Yep, Bush has been true to his track record of success as a CEO.
Blue Johnspews:
To carry over a thread about defining conservativism
I believe government should apply these basic principles to Public Safety/Defense and Infrastructure… and that’s about it.
Lots of questions…
Public Safety? How much? Police, fire department. How about DSHS? Is it public safety to take a kid out of an abusive household? Where does the kid go once you have taken them out of the home? Does your world view have a government agency trying to make sure old folks homes are safe? Do you want a government agency to try to make sure that our food is safe, our water is drinkable, and our toys and drugs are not poisoned? If the government doesn’t do it, who does?
You don’t want to pay for public schools. Do you believe that an informed electorate is part of our democracy? If the parents don’t have the money or the brains to educate their kids, are the kids out of luck? How do you get kids out of that cycle of ignorance, once it starts? Do you bother?
Should the government be involved in environmental issues at all? Should the government regulate banks at all? Is the 1700s and their private banks a better model?
Should the government pay for the courts system? How about copy right and intellectual property protection, child labor laws, age discrimination in the workplace, or car safety rules, should the government be involved in those issues at all?
What about land disputes and water rights? who governs them? anyone?
How about Net Neutrality?
Don’t know about all your questions, but…
I believe government should apply these basic principles to Public Safety/Defense and Infrastructure… and that’s about it.
If this statement defines conservativism then the current administration fails miserably on all three principles.
In another thread rhp6033 farted:
The best the Republicans can hope for in November is that American voters have a very, very, very short memory.
They are hoping gas prices will go down to $3.25 a gallon by late summer, blah blah, blah…
While rhp6033, follows the Pelletizer method of trying to make a worthless point, Puddy Remembers what The Donkey say.
PuddyFact: April 2006: ““Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” –
PuddyRetort: more BULLSHITTIUM from the Donkey…Somehow the plan is missing in action. Or, she didn’t think people with a brain would remember what a Donkey says, since most of the time it’s insignificant psychobabble.
Hey I know I bet bybygoober and clueless idiot know what the plan is… They received it on their secret WI-FI decoder rings…
Freaking awesome ad!
bybygoober look up Congressional Medal of Honor winner Col Bud Day.
by the way still a goober…
Don Joespews:
@ 4
So, Democrats grossly underestimated our President’s ability to completely fuck up the economy. And this is supposed to help Republicans get elected…how?
What John Doe: You think Nancy Pelosi was lying too?
I think George Bush is the best example of republican stupidity we will ever be forced to endure. When we take a super majority in Congress and take over the White House in the next election, we should take Rove-like steps to quash dissent in the GOP and relegate them to spending their time deciding which of their members we lock up first. Man I can’t wait. Then we start the hunt. Looking for GOP traitors; house by house! Justice is coming asswipes. Run and hide while you still can.
This ad makes it sound like we involved ourselves in someone else’s civil war, as though the civil war was already there and we just “got involved.” But we invaded Iraq, we started this second war for whatever reasons. The civil war didn’t start until after the invasion and after we messed up the occupation.
The issue isn’t our involvement in someone else’s civil war, but how best to help fix the mess that we created, or whether there is anything we can do to “help” at this point, given what we’ve already done there.
So, Puddy, are you suggesting that the GOP members of the Senate would have ever let a Democratic plan for investigating oil company price-fixing to ever get to a vote?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Our Economy Is A Mess And Nobody Else’s Is
“The Trillion Dollar Meltdown by Charles R. Morris deserves a spot on any bedside reading table. …
“Morris puts to rest any lingering notion that the credit crisis reflects merely an inflated housing market, let alone a simple subprime problem. …
“In essence, Morris traces America’s credit madness to the rise of Chicago School free-market capitalism, best represented in the work of late Nobel laureate Milton Friedman.
“That ideology supplanted Keynesian liberalism, which gave government a key role in achieving low inflation, low unemployment, and fast economic growth. …
“‘The current conservative, free-market cycle … seems to have long since foundered in the oily seas of gross excess,’ writes Morris. …
“Morris manages in a mere 194 pages to explicate the forces behind the origins and popping of the credit bubble and other recent market manias, the decline in the value of the dollar, and the emergence of sovereign wealth.
“He also takes a stab at what might come next: a long-term decline of the U.S. economy, especially if political leaders and financial elites try to mask how deep the credit crisis runs … Morris anticipates a nerve-wracking denouement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The current travails of the U.S. economy are not a product of global forces. If they were, every other economy would be in the toilet along with ours — but they’re not. Whatever is pulling down the U.S. economy is unique to us. Let’s see … what could that be?
The Bush administration and its slavish belief in the ideology of laissez-faire capitalim.
Repubs experimented with deregulation and it didn’t work. It’s time to re-regulate the economy. For that job, you need to hire the Democrats, because Republicans know nothing about making capitalism work.
@4 – Actually the whole Pelosi plan has been something that has been on many minds as gas prices have continued to climb at record pace over the past year. I have actually heard from many people questioning where this plan has been for 2 years. Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Yes over the filibuster-happy minority in the Senate and the veto pen in the White House.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
YLB spews:
Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Yes over the filibuster-happy minority in the Senate and the veto pen in the White House.
Somebody call the Whaaaaaaaaaambulence. Tough shit. You guys are in charge in congress and whatever failures that happen it’s on you. That’s what we call in guvmint circles “getting the donk treatment”. How do like you like us now beyooootch. hehehehehe
@YLB – So was the plan put before congress and the pres? I’d like to see who voted it down in congress and write a few nasty letters! do you know the Bill Number?
The Big Gipperspews:
You folks are so certain that Bush is a dumb ass, stupid Republican. As if there were some monopoly of stupidity in the GOP.
Let me give you some insight into the future. The radicals have failed. They could not even field a competitive candidate. Rational Republicans will return and will win back the Senate if the Dimocrats become doctrinaire.
You guys wanna loose? Impliment litmus tests like we did.
Now that FlipFlop McCain has stupidly admitted that the war in Iraq is ALL about the oil, here’s the question. Was it worth it righties? Trillions in taxes – thousands dead and wounded – and oh yes, on our way to $5 per gallon gas. You fuckheads blew this like you blow everything else!
Persion Gulf War was about oil.
Gas plans are giving me gas.
look at Hillary’s “plan.” For 90 days she would transfer the gas tax from the cnsumer to the oil companies. I suppose she would then try price controls to assure that the tax did not get passed on to the consumer (or course with the addition of a margin for the oil company).
Isn’t this gthe old rotating credit cards trick?
BTW … if you look at her so much touted health care plan there is a similar gimmick, She owuld pay the costs out of FICA. Has anyboidy heard GOOD news smeplace about the existing social security and mediucare trust funds?
So Clinton logic is we INCREASE thhe burden on the least stable part of our tax system?
Her plan gets worse. The plan only works if (heh heh) the existing private providers are willing to insure ALL Americans, including those now excluded because they cost more AND do so w/o raising prices.
If you believe any of this you are a fool.
Clinton is not alone in this pandering. Both she and Obama have lied about their plans in Iraq. Neither one s likley t do the Kucinich trip or keep their promises abut withdrawal. Hillary, to be consistent with fdamily tradition, has suggested she will redefine “withdrawl” by keeping needed troops in certain places in Iraq and deployiong the rest on thje bordefrs to threaten Syria and Iran.
Obama’s lie is harder to parse, I have n idea how he is vgoing to handle gt but maybe kt will be like the Rev Wright affair .. he will say gthat he has learned more and now ….
Don Joespews:
“What John Doe: You think Nancy Pelosi was lying too?”
In other words, your attempt at diversion from the full facts is complete bullshit. Thank you for playing.
Don Joespews:
“You guys are in charge in congress”
Not without a filibuster-proof majority.
Whatever Happened to “Common Cause?”
rememeber these guys?? .. they go back to Nixn times and describe themselves as a non partisan group commited to honesty in campaigning.
We need CC NOW!
CC still exists,sort of, on the web but their activities seem to have degenerated into beureaucratic support for the Federal Election Commitee.
What a waste! We need some credible, impartial, authority to call horseshit when campaigns drop turds on the road to elections.
If anything, the demise of the MSM means we have a vastly increased need for something that is seen as fair but willing to call a turd a turd.
Unfortunately, HA can only do this under the taint of partisanship. As for the media, when they do decide to report on horse turds, the talking heads make sure to balance the red turds and the blue turds, even if only one party’s equine is diaper free.
So how the hell did we get here? Why can’t the nice folks at CC figure out how to use the web? Is there an EFFECTIVE, CREDIBLE site doing what CC is supposed to do?
@23 – yes they have to fight filibuster. Do you know what bill number the “Commonsense Plan” is? I want to find out who voted against it in Congress/Senate.
God wants Obama.
I just asked him.
Spread the good news!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You guys are in charge in congress”
Not without a filibuster-proof majority.
You donks control the agenda. If you can’t lead by convincing the other half of the country to follow than you don’t deserve to lead.
Keep on dreaming about that supermajority….it’s as close as you 16%ers will ever get. heheehehe
Count Lieberman in that majority? And how reliabe is his vote?
Go back to licking yourself, dog
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Count Lieberman in that majority? And how reliabe is his vote?
Go back to licking yourself, dog
You sap suckers tried to throw him under the bus and beat him with an ultra moonbat…of course the bus was stuck in neutral and ended up running over your liberal asses. hahahahahahaaha
Don Joespews:
You can run around outside naked screaming that at the top of your lungs if you’d like. It’s not going to change the facts.
And, among those facts is the fact that no party controls Congress unless they have a filibuster-proof majority. The folks who wrote up the Constitution rather designed it that way.
This is basic high school social studies, which really leaves the rest of us to wonder just how did you manage to not learn something so basic to our government?
Must be that private school education, again.
@30 – Was the Commonsense plan denied via Congress? Or was it Bush being veto happy? Do you know the bill number of the plan?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 My points are far from worthless, puddinghead. In fact, I scored big by betting on the wingnut energy police by buying oil stocks. Even Mr. Cynical profited from my realization that Wingnut Economics would send oil prices through the roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 The “plan” is higher gas prices, richer Republicans, and poorer everyone else, dope!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Yeah, he’s the guy who didn’t crack under North Vietnamese torture while McCain was signing a “confession.”
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Regardless of supermajority the democrats are 100% responsible for the miserable performance of congress. It’s not the republicans fault that the dems can’t come up with a bill that they wont vote for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Once again we hear wingnut noises emanating from self-proclaimed “Democrat” Hannah. Hell, Fred Phelps calls himself a “Democrat” too, but lying about what you are doesn’t make it so.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Yeah, he’s the guy who didn’t crack under North Vietnamese torture while McCain was signing a “confession.”
05/02/2008 at 10:24 pm
I will take a guy who crack under pressure from torture over two military dodgers any day. roof roof.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Hell.. Hillary cracked under pressure when being shot at with fake bullets. hehehhehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Congress doesn’t run the country, dumbshit. But then, you’re just a stupid dog, so you’re not expected to know that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dogs and Republicans shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Republican dogs should be euthanized.
