Roger Rabbit Commentary: How can this be? Is our work worth so little that the working classes end up owning virtually nothing? Then why should anyone work? I don’t work! I own stuff instead. It pays better, and the taxes are lower. Nobody should do any more work until a fair proportion of that 85 percent is reallocated to the working classes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Is it possible, in a fair and rational economic system, under which millions of people go to work every day and devote the majority of their waking ours to working, for 10% of the people to end up with 85% of the wealth — or is that indicative of systemic failure or fundamental unfairness?
Roger. The point of the article is that governments controlled the majority of wealth in the past and have now been replaced by corporate control and an international banking cartel.
Since the goal of the corporation is to grow and profit, that is not as bad as the old way and has caused the world standard of living to rise. Monarch’s goals did not align with the subjects goals and the “working class” was in a much sorrier position.
Monkey Face Bush is in Russia trying to negotiate. How in the Hell does Bush think he’s going to get any respect from Putin when less than one third of his own countrymen respect him? He’s the laughing stock of the whole damn world!
Now this is rich – the Fox network gets fined for being indecent – the DOJ got it right – they just fined on the wrong conduct. It’s Fox’s pretending to be anything but a mouthpiece for the GOP and masquerading as a news channel that should have been fined.
Postman's criticspews:
“It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent. “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
America’s historians, it seems, don’t think much of George W. Bush.
Now in all fairness, historians should wait a while before passing judgment on a president’s who served recently, much less one still in office. But the current incumbent is a special case. After all, 81 percent of Americans, according to a recent New York Times poll, believe he’s taken the country on the wrong track. That’s the highest number ever registered. The same poll also says 28 percent have a favorable view of his performance in office, which is also in Nixon-in-the-darkest-days-of-Watergate territory.
But, as George Mason University’s History News Network reports, the historians have a different measure. They want to stack him up against his thirty-three predecessors as the nation’s chief executive. Among historians, there is no doubt into which echelon he falls–his competitors are Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Franklin Pierce, the worst of the presidential worst. But does Bush actually come in dead last?
Yes. A Pew Research Center poll of 109 leading historians found that 61 percent of them rank Bush as “worst ever” among U.S. presidents. Bush’s key competition comes from Buchanan, apparently, and a further 2 percent of the sample puts Bush right behind Buchanan as runner-up for “worst ever.” 96 percent of the respondents place the Bush presidency in the bottom tier of American presidencies. And was his presidency (it’s a bit wishful to speak of his presidency in the past tense–after all there are several more months left to go) a success or failure? On that score the numbers are still more resounding: 98 percent label it a “failure.”
Pew Research Poll: Historians Rate George W. Bush a “Failure”
This marks a dramatic deterioration for Bush. Previously he wasn’t viewed in the most positive terms, but there was a consensus that he wasn’t the “worst of the worst” either. That was in the spring of 2004. In the meantime, Bush has established himself as the torture president, the basis for his invasion of Iraq has been exposed as a fraud, the Iraq War itself has gone disastrously, the nation’s network of alliances has faded, and the economy has gone into a tailspin–not to mention the bungled handling of relief for victims of hurricane Katrina. In 2004, only 12 percent of historians were ready to place Bush dead last.
Here are some of the comments that the historians furnished:
“No individual president can compare to the second Bush,” wrote one. “Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“With his unprovoked and disastrous war of aggression in Iraq and his monstrous deficits, Bush has set this country on a course that will take decades to correct,” said another historian. “When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.”
Harper’s Ma
Postman's criticspews:
Since @6 will likely be deleted-here are the good parts.
“It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent. “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
America’s historians, it seems, don’t think much of George W. Bush.
Here are some of the comments that the historians furnished:
“No individual president can compare to the second Bush,” wrote one. “Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“With his unprovoked and disastrous war of aggression in Iraq and his monstrous deficits, Bush has set this country on a course that will take decades to correct,” said another historian. “When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.
Postman's criticspews:
If 6 and 7 are deleted here is the link to Bush-historians have declared him the worst president ever.
Let’s see: Interest rates near historic lows. Good. Inflation? A little high, but products readily available (not to be confused w/ J Carter’s presidency when life was truly miserable on all facets). The stores are full of more foodstuffs than EVER before (no thanks to the protectionist demos who want us to starve). Gas? Available on every street corner. Jobs? Papers are full of classifieds.
