“The assassination of the Speaker of the House sets the members of the Camel Club in a race to prevent a silent yet bloody coup in Washington” – provided by the publisher
This is the bestest resolution of this issue. Yeah- swear on ole Thom.J’s Koran. Cool. Many people have carried various books as they swear to uphold the office they were elected to, the separation of Church and State guarantees anything can be carried as a souvenior while signing.
I stood in the rotunda of the Library of Congress this past spring. It is a sacred and holy place. It is ours.
To be there is an awe inspiring experience. Try it sometime.
Dave Gibneyspews:
Such a bogus controversy. In the unlikely event I am elected to Congress, I’ll swear on “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” or maybe “Stranger in a Strange Land” or perhaps “Riverworld” :)
Dave @3,
I’d swear on Das Kapital or The Evolution of the Species, just to piss off the righties.
Again the republicans goofed making an issue of this . We are not allowed to promote a state religion . Its what has made us this great of a nation , of course our greatness is always what has pissed of the lefties .
Again the republicans goofed making an issue of this . We are not allowed to promote a state religion . Its what has made us this great of a nation , of course our greatness is always what has pissed of the lefties .
5 & 6 Do you REALLY want to know what pisses us off about you warmongering, torturing, lying, stealing, troop-hating, worker-exploiting, animal-fucking, unpatriotic, anti-American, Constitution-shredding, Bible-thumping, fascist Republicans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Eat shit, rightys! This is the first day of the rest of your useless, miserable, failed lives.
I dont care if he swears on a playboy magazine, as long as he honors his oath and serves with integrity and honesty.
This was the most embarrassing idiootic and stupid thing I have seen conservatives get upset about in a very long time. Talk about abandoning the principles of freedom of religion.
People need to get the hell over it.
My Left Footspews:
I will swear on a stack of Bob Woodward books, with State of Denial on the top.
My Left Footspews:
You know, it doesn’t really matter what you swear on if you are a liar in the first place. Bush swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States. On a Bible. How is that working out?
Not so good.
My Left Footspews:
Anybody know where Jonathan Gardener is? I don’t want him having me arrested and hung for calling our miserable, lying, cheating president a lying, cheating president.
Is there no end to the depths of republican depravity and corruption? These motherfuckers are just pure evil. PURE EVIL. No wonder they and their progeny are doomed to inbreeding, cowardly intent and pure lies.
Libs; some variant of the old adage about capitalists…you’d sell the rope used to hang you..
in this case…
You hate bush so bad, you bend over backwards to embrace the Muslims; wtf? this guy might be ok, and formerly it was largely benign in teh West. But its radicalized now, what w/ rich disaffected Saudis plus the political angle its taken on
I really don’t get why you all embrace these guys so much. They hate everything libs stand for (freedom, lax morality, gay rights, female voting/power, etc).
As an R I was happy to see it happen. I would be far more concerned if my righty wingnuts freak out if somebody chooses not to swear on some holy book and just makes a secular affirmation to do the job.
….or do it over a bowl of Pasta and swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
My Left Foot says:
I will swear on a stack of Bob Woodward books, with State of Denial on the top.
01/05/2007 at 1:51 am
The real question or whether you would take the oath of office in “Hawaii” or not.
What’s so great about swearing on any “religious” book? “What the Bleep Do We Know?”
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
RightWingFucktard@15 You bet I hate Bush. He swore to uphold the Constitution and destroys its provisions at every turn.
That you are not upset by this reveals the depth of your depravity!.
I really don’t get why you all embrace these guys so much. They hate everything libs stand for (freedom, lax morality, gay rights, female voting/power, etc).
Really, do you think Rep. Ellison hates those things? Do you have any actual evidence that he’s against gay rights or female voting? Or are you just going to wander, sobbing, into the cognitive dissonance chamber and pee your pants again like you’ve been doing in these comment threads for the past two years?
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats:
WASHINGTON – Newly minted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged Friday that voters would see big results from the Democratic majority in Congress. “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
“It’s such an exciting thing — we’ve come a long way,” an elated Pelosi said at an open house breakfast on Capitol Hill where hundreds of supporters cheered her election as the first woman ever to serve as House speaker, two steps from the presidency. Pelosi, sworn-in on Thursday, presides over the first Democratic majority since 1994.
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats: “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
So where’s Congressman Goode (R-Dumbfuck) on the new UN Ambassador.
Also a Muslim.
So does the “Chimpinator” affectionately call Kalilzad “Raghead” (that Bushie is SUCH a crackup!!!)?
