Leave it to the GWB to get involved in trying to ‘maintain’ the congressional redistricting that went on in Texas. DeLay orchestrated the change to redraw the legislative districts to give the RepubliCONS power in Texas. It is going to be heard before the GWB Supreme Court. Imagine that, the Court allows the current Administration to be ‘added’ to the case as a defendant. With the new ‘radicals’ that are now on the court this once great country’s direction will be ‘managed’ by the radical right for years.
But on a brighter note, DeLay (spray) tried to get some of his charges thrown out, or dropped back down to a lower level to speed up the cases against him. Incredibly the Texas court disagreed with him and has set a hearing for March 22 on the charges that he violated Texas laws in orchestrating the same redistricting that will be going before the Supreme Court. Damn how I do hope this ‘holier than holy’ POS hangs!
Roger Rabbitspews:
So Stefan, if you win your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County, are you going to share the money with the generous donors who contributed to your “legal action fund” or keep it all for yourself?
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
I think the states rights thing that the righties were so into years ago might be a way to form an alternative union between progressive states that supercedes the Federal government that is being destroyed and weakened by the neo-cons as we speak.
A loose confederation of progressive states providing a good business climate and well funded social programs would be the successful alternative, the “bad example” that Puritanical American Conservatives have always dreaded.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
A secessionist movement would hit them hard. We would no longer be fighting them and trying to convince the mush-brained undecideds how to vote. They’d have to vote with their feet.
I’m at least half as drunk as Cheney was when he capped that fella…
Wooo. I’m going to make some popcorn.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Credible intelligence assessments of Iran’s technical capabilities put the ability to manufacture weapons grade uranium in meaningful quantities at ten years out. If there is a crisis, does this mean that they have received fissile material from someone else rather than making it themselves? North Korea? Could even be the People’s Republic of China. They may OWN us, but they need oil, and making points with Iran while keeping them independent would certainly be an attractive gambit for them. Scary thought. The Neoconvicts have shown little or no understanding of current RealPolitik, and these possibilities bother me.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
One problem is that the Iranian’s will probably announce their entry into the nuclear club by exploding a device. . .much like Israel is reputed to have done, in cooperation with South Africa somewhere in the far southern Indian Ocean. One would hope it isn’t an atmospheric blast somewhere over Tel Aviv.
why dont you assholes give it a rest about vp and go to bed and when you wake up he will still be the vp.LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
The difficulty we have is that the PRC has a growing future need for oil, and they have radically different ideas about what the balance of power in the oil-rich middle east should be. . .they certainly have little use for our increased presence in Iraq. Neither, for that matter, does Russia. Putin may be GWB’s ‘soulmate’ but he’s certainly not his dupe, nor more than his very temporary and uncertain partner.
The Iranians themselves are starting to stir this cauldron with their side deal with Georgia to supply natural gas. Georgia, another possesor of fissile material,
Roger Rabbitspews:
The fact that a Red State president may eventually acquire fissionable uranium and even nuclear weapons is one of the gravest dangers facing the world today.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
The French are quite upset with Iran, and frankly, are much more astute than the Neoconvicts in their view of the Middle-East. I think they have a very lively appreciation for the possibility that Iran may acquire weapons grade material as much as manufacture it. Along with the other suspects I have mentioned, we have to deal with the possibility of Pakistan, or at least elements in the Pakistani government wanting Iran to join the nuclear club.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Needless to say, with the long, seemingly endless list of failures
and mistakes these Neoconvicts have, their dealing with this mess gives me some sleepless moments.
The Paki’s really don’t love us, and never have. The current leadership is our ‘client’, but only as long as they are on our dole and we prop them up. I am certain the memory of our dealing in Iran in the late forties and early fifties is never far from their minds. Or our speckled history with Saddam himself. One of the scarier aspects of the Bush Crime Family’s ‘foreign policy’ is confusing their own best interests with the best interests of the US. Noriega had to go, but why? Some say he crossed Daddy Bush and some of the CIA over drugs.
Saddam had to go, but why? Mebbe an even stronger drug, oil, and Saddam’s threat to price his oil in Euros. But in any case, we are driving Iran into the nuclear club with our perfidy. . .and done everything to give a motive to others to assist them.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Its pretty clear that if you have nukes, you don’t get invaded. North Korea is a prime example. If we had really believed that Saddam had nukes, we would’ve never gone there. Looking at it that way, the Mullahs in Iran are more foxy than crazy.
To repeat myself, there are a number of countries that have reasons to help Iran into a place where we cannot seriously intimidate them, or steal their oil, for that matter. And that’s the reason for our pickle. . .we’ve given the mullahs every reason to roll the dice, and go for the nukes, and at the same time given reasons to several other players to try to assist them. And GWB and Cheney are not up to the task of unravelling this puzzle.
King County Washington does not represent my State, All you clueless War protestors, WTO homless vandals the 60’s are over. War protests are great if there was a NATO for all you Liberals to fall behind. I’m American and true red white and blue don’t give “hamas, Al Queda, and UN snakes” are help till they buck up too.
muk, you are living in the WRONG STATE. Why don’t you get your ass off to Texas? Maybe Cheney will be more accurate next time!
I’m wondering if you “progressives” have any progressive causes?
–Election reform stalled….gov’t refused to enact..
–Taxation beyond what we voted for? (sound transit keeping fees)
–Quotas, despite court rulings otherwise
–High property taxation
For the Cluelessspews:
Wrongone – pull your head at least a little bit out
Taxation – funding for long standing needs REQUESTED by the voters. Yeah it’s dumb to fund them with sin taxes but without a income tax what are you gonna do?
Quotas – if the law’s on your side, file a lawsuit dumbsh*t.
Property tax – you want lower property taxes, get an income tax!
As far as I know, WA state is still in the middle of the pack as far as overall tax burden but the tax system here sucks because it is the most freaking regressive in the country! Stop whining, grow up and fix it, wingnut dumbf*cks!
sure righton, continuing to expose the UnAmerican and criminal activities of the right for starters. Then progressive taxation, restoring the middle class so we all live better just to name a few.
Why righton if we were running things you could afford to move out of your trailer.
clueless22 23
And how come you “progressives” don’t question the way your lovely Dem city and county officials are bought and paid for by developers…i recall 20 yrs ago we had nice flop houses for the working poor; now its 500k condos in Belltown…. You guys really messed that one up. Instead of old white drunks we now have young white women (maria cantwell), etc living in their neat little condos…
oh yeah, what about unlimited immigration; that sure depresses wages…
For the Cluelessspews:
Pretty weak Wrongone – the BIAW is just crazy about Dem city and county officials. As far as subsidized housing for the working poor – I’m all for it.
