”? Naaah. Wrong place. No oil.
Okay, open thread, so I get to post this one, for general information.
In light of the continuing legal battle over the Sonics and the Key Arena, and the U.W.s “wish list” to replace Husky Stadium sometime in the foreseeable future, it is interesting to note that Jerry Jones was bragging about spending 1.1 Billion Dollars on his new stadium in a speech to the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. Why would you spend so much money on a stadium which only hosts eight regular-season home games a year?
“Jones said he could have built the new facility for about $700M. “The reason I’m spending [$1.1B] on that stadium in Arlington is because of perception,” he said. “Only a fraction of football fans will ever set foot in it, but hundreds of millions will see it on television.” How the stadium looks is important, he said, as well as “how John Madden talks about it, and how Al Michaels talks about it, and let me assure you that after I’ve had some time with them, they’ll know everything there is to know about it.””
So, 400 million to satisfy the guy’s ego is a good thing???? And his audience is college althetic directors? This can’t turn out well.
Since this is an ‘open’ thread…why are almost all homeless men? I know there ARE homeless women (I’ve seen a few), I’m mostly talking about the ‘street’ homeless, the ones who are sleeping in Pioneer Square or begging for money on Broadway or U District. Seems to be about 90% men. Why is that? Shouldn’t women make up 50% of the homeless? Actually more probably because they’re statistically more economically vulnerable. Why are the homeless on the street (almost) all men. If you’re just going to say the women are in shelters…then why aren’t the men in the shelters too?
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 14
There you go again… skimming and spouting when you should have actually taken a minute to READ what I wrote. My critique was of the post at EIGHT (8), which was NOT citing GALLUP, but Carville’s partisan outfit and their push polling.
So long… thanks for playing… enjoy that Kool-Aid.
P.S. I said nothing about Obama’s fist bump other than saying Buchanan did it first.
The Real Markspews:
Now, YLB, I’m discussing the Gallup poll.
Carter was an utter failure as a president. He seemed to do better in later life with a hammer and nails… more power to him.
The Gallup poll asked if people had a “favorable overall opinion” of the three presidents. If you count his charity work after leaving office, his books, whatever… I can believe that the general public feels a bit warm and fuzzy. But that doesn’t mean his leadership of the country was any less incompetent.
The general public can have a 65% favorable overall opinion of Larry the Cable Guy, but that doesn’t mean he is fit to be President.
Rosi is screwedspews:
Huh? Vastly greater numbers of Democrats newly registered and showed up for the primaries this year, majority for Obama, who is now the nominee. If even a chunk of those new voters turn out, the Republicans are screwed. Rosi only barely lost/won (depending on your view) the last election by a couple hundred votes. Given that Bush is FAR less popular now, the war less popular, Republicans less popular, and Washington State is doing well (5th best in the NATION to do business, low unemployment compared to nation, weathering the mortgage crisis better than national averages, etc)…how exactly is THIS his year if he couldn’t take it last time?
16: Having worked as a board member for a non-profit homeless shelter for women and families, I think I can answer that question.
Primarily, there are more homeless men than women visible on the street because:
a) there are comparitavely more resources (shelters) available for women; and
b) more friends and relatives are willing to take in women than men, despite their other problems;
c) women who are on the street despite (a) and (b) try to make themselves less visable, as they are considered easy prey for the other street dwellers; and
d) When homeless are on the street for purely economic reasons, it is usually the man who leaves the home and becomes “homeless” so that the wife and children can qualify for welfare.
Most of the homeless you see on the street usually have alchohol or drug problems. The homeless you DONT see are the ones who are trying to keep a very low profile – many are living out of cars, keeping on the move to a different location every night to keep their car from being towed. Many park at Wal-Marts every night, but they have to rotate between them.
When will the media ask FlipFlop McCain about leaving his disfigured wife for a younger, prettier, richer girl? Is this an example of GOP Family Values?
FlipFlop McCain is having trouble shaking the rumors that he fathered a black child. While this should make Puddydick posting as Rick D proud that he now knows who his father is, won’t it piss of the far right inbred assholes who make up the core of the GOP?
Why has McCain worked so hard to keep people who lost their relatives to Viet Nam prison camps in the dark? What about his experience in captivity is he worried we’ll find out? He’s already admitted he provided aide and comfort to the enemy. Did he do worse?
Is it true that the WEA forced the state to turn down $13 million from private charity? The money was supposed to provide pay for deserving teachers of science and math, but the WEA didn’t like that and forced the state to not accept the money. Is that true? If it is, I think that sucks.
I said nothing about Obama’s fist bump
You’re slippin’ Surreal. Get with the right wing program. You were doing good with Ayers, the guy with the funny last name and the preachers.
I predict you’ll be having Obama facing Mecca five times a day by November.
I’ll give you a hint: note the orientation of the platforms where he gives stump speeches.
See I know you guys better than you know yourselves. Talk about Kook-Aid…
The Real Markspews:
BBG @ 23
When did he admit to providing aid and comfort to the enemy? Provide a link…
That smear campaign was already discredited a long time ago.
No evidence McCain was a traitor
He… gave the names of the Green Bay Packers’ offensive line and said they were members of his squadron.
Because of the seriousness of the charge, the utter absence of evidence and the clear intention to harm McCain just days before a critical Republican primary, we find this claim to be Pants on Fire wrong.”
Mark # 3: Your insistence that the “GOP did it first” reminds me of a conversation between two members of “The Who”, after first seeing Jimmi Hendrix in London, burning a guitar on stage:
“Hey, we did that first! He’s stealing our bit!!!”
“Yea, but he’s doing it so much better than us. Shut up and sit down!”
The Real Markspews:
PI @ 25
Yep. All true. They turned down $13 million of Gates’ money because it had to be actually used to pay the teachers that were teaching instead of lining union pockets.
Gotta love the quote in the Postman article in today’s Seattle Times:
“And retiring Virginia Congressman Tom Davis told Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. recently that if Republicans “were dog food, they’d take us off the shelf and put us in a landfill.”
Tell me something — since you keep bringing up Obama’s associations with Ayers, Khalidi, Rezko, the New Party, etc… Have you even bothered to read about any of this on your own? I mean, besides the talking points?
Obama admits to the associations. Who these criminals / terrorists are is not in question, either. Not sure if he’s addressed the association with the DSA / New Party (Marxists) in 1996.
Look ’em up. Then we’ll talk.
Look ‘em up. Then we’ll talk.
AFAIK, none of those guys are in jail unlike Abramoff who the White House desperately tries to pretend never existed despite 6 meetings with the big Kahuna himself in the Oval Office.
There’s nothing there. People with views different from yours exist in minority communities. I suppose if Obama did the Corporate board and cocktail circuit with his Harvard education you’d give him the “centrist” seal of approval. But no, Obama went back to his community.
Very suspect indeed.
And despite my refusal to march to your tune, I really doubt you won’t “talk” about this any further.
Mark if it’s not too much trouble read your hero’s fucking book or just search on this blog as I have provided these links a dozen times. Face it-denying the truth doesn’t change it. Your boy is working overtime to keep the public from getting more of this information at the cost of real heros who were lost – just to cover his ass.
mea culpa, GBS.
Yesterday, I was very skeptical about the political ramifications of a windfall profits tax. I thought it could backfire on Democrats. I’ve changed my mind.
The purpose of the tax is to prevent GOUGING and to encourage the oil companies to produce oil. If the oil companies do what they’re supposed to be doing they should have NOTHING to fear from a well-written windfall profits tax.
GOUGING is the oil outfits’ best friend and worst enemy. They can’t do it for too long. Otherwise the people will get wise to their bullshit and punish them for it. And they’ve been doing it through disinvestment. They don’t need more oil leases. There are plenty they’ve sat on for years. ANWR and the outer continental shelf is just a distraction. What they’re doing now is working just fine for them.
If the oil companies really know what’s good for them they will turn on outfits like Morgan Stanley which are driving the futures market up.
Windfall profits tax and closing the Enron loophole – YES
But good luck on getting that through the filibuster happy minority in the Senate and past the veto pen of the idiot in the Oval Office.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 32
Note that I didn’t mention Wright or Pfleger. Those associations are just a sign of Obama’s immature, poor judgment.
Rezko is headed to jail, son. The depth of the Khalidi association has yet to be fully investigated, but we know he’s done fundraising for Obama. The DSA / New Party has yet to be fully investigated, but he was on their ticket and associated with them in 1996.
Ayers BOMBED government buildings. Nothing Abramoff did compares to domestic terrorism. And it would be one thing if Ayers was sorry — if he was “reformed” — but that mf is unapologetic and wishes he’d done more.
The fact that you think Ayers is just some kind of “minority opinion” tells me that either your HA posts are nothing but trolling, you are a Kool-Aid-swilling simpleton or you truly hate this country.
35 – Fish in the sea, my dear sillyman. Obama’s record in public life points to no indication of any out of the mainstream beliefs or unethical/illegal activity. Instead it indicates reaching out wherever to get things done. His economic team hovers around the U. of Chicago neo-liberal Rubin style which has given more than a few people on the left some heartburn.
That’s reality.
Your fantasy is the same old victory by guilt-by-association swift-boating that right wingers have been playing since BEFORE McCarthy.
This country has nothing to fear from the likes of me or anyone backing Obama – everything to fear from the likes of those who brought us the last 7 years and wants to extend that indefinitely into the future.
I realize clueless idiot@34 can’t read an oil company’s 10K report.
But mr clueless idiot windfall profits tax
1) Who owns most of oil company stocks since you want to pillage their profits
2) What was the return on just one oil stock. Just choose one butthead
3) How much did they pay in US Taxes
4) How much was used for oil exploration and research.
37 – LMAO!! PuddySilly is back.
Obviously you can’t read. Shall I repeat? Oil companies who are truly in the oil business have nothing to fear from a windfall profits tax. It’s there to deter gouging. If they build refineries instead of enriching their executives and major shareholders, they have nothing to fear.
But that’s not all, more infrastructure just means oil will deplete that much faster. So why not invest in renewables? The recent legislation filibustered by your team had that carrot.
The oil execs say the price should be much lower. What’s the difference? Again I repeat – they should advocate clamping down on excessive speculation – close the Enron loophole, which by the way, Clinton had a part in bringing about IIRC.
Yo PuddySilly,
Surreal Mark thinks you hate this country because you’re for Obama.
The oil companies demand huge tax breaks, on the basis that their business is capital intensive and risky. They claim that tax incentives that make the business less risky are in the public interest.
Ok, I’ll bite. But… (don’t you just hate it when that word comes up?)
