Dear Senators Cantwell and Murray;
I am writing to urge you to do everything in your power to stop us from going to war with Iran. A war would have devastating consequences for both sides, andis not in the national interest. Further, we have a moral obligation to stop it before it goes any further.
Thank You
Carl Ballard
To The Fucking Moron II:
Remember, The Babylon Bee is satire.
Dear Senators Cantwell and Murray:
I urge you not to permit President Trump to send the Iranians pallets of cash, under cover of darkness. All they do with the money is use it to kill Americans.
From a former Obama advisor at the Department of State:
Why the Death of an Iranian Commander Won’t Mean World War III
The U.S. dealt a major blow in taking out Iran’s imperial strategist. But the mullahs’ next move likely won’t be a dramatic escalation.
His death will be a blow to the Iranian theocracy but—contrary to what many observers are warning—could very likely temper the clerical oligarchs, who tend to retreat in face of American determination.
Pity that Obama decided to hand ’em cash instead. That might come up, come Fall.
Looks like the doctor has finally accepted and embraced his inner dumbfuck.
A Warren/Castro ticket would touch ’em all: Woman, American Indian, Hispanic.
All Warren has to do is claim to munch carpet and even gman will be on board with the ticket.
Really, Hillary shoulda thought of that. in 2016 it wouldn’t have been a lie.
Just think how much better off the Democrat party would be today if it had put the Clintons and Sharpton in their place when the opportunities were there.
The doctor is quite chipper this morning. Putin must be winning.
@ 7
The doctor is quite chipper this morning.
Hard not to be, Steve. I just watched the Democrats spend the entire weekend defending Iran and it’s acutely dead mass murderer, because Orange Man Bad.
Just think. All these years wasted on Middle-East peace negotiations when all the world ever really needed to realize peace on earth was the narcissistic rage of a megalomaniacal orange man-baby who has a dumbfuck doctor’s head stuck up his ass.
@ 9
Apparently the 2800 drone strikes by the military under the last administration weren’t enough to do it, Steve.
“I just watched the Democrats spend the entire weekend defending Iran”
Horseshit. Pulled from your ass. I’d say you and the horse have some explaining to do, Doctor.
I’ve watched you betray your country for several years.
“Apparently the 2800 drone strikes by the military under the last administration weren’t enough to do it, Steve.”
Wherein the doctor goes from his usual spiking of the ball in his own endzone to spiking the ball in the stadium parking lot before the game even begins.
The question is not whether Solemaini was a bad guy.
The questions are:
1. What are the likely consequences of his assassination?
2. Do you trust the impeached miserable failure’s administration to have planned for those consequences and to manage what will come next?
@ 12
The Middle East was a mess when Trump arrived in office. It will be a mess when he leaves in 2025.
Aside from the occasional San Bernardino, Americans on American soil haven’t been much affected since 9/11. If the price for that is the numbskulls at TSA strip-searching granny, well, OK.
Gas is still cheap. It will be cheap in November.
Let’s not forget the rim job that Obama gave to the Iranian leadership.
Secret Obama-era permit let Iran convert funds to dollars
The Treasury Department license, issued in February 2016 and never disclosed, would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at Oman’s Bank of Muscat from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system.
The Obama administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran.
The license issued to Bank Muscat stood in stark contrast to repeated public statements from the Obama White House, the Treasury and the State Department, all of which denied that the administration was contemplating allowing Iran access to the U.S. financial system.
Bank Muscat?
“Gas is still cheap. It will be cheap in November.”
Probably won’t be as cheap as you and the other Republicans who are selling out your country to Russia.
He’s right, of course.