Attacks on America? None, excepting the terrorists who entered during Clinton’s time in orifice (Monica’s orifice), trained during Clinton’s administration, and flew the airplanes they were trained on during Clinton’s time.
Bush has protected America well. Not to be confused w/ Janet Reno who wants to defend Al Qaeda, but slaughtered dozens of little children at Waco.
Hmmmm. Where exactly did things go wrong w/ Red China? Did GWB sign the MFN pact for Red China? No. No. Hmmmm. Who was that? Which President? Oh, that’s right. It was BJ Clinton who sent the jobs to China. Truly a communist.
Should anybody be worried about a NYT poll? Not real Americans. And, male Americans like GWB just fine. Women have a problem w/ him. But then, if a president isn’t sexually assaulting them, they feel ignored.
Okay let’s un-suspend the alternate universe that #9 is in and look at genuine facts.
1) Largest federal deficit in history
2) Largest trade deficit in history
3) We’re in a recession – period – that’s not a crisis?
4) For the first time since the Great Depression home equity is outpaced by debt
5) Real earning power has dropped 17% during the Bush regime
6) Gas prices highest in history *Thanks Dickless Cheney and your secret energy council
7) Cost of living increase outpaces wage increases
8) America has been attacked, by a Bush family friend – on Bush’s watch – and he STILL can’t catch the guy responsible
9) All economic trends as bad as they are don’t even include the cost of the Iraq war – if you factor that in – things are twice as bad
10) Real estate value has dropped 20% nationwide
11) More homes in foreclosure than at any time since the Great Depression
12) Consumer spending down
13) Job growth under Bush isn’t even enough to keep up with population growth
14) Bush is the first President to have more job LOSSES than gains during his administration than Hoover
15) Americans have less money in savings than at any time since the Great Depression
These are simple facts you can’t controvert. Now you can do what most republicans do – stick your head in the sand and try to ignore them – but come Nov – we’ll be reminding you and everyone else of the truth and there’s not one fucking thing you can do about it.
Alternate universe? Son, yer points are talking points for the commie-demo party.
1) Not as a percentage of GDP.
2) Who gave MFN to China again? I don’t buy Chinese.
3) No recession. Must have 2 successive quarters of negative GDP. Wishing and hoping don’t make it so. Also, the G.D. libs (like yerself) are bound and determined to talk America down. Thereby helping to cause one. That’s un-Patriotic (what else can America expect from a lib?).
4) If folks wouldn’t spend money they don’t have this wouldn’t happen. It’s called “greed”, a liberal trait.
5) “Real” earning power? WTF? By whose calc? Avg earnings are up. And SOA articles like HDTV, etc, are coming down.
6) Gas prices are high because of competition. And because “dickless” libs won’t allow drilling or refining. There’s BILLIONS of barrels still in the ground. In America! The stuff doesn’t magically appear. It’s damned hard work. I’d explain “work”, but explaining “work” to a lib is pointless.
7) Again, it’s called competition. The answer lies in budgetting as much as anything. Don’t rent porn-vids when you need food.
8) That’s a lie.
9) Still better than Jimmy Carter’s “best” economy. And, approaching the best this country ever saw (thank you, Ronald Reagan).
10) Odd. My home value has doubled during GWB’s terms. You should move out of that hellhole crackhouse.
11) Again, personal irresponsibility is the #1 cause. Budget. Don’t overspend.
12) A choice. See #3. You libs will talk us into a recession just to try to hurt GWB. Too bad, numbnuts, he’s not running again.
13) Actually, when adjusted seasonally, it’s not too bad. Gotta kick the illegals out. There’d be 30 million jobs available tomorrow!
14) Again, not true. What are you citing, Daily Kos???
15) Golly, my savings has gone up, as has my 401(k). You need to quit spending all yer money on porn, comic books and drugs.
Actually, McCain is looking gooooood. Better all the time. Thanks to all the infighting between the racial separatist B. Hussein Obama and the constantly-lying cuckholded wife of BJ.
cmiklich make Rush look smartspews:
cmiklich -They don’t call you fuckers wingnuts for nothing. I know you are just trolling (or perhaps you really are stupid) but I have a little time.
