As Tikriti fell to the gallows, his head was taken off by the rope noose, and the body and the head fall to the floor while Bandar swings on the rope.
My only hope is that when Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney are held accountable for their war crimes, that they be punished more humanely.
Awful post. Please take it back.
Yeah, Goldy, take it back! The President and Vice President deserve to receive the same high standard of justice they gave to Saddam Hussein (er, I mean that the Iraqi puppet government gave them, er I mean that the sovereign Iraqi justice system gave them)!
Your comment is in very poor taste and might cause you a visit from the Secret Service – if we are lucky!
Wow , Goldy , you like to see how far you can go ..
So the difference between you and hate talk radio that a few days ago you brought to light ?
I see reading comprehension is, as usual, lacking by the rightie commenters here.
Hey, right wingers… the point is that Goldy doesn’t WANT Bush and Cheney to have their heads torn off; while he does hope that they’re punished, he hopes it’s in a more humane manner.
In other words, even though he thinks they’re war criminals just the scumbags getting hung in Iraq, he thinks they deserve better treatment than we’re showing the scumbags.
The point is that we’re supposed to be the Good Guys, not the people ripping other people’s heads off. A distinction that is no doubt lost on you wingnuts.
goldy goldy goldy………good grief! when are you going to get a grip?
war criminals? you are so theatrical it’s wonder you haven’t won that oscar yet.
oh wait…no it’s not. to win an oscar you would have to actually be DOING something, not just bitching about others, right?
Gassing 100s of thousands of Kurds is one thing but hanging war criminal is just downright unacceptable.
Maybe we can deploy the same method that Seattle liberals use on pregnant Jewish woman, you know six bullets to the head.
Yeeeeeah, tasteless. Although it can be analyzed.
First, the dead dude can’t possibly care. Second, the hangman probably thinks about how he’ll fit the noose more tightly on the next condemned person. Third, most of the audience probably enjoyed the show–that’s why they attend an execution, someone dies, perhaps horribly. Fourth, the family may have some negative emotions on top of their already maxed out negative emotions. Fifth, some ayatollah is really going to be offended about that headless corpse getting into an Islamic graveyard & then on into heaven. Sixth, Bush + Cheney probably see it as the same level of general incompetence now notorious to their operations. And, seventh, the neocon cabal just regrets that they can’t get a “do-over.”
This also allows many folks to launch their full-scale hand wringing modes about the death penalty & capital punishment.
An interesting etymology disconnect here is that the term “capital” derives from the meaning of “taking a head.”
I don’t agree with the death penalty. For most of the human race, it is not punishment. It is freedom from this mortal coil. True punishment is being chained to a wall in a dungeon with just enough water & gruel to sustain life while the miscreant contemplates his or her evil deeds.
ConservativeFirst Quiz:
How many GOP Senators need to vote for impeachment, so that President Bush can be successfully impeached?
Correct Answer: 0.
Liberal attorney new math answer: between 16-20.
@9 “Gassing 100s of thousands of Kurds is one thing but hanging war criminal is just downright unacceptable.”
I’m all for hanging them, but I see you incompetents and/or your proxies can’t even carry out a proper hanging. Is there ANYTHING you nitwits can do right?
@7 When are YOU gonna get a grip, ghost? You’re in denial. Starting aggressive war = war criminal. Torture = war criminal. Comprende? No, you don’t get it, and never will.
here’s an interesting [though, i admit, off topic] tidbit for you to chew on goldy….
@11 “Sixth, Bush + Cheney probably see it as the same level of general incompetence now notorious to their operations.”
Bush and Cheney probably think a botched hanging is a big fucking joke, and are laughing their heads off.
Today is just another bad day for the KKK-wing of the GOP. Think of it. . . a federal holiday for a black civil rights leader. This must be crushing for the inbred righties. There’s not a damn thing they can do about it.
Their world is crumbling around them.
pun @16 is intentional
@12 Would it be too much of an imposition to ask you to kindly show your work?
roger… much as you would like things to be that simple…they are not. you would have been the guy that was telling everyone that we were monsters for stopping hitler. and ,let me guess, you secretly think there was no holocaust either, don’t you?
how can anyone in our government be considered a war criminal for stopping the murder of even more people? what? you don’t think saddam was a monster? he didn’t gas helpless people? what part of monstrous dictator don’t you get?
sometimes roger…you are tediously simple-minded.
roger…i just have to ask. what kind of war would you wage when necessary? a NON-AGGRESSIVE one? sheesh…..your liberal slip is showing again.
Who cares that they are dead by an amateur hangman. Maybe the living victims today will get some small closure from their past nightmare. The folks they support Saddam friends like to blow up women and children just to get your support, man what sick minds. Now this must really be another dark day for Bagdad McDermott after losing some of his close friends, so please send him some flowers.