RapeFantasyWarFighter isn’t going to get naval engagements in the Strait of Hormuz or vast helicopter and tank battles unfolding across the Karun River Valley. Facing off against an adversary like the US capable of projecting military might and destruction from half a world away, by agreeing to localize the conflict onto your own territory would be idiotic. And entirely unnecessary. That lesson has played out dozens of times in the last half century.We live today in a world where a moderately affluent hermit with a sat phone living in a cave can successfully project military destruction from half a world away. The United States is no long special in that particular talent. Not at all. About all we can claim is a talent for much greater precision and lots fewer civilian casualties. But having spent the better part of the last two decades lavishly inflicting civilian casualties, I’m not really convinced the rest of the world is all that impressed anymore.
Either way the news media win. Whether they get to hunker down on rooftops and live stream a naval bombardment, or hover over a smoking hole in the wake of a truck bombing, they get the drama they need to sell more dick pills.
Not a single one of the 9/11 attackers had to march through the desert and climb over a wall to get here. Still don’t.
Funny how 24/7/365 dopes like bot-farm troll and his 4chan girlfriends are constantly pearl clutching about “moooslim teeerrrrists!” coming for us every day. Then the minute it suits them it’s all nothing but “the occasional San Bernardino”. No big deal at all. Yup.
Having spent nearly every day of the last two years insisting that the FBI is a criminal gang in league with Kenyan Mooooslims, and the CIA are DERP STATE TRAITORS, right about now bot-farm troll will assure himself how they kept him safe after 9/11. Yup.
It’s not just dumb to let Republicans vote. It’s dangerous. It gets good people killed for no reason other than to make the nightly news a little less boring.
Just a little noise:
@ 17
Either way the news media win. Whether they get to hunker down on rooftops and live stream a naval bombardment, or hover over a smoking hole in the wake of a truck bombing, they get the drama they need to sell more dick pills.
And by doing so, remaining employed.
What will be this year’s Steele dossier?
Nothing to see here.
Don Jr. (under oath, deposition)
Q: have you ever heard of Sberbank, S-B-E-R-B-A-N-K?
Q: Do you know if they were involved in financing deal for Trump project?
A: Not that I’m aware of.
Q: Do you know Herman Gref?
A: Herman Gref?
Q: G-R-E-F
A: No.
A plane arrived in Ft. Lauderdale just minutes from Mar-a-Lago from Moscow early this morning. Tail RA-10204 is owned by Russian bank Sberbank, typically used by Herman Gref-a former Russian economy minister and chief exec.
What did Lev Parnas hand over that got a Russian financer Jr. never heard of on a private plane to Donald?
@2 @3 Hey Fucking Moron, it was their money, and we returned it to them because they complied with our conditions.
I sure wouldn’t choose you to be my banker. You’d steal the customers’ money.
@3 “Pity that Obama decided to hand ’em cash instead. That might come up, come Fall.”
Without doubt the Republican base will buy it, too. After all, they bought Trump. Lock, stock, and barrel. But it won’t get you the vote of anyone who knows a piehole from a hole in the ground. You’re a shining example of a dumbfuck who doesn’t.
@5 “A Warren/Castro ticket” may be your dream ticket, and what you need to save your own miserable ticket, but it ain’t gonna happen. Warren is fading, Castro is out, and Biden still leads in the polls. Your best hope is a Pence-Biden race instead of a Trump-Biden race, but you’ll need McConnell to cooperate with that, and that’s a tall order.
@6 You’re incapable of thinking how much better off America would be without Trump and the Republican Party, because you only think small.
@10 And you’re dumb enough to believe 1 more solves everything.
@13 This thought would never enter the Fucking Moron Doctor’s feeble mind, but if even Bush43 wouldn’t do it, there probably were some reasons for not doing it.
@14 “The Middle East was a mess when Trump arrived in office. It will be more of a mess when he leaves in 2025.”
@14 “Aside from the occasional San Bernardino” brought to you by Republican insistence that literally anybody have easy access to military-style assault weapons,” Americans on American soil haven’t been much affected” and common-sense gun control measures (such as gun show background checks) are the price for stopping stopping domestic terrorists from targeting concert crowds, synagogues and churches, and schools, that price is higher than Republican Fucking Morons are willing to pay for the safety of you and yours. Do I need to tell you which side of this argument the Fucking Moron Doctor is on?
