East Link tunneling has got underway. It looks great. I’m excited about not having to take the bus or a car to Bellevue. I’d guess it gets used less than the Seattle stations but more than the buses.
If this includes or allows any individual (atheist) to not serve any individual with a visible cross necklace (which I wear one too on occasion) as they choose then I don’t have a problem with Religious Freedom bills.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@1 I am over 50 and never had kids. And I’ve paid Local/State/Federal taxes to support education for everyone else and their brother. The day when those that complain about taxes say and propose that a childless bearing individual be given a tax credit for not then I’ll take your complaining and griping more seriously. Until then shove it.
And addition that “education” includes sports programs, and costs related to school athletic programs…..which I could give two shits about.
Fuck off to all you tax paying snowflakes – you are not only snowflakes you are snow fakes.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@6 maybe you should have a little more pot.
Think of all the present taxpayers money and past on enforcing current drug laws….maybe pot smokers should quit fucking costing me money.
@1: What should be the time limit / expected use by retirees (!) to justify a large public infrastructure project?
Or are you just cynically invoking a sympathetic population as cover for complaining that you’ve been on the losing side of Sound Transit votes for twenty years?
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
giving ’em too much credit. Chances are this hillbilly lives in East Wenatchee and only thinks it’s paying for urban transpo projects because that’s what Mr. Haney its elected representatives and “community leaders” tell it.
Stupid fucking hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Solent green is people. Is this a system those old people would support and pay into? We could set up the facility in like 6 months, and they won’t need to worry about their tax money going to pay for anything.
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
Good transportation infrastructure = good economic growth for both large and small businesses.
‘Cept for hillbillies. The hillbilly equation is:
Steady and reliable importation of vast sums of Elite Coastal tax dollars – production negative externalities (because FAMILY FARMER!) = steadily declining economic growth + soaring rates of opiate addiction + self destructive political behaviors * sum[i=7,n][t_i], where i represents the average number of at-least half-related offspring per common law household in the trailer park, ti frequency of yard trampolines in the trailer park, and n is the number of trailers in the trailer park with a blue tarp on the roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump is proposing a 10% increase in defense funding and a 30% cut in State Department funding. Sounds like he intends to conduct foreign policy with a spear. Gunboat diplomacy never ends well.
@ 12
It all evens out in the end. Obama sent an advance.
Obama’s last money shower for the UN: some $9.2 billion
Look at the bright side, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: That’s $9.2B the UN can use against Israel either directly or indirectly, and it got there without any current Dem officeholders liable to be held accountable for it.
Next year there will be a little less.
I am over 50, ( a lot over 50), have no children and have been paying for education for decades. I’ve done my bit and am not too keen on paying for this transit mess.
@12, @13:
There are plenty of other targets in the State Department tallies. To name one: $67.9 million was spent in 2016 for the United Nations Population Fund, which has become an automatic piñata when pro-life Republican Administrations are in power, and the opposite under Democrats.
Because Republican Administrations all agree: one thing the world always needs is more starving children.
Ima Duncespews:
I can be pretty dense sometimes ( if not all the time) but thank you for pointing it out. I’m trying to observe the universe and make sense out of it as best I can. Maybe one day you can help. There’s always hope. (Sorry for being harsh, but you asked for it).
I’ve done my bit and am not too keen on paying for this transit mess.
After twenty years of Sound Transit votes passing, I suggest you move out of the taxing district. The larger and more comprehensive a mass-transit system, the more popular support it receives, so Sound Transit may well win votes on even larger funding packages in future.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Dean Baker @DeanBaker13
Wait, what happened to the robots taking all the jobs?
Not all of them. Just the ones with the most easily replaceable and relatively overpaid humans doing them.
Wendy’s plans self-ordering kiosks at 1,000 locations
Wendy’s chief information officer, David Trimm, said the kiosks are intended to appeal to younger customers and reduce labor costs. Kiosks also allow customers of the fast food giant to circumvent long lines during peak dining hours while increasing kitchen production.
Trim estimates the company will see a return on its investment in less than two years.
“They are looking to improve their automation and their labor costs…
What’s not to like? Maybe one of those $15-earning snot-nosed kids can clean the toilets more frequently, and still get paid.
What, you thought the Fight for $15 ended when you got $15? Naw. That’s when Round Two starts.
