This week’s Birds Eye View Contest is posted.
UPDATE: Dominic Holden lays into Mike Carter and Paul Shukovsky for their horrendous reporting on yesterday’s drug busts.
by Lee — ,
This week’s Birds Eye View Contest is posted.
UPDATE: Dominic Holden lays into Mike Carter and Paul Shukovsky for their horrendous reporting on yesterday’s drug busts.
Well the FlipFlop Express rode into New Orleans today. Johnboy pretended to care about poor black people and tried to ignore the fact that he voted against every single Katrina funding bill as well as Martin L. King day. You have to admit he has a set of balls – his ability to lie like a dog while putting on a straight face is amazing.
Hey righties congrats – new home sales drop to a 40 year low and gas prices a 40 year high! All in one day! The Bush regime – given enough time, would probably be able to destroy the entire American way of life. You idiots must be proud.
Congress (Dems) make the laws.
Nice try===No Sale
Cynical I like bybygoober better. And I agree with you.
Check the Archives of 2007. Puddy placed Pelosi’s “stick it to the oil companies” words here on de blog in 2006 and gas shot to $3.39 a gallon Feb 2007. Now you have Heilary and Barry saying the same thing and oil is continuing to climb.
Sure, GBS makes a great point on petrodollars and the low interest rate, but the speculators listen to the tax and spend donkey points and they are driving up the oil price.
You GOP butt boys change who’s responsible for the economy based on when and what suits you. While Congress makes the laws – the pretend President can and has used his veto pen and the GOP, acting as a roadblock to anything that would save the economy from the Bush regime is to blame. Of course there’s also the appointments – you know the 100% GOP group responsible for guiding the economy. Nice try Cynical but no sale – now get back to the toilets. And Puddydick – you should declare that income your wife and daughter made turning tricks behind the bowling alley-that could make a difference in our GNP!
Well one good thing about lower housing values….they are finally back to where they should be rather than way over-inflated as they have been. At least more people (who actually qualify) can afford a modest house at $400k rather than $600k. I feel the housing prices went up way too quickly (way faster than inflation) and it gave people a very false sense of financial security. The home prices should never have gotten so out of control.
Now the developers won’t make as many MILLIONS off over-priced , cheaply built homes!
How many vetos does Bush have under his belt?
A: 52
B: 48
C: 37 or
D: 9
How many vetoes did Clinton have?
A: 56
B: 47
C: 37 or
D: 9
Golly bybygoober, I see no domestic congressional spending bills rejected by Bush in his 9 vetoes.
Hannah, I see you are learning well padowan!
Puddy….with people slobering at the mouth with no facts or data to support the slober…why yes, I have learned to research…kinda like the Clinton military. :)
What this town needs is a curfew on dogs howling after sunset, so we can round them up and throw them into the pound.
Reason #12834 to despise Planned Parenthood (don’t read unless you’re open-minded):
Missed the state this happened in, but a 13-yr old girl was brought into PP by her 25-yr-old school coach for an abortion. He paid for the abortion, then paid for her to have Depo-Provera shot so he could continue having sex with her with lessened pregnancy risk. Planned Parenthood never told anyone. Fortunately, the coach was found out by someone else at the school.
People—-is THIS what you support about PP? Child abuse? And an organization that was founded to kill black children? And STILL takes money to kill black children?? NOT ANOTHER TAX DOLLAR TO THIS CREEPY ORGANIZATION!
Does Puddydick have to get hormone treatments when he posts as Hannah?
Notice how the righties try to take credit for the economy when it’s good saying that they made it happen – and when it’s bad – the same body that “made it happen” is all of a sudden not responsible?
GOP ethics are something from another universe.
Still nothing from that traitor McCain on his POW records. What’s he trying to hide?
