Cunt, she should stick a vibrator in herself while in the bath tub – maybe she would die by electricution, the good ole fasion way. Maybe thats MTR’s or PuddyDick’s Mother.
J. R. Simplot didn’t believe in God, and was a Republican too,* so no telling where he’s at now. He ain’t on this mortal coil anymore, though. He was 99. Cripes, if you don’t drink or smoke, what’s the point of living that long?
* After all, Idaho’s state government is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the J. R. Simplot Co.
2 – Stupes, that’s your favorite right wing bullshit outfit wanting to kill your candidate in November.
Or is he really your candidate?
You’ve been shilling for those guys for so long. What a losing fool you are!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You know Hillary is not getting the respect she deserves in this nomination process. She should go third party. Yeah, she would make McCain illegitimate if Obama happened to lose, but hey the Clintons were illegitimate so why should she care. Run Hillary run.
Too bad we can’t find a Democratic leaning Secret Service agent to go arrest this whore for threatening a Presidential Candidate.
The sad thing for LilBitch/PiddlyDick is that this woman is 10 times better looking than his aids-infested wife! HE HE!
Who the hell is Liz Trotta?
Hey our girl Liz is in tight with the Moonies (Wa Times), now that crackpot crack she was slinging on Fox is starting to look like small potatoes. I’d push the Moonie angle for all it’s worth.
Liz Trotta
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Liz Trotta is a Fox News contributor and former New York bureau chief of The Washington Times.
The author of Fighting for Air: In the Trenches with Television News, Trotta was the first woman to cover a war for broadcast news.
She began her career in journalism in 1965 working for the NBC affiliate in New York and won network recognition by taking on tough assignments including covering the Vietnam War and 1984 presidential candidate, George McGovern.
Trotta has worked for Hillman Periodicals; Inter-Catholic Press Agency; Long Island Press; Chicago Tribune; Newsday; NBC and CBS. She has taught Journalism at Stern College of Yeshiva University.
The winner of three Emmy awards and two Overseas Press Club awards,[1] Trotta is a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
In honor of the Kennedy’s and of Hilalry’s inadvertahnt “outing” of this nightmare, I have created a new Obama button. The button can be seen here and I expect to give out some freebies when they arrive here in Seattle in about 2 weeks.
As for HRC, like Obama I believe this was ibnadvertant. There is no way any sane person running for office would raise this issue. oTOH, the series of faux pas in her campaign ..
California is an all or none state
Claiming she was always foirst to be asked hard questions.
The Kennedy citation
Combined wiht a persistent pattern of bblaming others for HER problems and a willinges to change the rules when it is convenient for her, have really soured me on the image of Hillary as well prepared to be Prexy.
To qupte one of her own lines vs. Obama, if she can’t stand the ehat in tghe kitchen she may not be ready to be President (or VEEP).
Simplot a Republican? Not according to him:
“I never choose sides in politics. That’s bullshit. I have to get along with whoever gets in.”
By the way, some computer chips designed at Micron have a “Famous Potatoes” logo in one corner of the top metal mask.
Jesus I bet the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is VERY ashamed that a cunt like this is pretending to be a journalist and doing so with their name on her CV. If it’s even true that is. Given she’s a Faux News contributor, you have to assume everything she says is utter bullshit from the gate.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I saw that little clip of Liz Trotta live on Fox yesterday. I knew you guys would have it on the blogs, and, sure enough, there it is!
Did you guys ever think that constantly watching Fox for screw-ups is productive? Wouldn’t it be a far better thing to do something positive?
Oh well, at least you’re watching Fox and helping to keep it on the air. I’m sure Rupert Murdock (SP?) and everyone else at Fox appreciates it very much.
Politically Incorrectspews:
BBG @ 11,
Does the word “journalist” mean “neo-socialist” reporter? The vast majority of newsies don’t vote for Republicans (or even Libertarians, for that matter), so what are you complaining about? You people control the media with your left-wing agenda, not the Fox News people. They’re a tiny minority in an ocean of neo-socialist “reporters.”
You’re probably too young to remember, but I remember Liz Trotta’s reports on CBS when the Vietnam War was raging. Why didn’t the left hate her then? Was she useful to their cause?
That’s my biggest problem with the left: they are just as corrupt and mean as the right. They just won’t admit it.
You know, Obama will probably win in November, and you fucking assholes will get a chance to fuck it up really good.
