Is there any question, seriously, where we need to go as a nation? Would it be toward what Little George has accomplished, or might it be in the direction of leftist insurrection? I’m buyin’ a gun. Roger Rabbit says that liberals must arm, and I’m thinking I agree.
Absolutely PL – I am a proud gun owner. And the day that some cowardly GOP fuck tries to ambush me, he’ll realize (albeit too late) that not all Dems are anti-gun. A well-armed citizenry helps to protect democracy from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC!
You first 2 clowns are hilarious. And pathetic. Barry Hussein, Mrs Cuckquean, Ted the swimmer, etc, etc, all democrats, are the ones taking away your GOD-given right to own a gun.
Joe Wilson was, is, and always will be a self-promoting liar. He’s a pos who will say anything to garner attention. (Kind of like BJ.) 2 facts to shoot down anything “Valerie Plames’ husband” says: Iraq had nuclear facilities destroyed by Israel in 1981. And again, last year, after Syria was completing the nuclear weapons plant moved there by Saddam Hussein before his defeat by the USA.
Here’s a neat tidbit I know ya’all didn’t read. ‘Cause you’d rather believe Joe Wilson and his anti-American ilk than the truth:
Wow. Since GWB has been in office, terrorism has declined. Wow. Maybe ’cause unlike his predecessor, the man has stones. He’s actually fighting terrorism. Barry Hussein, Mrs cuckquean and the commie-demos would rather surrender than fight.
I don’t want to live under the rule of fascists and their lackeys like the extreme nutjob in 3.
So yes, I am 100 percent for the right to bear arms and weapons training. It’s just simple common sense to prepare to defend yourself from mindless thugs.
And there’s no better time to start than now. This presidential campaign is going to be the nastiest in history. The right wing is so desperate to cling to power, I don’t put anything past them.
Now when the right wing cowards and traitors tell you the lie about no terrorism in the US since 9/11 – you have to be willing to forget the three documented cases of Anthrax being delivered to media outlets. Now maybe the White House doesn’t consider that terrorism because it ordered right wing henchmen to do the deed?
Roger Rabbitspews:
1,2 I’ll bet Republicans would be more polite if he knew liberals are armed. And they might be less inclined to steal elections if they knew we’re all armed. And even less inclined to arrest people without warrants and jail them without trial …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, free press, religious freedom, rule of law, and due process of law.
Conservatives arrest people without charges, imprison them without trial, and deny prisoners access to lawyers so they can beat, rape, sodomize, torture, and murder them.
Conservatives want to jail critics and dissenters under “sedition” laws.
Conservatives want to prevent the media from reporting the government’s crimes.
Conservatives want to force-feed their religion to our children in the public schools.
Conservatives support giving government the power to spy on your medical, financial, employment, school, and library records — without a warrant, probable cause, or judicial oversight.
Conservatives don’t bother with evidence, don’t like due process, and don’t care if they imprison or kill innocent people.
But there is one “constitutional right” that conservatives will defend at all costs –the “right” of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, criminals, and psychos to possess military assault weapons.
Enough said.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Since GWB has been in office, terrorism has declined.”
Point 1: There has been no reduction in terrorist attacks against abortion clinics and their personnel since GWB took office.
Point 2: Bush & Co. frequently refer to Iraqi resisters against the foreign troops who invaded and occupied their country as “terrorists.” If you accept this definition of “terrorism,” it follows that terrorist acts against U.S. nationals (i.e., American armed forces) have increased thousandsfold.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “the commie-demos would rather surrender than fight”
Try to arrest me for “sedition” and see what happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
Among the acts of terrorism that occurred on Bush’s watch which remain unsolved is the October 2001 assassination of Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Wales, a prominent gun control activist.
Here is what the Bush administration is doing to bring Wales’ killer(s) to justice:
“It has been suggested by the media that John McKay’s dismissal was in part due to his request that resource allocation for the Wales investigation remain high. In June of 2007, the FBI cut the staff assigned to the case down to two.”
If he can’t prosper while the Dems are still fighting out a nomination battle, how is this ancient piece of shit going to handle one-on-one battles where the scrutiny finally starts to fall on him and his constant flip-flops?
Y’know, liberals are idiots. That’s a fact.
When a conservative says the sun comes up in the East, a liberal says “that depends on where you’re standing”. Or, they’ll say “saying ‘East’ is discrimination so we can’t talk about it, or the other directions will be offended”.
