I’ve been looking to see if a Washington State GOP Congressperson would actually have a town hall for a while. And the answer is sort of? Dave Reichert is going to have a virtual town hall through Facebook Live.
I mean, I guess. Great. It’s going to be hosted by KCTS, so it’s not a total run away half measure. But there still won’t be an audience for that incredulous laughter or booing at his bullshit answers. But still, if you’re a constituent, and you’re free at 1:00 on Thursday the 23rd, you might want to ask a question.
Having used my limited downtime over the weekend to review the 9th decis and the preceding complaint, response, briefs, citations, etc. I’ve come to a conclusion:
The Hillbilly Jesus team are doing this shit deliberately.
Somebody in all that tangled mess of banjos, long-eared hound dogs, and corn whiskey is competent enough to read the law, even after the fact. They know this shit can’t get off the ground without a huge legal struggle. But I think they are hoping that they can distract their opponents long enough to accomplish their goal. What’s that? I think they want to bust up the way things are done. Fortunately for all of us, Ferguson didn’t bite. Good for him. Smart guy.
The idea I think was for elites to be so wound up by the religious discrimination elements of the order (which are entirely pointless otherwise) that they just blow right past the enormous flaws in process. I think Bannon and Miller are determined to empower The Hillbilly Jesus with an Executive authority stripped of accountability. To do that I think they want to get a bunch of sweeping executive orders implemented that bypass the normal processes. Because here’s the thing: statutorily the President has the authority to do an order like this.
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
So if The Hillbilly Jesus has the legal authority to implement an order like this one, what’s the prob? Mostly, process. Yes, and also establishment clause violations. But that’s just there to distract. By circumventing the normal processes for review, consultation, and resulting refinement of such an order, Preznit Derp fucks over a whole bunch of individuals, companies, and institutions.
If I was a devoted authoritarian the first thing I’d want to do was break the 5th amendment.
It was a nothingburger, Carl, when you tweeted this
last week, and it doesn’t play any better in a blog post.
Rick Larsen had an event on Saturday in a middle school. Maria Cantwell invites you to coffee in her office on Wednesdays, but you’ve got to be in DC for it. Meaning lobbyists welcome but the rest of us….. not so much.
No other Dem events on your list.
You might at least imply that Dem representatives are in hiding as well. Like newly elected Pramila Jayapal, who doesn’t have time to face her constituents but does have time to co-sponsor Dreamer legislation with……
wait for it…………..
Republican Dave Reichert and Democrat Pramila Jayapal Cosponsor Legislation to Protect Dreamers
You’ve had a few days to retool this topic, Carl, and the best you can do is this?
@ 1
If I was a devoted authoritarian the first thing I’d want to do was break the 5th amendment.
You do have the right to remain silent.
After reading your screed, I’d consider it a wise choice for you.
Hey, remember that down day in the financial markets immediately after the inauguration, when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit took the opportunity to pronounce Trump a failed leader?
“The markets have spoken.”, he wrote.
Good times for HA libbies, good times.
While they lasted, anyway.
Monday gains put major U.S. stock-market benchmarks at their highest levels ever
This morning’s headline at marketwatch.com.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Paul Krugman ✔ @paulkrugman
I try not to look back, but every once in a while: we could have had a smart, sane president, but media preferred to hype email non-scandal
I try not to look back, but on Election Night Paul Krugman said that the markets would never recover.
See @ 4.
This is probably good news for that booming stock market.
“Americas Biggest Creditors Dump Treasuries in Warning to Trump”
@5 isn’t three weeks or so (since inauguration) a little premature to be celebrating a victory. Give it time. Talk to me in 2, 3 years from now….but I’m sure you will be spouting some shit then, if there is a downturn, that it’s all Obama’s fault.
You are the biggest fucking creep going. The Ape is a loon and it’s not disguised….which is much better than you being a fake, fraud and bullshiting fool….it’s people like you that can be credited for Trump as YOUR president.
Amazing how you could even be in the medical profession, since its a profession that most people think that it requires smarts….you are prime example that you don’t have to be smart to be anything in this world….just like being a President.