Hey, did you hear that Barack Obama spok about Iraq the other day and that he mocked anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr as a coward, hours after the militia leader threatened to declare war unless U.S. and Iraqi forces end a military crackdown on his followers? What kind of anti-American traitor is he? How dare he put our troops in jeopardy and threaten the stability of the fragile Iraqi government?
Ooops, sorry! I guess that was Condoleeza Rice IN Iraq who said it. Well, then, no Republican will say shit about it.
Name a law the Democratic Congress has passed that raised fuel prices.
And I’m sure that Bush’s invasion and failed five-year occupation of Iraq and the attempted US-engineered coup in Venezuela have nothing whatever to do with it.
12 link to reputable source. Otherwise you’re just spreading scurrilous rumors.
Live in Democratic regions and live longer! Health care is better, and lifespans are longer. Is it any wonder that in the bastions of Republicanism like the South and Wyoming that health care is for shit? No surprise there, no no.
Don’t believe li’l ol’ me? Well then,
Hmmmm…it seeems that 63% of Americans no consider the Iraq Invasion and Occupation to be a mistake, historically higher than even peak Vietnam War polling.
Rectify this mistake. Bring ’em home!
Policement on trial for the shooting death of an unarmed 32-year-old bridegroom on his wedding day early in the morning after his bachelor party were just acquitted of all charges this morning in New York City.
This will get ugly. NYC police are brutal, violent racists, and have improved not at all.
Daddy Love@21: Amazing what blue state voters will do when they sit on juries in a blue city in a blue county in a blue state. Most cities run by blue voters are police states.
You just figgered this out?
So “Muqtada al-Sadr is considering setting aside his political ambitions and restarting a full-scale fight against U.S.-led forces?” (
Not surprising, seeing that a huge army of American asshole contractors and a slightly smaller force of misled American soldiers is occupying his country by force.
Get the difference between these two statements from the story?
So while we all know that Iran is behind ISCI and Dawa parties (Nouri l-Maliki’s ruling coalition) and also behind their military arm the Badr Organization, but only “Washington” (read: corrupt Bush liars) claims that Iran is behind JAM. Who to believe, who to believe?
22 Pud
Yes, the Republican penchant for convicting police for crimes against civilians is well-known.
Daddy Love@18: Google “coach 13 year old girl planned parenthood” Enjoy your reading. Read about the lawsuit.
You could have taken 10 seconds to determine if the person was making it up. Instead you wrote garbage taking a minute.
Daddy Love@24: What does your argument have to do with this case of Sean Bell? He was gunned down like Amadou Diallo. Big cities are controlled by your side. Minorities in your blue cities are under siege.
Can you dig it?
John McCain left one of his four mansions this week to begin a “poverty tour” of the US. He’ll wrap it up tomight at the 25th annual Business Awards and Hall Of Fame banquet, where tickets are $75 per person, $550 for a table of eight and $700 for a table of 10.
25 Pud
I asked the poster to provide a link. Why should I spend time looking up their proof for them? It’s all bullshit until you prove it.
Or was it you who posted it?
26 Pud
Someone not wrapped up in partisan sniping might realize that many cities of different politcal stripes have problems convicting police. If you think it’s a Democratic issue you’re wrong.
25 Pud
A “minute?” Ha! I type much faster than that. Writing is my profession.
And thanks for the “Moron!” Nice to know you’re still the same class act.
Daddy Love: I provide the PuddyProof when I post. It was so easy to find this “coach and 13 year old girl” story. And… you were a moron to claim you needed a credible source when your side places KOS, TPM and Think Progress links to “substantiate” your claims, when I can destroy thm using liberal MSM URLs. In this case the parental lawsuit against PPH is a great story. So posting truths here is a class act, one which you can’t deal with coming from the other side.
And since PPH was created as a eugenics project against blacks and the 1900s progressives (Heilary wants to be one again, July 2007) supported Margaret Sanger, your side wants to rewrite history on this chapter of American Society.
Waaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa.