You trollfucks HATE the UN anyway so a Muslim representing the world’s foremost Christian SuperDuperPower in no big deal.
They lost their chance when they wouldn’t let Bolton “staighten ’em out”, didn’t they.
Poor Johnny Moustache.
Reduced to fleecing you asswipes out of $10-20k per speaking engagement.
Darn the luck.
wow, such an angry ‘winner’!
It’s funny, the republican turds had the government in their hands for six years and got NOTHING done other than managing to have the whole world mad at us while wasting BILLIONS in tax dollars. Now the inbred cowards expect us Dems to fix the mess we were left on day one. Fuck you cunts. We’ll fix it when we fucking feel like it.
Get used to waiting for us to TELL you HOW IT’S GONNA BE.
Of course some of the ‘winners’ are angry. Just for starters, when’s the last time some smug, self-possessed idiot questioned your patriotism? But that’s beside the point.
It’s the excessive indulgence in this, by most of us, that’s really more disturbing, isn’t it?
an injury or annoyance inflicted, involving disgrace to the sufferer; for no benefit that is expected to accrue to the aggressor except the mere fact of its having been done, in other words the pleasure of doing it: for retaliation is not wanton outrage but vengeance or punishment
OK, liberals all hate George W. Bush, but the primary reason they hate Bush is that he got elected in 2000 over Al Gore and then again in 2004. Those elections didn’t go the way the liberals wanted, so they hate GW. The rest of the reasons for them to hate GW are just icing on the cake.
A bit reductive, don’t you think?
Eo ipso so-called conservatives all hate William J. Clinton, but the primary reason they hate Clinton is that he got elected in 1992 over George H.W. Bush and then again in 1996. Those elections didn’t go the way the conservatives wanted,so they hate Bill. The rest of the reasons for them to hate Bill are just icing on the cake?
Nope. Conservatives hate ROSS PEROT (NOT Bill Clinton) for the 1992 election. Perot was the spoiler for the Republicans. He caused George the First to lose the 10992 election.
Hating Bill CLinton for other reasons was just a side bet.
Hey DUMBFUCK @ 31-
There’s PLENTY of evidence that the 2000 elction was stolen and the 2004 election was jimmied.
That’s NOT the reason so many people actually hate GWB…and/or think he’s a crappy President (70% per todays CBSNews poll).
GWB is a serial LIAR. A sociopathic, delusional megalomaniac. He and his Neo-Clown buddies have set the fucking WORLD on fire and just keep pouring gasoline on it.
If they can’t sell it, blow it up, exploit it, or kill it…whatever IT is is of no further use to them.
Fuck you, Yosarrian. I’ve been reading your tripe for months and you’re ignorant, stoopid, and (happily) no longer relevant as a political majority.
See #29.
And (although I KNOW you won’t)…
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant asshole. I’m correct about the 2000 and 2004 elections, and I’m correct about the 1992 election: Perot was the spoiler.
Now, kindly shut the fuck up.
Hmmm. And I thought I voted for Perot as an R because both the D’s and R’s were overrun by their respective moonbats and wingnuts. I thought it was to send a message that moderates from both parties need to put their whack jobs on the bench and be Americans first and foremost. I had not clue I voted that way because Yossarian said it was a completely different reason. What was I thinking? So much for personal choice.
Richard Popespews:
“The Qur’an has been translated into many languages, including English. These translations are considered to be glosses for personal use only, and have no weight in serious religious discussion. Translation is an extremely difficult endeavor, because each translator must consult his or her own opinions and aesthetic sense in trying to replicate shades of meaning in another language; this inevitably changes the original text. Thus a translation is often referred to as an “interpretation,” and is not considered a real Qur’an.”
So the ceremonial re-enactment of the swearing in was done on an English translation of the Koran? Only the original swearing-in (in the House chamber with no books, holy or otherwise) was legally valid. So we have a political sideshow — a legally invalid re-enactment done on a religiously invalid translation of the Koran!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “anti-liberal says: wow, such an angry ‘winner’! 01/05/2007 at 9:43 am”
You ain’t seen nothing yet! We haven’t even started to get even with you warmongering, torturing, murdering, lying, stealing, unpatriotic America-hating fascist fucks. Brace yourself for payback.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Yossarian says: OK, liberals all hate George W. Bush …”
You completely misapprehend the situation. We hate ALL of you warmongering, torturing, murdering, lying, stealing, unpatriotic America-hating fascist fucks; and justice will be meted out individually. Brace yourself.
