I suppose if I had this guy’s job I wouldn’t need to ask you all for money. But I don’t. So I do.
It’s Pledge Week at HA.
Please give generously liberally.
by Goldy — ,
I suppose if I had this guy’s job I wouldn’t need to ask you all for money. But I don’t. So I do.
It’s Pledge Week at HA.
Please give generously liberally.
The Daniel Kovach Scholarship Foundation is giving away $2000 to a political blogger this year.
Direct Relief International
Hurricane Katrina
Tsunami Relief
Catholic Charities
Action Against Hunger
American Red Cross (via Amazon)
American Jewish World Service
Habitat for Humanity International
Quarters From Kids: Tsunami Relief and Rebuilding
Save the Children
World Vision
9/11 charities
Operation Ensuring Christmas
Speedway Children’s Charities
St Judes Research
Childrens Hospital
Food banks
Make a Wish Foundation
Azalea Charities
Army Emergency Relief
Fisher House Foundation
Scholarship America
Childrens Network International
Brother’s Brother Foundation
Convoy of Hope
The Humane Society of the United States
Mercy Corp
Northwest Medical Teams International
Samaritan’s Purse
Cancer Foundation of America
National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund
Child Find of America
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Ronald McDonald House Charities –
Prison Fellowship Ministries
Christopher Reeve Foundation
Salvation Army
American Brain Tumor Association
American Kidney Fund
American Liver Foundation
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Deafness Research Foundation
Epilepsy Foundation
First Candle/SIDS Alliance
Huntington’s Disease Society of America
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
Lupus Foundation of America
Lupus Research Institute
National Jewish Medical & Research Center
National Kidney Foundation
National Organization for Rare Disorders
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Action Against Hunger
America’s Second Harvest
Bread for the World Institute
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Camp Fire USA
Boy Scouts
Girls Scouts
Junior Achievement
Alzheimer’s Association
Network for Good
American Association of the Deaf-Blind
American Foundation for Disabled Children
Childhood Leukemia Foundation
Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Kids Wish Network
The Daniel Kovach Scholarship Foundation is giving away $2000 to a political blogger this year.
Well, you got a little from me. My wife and I wish we could give more, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry. I think you provide a great service to the local progressive community, though I don’t necessarily agree with everything you say, like this thing you have against the Spokane tribal casino deal. I could go on, but I guess I could save that for later.
What is it with you and this “Anti-Jew” crusade of yours? OK, you don’t like the fact that Goldy’s Jewish. We got that.
Now give it a rest. Why not discuss something more inmportant?
Dear big L moron, I have nothing against his Jewishness… I celebrate his Jewishness and only wish he would as well… instead of the way he trots out his Jewishness only when it’s expedient to make a political point.
That’s called: calling him out on his capital ‘P’ phoniness and his great big capital ‘H’ hypocrisy.
And fuck you Auntie, you Nazi piece of shit. My wife and I donate to charity with every paycheck, twice a month, to Make-A-Wish. And along with my rugby club, I ran a fundraising carwash after Katrina.
I’ll donate to who I damn well want to, whenever I dam well want to, you lump of fascist shit. Don’t like it? Too fucking bad.
Hey, Goldy…shouldn’t you be asking us to “give liberally”??
Auntie Lib only loves Jews if they’re in favor of their cousins in Israel blowing up Iranians.
ArtFart @6,
Good point. Updated the post.
This anti-liberal guy is a real piece of work. Where do these knuckleheads come from?
I certainly hope you gullible fools snookered into giving this lazy, whining jewblogger money have enough sense NOT to use the provided link but rather to open Paypal for yourself and transfer money that way.
YOU gullible fools do know there are programs that can capture your credit card information, not necessarily for the capturer to use but to sell the information. There’s big money being made in the selling of credit card information. I strongly suggest you gullible fools keep a close eye on your credit reports.
Now, I’m certainly not suggesting anyone associated with this clearly unprofitable litte blog is a thief… “I’m just sayin'”
ask anti-liberal…where is his sheet and head cover is???
I like your self righteous hectoring tone. I also like your presumption in telling people how best to dispose of their hard earned money. And your assumption that you know best. You sound like a Hollywood liberal. Sort of like Barbra Streisand, but with more uses of the word “jew.”
Hi, Auntie!