Whatta buncha testicle scrubbers.
So many points:
The good right-wing folks who founded this once-great country all believed in self-sufficiency. Liberals believe in handouts.
The good right-wing folks who founded America believe in self-protection first. Liberals (including Barry Hussein and Mrs Cuckquean) say you have no right to a gun. Call the police and then die on the street like Kitty Genovese. In a liberal town.
If you believe in the constitution, you’ll join today!
A random murder (there are thousands every year) like Wales is NOT terrorism.
You mourn for Wales, but call abortion a sacred honor? Ted the swimmer has only a while left ’til he must answer for that great evil.
And, Congress voting overwhelmingly to eliminate Saddam Hussein (Barry O’s namesake) is not treason. As did the U.N., the liberals god-like organization.
Are you eating properly? Getting enough sleep? Seeing a dentist regularly? Y’know: Abscesses create poisons that go straight to the brain.
Maybe that’s the problem. Liberals all got bad teeth.
re 16: The only ‘handout’ you’d get from me would be a knuckle sandwich.
I’m serious. If you spouted that BS in my face, I’d ask you to take it back (which, based on experience, I bet you would), and if you didn’t, I’d pounce on you.
@19: Would you first invite him to Cheesecake at the Bellevue Cheesecake Factory?
Goldsteins shrunken memberspews:
If for no other reason than to annoy the defenders, worshippers, idolaters and FOOLS here at HA! LOL!
“Sign the on-line petition now to SUSPEND Keith Olbermann for the slanderous comments against Mark Levin, and Laura Ingraham, nationally renowned syndicated conservative talk show hosts who were called “Troop Haters” by Olbermann of MSNBC recently.“
Is there any question, seriously, where we need to go as a nation? Would it be toward what Little George has accomplished, or might it be in the direction of leftist insurrection? I’m buyin’ a gun. Roger Rabbit says that liberals must arm, and I’m thinking I agree.
Absolutely PL – I am a proud gun owner. And the day that some cowardly GOP fuck tries to ambush me, he’ll realize (albeit too late) that not all Dems are anti-gun. A well-armed citizenry helps to protect democracy from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC!
You first 2 clowns are hilarious. And pathetic. Barry Hussein, Mrs Cuckquean, Ted the swimmer, etc, etc, all democrats, are the ones taking away your GOD-given right to own a gun.
Joe Wilson was, is, and always will be a self-promoting liar. He’s a pos who will say anything to garner attention. (Kind of like BJ.) 2 facts to shoot down anything “Valerie Plames’ husband” says: Iraq had nuclear facilities destroyed by Israel in 1981. And again, last year, after Syria was completing the nuclear weapons plant moved there by Saddam Hussein before his defeat by the USA.
Here’s a neat tidbit I know ya’all didn’t read. ‘Cause you’d rather believe Joe Wilson and his anti-American ilk than the truth:
Wow. Since GWB has been in office, terrorism has declined. Wow. Maybe ’cause unlike his predecessor, the man has stones. He’s actually fighting terrorism. Barry Hussein, Mrs cuckquean and the commie-demos would rather surrender than fight.
What is it with wingnuts and telling only some of the facts?
I don’t want to live under the rule of fascists and their lackeys like the extreme nutjob in 3.
So yes, I am 100 percent for the right to bear arms and weapons training. It’s just simple common sense to prepare to defend yourself from mindless thugs.
And there’s no better time to start than now. This presidential campaign is going to be the nastiest in history. The right wing is so desperate to cling to power, I don’t put anything past them.
Now when the right wing cowards and traitors tell you the lie about no terrorism in the US since 9/11 – you have to be willing to forget the three documented cases of Anthrax being delivered to media outlets. Now maybe the White House doesn’t consider that terrorism because it ordered right wing henchmen to do the deed?
1,2 I’ll bet Republicans would be more polite if he knew liberals are armed. And they might be less inclined to steal elections if they knew we’re all armed. And even less inclined to arrest people without warrants and jail them without trial …
@3 Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, free press, religious freedom, rule of law, and due process of law.
Conservatives arrest people without charges, imprison them without trial, and deny prisoners access to lawyers so they can beat, rape, sodomize, torture, and murder them.
Conservatives want to jail critics and dissenters under “sedition” laws.
Conservatives want to prevent the media from reporting the government’s crimes.