Unlimited immigration – totally weak. Where’s the wingnut-dominated executive, supreme court and Congress on that one? I’ll tell you – lining the pockets of their special interests that keep them elected – that always comes first.
Dr. Espews:
“I see you, like Stefan, haven’t noted the controversy brewing in our own backyward.”
Some controversy. Ever attended an ASUW meeting? Ever been on a college campus, for that matter? The undergraduate population at most public universities isn’t exactly brimming with intellectuals. It’s also not exactly brimming with “leftists” (whatever that might mean, although I take it to mean anything other than “conservative”) either — or with politically active minds, for that matter.
Dr. Espews:
Sure, there’s a contingent of the politically active, but in general, most undergrads I’ve met have their priorities, hmmmm… let’s say… elsewhere.
Daddy Lovespews:
muk @ 19
You’re worn, muk. “King County Washington” DOES represent your state. Counties don’t vote, political parties don’t vote, but people do. The short fact is, most of the people in the state live in King, Snohomicsh, and Pierce counties (51.6% in the 2000 census), and KC alone is around 30% of the state.
“All you clueless War protestors, WTO homless vandals the 60’s are over.”
But the Iraq war goes on and on, and war criminals are again in charge of government.
“War protests are great if there was a NATO for all you Liberals to fall behind.”
Yeah, heck, what if the Commies attack Europe?
“I’m American and true red white and blue don’t give “hamas, Al Queda, and UN snakes” are help till they buck up too.”
Your ignorant nativist. nationalism does not equate to patriotism. Look those words up. Funny how you conflate the democratically elected government in Palstine, a worldwide terrorist organization, and the desperately needed international deliberative body we founded.
Jerry Springer Jr.spews:
I have something better to do: I’m skipping over to Tpm.cafe.com, where the conversation is on-topic and thoughtful — which has a whole lot to do with trolls being banished.
Jerry Springer loves to yack only with people that agree with him…as do most Lefty’s. Jerry, they call that preachin’ to the choir.
Boeing, the construction industry and imports from China and 3rd world country’s is Seattle’s economy. It is the mana from heaven that “progressives” fawn & plan over until they piss it all away.
So that means Evil Corporate America, rape & pillage developers and country’s that have eliminated union jobs create the wealth the Seattle Left scrape away their hunk of.
You Lefty’s really stand on principles don’t you!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!
Seattle Lefty’s remind me of the Dilbert cartoon from the other day with the headline….
That is Seattle.
For the Cluelessspews:
Oink – how’s progress going with finding a suitable mate/sex partner? If you’re diligent you can score at every showing of “Brokeback Mountain”. Also, there’s a fella who used to comment here a lot called Mr. Cynical Irrelevant Bozo. He still comments at (un)SP. He can hook you up with some action at his horse property in Enumclaw but don’t get any ideas about his prize stud – that’s his alone!
Daddy Lovespews:
Umm, Jerry, this is an open thread…
Left Turnspews:
I’m wondering what the right wingers stand for?
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Daddy Lovespews:
don’t know what you refer to with “that means” but what’s true is that the BIAW wanted to sabotage state growth with I-912. Oh, and that the BIAW has been violating campaign law here for at least a decade.
For the Cluelessspews:
Hey Wingnuts – InstaHack is fond of painting whackos no-one’s ever heard of like Ward Churchill as “the face of the Democratic Party”. Instie and Drudge’s little suck-up on KIRO, Dori Monson, jack boots in lockstep.
Well two can play at that game. Here’s the face of the Republican “Pay to Play” Party:
Only difference is that this “face” is going to freaking jail!
Read it and weep if you dare wingnuts.
Daddy Lovespews:
Oink @ 30
Wow, what a myopic view. You somehow forgot the comuter industry (Microsoft alone brought in nearly $40 billion), the dairy industry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, mining…
Dr. Espews:
“as do most Lefty’s”; “3rd world country’s”
Oink — please, for the love of God, learn someday how to make the plural in the English language.
Needless to say, with the long, seemingly endless list of failures
and mistakes these Neoconvicts have, their dealing with this mess gives me some sleepless moments.
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer— 2/18/06 @ 12:47 am
yawn…. Oh I slept good last night. What was that again Tree Frog.
I’ve had a few beers. Five, I think.
I’m at least half as drunk as Cheney was when he capped that fella…
Wooo. I’m going to make some popcorn.
Comment by Belltowner— 2/18/06 @ 12:06 am
Five more and you are ready to go to the polls. Vote for the swimmer.
The fact that a Red State president may eventually acquire fissionable uranium and even nuclear weapons is one of the gravest dangers facing the world today.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/18/06 @ 12:40 am
Nope, having liberuls head election departments trump them all.
I’m wondering what the right wingers stand for?
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Comment by Left Turn— 2/18/06 @ 9:43 am
Telling the truth, which judging by your comments you obviously can’t do.
So an election was stolen to return a deserter and a draft dodger to the two highest offices in this country.
That makes it all better.
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 12:12 am
UN enforce sanctions? Hahahahahahaha. We saw how well that worked in Iraq. The UN couldn’t sanction a corner grocery store let alone a country. Have the UN send the Red states a letter of concern. We can all use a good laugh.
So an election was stolen to return a deserter and a draft dodger to the two highest offices in this country.
That makes it all better.
Comment by rujax206— 2/18/06 @ 10:33 am
Enough about Gregoire and Cantwell already. It is water under the bridge now.
For the Cluelessspews:
DOOFUS is the poster boy for the big lie. He would have swallowed every word Goebbels wrote!
“A loose confederation of progressive states providing a good business climate.” [REV AA] Oxymoron? Errrrrrrr, REV, someone in the “progressive states” has to have a real job to pay the taxes so the “progressives” can live off the “guvment” for free!
The difficulty we have is that the PRC has a growing future need for oil, and they have radically different ideas about what the balance of power in the oil-rich middle east should be. . .they certainly have little use for our increased presence in Iraq. Neither, for that matter, does Russia. Putin may be GWB’s ’soulmate’ but he’s certainly not his dupe, nor more than his very temporary and uncertain partner.