Risk and return go hand-in-hand in traditional capitalism. Profits are adjusted by the marketplace, after businesses decide how much (of pretty much anything) to produce by looking at both the risk and the return.
Except that the oil companies want the public to take the risk, while they keep the return.
Can I really blame the oil companies? No, I suppose not. While ExxonMobil and BP and Chevron may run TV ads claiming that they consider themselves as holders of a precious public trust, the reality is that they’re in business to maximize profits, and if we’re gullible enough to believe that drek, we deserve to be fleeced.
Since they bellied up to the public trough to reduce their risk, that same public will now insist on getting some of the return.
Will the oil companies like it? No, of course not. Given their choice, they would have the public take the entire risk, while keeping the entire return for themselves. (This doesn’t make them evil, just good businessmen.)
So our elected officials will have to make sure that it doesn’t happen that way.
John Barelli: You are a smart man; so please look up anywhere on this blog where I supported the oil industry getting tax breaks.
Go on you can even ask HAs clueless idiot to help you. When you wake up and realize I don’t support their tax breaks we can continue to dialog.
Now to the rest of your entry. When a company makes 10% or less on it’s investment most people are ready to run the management team out of town. I for one want to see my pension funds continue to flourish.
Again John Barelli you and other lefties are blaming the wrong group.
Recent polling data from Gallup show the percentage of voters blaming oil companies for skyrocketing gasoline prices has dropped from 34 percent to 20 percent over the past year. Hmmm… Maybe they researched this and found out Oil Companies don’t set the price. Your friends at NYMEX do. Maybe novercorrectnottobright will get educated.
At the same time, support for more drilling in U.S. coastal and wilderness areas has increased to 57 percent from 41 percent. Naaahhh it can’t be. Nevercorrectnottobright doesn’t agree.
clueless idiot, you can’t fathom truths. Oil companies should not be hit with punitive taxes just because they make $.095 profit. I see you didn’t read the 10K.
So as someone said above the Bakken fields beneath North Dakota, Montana, and Canada hold an estimated 400 billion barrels of oil. ANWR has another estimated 10.4 billion barrels. Bureau of Land Management has 279 million acres under federal management where oil and gas could potentially be extracted. Greater than 50% is totally off limits by law. Off-shore, we have another 86 billion barrels lie in wait, is also restricted. But the Chinese are slant drilling and taking our oil in the Gulf of Mexico and the pendejo crowd here doesn’t care. Then there’s liquefied natural gas, oil shale, and the various coal-to-liquid carbon-capture and sequestration technologies available but ignored by leftist pinheads.
Don’t worry clueless idiot@38 I don’t expect you to leave momma’s basement and read a 10K report.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 39
Man! Are you stupid or just lazy or both?
I said that if you think that Ayers is just some “minority opinion” instead of a domestic terrorist, THEN you’re a simpleton or traitor.
You’re saying that Puddy defends Ayers’ history and more recent comments?
The Real Markspews:
You will NEVER convince a Dem that ANY kind of tax is bad — especially if it hits big, bad corporations.
The thing they won’t admit is that 100 million Americans would be negatively impacted by any sort of capital gains tax. Not just the individual shareholders, but anyone whose retirement accounts rely on investments.
Here’s that tax we SHOULD impose: a union “luxury” tax and profits tax. The 25% luxury tax would be on the the portion of any union leader’s salary that is greater than 250% of his average member’s salary. They should also be taxed at corporate rates for any money they take in above-and-beyond money directly used for contract negotiation or member benefits.
We must put a stop to union leaders that show up at a rally in the pouring rain, spout off for 15 minutes and then dive back into their cozy Continentals.
Republican Family Values:
It’s common knowledge that treasonous America-hating, commie-fascist Republicans like Puddy and Mark want the women of the North Mariannas Islands to continue to suffer forced abortions just to enrich the profits of a few corporations. The forced abortions also clean up the mess left behind by Republican congressmen following their Abramoff-paid junkets to the islands to have sex with children. Limbaugh would have gone along for the fun and games but he and his jug of Viagra had a date with some kid in the Dominican Republic. I tell ya, you’ve got to be a real freak to be a Republican these days. Mark and Puddy qualify.
@46 If you want positive change, then you might convince Republicans to stop trying to have sex with kids:
Ex-Romney aide, College Republican head, busted on sex offender charges
Michael Roston and Nick Juliano
Published: Friday January 25, 2008
A former aide to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney who also played a leadership role in Iowa’s College Republicans was arrested by Des Moines-area police earlier in the week on outstanding warrants related to his status as a convicted sex offender.
The Real Markspews:
Steve @ 48
I’ve already said that I find the behavior of such people — be they Democrat, Republican or otherwise — to be sickening.
I don’t know what you can do to make that kind of change, though. They’ve tried everything from Depo shots to aversion therapy and they still can’t cure Daddy “NAMBLA” Love.
Steve…be nice now…almost my entire family is republican, down to my grandparents and younger brother (who is union)…I am the black sheep for politics in my family, but I would never think of them as freaks or say they should ties up and sent to camps…even they dislike GWB and alot of others in office.
The Real Markspews:
Hannah @ 50
You should recognize by now that HA is like a bar at happy hour where most of the Lefty patrons are drunk on Kool-Aid. There is no reasoning with fools like Steve.
Here’s my simple income tax plan:
under $50k year = $0 taxes.
$50-$75 = 2.5% of your income
75-100K = 3.0%
100-150 = 3.5%
150-200 = 5.0%
200-250 = 5.5%
250-300 = 6.0%
300-350 = 7.0%
350-400 = 8.0%
400-500 = 10.0%
500-650 = 14.0%
650-800 = 17.0%
800-1,000k = 22%
1,000k-1,250k = 27%
1,250k-1,500k = 30%
each addl 250k is taxed at 40%
That’s sliding scale that’s fair to everyone who benefits the most from society.
No more free rides for Paris Hilton and Dick Cheney types.
No IRS required, no complicated tax laws, simple and straight forward.
@49 Why mention Democrats? There is no significant number of pedophile Democrats. On the other hand, pedophiles have been welcomed into the Republican party with open arms (yuk!). Geez, is that your new base? What’d you do – give up on the Left Behinders? Or did they give up on you? Did those people figure out that you lie to your base more often than you lie to anybody else?
@50 I’m sorry. No offence to you or yours was intended. But until somebody on the right shows even a drop of concern about the infestation of pedophiles witin the Republican ranks, I’ll just have to throw this in Troll’s faces now and again. But I’ll somehow try to be more considerate of other readers such as yourself.
@ 51:
Call it kool-aid or whatever you like but here’s one bitter pill you’re gonna have to swallow: President Obama.
326 electoral votes.
@51 That’s weak shit, fascist-boy. Show some spine for a change.
TRM @ 51 – actually I have had great conversation with Steve, and I don’t think he is a full fledged liberal or conservative…he acts out here though ;-)
But just because someone voted for GWB or supports the conservative/republican values, doesn’t mean they are the ones to blame for our country being in shambles, as so many here think. I get info from all sides before I make up my mind, I lean left, but I also value some of the rights views and ideas as I also disagree with some of the left ideas. The way some talk on here, my parents, grandparents, brother, aunts, uncles…should all be in prison for voting for GWB…yeah ok right…like THEY had the power to ruin this country. :)
And besides, the dems most voted in, in 2006 haven’t changed anything (yeah the argument is they don’t have enough control)…well when they made all those promises during campaigns….they knew then they wouldn’t have control with a Republican president, so were those just lies they told?
My family really brings me into political discussions, I pick their brains and they pick mine…hoping to come to a medium, which we always do! :)
GBS @ 52 – I LOVE IT!!!!!
GBS – you just wrote that…took you how long? Maybe 5 minutes, yet our government can’t figure out simple math in how many decades?
It totally makes sense to me!
Hey Puddybud ” “Hannah” ” what’s up?
GBS @ 59 – haha! ;-) Better day today!
You need to send you tax tables to the government after getting signatures across the country! I am guessing 75% + Americans would sign on!
” “Hannah” ” @ 56 wrote:
“But just because someone voted for GWB or supports the conservative/republican values, doesn’t mean they are the ones to blame for our country being in shambles,”
Ummmm. . . yes it does mean they are the ones to blame. Elections have consequences and those consequences can only come about when we elect, but especially re-elect people who are proven not to have the public’s best interest at heart.
Read Al Gore’s book The Assault on Reason. You’ll have a better understanding the right-wing nuts and the literal propaganda they are fed from the RNC and the current administration.
Can’t wait to get my hands on Scott McClellan’s book What Happened. It documents how Bush and the Republicans purposefully used propaganda to steer this country towards war.
Then, to ignore the proof right before the publics very eyes then vote for them again, it is THEIR fault and theirs alone.
@52 Have you considered that people under $50K should pay taxes? As someone who’s been both dirt poor and wealthy, I think they should. Not much, but at least some. If you need an upside, it would at least take away a tired talking point of the commie-fascist right.
@ 62:
Other than the fact that vast majority of people under $50k aren’t paying taxes anyways.
I mean for people making $25k how much are they paying in taxes? Not much if any and certainly not a significant amount of the total “take” by the Feds.
But, I’ll concede your point, maybe a token amount to keep the wing-nuts at arms length.
Like ” “Hannah” ” said, it took me all of 5 minutes, maybe. Sure there’s a few minor holes, but the idea is solid.
@56 I’m not sure why I’m feeling so ornery today. Hmm, maybe it’s the Sonics mess – season ticket holder here. I’ll back off.
Southern Baptists remain wary of McCain
Survey finds 10 percent of evangelicals plan to sit out election
Headline from MSNBC political news section.
IF this is true 2006 is gonna look like a spring shower compared the the perfect storm that is brewing now.
Tighten up your chin straps, this one is gonna hit HARD. MO’FO’!!!!!!!!!!!
McCain: Cutting casualties in Iraq is primary goal
Associated Press Writer
Presidential Election 2008
Avoiding casualties in Iraq is more important than bringing troops home, Republican John McCain said Wednesday…
Geez, I thought you commie-fascists wanted to “win”. Avoiding casualties is winning? Bullshit. Bring our troops home NOW!
@ 66:
What’s worse about McCain’s comments is that he thinks bringing the troops home isn’t “too important.” Although, the generals in the military have stated many times that we cannot sustain the tempo of operations in Iraq.
For someone who wants to be the Commander-in-Chief he’s really out of touch regarding the issues of this war.
Puddybud and the Real Mark 42-46:
Regarding big oil giving back some of its earning the government either you are wrong or John McCain is wrong.
Which is it?
McCain: Big Oil should return some profit
Headline from MSNBC politcal section.
