Media Scandal: Pentagon, White House Controlled Military Talking Heads
A New York Times story published by the Seattle Times this morning reports that the Bush administration infiltrated media reporting of the Iraq war and Gitmo prisoner abuse by manipulating the military analysts, who are usually retired high-ranking officers, with the result that network viewers often got administration talking points instead of objective analysis by military experts. Many of these commentators have undisclosed financial ties to contractors and lobbyists.
Why don’t you post another nice long diatribe so Lee can beat your ass with it.
Verrrry entertaining.
Most probably a video by Marvin’s kids pretending to be Dems. This is the only thing these shitheads on the right have to fight with.
Of course, disparaging muslims and anyone else who doesn’t agree with them is a right wing passtime so no wonder they’re good at this.
Wonder how much tax money the public wastes trying to keep the twin Bush whores from getting arrested for illegal alcohol consumption? We know the Secret Service was there for two such events. How many more have we paid for?
@3: Marvin
Gee – I think that was a satire of the mindless idiots in your party (republicans)…no wonder you don’t “get it”.
Luckily, the US is in the top five in ssomething still: executions.
I guess we might make the top five also in:
torture, illegal wiretaps, gun deaths and percentage of the population in prison. Makes me so proud to be an american (note how I refuse to capitalize it anymore since the thugs in the White House have subverted our constitution.
@2: We are fighting them in Iraq so we don’t have fight them here….thanks for the link. We don’t need them here – we are killing ourselves daily.
@9 Not to mention that they wouldn’t be in Iraq if we weren’t in Iraq! You know who ISN’T in Iraq? All these right wing chickenshit chickenhawks like Limpdick Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and their ilk who were afraid to fight when they had the chance. It’s one thing to say you support the war – it’s another to fight one.
“Lovely video from the young democrats at university of washington.”
Ummm…yeah…given that they are cursing out “liburuls,” I do believe they are mocking redneck wingding JUST LIKE YOU!
Really, Marvin…it’s crazies like you who perpetuate these stereotypes!
Marvin Stamnspews:
# 6. ByeByeGOP spews:
Of course, disparaging muslims and anyone else who doesn’t agree with them is a right wing passtime so no wonder they’re good at this.
Don’t you disparage a group of people that don’t agree with you? You are doing the same as you accuse the right wing of doing. Priceless.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#8. correctnotright spews:
@3: Marvin Gee – I think that was a satire of the mindless idiots in your party (republicans)…no wonder you don’t “get it”.
I get it.
Luckily, the US is in the top five in ssomething still: executions.
Change the law. Ask Obama to change the law when he’s the president. Change change change, what else could Obama be talking about.
Makes me so proud to be an american (note how I refuse to capitalize it anymore since the thugs in the White House have subverted our constitution.
Ask your democrat leaders to arrest bush & co. for these hideous acts you perceived to have happened. When they ignore you, ask yourself why. Write down your answer if you get it.
See Marvin I am just taking your cue. Your defense for every right wing crook, con man and cook is THEY DO IT TOO – so there you go-now what?
Does it hurt to be that stupid Marvin and did your parents have any children who lived?
Clinton Fatigue at the Jayson Blair Times, which notes that Robert Reich is the latest apostate:
And there is no shortage of powerful Democrats quick to accuse the Clintons of defining loyalty as a one-way street, with little regard for sacrifices they have made for a couple whose political needs seem to their critics always to come first. … deep fractures and unresolved tensions withing the Democratic Party.
Greg Craig, who served as special counsel to Bill Clinton during his impeachment saga … wondered aloud (to Jonathan Alter, of Newsweek) “if Hillary’s campaign can’t control Bill, whether Hillary’s White House could.” …
(Senator) Claire McCaskill … told Tim Russert that while Bill Clinton was a great leader, “I don’t want my daughter near him.” …
(Bill) Richardson … took the added step of saying that people around the Clintons practiced “gutter” politics …
(John Kerry) publicly criticized Bill Clinton’s conduct before the South Carolina primary.
Quoted via fair-use free-trade fair-trade copyright infringement from Mark Leibovich in the NYT.
Yep, it’s lookin’ like a Goldycrat year.
PMS Rabbitspews:
Getting back to my point about capital gains taxes, why should a slacker like me who does no work, produces nothing except belly lint, and adds no value to the economy get a lower tax rate than the producers? That’s stupid!
Perhaps you were asleep at the sticky keyboard last week during the great debate. That’s when Charlie Gibson gave high fives to Bill Clinton for reducing the cap gains tax rate from 28% to 20% in 1997. Send your bitchin’ bitches to Big Bill, where your bitches properly belong.
Meanwhile, just keep omphaloskeptically contemplating your slacker belly lint while rolling in the dough … “Sister deals snow to the snow birds/ Daddy uses the bathtub for gin/ My God how the money rolls in.”