The Iranians themselves are starting to stir this cauldron with their side deal with Georgia to supply natural gas. Georgia, another possesor of fissile material,
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer— 2/18/06 @ 12:37 am TFF, [Shouldn’t you libs be over in China and lecturing them about “global warming” and “alternative fuels”? Yes, I’m sure the commie “progressives” will be very interested in your liberal “save the world” ideas!]
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 12:12 am [Right. Call you say “traitor”?]
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Comment by Left Turn— 2/18/06 @ 9:43 am [A little too much Marxism at USC. These “progressives” are nothing but prissy communists.]
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carnes @50
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Kevin — what part of this statement is factually incorrect? Cites with links, please.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s hilarious to watch idiots like JCH aka Kevin Carnes try to defend the indefensible.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
I’d go along with a memorial to Gregory Boyington as long as they take the “Pappy” out of his name. That name is just one more reminder of the “Pappynalistic” society we live in.
I mean really! Can you imagine the banter in the South Pacific in the 40’s? “Hey, “Pappy”, let’s go bomb some Japs today.”
“Hey, “Pappy”, let’s drink some beer and smoke some LUCKY STRIKES before we bomb the hell out of some more innocent Jap rice farmers”
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 47: “Oxymoron”!? What’s that! A YOUNG REPUBLICAN WITH PIMPLES?
“Hey, “Pappy”, let’s drink some beer and smoke some LUCKY STRIKES before we bomb the hell out of some more innocent Jap rice farmers”
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 11:50 am [Your lack of WW II knowledge is typical for a Democrat. Like Jane Fonda, you need to be shot.]
REV, As a black, do you get to vote twice?
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 55: Just like Ted Nugent I have a bumper sticker on my SUV that says simply enough: “I Shoot Back” …. Anyway , [JCH], you’ll never be able to catch me in your 80’s K-Car with the hate stickers on it. You’d better stick to pulling out the road signs of Democratic candidates, but be careful not to get arrested for it. You know what happens to soft, pudgy white guys in holding cells.
53 – Rev.
Whatever a true in the Big War – we beat the facist and Militarist stes of The Axis- le by japan and Germany.
I have nothing but respect for the sacrifices made by the Heros of tht War. Pappy wah among the best and the fines, as genuine a fighter pilot ace that existed in thse dogfights of that era.
I would bow at his grave at every chance if it were nearby. Japan was not a nation of simple rice farmers in W W II – you need to read real history a bit more. Statr with the invasion and enslavement of Manchuria in 1928…… how many years before Pearl Harbor?
The then industrial supower power of the far East, Japan of that era was contolled completely by a hyper militarist class, in pact with facist Nazi Germany. No peasant rice farmer matter.
My hands are feezing, puter in unheated room – back to the fire.
REV AA, Can I buy you? I have lots of yard work.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 58: Yes , we did beat them. But with no help from Prescott Bush, George W’s grandfather, who profitted from Jewish slave labor, or G.E. or Ford or General Motors , who built war machines for the Nazis to be used to KILL those soldiers who died for your freedom so you could be a $2 shill/whore for those same companies. You traitorous sack of crap!
That’s what I’m talking about!
OK, blacks are killing blacks in Darfur. Can someone explain why I should give a shit? Two thousand years of black history, and what has happened? Maleria, AIDs, Yellow fever, ebola, and bullets. Africa: the perfect black Hillary Village.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 62: I love the way you deflect a true accusation, [JCH], when you have no credible answer as to why you are a $2 whore/shill for G.E., Ford, G.M. and Prescott Bush who all made direct profits from Jewish slave labor during WWII? Why?? Answer me why??!!
Then you can blather all you want about how you hate black people. But first, answer the question. You brought up the issue of the soldiers who died for my freedom. So, answer me why you support corporations who built war machines for the Nazis that killed those soldiers you worship. Do you think those soldiers would have fought had they known what was really going on?
Jerry Springer Jr.spews:
Daddy @ 33: Every thread is an “anything goes” thread at HA, particularly when JCH shows up.
Oink/Mr. Cynical @30: That line is getting a little old. You come here to disrupt rather than have an honest discussion, and then when someone tries to rein you cry “censorship.” Effective agitprop, I must admit.
RonK, Seattlespews:
Congrats to Goldy — “Journalist of the Year”
For the Cluelessspews:
The wingnut idea of boom, trickle-down and bust:
It’s a boom when a corrupt politician like Cunningham takes power and starts raking it in, collects fancy funiture, mansion, a rolls royce, etc.
It’s trickle-down when a suck-up like DOOFUS, Janet, GS, MTR, etc. gets a job in a corrupt Republican’s office.
It’s a bust when the scumbag Republican goes to jail and the suck-ups either go with him to the big house or their rear-ends are tossed on the street.
The only lesson the suck-ups learn: Wow, here’s an opportunity to start the cycle over again, only this time we won’t get caught!
Mark The Redneckspews:
I’m wondering… for you moonbats out there who put Senator Dimbulb in the “Statesman” category because of her yeoman work on port security… what do you think of the deal for ragheads from UAE running 6 Murkan ports.
Washington – The first vaccine designed to prevent infection with the lethal Ebola virus has passed initial safety tests in people and has shown promising signs that it may indeed protect people from contracting the disease, government scientists reported Friday. Just 21 people received the experimental vaccine in this early stage testing. /break/ the results are encouraging for U.S. scientists who worry not only that the horrific virus might be used as a terrorist weapon [REV AA, This is a white trick! The black African countries must not let “whitey” trick any blacks into using this vaccine!]
For the Cluelessspews:
MTR – Who’s in charge of the Congress and the Whitehouse?
If the R’s were able to block the Chinese from buying Unocal, I’m sure they can handle this one, can’t they?
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 69: I’ve never “severed” or done a thing for the “county”. You should claim to be Black. You’d accomplish the trashing of the Black race that you seek to do.
Rev Man: I am black. I detest you through and through. You definitely said it right. You’ve done nothing for your country! So why are you breathing, taking up space, living off of your parishioners dime? Why not go suck Jesse Jackson’s dick? Or Kiss Tawana Al’s ASS? You denigrate a SIOUX Indian who continually put his life on the line for his country. You are no preacher! What wonderful things do you preach from your “pulpit” claiming it’s from the Bible? Recently someone called you what… oh yeah Analbaptist for you dildo up the ass comment two weeks ago! Did you remember to turn it on first?
but by 2004 the loyalty gap had pretty much closed. For that, Democrats can thank the Great Divider, President Bush.