Before reading your post, I had sent a few bucks off to Goldy. Not charity, just doing my bit to help pay for a service that I use and enjoy.
After reading your post, I send another few bucks off to Goldy, just because I realized that this service is even more valuable than I had first realized.
Oh, and upon reading your post, I also realize that there is another adjective to add to your list.
So, auntie, here’s hoping that Goldy enjoys a nice Guinness on me. (Is Guinness kosher? Please tell me that it is!)
Bigot, liar, coward, loser.
Still sucks to be you.
“There’s a sucker born every minute”, -PHINEAS T.BARNUM
“A Fool And His Money are soon parted” -Thomas Tusser
… but not nearly soon enough, as evidenced by you fools!
C’mon now, Goldy, are you writing the Auntie Liberal screeds?
I just doubled my contribution, but if I find out you’re shilling….
@1 Oh, I get it, Aunty Loony — you didn’t actually donate to these charities yourself, you merely want OTHER PEOPLE to donate THEIR MONEY to these charities. Now I understand how your “charitable donations” works.
@16 Very consistent with the Republican m.o. — do everything with other people’s money, and be a hypocrite in the process.
It just goes to show, Roger Rabbit is right. The trolls are the draw on this blog.
@3 “What is it with you and this ‘Anti-Jew’ crusade of yours?”
This isn’t rocket science, Lib. Who was the biggest Jew-hater of the last 100 years? What do you call his followers? Hint: It’s a four-letter word beginning with “N”.
@9 http://tinyurl.com/2yww58
@10 And I certainly AM suggesting anyone associated with THIS organization IS a thief. http://www.rnc.org/
I love that you gullible fools try to justify being dumber than goats!
I wonder though, what does it say about you that you harp on the Katrina “victims” but send your money to a guy who brags about all the air time he gets paid for?
I wonder if the kids with leukemia or juvenile diabetes or brain cancer, or dead fathers care about the jewbloggers opinions?
I’m just askin’
@14 One thing I’ve got to give righties credit for is they’re ahead of us on political finance — they spend other people’s money. Especially “Rev.” Moon’s.
@23 And money they rip off from vulnerable senior citizens.
@23 And money they rip off from vulnerable senior citizens.
I noticed there aren’t many troll comments on the “Put your money where your mouse is” thread, where I exposed “Rev.” Sun Myung Moon’s criminal enterprises as a major source of funding for rightwing propagandists.
It appears they would rather avoid drawing attention to that subject.
It’s true you don’t have to beg for small donations when you get a million-dollar check from a guy who runs drug trfficking, arms dealing, and money laundering businesses on a global scale.
I, for one, have given to Goldy’s drive because I want him to become a fixture on Seattle area air-waves. He’d be a welcome relief and competition for that blowahard on KIRO, Ken Schram.
Mostly, though, so he can continue to irritate you wingnut assholes for another thirty years, or so.
Sorry Roger, but the biggest “Jew-hater in the last 100 years” that I can think would be somebody like Hitler or David Duke. I can’t think of anyone whose name is four letters and begins with “N.”
I’d like to buy a vowel??
Now I get it… Nevermind, Roger!
I should read more carefully.
Try “a” and “i”.
Got it, Harry. Thanks!
Medved was dicussing the all important ratings that came out this week. (His were terrific [top in his slot] and KTTH soared, in case you’re wondering.)
In as much as we never saw any ratings crowing from the whiny beggar this week, one just has to wonder, are pathetic and pitiful ratings the reason the jewblogger is suddenly in need of $115/day, $3500/month, $115/day, $42000/year from his loyal blog suckers and fools?
Or is he just too damned lazy to stand on a corner with a sign?
Or does he just know that you suckers and fools are indeed the suckers and fools open for his exploitation and personal gain?
I associate the word “Jew” with good things — especially rye bread and cold cuts. I was born in Queens, NY and my extended family going back three generations was also.
Although we are not Jewish, all my NY relatives sound Jewish on the phone and their conversation is peppered with little Yiddishisms that they picked up from the Queens environment.
I hear 50 cent is from Queens. I hope to hear the word, “ferkakteh” in one of his rappin’ rants.
God isn’t that just a fact Colonel?
I miss being able to buy great, fresh, hearty Jewish rye bread. There is little better.
Brennan Bothers used to have a Kosher shop over in Bellevue, but wherever they may have gone, they aren’t where they were.