Already did.
I read somewhere that the Constitution (did I spell that right?), is a pretty important document in U.S. history. You might try reading it.
But, since you asked so nicely, I’ve included the relevant parts:
(my emphasis)
@1 So, Thomas, you think Goldy’s comment about an Iraqi thug getting his head ripped off on the gallows (because they dropped him too far) is in bad taste? This war has been going on for almost 4 years now, and I don’t recall EVER seeing you comment about what war, um, does to human bodies (ESPECIALLY those belonging to INNOCENT CIVILIANS).
Let’s review. What modern military weapons do to human bodies is:
Lacerate them like they’ve been in a cement mixer with shards of glass
Burn them like hot dogs that were put in a microwave too long
Tear them asunder as if they had been chained to pulling tractors
Puncture them with so many holes the blood flows out like orange juice in a sieve
Blow them to pieces leaving heads, torsos, arms, and legs on rooftops and hanging in trees
Cut them in half as though they had been strapped to a plank and pushed through a sawmill
There’s more … are you getting the idea yet? This is what rightwing assholes are FOR. I’ve never heard of a foreign policy problem that wingers didn’t want to “solve” with WAR. Some wingers (I’m thinking of Mark the Welsher) want to KILL a third of the human race — I don’t recall seeing your post in which you said Mark’s comments were “awful” or asking him to “please take it back.” Do you see where I’m going here? HYPOCRITE … TWO FACED … SELECTIVE OUTRAGE … know what I mean?
I’m all for hanging them, but I see you incompetents and/or your proxies can’t even carry out a proper hanging. Is there ANYTHING you nitwits can do right?
I am staying away from that comment. We dems cant even produce a reasonable fake document backing up one of our lies.
You are a vietnam vet correct?
As your buddy John Kerry tells us this is what all Vietnam bets did:
“They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country”
When is your war crime you scumbag?
roger….you are truly the hypocrite here. talk about selective outrage? where was yours when the kurds were being gassed or women were being stoned to death because their sandals made too much noise?
you are a fool… usual.
oh…and rog…will you be calling for bill “jethro bodine” clinton’s trial on war crimes too? because according to your very silly and often tedious rants about war he is guilty as sin too.
Speaking of fake documents I wonder if Kerry would be in the market for some forged military medical records. Hey does anyone know Kerry’s phone number?
Hey little bunny; Roger Rabbit how is that war going in Tibet going? Man you sure made a killing on selling those bumper stickers “Free Tibet”. When are you going to deploy your Army into those mountains and throw out the enemies of the free world? Now did you get the United Nations approval to invade that country? “There are only 3 legitimate (legal) justifications for invading a foreign country. U.N. authorization to invade a Nation, a clear threat to the Far Far Left Wing, and humanitarian reasons for the animals.” Now Roger that clearly meets the reason to invade Tibet,”U.N. authorization”. What prevents you from showing us soldiers how to win a war the right way? Now all you need is Jimmy Carter to represent you like the Palestine’s by giving you the rights to use terrorism.
How’s this photo of an Iraqi girl grab you? Here’s what’s left of an Iraqi boy after a missile hit his home.
Here’s another little kid with his head ripped open. Oh and let’s not forget that some folks think killing people is funny
while others trade grisly photos for porn — see how WAR brings out the WORST in some people?
Is it okay if those of us who are queasy about this whole affair ask those of who beating the rah-rah drum if you have a good reason for going into someone else’s country and doing this to them, and if so, what the reason is — without having our patriotism impugned? Just askin’, ya know?
@29 Where do you live, klake? Maybe we can talk the Chinese into annexing it.
@28 I doubt it. Try George — his phone number is 1-900-GOP-CHUMP.
Do you see where I’m going here? HYPOCRITE … TWO FACED … SELECTIVE OUTRAGE … know what I mean? NO! Roger could you make that statement again so that everybody could understand without the emotion? We still love you Little Bunny even if you hate US. Take another drag on that joint my friend and mellow out. Now Pease and Love Little Brother.
Roger Rabbit says:
@29 Where do you live, klake? Maybe we can talk the Chinese into annexing it.
It’s in the phone book Funny Bunny.
@20 ” … you would have been the guy that was telling everyone that we were monsters for stopping hitler. and ,let me guess, you secretly think there was no holocaust either, don’t you?”
You’re in way over your head, Bedsheet. Better stick to something you can handle, like My Pet Goat or Dick and Jane.
@21 “roger…i just have to ask. what kind of war would you wage when necessary?”
one we didn’t start
@23 Sorry, wingnut, but the semantical joke is on you. My posts discussing how many Senate votes it would take to remove Bush from office used the term “removal.” You’re confusing me with some wingnut idiot like yourself.