#37. Swearing with your hand on anything isn’t legally required. It’s the oath itself that’s required…and if the oath includes an allusion to a supreme being it’s probably the person’s choice whether to repeat or affirm that.
Roger Rabbit Said
Do you REALLY want to know what pisses us off about you warmongering, torturing, lying, stealing, troop-hating, worker-exploiting, animal-fucking, unpatriotic, anti-American, Constitution-shredding, Bible-thumping, fascist Republicans?
Thanks Roger , I am honored . My first flame on this blog . Knew to this , so I am not sure if I am suppose to call you a name or just your politics ?
Anyway thank you , I am honored .
How about giving us some predictions what the democrats will do , I get raise the minimum wage deal .. That may help , but from what I understand it hurts many people in then beginning .
Ya think they will defund the war ?
Take away the tax breaks for the rich ,
Keep the tax breaks for the middle class ?
Have a resolution for world peace ?
Give the oil companies the wind fall tax deal ?
Impeach Bush ?
Try to work with him first ?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 This post illustrates the lying part. Why do you assume all of Perot’s voters were Republicans? For the same reason you assumed Iraq had WMDs and was behind 9/11, I guess — you’re too stupid or lazy (or both) to bother with FACTS.
“Some analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. Turnout figures showed that, had Perot not been in the race, a large amount would have abstained from voting.”
“Clinton ‘might well have lost the race had it not been for Ross Perot!’ It’s recited like scripture on kooky-con radio. … Readers, where does spin come from? ‘Clinton won because of Perot’ provides a good case study. Let’s start with some actual data. If Perot hadn’t been in the 92 race, would Bush the elder have beaten Clinton? The exit polling was abundantly clear and … widely reported. On November 8, 1992 — five days after the election — E. J. Dionne penned a first report in the Post. Headline: ‘Perot Seen Not Affecting Vote Outcome:’ ‘Ross Perot’s presence on the 1992 presidential ballot did not change the outcome of the election, according to an analysis of the second choices of Perot supporters. The analysis, based on exit polls conducted by Voter Research & Surveys (VRS) for the major news organizations, indicated that in Perot’s absence, only Ohio would have have shifted from the Clinton column to the Bush column. This would still have left Clinton with a healthy 349-to-189 majority in the electoral college. And even in Ohio, the hypothetical Bush ‘margin’ without Perot … was so small that given the normal margin of error in polls, the state still might have stuck with Clinton …. On November 12, Dionne provided more details about Perot voters: ‘In House races, Perot voters split down the middle: 51 percent said they backed Republicans, 49 percent backed Democrats. In the presidential contest, 38 percent of Perot supporters said they would have supported Clinton if Perot had not been on the ballot and 37 percent said they would have supported Bush. An additional 6 percent of Perot voters said they would have sought another third-party candidate, while 14 percent said they would not have voted if Perot had not run.’ One day after the election, the AP [reported]: ‘Exit polls suggest Ross Perot hurt George Bush and Bill Clinton about equally.’ The data were widely reported … [w]hich brings us to the … question [of] … [w]here does spin come from? In today’s world, spin often comes from kooky-con hacks … invention …. To the extent that we have actual data, there is no indication — none whatever — that Clinton would have lost to Bush if Perot hadn’t been in the race. But so what? Within weeks, kooky-cons began to conjure, and their … stories quickly spread … this episode shows us several things about our modern World of Spin. First, kooky-con fabulists never tire of inventing … stories … which spread quite widely, recited by kooky-cons everywhere. And second: For reasons completely unknown to us, many of our fiery young liberals still aren’t ‘hip’ to this part of our culture … and soon, they’re reciting kooky-con tales themselves.”
I could throw out a lot more sources, but it isn’t necessary. You get the idea: Wingnut claims that Perot put Clinton into the White House are bullshit, just like Mike Webb Suck’s recent post that North Vietnamese General Giap blamed America’s defeat in Vietnam on anti-war protesters is bullshit. How can you tell a wingnut is lying? His lips are moving, or his fingers are typing, that’s how.
Wingnut bullshit all comes from the same place: Professional bullshitters create fiction and feed it into the Republican Noise Machine. Then idiots like Yossarian who listen to Faux and Lush and Sean with closed minds and confuse propaganda with fact regurgitate wingnut lies under the rubric of fact. Fuck you, Yossarian — you’re an idiot and a liar. You’re too stupid to know you’re lying, but that’s no excuse. Willful stupidity is an even worse than willful dishonesty, but you’re guilty of both. So fuck you and fuck your lies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Hey, that’s right — you’re a NEWBIE!!! Since you’re new here, let me acquaint you with the unofficial HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our duty is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, America-hating, lying fascist fucks.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. Neocons are nazis.
