– Who could have predicted that Obama’s birth control compromise wouldn’t placate conservatives?
– A joint press release from Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Pierce Transit and Kitsap Transit on the awful transportation bill.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Who could have predicted that Obama’s birth control compromise wouldn’t placate conservatives?
– A joint press release from Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Pierce Transit and Kitsap Transit on the awful transportation bill.
Next thing you know, these uppity women will be thinking they should keep their “right” to vote!
Christian Nightmares: Singing in tongues…
Okay, this was funny….
Gov. Gregoire
Being an idiot pays big money in our crazy culture. See, e.g., Snooki, Bristol, and the waitress who made $2 million a year as a mortgage broker.
Instead of saying “get a job” the Tea Partiers should be telling the Occupiers, “get an agent!”
America’s Madrasses
A California journalist describes how well-organized and well-financed “missionaries” have set up more than 3,500 groups in public schools across America to indoctrinate children as young as 4 years old in evangelical Christianity.
@2 Singing in tongues is merely an intonation of speaking in tongues.
A quick check of Wikipedia reveals that rightwing religious fanatics believe speaking in tongues, called glossolalia, is “a miraculous charism or spiritual gift.” Mitt Romney, for example, speaks in tongues when he calls himself a “conservative” or calls President Obama a “socialist,” hoping this will miraculously save his candidacy by getting evangelicals to vote for a phony like him instead of the real evangelical, Ricky Sanitarium.
When linguists use scientific method to study glossolalia, their findings are fascinating. “Gloassolalists claim these tongues can be both real, unlearned languages as well as a ‘language of the spirit,’ a ‘heavenly language,’ or perhaps the language of angels.” But a leading study that included glossolalia samples gathered over a period of several years from the U.S., Canada, Italy, Holland, and Jamaica, found that “glossolalic speech does resemble human language” and consists of syllables “formed from consonants and vowels taken from a language known to the speaker.” Other researchers have confirmed that glossolalic sounds “reflected the patterns of speech of the speaker’s native language” — which, of course, strongly suggests human rather than divine origin for such speech.
Here’s a question to ask your evangelical friends: If speaking in tongues is a divine gift, how come you have to set up schools to teach your kids how to sing in tongues?
Maybe God went on strike and they replaced Her.
2, 7 & 8,
I think singing in tongues and speaking in tongues is just people letting their subconcscience run amok. If one wants to talk in tongues to “prove” that talking in tongues exists, the his or her subconscious will happily play whatever “tongue” he or she chooses to speak. In other words, talking in tongues and singing in tongues is pure, bullshit: it only exists in the minds of the idiots who beleive in it.
So Phil Gramm’s leaving UBS, eh? If any of y’all have money tied up with them, I’d think you’d want to get it out of there quick. They’re probably stoking the shredders 24X7 and have someone watching the door for the Feds.
Our trolls suffer from severe conservative” syndrome.
severely disabled (lame).
severely ill (mentally)
severely depressed (if you were as racist and idiotic as them, wouldn’t you be?)
severely limited (in their intelligence)
severely injured (brain damaged)
Shoot! I love this new meme of “severe” conservatism.
Fuck! That just nails it, Roger. Well done.
Oh my! The madness of Queen Sarah:
But she’s a Faux News millionaire has-been right? We won’t hear much again from mad Queen Sarah will we?
re 10: “…subconcscience.”
A more accurate description of an evangelical wingnut’s mental state could not be found — except in your ‘subconscious’.
You have made this mistake before, so don’t try to pass it off as a mere misspelling. This is why guys like you make me laugh.
# 2, 7, 8, & 10:
Most of those who speak in tongues are Pentacostals. This is a sub-set of Evangelicals, but I’ve known members of mainline religions (Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) who did so as well. It is believed to be one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which most receive only after prayer and fasting.
There is not one “tongue”, which is why the New Testament says that for each utterance there should be an interpreter available for the benefit of the rest of the congregation. Some times it’s a word of prophecy, of warning, mostly it’s a call for Christians to return to Him.
A lot of discussion has occured about the similarity of tongues to earthly languages. In Acts Chapter 3 it says each person heard according to their own language, which has at times been argued to mean that the disciples emerged from the upper room at Pentacost speaking in a variety of earthly languages. Others say that they were not earthly languages at all, but that each person hearing them was given the ability to understand them, as if they were the hearer’s native language.