@26 “John F. Barmon, Jr.: says: Roger… You are a vietnam vet correct?”
That’s correct.
“As your buddy John Kerry tells us this is what all Vietnam bets did:
‘They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country’”
No, Kerry didn’t say “all” Vietnam vets — YOU did. Kerry never accused any Vietnam vets of committing war crimes, either. He simply reported to Congress that some Vietnam veterans had admitted committing acts they themselves chose to characterize as “war crimes,” providing names and details.
“When is your war crime”
When? Is that a typo of what? I didn’t commit any war crimes. All of my actions in Vietnam were in accordance with the Rules of Engagement, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the orders of my superiors, and all applicable treaties and laws. I can honestly say I never fired on any unarmed Vietnamese civilian, because I know that for a fact.
“you scumbag”
Is that you, rakeface? Pissing on Vietnam vets again? Just can’t let go of that, can you. Why do you hate veterans? Is it because you wanted to go, but they wouldn’t let you enlist because your dick wasn’t big enough?
@33 “Now Pease and Love Little Brother.”
I don’t think so, klake. You’ve gone too far to get off the hook merely by saying “peace” and “love.” You need to do some meaningful penance. Say a mass and put a dollar in the Poor Box, then we’ll talk some more.
@34 Of course; how thick of me. I’ll let our Chinese friends know it’s available.
At the rate Republicans are borrowing from China, they’ll own our whole country pretty soon.
My point is that Goldy’s comments was in extremely bad taste. War is awful. I hate this war. We shouldn’t be in there — and we were misled by people who wanted to go in no matter what.
BUT…that doesn’t excuse Goldy for such an outrageous comment about the president of the US — one that was RE-ELECTED after the invasion.
I didn’t vote for him. I dont’ agree wiht the war. But I can’t stand by when Goldy makes such an outrageous statement.
And for you to challenge me by sharing the ugliness of war (of which I’m aware) is a non-answer — and unfortunate that you won’t ask Goldy to reconsider his inappropriate statements.
I’m tired of folks who are so partisan they can’t see the errors of the ways of the people they support.
Roger Rabbit says:
At the rate Republicans are borrowing from China, they’ll own our whole country pretty soon.
01/15/2007 at 8:20 pm
Hear hear. They owned me.
No semantics, you clearly said “impeachment”. Then you accused me of “nitpicking”. Then you started talking about removal this afternoon.
To refresh your memory I’ve included your posts below, with the timestamps highlighted. I guess the joke’s on you, after all.
(my emphasis)
(my emphasis)
(my emphasis)
re 9: How is gassing thousands of Kurds more morally reprehensible than killing 650,000 Iraqis, maiming who knows how many of them, and causing birth defects in the population with radioactive weapons.
Keep killing war mongering politicians so Saddam will not have died in vain.
It’s the Democrats borrowing from China now. They control Congress and all legislation. At least according to that crazy Constitution thingy (that you apparently haven’t read) in Article I Section I:
Whoa 650,000 Iraqis? Heehehe This number came from one of those liberal studies. Kind of like the 10 million disenfranchised voters in OHIO. hehehehe
It is always a joy for me to see an on-line rehash of the war in Viet Nam.
The wingnutz accuse Sen. John F. Kerry (D-MA) of being a pussy & appeaser & sell-out for throwing his medals (or reasonable facsimiles thereof) over a wall & testifying to congress that some vets admitted to various types of bad behavior such as murder, rape, arson, pillaging, etc. The swiftboat liars generated a shitstorm of anti-Kerry stuff about their view that he recommended himself for his medals (not possible), faked his Purple Hearts (requires medical verification) & lied about being in Cambodia at Christmas (you can’t get there from here & it was guarded & it was a FREE Bingo day in DaNang).
Then, then, then . . . these collections of brain-dead fucktards completely ignore the court martial of Lt. Calley [you may have heard about My Lai? No. Well I guess you had to be there.]!!!
Then, this same collection of lying-assed, pussy-faced, cowardly cocksuckers attack the other Sen. Kerrey (as in Bob from Nebraska, Democratic Party). This not-John senator was a USN Seal Team leader (notorious wimps & defeatocrats there, enhh?) who earned a Bronze Star for destroying a village & a Medal of Honor for destroying somewhere else AND the totally disconnected rightwing rethuglican typists blasted Kerrey (D-NE) for his obvious & inexcusable & prosecutable war crimes.
Don’t you love the krazee GOoPerz?
John Kerry is a lying sack of shit for telling congress that atrocities occurred and is unfit to be President of the USA because he bad-mouthed all his brothers-in-arms.