Once again I will ask, since no one seems to be able to answer or is it just avoiding the question?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 You want us to take your advice on how to succeed at politics and government?
Poor poor John Doe:
Just doesn’t get it.
Nancy Pelosi said something in 2006 to get Donkey elected and be in charge of the legislative houses for the 2006 elections. Now that Donkey are charge, thinking people are asking “Where’s da beef”? The Donkey have to come home to the barn.
Idiots like John Doe don’t like the truth of day be shown on fallacious nauseating argument from the Donkey. I can’t help it if Puddy remembers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 We’re not interesting in convincing your half of the country of anything. We’re only interested in kicking your traitor asses back into the gutters you slithered out of.
Hannah, there was no common sense plan because to date there is no common sense plan to date. It was all of a Pelosi pipe dream to date. When I deliver PuddyFacts, the 16%ers go bonkers. Just look at the thread litter above, starting with John Doe.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
16 Congress doesn’t run the country, dumbshit. But then, you’re just a stupid dog, so you’re not expected to know that.
05/02/2008 at 10:32 pm
You got that one right. This congress couldn’t run a dog kennel let alone a country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 There’s no moon tonight, so you can stop barking now.
Maybe Pelletizer got the common sense plan with his monthly guvmint cheese handout. Isn’t the check and the common sense due tomorrow?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “I will take a guy who crack under pressure from torture over two military dodgers any day. roof roof.”
Yeah, you would! That’s why it’s illegal for dogs to vote.
I already know there is and was no “plan” but according to Don Joe and YLB, they claim it’s cuz the reps filibustered it or Bush veto’d…but no one can produce the Bill number…why? Because there isn’t one! I can’t stand Pelosi, she has NO backbone! All talk and no walk!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Do tell. It’s not like you are an expert on “getting it,” puddinghead …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 I don’t get gummint handouts. I get capitalist handouts, though. Capitalists pay me to push the same dollars in the same circles over and over, producing nothing. Go figure. Sure beats working, though.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
This congress can’t even follow through on their “endless investigations” they promised would happen. How freakin hard can it be to do that. You would have better results from a quadriplegic lifeguard.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You would. Donks actually love capitalism as long as they are the only ones allowed to profit from it. Al Gore and his “big weather” global warming hoax scheme is all the proof you need.
Don Joespews:
@ 30 & 41
Didn’t you follow the link? During the 109th Congress, Rep. Stupak sponsored the Federal Response to Energy Emergencies Act (H.R. 3936), which died in committee. The act was resurrected as H.R. 1252: Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act.
If you did a bit of googling, you could have found those answers for yourself rather than screaming about it here.
DEid anybody see the hillary on OReilly shtick? Is it true he copped a feel and she let him do it?
Maybe she will divorce Bill I and marry Bill II? Imagine O’Reilly as first spouse!
Don Joespews:
@ 45
When Puddy spews “facts”, you can rest assured that he is, at best, spewing only half of the facts.
This latest diversionary tactic by Republicans is particularly juicy. We’re supposed to ignore the laws that the House has passed (why? I don’t know. Perhaps because the bills that have passed didn’t have the word “commonsense” in the title? Republicans can be rather dense), and we’re also supposed to ignore the undeniable fact that much of the mess we’re in now is due to the policies of the current Republican executive.
You’ll notice that Puddy has not answered my question, thereby proving that this is all just a diversion. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
@55 No I didn’t follow the link until you JUST posted it!
AND HR 3936??? Um thats something completely different! A post office?
And HR 1252 has NOT been shot down as everyone here keeps screaming!
Don Joe, so if this bill had been denied, why didn’t Pelosi raise all holy hell about the GOP calling her on the carpet?????
I can’t stand her and wish another dem would take her place, the price gouging investigation HR 1252 has nothing to do with lowering gas prices, but instead the federal government would fine the gas companies and we, the consumer, would never see a dime. How many “price gouging investigations” has the state of washington done? And found NOTHING! So it’s a waste of time, it will NOT lower gas prices as promised in 2006!
headless lucyspews:
I remember in 2004 being called a crazy conspiracy theorist on HA when I said the Iraq war was all about oil — that I was too ‘cynical.’
I wasn’t then, but I am now. Get real. The only way out of this mess is to take the money back from those who took it. Yes. The top 1%.
I look forward to hearing you all egree with me — in four years — when it’s too late.
Looking into price gouging is a waste of time and tax payer $$$…the way Pelosi made it sound is 2006 was she was going to “rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels”
The states that have investigated price gouging on their own founf NONE! And the production of alternative fuel is part to blame for skyrocketing food prices.
Don Joespews:
@ 58
“@55 No I didn’t follow the link until you JUST posted it!”
Why, on earth, did you think I was referring to a link I just posted? Clearly you didn’t follow the links that Puddy posted, and clearly you didn’t do even a modicum of research.
And, my dear, the only one screaming here, is you.
@ 59
“Don Joe, so if this bill had been denied, why didn’t Pelosi raise all holy hell about the GOP calling her on the carpet?????”
Why should she waste her time calling out the GOP on what is obviously, and transparently, a diversionary tactic? It speaks for itself. The Republicans have shat all over the place, and now they want to blame the Democrats for not getting rid of the stink quickly enough.
Frankly, I think the fact that you cant stand Pelosi is distorting your perceptions of what’s going on here.
Don Joespews:
“The states that have investigated price gouging on their own founf NONE! And the production of alternative fuel is part to blame for skyrocketing food prices.”
First, there are limitations on the scope of the investigations that state attorney generals can conduct. In particular, investigating issues at the wholesale level tend to be just a tad beyond their reach.
Second, want to guess who that leaves to actually conduct an investigation?
Well the fact is she never did submit this “plan”…the one regarding price gouging has yet to be tabled, still going thru the process. But nothing else has happened and instead they are wasting time & $$ looking into price gouging when even in our state, we have been told their is NO evidence of it!
Bottom line, the plan discussed in April 2006 still has not been produced. Kinda like McCain’s healthcare plan!
So when Gregoire asked McKenna to investigate price gouging here, was she just wasting tax payer money since ” there are limitations on the scope of the investigations that state attorney generals can conduct. In particular, investigating issues at the wholesale level tend to be just a tad beyond their reach.”?
So Piddydick now uses Jane Balough’s Dog as an alias too? What’s that? 24-25?
By the way – Piddydick’s hero, AWOL George Bush is planning to veto a budget that would extend benefits to veterans. I guess the GOP supports our troops when it comes to wearing lapel pins – but that’s as far as it goes.
Hell why would we expect a little cowardly cunt like George to understand? He hid under his mommy’s skirt when it was his turn to go to war.
headless lucyspews:
record profits = price gouging
Get real, Hannah. Do you expect people to deny the evidence before their own eyes?
Maybe those investigating oil companies fear sudden impulses to ‘suicide’, like the DC madam.
headless lucyspews:
re 64: Who looked for the evidence? Where are the results of the study?
Is it like a study by Liggett & Myers finding that tobacco is not addictive and doesn’t cause cancer?
But anyway, Hannah, thanks for pointing out that oil companies are far to moral to price- gouge. I feel terrible for having suggested that they ever would.
John Doe deivers HR 1252.
I delivered: April 2006: “Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are bringing down skyrocketing gas prices
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are ending tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see the call for increasing production of alternative fuels?
Golly John Doe you need to try again… and remove your head from Pelletizer’s furry butt.
John Doe farted: “You’ll notice that Puddy has not answered my question, thereby proving that this is all just a diversion. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
Hey John Doe, I just answered it in my due time. I have a wife who loves her loving husband. I don’t need to spend long nights on this blog when the wife calls. Maybe you live a sheltered single existence and more power to you, but when I have a job to do I don’t need to call Black an Decker!
headless lucyspews:
re 69: So, neither the Democrats or Republicans have done anything about the price-gouging. What’s your point?
headless lucyspews:
Re 70: “…a job to do….”??? Did you present her with a bill on Valentine’s Day?
Once again headless lucy’s 24×7 head is up someone else’s butt.
We’ve already had this PuddyFact appear but as always headless is hating 24×7 and can’t see the light Tom Bodett left on for him…
Do oil companies set the price of oil?
– If they do how does OPEC survive?
– If they don’t, the what does the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex) have to do with it?
– If you agree Nymex plays with the price, who are these people? Well since they work in lower Manhattan I wonder how far they commute to work? Since they either live in NY, NJ or Conn and each of these locations are very blue donkey… your own people are screwing the US and you fools (headless as #1) are blaming the wrong crowd.
Well it ain’t the first time!
If you all did your homework, I’d say nothing but since you all can’t see your friends working in lower Manhattan are shafting you…
Stupid 16%er idiots. I have to continually repeat over and over PuddyFacts because the 16%ers will lose their I hate Big Oil or GWB mantra.
So headless since you are the IQ genius here of 125-140 (yes Puddy doesn’t forget), how much in taxes does big oil contribute to the US Treasury? I’ll even allow John Doe to answer that one…
Don Joespews:
@ 69
“Golly John Doe you need to try again”
Why? The only point you have in bringing up any of this crap is to divert attention away from the fact that Republican policies have caused the shit that’s been stinking up our country. Even if I concede every single “fact” you allege, you still can’t come up with a conclusion that’s all that helpful for Republicans.
@ 70
“Hey John Doe, I just answered it in my due time.”
No, dipshit. The question I asked back @ 8 remains quite unanswered.
Damn, but kicking your ass around this place isn’t even fun anymore.
headless hater 24×7: I made my point tooooooooooooooooooo bad the massive IQ of 126-140 can’t mensa it out!
Divert attention from what John Doe? Did I say the April 2006 pronouncement from the House Minority Leader or did I replay it here?
Gosh John Doe, you are in a tizzy over her words delivered as a PuddyFact.
I like it when the 16%er crowd is caught by their own petards.
Since you want the direct answer to your silly question in #8 because you can’t figger it out otherwise:
Once people see what an empty skirt Nancy Pelosi really is… and her own words (shown above) and visitations (remember her visit to Syria) are in the public eye, people will wake up to the fact Donkey don’t really care… Donkey only want more power and more taxes to enact social programs many Americans don’t want…
Again Veni vidi vici!
Thanks for playing…
bybygoober@19: No he didn’t. It’s your moveon friends who falsify what he really said:
Piddydick’s butt buddy Georgie Boy went on the radio today to tell us – now wait for it – the economy ain’t that bad! That’s the best you right wing looooosers can do. Man it must suck to be you.
Now get back to cleaning toilets Piddydick. Your wife AND your sister are on the way over to pull a train on me and my friends.
Stupes – On this holiest of holier than thou days, pray for your corrupt, silly party of hypocrites – who’s being flushed down the toilet this November!
I doubt even God can save this sorry bunch of losers.
My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will – that will then prevent us – that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East.
Based on the early preliminary data GDP was up again. Since you need 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth to be in a recession we ain’t there gobberman.