Americans sing Nazi anthem at Aussie tennis match. The times they are a-changin’.
Hey Puffy, if Bergdahl walks, thank Drumpf.
After reading your screed
Obey, hillbilly.
@2 “Meaning lobbyists welcome but the rest of us….. not so much.”
A rich doctor can’t afford a roundtrip discount airfare to D.C. planned six months in advance? For a one-on-one with his United States Senator? My guess is you don’t go because you have nothing to talk about.
@3 Yes, I can see how you might have more practical experience with the 5th Amendment than the rest of us, including the lawyers among us.
@4 Back up the truck, doc. Get ’em while they’re hot.
For the rest of you: Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Stockman fan. The guy’s a crank, and he’s been saying the same thing for years, but remember what they say about stopped clocks. Meanwhile, I’ve been counseling my own fan base for some time now to be cautious about this market. It’s overvalued, driven by unrealistic expectations that Drumpf will deliver impossible growth, and showing plenty of signs of herd behavior. I’m not saying don’t buy stocks, this insanity doubtless has a few more upside percent left, but I’m saying don’t buy stocks with P/Es that look like Atlanta’s halftime score. Selective purchasing within value pockets where business fundamentals are sound is the most you want to do right now. The Rabbit Money is squirreling cash while waiting for the air to go out of this overinflated balloon.
Hillbilly spelling bee:
Fucking amazing. This shit can’t be unintentional. This has got to be intended to distract. Right?
@ 13
The Rabbit Money and an extra buck will buy a value meal at McDonald’s.
@6 Not what I would call a stock-buying signal, if you don’t mind me saying so.
@14 You’re shocked the homeschoolers around Drumpf can’t spell “too”?
@15 Sez the blowhard who can’t afford discount airfare to D.C. to meet with his Senator.
practical? Seriously?
When the fuck did a doctor ever keep his mouth shut?
WorstBest criminal/civil defendants imaginable. They are absolutely certain that they are smarter than everyone in the room and they can simply “explain” their way out of it.All an attorney can hope to do is manage the damage they do and if necessary overcome it at trial. This one probably has been trained by risk managers how to control his professional communications to avoid trouble. But watch him open up with his life story to the state trooper making a DUI stop. Turns an $8000 defense into an $80,000 defense in less time than it takes to say “shut the fuck up!”.
@19 I didn’t think of that. You have a good point.
I’m shocked they didn’t spell it “2”.
Remember when it was a huge threat to national security that the Secretary of State ran some office email through her home email server?
Those are classified briefings about a N. Korean nuclear missile launch. That those staff idiots are holding up in front of waiters and guests and illuminating and scanning with their unsecured phones in a public place. Hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
“Individuals who are “extremely careless” with classified information should be denied further access to such info.”
-Speaker Paul Ryan.
But, but, but…
Fat old rich guy on the right is a member of Mar a Lago.
Smiling young man on the left?
You and I and presumably the fat old rich guy, were really not supposed to know what he looks like.
He carries the football.
And The Hillbilly Jesus had folks lining up for selfies with him on Saturday night.
Way to fucking go hillbillies!
And when misdemeanor assault doesn’t work, the natural progression will be to advance to felony assault.
Protester who clashed with DeVos pleads not guilty
— A police report obtained by POLITICO says that Askaryar, who entered his plea on Saturday in Superior Court in Washington, was given “several lawful orders” to move out of the way of a vehicle, and then pushed an individual identified as “V-1.” Listed as a factor under one of the charges is “impeding/assaulting US government cabinet member.”
This is what you’re left with. This is why your side lost.
And the number of washington Democat congressmen having town hall meetings is………wait for it…….ONE!
The exact same number as GOP congressmen toen hall meetings.
Funny how that wasnt mentioned.
Hypocrit much Carl?
So……when ya mooven?
“This is why your side lost.”
Yeah, I’m sure it had nothing whatsoever to do with GOP gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter fraud, rogue fascist FBI agents and their GOP candidate-favoring FBI director or your candidate’s desperate plea to a Russian dictator for help, which was then given to him for free, I’m sure, with no strings attached.