Bob Kerrey is a sorry-assed war criminal, unfit to be the President of the USA or President of The New School, because of the known evil deeds he performed in Viet Nam. [“A Sense of Dishonor? The case of Bob Kerrey-confusion over Senator Bob Kerry’s war record in Vietnam” National Review, May 28, 2001 by John O’Sullivan]
But wait there’s more . . . . Ah, fuck it. Wingnutz win: if you’re John Kerry, there were no atrocities; if you’re Bob Kerrey, you committed them.
Heads exploding.
John Kerry is a lying sack of shit for telling congress that atrocities occurred and is unfit to be President of the USA because he bad-mouthed all his brothers-in-arms.
No Gopers didnt call Kerry a lying sack of shit for telling congress that atrocities occured in Vietnam. They called him a lying sack of shit because he is a lying sack of shit. Or has he revealed his military medical records? My offer is still open. I have the right typewriter now.
@42 My point is that invading someone else’s country and killing them, their women, and their children is in extremely bad taste.
And selling missile technology to a potential future enemy that threatens your own women and children for campaign contributions aint in bad taste? I got you rabbit were on the same page. Let us not go there.
@42 Oh, I think Goldy’s comment was in bad taste; I also think the media reports about the hanging tearing the guy’s head off belong in the “too much information” category. Makes me wonder who the editors are pandering to. (Hint: The “liberal media” is a myth.) But you will not convince me that we should sweep the ugliness of war under the rug just because it’s ugly. These are real human beings that OUR country is doing this to; it’s not enough to say we’re against it; we must demand that it stop. But more than that, I want to castigate the rightwing warmongers who not only support this kind of thing but cheer the deaths of innocents and call them “ragheads”; if Goldy’s faux paux help show these slime-suckers for what they are, then it is for a good cause.
Hear hear. I agree totally. If only the rest of the nation believed that. Damn right wing talk radio. The worst thing ever to happen was the fairness doctrine. We need to control free speech.
Ahhh for the good ole days when there was just a few alphabet channels, 60 minutes and a couple newspapers controlling everything. It is to confusing nowadays with all the competing media out there. Someone(liberal) needs to stop this.
Let’s see, Dan Rather @ 53 comments on himself @51.
Hunh? The schizophrenic commenter outs itself as a dual personality.
Hey, whl @ 48. You’er so suave & debonair & couth. Not like the whack jobs.
@44 “we have to be practical — impeachment can’t happen without at least 16 GOP senators’ votes”
If I had meant “removal can’t happen without at least 16 GOP senators’ votes,” I would have said “removal”. What I meant was “impeachment” can’t happen without at least 16 GOP senators’ votes.
When I said impeachment, I meant exactly that. Would you like me to spell it out for you? The House leadership won’t allow impeachment to move forward until they think there’s enough Senate votes for removal. Clear now?
Let me try this another way: Proponents of impeachment can’t get articles out of the House until they show where the 67 votes for removal will come from.
@48 You don’t really expect people who can’t spell “an” and “to” to keep Kerry and Kerrey straight, do you?
And, Rather @ 53, your alter ego, Rather @ 51 says you’re nutz.
And both of youse, William Westmoreland sued Dan Rather for libel.
And lost.
George W. Bush xliii did not sue for libel. But the Texas Bu$h Pussy did tell Cheney & Rove that his Daddy was head of the CIA in 1976-77 & the real documents will never be found.
Geez… who knew that so many people would be offended by the mere suggestion that Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney be treated humanely?
@48 You don’t really expect people who can’t spell “an” and “to” to keep Kerry and Kerrey straight, do you?
01/15/2007 at 9:59 pm
What about “is”?
What a tepid response when called on his words. Pelletizer, how does it feel? Isn’t that a line from a song?
Dan Rather: I wonder what documents Sandy Burglar destroyed?
Can you duplicate them? We need that incriminating evidence.
Hey Dan Rather,
Was Marian Knox the reason Bu$h xliii decided not to sue for libel?
CBS located and interviewed Marian Carr Knox, who was a secretary at Ellington Air Force from 1956 to 1979, and Colonel Killian’s assistant on the dates of the memos. According to Knox, she did not type the memos and the memos were not written by Killian, though she believed they reflected the truth about Lieutenant Bush.[46] She also stated she had no firsthand knowledge of Bush’s time in the Guard.[48] Referring to the disputed memos, Knox commented “The information in here was correct, but it was picked up from the real ones,” she said. “I probably typed the information and somebody picked up the information some way or another.”
Hey, Dan Rather, is your phone tapped by the CIA, NSA, or the FBI. What’s the jurisdictional dispute on that–great turf war, d’ya’ know?
Hey, Dan Rather, why didn’t some news organization report that Bu$h xliii drunk driving conviction in Maine?
@49 “They called him a lying sack of shit because he is a lying sack of shit.”
After carefully considering all of the evidence, I’ve concluded that Kerry is telling the truth, and you guys are lying sacks of shit.