Daddy Love: Name me a city with over 100K people controlled by red in a red county in a red state which has these problems like trigger happy NYC cops? In fact I’ll wait for the HA crowd to provide one. Michael Bloomberg doesn’t count. He’s a RINO.
Crickets chirp… Toads croak… Birds sing… Bees buzz…
DL @ 27 re: $75 tickets…
I presume you’re quoting the event as yet more evidence that McCain is much more of a “man of the people” — much more accessible — than Obama. I would bet that tickets to a comparable Obama event (banquet, not rally) would be 10x the cost per plate.
Obama is a fiction. He is a pretty boy in an empty suit — as evidenced by his fumbling when he doesn’t have a TelePrompTer. His problem is the flipside of Bush’s. Bush presents well when he relaxes and talks about things he believes in, but fumbles when it comes to pre-written speeches. Obama, on the other hand, does superbly when scripted, but fails miserably when he has to be himself — something he has so cunningly crafted, that he doesn’t know who he really is.
And from the “Way To Go, Eco-Lefties!” file…
34 – The old, ill-tempered loser you’re voting for in November also did the ethanol dance in Iowa.
I have lived here 32 years and have been outraged for that long because children have been dying and abused and all the arrogant Asses in Olympia due is hire more incompetent workers and throw more money at the problem never solving it. They are incapable because the whole system is broken and cronyism and favors are rampant.
Read it and RISK breaking your heart.
S0 Rog Rabbit my friend, this is DSHS in action!!
Now for another PuddyHistory Lesson before I have to leave this blog and earn a living…
Here is what the liberal MSM feeds you each night and why Puddy goes to alternative sources for the real news. Then when I research the issue and place PuddyFacts on this blog the moronic crew usually shows up.
www. businessandmedia. org/ articles/2008/ 20080221151626.aspx
Puddy told you food was gonna rise. Puddy also told you the big underground acquifer feeding 8 midwestern states is drying up. Puddy told you about dead zones in the gulf of mexico. Y’all ignored these PuddyFacts. Well enjoy the higher food prices.
Why isn’t anyone going after Nobel Laureate AlGorebasm? Why isn’t the green ghosted liberal MSM actually reporting the truth and blaming corn based ethanol for world hunger problems (say starvation in 3rd world countries), rising food costs (PuddyFact from last year coming true), and ncreased greenhouse gases (PuddyFact posted)? In fact Puddy was accused of cutting and pasting here on HA when I was trying to alert you to the world truth. But since most of you are in your little liberal cocoons, you don’t care about the common man worldwide. Your charitable contributions proved that already.
query. nytimes. com/gst/ fullpage.html?res= 9B02E1D61231F937A3575BC0A962958260
“With a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Al Gore, the Senate upheld today an Environmental Protection Agency rule requiring that ethanol and other renewable fuels get a share of the gasoline additives market.”
www. businessandmedia. org/ articles/2008/ 20080404142937.aspx
YLB @ 35 “The old, ill-tempered loser you’re voting for in November also did the ethanol dance in Iowa.”
Uhhh… I’m not voting for Hillary.
McCain is much more of a “man of the people”
The guy grew up in the beltway. Had politicians and Pentagon bureaucrats at the dinner table. Military prep schools – which he did poorly at. His background screams elite.
A total myth. The reality – screaming fits, poor judgement, kneejerk solutions to complex problems.
Another Bush.
Witness the crap from imposter #35.
38 – I know. You’re voting for McCain – that ill-tempered, OLD MAN.
Witness the crap.
You’re so hard on yourself. Only problem it’s the only time you’re halfway honest.
Michael Bloomberg doesn’t count. He’s a RINO.
What about Rudy? He loves your bombing. And he loves torture – he calls it “intensive questioning”.
In his day, it was wood shoved up your peeps’ backside.
23. Mr. Cynical spews:
My broker agreed with you on IRSG. Never bought it.
