More on those McPastor problems:
(There are some sixty more media clips from the past week in politics now posted at Hominid Views)
by Darryl — ,
More on those McPastor problems:
(There are some sixty more media clips from the past week in politics now posted at Hominid Views)
Where is the proof that Obama works well with dems AND republicans? He was one of only a small handful of senators NOT to confirm Alito. So, a challenge to the leftists here—-what is the proof that Obama works both sides of the aisle, when he is known as the most leftists senator in DC?
Great Point.
O-blah-blah is ranked the #1 most Liberal US Senator based on his VOTING RECORD.
By any definition, he is EXTREME.
But it sounds good to pretend he is going to “reach across the aisle”
This fairy-tale political trick won’t hold up.
Rev. Wright, Ayers & Dorn plus Rezko and his mouthy wife will make it very difficult for him. The KLOWNS think Clinton is mean. They haven’t seen anything yet.
Both Hillary & McCain have been well-vetted over the years. O-blah-blah hasn’t.
You can bet he WILL be put on the defensive….and his tendency is to make excuses or be offensive when cornered.
Alito is not a respectable jurist. He is a rightwing thug, who all senators should have voted against. He began his career working for the Reagan Administration. He is, and always has been, a political beast, not a person that should have a lifetime appointment to the highest court in our nation. Bush appointed him because of his ideology. Obama clearly did the right thing by voting against him. If you think that voting against Alito is a mark of being out of the mainstream, then you are remarkably out of the mainstream. By the way, I do appellate work.
The dems gave us Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That is why the supreme court issue is such a winner for the repubs.
In August 2007, nine coal miners died in a Utah mine operated by Murray Energy Corp., which is owned by Robert Murray, a Republican donor and global warming denier. This week, Congress concluded its investigation of the accident and issued a report calling on the DOJ to pursue criminal charges against the mine’s managers.
@1 How can anyone work with both Democrats and Republicans? That’s like asking coffee to be hot and cold at the same time. You’re either on one side or the other.
@2 “O-blah-blah is ranked the #1 most Liberal US Senator based on his VOTING RECORD.”
Yes! yes! yes! yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YESSSS!!!!!
@2 “By any definition, he is EXTREME.”
Nope. The extremist is McSame.
In an earlier open thread there were Oprah leaving Wright’s church discussions. Back in March I posted PuddyFact #301 on how Dr Wright viewed Oprah’s leaving… It was over tithe from her $Millions she earned. Plain and simple.
But as always most lefties here forget facts, because they hurt the liberal mind… And oh, the source gets the 16%er people riled up.
“Wright understands the pressures Oprah faces in public settings, but he has seen other celebrities maintain a commitment to their churches, despite their fame. He thinks there might be other reasons for Oprah’s absence from the pew. “I think it is hard for most very wealthy people to be a part of the church,” he says. “Somebody who makes $100 a week has no problem tithing. But start making $35 million a year, and you’ll want to renegotiate the contract. You don’t want to be a part of ‘organized religion’ at that point. That’s a generalized statement, but that’s what I’ve found across the years. The wealthier somebody gets, the more they pull away from the church.”
Today Oprah’s relationship with Trinity and Jeremiah Wright seems strained. In a column for a recent issue of Black Collegian magazine, Wright mentioned Oprah as an example of African Americans who forget their roots in the church after finding success. “A lot of us do not even like the word faith anymore,” he wrote. “We prefer the more chic-sounding word, spirituality! We are caught up in an Oprah-generated mentality and a 12-step vocabulary that prevents us from using the very words and the very bridge that ‘brought us over!’ ”
Oprah Winfrey did not respond to CT’s request for comment about the article, but Wright stands by his statement. He is clearly put off by the direction Oprah’s faith seems to have taken.”
So this was back in 2002. I wonder if Oprah came out and talked about her true reasons would it hurt Obama even more?
More grist for the mill on public transit. Seattle is mentioned in the article, and the nationwide pinch on transit funding (because of costs) is briefly discussed.
Gas Prices Send Surge of Riders to Mass Transit
Published: May 10, 2008
DENVER — With the price of gas approaching $4 a gallon, more commuters are abandoning their cars and taking the train or bus instead.
Mass transit systems around the country are seeing standing-room-only crowds on bus lines where seats were once easy to come by. Parking lots at many bus and light rail stations are suddenly overflowing, with commuters in some towns risking a ticket or tow by parking on nearby grassy areas and in vacant lots.
More Heilary Saturday Funnies:
Read the comments!
If I were a right wing cunt like Lil Bitch/Piddlydick – I’d try to talk about ANYTHING other than the fact that FlipFlop McCain stood on a platform with Hagee – you know, the guy who called the Catholic church the “Great Whore” – and said he was PROUD to have Hagee “on his team.”
This is a statement McCain has not apologized for. News reports show McCain SOUGHT OUT this idiot Hagee’s endorsement and ACCEPTED it. He still accepts it. He has NOT rejected any part of Hagee or his right wing whackjob statements.
Good thing 1 out of 4 GOP voters is Catholic. Those folks will RUN away from the GOP voting booth – giving us a BIG win.