Since I don’t like John McCain – He’s wrong on this and many other things.
@69 And he’s all yours. Good luck with that.
Steve: Pedophile Donkey?
Golly I have posted them on this board many times. They are all from bybygoober’s family tree.
April 5th 2006 Lefties talk about a DHS pedophile. Blame it on Chertoff and Bush.
April 9th 2006 Puddy and others post DHS employee and pedophile Brian J. Doyle is in fact a registered Democrat.
Steve: Do you remember Leon Rouse? Puddy does. Rouse, is a convicted child molester of underage sex charges in the Philippines. Rouse, was hired in 2007-2008 as an employee of a Democrat-controlled Hawaii state Legislative Committee.
Bybygoober’s cousin Rouse was arrested in the Philippines on October 4, 1995, and later convicted for paying 200 pesos to have sex with a 15-year-old boy. Insert Howard Dean’s Yeeeeeeeearrgh screech here.
So many Republican pedophiles! And that’s just a partial list! Looks like the pedophiles left the Church and found the Republican party. What do you think? Is it the atmosphere of fear and repression? That’s my take on it. You commie-fascists have some real pedo issues. Being in denial like you are will not address this very real problem you have.
Steve wrong again. I ain’t voting for him. Stated it over and over and over. Where you been. Oh yeah… head up your ASS.
Yes Steve, when backed into a corner you whip out clueless idiot’s favorite web site.
How many times do I and others have to say we don’t support these people?
But let’s be clear… the FBI said Mark Foley did not break any laws!
Hey, Puddy, get a load of this guy! Just one of many Republicans busted for pedophilia.
Wisconsin GOP chair faces charges in enticement of teenage boy
Published: Sunday October 14, 2007
(via PageOneQ) — Brown County GOP Chairman Donald Fleischman has resigned his post, says a spokesperson, after being accused of enticement and fondling of an underage boy, reports the Green Bay Press-Gazette Saturday.
Fleischman, 37, is free after posting a $20,000 bond on September 28. “My client is innocent of the charges,” says attorney Jeff Jazgar, who “declined to discuss specifics.”
“Our plan is to get some witnesses to testify and present enough information to dismiss the case.”
The boy was found by police in Fleischman’s home on two occasions in late 2006 while being sought as a runaway from Ethan House, a home for at-risk youth. Now 17, he says he stayed with Fleischman at his house and a cabin, where he was provided with alcohol and cannabis, and regularly fondled.
On November 19, 2006, according to a September 7th complaint obtained from the WisPolitics Courtwatch Blog, the boy in question was found hiding in a bedroom closet, and a pipe was found in the house, which tested positive for THC. Shortly after, on December 8, 2006, Fleischman said he was trying to convince the boy, discovered again in the home, to turn himself in as a runaway.
Fleischman faces two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child, and one count of exposing himself to a child. He returns to court on October 29.
And to just think, Puddy, that you hang out with this crowd. What’s up with that?
What I like is how this site delineates all the Republican stuff but no one has done the Democrat stuff. Why?
IT IS KNOWN ALREADY! So easy to find.
@76 “How many times do I and others have to say we don’t support these people?”
Umm, until I’m done with you, of course, and no sooner. I thought you understood the program.
Of course you support those people. You show up every day supporting these people. Show us some 24/7 outrage against Republican pedophilia and maybe somebody might actually believe your sorry ass.
@78 One name, Gary Stubbs (1983), doesn’t make for much of a Dem list, now does it? And hardly relevant, 25 years ago as it was.
Whatever Steve. So You support Leon Rouse Mel Reynolds etc. by your logic.
Yes thought so.
How about all those great NEA standard bearers (teachers) and their Pedophilia? You know Steve NEA – Lovers of Donkey Politics?
Since you brought up Gerry Studds Steve, when Mark Foley was found out he was forced out. Gerry Studds kept coming and coming and coming back to Congress.
Hey, Puddy, here’s some more Republican family values for ya:
Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting
POSTED: 2:04 pm EDT September 17, 2007
UPDATED: 8:28 am EDT September 18, 2007
DETROIT — A U.S. Justice Department official has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a minor.
John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Detroit Monday afternoon.
An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police.
Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.
He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
He is charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.
According to authorities, Atchison made contact with a detective working undercover for the Macomb County Sheriff’s department’s.
The detective, acting as the child’s mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.
In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that “you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.”
The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, ” I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice.”
The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded, “Just gotta go slow and very easy. I’ve done it plenty,” according to detectives.
Atchison, a member of the Florida bar association since 1984, lives in Gulf Breeze, Fla., near Pensacola.
He is president of the Gulf Breeze Sports Association, a youth athletics organization.
He described himself online as a family man. His wife is a science teacher at Gulf Breeze High School.
The Macomb County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI were a part of the investigation.
Atchison remains in federal custody and a detention hearing will be held on Tuesday.
Geez, Puddy, Republican pedophiles killing themselves. I like the trend.
Scandal and suicide on St. Pete City Council
As police investigate allegations of sexual abuse, St. Petersburg City Council Chairman John Bryan kills himself.
Published September 8, 2007
ST. PETERSBURG – City Council Chairman John Bryan walked into City Hall just after 1 p.m. Friday and handed in his resignation letter.
Less than five hours later, he was slumped over in a golf cart in the garage of his Floral City house, dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. He was 56.
Bryan’s suicide came after news spread Friday that authorities were investigating allegations that he had sexually abused three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15. Ron Stuart, a spokesman for the Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court, said the third alleged victim was a nanny for Bryan years ago and no longer lives in the area.
For city officials, the allegations were as jarring as they were sickening. Bryan was a hometown business hero, a pillar of the community, a powerful voice on the City Council and a fierce ally of Mayor Rick Baker.
I just saw McCain on TV complaining about Obama’s tax raises because in his words, “Why would we want to take more of the people’s money and send it to Washington to spend on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it?”
Shhh… Nobody tell McCain that it was his party that did that.
sheesh I am glad I left when I did this afternoon!!! And ALL pedophiles are sick and twisted! No matter what party and we all know they are intermingled amongst the parties, it definately is not a one sided thing.
Steve @ 85 – Aren’t city council positions “non-partisan”? (that’s what I’ve been told here on HA)
michael @ 86 – Since he is, and always has been against earmarks, I would think it doesn’t matter to him if the politician has an R or D behind the name, it’s the earmark use that he is against.
@88 I wouldn’t know about St. Petersburg, Florida. The guy was listed as a Republican. And it’s not like we don’t know who the Dems are on the Seattle City Council.
Geez, and I promised you earlier that I’d back off. Sorry. I’ll do so now.
Steve@84: Old news, brought to us by your little brother bybygoober when it happened.
Check the archives. You are a day late and many $$$$ short.
@91 Out of respect for Hannah I’m going to drop this, Pud.
No Steve and Puddy keep it going…it’s actually entertaining….besides I’ve gotta run for a while to babysit my neighbors boy! :)
Politically Incorrectspews:
The Real Mark @ 29,
I’m sorry to hear that the WEA forced the state to turn down money for good teachers in the name of union solidarity. Unions are the crabgrass on the lawn of life.
Politically Incorrectspews:
GBS @ 52,
Here’s my solution: 10%.
Michael: Go back and see what McCain said about Ted Stevens bridge to nowhere.
Are you that daft asks the judge? YES your honor he is.
PI @ 94 – I find it interesting the WEA topic was skipped over here.
And the fact they wanted to have a “no strings attached” grant? Must be nice! Here the Gate’s wanted the money to be used to better pay the teachers to inspire hard work.
@93, Well, in that case:
New molestation allegation dogs arrested conservative activist
Thursday, September 28, 2006 – 3:00 pm
Things have been looking up for accused child molester Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, the 36-year-old Christian conservative activist and lawyer with close ties to Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Scott Baugh, head of the Orange County Republican Party. Police say Nielsen took a 14-year-old Westminster boy as his sex partner in 2003 and maintained a huge cache of man-boy pornography.
But prosecutors have allowed their case against Nielsen, once an intern in the district attorney’s office, to stall for 40 months.
Ironically, those delays have provoked new sex-crime allegations. Saying he fears a subversion of justice, a northern Virginia man claims that Nielsen repeatedly molested him when he was an adolescent.
“For two years, when I was 13 and 14 years old, Jeff sexually abused me while he worked in Washington for Rohrabacher as a legislative aide,” the 25-year-old married man told the Weekly in a recent interview. “There was never any penetration, but other than that? Everything. He wrapped it all up as normal, as love.”
Paul S. Meyer, Nielsen’s Costa Mesa-based defense attorney, did not respond to requests for comment.
The Virginia man, who asked to remain anonymous, said Nielsen worked in his church’s youth ministry and that his parents rented Nielsen a basement room in their home sometime in 1994 or 1995.
“Jeff took an immediate liking to me,” he said. “When he moved into our house, [the sex] started right away. I know this might sound weird, but at the time he was a mentor and he assured me the messing around was normal. I believed him. I was in the seventh grade at the time. It was brainwashing.”
He says Nielsen orchestrated a “boyfriend-girlfriend type” relationship that included occasional public kissing, hand holding and sex.
“Jeff called it ‘our thing,’ and one time we were near Tyson’s Corner [Virginia], he stopped at a gas station so we could have sex in the bathroom,” the man said. “A guy walked in and caught me with my pants down and Jeff on his knees. We made some excuse about an injured knee or something. The guy said, ‘Oh!’ and quickly left.”
There was also jealousy when the boy expressed an interest in girls, according to the victim.
“[Nielsen] was very controlling and emotional,” he said. “After sex, he’d sometimes say, ‘You know you are gay, right?’ But I wasn’t. I’ve been married now for three years and have a great relationship with my wife. I am very much heterosexual.”
@96 The bridge to nowhere is a Republican bridge to nowhere. It’s yours. Go ahead, try to disown it. It just makes you look like the silly shit you are.
Oh no an evil oil company: “Initial funding for the initiative is from ExxonMobil, which is providing $125 million, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Take their profits away, we can’t have them funding National Math & Science Initiative Grants!
Well the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s want to.
Hannah go to the web site you can read them all there.
I am reading them right now! :)
Sad case of greed!
Doesn’t matter what he said. The Bridge to no where was his parties deal and he’s trying to smear Obama with it. It wasn’t Obama or the Dems deal.
It’s pretty bad when you have to dig into your own parties cesspool to try and smear the other party.
Hey Steve, look up what I said about Ted Steven’s bridge to nowhere.
Now read this.
He erected a statue of himself at the state Capitol in Charleston.