In addition to the Wells Fargo I bought in March @ 27.25 (NOW 29.85) , we also bought:
McDonalds on 3/24 @ $54.10 (NOW 59.73—You said it was a foolish trade–CHUMP!)
National Oilwell Varco (NOV) on 3/28 @ $56.10 (NOW 72.94…thank you Rog Rabbit!!)
Microsoft on 3/31 @ $28.10 (NOW 29.91)
Just thought I’d update you GBS.
@42: Facts, URLs, links. You don’t post them.
Obama is a fiction. He is a pretty boy in an empty suit
Obama has run an excellent campaign against an established machine. He has built up more money than either Clinton or McCain and he has the nomination all but sown up.
His management of this campaign is a good indication of his leadership and fitness for office.
Mr “perception is reality” – your perceptions are delusional and therefore your reality is the same.
McCain came from an elite background. Grew up in the beltway. The dinner table had politicians, Pentagon officials, military brass. Went to elite military prep schools – which he did poorly at by the way.
Therefore he has exhibited every bit the same sense of “entitlement” Clinton has except his is not manufactured by the media.
The “maverick” image is bullshit.
YLB @ 46
Ahhh, child, how little you know…
Obama is a manufactured candidate. He has no real legislative history (how many times did he vote “present?”), so he isn’t attached to anything that could go wrong. The only thing the Lefty Powers-That-Be didn’t count on was his shady past (Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc.) and the fact that he’d be a “flopping fish in a boat” when confronted with hard questions instead of prepared remarks.
He is an excellent speaker, but he is FAR more suited to take over for Katie Couric.
So Daddylove, what do you think of the Church of Planned Parenthood now?
In fact, this is in no way the first time Planned Parenthood purposely did not report junior high-aged girls being brought in for abortions by adult males who impregnated them. Even though law requires it. Planned Parenthood is itself an enabler to abusers; by its own actions of willfully failing to report over and over it is a criminal organization created to kill black children and will happily still take money to kill black children. Wake up!
This Planned Parenthood story makes me sick!!! It’s like PP is protecting SEXUAL PREDATORS and PEDOPHILES!!! Whoever at PP authorized this abortion and birth control should be jailed! They are just as much guilty as the pedophile himself!
Yet another example of those hypocrite repthugs. Touting values and such while looking for gay sex with a male prostitute. OOPS. I googled the mayor and found out it’s a democrat. Forget what I said about being a hypocrite and touting values.
“The mayor of District Heights was arrested early yesterday in the District after allegedly offering an undercover male police officer $40 for sex in a known prostitution area, authorities said.”
@52 – he actually offered money???? Not just tapping feet in a restroom stall?
48: Mr “perception is reality”:
Here’s reality:
Rev Wright: what churchgoer hasn’t heard something a little strange from the pulpit? Doesn’t means the churchgoer agrees.
Rezko? All kinds of shady people have shoveled money at Republicans and taken pictures with them. I haven’t seen anything substantial with this. If you have something, let’s see it.
Ayers. Ayers turned himself in and was convicted of no crime. If he’s such a bad guy why isn’t he in jail? Don’t you Republicans know there’s a war on Terra going on?
Obama has his name on 500 bills introduced in the Senate. 15 have passed. Very respectable for a junior Senator.
Eight years in the Illinois Senate. Very good record. 823 bills. It’s documented here:
You say he’s “manufactured”? By what? By who? Soros? The netroots? Got your tinfoil hat welded to your head?
So silly. Who’s the “child” here?
@54: your quote: “Eight years in the Illinois Senate.”
from Wikipedia “He was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.”
So 4 years not 8.
According to Thomas Law … 152 bills:
Go to Thomas Law and look up Obama
And to Illinois General Assembly…..112 bills:
So where did the 800+ figure come from? Do we have the bill numbers?
It’s funny how easy it is to get over on a democrat.
When obama said he didn’t take any oil money from lobbyists the democrats ate it up. No questions asked. Well, the liberal LA times did ask, not because they believe in truth and justice but because they support hillary.