Two thing Seattle doesn’t do well is bread and lunchmeats.
You know jewblogger, you could probably EARN that $42000/year by opening a really good Jewish Deli/Bakery… although the food nazi’s of Seattle probably wouldn’t let you even consider pastrami or corned beef, the interferring assholes.
28 Schram’s on KOMO, Harry.
Besides, Kenny did a nice job of slamming (“Schramming?”) the OTHER Kenny…yanno, the ex-football player turned homophobic preacher on the Eastside. Seems that’s caused his inbox to fill up with hate mail from all the nutbags who think they have an answer to “Who would Jesus persecute” other than “sanctimonious hyppocrites”. Y’all might think of dropping Mr. Schram a line to let him know we’re not all bigots in this town.
Give till it hurts.
Furball: Many of those charities in #1 are on our yearly list. We wholeheartedly support WA State Firefighters! I also give to ADRA, one of two US State Department sanctioned charities for disaster relief.
We like the Boy Scouts too because the ACLU Moonbat! league hates them.
Furball, we also support foreign children through international children’s charities. And that’s not part of our greater than $10,000 yearly donations. So if you don’t have a clue – buy one from Clueless! Oops… his latest nik is YOS LIB BRO! But he could be NotTooBrightStillVeryStupid!
Furball: Brags how is sent what.. what… what… $99 to Operation Helmethead?
The king of oil stocks spent $99? Well blow me down Olive Oyl, such a deep pocket spender!
Furball since you are a “rabbit” why not donate those unused or no longer needed clothes to the Northwest Center?
Not only did I give Goldy money, but today I donated to Emily’s List, NARAL, ACLU and Pro-Choice America. By the way Puddybutt and Anti-liberal – I did this in your names and in your honor.
And both your wives, while still ugly, give good head.
Those that speak of “it” often, usually aren’t getting any.
@29 Do you have a reading comprehension problem, Lib? The question was, what do you call his followers? A four-letter word beginning with “N”. Comprende?
@30 Just read #30, and in light of that post, my #43 is withdrawn.
@40 What clothes?
I donated to St.Judes Children’s Hospital because I always liked Danny Thomas and I want childhood cancer defeated.
I also value my freedom of speech and this little corner of the blogosphere is the perfect place to sound off. Come payday, Goldy, I’ll put some money up. It’s your salary. I’m not giving you a dime. You earned it.
Auntie, puttybutt, just face it. You hate us for our freedom, don’t you?
@46 They’re somewhere in this picture. http://tinyurl.com/2a6fa5
@ 47…Or if you’re Auntie, lead with some bigotry
auntie-liberal: analysis of a milksop….
What he does not understand, which is much, he hates. I feel sorry for this little turd who talks big, but is oh so very small.
He talks and talks but never acts. He attacks and hides. Never coming out in the open. Cowardice is a complex trait in that you know you are so afflicted, you hate yourself for it, but you fall hopelessly prey to it.
The great philosopher, John Barelli, has summed it up best:
It absolutely sucks to be auntie-liberal.
It has been so long for kiroking @ 42, he does not even know what IT is. I bet Rev. Ted Haggard could show kiroking what IT is.
Then is would suck to be kiroking.
Would someone inform auntiechicken that the link Goldy provides is a link to PayPal. If the link was nefarious, well, PayPal would have informed all of us by now.
For this jackass to suggest that David Goldstein, public figure and nationally know at that, is perhaps something less than honest, is itself disingenuous and reprehensible.
Sucks to be auntieliberal.
Would do well for this yahoo to abide by his own advice.
I’ve become very hesitant to post here at all with all the fascist, anti-semetic trolls who seem to live here. But for those of you who care, you may want to check out this story about one of our national treasures:
Goldy, you need to do something about your trolls. I don’t feel at all safe about posting here and my wife tells me not to bother. You have some real, I’m not kiddin’, fascist dogs here who have nothing better to do than post here. Get rid of them.
Okay, Goldstein. I just gave . . . but with all that money you are raking in at KIRO, you should be funding my college tuition!
Let me phrase this for you in a language you are loathe to understand leftjew.
You shouldn’t be allowed the satisfaction of drawing breath, you nescient, debilitated, floundering, elliptical, imbecilic, confounded, impercipient heap of mental flatulence.