Government always wins in the end, Tensor. In extreme cases, where it can’t convince the population to willingly give wealth, it always find a way to get what it wants. Government is a special interest group with unchecked power. It even has the power to use deadly force with impunity.
I will help pay for the system for the benefit of Seattle and King County. It’s always about them anyway. The rest of us don’t matter.
More on Wendy’s:
“Last year was tough — 5 percent wage inflation,” said Bob Wright, Wendy’s chief operating officer, during his presentation to investors and analysts last week. He added that the company expects wages to rise 4 percent in 2017.
Wright noted that over the past two years, Wendy’s has figured out how to eliminate 31 hours of labor per week from its restaurants and is now working to use technology, such as kiosks, to increase efficiency.
Younger customers prefer the kiosks. Ironic, ain’t it?
…it always find a way to get what it wants.
Rather an interesting claim to make concerning Sound Transit, which obtains tax money only with approval of both our state’s legislature and us local taxpayers.
The rest of us don’t matter.
Do you reside in the Sound Transit taxing district?
“Why build rail, what we need are more buses!” Seattle Times, Kemper Freeman, et al
Link Light rail has no disruptions right now.
Sounder train 10 minute departure delay.
But if you drove or need a bus home tonight….you’re fucked.
This is the type of person who writes for HuffPo:
Runner Caught Cutting Course At Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon
FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) — A New York woman who finished second in the Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon admitted that she cheated during the race after being caught red-handed by an eagle-eyed internet sleuth.
“She had this labeled as a run, and the total time *almost* matches her original time for the 1/2 marathon,” Murphy wrote. “The cadence data is more consistent with what you would expect on a bike ride, not a run. Also, through the Flyby screen, I was able to confirm that she actually covered this course in the afternoon – long after the race was complete.”
Unsurprising as she’s a liberal, this likely wasn’t her first attempt to cheat.
He also pulled up evidence suggesting she may have faked other runs in the past.
She went to substantial lengths to avoid detection, according to the article. I guess blaming the Russians isn’t enough anymore.
@18, @20:
Fondly recalling the last job you would ever ever have where your performance reviews occasionally reached all the way up to “adequate”, eh?
Plenty of dead-end, low-wage jobs got eliminated long before there were wage laws. Ask one of Those Kids Today about that new-fangled Industrial Revolution which is all the rage these days.
(If you ask nicely, they might even wipe the drool off your chin, Pops.)
@ 21
Rather an interesting claim to make concerning Sound Transit, which obtains tax money only with approval of both our state’s legislature and us local taxpayers.
Some of it, anyway. I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
Seems like a deed in search of a lawsuit.
@ 24
Plenty of dead-end, low-wage jobs got eliminated long before there were wage laws. Ask one of Those Kids Today…
Why wouldn’t I just ask Deathfrogg?
Seems like a deed in search of a lawsuit.
Go for it. You could add the judge’s laughter to what you always get from us here.
I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
Given how many elections Sound Transit has won with exactly that status quo, your need to extend that sentence after the third word fails basic reality testing.
Why wouldn’t I just ask Deathfrogg?
Oh, so he supplied the whip you used to drive your most recent transportation vehicle? Because those aren’t being made anymore, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 You really are a swine. Republicans in Congress try to undercut President Obama by inviting Netanyahu to bash Obama’s carefully crafted policy on the floor of Congress, so Obama instructs our U.N. ambassador to abstain from vetoing a U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s noxious settlements, which a reasonable person could interpret as (a) political payback for a political backstab and (b) an attempt to teach Netanyahu some boundaries; and you turn this into our financial support for the U.N. into a “money shower” to “use against Israel.”
Let me explain something to you, dumbass. We all know Israel came into being because of the Holocaust, and nobody here on HA is against Israel surviving and prospering, or in favor of Palestinian terrorism and violence. But Israel can’t expect to resolve their conflict with Palestinians or ever have peace by treating Palestinians as a conquered people, keeping them in poverty, and taking their land at will. You would fight, too, if you were subjected to that. You and your fellow Republicans like Netanyahu because he’s a rightwing bully. There are reasonable voices in Israel, but right now, that country is being run by a rightwing bully, and Obama’s U.N. vote on the settlements issue took that into account. It also reflected, or at least I hope it did, the ancient rule of politics that “if you fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you.” Netanyahu fucked with Obama and got his just and deserved payback.