But don’t let the facts hit your silly ASS as you walk out the door.
Again, what was your stupid comment in #19? Was it proven wrong again just like 99.99% of everything you post?
Did you look up what Col Bud Day CMoH Winner has to say about John McCain?
Gooberman, Veni vidi vici!
Thanks for playing…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John @ 2–
1) DSHS–how do you measure their “accomplishments”? How do you measure the damage they have done? What did we do before DSHS evolved? This organization has morphed into a dependency trap for many.
I say disband it and allow local communities to decide how to attack their problems. My preference is faith-based…
Allowing the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS to tackle this has only lead to high-paid, high State benefit careers. A form of Welfare in giving jobs to many incompetents to help others in need. Unnecessary.
2) A bureaucracy to help “make sure old folks homes are safe”????? Are you kidding me!
Blue John…you are such a KLOWN.
3) Safe Toys???? Another example of overextending government.
4) Court System is part of the Public Safety infrastructure. So are prisons. HOWEVER, I believe prisoners should be put to work more than they are now to pay for their room & board. No frills prisons and chain gangs!!
5) In general, our legal system has expanded so far into making sure our world is perfect& fair that it has become counter-productive and paralyzed many businesses ability to function…creating excessive costly overhead.
6) Water—infrastructure
7) Property disputes—many caused by excessive regulation.
Your concerns are mainly fear-driven.
Did you ever think that the vast majority of folks try to do the right thing?
And that we have created a system to enable folks to have kids out of wedlock?
Good questions.
I’m not as fearful of other people as you are Blue John.
Your comments are generally fear-based. Without government, we are all going to die.
Once again clueless idiot doesn’t read the thread entries.
” PHOENIX (AP) – Republican John McCain was forced to clarify his comments Friday suggesting the Iraq war involved U.S. reliance on foreign oil. He said he was talking about the first Gulf War and not the current conflict. At issue was a comment he made at a town hall-style meeting Friday morning in Denver.
“My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East,” McCain said.
The expected GOP nominee sought to clarify his comments later, after his campaign plane landed in Phoenix. He said he didn’t mean the U.S. went to war in Iraq five years ago over oil.
“No, no, I was talking about that we had fought the Gulf War for several reasons,” McCain told reporters.
One reason was Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, he said. “But also we didn’t want him to have control over the oil, and that part of the world is critical to us because of our dependency on foreign oil, and it’s more important than any other part of the world,” he said.
“If the word `again’ was misconstrued, I want us to remove our dependency on foreign oil for national security reasons, and that’s all I mean,” McCain said.
“The Congressional Record is very clear: I said we went to war in Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction,” he said.
McCain is a staunch supporter of the Iraq war, although he criticizes the early handling of it by the Bush administration.
His support for the war has drawn attacks from the Democratic Party, and on Friday, McCain defended himself against television ads that accuse him of advocating a 100-year war in Iraq.
The ads, run by the Democratic National Committee and the liberal group, tie McCain to President Bush and cite McCain’s comments that there could be an American military presence in Iraq for 100 years.
“One hundred years in Iraq? And you thought no one could be worse than George Bush,” an announcer says in the most recent ad, run by
McCain brought up the commercials in Denver, saying they are lies. He doesn’t deny saying “100 years” in connection with U.S. military operations in Iraq. But he said he was clearly referring to a possible peacekeeping force and not a centurylong war, as critics imply.
“You have seen an ad campaign that is mounted against me that says I wanted to stay and fight in Iraq and fight for 100 years,” McCain told about 300 people at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center.
“My friends, it’s a direct falsification, and I’m sorry that political campaigns have to deteriorate in this fashion,” McCain said. “Because there’s legitimate differences between myself and Senator Obama and Senator Clinton on what we should do in Iraq.”
The Democratic presidential candidates want to set a date for withdrawal from Iraq, which McCain argues would lead to chaos and genocide in the Middle East.
“After we win the war in Iraq, and we are succeeding—and it’s long and hard and tough, with enormous sacrifices—then I’m talking about a security arrangement that may or may not be the same kind of thing we had with Korea after the Korean war was over,” he said.
At issue is McCain’s answer, in January, to a question about Bush’s theory that troops could be in Iraq for 50 years.
McCain said: “Maybe 100. As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, that’d be fine with me, and I hope it would be fine with you, if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al-Qaida is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day.” “
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Just released by Rasmussen–
Looks like O-blah-blah is in free-fall!!!
“Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Hillary Clinton and John McCain essentially tied—Clinton attracts 45% of the vote while McCain earns 44%. At the same time, McCain leads Barack Obama 48% to 43% (see recent daily results). This has been a difficult week for Obama. When the week began, he was even with McCain and outperformed Clinton in general election match-ups.
In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, it’s Clinton 47% Obama 44%. That’s the third straight day that Clinton has held a slight edge over Obama (see recent Democratic Nomination results). Last Monday, Obama led by eight percentage points. Tracking results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Today, at noon Eastern, Rasmussen Reports will release new polling data for the Oregon Presidential Primary.
Democrats are divided when it comes to the relationship between Barack Obama and his former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Just 18% of Clinton voters believe Obama was surprised by the content of Wright’s remarks. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Obama supporters believe their candidate was surprised. Seventy percent (70%) of Clinton supporters believe it’s likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s controversial views about the United States. Only 17% of Obama supporters think it’s likely that he shares those views. Ten percent (10%) of Clinton supporters believe that Obama was truly outraged by Wright’s comments. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Obama supporters believe their candidate was outraged.
Nationally, 56% of all voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s controversial views.”
I hate to break it to y’all, but waaaaaaaay too many folks think O-blah-blah is a LIAR!
By the way I have been keeping track. It’s been months now since Goldy challenged the baby-raping right wingers to tell us WHY we should vote for Sheriff Big Hair Davie without using his opponent as the reason. Not one right wing asswipe has even tried. That’s how proud the GOP is of Davie. They can’t say a fucking word in support of their candidate. They know he’s a looooser.
bybygoober: Why you changing topics now…
Oh yeah your butt was just kicked for the 99,999 time here… like it was as Rightequalsstupid and Leftturn…
Name change spots the same…
84 – LMAO!!! Stupes that’s as lame a spin as any I’ve ever read.
If your pal Mr. C. is right for once in his life and Obama doesn’t get the nod (highly unlikely), you’re going to be thrown into the arms of that doddering, warmongering OLD man who can’t get his right wing bullshit straight.
clueless idiot, you posted from a blog. I posted his words from the net.
Big difference.
Now go back to momma’s housecoat and resume sucking your thumb. Oh… your thumb is soiled? Well I guess it would be where it’s located all the time…
Notice when clueless idiot has nothing to say (most of the time) he’s LHAO?
breitbart? A slimy right wing bullshit spinoff of Matt Sludge.
I’m LMAO because you’re so silly. The stink of desperation from you carries through the monitor.
headless lucyspews:
GBS told me on another thread (re: Puddybud) that I needed to ‘talk to the man, mano-a-mano’ before I could “pop-off” to him.
GBS: Read what the idiot is saying — 24/7, I might add. Go fuck yourself GBS, and the pony you rode in on.
headless lucyspews:
re 85: If Obama had loyally stuck with his pastor of 20 years and tried (whether the media would allow him to or not) to explain to the American people what the meaning of Wright’s words actually were, he’d have scored a lot of points with the American electorate.
He still could. By appoligizing to the good Reverend for abandoning him in his time of need.
You know, most Americans don’t know that there is truth to the statement that the Western Powers, via the U.N. (America in the forefront, of course) approved of the testing out of tainted oral polio vaccines on innocent African babies and (admittedly, inadvertantly — although they knew something bad would happen) created AIDS.
I remember in the 80’s the official explanation for AIDS was that gay guys were going to Africa and butt-fucking wild monkeys. I kid you not. That was the narrative in the mainstream media for a time.
And NO ONE batted an eye! Sam Kinison even had a routine about it.
Waddya think, Lee? Bad oral polio vaccine or gay guys butt-fucking wild monkeys?
Don Joespews:
“Since you want the direct answer to your silly question in #8 because you can’t figger it out otherwise:”
Oh, the argument you’re trying to make is obvious: pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Please make this the central part of the Republican platform. Republicans will get their asses kicked in November worse that I’ve kicked your silly ass around here.
Veni vidi vici, indeed!
“Divert attention from what John Doe?”
From the fact that our current mess is a direct result of Republican policies. You really are quite an amazing creature. Republicans ream you right up the ass, and your autonomic response is to reenact Kevin Bacon’s role in Animal House.
HR 5351, The Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation Act of 2008 was passed on Feb. 28 by a vote of 236-182 in the House. It was slated to kill the 18 billion in subsidies the oil companies recieve annually. The bill is now sitting in committee in the Senate dying of Republican neglect. A retard could Google it, Hannah. And as far as Puddyfacts are concerned, be sure and check the guy’s links and do a modicum of follow up. It’s a painfully remedial process to expose his self-righteous, party-line, aparatchik, self-congratulatoy, gum-flappin bullshit.
@95 – It JUST passed the house on February 27, 2008…so now it is going to senate for the vote? Ok so how long does that take? I can’t find anything that shows the senate has voted yes/no yet on this bill….and why did it take til February 12, 2008 for a bill to brought forth? We have had skyrocketing gas prices for over a year now…..
Where are they looking into price gouging? Record profits, yes! But I would think part of record profits comes with record oil consumption as it has risen worldwide. Just like if I sold product A for years to 100,000 people my profits would be ex. 25k but if this tear I sold same product A to 500,000 people I would have record profits to myself of 125k. The more I sell, the more profit.
Found this explaination of oil profits, yes once again, the more you sell (demand) the more you make (profit)
“For starters, many average Americans who hold stock in the oil companies, either directly or indirectly through their 401k or mutual fund. But the fact is, the gross profit margin for a gallon of gas in America today, is what it has always been, on average, .08 cents per gallon, (2.5% at $3.00 per gallon). Though retail gas prices fluctuate with crude prices and supply vs. demand, the gross profit margin per gallon remains roughly the same at all times. (No evidence of price gouging here.)
However the federal government profits approximately .59 cents per gallon through gasoline taxes, 7 ½ times or 750% that of the oil producers themselves and 20% of the price at the pumps. “
“Facts” are relative to the source materials, “Hannah”.
Every single site I find via google says the oil profit per gallon is from 8 to 10 cents. So let’s go high and say 20 cents per gallon profit….so they cut their profit by 50%, that saves us consumers 10 cents a gallon…whoo hoo….yeah that will lower the prices drastically.
What would be a respectable profit percentage for the oil companies? 2%, 5%, 10% ….
Hannah AKA Puddydick is so busy shilling for GOP causes while she pretends to be a Democrat that you have to think she’s given up on the charade.
Of course I believe everything the oil companies say Hannah – of course I do. If they say it’s 8-10 cents well by golly that must be true?
How fucking stupid are you?