The Feds just had to prop up a Wall street investment bank to prevent a financial catastrophe. The Bush administration is so worried about a collapse of the economy that next month virtually every taxpayer in the country will get a “stimulus” check to hopefully kick start the economy. The congress is trying to figure out a way to prevent millions of home foreclosures. The Bushies are borrowing billions from China and other countries every week just to operate the government while our military is eviscerated in the two wars they are losing at a cost of trillions to be paid over decades.
Doonesbury expressed the Republican approach to running an economy in a strip today that you may be able to understand.
From #6: “It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent (historian). “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
14 Very witty! But a witty link does not win a debate. And the debate here is whether the country is better under Bush. And obviously in every way it is not.
The Democrats suck horribly. But so what? Bush is still the worst fucking president in the history of this country
His former fan and war supporter Andrew (the cocksucker) Sullivan was on TV today saying that Rumsfeld and Yoo and a few others better not leave the country because they’ll be arrested for war crimes. He was referring to the Yoo Torture memo released last wee..
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, check my math here. If there are a million Iraqi widows, aren’t there then a million dead Iraqi men?
Way to throw in a cliche you don’t understand to wish away a phenomenon you can’t explain.
It’s easy for us all to recall, and is is even easier to show with a graph (link: that job performance was much, much, much better when the Democrats were in charge.
Simply, the period of job growth under Bush has been slower growth than the Clinton-era growth period. And on top of that, the Clinton years were years of basically uninterrupted job growth, whereas the Bush administration has seen two separate employment downturns.
Daddy Lovespews:
Oh, and why does everyone ignore/forget about the anthrax terror attacks? Another perp-at-large Bush has failed to capture.
“The top 10 percent of all people now control 85 percent of all wealth on the planet.” — Newsweek
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How can this be? Is our work worth so little that the working classes end up owning virtually nothing? Then why should anyone work? I don’t work! I own stuff instead. It pays better, and the taxes are lower. Nobody should do any more work until a fair proportion of that 85 percent is reallocated to the working classes.
Is it possible, in a fair and rational economic system, under which millions of people go to work every day and devote the majority of their waking ours to working, for 10% of the people to end up with 85% of the wealth — or is that indicative of systemic failure or fundamental unfairness?
Roger. The point of the article is that governments controlled the majority of wealth in the past and have now been replaced by corporate control and an international banking cartel.
Since the goal of the corporation is to grow and profit, that is not as bad as the old way and has caused the world standard of living to rise. Monarch’s goals did not align with the subjects goals and the “working class” was in a much sorrier position.
Monkey Face Bush is in Russia trying to negotiate. How in the Hell does Bush think he’s going to get any respect from Putin when less than one third of his own countrymen respect him? He’s the laughing stock of the whole damn world!
Now this is rich – the Fox network gets fined for being indecent – the DOJ got it right – they just fined on the wrong conduct. It’s Fox’s pretending to be anything but a mouthpiece for the GOP and masquerading as a news channel that should have been fined.
“It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent. “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
America’s historians, it seems, don’t think much of George W. Bush.
Now in all fairness, historians should wait a while before passing judgment on a president’s who served recently, much less one still in office. But the current incumbent is a special case. After all, 81 percent of Americans, according to a recent New York Times poll, believe he’s taken the country on the wrong track. That’s the highest number ever registered. The same poll also says 28 percent have a favorable view of his performance in office, which is also in Nixon-in-the-darkest-days-of-Watergate territory.
But, as George Mason University’s History News Network reports, the historians have a different measure. They want to stack him up against his thirty-three predecessors as the nation’s chief executive. Among historians, there is no doubt into which echelon he falls–his competitors are Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Franklin Pierce, the worst of the presidential worst. But does Bush actually come in dead last?
Yes. A Pew Research Center poll of 109 leading historians found that 61 percent of them rank Bush as “worst ever” among U.S. presidents. Bush’s key competition comes from Buchanan, apparently, and a further 2 percent of the sample puts Bush right behind Buchanan as runner-up for “worst ever.” 96 percent of the respondents place the Bush presidency in the bottom tier of American presidencies. And was his presidency (it’s a bit wishful to speak of his presidency in the past tense–after all there are several more months left to go) a success or failure? On that score the numbers are still more resounding: 98 percent label it a “failure.”