Mindless ne’er-do-well simpletons like you should be shot point-blank in the face with illegal sawed-off shotguns and disposed of accordingly.
I pity your family more than your non-epigrammatic mind could conjecture.
You, sir, are an erroneous, blithering, myopic, undiscerning underrate; a wlatsome, mephitic, yirning, woodenheaded, braggadocio-spewing rodomontade; an incompetent, oblivious, subliterate, menial, one dimensional, perfunctory, expressionless, derivative, banal, fifth-rate, overweening, uninteresting, incalculably subordinate, garrulous, quixotic, superfluous wanna-be bitch; a drooling, hackneyed, stereotypically unprepared, diarrhea-mouthed clone; a diseased, repellent, lackluster, automated, flabbergasted, half-cocked, anthropocentric, capricious, pedantic, sectarian, injudicious, laughable, piddling, trifling, farcical, callow, indecent, buffoonish, puerile, negligible, repetitive, unassuming, trite, inefficient, garden variety, unprepossessing, ambiguous, fallible, unlearned, perplexed, vacant, oblivious, dense, preoccupied, sallow, unimportant, opaque, vacuous, benign, smarmy, asinine, fat witted, uneducated, misinformation-absorbing anti intellectual; a medulla oblongata-deprived, irrational, juvenile, sempiternally-spurious tatterdemalion; an inerudite, unenlightened, nonconceiving, tentative, gauche, vague ignoramus; an uninspired, puddingheaded dunce; a tenderfoot; a neophyte; a dabbler; a middlebrow … nay, King of the Lowbrows; a huckster; a shyster; a sham; a dupe; a drone; a greenhorn, novice dilettante; a goddamned fucking shit-sucking FOOL with breath akin to a pus filled hemorrhoid in the anus of a camel.
I can say that to your credit AT LEAST you have the courage to be an equal opportunity discriminator. If at first you don’t succeed, ad more hominum (Before you respond and say ‘He can’t even spell ADD!’, know that I’m bending the phrase ‘ad hominum’, to suit my purposes. )
You dimwit jackass.
You make me physically ill.
Get the fuck off my planet, you facinorous, napiform, labrose, quisquillian, papuliferous, highfalutin, shit-eating dolt.
You worthless nincompoop.
You artless, insensate, self-indulgent, diminutive, pimply, sordid, offensive, stenching, empty-shelled, loathsome, yearning adherent.
Your polysyndetonic, weakly-embellished excursus has been laid open for all to patronize and condescend; intent disregarded, conveying nothing.
Numbskulls like leftjew don’t deserve their own recrement.
I’d love to burn out his eyes with a soldering iron, run a catheter into his ocular chasms, and fill his hollow cranium to capacity with boiling urine, scorching out BOTH of his synapses … but that circumstance would be too inexorable and uncompromising, even for leftjew , the dilapidated,backward maroon.
On second thought, scratch that. leftjew deserves SO much worse for all his ill-established assertions. If not for the intimidation of prison-sentencing, the man would already be defunct.
For your entertainment, I have intentionally misspelled ONE word in this document, which I bet you can’t find without the assistance of your spell-checker. No kidding, shit-for-brains. I procure a bountiful sum of delectation for all of us, in solemn observation of the incontrovertible certitude that the unessential lump of subservient ineptitude that is leftjew has neither the capacity nor the motivational temperament to make the necessary transition from maundering bureausis to the ostensibly distinct interests of the split-brained, opposable-thumbed Homo-erectus anytime soon. He’ll be cowering in the corner of a shower stall, wishing he could get his rocks off, if only into the expansive duodenum of some crack-addled transsexual prostitute.
Face it, you bedwetting girl-man, you are unqualified.
You infantile amateur. Ante bellum, you may well have escaped this sort of public ridicule. Unfortunately for you, something inside just wouldn’t let go until the final distressing chord.
Regrettably, leftjew , you always have to shoot off your fat mouth. Your marred undertaking to feign concinnity and enhanced verbification proficiency have not gone unnoticed by the society of elevated thinkers to which I belong. We share trenchant fits of laughter everyday at your expense. You are a product of and, as an undeviating consequence, a reticent contrivance for the prevailing de facto modus vivendi; that is to say, you are nothing more than the rounded-down mean-average and that, tragically, is all you shall ever be.
Idiocy-spilling cretin.