“As the chart shows, Republicans once exhibited a similar confusion, but by 2004 they had aligned party affiliation with ideology. In time, Democrats will likewise sort themselves out.”
“As Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Junichiro Koizumi have so impressively shown in Israel and Japan, vigorous leadership can create a dynamic center as well as mobilize one”
“For now, Republicans have the advantage of a strong brand and a passionate following. But the Democrats are winning in the center even as their support among their partisans firms up. And it is they, with their large numbers and lagging motivation, who have the greater potential to make gains in turnout and commitment. If the Democrats ever manage to revive their brand, watch out.”
The big problem is not simply what message the Democrats need to rally behind, but who delivers that message. For the last two election cycles, your party put up divisive partisans (nuttin’ wrong with that, if you are into losing). Even the universal Democrat contempt and disgust for Bush wasn’t enough to close the deal. So, who can deliver a credible candidacy and carry the message that Democrats have not been able to enunciate?
Rev Man: Why not look up Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.’s love for Germany during the 30s?
Now he’s something interesting from the Internet on JP Kennedy Sr.
“After learning of Ted Kennedy’s accident involving the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in the Chappaquiddick incident, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. started refusing food and became disinterested in life. He died shortly afterwards on November 18, 1969.” – So Ted helped is fatehr die too?
Prescott Bush: From the Internet: “Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a moderate, pro-civil rights Republican senator from Connecticut who served two terms. He handed down the tradition to son George, ultimately President George, who in turn passed it on to George W.” – Oh no he liked blacks Rev Man!
More on PS Bush: From the Internet: “Allegations that Prescott Bush profited from slave labor or the Auschwitz concentration camp remain fully refuted by Cecil Adams.
Perhaps the most definitive and well-researched article on the Bush-Nazi connection is “Bush – Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951,” by John Buchanan and Stacey Michael. The article offers an analysis of evidence of Prescott Bush’s Nazi dealings and develops the thesis that the Bush family has long been involved in war profiteering and continues this habit with the Bush-Bin Laden family connections today. An article published by The New Hampshire Gazette, based on a Freedom of Information Act request, investigates some of the unverified events of the history of Prescott Bush, the Union Banking Corporation financing of the Nazis. The article largely relies on unverified rumor and unsubstantiated allegations.” – Dig deep Rev Man!!!! Dig Deep!!!!
Rev Man: Did you know, from the Internet: “Bush’s interest in UBC consisted of one share. For it, he was reimbursed $1,500,000.”
Oh no, more lies, right Rev Man?
Puddybud, with your amazing history of outright lying and purposefully distorting reality it is highly probably that you are NOT black. You would be an incredible burden for any honest black person to associate with. Stay in your dream world puddy. In that figment of imagination you really amount to something important…. in reality… a continual talking point spewing troll
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rev Man: Why not look up Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.’s love for Germany during the 30s? Comment by Puddybud— 2/18/06 @ 6:49 pm”
RR @ 79 You have got to be kidding! Puddybud look up anything or say anything that is against his ‘knight in shining armour’. From most of PB’s comments he is likely a ‘neo nazi’ and not a black man. But with a ‘spinner’ such as himself no one can have a clue. Maybe he is the first human “chameleon”. Black when he needs to be, nazi when it suits his goal, but 100% idiotic 100% of the time
Attn area 51 spotters…
While it might sound fun to try to tie Prescott Bush to Nazis….lets see..
a) he wasn’t
b) his son volunteers to serve, is youngest man to be shot down
c) and yeah gets shot down again and returns.
d) Its beyond obscene to say a decent moderate Sen was a Nazi..
…unless you are crazy
…Lithium time?
Righton, I already provided Internet proof the left is scratching their hairy asses on PS Bush being a Nazi. While he did befriend Harriman, a known Nazi sympathizer, the real researched record demonstrates the complete opposite, unlike the scion of the Kennedy’s who had to resign his ambassadorship, and he hated Jews. Did you know there is a road in NYS named after that Harriman guy?
Cougar, you flaming ass. When PacMan and I meet GBS, not only will you pull RR’s dick from your mouth, you’ll have to make a public mea culpa. You see there are experiences black people live through your lilly white animal ass can never imagine.
Righton, if he was as you say a ‘decent moderate Sen decent moderate Sen’ he also had to be very confused. As there is no such thing as a ‘decent moderate Republican Sen’. What was he? A democrat in drag?
Clinton Sheehan 08 Dream Team
Cougar-give it up. GOP senators of his time and station in life were no diff from their Dem opponents. Was an old boys club and he was no Nazi.
You guys need to run some new plays. This one is old and predictable. 3rd and long and the tin foil nutjubs run the ball again..
Cougar @80&84
I agree with Puddybud, and righton is exactly right about the GOP and Dems of old. Nowadays things are quite different, where debate has become the battle of the sound byte at the expense of actual idea/ideological discussion. Just as has been pointed out many times in this very blog, politics was a much different animal back then.
Point of fact, the research of John Buchanan and Stacey Michael in the Bush-Nazi report is an interperative analysis and there is contention it was largely based on unverified rumor and unsubstantiated allegations. See this for what I consider a fair report. It has enough for both the conspiracy theorists and Bush backers.
Where I diverge from either of the wings above is the importance of it. My grandfather earned a Silver Star for gallantry in action. Does this mean I went on to become a Silver Star recipient? Absurd, right? I also had a couple of horse thieves I can point to in my family tree. Their line died out at the end of a rope. Again, what is the point in connecting the elder Bush to the Nazis for purposes other than developing historical fact? Is it perhaps another way to get to the Bush that you guys could not defeat in 2004? I hate to say it, but Memogate comes to my mind when I find someone making tenuous assertions and not producing the actual, real records involved.
Then again, I love history. I would prefer it to be fact, vice speculation.
Puddybud @ 83. What a joke you are. You have no idea of anything about my heritage. You continually spew your tainted dribble trying to looks so smart. And another joke. You have been talking about your meeting with GBS, Pacman and yourself for over 6 months. What happened? Have to wait unitl you are parolled? And sooooooooo into throwing homophobic diatribes at everyone that might pose a threat to your ‘glass house’. What a pathetic little loser you are.
Leave it to the GWB to get involved in trying to ‘maintain’ the congressional redistricting that went on in Texas. DeLay orchestrated the change to redraw the legislative districts to give the RepubliCONS power in Texas. It is going to be heard before the GWB Supreme Court. Imagine that, the Court allows the current Administration to be ‘added’ to the case as a defendant. With the new ‘radicals’ that are now on the court this once great country’s direction will be ‘managed’ by the radical right for years.