The Bush regime has close ties to the oil business. Hell Baby Bush was in the oil business until his superior management skills led to him bankrupting the company. And of course we know Dickless Cheney’s ties to Big Oil are significant. Tell me again then what incentive these assholes have to get gas prices down?
Man the GOP must have someone better than Hannah to argue for them. If not – it’s Dems by 30 points in Nov.
BBG It’s not the oil companies posting that they only make 8-10 cents you fool, its the economist and financial gurus after years of study…or is it all a vast conspiracy? So even back when Clinton was pres they were making an average of 10-15% profit…was that gouging then? No because price of oil was cheaper as demand was down. Microsoft profits are approx 33%…is that gouging for Vista? Coca Cola profits average approx 24%, is that gouging for soda?
headless lucyspews:
re 99: Then the only explanation, Hannah, for the increased profit is that they are selling more gallons of gas, which cannot be true because production is down because of Bush’s fiat that the strategic oil reserve be increased, thereby, tying up limited storage space, and the fact that there is no increase in production in the U.S. due to the fact that no new refineries have been built since the unprecedented increase in oil company profit.
So, what you are saying and what your sources are saying cannot stand up to even the most casual of analyses.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddy lifts the most recent Republican talking points and touts it as a “Puddyfact.” So now we know: Puddyfacts come straight from the Republican National Committee.
Daddy Lovespews:
Microsoft profits are approx 33%…is that gouging for Vista?
This has been another edition of simple answers to simple questions.
headless lucyspews:
In 1995, US oil companies refined and sold 7,085 million barrels of refined product.
In 2005, US oil companies refined and sold 7,593 million barrels of refined product.
The oil company profit in those years is very disparate. So, Hannah, your information cannot be true.
Daddy Lovespews:
So, slingshot’s citation of HR 5351 being absolutely true, we now know that RNCPuddy’s so-called “fact” is totally false. It’s been a good day.
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain has to “clarify” the mind-numbingly stupid things he says on a very nearly daily basis. This election should be fun.
@Headless…and how much oil does the US consume, FROM US soil? Most of the oil we consume, is from other countries, Canada, Mexico, Saudi, Nigeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Venezuela..don’t get me wrong, we are getting screwed by oil. The price of a barrel of crude oil has increased so much over the past few years and has in turn raised prices, such as gold has skyrocketed making gold more expensive than ever.
Now that Hannah is out in the open as a republican shill – let’s see how far she’ll take this charade.
Hannah – do people have to by Microsoft products to live? Do they heat their homes and cook their food with Windows Vista? You’re talking about two different things.
And of course – we have your pal Dickless Cheney giving his pals in Big Oil tax breaks. So it gets better. We’re paying taxes SO that Big Oil can make this money. Then we’re paying trillions to fight in Iraq for more.
Johnboy let the truth slip yesterday. Those of us who are Democrats have known it for a long time. Iraq is and always be about oil. Everything else is just like Bush and his Mission Accomplished sign – BULLSHIT!
@109 – Also in 2006 Pelosi said she would nix those oil tax breaks…what has happened with that?
And no, oil is not a “need” so to speak, but a choice. we can choose to take transit rather than drive our cars. On the same note, can we choose to not use PSE electricity to heat our homes? No? They have a monopoly and keep raising their rates also. Remember oil is a “commodity”
@ 109 – if Iraq is all about oil, will we be overtaking Mexico and Canda while we are at it?
@110: Pelosi can only get things passed in the House – unless they are veto proof – Bush and his pals in the oil industry can veto them.
the bottom line is that oil profits are through the roof – oil is not a “free market” – it is manipulated by the producers, the refiners and the retailers.
Puddybud can go on off topic about oil prices – but record profits (a record for ANY corporation in two of the last three years – more than Microsoft in it’s heyday) speak for themselves – time to bring back the windfall profits tax.
Just to set the record straight it was Jimmy Carter and a democratic congress that set up the windfall profits tax – guess who signed the repeal? Yup – Ronald (break the budget) Reagan – anything for the coporate sponsors….the republicans have long been in bed with the oil industry and the car industry – that is why bush is suppressing state’s rights and blocking the CAFE standards to clean up california air (by the way, inner city kids in California cities suffer the highest rates of asthma) – bush even ignored his own EPA scientists on this one. Yup – republicans support corporations first and health, the economy or everyday people’s concerns last – that is why oil prices have skyrocketed.
@11 – if we can fool the american people that Canada and Mexico are a threat and have wmd’s – yes. In fact – maybe they are harboring terrorists – but we know most of the terorists came from Saudi Arabia and were trained in Afghanistan.
If you supported the war in Iraq – than you supported war for oil.
Puddyfacts = Republican talking points that have been shown to be lies. Corporate profits do not lie. As soon as the price of oil (per barrel)goes down – notice that the price at the pump does not. But the price at the pump goes up immediately when the price of the barrel goes up.
bottom line – price fixing and a monopoly.
111 Nazi Germany tried to wage wars against its immediate neighbors in two directions. It didn’t work out all that well.
The United States, to date, has been either two cowardly or too smart to attempt that. I’d like to hope the latter. Either way, I’m glad…aren’t you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
112. correctnotright spews:
but record profits (a record for ANY corporation in two of the last three years – more than Microsoft in it’s heyday) speak for themselves – time to bring back the windfall profits tax.
Why do people always talk about record profits and not a word about the record taxes?
I personally know many more people that use oil than microsoft products so of course oil will make more profit. Compare the number of times you have purchased a microsoft product compared to the number of times you’ve bought a gallon of gas.
Want to talk about profit margins? Exxon vs.
Would the windfall profits tax apply to all business or just the ones you don’t like?
Hey slingshot: I noticed you are spouting off at the mouth again…
Riddle me this. Why didn’t Nancy Pelosi bring up your “fact” as a response? There was no comment from her office. You trying to tell me the second smartest woman in the world isn’t up to the task?
Hannah, I used 9.5 cents per dollar profit.
Poor Marvin – trying to defend record oil company profits after the enron debacle, where they clearly manipulated prices and then screwed their workers over by illegally selling stock and hiding the problems.
Either you don’t pay attention or reflexively defend any corporation – but it sure looks pathetic defending known oil company crooks for their excessive profits – but then I have seen you defend a known and admitted liar like Tim Eyeman.
And what was your pathetically stupid point – that the margin on gas is less than google’s ads? So what – Exxon has made more than any company in history in two of the last three years. In the meantime – oil prices have hit a record high. They are profiting off of us – period. Are you so dense you can’t get that simple fact?
PuddyFacts destroyed you argument on:
Green River Killer
Reagan and the Alternative Fuels Project
Your other numerous worthless arguments
And the windfall profits tax should apply to monopolies that have been proven to amnipulate the price of their commodity. And yeah – I dislike crooks and “free market” advocates who don’t know a damn thing about what a real free market should look like.
Ahh yes Enron:
Friend of Clinton, who approved the TransAfghanistan oil and gas pipeline.
Ahhh yes Enron:
Who did most of their dirty deeds while in the 90s.
Puddyfacts – first are not facts. Second – have never destroyed me in any argument. Third – you change the argument when you can’t answer the question.
You LOST the green river killer argument – guess you don’t remember how Reichert FAILED to catch the green river killer and his boss said he obstructed the investigation while the real suspect was right under his nose.
But then – you don’t seem to remember anything but the pathetic republican talking points. Sad.
Wrong bud.
You lost the Green River Argument when you conceded points to me.
@117 – Puddy, my question exactly!!! IF Pelosi really initiated this “plan”, why hasn’t she screamed foul over the GOP’s asking where the plans is? Especially in election year when the dems want to take over the USA.
It took until February 12, 2008 for HR 1252 which is only investigating price gouging and THAT took almost 2 years! What happened to rest of this “plan”?
“In an email message to supporters on Wednesday, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee touted a Democratic plan to lower the price of gas immediately (and temporarily).”
And, so it was a good idea in 2006 to nix the fed gas taxes? But not now???? Which is it??? Make up your minds already!
“Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) has proposed a 60-day “holiday” on the federal gasoline tax that supposedly would lower prices by nearly 20 cents a gallon. “It’s something we can do right now to ease the burden on middle-class families across America,” the DSCC said.”
And here is what is wrong with politics, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours mentality…they are acting like a bunch of 5 years olds on both sides!!!
And here is what is wrong with politics, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours mentality…they are acting like a bunch of 5 years olds on both sides!!!
Incorrectstillwrong: You also like your brother the clueless idiot didn’t read the rest of the seattle times article.
Without looking it up correctnotright when did Reichert become Sheriff?
Without looking it up correctnotright , who was Reichert’s boss during the Green River killings?
Without looking it up correctnotright what was missing from their investigation?
Without looking it up correctnotright how many lie detector tests did non-sheriff Reichert give Gary Ridgway?
Without looking it up correctnotright how did they catch Gary Ridgway?
Regarding the cronyism, hmmm… as I remember there are quite a few complaints regarding “cronyism” before he became sheriff correctnotright.
Now if correctnotright discussed conduct unbecoming an officer – I’ll be standing next to him on that one.
See liberals, I did my Puddystudy.
headless lucyspews:
re 128: Did you do it: “Without looking it up”? or do you allow yourself a little more leeway?
Headless we know you really did it. I didn’t live here then…
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. correctnotright spews:
Poor Marvin – trying to defend…
– but then I have seen you defend a known and admitted liar like Tim Eyeman.
Link please.
Not only are you a liar, you’re not even a very good one.
Where’s the link where I defended tim eyeman?
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. correctnotright spews:
And what was your pathetically stupid point – that the margin on gas is less than google’s ads? So what – Exxon has made more than any company in history in two of the last three years. In the meantime – oil prices have hit a record high. They are profiting off of us – period. Are you so dense you can’t get that simple fact?
So what if they are profiting off me. They have a product I choose to use. If the time comes I don’t like it I’ll stop using their product.
Why don’t you try it, it’s called pro-choice. Be a man and make the choice you can live with. You anger is a secondary emotion, what is the emotion you are feeling deep inside you? Feeling rather helpless to take control of your own life? Feeling hopeless that you are unable to even change your own habits, let alone those of us trolls?
Since it bothers you so much stop using the stuff. If you complain you can’t stop, well, admit you got a problem and join gas guzzlers anonymous.
Above incorrectnottobright wrote: “bush is suppressing state’s rights and blocking the CAFE standards to clean up california air”
Why do you tell such bald face lies?
California and seventeen other states want some new rules to help them fight global warming. Unfortunately they can’t set federal standards, only the EPA can. That was the impetus.
The EPA never before rejected a request from California to set tougher air pollution standards before this one which is politically motivated. This time incorrectnottobright its different because they are trying to effect climate change in their state. We all know from the IPCC (IIPC?) is a global problem – right? You used them before for your worthless global warming arguments.
Such a damned liar you are mostlyincorrectandnottobright.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Any of the regulars in Spokane? I’m flying up next week to check out some property in metaline falls.