Any questions?
Roger Rabbitspews:
40 I usually dispense with the hand part and proceed directly to the swearing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 (continued) “Conservatives hate ROSS PEROT”
Well, duh! Is there anyone conservatives DON’T hate? They hate liberals, Democrats, Muslims, immigrants, racial minorities, other countries, teachers and government employees, academicians and intellectuals, judges, Al Franken, Jesus … did I leave anybody out? Hating is the only thing conservatives are any good at.
Roger Rabbitspews:
47 Oh yeah, I forget to mention, conservatives hate Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, the G.I.s who ratted on the Abu Ghraib torturers, Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, unions and working people, and a lot of other people I need to leave out because I can’t live long enough to type them all — so please don’t feel slighted if I didn’t mention your name.
Roger Rabbitspews:
41 (continued) “Knew to this , so I am not sure if I am suppose to call you a name or just your politics ?”
Name calling is permitted, but is considered too sissy by your wingnut peers, who regularly post recipes for rabbit dishes. Cripes, can’t you even spell “new” correctly? Yeah, you’re a wingnut illiterate, all right.
Watch your blood pressure, Roger. Wouldn’t want you to blow a gasket over this crap!
Roger Rabbitspews:
They’ve also suggested pumping water into my burrow, deporting me to Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary, neutering me, and other grisly methods of trying to neutralize my powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws. None of these schemes have succeeded in preventing me from installing new belly buttons on deserving wingnuts. For pictures of belly button installation procedure, click here:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 I’m perfectly calm, and I’ve had only 2 cups of coffee. You’ve never seen me angry or in caffeine withdrawal. Hope you never do. (But I’m nothing compared to Mrs. Rabbit at the end of the month …)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 So you’re saying something makes it true? See #42. Better yet — next time do some fact-checking or research before mindlessly spewing wingnut static.
Roger Rabbitspews:
erratum @51 “your” not “you’re”
Go fuck yourself, Rog!
Roger Rabbit @ 52 No…it is “you’re” as in “you are”. It’s not “your” as in “your incomplete grasp of contractions and possessives”. ……now hopefully I didn’t make a typo lest i get an @ symbol to my 54.
My Left Footspews:
confirst @ 17:
Dear dickhead,
One last time. I don’t live in Hawaii, I never said I lived in Hawaii. We vacationed there. How is it that you can’t understand that simple fact?
Now, name a place, name a time and we can meet for a beer right there in King County.
What a fucktard!
Matty –
And by the sheer volume of posts, if nothing else, you can see that Roger Rabbit[sic] has appointed himself chief cook and bottle-washer in these parts…
My Left Foot says:
One last time. I don’t live in Hawaii, I never said I lived in Hawaii. We vacationed there. How is it that you can’t understand that simple fact?
01/05/2007 at 2:39 pm
I didn’t say you lived in Hawaii on this thread. But you sure went crazy after I pointed out that when you said you were in Hawaii, that no one had posted on HA (according to site meter) from there.
Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass on the beer. I’m not interested in socializing with people that call me profane names.
Oh Yossarian…you are the sweetest little fuckhead.
Now go run along. I think your mommy’s calling.
No, Rujax! – YO Mommma’s callin’! And she wants it baaaaad!
Really intelligent dialogue today. Yessiree-bob! Rujax and Yossarian are making the regulars sound like scholars.
ConservativeFirst – just another right wing dicksucking coward who’s afraid to come out from behind the keyboard.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Let’s see what the Senate does with all the 100 hr Moonbat! initiatives.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
I wonder what the Senate does with these 100 Hr Initiatives?
RightEqualsStupid says:
ConservativeFirst – just another right wing dicksucking coward who’s afraid to come out from behind the keyboard.
01/05/2007 at 4:52 pm
What’s wrong with fellatio? Do you hate homosexuals?
I’m not quite sure why I’m a coward. Did I miss Left Foot challenging me to a duel for besmirching his honor?
Before you ask, I’ll pass on meeting you for a beer as well. Like I said before I don’t socialize with people who call me profane names.
Roger rabbit quota
15 posts out of 62 posts = nearly 1/4 of all posts
1/4 of the daily posts (based on the site meter) means that the keyboard happy State pension retired wabbit has probably provided around 465 of the 1,862 posts on this website.
Leaving a whopping 1396 web accesses for all the rest
Considering that Soundpolitics draws a whopping 4,064 per day, The Wabbit would have to have a hundred state funded Union admins typing 1018 useless comments per day to keep up with Soundpolitics!