And now you’re bitching about it. Well, fuck you, doc. That’s the way politics work, in case nobody ever taught you. So now you’ve got your white supremacist nativist squatting in the White House, occupying an office he didn’t earn by winning a majority or plurality of votes, and he’s promising to gut foreign aid. I wonder if your businessman wunderkind realizes that Israel is by far the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid? If he doesn’t, I wonder if someone will clue him in, and he’ll exempt Israel from the foreign aid cuts, just as he exempted the countries that export terrorists to the U.S. from his Muslim travel ban?
I’m not against foreign aid to Israel. I’m probably against eliminating foreign aid to Israel, if that’s what the stupid fuck in the White House does because he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. I’m against Israel’s settlements policy because it’s expropriation and guarantees perpetual war in the Middle East, and as far as I’m concerned, that U.N. resolution was long overdue. If perpetual war, and the policies that spawn it, is what you want then fuck you, doc.
Do you understand me better now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Doc probably drives a better car than I do, so all I can say is,
I’ll bring myself to pay $50 to Sound Transit if he has to pay $500 to Sound Transit. Knowing he’s getting gouged takes a lot of the pain away …
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …
Younger customers prefer the kiosks. Ironic, ain’t it?
You’ve obviously never had to stand in line behind you.
Just think of that as one of the many, many privileges you’ve “earned.”
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
So, a big company is making significant capital investments, which will employ engineers, repair technicians, and other skilled laborers, while reducing further the already-dwindling number of folks in your daily life who don’t complain about your hygiene?
Sounds like a win all around.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@18 hope they have hand sanitizer at the kiosks…..think of all them dirty hands touching the kiosk, just in time to grab that hamburger. Next you’ll need a robot to hand feed you.
I predict a lot of germs will be passed on with the use of the kiosks.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Not sure if I ever told this story.
I was out having dinner with a friend/Co-worker. After dinner we were just walking around the city to pass time. I had to pee. So I go into a Burger King while my friend waits outside. While waiting to pee (one locked door) people adjacent to me who finished eating were tossing out their trash that was piling up and spilling over because no one was tending to emptying it. Their trash fell on the ground and they didn’t bother to pick it up. They were young kids.
When I went back outside I mentioned what happen to my friend and we discussed how today nobody really gives a shit about anything or their actions. We kind of discussed maybe that age, and other things, had something to do with their attitude.
The following day I have a doctor appointment at Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper East Side. I had a procedure performed where I had to wait a half hour before the second part of the procedure could be done. So I go to the Cafeteria and have a little breakfast. It was really no different than at the Burger King, except this time it were doctors (with stethoscopes hanging from their necks) that didn’t even bother to take their trash to the garbage can or dishwasher conveyor, a few of them left behind their shit on the table.
“You would fight, too, if you were subjected to that.”
Naaaah. Bob’d probably just whine about it.
@32 You mean Joe Beer Belly America drives an even older heap than I do? who’d-a thunk it?
@36 Yeah, maybe. Some people have more backbone than others. But then, I’m a Vietnam veteran, so I tend to know such people, and it’s hard for me to see things the way sissies do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump is a delusional fool. People who know what they’re talking about have warned us that he could leave $10 trillion of new debt in his wake when he finally leaves office. But the “King of Debt” doesn’t think so:
“More robust economic growth will help fund increases in spending to bulk up the military and upgrade the nation’s infrastructure, President Donald Trump told Fox News. ‘I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy,’ Trump said in a taped ‘Fox & Friends’ interview that aired Tuesday ahead of his evening address to a joint session of Congress.”
This bullcrap didn’t work for Reagan (who raised taxes 5 times) or Bush43, and it won’t work for Trump, either. What it amounts to is that his entire fiscal plan is a perpetual motion machine, based on the discredited and historically disproven notion that you can get a revenue gusher by slashing taxes.
As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It’s now up to Republicans to avoid a fiscal train wreck by recognizing the indisputable fact that Trump is crazy and using the 25th Amendment as it was intended to be used.
You need to revise your expectations because they aren’t going to respond. They are too busy pounding beers out by the septic pond with defense contractors and Tea Party protesters. For fifty years rational, affluent, healthy, well educated, enlightened coastal elites have been expecting hillbillies to behave like adults. The results will not be different now. Don’t be insane.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Who said I have any expectations? The only thing I expect you stupid humans to do is make yourselves extinct. I’ve had my underground burrow ready for years.