“This is what you’re left with. This is why your side lost.”
And this is why we had a two term Democratic President.
Pizza Gate anyone? Creep.
This is why your side lost.
We won a majority after twenty-five consecutive years of misogynistic propaganda was broadcast on AM radio against our candidate.
That must really annoy someone who has always been easily fooled by the most obvious of propaganda, eh?
Live on your knees.
What does the Athletic Director say right before firing the head coach?
“General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president,” Conway told MSNBC.
@ 28
Oh, Steve
Among your laundry list of reasons you failed to include Tom Arnold’s failure to grant #CrookedHillary’s desperate request.
Actor Tom Arnold said in an interview aired Sunday night that he received a desperate phone call from failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton two days before the 2016 election asking for help.
Arnold made the claim on the Australian reality television show “I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!” to another contestant, Nazeem Hussain, the Independent Journal Review reported. Arnold said that Clinton asked him to release a video of Donald Trump from “Celebrity Apprentice” that showed Trump using derogatory terms for African Americans and women.
“Hillary Clinton called me two days before the election and said, ‘Please release that,'” Arnold said. “The weight of the free world is on your shoulders.”
She hand-picked her opponent and then lost to him. For a bunch of reasons that were not her fault.
Imagine the Falcons whining the way you pussies whine. They lost a huge lead late in the game, too.
@ 30
We won a majority after…
I’m sorry. I still double over with laughter after that third word. I don’t ever get to the rest of it.
The only thing that matter is #CrookedHillary lost a majority of electoral votes.
There’s always 2020. And she’ll probably be there expecting to be your nominee then, too.
Re: 24,
Douchebag took down his FB account after news of this national security breach become widespread… thanks to him. He was posting, tweeting, and IMing links to his post for days b4.
Accounts of eyewitnesses indicate that dozens more such photos were taken that night. Many have been posted to Soc Media accounts with less notice than this one.
You think the North Koreans have it yet?
Hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
@ 34
A plane full of guys wearing black or grey suits, and one guy wearing blue with scrambled egg over one shoulder and holding on to an unusually thick briefcase.
Think the PDKers have had it for awhile now.
I’m sorry. I still double over with laughter after that third word. I don’t ever get to the rest of it…
That was a really, really weak dodge, even by your standards.
How would your chosen candidate have fared without his self-fabricated reality-TV image of success? Would he have fooled even you?
Live on your knees.
Doctor dumbfuck:
Hillbilly nukyooolar security protocol no doubt.
Here is something classless from the NY Times… https://twitter.com/emrata/status/831161206392107009?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Gender specific attacks are disgusting sexist bullshit.
Classy NY Times!
Would he have fooled even you?
I thought the answer to that was obvious.
Gender specific attacks are disgusting sexist bullshit.
The troll intends that remark ironically, right?
Awww… The libtard media is all upset… GOOD! http://www.washingtontimes.com.....establish/
Golly DUMMOCRETINS learned it from these guys … https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/world/asia/xiao-jianhua-hong-kong-china.html
@ 36
How would your chosen candidate have fared without his self-fabricated reality-TV image of success?
My chosen candidate didn’t run. Had he run, Trump would have beaten him as well.
How would #CrookedHillary have fared had the DNC not been in the tank for her? Had she not had her husband’s presidency off which to sponge? Had the State Department always had access to all of her emails?
It’s irrelevant that #CrookedHillary won a vote whom no one was contesting. It makes your side even angrier and therefore it makes her loss ever sweeter to those of us who cannot stand her, but not more relevant.
The one vote that she and Trump contested was one handily by Trump.
Choke on it.
As I said, it’s not hard to pick out the guy in the entourage carrying the nuclear football.
As long as that guy actually is in the entourage.
US President Bill Clinton left a Nato summit meeting in such haste that he left behind perhaps the most important piece of luggage in the world – the “nuclear football”.
Speeding off in his motorcade after a meeting at the Nato summit hall, the leader of the world’s only superpower left behind the critical briefcase that contains America’s nuclear bomb codes.