Pew Research Poll: Historians Rate George W. Bush a “Failure”
This marks a dramatic deterioration for Bush. Previously he wasn’t viewed in the most positive terms, but there was a consensus that he wasn’t the “worst of the worst” either. That was in the spring of 2004. In the meantime, Bush has established himself as the torture president, the basis for his invasion of Iraq has been exposed as a fraud, the Iraq War itself has gone disastrously, the nation’s network of alliances has faded, and the economy has gone into a tailspin–not to mention the bungled handling of relief for victims of hurricane Katrina. In 2004, only 12 percent of historians were ready to place Bush dead last.
Here are some of the comments that the historians furnished:
“No individual president can compare to the second Bush,” wrote one. “Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“With his unprovoked and disastrous war of aggression in Iraq and his monstrous deficits, Bush has set this country on a course that will take decades to correct,” said another historian. “When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.”
Harper’s Ma
Since @6 will likely be deleted-here are the good parts.
“It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent. “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
America’s historians, it seems, don’t think much of George W. Bush.
Here are some of the comments that the historians furnished:
“No individual president can compare to the second Bush,” wrote one. “Glib, contemptuous, ignorant, incurious, a dupe of anyone who humors his deluded belief in his heroic self, he has bankrupted the country with his disastrous war and his tax breaks for the rich, trampled on the Bill of Rights, appointed foxes in every henhouse, compounded the terrorist threat, turned a blind eye to torture and corruption and a looming ecological disaster, and squandered the rest of the world’s goodwill. In short, no other president’s faults have had so deleterious an effect on not only the country but the world at large.”
“With his unprovoked and disastrous war of aggression in Iraq and his monstrous deficits, Bush has set this country on a course that will take decades to correct,” said another historian. “When future historians look back to identify the moment at which the United States began to lose its position of world leadership, they will point—rightly—to the Bush presidency. Thanks to his policies, it is now easy to see America losing out to its competitors in any number of areas: China is rapidly becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the next century, India the high tech and services leader, and Europe the region with the best quality of life.
If 6 and 7 are deleted here is the link to Bush-historians have declared him the worst president ever.
What crises?
Let’s see: Interest rates near historic lows. Good. Inflation? A little high, but products readily available (not to be confused w/ J Carter’s presidency when life was truly miserable on all facets). The stores are full of more foodstuffs than EVER before (no thanks to the protectionist demos who want us to starve). Gas? Available on every street corner. Jobs? Papers are full of classifieds.
Attacks on America? None, excepting the terrorists who entered during Clinton’s time in orifice (Monica’s orifice), trained during Clinton’s administration, and flew the airplanes they were trained on during Clinton’s time.
Bush has protected America well. Not to be confused w/ Janet Reno who wants to defend Al Qaeda, but slaughtered dozens of little children at Waco.
Hmmmm. Where exactly did things go wrong w/ Red China? Did GWB sign the MFN pact for Red China? No. No. Hmmmm. Who was that? Which President? Oh, that’s right. It was BJ Clinton who sent the jobs to China. Truly a communist.
Should anybody be worried about a NYT poll? Not real Americans. And, male Americans like GWB just fine. Women have a problem w/ him. But then, if a president isn’t sexually assaulting them, they feel ignored.
Okay let’s un-suspend the alternate universe that #9 is in and look at genuine facts.
1) Largest federal deficit in history
2) Largest trade deficit in history
3) We’re in a recession – period – that’s not a crisis?
4) For the first time since the Great Depression home equity is outpaced by debt
5) Real earning power has dropped 17% during the Bush regime
6) Gas prices highest in history *Thanks Dickless Cheney and your secret energy council
7) Cost of living increase outpaces wage increases
8) America has been attacked, by a Bush family friend – on Bush’s watch – and he STILL can’t catch the guy responsible
9) All economic trends as bad as they are don’t even include the cost of the Iraq war – if you factor that in – things are twice as bad
10) Real estate value has dropped 20% nationwide
11) More homes in foreclosure than at any time since the Great Depression
12) Consumer spending down
13) Job growth under Bush isn’t even enough to keep up with population growth
14) Bush is the first President to have more job LOSSES than gains during his administration than Hoover
15) Americans have less money in savings than at any time since the Great Depression
These are simple facts you can’t controvert. Now you can do what most republicans do – stick your head in the sand and try to ignore them – but come Nov – we’ll be reminding you and everyone else of the truth and there’s not one fucking thing you can do about it.