From today’s TNT, page 12A:
“Sound Transit says a 1-year-old car is worth 95 percent of its sticker price. Kelley Blue Book says the average 1-year-old car is only worth 70 percent of its sticker price.
Sound Transit says a 2-year-old is worth 89 percent of sticker price; Blue Book says only 59 per cent”
There you have it. Government acting like tyrants instead of servants.
I say use Keller Blue Book. They are, after all, the authority in car valuatiIon.
Do you progressives see what the rest of us are pissed about? We get to help pay for light rail when a lot of us will never use it.
Do you progressives see what the rest of us are pissed about? We get to help pay for light rail when a lot of us will never use it.
A taxpayer in King County receives sixty-five cents in state government services per tax dollar sent to Olympia. A taxpayer in Spokane County receives $1.27 per dollar spent.
Before our legislature would authorize our ST3 vote, we had to fund the new (and redundant) North-South Freeway in Spokane. Only after paying for a pork boondoggle I will never use did I get a chance to vote for more mass transit in my gridlocked city.
Please, cry me a river about how irresponsible I am with your tax money.
Oh, and did you mean the Kelley Blue Book?
Ride dat choo choo tensor, your $15/hour job depends on it….hahahahhahaba
Me? Im gonna stick to the heated- cooled leather seats of my suv…..and guess what? No stank ass bums, wanna be socialists, SJWs, or hipsters to sit next to… Ahhhhh
Tensors little toot toot!….only $100 million a mile….hahahahhabbba suckers
Meanwhile, the older retired folks get to help pay for a system they’ll never live to see, much less ever use.
Good transportation infrastructure = good economic growth for both large and small businesses. That’s the crux.
@1 I believe my assertion refutes that claim. More wage earners pay more taxes into Social Security
@ 3
Hey Duncy, how long until you tell us to forget everything
you ever said about transportation?
If this includes or allows any individual (atheist) to not serve any individual with a visible cross necklace (which I wear one too on occasion) as they choose then I don’t have a problem with Religious Freedom bills.
@1 I am over 50 and never had kids. And I’ve paid Local/State/Federal taxes to support education for everyone else and their brother. The day when those that complain about taxes say and propose that a childless bearing individual be given a tax credit for not then I’ll take your complaining and griping more seriously. Until then shove it.
And addition that “education” includes sports programs, and costs related to school athletic programs…..which I could give two shits about.
Fuck off to all you tax paying snowflakes – you are not only snowflakes you are snow fakes.
@6 maybe you should have a little more pot.
Think of all the present taxpayers money and past on enforcing current drug laws….maybe pot smokers should quit fucking costing me money.
@1: What should be the time limit / expected use by retirees (!) to justify a large public infrastructure project?
Or are you just cynically invoking a sympathetic population as cover for complaining that you’ve been on the losing side of Sound Transit votes for twenty years?
giving ’em too much credit. Chances are this hillbilly lives in East Wenatchee and only thinks it’s paying for urban transpo projects because that’s what
Mr. Haneyits elected representatives and “community leaders” tell it.Stupid fucking hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
@1 Solent green is people. Is this a system those old people would support and pay into? We could set up the facility in like 6 months, and they won’t need to worry about their tax money going to pay for anything.
Good transportation infrastructure = good economic growth for both large and small businesses.
‘Cept for hillbillies. The hillbilly equation is:
Steady and reliable importation of vast sums of Elite Coastal tax dollars – production negative externalities (because FAMILY FARMER!) = steadily declining economic growth + soaring rates of opiate addiction + self destructive political behaviors * sum[i=7,n][t_i], where i represents the average number of at-least half-related offspring per common law household in the trailer park, ti frequency of yard trampolines in the trailer park, and n is the number of trailers in the trailer park with a blue tarp on the roof.
Trump is proposing a 10% increase in defense funding and a 30% cut in State Department funding. Sounds like he intends to conduct foreign policy with a spear. Gunboat diplomacy never ends well.
@ 12
It all evens out in the end. Obama sent an advance.
Obama’s last money shower for the UN: some $9.2 billion
Look at the bright side, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: That’s $9.2B the UN can use against Israel either directly or indirectly, and it got there without any current Dem officeholders liable to be held accountable for it.
Next year there will be a little less.