Again veryincorrectnottobright – do oil companies set the price of oil or do the lefties at NYMEX? And who gets over 50% of any oil price?
Hannah knows the answer. She more than you do veryincorrectnottobright because she now researches the truth before spouting off.
Don’t worry, I won’t wait for your answer. I’m going to bed.
Yep, Bush has been true to his track record of success as a CEO.
To carry over a thread about defining conservativism
Lots of questions…
Public Safety? How much? Police, fire department. How about DSHS? Is it public safety to take a kid out of an abusive household? Where does the kid go once you have taken them out of the home? Does your world view have a government agency trying to make sure old folks homes are safe? Do you want a government agency to try to make sure that our food is safe, our water is drinkable, and our toys and drugs are not poisoned? If the government doesn’t do it, who does?
You don’t want to pay for public schools. Do you believe that an informed electorate is part of our democracy? If the parents don’t have the money or the brains to educate their kids, are the kids out of luck? How do you get kids out of that cycle of ignorance, once it starts? Do you bother?
Should the government be involved in environmental issues at all? Should the government regulate banks at all? Is the 1700s and their private banks a better model?
Should the government pay for the courts system? How about copy right and intellectual property protection, child labor laws, age discrimination in the workplace, or car safety rules, should the government be involved in those issues at all?
What about land disputes and water rights? who governs them? anyone?
How about Net Neutrality?
Don’t know about all your questions, but…
If this statement defines conservativism then the current administration fails miserably on all three principles.
In another thread rhp6033 farted:
The best the Republicans can hope for in November is that American voters have a very, very, very short memory.
They are hoping gas prices will go down to $3.25 a gallon by late summer, blah blah, blah…
While rhp6033, follows the Pelletizer method of trying to make a worthless point, Puddy Remembers what The Donkey say.
PuddyFact: April 2006: ““Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” –
PuddyFact April 2008: House GOP challenges Pelosi for gas price plan
Written by Dennis Kucinich’s daughter.
PuddyRetort: more BULLSHITTIUM from the Donkey…Somehow the plan is missing in action. Or, she didn’t think people with a brain would remember what a Donkey says, since most of the time it’s insignificant psychobabble.
Hey I know I bet bybygoober and clueless idiot know what the plan is… They received it on their secret WI-FI decoder rings…
Freaking awesome ad!
bybygoober look up Congressional Medal of Honor winner Col Bud Day.
by the way still a goober…
@ 4
So, Democrats grossly underestimated our President’s ability to completely fuck up the economy. And this is supposed to help Republicans get elected…how?
What John Doe: You think Nancy Pelosi was lying too?
I think George Bush is the best example of republican stupidity we will ever be forced to endure. When we take a super majority in Congress and take over the White House in the next election, we should take Rove-like steps to quash dissent in the GOP and relegate them to spending their time deciding which of their members we lock up first. Man I can’t wait. Then we start the hunt. Looking for GOP traitors; house by house! Justice is coming asswipes. Run and hide while you still can.
This ad makes it sound like we involved ourselves in someone else’s civil war, as though the civil war was already there and we just “got involved.” But we invaded Iraq, we started this second war for whatever reasons. The civil war didn’t start until after the invasion and after we messed up the occupation.
The issue isn’t our involvement in someone else’s civil war, but how best to help fix the mess that we created, or whether there is anything we can do to “help” at this point, given what we’ve already done there.
So, Puddy, are you suggesting that the GOP members of the Senate would have ever let a Democratic plan for investigating oil company price-fixing to ever get to a vote?
Why Our Economy Is A Mess And Nobody Else’s Is
“The Trillion Dollar Meltdown by Charles R. Morris deserves a spot on any bedside reading table. …
“Morris puts to rest any lingering notion that the credit crisis reflects merely an inflated housing market, let alone a simple subprime problem. …
“In essence, Morris traces America’s credit madness to the rise of Chicago School free-market capitalism, best represented in the work of late Nobel laureate Milton Friedman.
“That ideology supplanted Keynesian liberalism, which gave government a key role in achieving low inflation, low unemployment, and fast economic growth. …
“‘The current conservative, free-market cycle … seems to have long since foundered in the oily seas of gross excess,’ writes Morris. …
“Morris manages in a mere 194 pages to explicate the forces behind the origins and popping of the credit bubble and other recent market manias, the decline in the value of the dollar, and the emergence of sovereign wealth.
“He also takes a stab at what might come next: a long-term decline of the U.S. economy, especially if political leaders and financial elites try to mask how deep the credit crisis runs … Morris anticipates a nerve-wracking denouement.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The current travails of the U.S. economy are not a product of global forces. If they were, every other economy would be in the toilet along with ours — but they’re not. Whatever is pulling down the U.S. economy is unique to us. Let’s see … what could that be?
The Bush administration and its slavish belief in the ideology of laissez-faire capitalim.
Repubs experimented with deregulation and it didn’t work. It’s time to re-regulate the economy. For that job, you need to hire the Democrats, because Republicans know nothing about making capitalism work.
@4 – Actually the whole Pelosi plan has been something that has been on many minds as gas prices have continued to climb at record pace over the past year. I have actually heard from many people questioning where this plan has been for 2 years. Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Yes over the filibuster-happy minority in the Senate and the veto pen in the White House.
YLB spews:
Seems if there was a “commonsense plan” as was stated in April 2006, it would have already been enacted over this past year.
Yes over the filibuster-happy minority in the Senate and the veto pen in the White House.
Somebody call the Whaaaaaaaaaambulence. Tough shit. You guys are in charge in congress and whatever failures that happen it’s on you. That’s what we call in guvmint circles “getting the donk treatment”. How do like you like us now beyooootch. hehehehehe
@YLB – So was the plan put before congress and the pres? I’d like to see who voted it down in congress and write a few nasty letters! do you know the Bill Number?
You folks are so certain that Bush is a dumb ass, stupid Republican. As if there were some monopoly of stupidity in the GOP.
Let me give you some insight into the future. The radicals have failed. They could not even field a competitive candidate. Rational Republicans will return and will win back the Senate if the Dimocrats become doctrinaire.
You guys wanna loose? Impliment litmus tests like we did.
Now that FlipFlop McCain has stupidly admitted that the war in Iraq is ALL about the oil, here’s the question. Was it worth it righties? Trillions in taxes – thousands dead and wounded – and oh yes, on our way to $5 per gallon gas. You fuckheads blew this like you blow everything else!
Persion Gulf War was about oil.
Gas plans are giving me gas.
look at Hillary’s “plan.” For 90 days she would transfer the gas tax from the cnsumer to the oil companies. I suppose she would then try price controls to assure that the tax did not get passed on to the consumer (or course with the addition of a margin for the oil company).
Isn’t this gthe old rotating credit cards trick?
BTW … if you look at her so much touted health care plan there is a similar gimmick, She owuld pay the costs out of FICA. Has anyboidy heard GOOD news smeplace about the existing social security and mediucare trust funds?
So Clinton logic is we INCREASE thhe burden on the least stable part of our tax system?
Her plan gets worse. The plan only works if (heh heh) the existing private providers are willing to insure ALL Americans, including those now excluded because they cost more AND do so w/o raising prices.
If you believe any of this you are a fool.
Clinton is not alone in this pandering. Both she and Obama have lied about their plans in Iraq. Neither one s likley t do the Kucinich trip or keep their promises abut withdrawal. Hillary, to be consistent with fdamily tradition, has suggested she will redefine “withdrawl” by keeping needed troops in certain places in Iraq and deployiong the rest on thje bordefrs to threaten Syria and Iran.
Obama’s lie is harder to parse, I have n idea how he is vgoing to handle gt but maybe kt will be like the Rev Wright affair .. he will say gthat he has learned more and now ….
“What John Doe: You think Nancy Pelosi was lying too?”
In other words, your attempt at diversion from the full facts is complete bullshit. Thank you for playing.
“You guys are in charge in congress”
Not without a filibuster-proof majority.
Whatever Happened to “Common Cause?”
rememeber these guys?? .. they go back to Nixn times and describe themselves as a non partisan group commited to honesty in campaigning.
We need CC NOW!
CC still exists,sort of, on the web but their activities seem to have degenerated into beureaucratic support for the Federal Election Commitee.
What a waste! We need some credible, impartial, authority to call horseshit when campaigns drop turds on the road to elections.
If anything, the demise of the MSM means we have a vastly increased need for something that is seen as fair but willing to call a turd a turd.
Unfortunately, HA can only do this under the taint of partisanship. As for the media, when they do decide to report on horse turds, the talking heads make sure to balance the red turds and the blue turds, even if only one party’s equine is diaper free.
So how the hell did we get here? Why can’t the nice folks at CC figure out how to use the web? Is there an EFFECTIVE, CREDIBLE site doing what CC is supposed to do?
@23 – yes they have to fight filibuster. Do you know what bill number the “Commonsense Plan” is? I want to find out who voted against it in Congress/Senate.
God wants Obama.
I just asked him.
Spread the good news!
You guys are in charge in congress”
Not without a filibuster-proof majority.
You donks control the agenda. If you can’t lead by convincing the other half of the country to follow than you don’t deserve to lead.
Keep on dreaming about that supermajority….it’s as close as you 16%ers will ever get. heheehehe
Count Lieberman in that majority? And how reliabe is his vote?
Go back to licking yourself, dog
Count Lieberman in that majority? And how reliabe is his vote?
Go back to licking yourself, dog
You sap suckers tried to throw him under the bus and beat him with an ultra moonbat…of course the bus was stuck in neutral and ended up running over your liberal asses. hahahahahahaaha
You can run around outside naked screaming that at the top of your lungs if you’d like. It’s not going to change the facts.
And, among those facts is the fact that no party controls Congress unless they have a filibuster-proof majority. The folks who wrote up the Constitution rather designed it that way.
This is basic high school social studies, which really leaves the rest of us to wonder just how did you manage to not learn something so basic to our government?
Must be that private school education, again.
@30 – Was the Commonsense plan denied via Congress? Or was it Bush being veto happy? Do you know the bill number of the plan?
@4 My points are far from worthless, puddinghead. In fact, I scored big by betting on the wingnut energy police by buying oil stocks. Even Mr. Cynical profited from my realization that Wingnut Economics would send oil prices through the roof.
@5 The “plan” is higher gas prices, richer Republicans, and poorer everyone else, dope!
@7 Yeah, he’s the guy who didn’t crack under North Vietnamese torture while McCain was signing a “confession.”
Regardless of supermajority the democrats are 100% responsible for the miserable performance of congress. It’s not the republicans fault that the dems can’t come up with a bill that they wont vote for.
@14 Once again we hear wingnut noises emanating from self-proclaimed “Democrat” Hannah. Hell, Fred Phelps calls himself a “Democrat” too, but lying about what you are doesn’t make it so.
Yeah, he’s the guy who didn’t crack under North Vietnamese torture while McCain was signing a “confession.”
05/02/2008 at 10:24 pm
I will take a guy who crack under pressure from torture over two military dodgers any day. roof roof.