No biggie. Dude probably just Uber’d to catch up.
I wonder if the North Koreans use photos like this
to watch the nuclear football? Or do they just keep an eye on FB posts of rich Floridians?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Zach Braff ✔ @zachbraff
Dear Lorne, I will shave my head to play this guy. Pleeeease. @nbcsnl
Shave your chest and ballsack and you can play Anthony Weiner in the coming #CrookedHillary miniseries on Fox.
Many more people will be watching.
46 – Hillary Clinton will never be prosecuted in any way. Ever. She’s done. Get over your hatred.
I see the psycho doctor is at it again.
The good news is as long as he is pounding his meat on HA he is not busy killing patients.
“Imagine the Falcons whining the way you pussies whine.”
Pointing out the realities of GOP gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter fraud, the actions of rogue elements of the FBI and it’s director, then noting your candidate’s plea to Russia for help isn’t a pussy whine. It’s a litany of facts which damns you, the GOP and Trump. However, a pussified bottom bitch would respond exactly the way you just did.
There is a study just released:
Four Decades of Evidence Finds No Link Between Immigration and Increased Crime
“Our research shows strong and stable evidence that, on average, across U.S. metropolitan areas crime and immigration are not linked,” said Robert Adelman, an associate professor of sociology at UB and the paper’s lead author. “The results show that immigration does not increase assaults and, in fact, robberies, burglaries, larceny, and murder are lower in places where immigration levels are higher.
“The results are very clear.”
Like i said hillbilly nookyoolur security.
Dig the Derp team coordinating a response to a highly classified briefing with their homebrew Android Jelly Bean phones with the help of the catering staff (“Can I just swipe right?”) right in front of the guests. Doesnt get any more “real”!
Maybe your chosen candidate can put together a reelection fund raiser by auctioning off a chance to issue the go code for a SEAL team strike using an old trucker CB!
One things fer sure: hilbilly children will die.
One thing in doubt: hillbillies gaining seats.
This is hilarious… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2614639
This is hilarious… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2614639
TRUTH and FACTS vs. lies from the libtard press… http://truthfeed.com/breaking-.....als/51813/
When Obummer removed all those illegals where was the screaming and gnashing of teeth from DUMMOCRETINS back then? Trump is arresting the illegal felons!
Another DUUMMOCRETIN caught lying… http://truthfeed.com/breaking-.....iar/51224/
The Chrome!-challenged batshit crazy loon is giving us some more double-posts of hate!
Trump is arresting the illegal felons!
Right. Who could blame you hillbillies? Gang bangers are fuckin scary!
So much easier to go after the working moms when they show up for a court appointment. No kevlars required. And you can spend the rest of the day at the strip club, right?
But Steve. Don’t you know the LOON is a system admin. Says so himself. He has even mastered typing WGET statements on the command line.
Trump is arresting the illegal felons!
And the whole immigrant community fears the DRUMP GESTAPO. That will sure help the cops do their normal everyday police work. (sarcasm intended.) Or is that too difficult for you to understand?
My chosen candidate didn’t run. Had he run, Trump would have beaten him as well.
That wasn’t the question I asked. If you’re going to stick around here for very long (ha, ha, ha), you’re going to have to get better at dodging questions.
And watching the Senate repeatedly choke on their own party’s nominees (!) reminds me they would never, ever, ever have given any real hearings to anyone President Hillary Clinton would have sent them. I’d far rather watch this clown show, and watch you slither and twist out of taking any responsibility for it, than to endure what a Republican Senate would have done in this situation.
Meanwhile, you and a well-distributed minority of Chumped Americans get to pretend you’re enjoying your thoroughly Pyrrhic Victory as it all collapses around you.
And I get to watch, point, and laugh at you.
Live on your knees.
@16 don’t mind you saying so at all……I think you know I was being sarcastic.
@24 picture is no longer available.
@27 wouldn’t you like to know.
@25 You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cb_CBJsKZ0
@31 To put it in proper context, so far, everything Conway has said has turned out to be a lie.