Sen. Barack Obama continued accepting donations from oil company executives and employees last month even as he aired ads in which he stated he took no oil company money, his campaign finance reports show.
Shocking that the same people that were outraged about larry craig haven’t spoken said a thing. It proves that the democrats on this blog are bigger hypocrites than larry craig. And that’s not easy to do.
accepting donations from oil company executives and employees last month
Uhhh. Stamm.. Those are NOT lobbyists. And if you’re going to attack something Obama said, put up a quote and a link to back it up.
Do they have a class in stupid at the troll school?
Obama and Oil:
“It’s true that Obama doesn’t take money directly from oil companies, but then, no presidential, House or Senate candidate does. They can’t: Corporations have been prohibited from contributing directly to federal candidates since the Tillman Act became law in 1907.”
Shocking that the same people that were outraged about larry craig haven’t spoken said a thing.
Did someone break the law Stamm? Fine, let the chips fall where they may.
Did a Republican say he was better than a Democrat because he’s “holier than thou”. Yeah, let the chips fall where they may.
Whether they have a “D” or an “R” next to their name, we’ll get someone better. Hopefully a “D” because the “R”‘s have shown themselves incapable of governing.
That’s how the system works.
@YLB – And 4 years come this November…it’d be 8 years come November 2012.
55 – Hannah, either you went to same troll school Stamm went or like PuddySilly you have serious reading comprehension issues.
I said eight years in the ILLINOIS State Senate. He was elected in 1995.
In 2004 he was elected to the U.S. Senate.
Where did the 800+ number come from? The New York Times. Look at my original link.
Obama has served in two sessions of Congress. The Thomas Law websites breaks everything into sessions. Look at his WHOLE record.
Here’s an interesting bit:
The stupid! It burns!
Hey YLB! I am an Obama supporter…but when you link NYT stories when most here dispute NYT stories, and people research the Thomas Law site….it opens the questions. And it still says he RAN in 96 and served in the Illinois Senate: Obama worked as a community organizer, university lecturer, and lawyer before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.
63 – I doubt it Hannah – you’ve distorted and diminished his record supporting the rest of the slander-artists like Surreal Mark.
He served EIGHT YEARS in the Illinois Senate – that is a fact. From Jan 1996 to the end of 2004.
He has his name on 570 bills introduced in the U.S. Senate – that’s a fact. From
Not a lot got passed into law or even out of committee but that’s completely understandable given he’s a junior Senator in a Senate with an obstructionist minority, a turncoat like Lieberman and a veto pen in the White House.
The New York Times does a better fact checking job these days on things like this after the Jayson Blair scandal – even though Blair was getting hit over the head as early as 2000 for errors in his stories.
So when you say:
when most here dispute NYT stories,
I wonder if that meant, most “right wing” people here?
YLB @ 62
That’s right… — THE authoritative source for information.
For one, you can tell it is clearly partisan propaganda when it calls it the “Coburn-Obama Gov’t. Transparency Act.” As discussed (with you, in fact) in another thread, McCain deserves just as much credit as a co-sponsor as Obama.
And while you’re fact-checking, why don’t you tell the class how many times Obama voted “present” (or was conveniently absent) instead of taking a stand on an issue? There’s Mr. Courage for ya…
As discussed (with you, in fact) in another thread, McCain deserves just as much credit as a co-sponsor as Obama.
Following your reasoning, Carper does as well.
You have not at all disproved my assertion that most of the media coverage on the transparency act mentions only Obama/Coburn.
Oops excuse me Coburn/Obama.
I believe surreal Mark is fast turning into Silly Mark but we’ll keep it at surreal for the moment.
it is clearly partisan propaganda
And when “partisan propaganda” has an “R” next to its name?
SillySurreal Mark, it’s the the Gospel truth.