For the most part, you see this in “praying in tongues”, whereby people pray in a language which might resemble some earthly languages, but is not one of them. In that instance, the person who is praying is said to have pushed beyond the limits of earthly language so that his/her heart is having a conversation directly with God, most often in a “worship” setting.
But I know of no teaching which says you can teach people to speak in tongues. I would be very wary of that, because we know that people can mimic the gift of speaking in tongues, and this would seem to encourage that.
Continuation of # 16: Yea, I know most people think Pentacostals are crazy. At the first Pentacostal experience described in Act. Ch. 3, people laughed it off, saying that those speaking in tounges were “drunk on new wine”. Heck, even the Baptists can’t decide if we are demon-possessed or merely led astray by false teaching.
It is what it is.
Which brings me to one point, about religion and politics. Religion has no place in politics. Jesus expressly taught that the existing political order was not his concern: “render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser’s”, and entreating servants (slaves) to obey those who are put into positions of authority over them.
When politics and religion mix, both sides are trying to use the other. In the end, both sides end up smelling like the losers in a tug-of-war contest where the pig wallow is in the center.
Yay’s! If you’re thinking about supporting a few candidates around the country you might take a look at Chuck Hassebrook who’s just announced that he’ll be running for the Nebraska senate seat that Ben Nelson is retiring from.
“Subconscience” might be a more accurate term because I think the tongue talkers (and singers) really know what they’re doing is jive-ass. That is, they really know they’re being taken-in by this religious “phenomenon,” but they do it anyway to show how much better their evangelical world is compared to any one else.
I wasn’t an English or grammar major, so I may misuse the language at times, dork, but at least I’m not a fucking asshole like you. I get the point across, whereas the “point” in your case is the shape of your head.
I’ve always thought that “Father, Son and Holy Ghost” schtick was a way for the early Christians to convert the Pagan Europeans to Christianity. The Pagans believed in multiple gods, so the Christians came up with the Trinity to make conversion more appealing to the Pagsns. Of course, when given the choice of conversion to Christianity or a sword in the guts, a lot of Pagans opted to go the Catholic Chrisitan route.
Pentecostal madness:
Uhhh.. Wow! C’mon folks. This hysteria, this fear-mongering is a BUSINESS.. It sells books, tapes, lucrative guest sermon tours, hooks the gullible and empties their pockets.
The mention of Hemet is interesting.. The Scientologists have a HUGE retreat near Hemet complete with a fancy golf course.. I’d like to see these “spiritual mapping” charlatans take on the Scientologists – that’s a pretty mean bunch.
I suppose the Brits are being prudent and sensible and all that, but geeze this sorta gives me the willies.
It seems like prudent planning to me. When the s**t* hits the fan, you are already too late in making plans. Can you imagine tens of thousands of tourists, diplomats, merchants, staff, and ex-pats all finding that their credit cards won’t be honored and the cash in their pocket either won’t be accepted or will be seized at the airport, train station, or border by customs agents?
I once worked for an oil company’s environmental remediation group, and an old grizzled hand would tell stories of working in countries where the first thing that happened every morning was a company messenger would hand-deliver the day’s evacuation instructions, including full-fare airline tickets, assembly points, code words, and contact numbers. This applied to the workers and their families as well.
re 21: “Schtick”???? You are right that I’m an asshole — but I’m an asshole with a sense of humor.
Your use of the word ‘schtick’ makes me think that an ancient doppelganger of Henny Youngman was visiting the pagans and trying to convert them to Christianity (Take my religion …. please!!)
Upon successfully converting some pagans,the Youngman doppelganger would take out a stringed instrument, play a few bars, and wave the bright red inner sleeves of his travelling gown. Time for a quick exit —
You see — this is how traditions develop.
@18 Of course, the “Render unto Caesar” bit is used by the religious right to justify absolute acquiescence to authority and respect for the power of the President–when said President is “one of their own”. Put a Democrat in the Oval Office, and all of a sudden they’re all about exercising their “constitutional right” to tell Uncle Sam to go blow himself.
This is hysterical.
I just saw this on DailyKos. Oh. My. God.
Not only is the fratricidal food fight that is the Republican Primary no end of humor, but now Santorum has an ad that appears to arm Romney (or a Romney doppelganger) with a Santorum gun!!!
OMG is right. Of all the things they could do, this Santorum Gun takes the cake! Dumbest ad in history (how soon we forget Herman Cain and Rick Perry.) I just saw part of the ad on a news segment on MSNBC.
Here’s the ad on HuffPo. http://huff.to/yhrlBR