I am over 50, ( a lot over 50), have no children and have been paying for education for decades. I’ve done my bit and am not too keen on paying for this transit mess.
@12, @13:
There are plenty of other targets in the State Department tallies. To name one: $67.9 million was spent in 2016 for the United Nations Population Fund, which has become an automatic piñata when pro-life Republican Administrations are in power, and the opposite under Democrats.
Because Republican Administrations all agree: one thing the world always needs is more starving children.
I can be pretty dense sometimes ( if not all the time) but thank you for pointing it out. I’m trying to observe the universe and make sense out of it as best I can. Maybe one day you can help. There’s always hope. (Sorry for being harsh, but you asked for it).
I’ve done my bit and am not too keen on paying for this transit mess.
After twenty years of Sound Transit votes passing, I suggest you move out of the taxing district. The larger and more comprehensive a mass-transit system, the more popular support it receives, so Sound Transit may well win votes on even larger funding packages in future.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Dean Baker @DeanBaker13
Wait, what happened to the robots taking all the jobs?
Not all of them. Just the ones with the most easily replaceable and relatively overpaid humans doing them.
Wendy’s plans self-ordering kiosks at 1,000 locations
Wendy’s chief information officer, David Trimm, said the kiosks are intended to appeal to younger customers and reduce labor costs. Kiosks also allow customers of the fast food giant to circumvent long lines during peak dining hours while increasing kitchen production.
Trim estimates the company will see a return on its investment in less than two years.
“They are looking to improve their automation and their labor costs…
What’s not to like? Maybe one of those $15-earning snot-nosed kids can clean the toilets more frequently, and still get paid.
What, you thought the Fight for $15 ended when you got $15? Naw. That’s when Round Two starts.
Government always wins in the end, Tensor. In extreme cases, where it can’t convince the population to willingly give wealth, it always find a way to get what it wants. Government is a special interest group with unchecked power. It even has the power to use deadly force with impunity.
I will help pay for the system for the benefit of Seattle and King County. It’s always about them anyway. The rest of us don’t matter.
More on Wendy’s:
“Last year was tough — 5 percent wage inflation,” said Bob Wright, Wendy’s chief operating officer, during his presentation to investors and analysts last week. He added that the company expects wages to rise 4 percent in 2017.
Wright noted that over the past two years, Wendy’s has figured out how to eliminate 31 hours of labor per week from its restaurants and is now working to use technology, such as kiosks, to increase efficiency.
Younger customers prefer the kiosks. Ironic, ain’t it?
…it always find a way to get what it wants.
Rather an interesting claim to make concerning Sound Transit, which obtains tax money only with approval of both our state’s legislature and us local taxpayers.
The rest of us don’t matter.
Do you reside in the Sound Transit taxing district?
“Why build rail, what we need are more buses!” Seattle Times, Kemper Freeman, et al
Link Light rail has no disruptions right now.
Sounder train 10 minute departure delay.
But if you drove or need a bus home tonight….you’re fucked.
This is the type of person who writes for HuffPo:
Runner Caught Cutting Course At Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon
FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) — A New York woman who finished second in the Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon admitted that she cheated during the race after being caught red-handed by an eagle-eyed internet sleuth.
“She had this labeled as a run, and the total time *almost* matches her original time for the 1/2 marathon,” Murphy wrote. “The cadence data is more consistent with what you would expect on a bike ride, not a run. Also, through the Flyby screen, I was able to confirm that she actually covered this course in the afternoon – long after the race was complete.”
Unsurprising as she’s a liberal, this likely wasn’t her first attempt to cheat.
He also pulled up evidence suggesting she may have faked other runs in the past.
She went to substantial lengths to avoid detection, according to the article. I guess blaming the Russians isn’t enough anymore.
@18, @20:
Fondly recalling the last job you would ever ever have where your performance reviews occasionally reached all the way up to “adequate”, eh?
Plenty of dead-end, low-wage jobs got eliminated long before there were wage laws. Ask one of Those Kids Today about that new-fangled Industrial Revolution which is all the rage these days.
(If you ask nicely, they might even wipe the drool off your chin, Pops.)
@ 21
Rather an interesting claim to make concerning Sound Transit, which obtains tax money only with approval of both our state’s legislature and us local taxpayers.
Some of it, anyway. I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
Seems like a deed in search of a lawsuit.