But on a brighter note, DeLay (spray) tried to get some of his charges thrown out, or dropped back down to a lower level to speed up the cases against him. Incredibly the Texas court disagreed with him and has set a hearing for March 22 on the charges that he violated Texas laws in orchestrating the same redistricting that will be going before the Supreme Court. Damn how I do hope this ‘holier than holy’ POS hangs!
So Stefan, if you win your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County, are you going to share the money with the generous donors who contributed to your “legal action fund” or keep it all for yourself?
I think the states rights thing that the righties were so into years ago might be a way to form an alternative union between progressive states that supercedes the Federal government that is being destroyed and weakened by the neo-cons as we speak.
A loose confederation of progressive states providing a good business climate and well funded social programs would be the successful alternative, the “bad example” that Puritanical American Conservatives have always dreaded.
A secessionist movement would hit them hard. We would no longer be fighting them and trying to convince the mush-brained undecideds how to vote. They’d have to vote with their feet.
I’ve had a few beers. Five, I think.
I’m at least half as drunk as Cheney was when he capped that fella…
Wooo. I’m going to make some popcorn.
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Credible intelligence assessments of Iran’s technical capabilities put the ability to manufacture weapons grade uranium in meaningful quantities at ten years out. If there is a crisis, does this mean that they have received fissile material from someone else rather than making it themselves? North Korea? Could even be the People’s Republic of China. They may OWN us, but they need oil, and making points with Iran while keeping them independent would certainly be an attractive gambit for them. Scary thought. The Neoconvicts have shown little or no understanding of current RealPolitik, and these possibilities bother me.
One problem is that the Iranian’s will probably announce their entry into the nuclear club by exploding a device. . .much like Israel is reputed to have done, in cooperation with South Africa somewhere in the far southern Indian Ocean. One would hope it isn’t an atmospheric blast somewhere over Tel Aviv.
why dont you assholes give it a rest about vp and go to bed and when you wake up he will still be the vp.LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS
The difficulty we have is that the PRC has a growing future need for oil, and they have radically different ideas about what the balance of power in the oil-rich middle east should be. . .they certainly have little use for our increased presence in Iraq. Neither, for that matter, does Russia. Putin may be GWB’s ‘soulmate’ but he’s certainly not his dupe, nor more than his very temporary and uncertain partner.
The Iranians themselves are starting to stir this cauldron with their side deal with Georgia to supply natural gas. Georgia, another possesor of fissile material,
The fact that a Red State president may eventually acquire fissionable uranium and even nuclear weapons is one of the gravest dangers facing the world today.
The French are quite upset with Iran, and frankly, are much more astute than the Neoconvicts in their view of the Middle-East. I think they have a very lively appreciation for the possibility that Iran may acquire weapons grade material as much as manufacture it. Along with the other suspects I have mentioned, we have to deal with the possibility of Pakistan, or at least elements in the Pakistani government wanting Iran to join the nuclear club.
Needless to say, with the long, seemingly endless list of failures
and mistakes these Neoconvicts have, their dealing with this mess gives me some sleepless moments.
I see you, like Stefan, haven’t noted the controversy brewing in our own backyward. See: History Lesson and Leftists At UW Caught In Doublespeak.
What kind of hellraiser are you, anyways? Sheesh…
The Paki’s really don’t love us, and never have. The current leadership is our ‘client’, but only as long as they are on our dole and we prop them up. I am certain the memory of our dealing in Iran in the late forties and early fifties is never far from their minds. Or our speckled history with Saddam himself. One of the scarier aspects of the Bush Crime Family’s ‘foreign policy’ is confusing their own best interests with the best interests of the US. Noriega had to go, but why? Some say he crossed Daddy Bush and some of the CIA over drugs.
Saddam had to go, but why? Mebbe an even stronger drug, oil, and Saddam’s threat to price his oil in Euros. But in any case, we are driving Iran into the nuclear club with our perfidy. . .and done everything to give a motive to others to assist them.
Its pretty clear that if you have nukes, you don’t get invaded. North Korea is a prime example. If we had really believed that Saddam had nukes, we would’ve never gone there. Looking at it that way, the Mullahs in Iran are more foxy than crazy.
To repeat myself, there are a number of countries that have reasons to help Iran into a place where we cannot seriously intimidate them, or steal their oil, for that matter. And that’s the reason for our pickle. . .we’ve given the mullahs every reason to roll the dice, and go for the nukes, and at the same time given reasons to several other players to try to assist them. And GWB and Cheney are not up to the task of unravelling this puzzle.
King County Washington does not represent my State, All you clueless War protestors, WTO homless vandals the 60’s are over. War protests are great if there was a NATO for all you Liberals to fall behind. I’m American and true red white and blue don’t give “hamas, Al Queda, and UN snakes” are help till they buck up too.
muk, you are living in the WRONG STATE. Why don’t you get your ass off to Texas? Maybe Cheney will be more accurate next time!
I’m wondering if you “progressives” have any progressive causes?
–Election reform stalled….gov’t refused to enact..
–Taxation beyond what we voted for? (sound transit keeping fees)
–Quotas, despite court rulings otherwise
–High property taxation
Wrongone – pull your head at least a little bit out
Election reform – statewide database, improved procedures anyone?
Taxation – funding for long standing needs REQUESTED by the voters. Yeah it’s dumb to fund them with sin taxes but without a income tax what are you gonna do?
Quotas – if the law’s on your side, file a lawsuit dumbsh*t.
Property tax – you want lower property taxes, get an income tax!
As far as I know, WA state is still in the middle of the pack as far as overall tax burden but the tax system here sucks because it is the most freaking regressive in the country! Stop whining, grow up and fix it, wingnut dumbf*cks!
sure righton, continuing to expose the UnAmerican and criminal activities of the right for starters. Then progressive taxation, restoring the middle class so we all live better just to name a few.
Why righton if we were running things you could afford to move out of your trailer.
clueless22 23
And how come you “progressives” don’t question the way your lovely Dem city and county officials are bought and paid for by developers…i recall 20 yrs ago we had nice flop houses for the working poor; now its 500k condos in Belltown…. You guys really messed that one up. Instead of old white drunks we now have young white women (maria cantwell), etc living in their neat little condos…
oh yeah, what about unlimited immigration; that sure depresses wages…
Pretty weak Wrongone – the BIAW is just crazy about Dem city and county officials. As far as subsidized housing for the working poor – I’m all for it.