Good ol’ Robert Byrd has set a new standard for taxpayer-funded narcissism. How? He convinced his friends in the West Virginia State Legislature to erect a statue of himself in the state Capitol. I bet you didn’t know The statue’s completion violates state law prohibiting statues of government officials until they have been dead for half a century.
But that’s not all Steve:
$2.95 billion: total West Va. pork from 1991 to 2006
$1.935 billion: total West Va. pork from 2000 to 2006
$1.2 billion: total projects added in the Senate from fiscal 1995 to fiscal 2006. (Projects that can most likely be attributed to Sen. Byrd)
In 2007 he added another 9 figger sum.
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University
Hannah, A few years ago it dawned on me that I’d heard of just too many Republicans being busted for this kind of thing. So I Googled “Republican pedophile” and a few other searches and was shocked, shocked, I say, at everything that came up. I tried similar searches under “Democrat” and found very little – mostly old stuff about Stubbs. I also found that armchair subversive site during my searching. I also noticed that the site isn’t kept up to date.
Wasn’t there a Washington State Republican who was busted last year while driving around wearing a dress shortly after stiffing (no pun) a male prostitute? Maybe Puddy recalls his name.
@96 – It’s amazing how much McCain is disgusted with alot of “his” party nowadays!
I’ll fire off an email to remind McCain of the Byrd Droppings I just posted above.
Hey Steve that’s a funny one maybe Puddy remember’s his name…
And if I do since Puddy Remembers…
My wife watched the TV show “Army Wifes” the other day. First time she had seen it. I haven’t seen it myself, I don’t get to watch too much TV these days.
Anyway, she was telling me over dinner how impressed she was with all the hardship these army wives had to endure.
Then she tells me that there was a piece at the end, where John McCain came on at the end, talking about what heros the army wives are, bravely supporting their husbands who are away at war and such…
I nearly coughed up my dinner right there. Apparantly she hadn’t heard about McCain’s first wife, and how she had waited four years raising their children alone while he was in Vietnam, suffering a disabling accident in the meantime, only to have her husband divorce her for a prettier and wealthier and better politically connected girl after he returned.
Steve you must mean Maria CantVoteWell’s man
James Michael McHaney:
@107 I reckon you’d rather avoid discussing the Republican pedophile problem. Projection and denial, that’s the Republican way of dealing with things.
I know, how about we talk about how you guys lied to start a war and then turned around and lost the damned thing following one Republican screw-up after another? Or maybe we could talk about Katrina. I’m sure that’s a winner for you guys.
Hey Steve 04/17/08: Rob Lowe, pedophile Democrat pervert, charged with sex harrasment by nanny.
Rob Lowe hmmm… Didn’t he have sex with a 16 year old at a Democrat Convention?
Hey Steve: Reckon what? That you are a horses ass. I already knew that. I already said it was sick. Google HA and see what I wrote about Foley moron!
“Rev. Sheldon is reacting to a Washington Post article published on Oct. 26, describing Mrs. Clinton’s participation in a homosexual Empire State Pride Agenda dinner. At the dinner, a lesbian comedian named Sybil Bruncheon was auctioning off a set of leather chairs. Bruncheon noted, “There’s a big one and a little one, perfect for those of you in the Man-Boy Love Association.”
“Bruncheon’s joke about the North American Man-Boy Love Association isn’t funny,” says Sheldon. “She is making light of child molestation. Does Mrs. Clinton’s commitment to children’s rights, also include adult/child sex?””
Gotta love it.
@111 When you start losing it you might consider not posting for a few minutes.
How about this? We could talk about the huge national debt that you guys ran up. That ought to keep your mind off the Republican pedophile problem you guys have.
Denial. At least Republicans are good at something.
Steve you skipped post #113
@117 You are certainly slow on the uptake, Pud. I could care less what you wrote about Foley. I never brought him up. You brought him up in some pathetic attempt to personally dodge a very real problem facing the Republican party. Nice try. Pedophiles and self-loathing toe-tappers are Republicans and there’s nothing you can do about it now.
Five dollar gas will happen on your watch. Republicans lose. So sad.
@121 The link doesn’t go anywhere. Kind of like Republican bridges, wouldn’t you say?
Ummm Steve@122 yes you did when you posted armchairsubversive.
Regarding $5 gas, China and India are using more oil than ever. Your party blocks exploration. Yes Congress is responsible.
20% of people now hold oil companies responsible down from 37%. The scare politics are not working Steve.
@117 “Hey Steve: Reckon what? That you are a horses ass.”
Umm, speaking of Republicans, farm animals and washing machines:
Bizarre Sex Habits of The Extreme Right-Wing
Reported by Ellen – May 6, 2005
Last night, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. The topic was an interesting one – whether or not an internet service provider should allow Horsley to post the names of abortion doctors on his website. Horsley does that as a way of targeting them and one doctor has been killed. In the course of the interview, however, Colmes asked Horsley about his background, including a statement that he had admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.
At first, Horsley laughed and said, “Just because it’s printed in the media, people jump to believe it.”
“Is it true?” Colmes asked.
“Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I…”
AC: “You had sex with animals?”
NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”
AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”
NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”
AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”
Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and “and I don’t think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I’m saying?”
Horsley said, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”
Um… Rob Lowe holds what political office?
Btw Puddy, you are a troll. Just thought I’d point that out encase you missed it somewhere.
Michael: Not everyone of Steve’s posts are “political”.
Steve did you forget Maria CantVoteWell’s main dude?
Of course you did.
Steve remember the Blue City Seattleite who went to Enumclaw for a horse enema and died?
“Aside from the adoration of young girls, Ashford also uses the site to rail against the United States, which he calls “the Evil Empire,” and post anti-Israel commentary, among other topics.”
Yes, he sounds just like many HAers here.
Steve, isn’t self admitted pedophile, Neil Goldschmidt ex Portland mayor from Oregon one of yours? Didn’t John Effin Kerry meet with him in 2004?
YES he did.
Steve for a lefty isn’t pedophilia a resume enhancement? Gerry Studds got reerected and reerected oops reelected…
Sounds like you’re taking a rather wide stance on the issue.
Sorry Pud, but your boys own the sexually dysfunctional crown.
Wasn’t Eyman supposed to contribute $250,000?
How come the PDC reports show nothing from Eyman?
He is quoted here saying a contribution is forthcoming.
Posted by Tim Eyman, Mukilteo at 5/8/08 11:50 a.m.
to: NW_Native
yes, I’m actually taking out a $250,000 loan from US Bank to loan to the campaign. Our campaign reports are due on Monday and they’ll reflect the $250,000.
Everyone else here has gone back to the snide-remark-not-really-asking-a-real-question approach so no need to respond to those.
Wow Stupes we can run Hummers forever. All we gotta do is believe right wing bullshit and drill every square foot of earth on terra firma and on the continental shelf.
10.4 billion in ANWR? Terrific. Despoil a pristine wilderness for not even two years of current consumption. If the oil companies can crack that nut, then there’s nothing the government won’t let them take.
Again, (and it is wasted on you), oil companies are sitting on piles of leases they haven’t bothered with yet. Asking for more is just to distract from the fact that they’re taking their sweet time to maximize profit from what they have bothered with.
Stupes, Republican pedophilia is VERY relevant because your corrupt, inept, ugly party is THE party of holier than thou hypocrites.
The theme of this blog is and always will be REPUBLICANS SUCK.
The solution is MORE BETTER DEMS.
The Republicans have been steadily losing since you came here to HA Stupes. You’re jinxed Sucka!
clueless idiot@135: 2000 acres out of 10.4 million acres? Yes, that’s really despoiling nature! Kind of reminds me of the Alaskan Oil Pipeline argument killing caribou. Yep, they are more plentiful than ever.
You can’t even answer a simple question on a 10K!
Sucks to be you HAs clueless idioto!
It’s amazing to see when I, little Puddy places the same behaviour, a liberal resume enhancement, how you all scurry under rocks, call it a wide stance, or you blatantly ignore it, etc.
If you want to start the conflagration then don’t run when I pour more biodiesel on the flames
The topic of this blog is:
Don’t miss Postman’s column in today’s fishwrapper about Rossi’s laughable attempt to re-brand himself as a “GOP” candidate instead of a “Republican” candidate!
Yet another thing the Democrat Party has “borrowed” from the Republicans…
Online Fundraising? McCain raised millions online back in 2000!
Master Databases? Karl Rove. Voter Vault. 10 years ahead of the dems.
Fiscal Responsibility? Only recently have the Dems picked up on this Republican gem (only since the Reps have fumbled the ball in recent years).
And now… how sad that Obama finds the need to copy Pat Buchanan’s public fist bump.
I realize that it is difficult for Dems to actually come up with ideas and plans (that aren’t written by their PR folks, Darcy), but at least give the Republicans credit when you keep stealing their stuff.
And what does the Democrat Party give back to Republicans? Sex scandals and corruption.
“And what does the Democrat Party give back to Republicans? Sex scandals and corruption.”
Well, ya’ gotta’ admit, mark, they appear to have been eager learners.
I agree the fist bump thing is pretty inane.
Hey Roger Roadkill @1, you need some anger counseling. Get the carrot out of your ass and hop on over to the couch and let a professional give you a diagnosis of which of the DSM IV maunal afflictions you suffer from. Godspeed chap.
PTBA @ 4
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with you. I have been truly sickened by some of the crap I’ve seem from some of the Republicans in office recently.
Did you sell BOOM at 43 like I suggested??
I told you there is serious resistance you stubborn Rabbit.
It closed yesterday at $37.58.
I told you I bought Wells Fargo back again the other day at $24.85 because the current $1.24 Dividend equates to 5%. It closed yesterday at $25.91.
What is your plan??
When it comes to making real money, listening to your Conservative voice of reason (that’s me) is a good idea. Comprende?
Hmmmm, really?
Buh-bye Dave.
Buh-bye John.
Even TRM has stopped the “Obama would be a Carter 2nd term” bullcrap.
Here’s the real stupidity of the “Carter 2nd term” idiocy. Conservatives are well-known to believe that their pet ideological dogma are actually, objectively true. Any attempt to inform them that they are pretty much uniformly false by reference to objective standards is met with utter incomprehension on their parts. So knowing this, here I go anyway:
You see, the reason it works to say “McCain would be a Bush third term” is because most people dislike Bush.
Who cares what a partisan hack survey says? Read the fine print. It is nothing but a push poll.
And Obama has no “responsible troop withdrawal.” “Cut & Run” is not responsible.
I guess we shouldn’t expect anything better from you, since you’ve been citing discredited crap about McCain for some time now.