In between breaks that is!
The complaints about the use of a book to swear an oath by some people are simply a projection of of their own self doubts about the strength of American ideals and American notions of freedom.
The Collectors, David Baldacci
“The assassination of the Speaker of the House sets the members of the Camel Club in a race to prevent a silent yet bloody coup in Washington” – provided by the publisher
This is the bestest resolution of this issue. Yeah- swear on ole Thom.J’s Koran. Cool. Many people have carried various books as they swear to uphold the office they were elected to, the separation of Church and State guarantees anything can be carried as a souvenior while signing.
I stood in the rotunda of the Library of Congress this past spring. It is a sacred and holy place. It is ours.
To be there is an awe inspiring experience. Try it sometime.
Such a bogus controversy. In the unlikely event I am elected to Congress, I’ll swear on “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” or maybe “Stranger in a Strange Land” or perhaps “Riverworld” :)
Dave @3,
I’d swear on Das Kapital or The Evolution of the Species, just to piss off the righties.
Again the republicans goofed making an issue of this . We are not allowed to promote a state religion . Its what has made us this great of a nation , of course our greatness is always what has pissed of the lefties .
Again the republicans goofed making an issue of this . We are not allowed to promote a state religion . Its what has made us this great of a nation , of course our greatness is always what has pissed of the lefties .
@4 I’ll swear on The Good, The Bad, and The Bunny!
5 & 6 Do you REALLY want to know what pisses us off about you warmongering, torturing, lying, stealing, troop-hating, worker-exploiting, animal-fucking, unpatriotic, anti-American, Constitution-shredding, Bible-thumping, fascist Republicans?
Eat shit, rightys! This is the first day of the rest of your useless, miserable, failed lives.
I dont care if he swears on a playboy magazine, as long as he honors his oath and serves with integrity and honesty.
This was the most embarrassing idiootic and stupid thing I have seen conservatives get upset about in a very long time. Talk about abandoning the principles of freedom of religion.
People need to get the hell over it.
I will swear on a stack of Bob Woodward books, with State of Denial on the top.
You know, it doesn’t really matter what you swear on if you are a liar in the first place. Bush swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States. On a Bible. How is that working out?
Not so good.
Anybody know where Jonathan Gardener is? I don’t want him having me arrested and hung for calling our miserable, lying, cheating president a lying, cheating president.
Is there no end to the depths of republican depravity and corruption? These motherfuckers are just pure evil. PURE EVIL. No wonder they and their progeny are doomed to inbreeding, cowardly intent and pure lies.
Libs; some variant of the old adage about capitalists…you’d sell the rope used to hang you..
in this case…
You hate bush so bad, you bend over backwards to embrace the Muslims; wtf? this guy might be ok, and formerly it was largely benign in teh West. But its radicalized now, what w/ rich disaffected Saudis plus the political angle its taken on
I really don’t get why you all embrace these guys so much. They hate everything libs stand for (freedom, lax morality, gay rights, female voting/power, etc).
As an R I was happy to see it happen. I would be far more concerned if my righty wingnuts freak out if somebody chooses not to swear on some holy book and just makes a secular affirmation to do the job.
….or do it over a bowl of Pasta and swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The real question or whether you would take the oath of office in “Hawaii” or not.
What’s so great about swearing on any “religious” book? “What the Bleep Do We Know?”
RightWingFucktard@15 You bet I hate Bush. He swore to uphold the Constitution and destroys its provisions at every turn.
That you are not upset by this reveals the depth of your depravity!.
I really don’t get why you all embrace these guys so much. They hate everything libs stand for (freedom, lax morality, gay rights, female voting/power, etc).
Really, do you think Rep. Ellison hates those things? Do you have any actual evidence that he’s against gay rights or female voting? Or are you just going to wander, sobbing, into the cognitive dissonance chamber and pee your pants again like you’ve been doing in these comment threads for the past two years?
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats:
WASHINGTON – Newly minted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged Friday that voters would see big results from the Democratic majority in Congress. “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
“It’s such an exciting thing — we’ve come a long way,” an elated Pelosi said at an open house breakfast on Capitol Hill where hundreds of supporters cheered her election as the first woman ever to serve as House speaker, two steps from the presidency. Pelosi, sworn-in on Thursday, presides over the first Democratic majority since 1994.