Still trying to find out what FlipFlop McCain has to hide. The accountability that the right wing traitors seek in others is apparently not something they themselves find important.
No medical records. No tax records from his wife. Fighting to keep POW records sealed.
This info WILL eventually be discovered JohnBoy. Just man up and release the shit. Where’s all that straight talk boy?
FlipFlop McCain a war hero? Hardly – how about traitor!
McCain called for an officer on his fourth day of captivity. He told the officer, “O.K., I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.” -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain
Eventually, I gave them my ship’s name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant.” Page 193-194, Faith of My Fathers by John McCain.
Reds Say PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral. . . Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of United States Commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain, purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.” New York Daily News, June 5, 1969
A declassified DOD document reports an interview between POW McCain and Dr. Fernando Barral, a Spanish psychiatrist who was living in Cuba at the time. The interview was published in the Havana Granma in January 1970.
According to the DOD report, the meeting between Barral and McCain (which was photographed by the Vietnamese) took place away from the prison at the office of the Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations in Hanoi. During the meeting, POW McCain sipped coffee and ate oranges and cakes with his interrogator.
While talking with Barral, McCain seriously violated the military Code of Conduct by failing to evade answering questions “to the utmost” of his ability when he, according to the DOD report, helped Barral by answering questions in Spanish, a language McCain had learned in school.
These are just SOME of the things we know about Johnboy’s attempts to give aid and comfort to the NVA. Don’t worry – up until the Nov election, I’ll be publishing MANY more.
I just can’t wait to see Obama get in there and start fucking-up like the Republicans have done.
The Republican Party and Democrat Party are both bad for this country.
Two choices for preznit.
1) A racist neighborhood rabble rouser with no track record married to a racist lawyer.
2) A war hero married to a beer distributor.
Hmmm…. who should we choose?
McCain’s pastor issues don’t compare to Obama’s. People are trying to make it an issue, but it’s not sticking.
No wonder the republicans wouldn’t allow the press to photograph or cover the return of dead soldiers from Iraq, they have been sending the bodies to animal disposal facilities.
Once they are dead, Bush, Cheney and the GOP have no use for our dead heros.
The GOP mantra, Promote Private Enterprise, send our dead soldiers to private veterinary facilities for disposal.
Not even the Nazi crematoriums mixed humans with dead livestock, but the republican administration doesn’t even think twice about it.
Hey! You go right ahead with that “McCain is a traitor” stuff and see where it doesn’t get you.
Where it WILL get you is have the American people turn on you as both a liar and a coward. The liar part is self-evident – you stand condemned out of your own mouth.
The coward part is how you accuse while hiding in anonymity. But that’s the way skunks usually operate.
If Barak Obama is willing to toss Rev. Jeremiah “$10mm House – Just Another Example of How the Oppressed Live” Wright under not just a bus but a fast moving freight train, how quickly will he pitch you and your verbal treacle there as well?
Tell you what…Why don’t you volunteer to go through 1/100th of what John McCain endured just to demo to us all the lenght and breadth of your manhood, which, so far, cannot be established by objective evidence.
The Piper
So what dan quayle couldn’t spell potato –
So what obama doesn’t know how many states there are.
At least obama knows how to say nuclear.
Re 15:
WAR HERO and BEER Distributor!
All the way!!!
Some of the wingers screeching about Obama and Wright and “the Black church in America” are sounding like some of Harry Anslinger’s anti-marijuana scare rhetoric about the “drug-crazed negro mind”.
“The dems gave us Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”
With the blessing of Orrin Hatch.
The latest upside-down, Bizarro action from our government has the FDA going to court against a meat-packing house over testing for mad cow. The slaughterhouse wants to test each and every cow, but the FDA doesn’t want them to, apparently lest it yield evidence that other meat packers should be doing the same thing.
now that obama has wrapped up the nomination he’s starting to move to the right to have a chance in the general election.
First step, fire robert malley because of his hate towards israel and his meeting with hamas.
I just can’t get enough of the stories about The Smartest Woman In The World getting her big fat ass kicked by a neighborhood rabble rouser.
Bubba failed with algore and now he’s failed with TSWITW. The ultimate repudiation of his failed administration.
Hillary obviously has few friends in the Senate. Will she even bother going back?
I like the way thee war hero is supporting his fellow soldiers….by NOT supporting teh “New G.I. Bill”.
Just give’em more beer.
The puddybitch already sais he was voting for Obama.
I Love this license plate holder…
“I want my next license plate made by Bush and Cheney”
None of you right-wing motherfuckers give a shit about paying $4.00/gal. for fucking gasoline.
Those oilmen really look out for their fellow Americans.
“Bring ‘em on. We’re killing them. We’re killing them.”
C+ Augustus 2007
The stupidest fuckwit in the world is President of the United States of America.
oh yeah…and he’s an oil man.
Jawboning them Saudi’s.
$4 for a gallon of gas? Hell, I spend more than that on a cup of coffee from starbucks.
Think they cleaned ‘im up when they got done with ‘im?