Just saw this Rossi Press Release–
“Redmond, WA – The Dino Rossi for Governor campaign today announced raising
$701,112 during the month of May. In addition, Rossi raised $201,679 in the
first eight days of June, bringing his to-date fundraising total for the
campaign to $5,349,175. As of the end of May, Rossi’s cash-on-hand total is
“Our fundraising is one more indication that this race is extremely close
and competitive,” said Jill Strait, Rossi spokesperson. “May was our second
best month of fundraising since kicking-off our campaign in October, and
June is already off to a great start. Despite the incumbent’s three-year
head start in fundraising, we have come remarkably close to her cash-on-hand
total. People in Washington state are energized behind Dino Rossi and with
their help we’ve been able to consistently show strong fundraising numbers
since we started this campaign for change.”
The average contribution to the Rossi for Governor campaign is $89.07. Only
2.3 percent of the money raised by Rossi has come from out-of-state. By
comparison, as of the end of the April over 15 percent of Gregoire’s money
was raised out-of-state.
Financial support of Rossi’s 2008 gubernatorial campaign is well ahead of
money raised during the 2004 election. In the last campaign, it was
mid-October before Rossi raised over $5.1 million.”
OVER 15% of Gregoire’s contributions from out-of-state??
Mr. C @ 11
Even better news for Rossi (and the public in general) is the fact that Dean “Mr. Election Fraud” Logan has moved and is screwing the folks of LA County now:
It’s interesting how much cable news has followed the lead of local news over the years: burning warehouses and isolated crimes lead, graphic video and aren’t-criminals-stupid stories provide filler, and useless advice from experts on brain health and nutrition provide the rest. And now (as long as the stories themselves are retarded, and there aren’t enough to fill 24 hours) you can’t read the news without a few people around to slow everything down further by emoting and going, “wha’, you-think?”
10 – Oh Surreal. If Gallup is a partisan hack outfit, it’s for the Republicans. Wingnuts have long cited the Gallup polls.
Let’s see the latest from Wingnuttia has called Obama’s fist taps “terrorist”. That’s your style Surreal. Total bullcrap of course designed to waste news cycles and detract from the real issues of the total failure of the Republicans.
What else? Not much. Running out of steam much Surreal?
Oh cut and run. Exactly what Ronnie Raygun did in Lebanon. Just think. What if Raygun just sacrificed a nap or two and played “resolute”? Naaah. Wrong place. No oil.
Okay, open thread, so I get to post this one, for general information.
In light of the continuing legal battle over the Sonics and the Key Arena, and the U.W.s “wish list” to replace Husky Stadium sometime in the foreseeable future, it is interesting to note that Jerry Jones was bragging about spending 1.1 Billion Dollars on his new stadium in a speech to the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. Why would you spend so much money on a stadium which only hosts eight regular-season home games a year?
Source: (about halfway down the page).
So, 400 million to satisfy the guy’s ego is a good thing???? And his audience is college althetic directors? This can’t turn out well.
Since this is an ‘open’ thread…why are almost all homeless men? I know there ARE homeless women (I’ve seen a few), I’m mostly talking about the ‘street’ homeless, the ones who are sleeping in Pioneer Square or begging for money on Broadway or U District. Seems to be about 90% men. Why is that? Shouldn’t women make up 50% of the homeless? Actually more probably because they’re statistically more economically vulnerable. Why are the homeless on the street (almost) all men. If you’re just going to say the women are in shelters…then why aren’t the men in the shelters too?
YLB @ 14
There you go again… skimming and spouting when you should have actually taken a minute to READ what I wrote. My critique was of the post at EIGHT (8), which was NOT citing GALLUP, but Carville’s partisan outfit and their push polling.
So long… thanks for playing… enjoy that Kool-Aid.
P.S. I said nothing about Obama’s fist bump other than saying Buchanan did it first.
Now, YLB, I’m discussing the Gallup poll.
Carter was an utter failure as a president. He seemed to do better in later life with a hammer and nails… more power to him.
The Gallup poll asked if people had a “favorable overall opinion” of the three presidents. If you count his charity work after leaving office, his books, whatever… I can believe that the general public feels a bit warm and fuzzy. But that doesn’t mean his leadership of the country was any less incompetent.
The general public can have a 65% favorable overall opinion of Larry the Cable Guy, but that doesn’t mean he is fit to be President.
Huh? Vastly greater numbers of Democrats newly registered and showed up for the primaries this year, majority for Obama, who is now the nominee. If even a chunk of those new voters turn out, the Republicans are screwed. Rosi only barely lost/won (depending on your view) the last election by a couple hundred votes. Given that Bush is FAR less popular now, the war less popular, Republicans less popular, and Washington State is doing well (5th best in the NATION to do business, low unemployment compared to nation, weathering the mortgage crisis better than national averages, etc)…how exactly is THIS his year if he couldn’t take it last time?
16: Having worked as a board member for a non-profit homeless shelter for women and families, I think I can answer that question.
Primarily, there are more homeless men than women visible on the street because:
a) there are comparitavely more resources (shelters) available for women; and
b) more friends and relatives are willing to take in women than men, despite their other problems;
c) women who are on the street despite (a) and (b) try to make themselves less visable, as they are considered easy prey for the other street dwellers; and
d) When homeless are on the street for purely economic reasons, it is usually the man who leaves the home and becomes “homeless” so that the wife and children can qualify for welfare.
Most of the homeless you see on the street usually have alchohol or drug problems. The homeless you DONT see are the ones who are trying to keep a very low profile – many are living out of cars, keeping on the move to a different location every night to keep their car from being towed. Many park at Wal-Marts every night, but they have to rotate between them.
When will the media ask FlipFlop McCain about leaving his disfigured wife for a younger, prettier, richer girl? Is this an example of GOP Family Values?
FlipFlop McCain is having trouble shaking the rumors that he fathered a black child. While this should make Puddydick posting as Rick D proud that he now knows who his father is, won’t it piss of the far right inbred assholes who make up the core of the GOP?
Why has McCain worked so hard to keep people who lost their relatives to Viet Nam prison camps in the dark? What about his experience in captivity is he worried we’ll find out? He’s already admitted he provided aide and comfort to the enemy. Did he do worse?
In today’s news:
Oil Prices Soar After Energy Dept. Report
McCain says gas prices won’t drop and could rise
Is it true that the WEA forced the state to turn down $13 million from private charity? The money was supposed to provide pay for deserving teachers of science and math, but the WEA didn’t like that and forced the state to not accept the money. Is that true? If it is, I think that sucks.
I said nothing about Obama’s fist bump
You’re slippin’ Surreal. Get with the right wing program. You were doing good with Ayers, the guy with the funny last name and the preachers.
I predict you’ll be having Obama facing Mecca five times a day by November.
I’ll give you a hint: note the orientation of the platforms where he gives stump speeches.
See I know you guys better than you know yourselves. Talk about Kook-Aid…
BBG @ 23
When did he admit to providing aid and comfort to the enemy? Provide a link…
That smear campaign was already discredited a long time ago.
No evidence McCain was a traitor
He… gave the names of the Green Bay Packers’ offensive line and said they were members of his squadron.
Because of the seriousness of the charge, the utter absence of evidence and the clear intention to harm McCain just days before a critical Republican primary, we find this claim to be Pants on Fire wrong.”
Mark # 3: Your insistence that the “GOP did it first” reminds me of a conversation between two members of “The Who”, after first seeing Jimmi Hendrix in London, burning a guitar on stage:
“Hey, we did that first! He’s stealing our bit!!!”
“Yea, but he’s doing it so much better than us. Shut up and sit down!”
PI @ 25
Yep. All true. They turned down $13 million of Gates’ money because it had to be actually used to pay the teachers that were teaching instead of lining union pockets.
Gotta love the quote in the Postman article in today’s Seattle Times:
Source: GOP: New brand, same old style
YLB @ 26
Tell me something — since you keep bringing up Obama’s associations with Ayers, Khalidi, Rezko, the New Party, etc… Have you even bothered to read about any of this on your own? I mean, besides the talking points?
Obama admits to the associations. Who these criminals / terrorists are is not in question, either. Not sure if he’s addressed the association with the DSA / New Party (Marxists) in 1996.
Look ’em up. Then we’ll talk.
Look ‘em up. Then we’ll talk.
AFAIK, none of those guys are in jail unlike Abramoff who the White House desperately tries to pretend never existed despite 6 meetings with the big Kahuna himself in the Oval Office.
There’s nothing there. People with views different from yours exist in minority communities. I suppose if Obama did the Corporate board and cocktail circuit with his Harvard education you’d give him the “centrist” seal of approval. But no, Obama went back to his community.
Very suspect indeed.
And despite my refusal to march to your tune, I really doubt you won’t “talk” about this any further.
Mark if it’s not too much trouble read your hero’s fucking book or just search on this blog as I have provided these links a dozen times. Face it-denying the truth doesn’t change it. Your boy is working overtime to keep the public from getting more of this information at the cost of real heros who were lost – just to cover his ass.
mea culpa, GBS.
Yesterday, I was very skeptical about the political ramifications of a windfall profits tax. I thought it could backfire on Democrats. I’ve changed my mind.
The purpose of the tax is to prevent GOUGING and to encourage the oil companies to produce oil. If the oil companies do what they’re supposed to be doing they should have NOTHING to fear from a well-written windfall profits tax.
GOUGING is the oil outfits’ best friend and worst enemy. They can’t do it for too long. Otherwise the people will get wise to their bullshit and punish them for it. And they’ve been doing it through disinvestment. They don’t need more oil leases. There are plenty they’ve sat on for years. ANWR and the outer continental shelf is just a distraction. What they’re doing now is working just fine for them.
If the oil companies really know what’s good for them they will turn on outfits like Morgan Stanley which are driving the futures market up.
Windfall profits tax and closing the Enron loophole – YES
But good luck on getting that through the filibuster happy minority in the Senate and past the veto pen of the idiot in the Oval Office.
YLB @ 32
Note that I didn’t mention Wright or Pfleger. Those associations are just a sign of Obama’s immature, poor judgment.
Rezko is headed to jail, son. The depth of the Khalidi association has yet to be fully investigated, but we know he’s done fundraising for Obama. The DSA / New Party has yet to be fully investigated, but he was on their ticket and associated with them in 1996.
Ayers BOMBED government buildings. Nothing Abramoff did compares to domestic terrorism. And it would be one thing if Ayers was sorry — if he was “reformed” — but that mf is unapologetic and wishes he’d done more.
The fact that you think Ayers is just some kind of “minority opinion” tells me that either your HA posts are nothing but trolling, you are a Kool-Aid-swilling simpleton or you truly hate this country.