This site tracks bills and sponsors
“Statistics: Barack Obama has sponsored 129 bills since Jan 4, 2005, of which 117 haven’t made it out of committee (Average) and 2 were successfully enacted (Average, relative to peers). Obama has co-sponsored 568 bills during the same time period (Average, relative to peers). [On 4/2/08, the numbers were updated to consider companion bills in the other chamber identified as “identical” by the Congressional Research Service when determining if a bill was enacted or made it past the introduction stage.] “
And while you’re fact-checking, why don’t you tell the class how many times Obama voted “present”
Sometimes the reality is bit more complex than the black and white surreality.
Ok Mark, we get it. You’re voting for the angry old man who screams at his colleagues, marries into a 100 million dollar fortune after cheating on his first wife, who did poorly at the elite military prep schools he was “entitled” to, who cracked up his plane and killed some of his fellow sailors and “cracked” under torture from his captors – and then flip flopped on the CIA using “enhanced interrogation” to win votes from people like you and the Limbaugh crowd. Not to mention the unforgivable sins to that crowd of McCain-Feingold, voting against the really adult Bush tax cuts and even toying with flipping to the “D” side or being Kerry’s VP!
A real adult compared to the guy who reached across the aisle to get something good done with a nut like Coburn (in one of his lucid moments) and another adult like Lugar – a diminishing breed on the “R” side of the aisle.
YLB @ 66
Sure, give Coburn credit, too. As for “Coburn/Obama,” I’m not surprised that the in-the-bag, tingle-up-my-leg MSM is over-crediting the junior senator. Perhaps they feel that McCain, who has achieved FAR more, doesn’t need to go hunting for accomplishments.
YLB @ 69
As to your representation of McCain, it sounds like you’ve OD’d on a combo of Lee’s pot and DNC/ Kool-Aid.
@69 YLB:
One thing: You are still UNEMPLOYED; opinion=not relevant.
It’s hard to believe you are calling me stupid when you quoted part of the quote from the la times. And looking at my post, I see the link and the rest of the quote you didn’t quote.
If you don’t mind obama telling you he doesn’t take money from lobbyists but will take
at least $263,000 from oil company executives, family members and employees since entering the presidential race last year,
then why should I care. You’re the one being duped. Change. Yup, he changed the way he takes money. Now he takes it directly from oil executives and their family members.
Here’s the link AGAIN. Read it and try to catch up.
@72 – what some people fail to understand is:
“It’s true that Obama doesn’t take money directly from oil companies, but then, no presidential, House or Senate candidate does. They can’t: Corporations have been prohibited from contributing directly to federal candidates since the Tillman Act became law in 1907.”
Puddybud @ 4:
A) Happy Friday, my brother from another mother.
B) Say Hey, to PacMan for me. And, chuck, too.
C) Stop using my good name to make erroneous points!
The “speculation” cost of oil has ZERO to do with whatever comes out of Nancy Pelosi’s mouth and virtually everything to do with geopolitical instability in the region caused by the Iraq War.
Besides the MASSIVE borrowing Bush and the Republicans did in congress for the first 5 years, and the predictable “Emergency” spending bills, year after year just so Bush can keep the real Iraq War costs off budget, the high cost of gasoline is yet another cost of this stupid war.
Bush and the Republicans fucked up. Fucked UP big time. There is NO doubt that Barak HUSSEIN Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America.
There is not doubt we will hold at least 55-57 seats in the Senate (even an outside chance at an Obstructionist proof majority @ 60 seats).
There is not doubt we will pick up even more seats in the House solidifying our hold on the House for decades to come.
Every cloud has its silver lining, even the nightmare storm of a George W. Bush presidency fueled for 6 years by a Republican congress.
It’s hard to believe you are calling me stupid when you quoted part of the quote from the la times. And looking at my post, I see the link and the rest of the quote you didn’t quote.
You implied he took money from lobbyists and that’s a lie.
You implied he took money directly from oil companies and that’s a lie.
