You say you’re looking for an internet-based outlet for political activism and you just can find that sweet domain name?
And you say you’ve got too much disposable income on hand and you’ve got no good outlet for using it?
Is that what’s troubling you Bunky?
Well, hold your head up high and make a bid for
Bid, bid, bid, and never give up, never give up, never give up…that ship!
Tempting as that might be. . is alreay a going concern. . .
Yeah, but you gotta love the Old Philosopher routine.
(OK, how many HA readers actually remember the Old Philosopher?)
Hillary’s Response?
Nuke the #@$%ard!
Hillary’s team has questions about Obama’s Muslim background (AFP/File/Mannie Garcia)
Sen. Barack Obama approached the media after a meeting with President Bush at the White House on Jan. 5.
Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?
This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.
re 3: Well, All I can say is: People can overcome their environment.
For instance: Richard Nixon ran floating crap games and poker games in WW II and fleeced the pay out of many a GI. He also drank to excess, was involved in the theatre, and in Musical Theatre productions.(If you get my drift.)
The worst thing he ever did was to drunkenly race around Key Largo with his buddy, Bebe Rebozo, in a Cigarette Boat where they carelessly beheaded an 8 year old Brownie as she capered and played in the shallow surf.
The sight of that tykes head bobbing in the shallow surf made him grow up fast.
Look what a great President he became!
So let me get this straight. A right-wing rag, and only a right-wing rag, prints this story, and Fox News picks it up and runs with it?
Have I got it?
What sources do you suppose Insight Magazine has inside the Clinton camp?
I think Someone is afraid Obama might get some traction and take the spotlight off of Clinton, just like they were afraid Dean might gain some traction back in ’04.
@3 Not to worry, Gov. Bill Richardson threw his hat in the ring today. Richardson has all of Hillary’s and Obama’s strengths, and none of their weaknesses. He’s a governor; he’s a centrist; he’s a political veteran; he’s a former cabinet secretary and U.N. ambassador; and he’s a member of America’s fastest-growing demographic group – Hispanics.
Be afraid, wingnuts! Be very afraid!
And oh yes … Richardson is also a southerner and westerner.
I like what I’m hearing from John Edward, personally.
Edwards, that is.
In less than 100 hours, the Democrats accomplished more than the GOP-led congress accomplished in six years. The 100 hour promise even reeled in 62 republicans on the Dem side!!! This is proof that America decided correctly when they threw out the cowardly right wing GOP last NOVEMBER!
I was about to ask if anyone other than a relatively unknown internet magazine had independently verified the story about Ms. Clinton’s camp going after Senator Obama, but a quick search of my own came up with the answer.
Apparently Faux News did run with it, and the folks over at Atlas Shrugs and at BrooksNews are going one further, trying to get some fool reporter to box Senator Obama into making statements that could get him killed. Apparently they believe his claim to Christianity and presume that Muslims will consider him to be apostate as his father was Muslim and he went to a Muslim grade-school for two years as a child.
Wow. In an earlier thread, I mentioned that I really couldn’t figure out why Mr. Obama seemed to be one of the front runners in the Presidential race. He seems like a nice enough fellow, but I still can’t figure out what makes him better than Mr. Gore or Mr. Edwards.
Apparently the far-right people have information that I do not. Otherwise they wouldn’t be running so scared of the man. I’m going to have to look at him again. If the neo-cons and far right fringies are so scared of him that they want to get him killed, he must be an outstanding candidate.
It’s not only his heritage they’re attacking. Rush Limbaugh, Josh Gibson and other such intellectual Lilliputians have made a big deal of the fact that Barack Obama (who they insist on calling Barack Hussein Obama, as if he didn’t share that name with about 300 million other people in this world in addition to a recently deceased tinhorn dictator) is . . .
well, he . . .
it’s not something we really discuss in polite society, but it does sound mysterious and important and vaguely disgusting . . .
OK, I don’t have any way to sugar coat it, so I’m just going to come right out and say it. Barack Obama smokes cigarettes!
There, I feel dirty for just having said the “c” word. But now it’s out in the open.
Hey! Special for Roger Rabbit: Fry’s has a sale going on, and one of the items is a “1.5 Farad Digital Capacitor”. They want $29.99.
Now I’m not sure what is “digital” about this capacitor, but I am sure that if you charged it up and hooked it up to Mark The Retarded Redneck’s dick to discharge it, this size capacitor would surely put him into orbit. . .