Tommy Thompsonspews:
We as a nation of Americans are corrupt. Doesn’t matter if your Democrat or Republican, we are money and power hungry grubs. Put in a position of power with money and things change you. If we weren’t there would be total anarchy and things like government waste would not happen. The only time we are upset is when that money and power doesn’t come our way. Think about it, would this really go on, if 250 million people objected to it…people don’t do anything about it because one day they too hope that with the little power they have they will get to have more power and get more money… people don’t know how to live simple lives of no waste.
Politically Incorrectspews:
All the more reason for everyone to be armed and know how to use firearms. More guns in the hands of the public mean less drive-by shootings and other gun violence.
Media Scandal: Pentagon, White House Controlled Military Talking Heads
A New York Times story published by the Seattle Times this morning reports that the Bush administration infiltrated media reporting of the Iraq war and Gitmo prisoner abuse by manipulating the military analysts, who are usually retired high-ranking officers, with the result that network viewers often got administration talking points instead of objective analysis by military experts. Many of these commentators have undisclosed financial ties to contractors and lobbyists.
One of the most tragically fascinating blogs I have run across in a long time.
Lovely video from the young democrats at university of washington.
Hey Marvin-
Turnabout is fair play you sanctimonious ass.
Why don’t you post another nice long diatribe so Lee can beat your ass with it.
Verrrry entertaining.
Most probably a video by Marvin’s kids pretending to be Dems. This is the only thing these shitheads on the right have to fight with.
Of course, disparaging muslims and anyone else who doesn’t agree with them is a right wing passtime so no wonder they’re good at this.
Wonder how much tax money the public wastes trying to keep the twin Bush whores from getting arrested for illegal alcohol consumption? We know the Secret Service was there for two such events. How many more have we paid for?
@3: Marvin
Gee – I think that was a satire of the mindless idiots in your party (republicans)…no wonder you don’t “get it”.
Luckily, the US is in the top five in ssomething still: executions.
I guess we might make the top five also in:
torture, illegal wiretaps, gun deaths and percentage of the population in prison. Makes me so proud to be an american (note how I refuse to capitalize it anymore since the thugs in the White House have subverted our constitution.
@2: We are fighting them in Iraq so we don’t have fight them here….thanks for the link. We don’t need them here – we are killing ourselves daily.
@9 Not to mention that they wouldn’t be in Iraq if we weren’t in Iraq! You know who ISN’T in Iraq? All these right wing chickenshit chickenhawks like Limpdick Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and their ilk who were afraid to fight when they had the chance. It’s one thing to say you support the war – it’s another to fight one.
Marvin Stamn @ 3,
“Lovely video from the young democrats at university of washington.”
Ummm…yeah…given that they are cursing out “liburuls,” I do believe they are mocking redneck wingding JUST LIKE YOU!
Really, Marvin…it’s crazies like you who perpetuate these stereotypes!
# 6. ByeByeGOP spews:
Don’t you disparage a group of people that don’t agree with you? You are doing the same as you accuse the right wing of doing. Priceless.
#8. correctnotright spews:
I get it.
Change the law. Ask Obama to change the law when he’s the president. Change change change, what else could Obama be talking about.
Ask your democrat leaders to arrest bush & co. for these hideous acts you perceived to have happened. When they ignore you, ask yourself why. Write down your answer if you get it.
See Marvin I am just taking your cue. Your defense for every right wing crook, con man and cook is THEY DO IT TOO – so there you go-now what?
Does it hurt to be that stupid Marvin and did your parents have any children who lived?
Clinton Fatigue at the Jayson Blair Times, which notes that Robert Reich is the latest apostate:
Quoted via fair-use free-trade fair-trade copyright infringement from Mark Leibovich in the NYT.
Yep, it’s lookin’ like a Goldycrat year.
Perhaps you were asleep at the sticky keyboard last week during the great debate. That’s when Charlie Gibson gave high fives to Bill Clinton for reducing the cap gains tax rate from 28% to 20% in 1997. Send your bitchin’ bitches to Big Bill, where your bitches properly belong.
Meanwhile, just keep omphaloskeptically contemplating your slacker belly lint while rolling in the dough … “Sister deals snow to the snow birds/ Daddy uses the bathtub for gin/ My God how the money rolls in.”
We as a nation of Americans are corrupt. Doesn’t matter if your Democrat or Republican, we are money and power hungry grubs. Put in a position of power with money and things change you. If we weren’t there would be total anarchy and things like government waste would not happen. The only time we are upset is when that money and power doesn’t come our way. Think about it, would this really go on, if 250 million people objected to it…people don’t do anything about it because one day they too hope that with the little power they have they will get to have more power and get more money… people don’t know how to live simple lives of no waste.
All the more reason for everyone to be armed and know how to use firearms. More guns in the hands of the public mean less drive-by shootings and other gun violence.