Hell.. Hillary cracked under pressure when being shot at with fake bullets. hehehhehehe
@16 Congress doesn’t run the country, dumbshit. But then, you’re just a stupid dog, so you’re not expected to know that.
Dogs and Republicans shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Republican dogs should be euthanized.
Once again I will ask, since no one seems to be able to answer or is it just avoiding the question?
@18 You want us to take your advice on how to succeed at politics and government?
Poor poor John Doe:
Just doesn’t get it.
Nancy Pelosi said something in 2006 to get Donkey elected and be in charge of the legislative houses for the 2006 elections. Now that Donkey are charge, thinking people are asking “Where’s da beef”? The Donkey have to come home to the barn.
Idiots like John Doe don’t like the truth of day be shown on fallacious nauseating argument from the Donkey. I can’t help it if Puddy remembers.
@27 We’re not interesting in convincing your half of the country of anything. We’re only interested in kicking your traitor asses back into the gutters you slithered out of.
Hannah, there was no common sense plan because to date there is no common sense plan to date. It was all of a Pelosi pipe dream to date. When I deliver PuddyFacts, the 16%ers go bonkers. Just look at the thread litter above, starting with John Doe.
16 Congress doesn’t run the country, dumbshit. But then, you’re just a stupid dog, so you’re not expected to know that.
05/02/2008 at 10:32 pm
You got that one right. This congress couldn’t run a dog kennel let alone a country.
@35 There’s no moon tonight, so you can stop barking now.
Maybe Pelletizer got the common sense plan with his monthly guvmint cheese handout. Isn’t the check and the common sense due tomorrow?
@37 “I will take a guy who crack under pressure from torture over two military dodgers any day. roof roof.”
Yeah, you would! That’s why it’s illegal for dogs to vote.
I already know there is and was no “plan” but according to Don Joe and YLB, they claim it’s cuz the reps filibustered it or Bush veto’d…but no one can produce the Bill number…why? Because there isn’t one! I can’t stand Pelosi, she has NO backbone! All talk and no walk!
@43 Do tell. It’s not like you are an expert on “getting it,” puddinghead …
@48 I don’t get gummint handouts. I get capitalist handouts, though. Capitalists pay me to push the same dollars in the same circles over and over, producing nothing. Go figure. Sure beats working, though.
This congress can’t even follow through on their “endless investigations” they promised would happen. How freakin hard can it be to do that. You would have better results from a quadriplegic lifeguard.
You would. Donks actually love capitalism as long as they are the only ones allowed to profit from it. Al Gore and his “big weather” global warming hoax scheme is all the proof you need.
@ 30 & 41
Didn’t you follow the link? During the 109th Congress, Rep. Stupak sponsored the Federal Response to Energy Emergencies Act (H.R. 3936), which died in committee. The act was resurrected as H.R. 1252: Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act.
If you did a bit of googling, you could have found those answers for yourself rather than screaming about it here.
DEid anybody see the hillary on OReilly shtick? Is it true he copped a feel and she let him do it?
Maybe she will divorce Bill I and marry Bill II? Imagine O’Reilly as first spouse!
@ 45
When Puddy spews “facts”, you can rest assured that he is, at best, spewing only half of the facts.
This latest diversionary tactic by Republicans is particularly juicy. We’re supposed to ignore the laws that the House has passed (why? I don’t know. Perhaps because the bills that have passed didn’t have the word “commonsense” in the title? Republicans can be rather dense), and we’re also supposed to ignore the undeniable fact that much of the mess we’re in now is due to the policies of the current Republican executive.
You’ll notice that Puddy has not answered my question, thereby proving that this is all just a diversion. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
@55 No I didn’t follow the link until you JUST posted it!
AND HR 3936??? Um thats something completely different! A post office?
And HR 1252 has NOT been shot down as everyone here keeps screaming!
Don Joe, so if this bill had been denied, why didn’t Pelosi raise all holy hell about the GOP calling her on the carpet?????
I can’t stand her and wish another dem would take her place, the price gouging investigation HR 1252 has nothing to do with lowering gas prices, but instead the federal government would fine the gas companies and we, the consumer, would never see a dime. How many “price gouging investigations” has the state of washington done? And found NOTHING! So it’s a waste of time, it will NOT lower gas prices as promised in 2006!
I remember in 2004 being called a crazy conspiracy theorist on HA when I said the Iraq war was all about oil — that I was too ‘cynical.’
I wasn’t then, but I am now. Get real. The only way out of this mess is to take the money back from those who took it. Yes. The top 1%.
I look forward to hearing you all egree with me — in four years — when it’s too late.
Looking into price gouging is a waste of time and tax payer $$$…the way Pelosi made it sound is 2006 was she was going to “rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels”
The states that have investigated price gouging on their own founf NONE! And the production of alternative fuel is part to blame for skyrocketing food prices.
@ 58
“@55 No I didn’t follow the link until you JUST posted it!”
Why, on earth, did you think I was referring to a link I just posted? Clearly you didn’t follow the links that Puddy posted, and clearly you didn’t do even a modicum of research.
And, my dear, the only one screaming here, is you.
@ 59
“Don Joe, so if this bill had been denied, why didn’t Pelosi raise all holy hell about the GOP calling her on the carpet?????”
Why should she waste her time calling out the GOP on what is obviously, and transparently, a diversionary tactic? It speaks for itself. The Republicans have shat all over the place, and now they want to blame the Democrats for not getting rid of the stink quickly enough.
Frankly, I think the fact that you cant stand Pelosi is distorting your perceptions of what’s going on here.
“The states that have investigated price gouging on their own founf NONE! And the production of alternative fuel is part to blame for skyrocketing food prices.”
First, there are limitations on the scope of the investigations that state attorney generals can conduct. In particular, investigating issues at the wholesale level tend to be just a tad beyond their reach.
Second, want to guess who that leaves to actually conduct an investigation?
Well the fact is she never did submit this “plan”…the one regarding price gouging has yet to be tabled, still going thru the process. But nothing else has happened and instead they are wasting time & $$ looking into price gouging when even in our state, we have been told their is NO evidence of it!
Bottom line, the plan discussed in April 2006 still has not been produced. Kinda like McCain’s healthcare plan!
So when Gregoire asked McKenna to investigate price gouging here, was she just wasting tax payer money since ” there are limitations on the scope of the investigations that state attorney generals can conduct. In particular, investigating issues at the wholesale level tend to be just a tad beyond their reach.”?
So Piddydick now uses Jane Balough’s Dog as an alias too? What’s that? 24-25?
By the way – Piddydick’s hero, AWOL George Bush is planning to veto a budget that would extend benefits to veterans. I guess the GOP supports our troops when it comes to wearing lapel pins – but that’s as far as it goes.
Hell why would we expect a little cowardly cunt like George to understand? He hid under his mommy’s skirt when it was his turn to go to war.
record profits = price gouging
Get real, Hannah. Do you expect people to deny the evidence before their own eyes?
Maybe those investigating oil companies fear sudden impulses to ‘suicide’, like the DC madam.
re 64: Who looked for the evidence? Where are the results of the study?
Is it like a study by Liggett & Myers finding that tobacco is not addictive and doesn’t cause cancer?
But anyway, Hannah, thanks for pointing out that oil companies are far to moral to price- gouge. I feel terrible for having suggested that they ever would.
John Doe deivers HR 1252.
I delivered: April 2006: “Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are bringing down skyrocketing gas prices
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see how they are ending tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies
Hmmm… – Did anyone see the call for increasing production of alternative fuels?
Golly John Doe you need to try again… and remove your head from Pelletizer’s furry butt.
John Doe farted: “You’ll notice that Puddy has not answered my question, thereby proving that this is all just a diversion. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
Hey John Doe, I just answered it in my due time. I have a wife who loves her loving husband. I don’t need to spend long nights on this blog when the wife calls. Maybe you live a sheltered single existence and more power to you, but when I have a job to do I don’t need to call Black an Decker!
re 69: So, neither the Democrats or Republicans have done anything about the price-gouging. What’s your point?
Re 70: “…a job to do….”??? Did you present her with a bill on Valentine’s Day?
Once again headless lucy’s 24×7 head is up someone else’s butt.
We’ve already had this PuddyFact appear but as always headless is hating 24×7 and can’t see the light Tom Bodett left on for him…
Do oil companies set the price of oil?
– If they do how does OPEC survive?
– If they don’t, the what does the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex) have to do with it?
– If you agree Nymex plays with the price, who are these people? Well since they work in lower Manhattan I wonder how far they commute to work? Since they either live in NY, NJ or Conn and each of these locations are very blue donkey… your own people are screwing the US and you fools (headless as #1) are blaming the wrong crowd.
Well it ain’t the first time!
If you all did your homework, I’d say nothing but since you all can’t see your friends working in lower Manhattan are shafting you…
Stupid 16%er idiots. I have to continually repeat over and over PuddyFacts because the 16%ers will lose their I hate Big Oil or GWB mantra.
So headless since you are the IQ genius here of 125-140 (yes Puddy doesn’t forget), how much in taxes does big oil contribute to the US Treasury? I’ll even allow John Doe to answer that one…
@ 69
“Golly John Doe you need to try again”
Why? The only point you have in bringing up any of this crap is to divert attention away from the fact that Republican policies have caused the shit that’s been stinking up our country. Even if I concede every single “fact” you allege, you still can’t come up with a conclusion that’s all that helpful for Republicans.
@ 70
“Hey John Doe, I just answered it in my due time.”
No, dipshit. The question I asked back @ 8 remains quite unanswered.
Damn, but kicking your ass around this place isn’t even fun anymore.
headless hater 24×7: I made my point tooooooooooooooooooo bad the massive IQ of 126-140 can’t mensa it out!
John Doe@74: Veni vidi vici!
Thanks for playing…
Divert attention from what John Doe? Did I say the April 2006 pronouncement from the House Minority Leader or did I replay it here?
Gosh John Doe, you are in a tizzy over her words delivered as a PuddyFact.
I like it when the 16%er crowd is caught by their own petards.
Since you want the direct answer to your silly question in #8 because you can’t figger it out otherwise:
Once people see what an empty skirt Nancy Pelosi really is… and her own words (shown above) and visitations (remember her visit to Syria) are in the public eye, people will wake up to the fact Donkey don’t really care… Donkey only want more power and more taxes to enact social programs many Americans don’t want…
Again Veni vidi vici!
Thanks for playing…
bybygoober@19: No he didn’t. It’s your moveon friends who falsify what he really said:
Don’t allow the facts to cloud your filthy mind…
Piddydick’s butt buddy Georgie Boy went on the radio today to tell us – now wait for it – the economy ain’t that bad! That’s the best you right wing looooosers can do. Man it must suck to be you.
Now get back to cleaning toilets Piddydick. Your wife AND your sister are on the way over to pull a train on me and my friends.
Stupes – On this holiest of holier than thou days, pray for your corrupt, silly party of hypocrites – who’s being flushed down the toilet this November!