35 – Fish in the sea, my dear sillyman. Obama’s record in public life points to no indication of any out of the mainstream beliefs or unethical/illegal activity. Instead it indicates reaching out wherever to get things done. His economic team hovers around the U. of Chicago neo-liberal Rubin style which has given more than a few people on the left some heartburn.
That’s reality.
Your fantasy is the same old victory by guilt-by-association swift-boating that right wingers have been playing since BEFORE McCarthy.
This country has nothing to fear from the likes of me or anyone backing Obama – everything to fear from the likes of those who brought us the last 7 years and wants to extend that indefinitely into the future.
I realize clueless idiot@34 can’t read an oil company’s 10K report.
But mr clueless idiot windfall profits tax
1) Who owns most of oil company stocks since you want to pillage their profits
2) What was the return on just one oil stock. Just choose one butthead
3) How much did they pay in US Taxes
4) How much was used for oil exploration and research.
37 – LMAO!! PuddySilly is back.
Obviously you can’t read. Shall I repeat? Oil companies who are truly in the oil business have nothing to fear from a windfall profits tax. It’s there to deter gouging. If they build refineries instead of enriching their executives and major shareholders, they have nothing to fear.
But that’s not all, more infrastructure just means oil will deplete that much faster. So why not invest in renewables? The recent legislation filibustered by your team had that carrot.
The oil execs say the price should be much lower. What’s the difference? Again I repeat – they should advocate clamping down on excessive speculation – close the Enron loophole, which by the way, Clinton had a part in bringing about IIRC.
Yo PuddySilly,
Surreal Mark thinks you hate this country because you’re for Obama.
Or you’re a simpleton.
What do you think of that?
We have a dilemma here.
The oil companies demand huge tax breaks, on the basis that their business is capital intensive and risky. They claim that tax incentives that make the business less risky are in the public interest.
Ok, I’ll bite. But… (don’t you just hate it when that word comes up?)
Risk and return go hand-in-hand in traditional capitalism. Profits are adjusted by the marketplace, after businesses decide how much (of pretty much anything) to produce by looking at both the risk and the return.
Except that the oil companies want the public to take the risk, while they keep the return.
Can I really blame the oil companies? No, I suppose not. While ExxonMobil and BP and Chevron may run TV ads claiming that they consider themselves as holders of a precious public trust, the reality is that they’re in business to maximize profits, and if we’re gullible enough to believe that drek, we deserve to be fleeced.
Since they bellied up to the public trough to reduce their risk, that same public will now insist on getting some of the return.
Will the oil companies like it? No, of course not. Given their choice, they would have the public take the entire risk, while keeping the entire return for themselves. (This doesn’t make them evil, just good businessmen.)
So our elected officials will have to make sure that it doesn’t happen that way.
John Barelli: You are a smart man; so please look up anywhere on this blog where I supported the oil industry getting tax breaks.
Go on you can even ask HAs clueless idiot to help you. When you wake up and realize I don’t support their tax breaks we can continue to dialog.
Now to the rest of your entry. When a company makes 10% or less on it’s investment most people are ready to run the management team out of town. I for one want to see my pension funds continue to flourish.
Again John Barelli you and other lefties are blaming the wrong group.
Recent polling data from Gallup show the percentage of voters blaming oil companies for skyrocketing gasoline prices has dropped from 34 percent to 20 percent over the past year. Hmmm… Maybe they researched this and found out Oil Companies don’t set the price. Your friends at NYMEX do. Maybe novercorrectnottobright will get educated.
At the same time, support for more drilling in U.S. coastal and wilderness areas has increased to 57 percent from 41 percent. Naaahhh it can’t be. Nevercorrectnottobright doesn’t agree.
clueless idiot, you can’t fathom truths. Oil companies should not be hit with punitive taxes just because they make $.095 profit. I see you didn’t read the 10K.
So as someone said above the Bakken fields beneath North Dakota, Montana, and Canada hold an estimated 400 billion barrels of oil. ANWR has another estimated 10.4 billion barrels. Bureau of Land Management has 279 million acres under federal management where oil and gas could potentially be extracted. Greater than 50% is totally off limits by law. Off-shore, we have another 86 billion barrels lie in wait, is also restricted. But the Chinese are slant drilling and taking our oil in the Gulf of Mexico and the pendejo crowd here doesn’t care. Then there’s liquefied natural gas, oil shale, and the various coal-to-liquid carbon-capture and sequestration technologies available but ignored by leftist pinheads.
Don’t worry clueless idiot@38 I don’t expect you to leave momma’s basement and read a 10K report.
YLB @ 39
Man! Are you stupid or just lazy or both?
I said that if you think that Ayers is just some “minority opinion” instead of a domestic terrorist, THEN you’re a simpleton or traitor.
You’re saying that Puddy defends Ayers’ history and more recent comments?
You will NEVER convince a Dem that ANY kind of tax is bad — especially if it hits big, bad corporations.
The thing they won’t admit is that 100 million Americans would be negatively impacted by any sort of capital gains tax. Not just the individual shareholders, but anyone whose retirement accounts rely on investments.
Here’s that tax we SHOULD impose: a union “luxury” tax and profits tax. The 25% luxury tax would be on the the portion of any union leader’s salary that is greater than 250% of his average member’s salary. They should also be taxed at corporate rates for any money they take in above-and-beyond money directly used for contract negotiation or member benefits.
We must put a stop to union leaders that show up at a rally in the pouring rain, spout off for 15 minutes and then dive back into their cozy Continentals.
Republican Family Values:
It’s common knowledge that treasonous America-hating, commie-fascist Republicans like Puddy and Mark want the women of the North Mariannas Islands to continue to suffer forced abortions just to enrich the profits of a few corporations. The forced abortions also clean up the mess left behind by Republican congressmen following their Abramoff-paid junkets to the islands to have sex with children. Limbaugh would have gone along for the fun and games but he and his jug of Viagra had a date with some kid in the Dominican Republic. I tell ya, you’ve got to be a real freak to be a Republican these days. Mark and Puddy qualify.
@46 If you want positive change, then you might convince Republicans to stop trying to have sex with kids:
Ex-Romney aide, College Republican head, busted on sex offender charges
Michael Roston and Nick Juliano
Published: Friday January 25, 2008
A former aide to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney who also played a leadership role in Iowa’s College Republicans was arrested by Des Moines-area police earlier in the week on outstanding warrants related to his status as a convicted sex offender.
Steve @ 48
I’ve already said that I find the behavior of such people — be they Democrat, Republican or otherwise — to be sickening.
I don’t know what you can do to make that kind of change, though. They’ve tried everything from Depo shots to aversion therapy and they still can’t cure Daddy “NAMBLA” Love.
Steve…be nice now…almost my entire family is republican, down to my grandparents and younger brother (who is union)…I am the black sheep for politics in my family, but I would never think of them as freaks or say they should ties up and sent to camps…even they dislike GWB and alot of others in office.
Hannah @ 50
You should recognize by now that HA is like a bar at happy hour where most of the Lefty patrons are drunk on Kool-Aid. There is no reasoning with fools like Steve.
Here’s my simple income tax plan:
under $50k year = $0 taxes.
$50-$75 = 2.5% of your income
75-100K = 3.0%
100-150 = 3.5%
150-200 = 5.0%
200-250 = 5.5%
250-300 = 6.0%
300-350 = 7.0%
350-400 = 8.0%
400-500 = 10.0%
500-650 = 14.0%
650-800 = 17.0%
800-1,000k = 22%
1,000k-1,250k = 27%
1,250k-1,500k = 30%
each addl 250k is taxed at 40%
That’s sliding scale that’s fair to everyone who benefits the most from society.
No more free rides for Paris Hilton and Dick Cheney types.
No IRS required, no complicated tax laws, simple and straight forward.
@49 Why mention Democrats? There is no significant number of pedophile Democrats. On the other hand, pedophiles have been welcomed into the Republican party with open arms (yuk!). Geez, is that your new base? What’d you do – give up on the Left Behinders? Or did they give up on you? Did those people figure out that you lie to your base more often than you lie to anybody else?
@50 I’m sorry. No offence to you or yours was intended. But until somebody on the right shows even a drop of concern about the infestation of pedophiles witin the Republican ranks, I’ll just have to throw this in Troll’s faces now and again. But I’ll somehow try to be more considerate of other readers such as yourself.
@ 51:
Call it kool-aid or whatever you like but here’s one bitter pill you’re gonna have to swallow: President Obama.
326 electoral votes.
@51 That’s weak shit, fascist-boy. Show some spine for a change.
TRM @ 51 – actually I have had great conversation with Steve, and I don’t think he is a full fledged liberal or conservative…he acts out here though ;-)
But just because someone voted for GWB or supports the conservative/republican values, doesn’t mean they are the ones to blame for our country being in shambles, as so many here think. I get info from all sides before I make up my mind, I lean left, but I also value some of the rights views and ideas as I also disagree with some of the left ideas. The way some talk on here, my parents, grandparents, brother, aunts, uncles…should all be in prison for voting for GWB…yeah ok right…like THEY had the power to ruin this country. :)
And besides, the dems most voted in, in 2006 haven’t changed anything (yeah the argument is they don’t have enough control)…well when they made all those promises during campaigns….they knew then they wouldn’t have control with a Republican president, so were those just lies they told?
My family really brings me into political discussions, I pick their brains and they pick mine…hoping to come to a medium, which we always do! :)
GBS @ 52 – I LOVE IT!!!!!
GBS – you just wrote that…took you how long? Maybe 5 minutes, yet our government can’t figure out simple math in how many decades?
It totally makes sense to me!
Puddybud” “Hannah” ” what’s up?GBS @ 59 – haha! ;-) Better day today!
You need to send you tax tables to the government after getting signatures across the country! I am guessing 75% + Americans would sign on!
” “Hannah” ” @ 56 wrote:
“But just because someone voted for GWB or supports the conservative/republican values, doesn’t mean they are the ones to blame for our country being in shambles,”
Ummmm. . . yes it does mean they are the ones to blame. Elections have consequences and those consequences can only come about when we elect, but especially re-elect people who are proven not to have the public’s best interest at heart.
Read Al Gore’s book The Assault on Reason. You’ll have a better understanding the right-wing nuts and the literal propaganda they are fed from the RNC and the current administration.
Can’t wait to get my hands on Scott McClellan’s book What Happened. It documents how Bush and the Republicans purposefully used propaganda to steer this country towards war.
Then, to ignore the proof right before the publics very eyes then vote for them again, it is THEIR fault and theirs alone.