It’s not hard to imagine the conversation Pence is having with Trump: “The bastard lied to me. Get rid of him. I can’t work with him.”
Tomorrow, Flynn will be handed a letter that says, “Dear Mr. President, As much as I looked forward to working in your Administration, the pressing need to spend more time with my family compels me to ask to be relieved of my duties.” Sign here.
OHhhhhhhh those poor little trees.
@37 That’s the new status symbol. Even better than a Beamer or Gucci briefcase. Only one other guy has one just like it.
@38 Why else but money would she lay a 6-foot-circumference orange?
@43 “It’s irrelevant that #CrookedHillary won a vote whom no one was contesting.”
Obviously you haven’t been keeping up with the news.
@48 I think he said the other day he’s retired now.
@54 And what will Drumpf do when he runs out of immigrants to deport? If he ever gets around to euthanizing the terminally stupid native-borns you’d better watch out.
@61 I never doubted it. Meanwhile, I made another $2,300 off the Trump Sucker Rally today. Sure beats working for Republican wages.
See 34
In one shot the guest took (with his phone, in plain sight of everyone on the Derp “security” team) you can see assorted staff including wait staff, gazing at the classified documents about N. Korean testing while using the lights on their homebrew phones to assist reading in the dimly lit public dining area.
Too funny:
… Mr. Trump also talked about the size of the crowd for his Inaugural Address.
What a miserable, pathetic, useless little man. It’s no wonder our resident apologists keep insisting the resounding popular rejection of their hero does not matter.
Dave Reichart should hold his town hall in Wennatchee or Telma. Could be an early location of this alleged civil war. Alex Jones is concerned. Should be open carry at the event. At least if there are agitators they will be inconvenienced. With some luck they could have timed it with the probability of the passes being closed. Or arranged the passes to be closed, and having a successful event. Hey Alex can think conspiratorially so can I.
@1 Of course the AG Ferguson is now beginning to push for discovery. The proper response from the administration (doesn’t matter if they were Democratic or Republican) is he doesn’t have the proper security clearance and does not have the need to know. Of course the administration could just follow the suggestions from the appeal court, and rescind the order and issue a new order. I thought they would make some move today, perhaps they are waiting until after the news cycle is done for the day.
They maybe working on the ghost dancers response. Worked for the Feds at Wounded Knee.
Or mention Aum Shnrikyo is a terrorist religion whose members are not allowed on US soil.
Or the arrest of a Iranian spy ring…ummm spy ring planning terrorist and sabotage attacks in the US.
But hey we are still bombing in at least five of these countries.
@1 And you forgot to mention it puts a fire under the Republicans to get Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court on the court yesterday. They may even tell some Democratic Senators to shut up and sit down as this is a crises, and to get out of the way or skip the bs and lets go vote on the pick.
How many new visas for people in those 7 countries have been issued and processed?
@2 How dare you suggest congress members actually have to work and do their jobs occassionally. That because thre are things happening in Washington it’s not business as usual, and they all fly home for the weekend. Especially next weeks long weekend. Damn they are having to work! How dare you lay the truth on us.
hmmm – from the Country that can’t do no wrong…..Jewish extremists. They have a bunch of no good assholes too…who would have thought.
Puffballs loves him some extremists.
@73 you wouldn’t even see something so funny in a 3 stooges movie. Unbelievable.
So….when ya movxn?
@74 they are truly embarrassed big time….they bury their head in the pillow at night balling their eyes out.
@6 For the moment until they realize there is no where safer. Even if George Seros throws his gigantic monkey wrench into the global economy in March brining it all crashing down, according to Alex Jones, but why George do that? The US Government can print money. So his target is Japan? The euro? He wants to Peruvian lira to become the worlds currency because it has cute llamas on their coinage and bills.
@82 hahahahaha – wouldn’t you like to know….how is this answer, as soon as we have to start learning Russian.
So….wenn ya movyn?
Having some difficulty scheduling your mooov?
Maybe you should hire someone to schedule it for yooo.
Remember….spitters r quitters…..