12 “Did you guys ever think that constantly watching Fox for screw-ups is productive? Wouldn’t it be a far better thing to do something positive?”
Nah. Some of us watch Fox every once in a while to catch the slogans and catch phrases that hecklers like you regurgitate here.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Somebody thinks that is a simple “screw-up?”
13 We don’t exactly have the toughest act to follow, pal. The Bush Gang’s gig has become the aristocrats joke of politics.
An ‘apology’ has been issued. It was the typical ‘if anyone was offended’ crap, not the one she should have done.
Why didn’t the left hate her then? Was she useful to their cause?
Did she make offhand jokes about killing people?
You know, Obama will probably win in November, and you fucking assholes will get a chance to fuck it up really good.
Massive deficits, an endless war based on lies, illegal spying, total corruption of the government — yeah, Obama will make all of that a lot worse, just watch.
P.S. Whatever happened to right-wing pearl-clutching over foul language?
@13: Of course Obama will win in November – the republican party and GWB have messed up this country so badly that no republican is trusted to run the country – and McSame is just GWB the third.
Once again we see the much-vaunted liberalism of the mainstream media.
Over a full day since a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Newsday and an invited commentator on Fox News compared Barak Obama to Osama bin Ladin, then hoped that both of them would be killed.
And, of course, all the other news networks are running this as their lead story, and it was front-page news in every paper in the country.
Oh, wait. It looks like it’s mostly just the blogs covering it. Most newspapers are ignoring the story (although the LA Times did cover it) and the networks are silent.
How can this be? All that “liberal press” and nobody is covering that the “only fair and balanced network” has televised an appeal for assasination against a Presidential candidate?
And let’s be perfectly clear here. While Senator Clinton’s words were stupid and ill-considered, they were not an open appeal for some nutcase to go hunting black Presidential candidates.
The plain words of Ms. Trotta:
“as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama , umm, ah… Obama, well both if we could…”
If a commentator on MSNBC (arguably the furthest left of the news networks) had suggested that an attack on Senator McCain was desireable, there would be calls for investigations and prosecutions. Many of those calls would be coming from liberals (yours truly included).
Somehow, Fox News gets away with having the commentator say “oops, sorry” on a Sunday morning news program, while Rush Limbaugh calls for riots in the streets and the media is strangely quiet.
Asked for his opinion on the possibility that the Democratic nomination would have t await results of the Martian expedition, Barck Obam pointed out that even if intelligent life were found, there is no Constitutional law supporting voter rights for non human sensient
Cunt, she should stick a vibrator in herself while in the bath tub – maybe she would die by electricution, the good ole fasion way. Maybe thats MTR’s or PuddyDick’s Mother.
TommyGoober@1: Nope – she’s jo mama!
J. R. Simplot didn’t believe in God, and was a Republican too,* so no telling where he’s at now. He ain’t on this mortal coil anymore, though. He was 99. Cripes, if you don’t drink or smoke, what’s the point of living that long?
* After all, Idaho’s state government is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the J. R. Simplot Co.
2 – Stupes, that’s your favorite right wing bullshit outfit wanting to kill your candidate in November.
Or is he really your candidate?
You’ve been shilling for those guys for so long. What a losing fool you are!
You know Hillary is not getting the respect she deserves in this nomination process. She should go third party. Yeah, she would make McCain illegitimate if Obama happened to lose, but hey the Clintons were illegitimate so why should she care. Run Hillary run.
Too bad we can’t find a Democratic leaning Secret Service agent to go arrest this whore for threatening a Presidential Candidate.
The sad thing for LilBitch/PiddlyDick is that this woman is 10 times better looking than his aids-infested wife! HE HE!
Who the hell is Liz Trotta?
Hey our girl Liz is in tight with the Moonies (Wa Times), now that crackpot crack she was slinging on Fox is starting to look like small potatoes. I’d push the Moonie angle for all it’s worth.
In honor of the Kennedy’s and of Hilalry’s inadvertahnt “outing” of this nightmare, I have created a new Obama button. The button can be seen here and I expect to give out some freebies when they arrive here in Seattle in about 2 weeks.
As for HRC, like Obama I believe this was ibnadvertant. There is no way any sane person running for office would raise this issue. oTOH, the series of faux pas in her campaign ..
California is an all or none state
Claiming she was always foirst to be asked hard questions.
The Kennedy citation
Combined wiht a persistent pattern of bblaming others for HER problems and a willinges to change the rules when it is convenient for her, have really soured me on the image of Hillary as well prepared to be Prexy.