“Or has he revealed his military medical records?”
Yes, after the election Kerry gave the Associated Press, Boston Globe, and Los Angeles Times unrestricted access to his full medical records, and the Globe reported this material contained no “substantive new material” from what was made public during the campaign.
DarrellSucksButtPutty shows his ignorant self again. Take your meds Darrell. . .we wouldn’t want you accusing anyone of outting you again. . .especially when you’ve done such a marvelous job of it yourself.
Hey Dan Rather,
Was Marian Knox the reason Bu$h xliii decided not to sue for libel?
No! Bush won in 2004 with a majority of votes for the first time since his Father did it back in 1988. I am sure he was more than willing to let it go. Of course if republicans sued every liberal media reporter who lied about them they would be constantly in court.
Yes, after the election Kerry gave the Associated Press, Boston Globe, and Los Angeles Times unrestricted access to his full medical records, and the Globe reported this material contained no “substantive new material” from what was made public during the campaign.
Show me where the Boston Globe published a copy of the records….. heehehehehe You know Kerry should take me up on my offer. heheehhe
@67 Especially since speaking the truth is an absolute defence against the charge of libel
Hey, Rabbit.
The ex-husband of the barmaid at my local club drives team in a cross-country truck that pulls into Washington D.C. about every 10 days & they know a guy who used to be shacked up with a lady that took care of the medical files for inactive Naval officers . . . and . . . she says . . . that Rash Limpbalz & Shill O’Lielly have both turned down her exclusive story that Kerry (the one from MA without an “e”) tried to squelch his records because he was worried that the media would print the hospital photos of his scrawny ass full of shrapnel.
However, my insane rightwing nephew, Admiral ___________ (expletive deleted), tells me that Sen. Kerry (D-MA) got a dose of the clap in Saigon & didn’t want it all over the media 30 years later.
I still love this joke:
A driver is stuck in a traffic jam on the interstate. Nothing is moving.
Suddenly a man walks over. The driver rolls down his window and asks: ‘‘What’s going on?’’
‘‘Terrorists down the road have kidnapped George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. They’re asking for a $100 million ransom. Otherwise they’re going to douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. We’re going from car to car, taking up a collection.’’
The driver asks, ‘‘How much is everyone giving, on average?’’
‘‘Most people are giving about a gallon.’’
You got it whl. You got what we call in the News biz as gravitas. Using a 80 year old woman to colobatate what happened 30 years ago is a “tried but true” tactic of lefty, liberal lying new propaganda we did all through out the 70’s and 80’s.
Roger, shouldn’t the Senators be hearing evidence and then deciding? Sounds a little like “bring the guilty bastard in here and we will give him a fair trial”.
Remember I am on your side and just asking. Politics should not play a part here.
Yes, I must say my interview was quite the piece:
MARION CARR KNOX: I did not type those memos.
RATHER: You didn’t type these memos?
KNOX: No. And it’s not the form that I would have used. And there are words in there that belong to the army, not to the air guard. We never used those terms.
RATHER: So with these memos, you know that you didn’t type them.
KNOX: I know that I didn’t type them. However, the informati n in those is correct. [Huh?]
RATHER: [Drum roll here.] Few, if any, things that I ask you about will be more important than this point: You say you definitely didn’t type these memos.
KNOX: Not these particular ones.
RATHER: Did you type ones like this?
KNOX: Yes.
See she said yes.. no bias at all. hehehehe
Hey, Dan Rather @ 73:
Yer-right. The Texas Bu$h Pussy gets a mulligan on the anti-gravitas defense made most famous by one of the Simpsons.
Who ya’ gonna’ believe, the secretary who typed the original documents or . . . fool me once, shame on me!!!!!!
You are right you didn’t say 16 for removal, but for that not to happen a lot of Republican Senators would have to not be present at the trial. Impeachment can, and has, happened without 2/3 of the Senate voting for conviction.
Still untrue. Both Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached but not convicted. Clearly the House leadership in the past has done exactly what you’ve say they can’t do. Or do you mean won’t? You seem to be using “can’t” and “won’t” interchangeably. I hope you realize those two words have different meanings.
Yes the House can impeach and has, twice in the history of this country, without 2/3 of the Senate voting to convict. Despite your rationalizations, your original statement is still false.
@77 Aw, Dan is just upset that he got scooped by Nightline’s interviewing the witnesses at Tran Thoi Ville who confirmed Kerry’s account.
Ground up husbands then bagged them up and sent them to their wives, and you worry about a hanging?
Raped their to be brides and then slit their throats at their own weddings
Well I remind you why this was all possible, and why Saddam and his sons, and his half brothers will never ever lead again..
Why it is non other than………………George W Bush!
And the American Troops!