@84 Ivanka could use your help….you should go out and buy something of hers.
@85 Most Russian’s speak English a lot learned in school even under Communism. The question is if you have ever solved rubics cube, play chess, and have play that amazing computer game with the falling shapes.
@86 as a conservative you should be conserving oxygen.
@88 and I’m sure you’ve played with rainbow colored Unicorns.
@7 You are overlooking the point that President Trump is your President too. Just ask any person from France. Stop by a consulate or two there in New York and ask them who your President is. This anti Trump stuff being pulled is not sustainable at the level it’s at. He does get to enact policies, put his people into government. Those things any Republican would do or permit like the ICE raids of the past weekend shouldn’t be getting the kind of protest they are. The Democrats lost and there are some Democrats who would be just fine with the ICE raids. only they would definitely go after the employers of the illegals.
Some political rankle is good, but it is over the hill and when ultimately the Democrats loose because for some reason they can’t their Democratic Senators have forgotten how to count votes, it just makes what should be a normal part of the process into a really big victory for President Trump.
@91 ohh, I know, but it’s a lot more fun to remind you that he is YOUR president. His name is Drumpf.
Yes, all that matter is Victory.
Well we screwed up, but the stanza is technically still part of the German national anthem. Our national anthem has a number of stanzas that are not played or sung at any event. We don’t sign or memorize more than the first stanza. And the fact it’s the music to a bawdy English drinking song is lost on most Americans.
@92 It’s President Donald Trump and it’s the man it’s office. Shy don’t you go down and enlist, and see how far your Drump crap flies with a TI of any service.
@9 Bergdahl’s defense team already have the Senator from Arizona threatening anyone involved in the Prosecution or jury with no further promotions should the outcome be other than what the Senator wants. The Bergdahl thing has been political from the start and President Obama if he knw how to handle the military would have stopped in the bud and told the Generals that they would put medals on him, parade him through cities and towns and he would be Americas darling or the President would find some new generals who supported his exchange and actions. Like treat Bergdahl somewhat like those guys who were released from the Hanoi Hotel like a certain Senator from Arizona.
@11 There is always Greyhound. Highly recommended by Jack Reacher.
So…….when ya myvin?
@12 And those attorneys among us should be using their actual names and even bar number, and they should follow the ethical rules of the bar they are under. Those folks who are attorneys can speak about the law, but cannot inflate their position to more than that of others on here. Like they are some kin of elite, and have a special position in society because they are attorneys. Attorneys also have to be ummm more neutral when discussing the law on here. Or do you need to go and check out the current ethical rules under the bar, as you may be retired and not looked at the rules in a few years, though they would to some degree still apply if you are on here discussing the law.
Now if the gentleman does not particularly like you maybe he could make a bar complaint.
@22 You do know that if the ball was going up it really does not matter if the football is open in a public place as long as the orders go out. Hopefully the President can be gotten to Looking Glass or the VP. So frankly it’s the waiters and everyone there who are not stupid as they should be scrambling to be as far from in very little time the President as possible.
Bar complaints from unhinged hillbilly Trailer Trump Americans with butt hurt feels about a member exercising their constitutionally protected freedom of expression will be ignored right along with those from Jerry Sandusky.
I think thats in the code too.
The babbling freak’s beloved Michael Flynn is GONE!
@28 All of which doesn’t help the guys defense attorney who knows his client is royally screwed. He touched a small woman, defenseless, and a cabinet member. Wonder if he asked his client if he suffers from epileptic fits. That he was pushed. Having that consoling lawyerly smile saying everything will be fine, and thinking oh fuck, please let us get Judge X please if there is a god…
@101 Ahhh he resigned, so he’s in the kitchen cabinet. Maybe to be renamed the Key Largo cabinet.
The fish rots from the HEAD DOWN!
Jesus you are an insufferable dolt!