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats: “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
Dow 12,390.24 -90.45 (0.72%)
Nasdaq 2,424.33 -29.34 (1.20%)
S&P 500 1,407.88 -10.52 (0.74%)
So where’s Congressman Goode (R-Dumbfuck) on the new UN Ambassador.
Also a Muslim.
So does the “Chimpinator” affectionately call Kalilzad “Raghead” (that Bushie is SUCH a crackup!!!)?
You trollfucks HATE the UN anyway so a Muslim representing the world’s foremost Christian SuperDuperPower in no big deal.
They lost their chance when they wouldn’t let Bolton “staighten ’em out”, didn’t they.
Poor Johnny Moustache.
Reduced to fleecing you asswipes out of $10-20k per speaking engagement.
Darn the luck.
wow, such an angry ‘winner’!
It’s funny, the republican turds had the government in their hands for six years and got NOTHING done other than managing to have the whole world mad at us while wasting BILLIONS in tax dollars. Now the inbred cowards expect us Dems to fix the mess we were left on day one. Fuck you cunts. We’ll fix it when we fucking feel like it.
Get used to waiting for us to TELL you HOW IT’S GONNA BE.
Of course some of the ‘winners’ are angry. Just for starters, when’s the last time some smug, self-possessed idiot questioned your patriotism? But that’s beside the point.
It’s the excessive indulgence in this, by most of us, that’s really more disturbing, isn’t it?
Often paired with nemesis, ‘natch.
OK, liberals all hate George W. Bush, but the primary reason they hate Bush is that he got elected in 2000 over Al Gore and then again in 2004. Those elections didn’t go the way the liberals wanted, so they hate GW. The rest of the reasons for them to hate GW are just icing on the cake.
A bit reductive, don’t you think?
Eo ipso so-called conservatives all hate William J. Clinton, but the primary reason they hate Clinton is that he got elected in 1992 over George H.W. Bush and then again in 1996. Those elections didn’t go the way the conservatives wanted,so they hate Bill. The rest of the reasons for them to hate Bill are just icing on the cake?
Nope. Conservatives hate ROSS PEROT (NOT Bill Clinton) for the 1992 election. Perot was the spoiler for the Republicans. He caused George the First to lose the 10992 election.
Hating Bill CLinton for other reasons was just a side bet.
Hey DUMBFUCK @ 31-
There’s PLENTY of evidence that the 2000 elction was stolen and the 2004 election was jimmied.
That’s NOT the reason so many people actually hate GWB…and/or think he’s a crappy President (70% per todays CBSNews poll).
GWB is a serial LIAR. A sociopathic, delusional megalomaniac. He and his Neo-Clown buddies have set the fucking WORLD on fire and just keep pouring gasoline on it.
If they can’t sell it, blow it up, exploit it, or kill it…whatever IT is is of no further use to them.
Fuck you, Yosarrian. I’ve been reading your tripe for months and you’re ignorant, stoopid, and (happily) no longer relevant as a political majority.
See #29.
And (although I KNOW you won’t)…
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant asshole. I’m correct about the 2000 and 2004 elections, and I’m correct about the 1992 election: Perot was the spoiler.
Now, kindly shut the fuck up.
Hmmm. And I thought I voted for Perot as an R because both the D’s and R’s were overrun by their respective moonbats and wingnuts. I thought it was to send a message that moderates from both parties need to put their whack jobs on the bench and be Americans first and foremost. I had not clue I voted that way because Yossarian said it was a completely different reason. What was I thinking? So much for personal choice.
“The Qur’an has been translated into many languages, including English. These translations are considered to be glosses for personal use only, and have no weight in serious religious discussion. Translation is an extremely difficult endeavor, because each translator must consult his or her own opinions and aesthetic sense in trying to replicate shades of meaning in another language; this inevitably changes the original text. Thus a translation is often referred to as an “interpretation,” and is not considered a real Qur’an.”
So the ceremonial re-enactment of the swearing in was done on an English translation of the Koran? Only the original swearing-in (in the House chamber with no books, holy or otherwise) was legally valid. So we have a political sideshow — a legally invalid re-enactment done on a religiously invalid translation of the Koran!
@28 “anti-liberal says: wow, such an angry ‘winner’! 01/05/2007 at 9:43 am”
You ain’t seen nothing yet! We haven’t even started to get even with you warmongering, torturing, murdering, lying, stealing, unpatriotic America-hating fascist fucks. Brace yourself for payback.
@31 “Yossarian says: OK, liberals all hate George W. Bush …”
You completely misapprehend the situation. We hate ALL of you warmongering, torturing, murdering, lying, stealing, unpatriotic America-hating fascist fucks; and justice will be meted out individually. Brace yourself.