Coincidentally, the aforementioned “rounded-down mean-average” is inestimably minor, a trivial pittance of the overall human potential. What is so excruciating is that almost everyone here at the ASS is like you, leftjew .
What’s it like to be considered an unavailing clown by an entity of indubitable substance?
What must it feel like to have the pliant marrow of your existence anatomized, cross-referenced, and scrutinized?
I know it hurts, crybaby.
And now everyone ELSE knows it, too, you detestable parasite. Everyone knows that you are nothing more than a stammering, boorish, apple-polishing, obstreperously boastful alcatote with a big, stupid chip on his/her shoulder.
You prattling, squeamish, defiled, jabbering, stumbling, inelegant, coaybtete-leranous, unlovable, twaddling, red-faced blatherskite.
You docile, obstropulous, ludicrous stinkard.
You skulking, sluggish, foppish lackwit.
You vexatious, fidgety, cumbersome, precarious, mutable, tremulous, vitriolic, faltering, vacillating, inconstant, insecure, crisis-fearing, shivering, haughty, defected agglomeration of shit-encrusted pig intestines.
You fraudulent, heinous, meaningless, incapable, enervated, disproportionate, unintriguing, anomalous, inbred, fetid, herpid, putrid, pointless, useless, infirm, unacceptable, squandered, aimless, decaying, inauspicious, naive, unpleasant, unskillful, inept, reasonless, embarrassing, inopportune, cowardly, ignorant, bile-sucking filthmonger.
Just for the record, I haven’t touched a dictionary, thesaurus, or any other word book today. Have you?
I wouldn’t waste the time on a piece of tedious dogshit like you, you sniveling, congenital, adenoidal, cocksmoking pigfucker.
And, but for lack of a MORE appropriate insult …
Fucking imbecile.
What a winner you are.
A prize cluck.
Get a goddamned vocabulary before picking any future arguments, boy.
Go join your astral brothers beyond the comet.
And, as a final note that I’m satisfied even leftjew will be able to understand: go suck your whore mother’s diseased schmendrick, you impotent shriveled prick.
No one could ever REALLY love you.
Would you liberals support a new union for tax payers? If not why?
If the tax payer union went on strike we liberals would be screwed.
Where do I send Mr. Goldy a few drops of sweat off my seldom used nutsack?
I give my donations and volunteer hours to the public schools, to buy all those frills that the state and district can’t afford. I have no problem with doing so, since I think the local communities should be on the hook for the extras.
Good thing Goldy sends his child to a school with a “magnet” program that the taxpayers are paying extra for, and he doesn’t have to contribute to. Mundane public education is so beneath the average liberal! Of course, given that Goldy is unemployed, he has lots of time to volunteer in the classroom.
Well, there you go, Goldy. Anti-liberal at #55 is probably actionable. That’s why I’d be worried about not moderatng your comments. Keep the post and contact a lawyer. This man is dangerous. Ban him and sue him.
@47 If that’s going to be the criterion here, it eliminates you.
@53 Are you serious? This blog wouldn’t be half as much fun without some nazis to kick around.
@55 Well done! Where did you plagiarize it from?*
* You, sir, obviously are too fucking stupid to have written this delightful delicatessen of delicious insults yourself.
If you crossed the picket line at a tax payers strike they would probably laugh at you. heheheehe
@56 It’s already been done. http://www.ntu.org/main/
@57 “If the tax payer union went on strike”
I believe those folks are commonly referred to as “Republicans,” also known as
Auntieliberal has left all sense of reality and checked out.
He also left no phrase from insults.com unused. And he misspelled a word. Not quite sure how I caught that after he threatened to kill me. But I am certainly not going to pick a bone with him about his spelling. Would not do any good. He is as a rock is dumb.
Near the end of his cut and paste job, he denies using a thesaurus. He protests too much. When he snaps, people could get seriously hurt.
Was not difficult, at all, to get under the little twits skin.
I guess he realized that it really does suck to be auntieliberal.
@60 Depends on what you mean by “actionable.”
Roger – you are dependent on taxpayer dollars, both when you were gainfully employed as a govt lawyer and now in retirement. I find it funny that you think those who earn a living and contribute to the free economy are freeloaders, but you, on the other hand, are a deserving leech.
@60 (continued) If you know his address … http://tinyurl.com/33uds3*
* Hey, just kidding! Wingnut humor, ya know?