@16 I don’t see $3.75 gas as “cheap” (I can remember gas for 24.9 cents), but then I have two rabbit’s feet, so I don’t use much gas.
@17 I can think of a cultural icon in Florida that’s an obvious target. If it were me, I wouldn’t much spend time there from now on. I certainly wouldn’t accept an invite to attend an event there. Foreign technology hasn’t progressed to the point where their drones can pick individuals out of a crowd. Even ours can’t do that; they take out the whole crowd.
@1 ??. Did you just wake up from a coma?
@18 “Not a single one of the 9/11 attackers had to march through the desert and climb over a wall to get here. Still don’t.”
Not only that, but Trump’s immigration policies targeting Mexicans wouldn’t keep them out even today, because that attack didn’t come from Mexico, it came from a country whose authoritarian leader Trump sucks up to.
From previous thread
Probably none. But definitely most will be scared of Warren or Bernie. But just an opinion. Kind of like Blackjack, you have to know when to hold or hit if you have a hard 16.
Markets are in freefall over concerns that President Trump’s actions last week could be the start of a new world war. As of this moment the major US markets are all…
… higher.
If you got your options trades in before about 6:40 PST on Friday, you did well.
Lincoln Chafee thinks calling himself a Libertarian will improve his fortunes. He’s gonna try to get nominated for the presidential ticket as a Libertarian.
Being born to a famous father has taken him as far as it can, apparently.
Not necessarily, I think you kind of have to win first, then be part of the change in the environment and then try to win them over onto your side of the equation. Kind of like trying to get your 90 year plus old parents to realize that they’d be better off in an assisted living facility, when they don’t want to leave their home.
Maybe they’re just trying to rob the bank before it goes out of business.
@20 “And by doing so, remaining employed.”
So now you’re against employment?
News is a business, and like any other business, they have to get customers to buy their product. They do it by reporting sports, murders, wars, hurricanes, freeway crashes, and impeachments, in that order of front-page priority. Yellow journalism has always been yellow. Media editorial slants have always reflected the personal views of media owners, who almost always have been conservative white rich guys. But now the internet is democratizing news gathering and reporting; the National Enquirer can still bury Trump hush money stories, but no longer can keep them in the grave. Everything is found out now.
And that’s a problem for rightwing bullshit artists like Trump, you, and every GOP candidate and campaign manager. You can still fool your own hillbilly base, though, and that keeps the Tucker Carlsons and his local iterations employed for now. Although no rational person would ever call what they do “news” or “media.” Like you, they do Goebbels.
And speaking @ 35 of benefitting from the fame of one’s parents:
Chelsea Clinton reaps $9 million from corporate board position
Clinton’s public profile has proved a valuable commodity.
She earned an annual salary of $600,000 working as a special correspondent for NBC News in 2013 and part of 2014.
Clinton was named to the board of Expedia Group in March of 2017, a position that typically earned $250,000 in 2015, according to a report at the time by The Guardian.
Both IAC and Expedia are controlled by Barry Diller, the business and television mogul, who is a friend of Hillary Clinton.
She’s Hunter Biden without the drug addiction(s) and looks.
@31 Impossible. You need a brain to be in a coma.
@34 “As of this moment the major US markets are all…
… higher.”
Yeah, at this moment the DJIA is higher by 1/4th of 1 point, so technically you’re correct.
@35 “He’s gonna try to get nominated for the presidential ticket as a Libertarian.”
Well, that’s one way to get out of having to actually serve.
@39 Willing seller, willing buyer. You can’t accuse her of selling influence, because she has no influence to sell. And she didn’t even have to withhold vital military aid to an ally to get it.
If you’re looking for corruption, you’re looking at the wrong family. But I can suggest where to find it.
Lincoln Chafee:
Republican >>>>> Democrat >>>>> Libertarian.
What a fuckin’ clown.