Now let’s consider the lying sacks of shit who concocted false stories and doctored photographs to make Kerry look bad. Prominent among these is a man named Ted Sampley, whom GOP Sen. John McCain called “one of the most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.”
A Marine from Massachusetts who suffered a head wound in Vietnam in 1968 died from related complications 8 years later. Sen. Kerry helped the family get the Marine’s name added to The Vietnam Memorial, and on Memorial Day of 2004 accompanied the family to The Memorial for a dedication ceremony.
That same day, then-Rep. John Leboutillier (R-NY), a rabid rightwinger with such a big mouth even Barbara Bush told him to “tone it down,” published an article on NewsMax claiming Kerry “flipped off” Ted Sampley during his visit to The Memorial, which Rush Limbaugh represented to his listeners as factual the next day, and which the “Moonie” newspaper Washington Times reprinted the day after that. Limbaugh also posted a fraudulent photo of the incident on his web site, which showed Kerry speaking at a podium. A computer was used to erase the other fingers of Kerry’s hand to make it appear he extended his middle finger, when in fact he did not make such a gesture.
Sampley has been associated with other phony photographs as well, including one in which Kerry’s image was superimposed over an image of a Viet Cong flag, to make it appear Kerry was speaking at a podium with the VC flag as a backdrop.
Sampley also has:
Accused Sen. McCain of being a KGB spy;
Been convicted of, and served jail time for, assaulting a McCain staffer;
Caused unnecessary anguish for the family of an American captive in Iraq by fabricating a story that he was cruelly tortured to death by an Iraqi mob (the captive later was freed alive);
Published a fake photo of Kerry shooting an American MIA.
Sampley is only one example (albeit perhaps the most rabid one) of the rightwing haters who will do anything to discredit a political opponent. They will also do anything to make money; according to McCain, Sampley has parlayed his POW-MIA activism into at least $2 million of personal profit from sales of POW-MIA t-shirts and memorabilia. (There were even worse scumbags out there playing on the emotions of MIA families; some persuaded these families their sons were alive, in order to induce them to pay big bucks for “searches.”)
There are some really ugly folks out there and their lies, smears, and fake documents and photos have become firmly entrenched in wingnut lore — and are taken as gospel truth by wingnut nitwits who suspend belief, never fact-check anything, and regurgitate this bullshit without giving even a momentary thought to whether it might not be true.
GBS @ 75:
I’m not going to waste a lot of pixels proving that you are an ignorant, uninformed jackass who can’t read. The following is from the Annenberg Foundation’s “Fact Check.” Kerry was treated at sick call. An HM-1 signed the report, so you are a silly, pathetic liar. You are just repeating stupid-assed shit that professional, paid shills fabricated. And later on, Letson, the paid phony, recanted his story when the LA Times tracked him down. He tried to claim that Carreon sometimes signed for Letson–either way the sick bay record is there, hunh? You slime.
And it doesn’t matter if you were in some branch of the armed forces for 30 years or 30 minutes. Thousands of wounded were treated by Navy hospital corpsman & by Army medics on the battlefield and then returned immediately to combat. The recommendation for the Purple Heart still counts, even if you didn’t get into a medical facility.
You’re one sick puppy, dude, if you think you can run that kind of dumbass comment past people who’ve been there & done that. You’re in over your head. Only pussies who haven’t got a clue would fall for your kind of bullshit.
Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution is pretty clear.
When the President is tried the Chief Justice presides over a trial, after the House has impeached the President. To convict the Senate must have concurrence from 2/3 of the members present. So as far as the Constitution is concerned no evidence is required.
I agree with your sentiment. Impeachment, and removal, of the President shouldn’t be taken lightly, and I think impeaching Clinton started the downfall of the Republicans in Congress.
68 The Boston Globe didn’t publish Kerry’s medical records, nor did I say they did. Kerry gave 3 major newspapers full access to those records to prove he wasn’t hiding anything. If you can’t accept that as sufficient, then you’ve obviously got issues that supersede the facts of the matter.
Here’s the difference between liberals and wingnuts. During the 2004 campaign, CBS News ran a story about Bush’s TANG service based on documents of questioned provenance. Although those documents have never been affirmatively proven to be fakes, because they were not authenticated to acceptable journalist standards,
CBS News retracted the story;
A CBS editor was fired, and others were reassigned;
CBS anchor Dan Rather lost his job.
In addition, the Kerry-Edwards campaign did not use the material, and you do not hear liberals claiming the documents are true.
On the wingnut side, we not only see no fact-checking, we see wingnuts continuing to repeat smears long after they’ve been proven false.
It’s called “ethics,” boys and girls; journalists and liberals have them, wingnuts don’t. Does this mean MSM or liberals never make mistakes? No, of course not. But the difference is, we own up to our errors — and we don’t wage the kinds of vicious smear campaigns that routinely come from the right. No ethics, no morals, no honesty — that’s the far right in a nutshell.