Oilman…Shooter too. Wow.
Good job. I have yet to see a roger rabbit impersonation with this kind of dedication.
Keep posting grasshopper, the rabbit is your enemy.
Now I see why people on the left were complaining about constitutional rights being taken away under a bush presidency.
Lawyers for Mayor Bloomberg are asking a judge to ban any reference to the Second Amendment during the upcoming trial of a gun shop owner who was sued by the city. While trials are often tightly choreographed, with lawyers routinely instructed to not tell certain facts to a jury, a gag order on a section of the Constitution would be an oddity.
Which seems to also violate the 1st amendment. Maybe lawyer rabbit can speak on this.
I haven’t read more stupid blatherings than Cynical over Wright and Rezko and Ayers. Is this all they got?
Not a peep about McSameOld and Hagee.
You hate Catholics Cynical?
What a shithead!
Pass the beer nuts. Although it sure has been fun watching the dems fight it out for 45% of the electorate. hehehehe
Listening to liberals defend catholics is a little like listening to an unemployed motivational speaker. That bird ain’t gonna fly. roof roof.
So Piper Scott thinks it’s okay that John McCain is a traitor because he was tortured. If you want to take that weak position you can – buy don’t pretend the punk is a hero. He’s a coward. He gave real aid and comfort to the enemy. And it was mostly his own words I was quoting so pretend that it is not true Piper. That will help your twisted view of the world make more sense to you I am sure. You can hang out with the world is flat crew all you like.
Hey PU why don’t you give it a try? Of course they’d have to let you out of the sex-offender unit in order to do that.
You’re a traitor too PU for supporting a traitor.
Well, that was certainly some intelligent dialog. Wasn’t that fun?
Hey bybygoober, PU did 30+ years defending your infestation here. While the ticks and larva from your postings are all over here, he was out there defending your sorry ass.
PU hasn’t got the stones or the brains to defend a cowardly bed bug like you LilBitch/PiddlyDick. He’s an AWOL draft-dodging jackass like your daddy GW Bush. And like McCain he probably gave up Americans in return for special treatment like all cowards.
Don’t worry on Sunday I’ll have another installment of my facts on McCain as traitor not hero. I am sure you can’t wait!
PU @54
What is your native tongue? If you know anyone who speaks English, could you please have that person type your posts? Your posts are incomprehensible. If English is your native tongue, then might I suggest to you that idiocy is not a virtue. Silence, however, is.
Do you have a problem with that? Most of the fellows who drafted the Constitution were lawyers–Adams, Madison, guys like that. I don’t suspect you’ve ever read the Constitution, but you might try to do so.
So PU if the armed forces don’t take child rapists how’d you get in? And the closest you’ve been to a DD214 is to suck a retired sailor’s cock behind the Bremerton bowling alley. And I agree with PL – can you find one of the inbred whores in your family that’s further down the family tree to type for you? You’re English is about as good as your ability to form a cogent idea.
Yes – go look all those big words up – we’ll wait for your witty response.
I wanted to wish all muthas here Happy Mother’s Day, even to Grandma FricknFrack.
Mrs SeattleJew, Mrs. Pelletizer, Brenda Helverson, Jennie Tlaz, Horse Whisperer, Priscilla on the left. Sorry if I messed anyone cuz, well, you didn’t leave an impression.
ChristmasGhost on the Right.
Hannah, I don’t know if you are a mother yet.
FnF, don’t take this comment as me stalking you. That was one of the funniest comments I ever read. Waaa haaaa haaa haa haaaaaa haaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEEEEEE HEE HEEE HEEE HEE HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Don’t worry Puddy will never cross those tracks FnF. I really know you what you were taught as a child. Hannah proved it to me… Honesty is the best policy… Too bad you can’t even be honest on Mother’s Day.
bybygooper, Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.
PU already did his… We see no evidence of the latter from you except worthless drivel. You should meet PU at a DL and you can compare DD214s. Who ever has the longer time in service buys the other dinner. They have a great salmon sandwich at the Montlake DL place.
Wait a minute… Newsflash… bybygoober never shows up anywhere because he’ll be identified and sent back to McNeil. He’s a chicken who, upon inspection, will be seen for the curly hair growing out of his right palm…Still smarting from that Ugandan Shamen eh?
I saw they caught your brother in Arkansas… you know bybygoober, the level three sex offender they let off under a bridge almost two weeks ago in Snohomish County…
Thanks for playing…
bybygoober left this maggot here:
For the last time bybygoober, I don’t like McCain. The only way McCain gets my vote is if Heilary is nominated. I realize it takes about five tries to get a fact into your head. Did you accept the Keating Five truth yet?
Lighten up man it’s Mother’s Day. Go pamper you wife will ya!
Happy Mother’s Day to your Lovely.
GBS: Howdydoo to you too. I did pamper the wife. Her gift sat outside the bedroom in a nicely wrapped box. She was extra tired and got up late. Got a big hug. Told me to make it so once we come back from brunch…
Tell Mrs GBS I said hi!
Besides GBS: bybygoober is an ASS. And you know it too.