Unlimited immigration – totally weak. Where’s the wingnut-dominated executive, supreme court and Congress on that one? I’ll tell you – lining the pockets of their special interests that keep them elected – that always comes first.
“I see you, like Stefan, haven’t noted the controversy brewing in our own backyward.”
Some controversy. Ever attended an ASUW meeting? Ever been on a college campus, for that matter? The undergraduate population at most public universities isn’t exactly brimming with intellectuals. It’s also not exactly brimming with “leftists” (whatever that might mean, although I take it to mean anything other than “conservative”) either — or with politically active minds, for that matter.
Sure, there’s a contingent of the politically active, but in general, most undergrads I’ve met have their priorities, hmmmm… let’s say… elsewhere.
muk @ 19
You’re worn, muk. “King County Washington” DOES represent your state. Counties don’t vote, political parties don’t vote, but people do. The short fact is, most of the people in the state live in King, Snohomicsh, and Pierce counties (51.6% in the 2000 census), and KC alone is around 30% of the state.
“All you clueless War protestors, WTO homless vandals the 60’s are over.”
But the Iraq war goes on and on, and war criminals are again in charge of government.
“War protests are great if there was a NATO for all you Liberals to fall behind.”
Yeah, heck, what if the Commies attack Europe?
“I’m American and true red white and blue don’t give “hamas, Al Queda, and UN snakes” are help till they buck up too.”
Your ignorant nativist. nationalism does not equate to patriotism. Look those words up. Funny how you conflate the democratically elected government in Palstine, a worldwide terrorist organization, and the desperately needed international deliberative body we founded.
I have something better to do: I’m skipping over to Tpm.cafe.com, where the conversation is on-topic and thoughtful — which has a whole lot to do with trolls being banished.
Jerry Springer loves to yack only with people that agree with him…as do most Lefty’s. Jerry, they call that preachin’ to the choir.
Boeing, the construction industry and imports from China and 3rd world country’s is Seattle’s economy. It is the mana from heaven that “progressives” fawn & plan over until they piss it all away.
So that means Evil Corporate America, rape & pillage developers and country’s that have eliminated union jobs create the wealth the Seattle Left scrape away their hunk of.
You Lefty’s really stand on principles don’t you!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!
Seattle Lefty’s remind me of the Dilbert cartoon from the other day with the headline….
That is Seattle.
Oink – how’s progress going with finding a suitable mate/sex partner? If you’re diligent you can score at every showing of “Brokeback Mountain”. Also, there’s a fella who used to comment here a lot called Mr. Cynical Irrelevant Bozo. He still comments at (un)SP. He can hook you up with some action at his horse property in Enumclaw but don’t get any ideas about his prize stud – that’s his alone!
Umm, Jerry, this is an open thread…
I’m wondering what the right wingers stand for?
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
don’t know what you refer to with “that means” but what’s true is that the BIAW wanted to sabotage state growth with I-912. Oh, and that the BIAW has been violating campaign law here for at least a decade.
Hey Wingnuts – InstaHack is fond of painting whackos no-one’s ever heard of like Ward Churchill as “the face of the Democratic Party”. Instie and Drudge’s little suck-up on KIRO, Dori Monson, jack boots in lockstep.
Well two can play at that game. Here’s the face of the Republican “Pay to Play” Party:
Only difference is that this “face” is going to freaking jail!
Read it and weep if you dare wingnuts.
Oink @ 30
Wow, what a myopic view. You somehow forgot the comuter industry (Microsoft alone brought in nearly $40 billion), the dairy industry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, mining…
“as do most Lefty’s”; “3rd world country’s”
Oink — please, for the love of God, learn someday how to make the plural in the English language.
Needless to say, with the long, seemingly endless list of failures
and mistakes these Neoconvicts have, their dealing with this mess gives me some sleepless moments.
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer— 2/18/06 @ 12:47 am
yawn…. Oh I slept good last night. What was that again Tree Frog.
I’ve had a few beers. Five, I think.
I’m at least half as drunk as Cheney was when he capped that fella…
Wooo. I’m going to make some popcorn.
Comment by Belltowner— 2/18/06 @ 12:06 am
Five more and you are ready to go to the polls. Vote for the swimmer.
The fact that a Red State president may eventually acquire fissionable uranium and even nuclear weapons is one of the gravest dangers facing the world today.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/18/06 @ 12:40 am
Nope, having liberuls head election departments trump them all.
I’m wondering what the right wingers stand for?
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Comment by Left Turn— 2/18/06 @ 9:43 am
Telling the truth, which judging by your comments you obviously can’t do.
So an election was stolen to return a deserter and a draft dodger to the two highest offices in this country.
That makes it all better.
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 12:12 am
UN enforce sanctions? Hahahahahahaha. We saw how well that worked in Iraq. The UN couldn’t sanction a corner grocery store let alone a country. Have the UN send the Red states a letter of concern. We can all use a good laugh.
So an election was stolen to return a deserter and a draft dodger to the two highest offices in this country.
That makes it all better.
Comment by rujax206— 2/18/06 @ 10:33 am
Enough about Gregoire and Cantwell already. It is water under the bridge now.
DOOFUS is the poster boy for the big lie. He would have swallowed every word Goebbels wrote!
“A loose confederation of progressive states providing a good business climate.” [REV AA] Oxymoron? Errrrrrrr, REV, someone in the “progressive states” has to have a real job to pay the taxes so the “progressives” can live off the “guvment” for free!
The difficulty we have is that the PRC has a growing future need for oil, and they have radically different ideas about what the balance of power in the oil-rich middle east should be. . .they certainly have little use for our increased presence in Iraq. Neither, for that matter, does Russia. Putin may be GWB’s ’soulmate’ but he’s certainly not his dupe, nor more than his very temporary and uncertain partner.
The Iranians themselves are starting to stir this cauldron with their side deal with Georgia to supply natural gas. Georgia, another possesor of fissile material,
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer— 2/18/06 @ 12:37 am TFF, [Shouldn’t you libs be over in China and lecturing them about “global warming” and “alternative fuels”? Yes, I’m sure the commie “progressives” will be very interested in your liberal “save the world” ideas!]
The UN needs to declare and enforce sanctions against the Red States. If 500,000 Red State babies need to starve to make our point, then so be it.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 12:12 am [Right. Call you say “traitor”?]