@71 “Roger – you are dependent on taxpayer dollars … in retirement.”
How do you figure that? Every cent of my pension checks is money I earned that was deducted from my paychecks. My health insurance is fully paid for by me — no taxpayer subsidy. So where’s the taxpayer dollars, Janet Liar?
@71 As for the fact that my salary was paid with taxpayer dollars when I was working — why shouldn’t I be paid for my work? Is my labor less worthy of compensation because it is performed for the benefit of our state’s citizens, instead of for the private benefit of some business owner?
Apparently he is threatened by individuals with larger vocabularies than he possesses. His penis envy becomes, what, obvious?
All I did was point out what a coward he is and he goes off like a George Bush authorized missle aimed at Saddam. Nice gesture, but he missed the real target. That target looks at him with bloodshot eyes, through the haze of a world class hangover, everyday as he passes the mirror in his single wide trailer to relieve himself of the last of the previous evenings libation.
No matter how hard he tries, he can’t drink the truth out of what is left of his hate addled mind. He is a coward.
It sucks to be auntieliberal.
Every time Anti-Liberal posts here, I can’t help but notice that he, she or it is the antithesis of everything liberal.
Anti-Liberal is tiresome. Liberals are interesting.
Anti-Liberal is bitter. Liberals are warm.
Anti-Liberal is racist. Liberals are tolerant to a fault.
There’s plenty more, but I’m sure you can make your own list.
Makes me proud and happy to be a liberal.
@75 I thought it was quite literary. Which is why it’s a sure thing he didn’t write it himself. That and the fact everything in a Republican’s possession was stolen from someone else.
Janet S:
Retirement is benefit funded as part of your compensation for working. YOU EARN IT NOW, COLLECT IT LATER. Why can’t you understand that.
Are you married to auntieliberal? Is auntieliberal really JCH or proudofherfatlyingthreateningcheatingass? Come on Janet, you ignorant slut, tell us?
We will keep it to ourselves. Promise!
Left Appendage(inserted in Mouth) ….
If you truly got enough of “it” you wouldn’t need another’s wife(s) to satisfy yourself.
Obvious Huh…..Is to me.
His plea that he wrote it was the best part of the post. I love a good joke.
@79 I don’t get why anyone would want YOUR wife.
kiroqueen @ 79:
Might want to check your own throat for that appendage. I am not the one who claims to have been getting IT from someone elses wife.
Typical Republican, facts don’t add up, so invent facts that cover your ass. Odds are no one will check. Right?
Not gonna go unchecked on this blog. You definitly need to get with IT.
Funny how that works!
Hey Janet:
You know those pesky government lawyers you don’t think should be living off government tax dollars? I just wanted to point out (with an assist from the Mrs) what you would be missing without “government” lawyers:
1. District Attorneys- No prosecution of any crimes if these people did not take the “hand-out” government job. But that would suit your purpose, just lock up whoever the police arrest. They must be guilty if the cops nab them.
2. Public Defenders- No defense will be needed. The DA’s office is empty, so no one will be needing a fair trial. They will just be locked up.
3. United States Attorneys- The guys who prosecute federal crime. No need for them. We are just locking folks up when they get arrested. As for the civil cases, you know, when the wrongly incarcerated folks start hiring the private sector attorneys to sue the government for locking them up, you know that annoying habeas corpus thing, well just pay the claims, not need to litigate. And the corporate raiders, like Enron, well they will go unsued for the ill gotten gains, and tough nuts for the average Joe. He should have been smarter than to trust a corporation.
4. Guardian ad litium- just let the abused kids go unprotected. You Republicans think there are too many of them anyway, those kids all belong to poor people living off welfare anyway.
Janet, you ignorant slut, pay attention. When you spew a general statement it only serves to expose your myopic, selfish intent and stupidity.
Speaking of U.S. attorneys, John McKay got canned. I wonder which Republican scumsucker he threatened to investigate?
The “genius” whose rant is at 55 above may have misspelled a word, but his most egregious error was his completely incorrect use of the word “schmendrick”. (Evidently while he was trying to control his raging erection, while cutting and pasting, he missed the error in his zeal to insult me by using Yiddish. A language with which he is utterly unfamiliar.
Really sucks to be auntie”I can’t fool anyone” liberal.
My guess is he knows he went too far. He knows he can be found. And now he needs to pretend none of this ever happened. I bet his mommy is pissed.