He can legally accept contributions from employees of those companies and why not? His opponents are doing the same. Oil will still remain a contributor to this country’s energy mix for years to come.
Oil prices are being bid up by speculators and hedge fund operators and yes, Obama will change that.
Yes, Obama represents CHANGE. It is a big change that an african-american is going to get the nomination of the Democratic Party despite your silly blatherings about racism while all but ignoring the “that boy” comments of the Republican from KY and the Southern strategy of the Republicans.
Sorry Stamm, the Republican party is fast becoming the party of the old Dixiecrat south where it will languish for many years to come. You chose the wrong side.
Let’s see…unemployed VOTERS. Opinion not relevant? I think that’s wrong. Especially since the current administration seems so good at creating them.
33 TRM
And what “you bet” is fact, right? I am never surprised at the extent to which Republicans convince themselves that their fervid imaginings are the same thing as fact.
@ 76:
Know who else has similarly strong opinions? Under employed VOTERS!
The Republicans created a lot of unemployed VOTERS to be sure, but they created a whole hell of a lot more under employed VOTERS.
*Point of clarifications. When I say VOTERS I mean, of course, American VOTERS. Bush and the Republicans economic polices aren’t all bad. They raised the standard of millions of people in China by creating jobs there. Good thing they can’t vote in America, however. The Republicans would have a billion people to pander to.
31 Pud
Yeah, I didn’t think so. You certainly fulfill my expectations (low).
Of course it’s legal. I don’t think I said it wasn’t. (provide link if I did say it was illegal) Obama is doing the same thing as bush, taking money from oil executives. Where is the change?? (Except the name on the check.)
Wanna try this question? What have the democrats done to help blacks? None of the whites on this blog have come up with any answers yet.
So when obama ran the ad saying he didn’t take $$ from oil companies he was just making the uneducated feel he wasn’t like bush?
Why don’t you ask a black Democrat? While you’re at it, you can ask him or her what they think of Republicans. Should make for an interesting hour or two.
The question isn’t if Obama took money from the oil companies, like Bush.
The question is how much money went to Bush/Republicans and how much went to Obama / Demcorats?
It’s like the whole Jack Abramoff scandal that’s still sending Republcians to jail. Jack was smart enough to have the Indian Tribes throw a few thousand bucks at a Demcorat that was seemingly innocent, while giving George Bush, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney and the rest of the felons MILLIONS of dollars. That way they could “claim” everybody was taking bribes. Yeah, right.
You remember ol’ “Kenny Boy” Lay? Yeah, he had all senior managers and up give money to the Republcians – regardless of their politcal beliefs.
The Voters Rights Act of 1965
You’re WELCOME. Now, go forth and use your rights intelligently. Which is to say, don’t vote for Republicans.
BTW: Google “Republican Southern Strategy” You’ll enjoy the fucking read you God Damn moron.
PS: When you bringing your sorry ass to Seattle?
Ask Puddybud or PacMan, I’m not afraid to meet black guys on their turf. Even if it’s two of them and one of me.
Never knowing what you’re going to get in to meeting a stranger for the first time the 2:1 odds didn’t seem very fair to me. I told Puddybud and PacMan they should bring along a few more friends to make it fair.
the in-the-bag, tingle-up-my-leg MSM is over-crediting the junior senator
They’ve been fellating the senior Senator from Arizona since after the Keating 5 scandals.
Perhaps they feel that McCain, who has achieved FAR more,
Yeah, like it matters that Cheney and Rumsfeld had even FAR more experience than the “maverick” – John McBush.
Who knows? Under a McBush Administration we may even see a Fourth (Fifth, Sixth, Seventh?) act from those clowns.
I have lived here 32 years and have been outraged for that long because children have been dying and abused and all the arrogant Asses in Olympia due is hire more incompetent workers and throw more money at the problem never solving it. They are incapable because the whole system is broken and cronyism and favors are rampant.