When I refer to the acceptability of the primary alternatives to Hillary Clinton in 2016 – meaning the three candidates who were immediately dismissed in favor of Hillary vs. Bernie – the one I leave out is Chafee.
@ 43
You can’t accuse her of selling influence, because she has no influence to sell.
Not any more. Her fortunes fell just as quickly as donations to the Clinton Foundation after her mommy’s loss.
“Not any more. Her fortunes fell just as quickly as donations to the Clinton Foundation after her mommy’s loss.”
Mommy? Sometimes wingnut projection informs me about things I really didn’t want to know about.
Really, this is becoming more pathetic with every dumbfuck comment. Anybody else hoping Pork Sauce will show up and elevate the quality of trolling? It’d at least increase right-wing male testosterone levels around here if nothing else.
New York state is predicted to lose a congressional district after the 2020 census.
It will be some effort for the NY legislators to deal with that lost seat, preserve the seat currently held by AOC, and create a congressional district seat ready-made for Chelsea to step right into without having to, you know, earn it.
My guess is that Bolton being willing to testify has pushed our doctor over the edge.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s megalomaniacal orange man-baby moron will probably react by having another fit of narcissistic rage and nuking Canada. Or California.
@ 48
1. Won’t receive a Senate subpoena.
2. If he does, Trump claims executive privilege and either Roberts rules, which he can’t, because a case about this is currently before the SCOTUS, or Roberts delays trial until the case is heard. Which does Democrats no good.
3. All this does a really good job of keeping Bolton in the news.
4. Trump will still be re-elected.
Where are your allies, Doctor? Looks like they’re running away from you and your orange moron. I know! Try calling Putin or Kim Jung-un. Maybe they’ll save your sorry orange asses.
The Fucking Moron II @ 1 is in good company. The left has so many absolutely moronic members that CNN is now jumping into it.
Adam Ford
MoreAdam Ford Retweeted Donie O’Sullivan
A CNN reporter is taking shots at the Bee because our articles get shared a lot and some people think they’re real (which will always happen with satire).
After thinking “how adorable,” I thought, “well surely this guy has chirped at the Onion for the same thing…” 1/3Adam Ford added,
Donie O’Sullivan
Verified account
To put this in perspective, this is the same number of engagements the top NY Times and CNN stories on Facebook had over the past week.
A lot of people sharing this “satirical” story on Facebook don’t know it…
Show this thread
7:10 AM – 6 Jan 2020
@49 WTF was that? An admission of guilt? Don’t bother. I already have you marked down as being a fucking traitor.
@ 52
I’m just pointing out that the House could have gone to the courts over the subpoena issue, but didn’t. Instead it filed a second article of impeachment, over an issue that has not been decided by the courts.
Senate would have the same problem as the House, were it to issue a subpoena. Trump’s claim of executive privilege may be fully valid. If it’s not tested, you won’t know until it’s reinforced by the Senate. Then you still won’t know because you didn’t take it to the courts.
Schiff created his own clusterfuck. Steve wallows in it.
“Schiff created his own clusterfuck. Steve wallows in it.”
Far better to wallow in a Democrat clusterfuck than it is to revel in Republican treason, Doctor.
“I think you kind of have to win first, then be part of the change in the environment…”
At the ballot box Democrats have been doing nothing but win for the last three years. In state after state, in district after district we’ve shifted the terrain. Red states have become purple, purple states have become more blue. Affluent, educated suburbs have undergone a tidal shift away from RapeFantasy, GangRape, Wife Beating and Guatemalan Toddler Torture. And both registration and turnout over the three year period has trended heavily toward Democrats. There is a huge change in the environment. But with RapeFantasy in the White House, GangRape on the Court, and Moscow Mitch controlling the Senate things in government don’t change overnight. By design. Mistakes like the GOP can take years to unwind.
“…and then try to win them over onto your side of the equation.”