@ 24
Plenty of dead-end, low-wage jobs got eliminated long before there were wage laws. Ask one of Those Kids Today…
Why wouldn’t I just ask Deathfrogg?
Seems like a deed in search of a lawsuit.
Go for it. You could add the judge’s laughter to what you always get from us here.
I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
Given how many elections Sound Transit has won with exactly that status quo, your need to extend that sentence after the third word fails basic reality testing.
Why wouldn’t I just ask Deathfrogg?
Oh, so he supplied the whip you used to drive your most recent transportation vehicle? Because those aren’t being made anymore, either.
@13 You really are a swine. Republicans in Congress try to undercut President Obama by inviting Netanyahu to bash Obama’s carefully crafted policy on the floor of Congress, so Obama instructs our U.N. ambassador to abstain from vetoing a U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s noxious settlements, which a reasonable person could interpret as (a) political payback for a political backstab and (b) an attempt to teach Netanyahu some boundaries; and you turn this into our financial support for the U.N. into a “money shower” to “use against Israel.”
Let me explain something to you, dumbass. We all know Israel came into being because of the Holocaust, and nobody here on HA is against Israel surviving and prospering, or in favor of Palestinian terrorism and violence. But Israel can’t expect to resolve their conflict with Palestinians or ever have peace by treating Palestinians as a conquered people, keeping them in poverty, and taking their land at will. You would fight, too, if you were subjected to that. You and your fellow Republicans like Netanyahu because he’s a rightwing bully. There are reasonable voices in Israel, but right now, that country is being run by a rightwing bully, and Obama’s U.N. vote on the settlements issue took that into account. It also reflected, or at least I hope it did, the ancient rule of politics that “if you fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you.” Netanyahu fucked with Obama and got his just and deserved payback.
And now you’re bitching about it. Well, fuck you, doc. That’s the way politics work, in case nobody ever taught you. So now you’ve got your white supremacist nativist squatting in the White House, occupying an office he didn’t earn by winning a majority or plurality of votes, and he’s promising to gut foreign aid. I wonder if your businessman wunderkind realizes that Israel is by far the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid? If he doesn’t, I wonder if someone will clue him in, and he’ll exempt Israel from the foreign aid cuts, just as he exempted the countries that export terrorists to the U.S. from his Muslim travel ban?
I’m not against foreign aid to Israel. I’m probably against eliminating foreign aid to Israel, if that’s what the stupid fuck in the White House does because he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. I’m against Israel’s settlements policy because it’s expropriation and guarantees perpetual war in the Middle East, and as far as I’m concerned, that U.N. resolution was long overdue. If perpetual war, and the policies that spawn it, is what you want then fuck you, doc.
Do you understand me better now?
@27 Doc probably drives a better car than I do, so all I can say is,
I’ll bring myself to pay $50 to Sound Transit if he has to pay $500 to Sound Transit. Knowing he’s getting gouged takes a lot of the pain away …
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …
Younger customers prefer the kiosks. Ironic, ain’t it?
You’ve obviously never had to stand in line behind you.
Just think of that as one of the many, many privileges you’ve “earned.”
I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
Yeah. For some reason economists have come up empty trying to explain how come motor vehicle excise taxes are useless at raising revenues in the Trump voter zip codes.
Maybe they should consider taxing back boobs.
@18, @20:
So, a big company is making significant capital investments, which will employ engineers, repair technicians, and other skilled laborers, while reducing further the already-dwindling number of folks in your daily life who don’t complain about your hygiene?
Sounds like a win all around.
@18 hope they have hand sanitizer at the kiosks…..think of all them dirty hands touching the kiosk, just in time to grab that hamburger. Next you’ll need a robot to hand feed you.
I predict a lot of germs will be passed on with the use of the kiosks.
Not sure if I ever told this story.
I was out having dinner with a friend/Co-worker. After dinner we were just walking around the city to pass time. I had to pee. So I go into a Burger King while my friend waits outside. While waiting to pee (one locked door) people adjacent to me who finished eating were tossing out their trash that was piling up and spilling over because no one was tending to emptying it. Their trash fell on the ground and they didn’t bother to pick it up. They were young kids.
When I went back outside I mentioned what happen to my friend and we discussed how today nobody really gives a shit about anything or their actions. We kind of discussed maybe that age, and other things, had something to do with their attitude.