To qupte one of her own lines vs. Obama, if she can’t stand the ehat in tghe kitchen she may not be ready to be President (or VEEP).
Simplot a Republican? Not according to him:
“I never choose sides in politics. That’s bullshit. I have to get along with whoever gets in.”
By the way, some computer chips designed at Micron have a “Famous Potatoes” logo in one corner of the top metal mask.
Jesus I bet the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is VERY ashamed that a cunt like this is pretending to be a journalist and doing so with their name on her CV. If it’s even true that is. Given she’s a Faux News contributor, you have to assume everything she says is utter bullshit from the gate.
I saw that little clip of Liz Trotta live on Fox yesterday. I knew you guys would have it on the blogs, and, sure enough, there it is!
Did you guys ever think that constantly watching Fox for screw-ups is productive? Wouldn’t it be a far better thing to do something positive?
Oh well, at least you’re watching Fox and helping to keep it on the air. I’m sure Rupert Murdock (SP?) and everyone else at Fox appreciates it very much.
BBG @ 11,
Does the word “journalist” mean “neo-socialist” reporter? The vast majority of newsies don’t vote for Republicans (or even Libertarians, for that matter), so what are you complaining about? You people control the media with your left-wing agenda, not the Fox News people. They’re a tiny minority in an ocean of neo-socialist “reporters.”
You’re probably too young to remember, but I remember Liz Trotta’s reports on CBS when the Vietnam War was raging. Why didn’t the left hate her then? Was she useful to their cause?
That’s my biggest problem with the left: they are just as corrupt and mean as the right. They just won’t admit it.
You know, Obama will probably win in November, and you fucking assholes will get a chance to fuck it up really good.
12 “Did you guys ever think that constantly watching Fox for screw-ups is productive? Wouldn’t it be a far better thing to do something positive?”
Nah. Some of us watch Fox every once in a while to catch the slogans and catch phrases that hecklers like you regurgitate here.
Somebody thinks that is a simple “screw-up?”
13 We don’t exactly have the toughest act to follow, pal. The Bush Gang’s gig has become the aristocrats joke of politics.
An ‘apology’ has been issued. It was the typical ‘if anyone was offended’ crap, not the one she should have done.
‘Clarification noted.’
What a pantload.
“Fair and Balanced” my ass!
Did she make offhand jokes about killing people?
Massive deficits, an endless war based on lies, illegal spying, total corruption of the government — yeah, Obama will make all of that a lot worse, just watch.
P.S. Whatever happened to right-wing pearl-clutching over foul language?
@13: Of course Obama will win in November – the republican party and GWB have messed up this country so badly that no republican is trusted to run the country – and McSame is just GWB the third.
Once again we see the much-vaunted liberalism of the mainstream media.
Over a full day since a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Newsday and an invited commentator on Fox News compared Barak Obama to Osama bin Ladin, then hoped that both of them would be killed.
And, of course, all the other news networks are running this as their lead story, and it was front-page news in every paper in the country.
Oh, wait. It looks like it’s mostly just the blogs covering it. Most newspapers are ignoring the story (although the LA Times did cover it) and the networks are silent.
How can this be? All that “liberal press” and nobody is covering that the “only fair and balanced network” has televised an appeal for assasination against a Presidential candidate?
And let’s be perfectly clear here. While Senator Clinton’s words were stupid and ill-considered, they were not an open appeal for some nutcase to go hunting black Presidential candidates.
The plain words of Ms. Trotta:
If a commentator on MSNBC (arguably the furthest left of the news networks) had suggested that an attack on Senator McCain was desireable, there would be calls for investigations and prosecutions. Many of those calls would be coming from liberals (yours truly included).
Somehow, Fox News gets away with having the commentator say “oops, sorry” on a Sunday morning news program, while Rush Limbaugh calls for riots in the streets and the media is strangely quiet.
Hillary, “one more time!”
(26 May SJ News service, San Juan Puerto Rico)
Hillary Clinton received the news about the discovery of life on Mars with exhilaration. The candidate announced to her rapt followers at the Tamboo Tavern, “Just one more cerveza and one more election. This thing is not over until we know whether there is life on Mars!.”
Asked for his opinion on the possibility that the Democratic nomination would have t await results of the Martian expedition, Barck Obam pointed out that even if intelligent life were found, there is no Constitutional law supporting voter rights for non human sensient
cross posted at SeattleJew