@70 Yeah, I heard a variation of that same story that differed a little in the details, except I got it through the Sewer Rat Underground.
@74 Impeachment trials are political trials, not court trials. While a protocol has been developed and rules of procedure exist, the Senate “trial” changes few if any minds and is really a dog-and-pony show. I would guess the House and Senate leaders knew within a couple of votes what the outcome would be in the Clinton impeachment trial, and I doubt the “trial” changed a single vote. Politicians spend their entire lives calculating how votes will go, and I’m pretty sure they’d count noses before impeaching a president, too. The difference between the GOP and Democrats is the GOP was willing to push an impeachment they couldn’t win through a Senate trial for the sake of grandstanding; the Democrats are just the opposite, they will restrain their own members from pushing impeachment unless they’ve got the votes to succeed. That’s the point I’m trying to make.
Whl@82 In the interests of fairness and adding truth to the record, some total idiot is hijacking the ‘handle’ GBS.
GBS had a long history of factual, as well as thoughtful liberal posts here, as well as a boisterous flame war with the unlamented and unmissed JCH. He was by his own account, a Navy SEAL, but DID NOT COMPLETE THIRTY TEARS OF SERVICE, as this idiotic impostor claims. Trolltard,you are busted!.
What happens as a presidential impeachment plays out, of course, is that House members and Senators test the wind of public opinion as the thing chugs along.
@75 Try reading the military regs and you’ll know. I served with a guy who got hit 3 times by AK-47 bullets, suffered 3 superficial wounds, and got 3 Purple Hearts. One bullet clipped his nose, another flayed an ear lobe, and the third grazed his head. Did that guy deserve his 3 Purple Hearts? Hell yes; one more inch and he would have been dead, all 3 times. Technically speaking, he was “wounded” by “enemy action,” so there was no basis to deny him the medals.
Now let me ask you this, smartass: Why should a different rule apply to Kerry than to every other soldier, sailor, airman, coastie, and Marine in-country? Because you don’t like him, or his politics? Fuck you.
@76 What Marion Knox actually said was although the disputed memos were not written by Col. Killian or typed by her, they appeared to have been “picked up” from information she had typed, she believed the information in them “was correct,” and the disputed memos did reflect the truth about Bush.
Tree frog @ 87:
Thanks man. I get carried away on that line of shit. I’ve got shrapnel in both wrists & my back & did not go to sick bay for treatment. Oddly, Sen. Kerry didn’t go to sick bay for the shrapnel in his ass or the fucked up arm (both on the same day) for his 3rd Purple Heart. His 2nd required some scraping & a few stitches on the back of his leg by a medical team. Ahhh, but he didn’t bleed enough for our rethuglican fabricationistas.
Don’tcha’ just get a warm glow inside when some pussy slams a putdown onto a combat veteran who has taken a hit, got in-action treatment, and still stayed on mission.
And there’s more–the HMChief for our company was the bravest human ever. Ya’ know, sometimes all the paperwork didn’t get done quite right or in time–funny how that happens, ain’t it. So he’s growlin’ & grumblin’ around later trying to find the people he treated. Yeah, it’s a good thing that the GOoPerz National Convention can assess military medal awards 35 years after the fact.
@78 We’re not talking about Johnson or Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi is not Newt Gingrich. It’s ludicrous to project Gingrich’s actions onto Pelosi, who has publicly stated that impeachment is “off the table.” I interpret that to mean she will not allow impeachment to move through the House absent a perception of at least a reasonable prospect for removal by the Senate.
80 Who’s worried about a hanging? Do you see any sympathy for that dead asshole here?
@83 “I agree with your sentiment. Impeachment, and removal, of the President shouldn’t be taken lightly, and I think impeaching Clinton started the downfall of the Republicans in Congress.”
That’s a refreshing bit of candor from you, CF. There seems to be a consensus among informed observers that the Clinton impeachment backfired on the GOP, although how much harm it did is questionable in light of the GOP’s subsequent dominance of all 3 branches, and it did succeed in disrupting the last two years of Clinton’s presidency. I’ll bet if Gingrich had it to do over, knowing the outcome, he would do exactly the same thing again.
Whl@91 The whole Purple Heart thing is fraught with peril. I served on a Guided Missile Cruiser that also doubled as a gun platform. It put an awful lot of 14 inch naval ordinance dead on target up and down the coast of Viet Nam. Even though we could ‘reach out and touch someone’ as much as 18 miles away, there were times we had to work very close in to shore, and sometimes would receive various small and light arms return fire. I was not aboard when this happened, but. . . .