@52 Have you considered that people under $50K should pay taxes? As someone who’s been both dirt poor and wealthy, I think they should. Not much, but at least some. If you need an upside, it would at least take away a tired talking point of the commie-fascist right.
@ 62:
Other than the fact that vast majority of people under $50k aren’t paying taxes anyways.
I mean for people making $25k how much are they paying in taxes? Not much if any and certainly not a significant amount of the total “take” by the Feds.
But, I’ll concede your point, maybe a token amount to keep the wing-nuts at arms length.
Like ” “Hannah” ” said, it took me all of 5 minutes, maybe. Sure there’s a few minor holes, but the idea is solid.
@56 I’m not sure why I’m feeling so ornery today. Hmm, maybe it’s the Sonics mess – season ticket holder here. I’ll back off.
Southern Baptists remain wary of McCain
Survey finds 10 percent of evangelicals plan to sit out election
Headline from MSNBC political news section.
IF this is true 2006 is gonna look like a spring shower compared the the perfect storm that is brewing now.
Tighten up your chin straps, this one is gonna hit HARD. MO’FO’!!!!!!!!!!!
McCain: Cutting casualties in Iraq is primary goal
Associated Press Writer
Presidential Election 2008
Avoiding casualties in Iraq is more important than bringing troops home, Republican John McCain said Wednesday…
Geez, I thought you commie-fascists wanted to “win”. Avoiding casualties is winning? Bullshit. Bring our troops home NOW!
@ 66:
What’s worse about McCain’s comments is that he thinks bringing the troops home isn’t “too important.” Although, the generals in the military have stated many times that we cannot sustain the tempo of operations in Iraq.
For someone who wants to be the Commander-in-Chief he’s really out of touch regarding the issues of this war.
Puddybud and the Real Mark 42-46:
Regarding big oil giving back some of its earning the government either you are wrong or John McCain is wrong.
Which is it?
McCain: Big Oil should return some profit
Headline from MSNBC politcal section.
Since I don’t like John McCain – He’s wrong on this and many other things.
@69 And he’s all yours. Good luck with that.
Steve: Pedophile Donkey?
Golly I have posted them on this board many times. They are all from bybygoober’s family tree.
April 5th 2006 Lefties talk about a DHS pedophile. Blame it on Chertoff and Bush.
April 9th 2006 Puddy and others post DHS employee and pedophile Brian J. Doyle is in fact a registered Democrat.
Steve: Do you remember Leon Rouse? Puddy does. Rouse, is a convicted child molester of underage sex charges in the Philippines. Rouse, was hired in 2007-2008 as an employee of a Democrat-controlled Hawaii state Legislative Committee.
Bybygoober’s cousin Rouse was arrested in the Philippines on October 4, 1995, and later convicted for paying 200 pesos to have sex with a 15-year-old boy. Insert Howard Dean’s Yeeeeeeeearrgh screech here.
BTW 200 Pesos in 1995 was approximately #3.79.
Yes that was a cheeeeeeeeeeeeeep date!
@71 Read’em and weep, my commie-fascist fool.
So many Republican pedophiles! And that’s just a partial list! Looks like the pedophiles left the Church and found the Republican party. What do you think? Is it the atmosphere of fear and repression? That’s my take on it. You commie-fascists have some real pedo issues. Being in denial like you are will not address this very real problem you have.
Steve wrong again. I ain’t voting for him. Stated it over and over and over. Where you been. Oh yeah… head up your ASS.
Yes Steve, when backed into a corner you whip out clueless idiot’s favorite web site.
How many times do I and others have to say we don’t support these people?
But let’s be clear… the FBI said Mark Foley did not break any laws!
Hey, Puddy, get a load of this guy! Just one of many Republicans busted for pedophilia.
Wisconsin GOP chair faces charges in enticement of teenage boy
Published: Sunday October 14, 2007
(via PageOneQ) — Brown County GOP Chairman Donald Fleischman has resigned his post, says a spokesperson, after being accused of enticement and fondling of an underage boy, reports the Green Bay Press-Gazette Saturday.
Fleischman, 37, is free after posting a $20,000 bond on September 28. “My client is innocent of the charges,” says attorney Jeff Jazgar, who “declined to discuss specifics.”
“Our plan is to get some witnesses to testify and present enough information to dismiss the case.”
The boy was found by police in Fleischman’s home on two occasions in late 2006 while being sought as a runaway from Ethan House, a home for at-risk youth. Now 17, he says he stayed with Fleischman at his house and a cabin, where he was provided with alcohol and cannabis, and regularly fondled.
On November 19, 2006, according to a September 7th complaint obtained from the WisPolitics Courtwatch Blog, the boy in question was found hiding in a bedroom closet, and a pipe was found in the house, which tested positive for THC. Shortly after, on December 8, 2006, Fleischman said he was trying to convince the boy, discovered again in the home, to turn himself in as a runaway.
Fleischman faces two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child, and one count of exposing himself to a child. He returns to court on October 29.
And to just think, Puddy, that you hang out with this crowd. What’s up with that?
What I like is how this site delineates all the Republican stuff but no one has done the Democrat stuff. Why?
IT IS KNOWN ALREADY! So easy to find.
@76 “How many times do I and others have to say we don’t support these people?”
Umm, until I’m done with you, of course, and no sooner. I thought you understood the program.
Of course you support those people. You show up every day supporting these people. Show us some 24/7 outrage against Republican pedophilia and maybe somebody might actually believe your sorry ass.
@78 One name, Gary Stubbs (1983), doesn’t make for much of a Dem list, now does it? And hardly relevant, 25 years ago as it was.
Whatever Steve. So You support Leon Rouse Mel Reynolds etc. by your logic.
Yes thought so.
How about all those great NEA standard bearers (teachers) and their Pedophilia? You know Steve NEA – Lovers of Donkey Politics?
Since you brought up Gerry Studds Steve, when Mark Foley was found out he was forced out. Gerry Studds kept coming and coming and coming back to Congress.
Hey, Puddy, here’s some more Republican family values for ya:
Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting
POSTED: 2:04 pm EDT September 17, 2007
UPDATED: 8:28 am EDT September 18, 2007
DETROIT — A U.S. Justice Department official has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a minor.
John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Detroit Monday afternoon.
An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police.
Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.
He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
He is charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.
According to authorities, Atchison made contact with a detective working undercover for the Macomb County Sheriff’s department’s.
The detective, acting as the child’s mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.
In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that “you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.”
The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, ” I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice.”
The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded, “Just gotta go slow and very easy. I’ve done it plenty,” according to detectives.
Atchison, a member of the Florida bar association since 1984, lives in Gulf Breeze, Fla., near Pensacola.
He is president of the Gulf Breeze Sports Association, a youth athletics organization.
He described himself online as a family man. His wife is a science teacher at Gulf Breeze High School.
The Macomb County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI were a part of the investigation.
Atchison remains in federal custody and a detention hearing will be held on Tuesday.
Geez, Puddy, Republican pedophiles killing themselves. I like the trend.
Scandal and suicide on St. Pete City Council
As police investigate allegations of sexual abuse, St. Petersburg City Council Chairman John Bryan kills himself.
Published September 8, 2007
ST. PETERSBURG – City Council Chairman John Bryan walked into City Hall just after 1 p.m. Friday and handed in his resignation letter.
Less than five hours later, he was slumped over in a golf cart in the garage of his Floral City house, dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. He was 56.
Bryan’s suicide came after news spread Friday that authorities were investigating allegations that he had sexually abused three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15. Ron Stuart, a spokesman for the Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court, said the third alleged victim was a nanny for Bryan years ago and no longer lives in the area.
For city officials, the allegations were as jarring as they were sickening. Bryan was a hometown business hero, a pillar of the community, a powerful voice on the City Council and a fierce ally of Mayor Rick Baker.
I just saw McCain on TV complaining about Obama’s tax raises because in his words, “Why would we want to take more of the people’s money and send it to Washington to spend on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it?”
Shhh… Nobody tell McCain that it was his party that did that.
CNN has it too.
sheesh I am glad I left when I did this afternoon!!! And ALL pedophiles are sick and twisted! No matter what party and we all know they are intermingled amongst the parties, it definately is not a one sided thing.
Steve @ 85 – Aren’t city council positions “non-partisan”? (that’s what I’ve been told here on HA)
michael @ 86 – Since he is, and always has been against earmarks, I would think it doesn’t matter to him if the politician has an R or D behind the name, it’s the earmark use that he is against.
@88 I wouldn’t know about St. Petersburg, Florida. The guy was listed as a Republican. And it’s not like we don’t know who the Dems are on the Seattle City Council.
Geez, and I promised you earlier that I’d back off. Sorry. I’ll do so now.
Steve@84: Old news, brought to us by your little brother bybygoober when it happened.
Check the archives. You are a day late and many $$$$ short.
@91 Out of respect for Hannah I’m going to drop this, Pud.
No Steve and Puddy keep it going…it’s actually entertaining….besides I’ve gotta run for a while to babysit my neighbors boy! :)
The Real Mark @ 29,
I’m sorry to hear that the WEA forced the state to turn down money for good teachers in the name of union solidarity. Unions are the crabgrass on the lawn of life.
GBS @ 52,
Here’s my solution: 10%.
Michael: Go back and see what McCain said about Ted Stevens bridge to nowhere.
Are you that daft asks the judge? YES your honor he is.
PI @ 94 – I find it interesting the WEA topic was skipped over here.
And the fact they wanted to have a “no strings attached” grant? Must be nice! Here the Gate’s wanted the money to be used to better pay the teachers to inspire hard work.
@93, Well, in that case:
New molestation allegation dogs arrested conservative activist
Thursday, September 28, 2006 – 3:00 pm
Things have been looking up for accused child molester Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, the 36-year-old Christian conservative activist and lawyer with close ties to Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Scott Baugh, head of the Orange County Republican Party. Police say Nielsen took a 14-year-old Westminster boy as his sex partner in 2003 and maintained a huge cache of man-boy pornography.
But prosecutors have allowed their case against Nielsen, once an intern in the district attorney’s office, to stall for 40 months.
Ironically, those delays have provoked new sex-crime allegations. Saying he fears a subversion of justice, a northern Virginia man claims that Nielsen repeatedly molested him when he was an adolescent.
“For two years, when I was 13 and 14 years old, Jeff sexually abused me while he worked in Washington for Rohrabacher as a legislative aide,” the 25-year-old married man told the Weekly in a recent interview. “There was never any penetration, but other than that? Everything. He wrapped it all up as normal, as love.”
Paul S. Meyer, Nielsen’s Costa Mesa-based defense attorney, did not respond to requests for comment.