#37. Swearing with your hand on anything isn’t legally required. It’s the oath itself that’s required…and if the oath includes an allusion to a supreme being it’s probably the person’s choice whether to repeat or affirm that.
Roger Rabbit Said
Do you REALLY want to know what pisses us off about you warmongering, torturing, lying, stealing, troop-hating, worker-exploiting, animal-fucking, unpatriotic, anti-American, Constitution-shredding, Bible-thumping, fascist Republicans?
Thanks Roger , I am honored . My first flame on this blog . Knew to this , so I am not sure if I am suppose to call you a name or just your politics ?
Anyway thank you , I am honored .
How about giving us some predictions what the democrats will do , I get raise the minimum wage deal .. That may help , but from what I understand it hurts many people in then beginning .
Ya think they will defund the war ?
Take away the tax breaks for the rich ,
Keep the tax breaks for the middle class ?
Have a resolution for world peace ?
Give the oil companies the wind fall tax deal ?
Impeach Bush ?
Try to work with him first ?
@33 This post illustrates the lying part. Why do you assume all of Perot’s voters were Republicans? For the same reason you assumed Iraq had WMDs and was behind 9/11, I guess — you’re too stupid or lazy (or both) to bother with FACTS.
“Some analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush and allowing Clinton to win many states with less than a majority of votes. Turnout figures showed that, had Perot not been in the race, a large amount would have abstained from voting.”
“Clinton ‘might well have lost the race had it not been for Ross Perot!’ It’s recited like scripture on kooky-con radio. … Readers, where does spin come from? ‘Clinton won because of Perot’ provides a good case study. Let’s start with some actual data. If Perot hadn’t been in the 92 race, would Bush the elder have beaten Clinton? The exit polling was abundantly clear and … widely reported. On November 8, 1992 — five days after the election — E. J. Dionne penned a first report in the Post. Headline: ‘Perot Seen Not Affecting Vote Outcome:’ ‘Ross Perot’s presence on the 1992 presidential ballot did not change the outcome of the election, according to an analysis of the second choices of Perot supporters. The analysis, based on exit polls conducted by Voter Research & Surveys (VRS) for the major news organizations, indicated that in Perot’s absence, only Ohio would have have shifted from the Clinton column to the Bush column. This would still have left Clinton with a healthy 349-to-189 majority in the electoral college. And even in Ohio, the hypothetical Bush ‘margin’ without Perot … was so small that given the normal margin of error in polls, the state still might have stuck with Clinton …. On November 12, Dionne provided more details about Perot voters: ‘In House races, Perot voters split down the middle: 51 percent said they backed Republicans, 49 percent backed Democrats. In the presidential contest, 38 percent of Perot supporters said they would have supported Clinton if Perot had not been on the ballot and 37 percent said they would have supported Bush. An additional 6 percent of Perot voters said they would have sought another third-party candidate, while 14 percent said they would not have voted if Perot had not run.’ One day after the election, the AP [reported]: ‘Exit polls suggest Ross Perot hurt George Bush and Bill Clinton about equally.’ The data were widely reported … [w]hich brings us to the … question [of] … [w]here does spin come from? In today’s world, spin often comes from kooky-con hacks … invention …. To the extent that we have actual data, there is no indication — none whatever — that Clinton would have lost to Bush if Perot hadn’t been in the race. But so what? Within weeks, kooky-cons began to conjure, and their … stories quickly spread … this episode shows us several things about our modern World of Spin. First, kooky-con fabulists never tire of inventing … stories … which spread quite widely, recited by kooky-cons everywhere. And second: For reasons completely unknown to us, many of our fiery young liberals still aren’t ‘hip’ to this part of our culture … and soon, they’re reciting kooky-con tales themselves.”
I could throw out a lot more sources, but it isn’t necessary. You get the idea: Wingnut claims that Perot put Clinton into the White House are bullshit, just like Mike Webb Suck’s recent post that North Vietnamese General Giap blamed America’s defeat in Vietnam on anti-war protesters is bullshit. How can you tell a wingnut is lying? His lips are moving, or his fingers are typing, that’s how.
Wingnut bullshit all comes from the same place: Professional bullshitters create fiction and feed it into the Republican Noise Machine. Then idiots like Yossarian who listen to Faux and Lush and Sean with closed minds and confuse propaganda with fact regurgitate wingnut lies under the rubric of fact. Fuck you, Yossarian — you’re an idiot and a liar. You’re too stupid to know you’re lying, but that’s no excuse. Willful stupidity is an even worse than willful dishonesty, but you’re guilty of both. So fuck you and fuck your lies.