Funny how that is not going to work.
Anti-Liberal is tiresome. Not to me. I like reading his attacks to see what your side will write in return. I looked up wlatsome. Never seen that word before.
Liberals are interesting. So interesting I come her to read their gibberish and cursing everyday! Yesterday, I read about someone previously complaining about two Americas. Then he has a 28000+ sq ft house built. Now that’s interesting. More on that later.
Anti-Liberal is bitter. I agree with this one. He’s bitter and RECKLESS about people who are two-faced in their life’s approaches. Too bad the argument is lost by his commentary.
Liberals are warm. Wrong! Many on your side are cold, mean, nasty, arrogant, hateful, and ignorant. I used to present Maxine Waters as my posterperson. Lately Barbara Boxer has taken the lead. Rosie O’Donnell is high on the list. Locally: Most everyone here. The most egregious ones are Roger Rabbit, Headless Loocy, Tree Frog Farmer and Rujax! are the most mean-spirited. Lately Headless has gone quiet. Left Foot has to defend himself so I overlook his FYs against anit-liberal. Left Foot’s FYs against me demonstrate a character flaw, militarily or not!
Anti-Liberal is racist. That may be true.
Liberals are tolerant to a fault. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! This one wins! The Internet has many examples. Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. Harry Belafonte. John Kerry. Dennis Kucinich and his fairness doctrine. Russ Finegold and his funds cutoff for the troops. Liberals who post on HorsesAss. Liberals who want to convict before any jury is empaneled – 81 Duke University Professors first letter on the “fake” rape in NC. Randi Rhodes & Al Franken on Air America.
Now John Edwards: Two Americas. One for rich white democrats and the other for poor white democrats. Which one does he represent. The article said his is the largest house in the county.
Look at all those trees clear-cut for his “mansion”. I guess I was dead wrong. There are two Americas afterall.
Speaking of tolerance. Jimmy Carter.
The most telling statement about tolerance was Dr Alan Dershowitz:
“Mr. Carter’s appearance at the Brandeis campus in Boston was followed by an appearance by Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been critical of the book. Although Mr. Carter refused to debate him and even to appear with him, Mr. Dershowitz told the students in attendance that he appreciated the former president’s apology.
“You heard the Brandeis Jimmy Carter today, and he was terrific,” Mr. Dershowitz said. “I support almost everything he said. But if you listen to the Al Jazeera Jimmy Carter, you’ll hear a very different perspective.””
Some time ago someone blogged the would match JC’s intelligence against GB’s. I guess JC met his match with AD. Got to love that democratic tolerance!
The tolerance gift that keeps on giving: Navigate to Google. +Tolerance and it’s ROTFLMAO!
Speaking of tolerance, I bet these two boys will get off with a wrist slap.
If I wanted to use the standard Right=Stupid approach: Example #3,456,235,433,787,355,234,754,755 in the long line of liberally raised children just expressing themselves!
Tolerance: http://www.ketv.com/newsarchiv.....etail.html
Tolerance: Blacks like Hillary over Obama. Now that’s funny. http://cbs2chicago.com/topstor.....91728.html
Liberals are really warm: When they spend other peoples’ money:
Right wingers really support the war – as long as they are sending other people’s kids to fight it!
Broadway Joe: If someone gives their money to charity and writes their gifts to charity is best for their money, what elevator did you enter? Apparently is doesn’t travel to the top!
I’d ask Roger Rabbit for two more $99 helmets for your sons in Iraq!
Do your sons hate GWB? Just asking for tolerance sake!
Right=Stupid: If the kids volunteered for service how does that play?
I’d agree with you if a draft was declared like Charles Rangel has said four times over the last year or so!
I just noticed this software removes anything in quotes not tied to the “official” letters.
I wrote in #89 Google less than sign “insert liberal name here” greater than sign + Tolerance ROTFLMAO!
Too bad the software chops that off.
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Hail Hitler.
Dear (w)reckless,
Please don’t write anymore of your nonsense before you take your meds. You know how your mind, or what is left of it, wanders when you are not balanced.
By the way, fuck you.
Love and kisses,
Left Foot – regarding your post where you think I don’t like govt lawyers, thanks for the condescending crap. Too bad you can’t follow a line of thought.