YerKillinMe@13 Does that mean Obama could join Laura out back in the Rose Garden and toke a butt with her?
Yeah, it seems to me like other prominent Americans smoked. Oh, like say, Dwight Eisenhower, Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan. Ronnie even hawked Chesterfields back in his Death Valley Days. (A little humor there, arf arf) Nixon and Reagan both smoked at one time, but quit before they got to the White House. (This is hardly surprising, by the way. So did JFK. Back in the days of World War II smoking was quite fashionable. You’d even see FDR in pictures with his cigarette holder.)
Yeah, the butts were included in the K-Rats. . . .back in the day Lucky Strikes had a green ‘meatball’.
Yeah, and they sponsored Jack Benny!
This has been Nostalgia Time with Tree Frog and Yer Killin Me. Tune in again next week when we talk about Uneeda Biscuits!
That! And don’t forget! You Bake Right, With Martha White!.
President Clinton smoked cigars among other things……..
See the Senate Democratic Caucus with “Uncle Joe” Stalin’s picture prominently displayed:;TYPE=V
Roger Rabbit says: @3 Not to worry, Gov. Bill Richardson threw his hat in the ring today. Richardson has all of Hillary’s and Obama’s strengths, and none of their weaknesses. He’s a governor; he’s a centrist; he’s a political veteran; he’s a former cabinet secretary and U.N. ambassador; and he’s a member of America’s fastest-growing demographic group – Hispanics. Be afraid, wingnuts! Be very afraid! 01/19/2007 at 4:44 pm
Roger, a simple answer: He’s going NOWHERE! He knows too much of the inside dirt from Bubba’s administration.
For everyone:
I want an honest debate here. Can you fringies from both sides control yourselves?
If the US cuts it’s gas emissions per Nancy Pelosi and US industries passes on the prices to the consumers, do you think they’ll cut jobs? There is an economic price many liberals overlook. If you remember, when air bags came along car prices increased. People rightly so paid for their safety. But the cost of scrubbers, heat exchangers, recyclers, catalytic crackers are expensive. Building these devices takes months or years. What happens overseas to their competing industries? I submit nothing! Roger don’t give me the crap of cheap labor conservatives. That is a bunch of crap for this argument. If you use it I dismiss you to the fringe!
Will you accept a lower stock dividend?
What about the “developing” countries like India and China who pollute at will?
Will anything Democrats legislate matter if the world continues to spew “green house gases” at continuously higher levels?
Is this another feel good action with no real effect but severe economic consequences?
Where is the call for all countries to cut gases?
Where is that person who bellowed for his political points Americans are held in low esteem? Did he notice the out of the US pollution levels in these locations? Does he realize the Chinese pollution makes it over the Pacific ocean in three to five days? Ever been to those Mexican vacation resorts? Ever seen those old cars belch out pollution? Too busy catching skin cancer to notice?
What about the natural gases burned off in the middle east oil refineries?
What about the natural gases burned during the Olympic ceremony? What, that’s exempt?
Are Washington liberals willing to ride their bicycles to work in the snowy winter like many Europeans?
Think about it before answering. I expect the extreme jerks to give knee-jerk responses. It’s their nature!
Wow, no response. The quietness must mean these ASSHeads are fringies. No honest debate wanted on ASSHeads!
Some noisy chirping cricket asked what what did Republicans pass that was good for the common man.
How about extending DST from 3/11/07 to 11/04/07, four weeks for additional energy savings? The common man likes energy savings. Moonbat!s like spending any common man savings through tax increases. Didn’t see that come from Moonbat!s in Congress.
From’s About Daylight Saving Time exhibit, we learn that daylight saving time:
Lets us make better use of daylight. A poll done by the U.S. Department of Transportation indicated that Americans liked daylight saving time because “there is more light in the evenings / can do more in the evenings.”
Saves energy: “Studies done by the U.S. Department of Transportation show that daylight saving time trims the entire country’s electricity usage by a significant, but small amount, of less than one percent each day with daylight saving time.”
Is good for public health: “Several studies in the U.S. and Britain have found that daylight, almost certainly because of improved visibility, substantially decreases (by four times) the likelihood of pedestrians being killed on the roads.”
“Extending daylight-saving time makes sense, especially with skyrocketing energy costs,” said Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who along with Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., co-sponsored the measure.”