@41 Hey, that’s right — you’re a NEWBIE!!! Since you’re new here, let me acquaint you with the unofficial HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our duty is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, America-hating, lying fascist fucks.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. Neocons are nazis.
Any questions?
40 I usually dispense with the hand part and proceed directly to the swearing.
@33 (continued) “Conservatives hate ROSS PEROT”
Well, duh! Is there anyone conservatives DON’T hate? They hate liberals, Democrats, Muslims, immigrants, racial minorities, other countries, teachers and government employees, academicians and intellectuals, judges, Al Franken, Jesus … did I leave anybody out? Hating is the only thing conservatives are any good at.
47 Oh yeah, I forget to mention, conservatives hate Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame, the G.I.s who ratted on the Abu Ghraib torturers, Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, unions and working people, and a lot of other people I need to leave out because I can’t live long enough to type them all — so please don’t feel slighted if I didn’t mention your name.
41 (continued) “Knew to this , so I am not sure if I am suppose to call you a name or just your politics ?”
Name calling is permitted, but is considered too sissy by your wingnut peers, who regularly post recipes for rabbit dishes. Cripes, can’t you even spell “new” correctly? Yeah, you’re a wingnut illiterate, all right.
Watch your blood pressure, Roger. Wouldn’t want you to blow a gasket over this crap!
They’ve also suggested pumping water into my burrow, deporting me to Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary, neutering me, and other grisly methods of trying to neutralize my powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws. None of these schemes have succeeded in preventing me from installing new belly buttons on deserving wingnuts. For pictures of belly button installation procedure, click here:
@48 I’m perfectly calm, and I’ve had only 2 cups of coffee. You’ve never seen me angry or in caffeine withdrawal. Hope you never do. (But I’m nothing compared to Mrs. Rabbit at the end of the month …)
@35 So you’re saying something makes it true? See #42. Better yet — next time do some fact-checking or research before mindlessly spewing wingnut static.
erratum @51 “your” not “you’re”
Go fuck yourself, Rog!
Roger Rabbit @ 52 No…it is “you’re” as in “you are”. It’s not “your” as in “your incomplete grasp of contractions and possessives”. ……now hopefully I didn’t make a typo lest i get an @ symbol to my 54.
confirst @ 17:
Dear dickhead,
One last time. I don’t live in Hawaii, I never said I lived in Hawaii. We vacationed there. How is it that you can’t understand that simple fact?
Now, name a place, name a time and we can meet for a beer right there in King County.
What a fucktard!
Matty –
And by the sheer volume of posts, if nothing else, you can see that Roger Rabbit[sic] has appointed himself chief cook and bottle-washer in these parts…
I didn’t say you lived in Hawaii on this thread. But you sure went crazy after I pointed out that when you said you were in Hawaii, that no one had posted on HA (according to site meter) from there.
Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass on the beer. I’m not interested in socializing with people that call me profane names.
Oh Yossarian…you are the sweetest little fuckhead.
Now go run along. I think your mommy’s calling.
No, Rujax! – YO Mommma’s callin’! And she wants it baaaaad!
Really intelligent dialogue today. Yessiree-bob! Rujax and Yossarian are making the regulars sound like scholars.
ConservativeFirst – just another right wing dicksucking coward who’s afraid to come out from behind the keyboard.
Let’s see what the Senate does with all the 100 hr Moonbat! initiatives.
I wonder what the Senate does with these 100 Hr Initiatives?
What’s wrong with fellatio? Do you hate homosexuals?
I’m not quite sure why I’m a coward. Did I miss Left Foot challenging me to a duel for besmirching his honor?
Before you ask, I’ll pass on meeting you for a beer as well. Like I said before I don’t socialize with people who call me profane names.
Roger rabbit quota
15 posts out of 62 posts = nearly 1/4 of all posts
1/4 of the daily posts (based on the site meter) means that the keyboard happy State pension retired wabbit has probably provided around 465 of the 1,862 posts on this website.
Leaving a whopping 1396 web accesses for all the rest
Considering that Soundpolitics draws a whopping 4,064 per day, The Wabbit would have to have a hundred state funded Union admins typing 1018 useless comments per day to keep up with Soundpolitics!
In between breaks that is!
The complaints about the use of a book to swear an oath by some people are simply a projection of of their own self doubts about the strength of American ideals and American notions of freedom.
W swore on the Bible to protect the Constitution.
create your own punchline.