In most of Roger’s posts, he accuses everyone who earns a living outside of the govt to be a leech on society. If someone is successful, he must have stolen the money from someone else. He is an angry old man who resents everyone who lives better than he does, which is pretty much the rest of the country.
That’s why I commented on his reliance on taxpayer dollars both in his working years and now in retirement. I have no problem with people gainfully employed and doing the necessary work of govt. But don’t slam everyone else as being unethical.
By the way, if I have followed the stories correctly over the years, the govt pension plan isn’t fully funded and has needed cash infusions over the years in order make payouts. I don’t begrudge a reasonable pension, but some of those folks are making almost as much in retirement as they made on the job, because they played the system.
Janet Stupid@103 No, you haven’t followed the stories correctly. The infusions’ have been illicit curtailments of monies due the fund by feckless and ill advised legislators.
They have lost at least two lawsuits due to this, and had to deplete the ‘rainy-day’ fund on one occasion to make up the shortfall.
Go back to being a shill for the Californicating “recycling” industries. . . . . . .
SeattleDan says:
Well, there you go, Goldy. Anti-liberal at #55 is probably actionable. That’s why I’d be worried about not moderatng your comments. Keep the post and contact a lawyer. This man is dangerous. Ban him and sue him.
01/26/2007 at 10:37 pm
seattledan…..come on. how can goldy possibly sue himself? even a liberal progressive as “creative” as goldy couldn’t pull that off.and everyone BUT YOU already gets that goldy is shilling so people will feel sorry for him and give him money…..where have you been?
“this man is dangerous”…..in the context that you mean, no….but in reality, yes, goldy probably is dangerous.he seems to have the morals of a bedbug…..also know as a L-I-B-E-R-A-L.
his motto “the end justifies the means” is now being used against him by all the people like ron sims that he shilled for. and how can any of us forget his part in the botched governor’s race?
and you are “scared” to post here why? stop being such a naive baby…..suck it up, man.
geez…you chose your screen name well…seattledan…yup, there isn’t enough testosterone in seattle to supply a mouse.
now that’s funny……
christmasghost at 105:
What is there to say that has not been said? Not much really, you just don’t get it. I could explain the “pay if you like it” business model used by SpyBot, SpywareBlaster,ePrompter and others. But I won’t.
Just let me say this:
Go fuck yourself in the ass using the horse you rode in on as your stud.
You make no meaningful contribution here. You “steal” the entertainment and information.
No better than a common thief.
Goldy I will pay you for the IP address of Christmas Ghost.
Ah yes, post #102.
Typical left wing propoganda. BTW for you to be a bitch tamer you have to strong and powerful. I seriously doubt it. I’d guess 5’5″ or so 135 to 150 pounds max.
You must live in two universes like John Edwards in two Americas. Whomever you are today, you don’t measure up!
That tepid response is the best you could do?
Heathen Sinner: Hail Hitler? Like a cab?
————Ha ha ha ha ha————
So tell me Mr Heathen, are you the standard heathen liberal? I think so! Why do liberals like to use Hitler as their comparison point? Maybe because they identify with him so well?
#109: I don’t flame throw. I just throw funny things done by liberals. Two Americas. HA HA HA HA HA
AHHHHH…… now HERE is the voice of the modern liberal. i don’t like what you have to say so i will ” out you”
gawd….you people are maudlin bores……..
and you, tiny brain, would do what with an IP address? why don’t you tell me so we can all have a good laugh.
Isn’t it interesting to see how brave right wing turds are when they can hide behind a faux internet post?
This is why these punks don’t come to the live HA events. This is why 5000 people lined up in downtown Seattle yesterday to protest the war and not one winger showed up in person to counter protest. These pukes are cowards. Punks like Christmas Ghost would pee himself if he had to stand toe-to-toe with me and try to talk that crazy shit!
Anyone else notice that auntie has vanished?
right [ahem]…”Punks like Christmas Ghost would pee himself if he had to stand toe-to-toe with me and try to talk that crazy shit!”
first of all, it would be tough for me to pee myself like a man since i am a woman. yup…it’s sad really that you are getting your ass kicked verbally by a 5’3 woman isn’t it?
crazy sh*t? ummmm…that would be YOU talking, don’t you think?
it’s funny…the last time a man said something like that it was paul “crybaby” berendt and he was the one that was “crying” after i dealt with him.
and now he’s where?
so, don’t be so absurd……