I doubt even God can save this sorry bunch of losers.
I thought it wasn’t about oil. It was about taking out the next Hitler or the WMD or a new front on the war on terra or some such baloney.
bybygoober, since you are lacking in the basic mental faculties:
Based on the early preliminary data GDP was up again. Since you need 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth to be in a recession we ain’t there gobberman.
But don’t let the facts hit your silly ASS as you walk out the door.
Again, what was your stupid comment in #19? Was it proven wrong again just like 99.99% of everything you post?
Did you look up what Col Bud Day CMoH Winner has to say about John McCain?
Gooberman, Veni vidi vici!
Thanks for playing…
Blue John @ 2–
1) DSHS–how do you measure their “accomplishments”? How do you measure the damage they have done? What did we do before DSHS evolved? This organization has morphed into a dependency trap for many.
I say disband it and allow local communities to decide how to attack their problems. My preference is faith-based…
Allowing the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS to tackle this has only lead to high-paid, high State benefit careers. A form of Welfare in giving jobs to many incompetents to help others in need. Unnecessary.
2) A bureaucracy to help “make sure old folks homes are safe”????? Are you kidding me!
Blue John…you are such a KLOWN.
3) Safe Toys???? Another example of overextending government.
4) Court System is part of the Public Safety infrastructure. So are prisons. HOWEVER, I believe prisoners should be put to work more than they are now to pay for their room & board. No frills prisons and chain gangs!!
5) In general, our legal system has expanded so far into making sure our world is perfect& fair that it has become counter-productive and paralyzed many businesses ability to function…creating excessive costly overhead.
6) Water—infrastructure
7) Property disputes—many caused by excessive regulation.
Your concerns are mainly fear-driven.
Did you ever think that the vast majority of folks try to do the right thing?
And that we have created a system to enable folks to have kids out of wedlock?
Good questions.
I’m not as fearful of other people as you are Blue John.
Your comments are generally fear-based. Without government, we are all going to die.
Once again clueless idiot doesn’t read the thread entries.
” PHOENIX (AP) – Republican John McCain was forced to clarify his comments Friday suggesting the Iraq war involved U.S. reliance on foreign oil. He said he was talking about the first Gulf War and not the current conflict. At issue was a comment he made at a town hall-style meeting Friday morning in Denver.
“My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East,” McCain said.
The expected GOP nominee sought to clarify his comments later, after his campaign plane landed in Phoenix. He said he didn’t mean the U.S. went to war in Iraq five years ago over oil.
“No, no, I was talking about that we had fought the Gulf War for several reasons,” McCain told reporters.
One reason was Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, he said. “But also we didn’t want him to have control over the oil, and that part of the world is critical to us because of our dependency on foreign oil, and it’s more important than any other part of the world,” he said.
“If the word `again’ was misconstrued, I want us to remove our dependency on foreign oil for national security reasons, and that’s all I mean,” McCain said.
“The Congressional Record is very clear: I said we went to war in Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction,” he said.
McCain is a staunch supporter of the Iraq war, although he criticizes the early handling of it by the Bush administration.
His support for the war has drawn attacks from the Democratic Party, and on Friday, McCain defended himself against television ads that accuse him of advocating a 100-year war in Iraq.
The ads, run by the Democratic National Committee and the liberal group, tie McCain to President Bush and cite McCain’s comments that there could be an American military presence in Iraq for 100 years.
“One hundred years in Iraq? And you thought no one could be worse than George Bush,” an announcer says in the most recent ad, run by
McCain brought up the commercials in Denver, saying they are lies. He doesn’t deny saying “100 years” in connection with U.S. military operations in Iraq. But he said he was clearly referring to a possible peacekeeping force and not a centurylong war, as critics imply.
“You have seen an ad campaign that is mounted against me that says I wanted to stay and fight in Iraq and fight for 100 years,” McCain told about 300 people at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center.
“My friends, it’s a direct falsification, and I’m sorry that political campaigns have to deteriorate in this fashion,” McCain said. “Because there’s legitimate differences between myself and Senator Obama and Senator Clinton on what we should do in Iraq.”
The Democratic presidential candidates want to set a date for withdrawal from Iraq, which McCain argues would lead to chaos and genocide in the Middle East.
“After we win the war in Iraq, and we are succeeding—and it’s long and hard and tough, with enormous sacrifices—then I’m talking about a security arrangement that may or may not be the same kind of thing we had with Korea after the Korean war was over,” he said.
At issue is McCain’s answer, in January, to a question about Bush’s theory that troops could be in Iraq for 50 years.
McCain said: “Maybe 100. As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, that’d be fine with me, and I hope it would be fine with you, if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al-Qaida is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day.” “
Just released by Rasmussen–
Looks like O-blah-blah is in free-fall!!!
“Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Hillary Clinton and John McCain essentially tied—Clinton attracts 45% of the vote while McCain earns 44%. At the same time, McCain leads Barack Obama 48% to 43% (see recent daily results). This has been a difficult week for Obama. When the week began, he was even with McCain and outperformed Clinton in general election match-ups.
In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, it’s Clinton 47% Obama 44%. That’s the third straight day that Clinton has held a slight edge over Obama (see recent Democratic Nomination results). Last Monday, Obama led by eight percentage points. Tracking results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Today, at noon Eastern, Rasmussen Reports will release new polling data for the Oregon Presidential Primary.
Democrats are divided when it comes to the relationship between Barack Obama and his former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Just 18% of Clinton voters believe Obama was surprised by the content of Wright’s remarks. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Obama supporters believe their candidate was surprised. Seventy percent (70%) of Clinton supporters believe it’s likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s controversial views about the United States. Only 17% of Obama supporters think it’s likely that he shares those views. Ten percent (10%) of Clinton supporters believe that Obama was truly outraged by Wright’s comments. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Obama supporters believe their candidate was outraged.
Nationally, 56% of all voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s controversial views.”
I hate to break it to y’all, but waaaaaaaay too many folks think O-blah-blah is a LIAR!
By the way I have been keeping track. It’s been months now since Goldy challenged the baby-raping right wingers to tell us WHY we should vote for Sheriff Big Hair Davie without using his opponent as the reason. Not one right wing asswipe has even tried. That’s how proud the GOP is of Davie. They can’t say a fucking word in support of their candidate. They know he’s a looooser.
bybygoober: Why you changing topics now…
Oh yeah your butt was just kicked for the 99,999 time here… like it was as Rightequalsstupid and Leftturn…
Name change spots the same…
84 – LMAO!!! Stupes that’s as lame a spin as any I’ve ever read.
If your pal Mr. C. is right for once in his life and Obama doesn’t get the nod (highly unlikely), you’re going to be thrown into the arms of that doddering, warmongering OLD man who can’t get his right wing bullshit straight.
clueless idiot, you posted from a blog. I posted his words from the net.
Big difference.
Now go back to momma’s housecoat and resume sucking your thumb. Oh… your thumb is soiled? Well I guess it would be where it’s located all the time…
Notice when clueless idiot has nothing to say (most of the time) he’s LHAO?
breitbart? A slimy right wing bullshit spinoff of Matt Sludge.
I’m LMAO because you’re so silly. The stink of desperation from you carries through the monitor.
GBS told me on another thread (re: Puddybud) that I needed to ‘talk to the man, mano-a-mano’ before I could “pop-off” to him.
GBS: Read what the idiot is saying — 24/7, I might add. Go fuck yourself GBS, and the pony you rode in on.
re 85: If Obama had loyally stuck with his pastor of 20 years and tried (whether the media would allow him to or not) to explain to the American people what the meaning of Wright’s words actually were, he’d have scored a lot of points with the American electorate.
He still could. By appoligizing to the good Reverend for abandoning him in his time of need.
You know, most Americans don’t know that there is truth to the statement that the Western Powers, via the U.N. (America in the forefront, of course) approved of the testing out of tainted oral polio vaccines on innocent African babies and (admittedly, inadvertantly — although they knew something bad would happen) created AIDS.
I remember in the 80’s the official explanation for AIDS was that gay guys were going to Africa and butt-fucking wild monkeys. I kid you not. That was the narrative in the mainstream media for a time.
And NO ONE batted an eye! Sam Kinison even had a routine about it.
Waddya think, Lee? Bad oral polio vaccine or gay guys butt-fucking wild monkeys?
“Since you want the direct answer to your silly question in #8 because you can’t figger it out otherwise:”
Oh, the argument you’re trying to make is obvious: pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Please make this the central part of the Republican platform. Republicans will get their asses kicked in November worse that I’ve kicked your silly ass around here.
Veni vidi vici, indeed!
“Divert attention from what John Doe?”
From the fact that our current mess is a direct result of Republican policies. You really are quite an amazing creature. Republicans ream you right up the ass, and your autonomic response is to reenact Kevin Bacon’s role in Animal House.
HR 5351, The Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation Act of 2008 was passed on Feb. 28 by a vote of 236-182 in the House. It was slated to kill the 18 billion in subsidies the oil companies recieve annually. The bill is now sitting in committee in the Senate dying of Republican neglect. A retard could Google it, Hannah. And as far as Puddyfacts are concerned, be sure and check the guy’s links and do a modicum of follow up. It’s a painfully remedial process to expose his self-righteous, party-line, aparatchik, self-congratulatoy, gum-flappin bullshit.
@95 – It JUST passed the house on February 27, 2008…so now it is going to senate for the vote? Ok so how long does that take? I can’t find anything that shows the senate has voted yes/no yet on this bill….and why did it take til February 12, 2008 for a bill to brought forth? We have had skyrocketing gas prices for over a year now…..
Where are they looking into price gouging? Record profits, yes! But I would think part of record profits comes with record oil consumption as it has risen worldwide. Just like if I sold product A for years to 100,000 people my profits would be ex. 25k but if this tear I sold same product A to 500,000 people I would have record profits to myself of 125k. The more I sell, the more profit.
Found this explaination of oil profits, yes once again, the more you sell (demand) the more you make (profit)
“For starters, many average Americans who hold stock in the oil companies, either directly or indirectly through their 401k or mutual fund. But the fact is, the gross profit margin for a gallon of gas in America today, is what it has always been, on average, .08 cents per gallon, (2.5% at $3.00 per gallon). Though retail gas prices fluctuate with crude prices and supply vs. demand, the gross profit margin per gallon remains roughly the same at all times. (No evidence of price gouging here.)
However the federal government profits approximately .59 cents per gallon through gasoline taxes, 7 ½ times or 750% that of the oil producers themselves and 20% of the price at the pumps. “
“Facts” are relative to the source materials, “Hannah”.
Every single site I find via google says the oil profit per gallon is from 8 to 10 cents. So let’s go high and say 20 cents per gallon profit….so they cut their profit by 50%, that saves us consumers 10 cents a gallon…whoo hoo….yeah that will lower the prices drastically.
What would be a respectable profit percentage for the oil companies? 2%, 5%, 10% ….