Read it and RISK breaking your heart. s/stories/NW_042408WAB_dshs_la wsuit_starved_boy_JM.958b2d1a. html
S0 Rog Rabbit my friend, this is DSHS in action!!
You know, the funny thing is I have asked a lot of my black friends and still do. Just yesterday asked one of my “black” friends I’ve know for 28 years. It gave him pause, he didn’t know why. There have even been a few I’ve asked that believe the republicans started the KKK. This is why I am so persistent about it here. I am waiting for ANYONE to answer.
If it’s so obvious, why aren’t there post after post explaining why. If I said the iraq war was started by the democrats there would be post after post with links to prove that bush started it.
I admit I’m a troll and just stir the pot, but I am being serious about this. Why are the reps the racist party.
Are you talking to me? If so, you are not important enough for me to make a trip up to seattle for. Considering how you keep bringing it up, why don’t you just come down here? What are you afraid of? Can’t you afford the plane ticket?
Did you kick their ass or not? If you didn’t, don’t even talk to me about you being a tough guy.
Thanks for the suggestion. I googled it and it appears more democrats voted against it than republicans. Is this what you consider proof that reps are the racist party?
Vote count
The two numbers in each line of this list refer to the number of representatives voting in favor and against the act, respectively.
Senate: 77–19
Democrats: 47–17
Republicans: 30–2
House: 333–85
Democrats: 221–61
Republicans: 112–24
Conference Report:
Senate: 79–18
Democrats: 49–17
Republicans: 30–1
House: 328–74
Democrats: 217–54
Republicans: 111–20
Let’s see, democrats started the KKK. Lynched blacks. Raped their women. Hosed them down. Attacked them with dogs. And a whole bunch of other stuff and a political strategy is worse than that? How many people did the democrats kill? How many people did the souther strategy kill?
Dick WEED @ 89:
Yep, those people were “Demcorats” then, but today they’re called Republicans.
See if you can fucking figure out the demographic shift of the Democratic South to the Republican stronghold of today.
As I’ve said before, if you want to understand the people then and who they are today all you have to do is determine what their personal values are:
Social conservative
Social liberal
Not if they’re a Demcorat like, say, oh I don’t know, Strom Thurmond, who, after the CVA and VRA were signed into law in 1964 & 1965 respectively, turned Republican.
Or, you might want to look up Ronald Reagan’s original political affiliation. Fuck it, I’ll tell you: Democrat.
Another person, who, felt that “state rights” were more precious the Civil Rights and during the same time period switched to the Republicans.
Read his “States Rights” speech he gave in Philadelphia, MS.
See if you can figure out:
A) What Reagan was referring to when he mentioned that a landlord should be able to rent to who they wish. Hint: Niggers need not apply.
B) Why would Reagan’s speech be so offensive in Philadelphia, MS? See if you can figure that out.
When you met puddy did you kick his ass or are you all talk?
All talk = coward once he’s not hiding behind his computer.
GBS mentioned “The Voting Rights Act of 1965” – Come on GBS you know better. Marvin delivered what I’ve delivered to this blog over and over – da Facts!
@10 Tell us what you think you know about Clinton’s military, Wingnut Hannah.
@36 You think you’re telling me something I don’t know? Would you like to know why DSHS is so incompetent, Cynical?
1. Low salaries don’t attract good workers.
2. Caseloads are several times what any social worker can handle properly.
3. Low pay + high caseloads -> burnout = rapid employee turnover -> untrained and inexperienced workers
All of these maladies can be attributed to lack of money, and DSHS’s lack of money is rather directly attributable to the unwillingness of our state’s Republicans to pay taxes for social services.
And you blame Gregoire?
Which party did David Duke turn towards to further his political ambitions?
After the dog whistles of “states rights” broadcast by Reagan in Philadelphia, Mississippi where three civil rights activists were slain?
There was no other choice for him: the Republican Party.