We took a mortar round to one of the RADAR arrays aloft. A cook was up on the O-4 level throwing trash into the incinerator on one of the stacks. He was knocked down by the blast, and taken to sick bay. The ‘Old Man’ was a hard charging sort. He had gotten a Unit Citation ‘E’ and desperately wanted a Unit Citation Purple Heart. He called down to sick bay and wanted a complete summary on the cook’s condition. Word was he was very disappointed that they couldn’t even find a bruise on him. . . . . . .
Well, it’s obviously difficult to remove a president, as it has never happened, although Nixon resigned because Senate conviction was certain. Even before articles of impeachment were voted on by the full House, key Republican senators told him there were enough votes for removal him … demonstrating what I’ve been saying here, that few if any votes in Congress are taken where the floor managers haven’t counted noses and don’t know the outcome.
@95 I knew a guy who was standing up 6 feet away from where a 140mm rocket went off. There was a Conex box full of M-16 rifles between him and the explosion. The box was peppered with shrap and many of the rifles were destroyed, but he didn’t get a scratch. Busted his eardrums, and he couldn’t hear a thing for a week. Purple Heart for that? You bet. Luckier than shit the shock wave from the explosion didn’t kill him.
I wouldn’t begrudge anyone their Purple Heart. In our case, there was a feeling that the ‘Old Man’ was too eager to get that small sleeve marker for everyone.
Dan Rather (#9) burps:
Gassing 100s of thousands of Kurds is one thing but hanging war criminal is just downright unacceptable.
I agree, Rather. Hanging him is unacceptable. For his co-conspiring rubber-stamp role in Saddam’s many war crimes during the 80s (and as an opponent of the death penalty), I say we give Rumsfeld life in prison. Gitmo?
By the way, unhinged orbifolk: We have REAL love for this country. That means tough-love – not “mommy does no wrong” goose-step love. It means when shit-holes like Rummy conduct anti-American activities – under the guise of national security – we lovingly tear down their veil of deception.
America deserves better.
I love it that the inbred righties keep singing the same old talking points from their disgraced talking head leaders. Look what that got them in November?
Keep it up righties. We TOOK your House. We TOOK your Senate. We TOOK seven of your Governorships. We TOOK 13 of your legislatures. Next we’re gonna TAKE your fucking White House. And there’s nothing you can do but look at your Aids-infested, fat, ugly, wives and cry.
I’m not comparing Pelosi to Gingrich. Or projecting his actions on hers. Pelosi has publicly stated that impeachment isn’t a priority. So I don’t think Bush will be impeached.
You previously said impeachment can’t happen without 16 GOP Senator’s votes. The House can and has impeached two Presidents without knowing 2/3 of the members of the Senate would vote for conviction. And that’s the point I’ve been making all along. But, instead of just fessing up and admitting you made a mistake you:
1) Accused me of nitpicking.
2) Then you claimed you said “removal” not “impeachment”.
3) Then you started interspersing “won’t” with “can’t”.
Just to remind you:
I do appreciate your restraint and engaging me in debate, rather than resorting to a profanity laced tirade.
you want a war crimnal try bill clinton he attacked
bosnia kosovo without the U.N. they had not attacked us
or even implied they might I don’t see you dumb asses
saying he is a war crimnal but he is a lib witch is the same thing anyway so bite me
All these liberals decry the president and his admin, who will they blame when the next attack on our nation happens.It seems the only people willing to defend our nation are the right wing of both parties. Liberals as far as I’m concerned are just a bunch of cowards and couldn’t or wouldn’t fight for thier nation. If the libs win the precidenncy in 08 don’t blame the Republicans when one of our cities gets nuked and we respond properly.
Roger Rabbit says:
@20 ” … you would have been the guy that was telling everyone that we were monsters for stopping hitler. and ,let me guess, you secretly think there was no holocaust either, don’t you?”
You’re in way over your head, Bedsheet. Better stick to something you can handle, like My Pet Goat or Dick and Jane.
wow roger… are even more silly than usual. care to explain why you are calling me a ‘bedsheet’ for instance?
and as far as your comment about what kind of war YOU [the fool that you are] would fight…you said “one we didn’t start”
WOW… you must have just LOVED vietnam huh?
and it’s funny too…..when clinton dragged us into war where was your [phoney] outrage then?
no where….same as you…
wee little man, very short memory, absolutely no concept of history with absolutely no future.
it’s so easy to sum up nothing like you rog…..
and roger…there is no way that you are a vet…unless we are talking veterinarian here. did you get mixed up again?
my husband is a vietnam vet and when he reads your childish tirades, especially about war and policy, he just rolls his eyes and says “another poser who has never seen any gun other than on the cop that pulls him over”
too true……
it’s so easy to make big statements about yourself roger….but none of it rings true.
just another phoney whiney liberal trying to BE COOL baby…..
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