Your beloved Hillbilly Jesus took out what those present described as a highly classified breifing on a N. Korean missile launch at a fucking birthday party and read it with the PM of Japan with the public looking on and photographing the action. Honestly I dont fault him for shitting the top secret bed. Not his job. But he is supposed to have people who know enough not to bring those documents out of the locked bag in such a place. Your Hillbilly Jesus goes the extra mile though, by putting his image in front of his rich golfing buddies ahead of the safety of those who serve him.
This guy is your President. And he is definitely the President you deserve.
@35 The North Koreans would shit if it’s a plane full of Air Force blue the President gets hustled onto with the guy with the briefcase minus some of the guys with suits. Especially if it’s not Air Force One.
@44 And if they leave their key card in their dresser the football is not of much use, there are work arounds thus the guy who carries the briefcase, poor guy gets to know the life of a cabin boy for a bit.
@45 They really don’t like to see the radar signals of a squadron of B-52’s that keeps them on their toes.
@47 Is that really Bernie Sanders the Senator?
Flynn resigns. Three weeks in and we have “turmoil”, “chaos” and a self-inflicted national security crisis in the West Wing.
Trump knew Flynn was compromised because Yates told him. Then Yates was fired and Flynn was appointed national security adviser. Who else in the West Wing is compromised? I mean, besides Trump.
Way to fuck up, Doctor.
@51 How does it play in Iowa?
Moran @108
Sounds like a great way to start a war with China.
Or haven’t thought this through?
Thank God all of us can breathe an enormous sigh of relief we wont have to look at those hideous neckties of his.
Also the Russian stuff.
@54 Maybe te white house is using the theory they will get tired and go to sleep like most kids good or bad,
It was the Obama Gestapo and they trained them well and now it’s Trump Gestapo. Where you all been for the past 8 years or so?
@67 Air Force One!
@68 Energized like the energizer bunny?
@71 Well Obama set records, and some have returned to Mexico as El Norta isn’t so great, or they could enjoy retirement. Seems no shortage of illegals. Short of putting bodies on the border with shoot to kill orders I doubt there will be a shortage. Then there are the Irish who know Eire isn’t so wonderful who overstay their visa. They take more time and resources. Spies and terrorists unless you get lucky require even more resources.
@72 And the IRS says thank you for their cut.
@87 For your valentine’s day present sweetie? Enjoying the snow moon?
@90 I understand one name Milo is a loft of fun you played with him? I think that whole thing is just totally ironic.
@117 Yeah, that’s gotta be it. Billionaire lifestyle has nothing to do with it. Bet he never told her about the goldfish bowl. She still thinks wives of billionaires and presidents and such can live private lives.
@65 That didn’t take long. I was off by an entire day.
@92 Nope just Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush 2 were all my Commander in Chief. And even if not Democrats should be the loyal opposition,. That is their role now. At some point they should remember that as at least the elected individuals took an oath of office. If they go too far they are traitors to their oath, and further we have civil war. The first one was not pleasant. And M-16s do a lot of damage to the human body, and that oath I took many years ago said something about all enemies foreign and domestic, They call the old Staff Sergeant back and hand me M-16 and your on the other end you are dead. Worse they might promote me, and I have to order others to shot at you. So point of view changes.
@122 Ahh illusion. Rich and poor we all have some. nd aren’t we all in the land of big brother? Some energizer bunny sex might help with the illusion. Can’t hurt, The fish in the fish bowl gotta get some stress relief in. They should take some tips from Caligula. We need someone to keep the boss happy, do we really want a sex starved grumpy cat as President?
@124 Why are you pinheads so obsessed with civil war? If you’re eager to kill someone, then re-up and volunteer for deployment against ISIS. Make yourself fucking useful.
@125 You actually believe she’s sleeping with him? Maybe Conway is. I can’t think of anyone else who would lower herself. Except those excellent Russian whores, but they’re in it for the intelligence.
@100 You want that theory tested? I agree with you on the whole first amendment thing, but I do think Goldy should require folks posting on here to do so under their own name as he does. As do Carl and the about HA people, and he should imposters the door. That doesn’t prevent someone from posting anonymously once or twice. I’m all for speech but people should be people of their word, even if they are on here making an ass of themselves and others,. Just might bring the personal attacks down a bit and some of the trolling….which in some cases on here some trolling is someone else’s reasonable speech.