The Virginia man, who asked to remain anonymous, said Nielsen worked in his church’s youth ministry and that his parents rented Nielsen a basement room in their home sometime in 1994 or 1995.
“Jeff took an immediate liking to me,” he said. “When he moved into our house, [the sex] started right away. I know this might sound weird, but at the time he was a mentor and he assured me the messing around was normal. I believed him. I was in the seventh grade at the time. It was brainwashing.”
He says Nielsen orchestrated a “boyfriend-girlfriend type” relationship that included occasional public kissing, hand holding and sex.
“Jeff called it ‘our thing,’ and one time we were near Tyson’s Corner [Virginia], he stopped at a gas station so we could have sex in the bathroom,” the man said. “A guy walked in and caught me with my pants down and Jeff on his knees. We made some excuse about an injured knee or something. The guy said, ‘Oh!’ and quickly left.”
There was also jealousy when the boy expressed an interest in girls, according to the victim.
“[Nielsen] was very controlling and emotional,” he said. “After sex, he’d sometimes say, ‘You know you are gay, right?’ But I wasn’t. I’ve been married now for three years and have a great relationship with my wife. I am very much heterosexual.”
@96 The bridge to nowhere is a Republican bridge to nowhere. It’s yours. Go ahead, try to disown it. It just makes you look like the silly shit you are.
PI@94 & TRM@29:
The WEA Story is here:
http:// michaelcostello. /2008/05/ what-really-matters-to-teachers-union.html
Steve @ 98 – Just gross! Ewwwww! Looks like he plead guilty.
PI@94 & TRM@29:
The Original Story is here:
http:// seattletimes.nwsource. com/html/education/ 2003874691_math08m0.html
Oh no an evil oil company: “Initial funding for the initiative is from ExxonMobil, which is providing $125 million, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Take their profits away, we can’t have them funding National Math & Science Initiative Grants!
Well the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s want to.
Hannah go to the web site you can read them all there.
I am reading them right now! :)
Sad case of greed!
Doesn’t matter what he said. The Bridge to no where was his parties deal and he’s trying to smear Obama with it. It wasn’t Obama or the Dems deal.
It’s pretty bad when you have to dig into your own parties cesspool to try and smear the other party.
Hey Steve, look up what I said about Ted Steven’s bridge to nowhere.
Now read this.
He erected a statue of himself at the state Capitol in Charleston.
Good ol’ Robert Byrd has set a new standard for taxpayer-funded narcissism. How? He convinced his friends in the West Virginia State Legislature to erect a statue of himself in the state Capitol. I bet you didn’t know The statue’s completion violates state law prohibiting statues of government officials until they have been dead for half a century.
But that’s not all Steve:
$2.95 billion: total West Va. pork from 1991 to 2006
$1.935 billion: total West Va. pork from 2000 to 2006
$1.2 billion: total projects added in the Senate from fiscal 1995 to fiscal 2006. (Projects that can most likely be attributed to Sen. Byrd)
In 2007 he added another 9 figger sum.
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University
Hannah, A few years ago it dawned on me that I’d heard of just too many Republicans being busted for this kind of thing. So I Googled “Republican pedophile” and a few other searches and was shocked, shocked, I say, at everything that came up. I tried similar searches under “Democrat” and found very little – mostly old stuff about Stubbs. I also found that armchair subversive site during my searching. I also noticed that the site isn’t kept up to date.
Wasn’t there a Washington State Republican who was busted last year while driving around wearing a dress shortly after stiffing (no pun) a male prostitute? Maybe Puddy recalls his name.
@96 – It’s amazing how much McCain is disgusted with alot of “his” party nowadays!
I’ll fire off an email to remind McCain of the Byrd Droppings I just posted above.
Hey Steve that’s a funny one maybe Puddy remember’s his name…
And if I do since Puddy Remembers…
My wife watched the TV show “Army Wifes” the other day. First time she had seen it. I haven’t seen it myself, I don’t get to watch too much TV these days.
Anyway, she was telling me over dinner how impressed she was with all the hardship these army wives had to endure.
Then she tells me that there was a piece at the end, where John McCain came on at the end, talking about what heros the army wives are, bravely supporting their husbands who are away at war and such…
I nearly coughed up my dinner right there. Apparantly she hadn’t heard about McCain’s first wife, and how she had waited four years raising their children alone while he was in Vietnam, suffering a disabling accident in the meantime, only to have her husband divorce her for a prettier and wealthier and better politically connected girl after he returned.
Steve you must mean Maria CantVoteWell’s man
James Michael McHaney:
http:// newsgroups.derkeiler. com/Archive/Alt/alt. politics/2007-12/msg00393.html
Felt the need to change the subject, huh.
@107 I reckon you’d rather avoid discussing the Republican pedophile problem. Projection and denial, that’s the Republican way of dealing with things.
I know, how about we talk about how you guys lied to start a war and then turned around and lost the damned thing following one Republican screw-up after another? Or maybe we could talk about Katrina. I’m sure that’s a winner for you guys.
Hey Steve 04/17/08: Rob Lowe, pedophile Democrat pervert, charged with sex harrasment by nanny.
Rob Lowe hmmm… Didn’t he have sex with a 16 year old at a Democrat Convention?
Hey Steve: Reckon what? That you are a horses ass. I already knew that. I already said it was sick. Google HA and see what I wrote about Foley moron!
Michael: Nope.
Steve: She’s yours
http:// http://www.traditionalvalues. org/modules. php?sid=160
“Rev. Sheldon is reacting to a Washington Post article published on Oct. 26, describing Mrs. Clinton’s participation in a homosexual Empire State Pride Agenda dinner. At the dinner, a lesbian comedian named Sybil Bruncheon was auctioning off a set of leather chairs. Bruncheon noted, “There’s a big one and a little one, perfect for those of you in the Man-Boy Love Association.”
“Bruncheon’s joke about the North American Man-Boy Love Association isn’t funny,” says Sheldon. “She is making light of child molestation. Does Mrs. Clinton’s commitment to children’s rights, also include adult/child sex?””
Gotta love it.
@111 When you start losing it you might consider not posting for a few minutes.
How about this? We could talk about the huge national debt that you guys ran up. That ought to keep your mind off the Republican pedophile problem you guys have.
Denial. At least Republicans are good at something.
Steve you skipped post #113
@117 You are certainly slow on the uptake, Pud. I could care less what you wrote about Foley. I never brought him up. You brought him up in some pathetic attempt to personally dodge a very real problem facing the Republican party. Nice try. Pedophiles and self-loathing toe-tappers are Republicans and there’s nothing you can do about it now.
Five dollar gas will happen on your watch. Republicans lose. So sad.
@121 The link doesn’t go anywhere. Kind of like Republican bridges, wouldn’t you say?
Ummm Steve@122 yes you did when you posted armchairsubversive.
Regarding $5 gas, China and India are using more oil than ever. Your party blocks exploration. Yes Congress is responsible.
20% of people now hold oil companies responsible down from 37%. The scare politics are not working Steve.
@117 “Hey Steve: Reckon what? That you are a horses ass.”
Umm, speaking of Republicans, farm animals and washing machines:
Bizarre Sex Habits of The Extreme Right-Wing
Reported by Ellen – May 6, 2005
Last night, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. The topic was an interesting one – whether or not an internet service provider should allow Horsley to post the names of abortion doctors on his website. Horsley does that as a way of targeting them and one doctor has been killed. In the course of the interview, however, Colmes asked Horsley about his background, including a statement that he had admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.
At first, Horsley laughed and said, “Just because it’s printed in the media, people jump to believe it.”
“Is it true?” Colmes asked.
“Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I…”
AC: “You had sex with animals?”
NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”
AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”
NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”
AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”
Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and “and I don’t think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I’m saying?”
Horsley said, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”
Um… Rob Lowe holds what political office?
Btw Puddy, you are a troll. Just thought I’d point that out encase you missed it somewhere.
Michael: Not everyone of Steve’s posts are “political”.
Steve did you forget Maria CantVoteWell’s main dude?
Of course you did.
Steve remember the Blue City Seattleite who went to Enumclaw for a horse enema and died?
Steve & Michael: Sounds like one of yours
http:// 0,2933,256740,00.html
“Aside from the adoration of young girls, Ashford also uses the site to rail against the United States, which he calls “the Evil Empire,” and post anti-Israel commentary, among other topics.”
Yes, he sounds just like many HAers here.
Steve, isn’t self admitted pedophile, Neil Goldschmidt ex Portland mayor from Oregon one of yours? Didn’t John Effin Kerry meet with him in 2004?
YES he did.
Steve for a lefty isn’t pedophilia a resume enhancement? Gerry Studds got reerected and reerected oops reelected…
Sounds like you’re taking a rather wide stance on the issue.
Sorry Pud, but your boys own the sexually dysfunctional crown.
Wasn’t Eyman supposed to contribute $250,000?
How come the PDC reports show nothing from Eyman?
He is quoted here saying a contribution is forthcoming.
Posted by Tim Eyman, Mukilteo at 5/8/08 11:50 a.m.
to: NW_Native
yes, I’m actually taking out a $250,000 loan from US Bank to loan to the campaign. Our campaign reports are due on Monday and they’ll reflect the $250,000.
Everyone else here has gone back to the snide-remark-not-really-asking-a-real-question approach so no need to respond to those.
Wow Stupes we can run Hummers forever. All we gotta do is believe right wing bullshit and drill every square foot of earth on terra firma and on the continental shelf.
10.4 billion in ANWR? Terrific. Despoil a pristine wilderness for not even two years of current consumption. If the oil companies can crack that nut, then there’s nothing the government won’t let them take.
Again, (and it is wasted on you), oil companies are sitting on piles of leases they haven’t bothered with yet. Asking for more is just to distract from the fact that they’re taking their sweet time to maximize profit from what they have bothered with.
Stupes, Republican pedophilia is VERY relevant because your corrupt, inept, ugly party is THE party of holier than thou hypocrites.
The theme of this blog is and always will be REPUBLICANS SUCK.
The solution is MORE BETTER DEMS.
The Republicans have been steadily losing since you came here to HA Stupes. You’re jinxed Sucka!
clueless idiot@135: 2000 acres out of 10.4 million acres? Yes, that’s really despoiling nature! Kind of reminds me of the Alaskan Oil Pipeline argument killing caribou. Yep, they are more plentiful than ever.
You can’t even answer a simple question on a 10K!
Sucks to be you HAs clueless idioto!
It’s amazing to see when I, little Puddy places the same behaviour, a liberal resume enhancement, how you all scurry under rocks, call it a wide stance, or you blatantly ignore it, etc.
If you want to start the conflagration then don’t run when I pour more biodiesel on the flames