Conservatives want to force-feed their religion to our children in the public schools.
Conservatives support giving government the power to spy on your medical, financial, employment, school, and library records — without a warrant, probable cause, or judicial oversight.
Conservatives don’t bother with evidence, don’t like due process, and don’t care if they imprison or kill innocent people.
But there is one “constitutional right” that conservatives will defend at all costs –the “right” of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, criminals, and psychos to possess military assault weapons.
Enough said.
@3 “Since GWB has been in office, terrorism has declined.”
Point 1: There has been no reduction in terrorist attacks against abortion clinics and their personnel since GWB took office.
Point 2: Bush & Co. frequently refer to Iraqi resisters against the foreign troops who invaded and occupied their country as “terrorists.” If you accept this definition of “terrorism,” it follows that terrorist acts against U.S. nationals (i.e., American armed forces) have increased thousandsfold.
@3 “the commie-demos would rather surrender than fight”
Try to arrest me for “sedition” and see what happens.
Among the acts of terrorism that occurred on Bush’s watch which remain unsolved is the October 2001 assassination of Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Wales, a prominent gun control activist.
Here is what the Bush administration is doing to bring Wales’ killer(s) to justice:
“It has been suggested by the media that John McKay’s dismissal was in part due to his request that resource allocation for the Wales investigation remain high. In June of 2007, the FBI cut the staff assigned to the case down to two.”
(From Wikipedia; quoted under fair use.)
re 3: Only crazy people and criminals will be prevented from owning guns.
Which one of those restrictions concerns you the most?
@3 “Iraq had nuclear facilities destroyed by Israel in 1981.”
This is how you defend treason? If I ever got in trouble, I’d sure hate having you as my lawyer.
Looks like FlipFlop McCain is already having trouble.
If he can’t prosper while the Dems are still fighting out a nomination battle, how is this ancient piece of shit going to handle one-on-one battles where the scrutiny finally starts to fall on him and his constant flip-flops?
Y’know, liberals are idiots. That’s a fact.
When a conservative says the sun comes up in the East, a liberal says “that depends on where you’re standing”. Or, they’ll say “saying ‘East’ is discrimination so we can’t talk about it, or the other directions will be offended”.
Whatta buncha testicle scrubbers.
So many points:
The good right-wing folks who founded this once-great country all believed in self-sufficiency. Liberals believe in handouts.
The good right-wing folks who founded America believe in self-protection first. Liberals (including Barry Hussein and Mrs Cuckquean) say you have no right to a gun. Call the police and then die on the street like Kitty Genovese. In a liberal town.
If you believe in the constitution, you’ll join today!
A random murder (there are thousands every year) like Wales is NOT terrorism.
You mourn for Wales, but call abortion a sacred honor? Ted the swimmer has only a while left ’til he must answer for that great evil.
And, Congress voting overwhelmingly to eliminate Saddam Hussein (Barry O’s namesake) is not treason. As did the U.N., the liberals god-like organization.
Are you eating properly? Getting enough sleep? Seeing a dentist regularly? Y’know: Abscesses create poisons that go straight to the brain.
Maybe that’s the problem. Liberals all got bad teeth.
“Aim for their heads.” G. Gordon Liddy
RR — The assumption being the targets already have Kevlar vests on.
For a Vietnam vet and a lawyer to boot, you sometimes seem to lack common sense.
re 16: The only ‘handout’ you’d get from me would be a knuckle sandwich.
I’m serious. If you spouted that BS in my face, I’d ask you to take it back (which, based on experience, I bet you would), and if you didn’t, I’d pounce on you.
@19: Would you first invite him to Cheesecake at the Bellevue Cheesecake Factory?
If for no other reason than to annoy the defenders, worshippers, idolaters and FOOLS here at HA! LOL!
Jenn, Jenn, Jenn, tell us what you really think! …”Yup….he needs to go, he’s just an evil fuck. Deport Oblermann NOW!!!!”
“Sign the on-line petition now to SUSPEND Keith Olbermann for the slanderous comments against Mark Levin, and Laura Ingraham, nationally renowned syndicated conservative talk show hosts who were called “Troop Haters” by Olbermann of MSNBC recently.“
Petition To Suspend Olbermann
Thanks Darryl for giving those YouTubes!
Ambassador Joe Wilson does give an interesting & often funny speech. Fascinating – the trolls are left to sputter.