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Comment by Left Turn— 2/18/06 @ 9:43 am [A little too much Marxism at USC. These “progressives” are nothing but prissy communists.]
Kevin Carnes @50
Raping the poor so the rich can have more money.
Bombing women and children for oil.
Giving jobs to relatives instead of qualified candidates.
Kevin — what part of this statement is factually incorrect? Cites with links, please.
It’s hilarious to watch idiots like JCH aka Kevin Carnes try to defend the indefensible.
I’d go along with a memorial to Gregory Boyington as long as they take the “Pappy” out of his name. That name is just one more reminder of the “Pappynalistic” society we live in.
I mean really! Can you imagine the banter in the South Pacific in the 40’s? “Hey, “Pappy”, let’s go bomb some Japs today.”
“Hey, “Pappy”, let’s drink some beer and smoke some LUCKY STRIKES before we bomb the hell out of some more innocent Jap rice farmers”
re 47: “Oxymoron”!? What’s that! A YOUNG REPUBLICAN WITH PIMPLES?
“Hey, “Pappy”, let’s drink some beer and smoke some LUCKY STRIKES before we bomb the hell out of some more innocent Jap rice farmers”
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/18/06 @ 11:50 am [Your lack of WW II knowledge is typical for a Democrat. Like Jane Fonda, you need to be shot.]
REV, As a black, do you get to vote twice?
re 55: Just like Ted Nugent I have a bumper sticker on my SUV that says simply enough: “I Shoot Back” …. Anyway , [JCH], you’ll never be able to catch me in your 80’s K-Car with the hate stickers on it. You’d better stick to pulling out the road signs of Democratic candidates, but be careful not to get arrested for it. You know what happens to soft, pudgy white guys in holding cells.
53 – Rev.
Whatever a true in the Big War – we beat the facist and Militarist stes of The Axis- le by japan and Germany.
I have nothing but respect for the sacrifices made by the Heros of tht War. Pappy wah among the best and the fines, as genuine a fighter pilot ace that existed in thse dogfights of that era.
I would bow at his grave at every chance if it were nearby. Japan was not a nation of simple rice farmers in W W II – you need to read real history a bit more. Statr with the invasion and enslavement of Manchuria in 1928…… how many years before Pearl Harbor?
The then industrial supower power of the far East, Japan of that era was contolled completely by a hyper militarist class, in pact with facist Nazi Germany. No peasant rice farmer matter.
My hands are feezing, puter in unheated room – back to the fire.
REV AA, Can I buy you? I have lots of yard work.
re 58: Yes , we did beat them. But with no help from Prescott Bush, George W’s grandfather, who profitted from Jewish slave labor, or G.E. or Ford or General Motors , who built war machines for the Nazis to be used to KILL those soldiers who died for your freedom so you could be a $2 shill/whore for those same companies. You traitorous sack of crap!
That’s what I’m talking about!
OK, blacks are killing blacks in Darfur. Can someone explain why I should give a shit? Two thousand years of black history, and what has happened? Maleria, AIDs, Yellow fever, ebola, and bullets. Africa: the perfect black Hillary Village.
re 62: I love the way you deflect a true accusation, [JCH], when you have no credible answer as to why you are a $2 whore/shill for G.E., Ford, G.M. and Prescott Bush who all made direct profits from Jewish slave labor during WWII? Why?? Answer me why??!!
Then you can blather all you want about how you hate black people. But first, answer the question. You brought up the issue of the soldiers who died for my freedom. So, answer me why you support corporations who built war machines for the Nazis that killed those soldiers you worship. Do you think those soldiers would have fought had they known what was really going on?
Daddy @ 33: Every thread is an “anything goes” thread at HA, particularly when JCH shows up.
Oink/Mr. Cynical @30: That line is getting a little old. You come here to disrupt rather than have an honest discussion, and then when someone tries to rein you cry “censorship.” Effective agitprop, I must admit.
Congrats to Goldy — “Journalist of the Year”
The wingnut idea of boom, trickle-down and bust:
It’s a boom when a corrupt politician like Cunningham takes power and starts raking it in, collects fancy funiture, mansion, a rolls royce, etc.
It’s trickle-down when a suck-up like DOOFUS, Janet, GS, MTR, etc. gets a job in a corrupt Republican’s office.
It’s a bust when the scumbag Republican goes to jail and the suck-ups either go with him to the big house or their rear-ends are tossed on the street.
The only lesson the suck-ups learn: Wow, here’s an opportunity to start the cycle over again, only this time we won’t get caught!
I’m wondering… for you moonbats out there who put Senator Dimbulb in the “Statesman” category because of her yeoman work on port security… what do you think of the deal for ragheads from UAE running 6 Murkan ports.
Washington – The first vaccine designed to prevent infection with the lethal Ebola virus has passed initial safety tests in people and has shown promising signs that it may indeed protect people from contracting the disease, government scientists reported Friday. Just 21 people received the experimental vaccine in this early stage testing. /break/ the results are encouraging for U.S. scientists who worry not only that the horrific virus might be used as a terrorist weapon [REV AA, This is a white trick! The black African countries must not let “whitey” trick any blacks into using this vaccine!]
MTR – Who’s in charge of the Congress and the Whitehouse?
If the R’s were able to block the Chinese from buying Unocal, I’m sure they can handle this one, can’t they?
re 69: I’ve never “severed” or done a thing for the “county”. You should claim to be Black. You’d accomplish the trashing of the Black race that you seek to do.
Rev Man: I am black. I detest you through and through. You definitely said it right. You’ve done nothing for your country! So why are you breathing, taking up space, living off of your parishioners dime? Why not go suck Jesse Jackson’s dick? Or Kiss Tawana Al’s ASS? You denigrate a SIOUX Indian who continually put his life on the line for his country. You are no preacher! What wonderful things do you preach from your “pulpit” claiming it’s from the Bible? Recently someone called you what… oh yeah Analbaptist for you dildo up the ass comment two weeks ago! Did you remember to turn it on first?
Reverend @5
It seems you need to get a grip on where those voters are.
Some selective quotes:
but by 2004 the loyalty gap had pretty much closed. For that, Democrats can thank the Great Divider, President Bush.
“As the chart shows, Republicans once exhibited a similar confusion, but by 2004 they had aligned party affiliation with ideology. In time, Democrats will likewise sort themselves out.”