Bot-farm troll once postured himself as a thoughtful, conservative leaning independent. In the last couple of years he’s advanced theories that…
– the CIA and State Department planted evidence against Paul Manafort in Ukraine years before RapeFantasy had even announced he was running,
– A lifelong Republican career prosecutor hand picked by RapeFantasy himself was engaging in a massive conspiracy operating within the DOJ to reverse the 2016 election,
– that liberal pedophiles ritually sacrifice and feast on the bodies of babies in invisible basement dungeons below pizza restaurants.
Just a sample among many.
You will never win over a group of people who are willing to accept any proposition, however ridiculous and implausible it may be, if it can be relied upon to make Joy Behar grind her teeth. From the White House through the Senate, and all the way down to your Thanksgiving table where Crazy Uncle Liberty sits, this is every single one of them now. They have abandoned all ideology save for the ideology that what “triggers” the “Libbies” is good. You will never win over a single one of them. All you can hope for is that enough of them get bored and go back to choke-fapping to Brony porn and arm-fishing.
Heh. Mitt. One down, three to go.
“GOP senator abandons McConnell on Bolton testimony: ‘I’d like to hear what he has to say’”
55 agreed. They are lost and irredeemable. I used to believe in redemption was possible for most everyone. After trumpers, I was wrong. Far to many people are evil and do not care that they are.
@57 Hindsight informs me that Obama should have put them all in FEMA camps. Might as well have made their FEMA camp fever dreams come true. The country would be much better off for it.
Jesus Fucking Christ, Doctor. Fuck up much?
“Pentagon triggers widespread confusion as conflicting messages clash about a US pullout from Iraq”
@ 55
At the ballot box Democrats have been doing nothing but win for
the last three yearsone Congressional election cycle.ftfy
Might as well.
Because they’ll claim it anyway. And Barr will appoint a Special Prosecutor to write a report about it. And PBS NewsHour will cover “both sides” of “the controversy”
So we don’t win the next Presidential election in New York, or California, or Connecticut, or Washington. And we don’t win it by pandering to the readership of the NYT editorial board or Jeff Bezos either.
By emphasizing things like universal access to health care, income inequality, and lowering college tuition, candidates like Sanders and Warren didn’t just shift the debate. They out-raised the rest of the field and they did it one $20 bill at a time in all fifty states, including Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Democrats don’t win where it counts by nominating another Hillary Clinton.
And we won’t win over Republican voters by “compromising” with people who, when you get down to it, are no longer Republicans. Whether it’s William Kristol, or Barbara Comstock, or Eric Cantor, or the Ghost of Nelson Rockefeller, these people and their ideology no longer represent The Republican Party. They are purged. Bu that certainly doesn’t mean they don’t have a useful (and profitable) role to play.
And play it they do by offering themselves up to the media as an ideological foil for progressive policy proposals arguing for “limited government”. When in truth, and by now it shouldn’t be necessary to keep pointing it out, the de facto position of the Republican Party is to burn constitutional republican government to the ground.
It’s all gas-lighting all the time.
Anyone else have to look up Brony porn?
Be careful what you wish for, Steve.
Goldy Retweeted
Charles P. Pierce✔
I don’t trust this guy as far as the car threw me. He’s going to be the shot that brings down the elephant now that we’re just inches away from the war for which he’s been slavering his entire adult life? Please. …
I Don’t Trust This Guy as Far as the Car Threw Me
John Bolton is going to be the shot that brings down the elephant now that we’re just inches away from the war for which he’s been slavering his entire adult life? Please.
he wishes. They’ve been losing seats in all the out years wherever it matters too. And they hate it. Senior ranking Child Molesters in PA have openly worried to the media that they may never come back from this. And Chairman PubeFace won’t even return their calls.
They lost so badly that outgoing Republicans were forced to “remove the W keys from all the keyboards” by trying to pass unconstitutional laws preventing new Democratic majorities from undoing all their mischief.
You sure as fuck didn’t.
I’m sure a silicone copy replica of Putin’s Cock was one of the items?