The following day I have a doctor appointment at Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper East Side. I had a procedure performed where I had to wait a half hour before the second part of the procedure could be done. So I go to the Cafeteria and have a little breakfast. It was really no different than at the Burger King, except this time it were doctors (with stethoscopes hanging from their necks) that didn’t even bother to take their trash to the garbage can or dishwasher conveyor, a few of them left behind their shit on the table.
“You would fight, too, if you were subjected to that.”
Naaaah. Bob’d probably just whine about it.
@32 You mean Joe Beer Belly America drives an even older heap than I do? who’d-a thunk it?
And yet, she can still run circles around you.
But yours probably doesn’t double as a bomb shelter and a hot tub.
Unless you’re a Trump voter.
Called it
@36 Yeah, maybe. Some people have more backbone than others. But then, I’m a Vietnam veteran, so I tend to know such people, and it’s hard for me to see things the way sissies do.
Trump is a delusional fool. People who know what they’re talking about have warned us that he could leave $10 trillion of new debt in his wake when he finally leaves office. But the “King of Debt” doesn’t think so:
“More robust economic growth will help fund increases in spending to bulk up the military and upgrade the nation’s infrastructure, President Donald Trump told Fox News. ‘I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy,’ Trump said in a taped ‘Fox & Friends’ interview that aired Tuesday ahead of his evening address to a joint session of Congress.”
This bullcrap didn’t work for Reagan (who raised taxes 5 times) or Bush43, and it won’t work for Trump, either. What it amounts to is that his entire fiscal plan is a perpetual motion machine, based on the discredited and historically disproven notion that you can get a revenue gusher by slashing taxes.
As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It’s now up to Republicans to avoid a fiscal train wreck by recognizing the indisputable fact that Trump is crazy and using the 25th Amendment as it was intended to be used.
120 generals think Trump has his head up his ass.
It’s now up to Republicans
You need to revise your expectations because they aren’t going to respond. They are too busy pounding beers out by the septic pond with defense contractors and Tea Party protesters. For fifty years rational, affluent, healthy, well educated, enlightened coastal elites have been expecting hillbillies to behave like adults. The results will not be different now. Don’t be insane.
@44 Who said I have any expectations? The only thing I expect you stupid humans to do is make yourselves extinct. I’ve had my underground burrow ready for years.
From today’s TNT, page 12A:
“Sound Transit says a 1-year-old car is worth 95 percent of its sticker price. Kelley Blue Book says the average 1-year-old car is only worth 70 percent of its sticker price.
Sound Transit says a 2-year-old is worth 89 percent of sticker price; Blue Book says only 59 per cent”
There you have it. Government acting like tyrants instead of servants.
I say use Keller Blue Book. They are, after all, the authority in car valuatiIon.
Do you progressives see what the rest of us are pissed about? We get to help pay for light rail when a lot of us will never use it.
Do you progressives see what the rest of us are pissed about? We get to help pay for light rail when a lot of us will never use it.
A taxpayer in King County receives sixty-five cents in state government services per tax dollar sent to Olympia. A taxpayer in Spokane County receives $1.27 per dollar spent.
Before our legislature would authorize our ST3 vote, we had to fund the new (and redundant) North-South Freeway in Spokane. Only after paying for a pork boondoggle I will never use did I get a chance to vote for more mass transit in my gridlocked city.
Please, cry me a river about how irresponsible I am with your tax money.
Oh, and did you mean the Kelley Blue Book?
Ride dat choo choo tensor, your $15/hour job depends on it….hahahahhahaba
Me? Im gonna stick to the heated- cooled leather seats of my suv…..and guess what? No stank ass bums, wanna be socialists, SJWs, or hipsters to sit next to… Ahhhhh
Tensors little toot toot!….only $100 million a mile….hahahahhabbba suckers
Taking the light rail sure beat being caught in that tanker overturn on I-5 the other day..
Went right past that shit… Nice having options in the region.
Meh……big deal, its only 1 day…..and I missed all traffic too……
Ride dat choo choo tensor, your $15/hour job depends on it….hahahahhahaba
Link Light Rail saved me at least half an hour last night in the gridlock caused by the tanker accident and the snowfall.
And you can only wish you made the money I do, you poor ignorant fool.
I don’t think many of “us local taxpayers” would approve of the Sound Transit method of valuing used vehicles for taxation.
You mean the method imposed by state law?
Have your state house and senate RETHUG CRITTERS change it.
@46 – See #52