“As Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Junichiro Koizumi have so impressively shown in Israel and Japan, vigorous leadership can create a dynamic center as well as mobilize one”
“For now, Republicans have the advantage of a strong brand and a passionate following. But the Democrats are winning in the center even as their support among their partisans firms up. And it is they, with their large numbers and lagging motivation, who have the greater potential to make gains in turnout and commitment. If the Democrats ever manage to revive their brand, watch out.”
The big problem is not simply what message the Democrats need to rally behind, but who delivers that message. For the last two election cycles, your party put up divisive partisans (nuttin’ wrong with that, if you are into losing). Even the universal Democrat contempt and disgust for Bush wasn’t enough to close the deal. So, who can deliver a credible candidacy and carry the message that Democrats have not been able to enunciate?
Maybe this guy can accomplish that. But if we get Kerry, or Gore, or even Hillary, we will probably see this guy in the White House in 2008.
Rev Man: Why not look up Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.’s love for Germany during the 30s?
Now he’s something interesting from the Internet on JP Kennedy Sr.
“After learning of Ted Kennedy’s accident involving the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in the Chappaquiddick incident, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. started refusing food and became disinterested in life. He died shortly afterwards on November 18, 1969.” – So Ted helped is fatehr die too?
Also Rev Man: How did JP Kennedy Sr., like Jews: http://hnn.us/articles/697.html
Prescott Bush: From the Internet: “Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a moderate, pro-civil rights Republican senator from Connecticut who served two terms. He handed down the tradition to son George, ultimately President George, who in turn passed it on to George W.” – Oh no he liked blacks Rev Man!
More on PS Bush: From the Internet: “Allegations that Prescott Bush profited from slave labor or the Auschwitz concentration camp remain fully refuted by Cecil Adams.
Perhaps the most definitive and well-researched article on the Bush-Nazi connection is “Bush – Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951,” by John Buchanan and Stacey Michael. The article offers an analysis of evidence of Prescott Bush’s Nazi dealings and develops the thesis that the Bush family has long been involved in war profiteering and continues this habit with the Bush-Bin Laden family connections today. An article published by The New Hampshire Gazette, based on a Freedom of Information Act request, investigates some of the unverified events of the history of Prescott Bush, the Union Banking Corporation financing of the Nazis. The article largely relies on unverified rumor and unsubstantiated allegations.” – Dig deep Rev Man!!!! Dig Deep!!!!
Rev Man: Did you know, from the Internet: “Bush’s interest in UBC consisted of one share. For it, he was reimbursed $1,500,000.”
Oh no, more lies, right Rev Man?
Puddybud, with your amazing history of outright lying and purposefully distorting reality it is highly probably that you are NOT black. You would be an incredible burden for any honest black person to associate with. Stay in your dream world puddy. In that figment of imagination you really amount to something important…. in reality… a continual talking point spewing troll
“Rev Man: Why not look up Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.’s love for Germany during the 30s? Comment by Puddybud— 2/18/06 @ 6:49 pm”
Is there some reason why you didn’t mention Dubya’s granddaddy’s business dealings with the Nazis? http://www.lpdallas.org/featur.....991216.htm
for more reading on the ‘traitor’ Prescott Bush and the Bush Crime Family Sindicate:
RR @ 79 You have got to be kidding! Puddybud look up anything or say anything that is against his ‘knight in shining armour’. From most of PB’s comments he is likely a ‘neo nazi’ and not a black man. But with a ‘spinner’ such as himself no one can have a clue. Maybe he is the first human “chameleon”. Black when he needs to be, nazi when it suits his goal, but 100% idiotic 100% of the time
Attn area 51 spotters…
While it might sound fun to try to tie Prescott Bush to Nazis….lets see..
a) he wasn’t
b) his son volunteers to serve, is youngest man to be shot down
c) and yeah gets shot down again and returns.
d) Its beyond obscene to say a decent moderate Sen was a Nazi..
…unless you are crazy
…Lithium time?
Righton, I already provided Internet proof the left is scratching their hairy asses on PS Bush being a Nazi. While he did befriend Harriman, a known Nazi sympathizer, the real researched record demonstrates the complete opposite, unlike the scion of the Kennedy’s who had to resign his ambassadorship, and he hated Jews. Did you know there is a road in NYS named after that Harriman guy?
Cougar, you flaming ass. When PacMan and I meet GBS, not only will you pull RR’s dick from your mouth, you’ll have to make a public mea culpa. You see there are experiences black people live through your lilly white animal ass can never imagine.
Righton, if he was as you say a ‘decent moderate Sen decent moderate Sen’ he also had to be very confused. As there is no such thing as a ‘decent moderate Republican Sen’. What was he? A democrat in drag?
Clinton Sheehan 08 Dream Team
Cougar-give it up. GOP senators of his time and station in life were no diff from their Dem opponents. Was an old boys club and he was no Nazi.
You guys need to run some new plays. This one is old and predictable. 3rd and long and the tin foil nutjubs run the ball again..
Cougar @80&84
I agree with Puddybud, and righton is exactly right about the GOP and Dems of old. Nowadays things are quite different, where debate has become the battle of the sound byte at the expense of actual idea/ideological discussion. Just as has been pointed out many times in this very blog, politics was a much different animal back then.
Point of fact, the research of John Buchanan and Stacey Michael in the Bush-Nazi report is an interperative analysis and there is contention it was largely based on unverified rumor and unsubstantiated allegations. See this for what I consider a fair report. It has enough for both the conspiracy theorists and Bush backers.
Where I diverge from either of the wings above is the importance of it. My grandfather earned a Silver Star for gallantry in action. Does this mean I went on to become a Silver Star recipient? Absurd, right? I also had a couple of horse thieves I can point to in my family tree. Their line died out at the end of a rope. Again, what is the point in connecting the elder Bush to the Nazis for purposes other than developing historical fact? Is it perhaps another way to get to the Bush that you guys could not defeat in 2004? I hate to say it, but Memogate comes to my mind when I find someone making tenuous assertions and not producing the actual, real records involved.
Then again, I love history. I would prefer it to be fact, vice speculation.
Puddybud @ 83. What a joke you are. You have no idea of anything about my heritage. You continually spew your tainted dribble trying to looks so smart. And another joke. You have been talking about your meeting with GBS, Pacman and yourself for over 6 months. What happened? Have to wait unitl you are parolled? And sooooooooo into throwing homophobic diatribes at everyone that might pose a threat to your ‘glass house’. What a pathetic little loser you are.