Alternate universe? Son, yer points are talking points for the commie-demo party.
1) Not as a percentage of GDP.
2) Who gave MFN to China again? I don’t buy Chinese.
3) No recession. Must have 2 successive quarters of negative GDP. Wishing and hoping don’t make it so. Also, the G.D. libs (like yerself) are bound and determined to talk America down. Thereby helping to cause one. That’s un-Patriotic (what else can America expect from a lib?).
4) If folks wouldn’t spend money they don’t have this wouldn’t happen. It’s called “greed”, a liberal trait.
5) “Real” earning power? WTF? By whose calc? Avg earnings are up. And SOA articles like HDTV, etc, are coming down.
6) Gas prices are high because of competition. And because “dickless” libs won’t allow drilling or refining. There’s BILLIONS of barrels still in the ground. In America! The stuff doesn’t magically appear. It’s damned hard work. I’d explain “work”, but explaining “work” to a lib is pointless.
7) Again, it’s called competition. The answer lies in budgetting as much as anything. Don’t rent porn-vids when you need food.
8) That’s a lie.
9) Still better than Jimmy Carter’s “best” economy. And, approaching the best this country ever saw (thank you, Ronald Reagan).
10) Odd. My home value has doubled during GWB’s terms. You should move out of that hellhole crackhouse.
11) Again, personal irresponsibility is the #1 cause. Budget. Don’t overspend.
12) A choice. See #3. You libs will talk us into a recession just to try to hurt GWB. Too bad, numbnuts, he’s not running again.
13) Actually, when adjusted seasonally, it’s not too bad. Gotta kick the illegals out. There’d be 30 million jobs available tomorrow!
14) Again, not true. What are you citing, Daily Kos???
15) Golly, my savings has gone up, as has my 401(k). You need to quit spending all yer money on porn, comic books and drugs.
Actually, McCain is looking gooooood. Better all the time. Thanks to all the infighting between the racial separatist B. Hussein Obama and the constantly-lying cuckholded wife of BJ.
cmiklich -They don’t call you fuckers wingnuts for nothing. I know you are just trolling (or perhaps you really are stupid) but I have a little time.
The Feds just had to prop up a Wall street investment bank to prevent a financial catastrophe. The Bush administration is so worried about a collapse of the economy that next month virtually every taxpayer in the country will get a “stimulus” check to hopefully kick start the economy. The congress is trying to figure out a way to prevent millions of home foreclosures. The Bushies are borrowing billions from China and other countries every week just to operate the government while our military is eviscerated in the two wars they are losing at a cost of trillions to be paid over decades.
Doonesbury expressed the Republican approach to running an economy in a strip today that you may be able to understand.
This country is in decline.
From #6: “It would be difficult to identify a President who, facing major international and domestic crises, has failed in both as clearly as President Bush,” concluded one respondent (historian). “His domestic policies,” another noted, “have had the cumulative effect of shoring up a semi-permanent aristocracy of capital that dwarfs the aristocracy of land against which the founding fathers rebelled; of encouraging a mindless retreat from science and rationalism; and of crippling the nation’s economic base.”
Here is the democrat party’s plan for America:
It works everywhere it’s tried…
14 Very witty! But a witty link does not win a debate. And the debate here is whether the country is better under Bush. And obviously in every way it is not.
The Democrats suck horribly. But so what? Bush is still the worst fucking president in the history of this country
His former fan and war supporter Andrew (the cocksucker) Sullivan was on TV today saying that Rumsfeld and Yoo and a few others better not leave the country because they’ll be arrested for war crimes. He was referring to the Yoo Torture memo released last wee..
Hey, check my math here. If there are a million Iraqi widows, aren’t there then a million dead Iraqi men? un/story/0,21985,23494836-5012 750,00.html
when adjusted seasonally, it’s not too bad
Way to throw in a cliche you don’t understand to wish away a phenomenon you can’t explain.
It’s easy for us all to recall, and is is even easier to show with a graph (link: that job performance was much, much, much better when the Democrats were in charge.
Simply, the period of job growth under Bush has been slower growth than the Clinton-era growth period. And on top of that, the Clinton years were years of basically uninterrupted job growth, whereas the Bush administration has seen two separate employment downturns.
Oh, and why does everyone ignore/forget about the anthrax terror attacks? Another perp-at-large Bush has failed to capture.