I got to hand it to Bob….He’s like that back-up Quarterback you see on the sidelines with so much energy and always warming up, but never gets to see much game.
I have contacted both Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley
Given that this is Missouri, I don’t expect them to listen to reason but it needed to be done.
@62 No. But only because I didn’t care what it was. I only googled after reading @62.
That’s Porn?
Anyone read an article written by one of The Hartford Courant’s writers, Edmund H. Mahoney, about U.S. Attorney John H. Durham, on 1/5/20, titled “Durham rebuttal fueling debate”?
Bob you probably would find it interesting.
A Stanford Grad with two masters and a PHD managed to make nearly a million a year.
Compare to some offspring who manage to make $135m/year with a bachelors degree.
You are so behind the times. My bar trivia team is the Bronies. Have been since 2013.
Rule 34 (google it)
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran Ass-kissing Pussies News – Demorat Sniveling Cowards Beg Iran, “Please Don’t Hurt Us, Just Tell Us What You Want.”
Left-wing Hollywood has responded to President Trump taking out the planet’s most deadly military figure by personally begging the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to spare us.
First came actress Rose McGowan’s tweeted message to Iran begging its oppressive theocratic regime to “not kill us.” Not to be outdone, activist director Michael Moore gave a “personal appeal” to Iran asking its “Death to America”-vowing leadership to let him and his fellow peaceful progressives “fix” the problem.
“I have just sent the Ayatollah of Iran a personal appeal asking him not to respond to our assassination of his top General with violence of any kind, but rather let me & millions of Americans fix this peacefully,” Moore tweeted Saturday.
@55 the picture you paint and everything you say isn’t wrong, essentially it is 100% right.
I don’t disagree.
But I know some people, now maybe these people are the people you speak of above, but I don’t think they are. I think that they are a little more sane than them, but they are stupid crazy sometimes. But these people I speak of are easily turned off by little stupid things, such as radios stations banning the winter season song “Baby It’s Cold Outside”. These people are easily, too easily, turned off by a Minor League baseball park banning peanuts from the park, and changing the lyrics to “Take me out to the Ballpark”, so as to remove the word peanuts. And most of all, when it comes to personal finances they don’t like taxes, because partly they haven’t taken the time to realize what they truly pay in taxes. These are the same people that cried about paying 0.10 per bag for single use plastic grocery store bags, not because they couldn’t be bothered to bring a canvas bag, but because it was a “tax”. These are people that wonder why climate is changing?
Maybe these are the people you describe. But I see these people as more down and out and not satisfied in their own lives, so they can easily be turned off or swayed to by cynical in nature.
And who can play it better in making people cynical? The fucking Repukes. Cynical of government. Cynical of the Media. Cynical of the weatherman for not being correct on the size of the rain drop, when they don’t even know themselves what a cloud is. I don’t think you stop cynical with going to far to the left. I don’t think you can convince individuals, that they would be better off in that direction. Especially the farmers in the midwest. You don’t need to worry about New Englanders, except the inbreds in Maine, and the tightwads in New Hampshire.
I’ve actually had to defend, and with honor, the banning of peanuts. Banning the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, but changing the name of Take me out to the Ballgame, I have to roll my eyes at that one though…..just say peanuts and a laugh or something for fun instead of replacing peanuts with whatever they replaced it with.
Another “good guy with a gun” exercising his right of self-defense …
Pork sauce @73 isn’t exactly asking Iran to kill Americans, but pretty close.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Thanks Again Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid, Lifelong Demorat Shoves Demorat Registration Up Your Commie Ass.
Bill, a lifelong Democrat decided to walk away from the Democrat party because they have moved too far left and he can no longer support them.
“Bill just walked into our office and told me he is a life long Democrat but that the party has moved so far left that he can longer support them,” Christopher, the VP for ‘Students for Trump’ at Arizona State University tweeted.
“He ripped up his Democratic voter registration card and I just registered him to vote as a Republican!” he added.
@77 How the fug do you get “isn’t exactly asking Iran to kill Americans, but pretty close” from my comment?