Hannah AKA Puddydick is so busy shilling for GOP causes while she pretends to be a Democrat that you have to think she’s given up on the charade.
Of course I believe everything the oil companies say Hannah – of course I do. If they say it’s 8-10 cents well by golly that must be true?
How fucking stupid are you?
The Bush regime has close ties to the oil business. Hell Baby Bush was in the oil business until his superior management skills led to him bankrupting the company. And of course we know Dickless Cheney’s ties to Big Oil are significant. Tell me again then what incentive these assholes have to get gas prices down?
Man the GOP must have someone better than Hannah to argue for them. If not – it’s Dems by 30 points in Nov.
BBG It’s not the oil companies posting that they only make 8-10 cents you fool, its the economist and financial gurus after years of study…or is it all a vast conspiracy? So even back when Clinton was pres they were making an average of 10-15% profit…was that gouging then? No because price of oil was cheaper as demand was down. Microsoft profits are approx 33%…is that gouging for Vista? Coca Cola profits average approx 24%, is that gouging for soda?
re 99: Then the only explanation, Hannah, for the increased profit is that they are selling more gallons of gas, which cannot be true because production is down because of Bush’s fiat that the strategic oil reserve be increased, thereby, tying up limited storage space, and the fact that there is no increase in production in the U.S. due to the fact that no new refineries have been built since the unprecedented increase in oil company profit.
So, what you are saying and what your sources are saying cannot stand up to even the most casual of analyses.
Puddy lifts the most recent Republican talking points and touts it as a “Puddyfact.” So now we know: Puddyfacts come straight from the Republican National Committee.
Microsoft profits are approx 33%…is that gouging for Vista?
This has been another edition of simple answers to simple questions.
In 1995, US oil companies refined and sold 7,085 million barrels of refined product.
In 2005, US oil companies refined and sold 7,593 million barrels of refined product.
The oil company profit in those years is very disparate. So, Hannah, your information cannot be true.
So, slingshot’s citation of HR 5351 being absolutely true, we now know that RNCPuddy’s so-called “fact” is totally false. It’s been a good day.
John McCain has to “clarify” the mind-numbingly stupid things he says on a very nearly daily basis. This election should be fun.
http:// mccainsource. com/
@Headless…and how much oil does the US consume, FROM US soil? Most of the oil we consume, is from other countries, Canada, Mexico, Saudi, Nigeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Venezuela..don’t get me wrong, we are getting screwed by oil. The price of a barrel of crude oil has increased so much over the past few years and has in turn raised prices, such as gold has skyrocketed making gold more expensive than ever.
Now that Hannah is out in the open as a republican shill – let’s see how far she’ll take this charade.
Hannah – do people have to by Microsoft products to live? Do they heat their homes and cook their food with Windows Vista? You’re talking about two different things.
And of course – we have your pal Dickless Cheney giving his pals in Big Oil tax breaks. So it gets better. We’re paying taxes SO that Big Oil can make this money. Then we’re paying trillions to fight in Iraq for more.
Johnboy let the truth slip yesterday. Those of us who are Democrats have known it for a long time. Iraq is and always be about oil. Everything else is just like Bush and his Mission Accomplished sign – BULLSHIT!
@109 – Also in 2006 Pelosi said she would nix those oil tax breaks…what has happened with that?
And no, oil is not a “need” so to speak, but a choice. we can choose to take transit rather than drive our cars. On the same note, can we choose to not use PSE electricity to heat our homes? No? They have a monopoly and keep raising their rates also. Remember oil is a “commodity”
@ 109 – if Iraq is all about oil, will we be overtaking Mexico and Canda while we are at it?
@110: Pelosi can only get things passed in the House – unless they are veto proof – Bush and his pals in the oil industry can veto them.
the bottom line is that oil profits are through the roof – oil is not a “free market” – it is manipulated by the producers, the refiners and the retailers.
Puddybud can go on off topic about oil prices – but record profits (a record for ANY corporation in two of the last three years – more than Microsoft in it’s heyday) speak for themselves – time to bring back the windfall profits tax.
Just to set the record straight it was Jimmy Carter and a democratic congress that set up the windfall profits tax – guess who signed the repeal? Yup – Ronald (break the budget) Reagan – anything for the coporate sponsors….the republicans have long been in bed with the oil industry and the car industry – that is why bush is suppressing state’s rights and blocking the CAFE standards to clean up california air (by the way, inner city kids in California cities suffer the highest rates of asthma) – bush even ignored his own EPA scientists on this one. Yup – republicans support corporations first and health, the economy or everyday people’s concerns last – that is why oil prices have skyrocketed.
@11 – if we can fool the american people that Canada and Mexico are a threat and have wmd’s – yes. In fact – maybe they are harboring terrorists – but we know most of the terorists came from Saudi Arabia and were trained in Afghanistan.
If you supported the war in Iraq – than you supported war for oil.
Puddyfacts = Republican talking points that have been shown to be lies. Corporate profits do not lie. As soon as the price of oil (per barrel)goes down – notice that the price at the pump does not. But the price at the pump goes up immediately when the price of the barrel goes up.
bottom line – price fixing and a monopoly.
111 Nazi Germany tried to wage wars against its immediate neighbors in two directions. It didn’t work out all that well.
The United States, to date, has been either two cowardly or too smart to attempt that. I’d like to hope the latter. Either way, I’m glad…aren’t you?
Why do people always talk about record profits and not a word about the record taxes?
I personally know many more people that use oil than microsoft products so of course oil will make more profit. Compare the number of times you have purchased a microsoft product compared to the number of times you’ve bought a gallon of gas.
Want to talk about profit margins? Exxon vs.
Would the windfall profits tax apply to all business or just the ones you don’t like?
Hey slingshot: I noticed you are spouting off at the mouth again…
Riddle me this. Why didn’t Nancy Pelosi bring up your “fact” as a response? There was no comment from her office. You trying to tell me the second smartest woman in the world isn’t up to the task?
Hannah, I used 9.5 cents per dollar profit.
Poor Marvin – trying to defend record oil company profits after the enron debacle, where they clearly manipulated prices and then screwed their workers over by illegally selling stock and hiding the problems.
Either you don’t pay attention or reflexively defend any corporation – but it sure looks pathetic defending known oil company crooks for their excessive profits – but then I have seen you defend a known and admitted liar like Tim Eyeman.
And what was your pathetically stupid point – that the margin on gas is less than google’s ads? So what – Exxon has made more than any company in history in two of the last three years. In the meantime – oil prices have hit a record high. They are profiting off of us – period. Are you so dense you can’t get that simple fact?
PuddyFacts destroyed you argument on:
Green River Killer
Reagan and the Alternative Fuels Project
Your other numerous worthless arguments
And the windfall profits tax should apply to monopolies that have been proven to amnipulate the price of their commodity. And yeah – I dislike crooks and “free market” advocates who don’t know a damn thing about what a real free market should look like.
Ahh yes Enron:
Friend of Clinton, who approved the TransAfghanistan oil and gas pipeline.
Ahhh yes Enron:
Who did most of their dirty deeds while in the 90s.
Puddyfacts – first are not facts. Second – have never destroyed me in any argument. Third – you change the argument when you can’t answer the question.
You LOST the green river killer argument – guess you don’t remember how Reichert FAILED to catch the green river killer and his boss said he obstructed the investigation while the real suspect was right under his nose.
But then – you don’t seem to remember anything but the pathetic republican talking points. Sad.
Wrong bud.
You lost the Green River Argument when you conceded points to me.
@117 – Puddy, my question exactly!!! IF Pelosi really initiated this “plan”, why hasn’t she screamed foul over the GOP’s asking where the plans is? Especially in election year when the dems want to take over the USA.
It took until February 12, 2008 for HR 1252 which is only investigating price gouging and THAT took almost 2 years! What happened to rest of this “plan”?
“In an email message to supporters on Wednesday, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee touted a Democratic plan to lower the price of gas immediately (and temporarily).”
And, so it was a good idea in 2006 to nix the fed gas taxes? But not now???? Which is it??? Make up your minds already!
“Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) has proposed a 60-day “holiday” on the federal gasoline tax that supposedly would lower prices by nearly 20 cents a gallon. “It’s something we can do right now to ease the burden on middle-class families across America,” the DSCC said.”
And here is what is wrong with politics, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours mentality…they are acting like a bunch of 5 years olds on both sides!!!
And here is what is wrong with politics, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours mentality…they are acting like a bunch of 5 years olds on both sides!!!
www. news/2008/apr/27/ parties-bicker-over-blame-gas-prices/
(remove the spaces in the web address)
Incorrectstillwrong: You also like your brother the clueless idiot didn’t read the rest of the seattle times article.
Without looking it up correctnotright when did Reichert become Sheriff?
Without looking it up correctnotright , who was Reichert’s boss during the Green River killings?
Without looking it up correctnotright what was missing from their investigation?
Without looking it up correctnotright how many lie detector tests did non-sheriff Reichert give Gary Ridgway?
Without looking it up correctnotright how did they catch Gary Ridgway?
Regarding the cronyism, hmmm… as I remember there are quite a few complaints regarding “cronyism” before he became sheriff correctnotright.
Now if correctnotright discussed conduct unbecoming an officer – I’ll be standing next to him on that one.
See liberals, I did my Puddystudy.
re 128: Did you do it: “Without looking it up”? or do you allow yourself a little more leeway?
Headless we know you really did it. I didn’t live here then…
Link please.
Not only are you a liar, you’re not even a very good one.
Where’s the link where I defended tim eyeman?
So what if they are profiting off me. They have a product I choose to use. If the time comes I don’t like it I’ll stop using their product.
Why don’t you try it, it’s called pro-choice. Be a man and make the choice you can live with. You anger is a secondary emotion, what is the emotion you are feeling deep inside you? Feeling rather helpless to take control of your own life? Feeling hopeless that you are unable to even change your own habits, let alone those of us trolls?
Since it bothers you so much stop using the stuff. If you complain you can’t stop, well, admit you got a problem and join gas guzzlers anonymous.
Above incorrectnottobright wrote: “bush is suppressing state’s rights and blocking the CAFE standards to clean up california air”
Why do you tell such bald face lies?
California and seventeen other states want some new rules to help them fight global warming. Unfortunately they can’t set federal standards, only the EPA can. That was the impetus.
The EPA never before rejected a request from California to set tougher air pollution standards before this one which is politically motivated. This time incorrectnottobright its different because they are trying to effect climate change in their state. We all know from the IPCC (IIPC?) is a global problem – right? You used them before for your worthless global warming arguments.
Such a damned liar you are mostlyincorrectandnottobright.
Any of the regulars in Spokane? I’m flying up next week to check out some property in metaline falls.
Again veryincorrectnottobright – do oil companies set the price of oil or do the lefties at NYMEX? And who gets over 50% of any oil price?
Hannah knows the answer. She more than you do veryincorrectnottobright because she now researches the truth before spouting off.
Don’t worry, I won’t wait for your answer. I’m going to bed.