@127 I don’t how you can speak for her. Perhaps this is instance of true lover or Mr. Trump has remained the Casanova he was in military school and has found the one. Who are you to judge? Or to state what you cannot know is true or not. Have you written her and asked? If your an attorney or were in a prosecutors office you know better and this comment is beneath you.
@105 And you are not a security expert. Do you even know who the classification authority is? Or that in some circumstances the security requirements change? And how they change? Can you list the classification documents? Have you read tem? Perhaps you should read a them.
I’m not saying Trump should have done this. Still a missile launch that is already in the news is less than secret. Those classified documents by large been overly classified. Such information is shared with the Japanese and would be on the Japanese Premiers desk or in his own briefing from his intelligence people. An he and the President would discuss this in any event and it’s totally reasonable for the President to share information, He can do it.
Apparently you didn’t really understand what I was actually saying. That under certain circumstances it’s totally appropriate for the President to tell the handler of the football to open the case and for the President to initiate a response or attack on another nation in the clear. Due to time constraints. At Key Largo he has about 8 minutes or less if a sub has launched on his positon. Best he just do it calmly with those lookers looking before they realize what just happened. Then the Secret Service can try to the President to Looking Glass or Air Force One. Sure I don’t know what talking about you clueless dork.
@112 Ummm maybe you need to bone up on history. Even like recent history with a B-1 and B-52 flying over South Korea. Realy upset th3 North Koreans and the Chinese were not too happy., Of course we are at war with North Korea and not China. If North Korea launches a missile toward the east toward the US over Japan that act should place a squadron of B-52’s and B-1’s into the air above Guam to go do the mission they are there for,
@126 Well it’s you Democrats saying California and Washington should become independent states. Like the Democrats didn’t try the first civil war how did that work. There were demonstrators calling for a civil war this weekend or Mexico to come save the illegal aliens from the nasty American government. At some point the Democratic leadership needs to put a lid on some of this or cool off some so the useful part of the anger can be used politically in two years. Short of doing something stupid like total civil unrest or civil war it’s too much too early.
Remember the last time a President appointed someone who had to resign in disgrace less than a month later?
Yeah, me neither.
Remember when a previous president hired someone who was in direct conversations with our global adversary to a National Security post.
Well there was that Reagan/Iran thing.
Remember when another president had a National Security briefing not just in front of another head of state but in front of a roomful of people with zero security clearance?
Yeah, me neither.
(stolen from Twitter)
As there were Trump employees around Trump’s table at Mar-A-Lago when the President and his team were openly discussing national security the private server was breached.
I have here in my hand Secretary Clinton 110 emails….
Ironic, no?
Man – Abigail really speaks fucking sideways.
I’m precedent of the Untied States. Want to see my secret docaments? I always bring them to my resturants so sit at my table.
Its okay to call it lying now.
Or “alternative facts”.
So……wh3n ya mov3n?
It looks to me that all but one of The Hillbilly Jesus Executive Orders have been little more than wallpaper. And the one that actually did something has been suspended.
Nominees continue to grind along slowly throgh the Hillbilly Senate where the Hillbilly members hide from their voters. And The Hillbilly Jesus is busy golfing, watching television, partying in the Florida sun, and getting into tweet wars.
And still over 90% of 2.25 term President Barack Hussein Obama II appointees are still pretty much in charge and running the day to day.
“This Congress is going to be the busiest Congress we’ve had in decades. Maybe ever. Maybe ever. Think of that.”
– Donald J. Pussygrabber
@141 The investigations will be endless.
@133 It’s fucking amateur hour. This is what happens when dummies elect people who don’t know shit from shinola to run our government.
@129 Rest assured I will never, ever, stoop to promulgating gossip about Republicans any lower or cruder than what they said about the Clintons. I believe in level playing fields.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Shave your chest and ballsack and you can play Anthony Weiner in the coming #CrookedHillary miniseries on Fox.
Chant it along with your patriot buddies!
Live on your knees.