As a stage name, “Meat Loaf” isn’t bad, but in real life, “Meat Head” is better.
Fake story.
Not so fake, Nazi sympathizing College Republican Chapter at UW no longer supported by national party.
Dude, upset with an East Village gay bar for being a place for gays, mails a letter to the bar with a white powder inside and messages that they need to all die of AIDS.
Paid for the postage with a credit card.
“I think that they are a little more sane than them, but they are stupid crazy sometimes.”
Sometimes is enough. More than enough. All it takes is dabbling. Mindlessly rummaging through the perversion and rage just for the lulz. Pushing some buttons for shits and grins. Nihilism is not a slippery slope. It’s a precipice. They’ve all jumped off.
Every single one of these people, including every single one you know, listened to that tape. Then within 24 hrs they watched their candidate acknowledge that they were his own words. Words in which he either admitted to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women, or in which he fabricated these sick tales in a pathetic effort to impress a handful of nobodies. And a few weeks later they chose him to be President of the United States.
That’s jumping. You can’t stop their fall. Nobody can.
Gman, thank you for the article reference @ 70.
Looking forward to Durham’s report, as well as what he chooses to do with it. I’m thinking that McCabe isn’t as optimistic.
@ 76
Another “good guy with a gun”…
Probably he was so good that the police decided not to describe his physical appearance publicly.
Here’s where it happened.
Milwaukee Police
Verified account
On Saturday, January 4, 2020, at approximately 7:50 p.m., the Milwaukee Police Department responded to a shooting on the 6100 Block of West Birch St. Upon arrival officers found a 12 year old Milwaukee female suffering from a non-life threatening gunshot wound.
7:39 AM – 6 Jan 2020
Put that into Google maps and do a little Google querying of neighborhoods in Milwaukee and you get this:
Havenwoods is bordered by West Mill Road to the north, North Sherman Boulevard to the east, West Silver Spring Drive to the south and 60th Street to the west. It is a working class, mostly African-American neighborhood on Milwaukee’s north side, centered near Silver Spring Drive and 60th Street. The neighborhood is moderately urban in character, with a mix of strip malls, older retail buildings, and townhouses. Within the neighborhood’s boundaries lie the 237-acre (960,000 m2) Havenwoods State Forest and the US Army Reserve Center. The largest government housing project in Milwaukee is located in Havenwoods. Approximately 700 housing units stretching eight city blocks make up the Westlawn housing projects.
Here’s what the neighborhood looks like:,+Milwaukee,+WI+53218/@43.1172499,-87.9875636,3a,75y,168.95h,99.35t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1swvM7ekvW_SAuIdDRilAQpA!2e0!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x88051ce1f37f7449:0xfdeb435ebe1aa4e8!8m2!3d43.1173807!4d-87.9875849
That’s project housing. Got it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? You decided to make a joke about two kids in the Milwaukie projects getting shot. You fucking piece of shit.
I question that, some see a ledge that really is just air, and down they go.
Not quite the analogy but
“You decided to make a joke about two kids in the Milwaukie projects getting shot. You fucking piece of shit.”
For someone who jokes about black kids dying and who has wet dreams of right-wing militias patrolling the streets of America’s cities and shooting black men, women and children on sight, that’s kind of a weird thing to say, Doctor.
@78 What else could you mean, when you attack those people for simply asking Iran not to respond with violence against Americans?
@87 What else could I mean? How about; sniveling appeasement by begging for mercy from an America-hating enemy only encourages more terrorism.
@88 I get it now. Killing Iran’s top general, then threatening Iran with war if they retaliate, will turn our America-hating enemy into sniveling appeasers. War is peace, and peace is war!
George Orwell would be proud of you. He couldn’t have written it better himself.
@88 You strike me as someone who doesn’t know very much about war, so here are a couple of things you should know about war:
1. Wars are never easy.
2. Wars never go as planned.
3. Believing you’ll win doesn’t mean you will.