So this is the idiot that the GOP thinks should be the leader of the free world? Give me a fucking break. When will these right wing assholes ever learn? We can’t have every damn moron on the planet who’s willing to sign the GOP dogma pledge running around the world fucking things up.
And this fool is going to run on his vast foreign policy experience? Come on clowns – you’re making this too damn easy!
BBG: Throw off the shackles. Return to your original self – Left Turd/RightEqualsStupid. Come on man, let it flow.
I don’t know if he’s a pathological liar or just “forgetful,” but he’s not fit to be president either way.
I think it’s kind of telling the shortest threads on this blog are the Darcy Moonbat! love fests.
Don Joespews:
@ 4
Yes. It tells us that you wingnut trolls have run out of meaningful ways to bash Burner’s candidacy.
@5: Delusions still dancing in that head
Anyone here know Puddy’s real identity?
The Puddybitch has a terrible time staying on topic.
Focus, man…FOCUS!
Now that we have five years in Iraq – it might be a good time to recount these oldies but goodies from the Bush regime…
“Mission Accomplished”
“We’ll be greeted as liberators.”
“We know where the WMD’s are.”
And oh yes – every right wing piece of chickenshit chickenhawk who posts to this board goes another year claiming they support the war in Iraq from the comfort of their local trailer park in Port Orchard.
Another TJspews:
Yes, people know; they just don’t care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “The Puddybitch has a terrible time staying on topic.”
I knew people at work like that. Turned out they were secretly downloading pornography.
Senator Clinton is releasing some records sought out by the right wing fools today. Still waiting on that older than dirt fuck McCain to release his records.
Amusing article in the P.I. today:
“Lawmaker lashes out at own, calls for new Senate GOP leader”
Of course, who could this be, but that great source of continuing entertainment, Pam Roach! From the article (italicized):
“Our leadership is a disaster. We offer no plan for regaining the majority, we have no money to support viable candidates and now we attack our own,” Roach wrote.
Roach said the issue came to a head two weeks ago when Senate Minority Leader Mike Hewitt, R-Walla Walla, was disrespectful to her in a meeting.
“He’s just out of control,” Roach said in an interview Tuesday.
“Mike Hewitt has failed the Republicans on all fronts.”
But the GOP leadership in the state Senate didn’t roll over in the face of her diatribe:
“Hewitt was unavailable for comment Tuesday, but GOP leadership said in a joint statement that Roach had been disciplined for an undisclosed personnel matter and she was lashing out at the party.
“Sen. Roach has distorted events that happened off campus to distract attention from internal personnel issues for which she was disciplined,” the statement said. “The matter has to do with Sen. Roach’s official actions, not any off campus comments or observations she has about the caucus. … We are disappointed that Sen. Roach has decided to make a private personnel matter public.”
Well, it doesn’t surprise me if Pam Roach, who once went into a tizzy on the Senate floor demanding to know who had moved the flowers off her desk, would react with anger at some perceived “rudeness” on the part of the minority leader. Heck, she probably thinks anything other than a fawning genuflection in her direction, ending in a kissing of her toes, would be “rude”. But I do think it’s interesting that (a) her party called her on the carpet about some undisclosed “personnel” matter, (b) and the GOP leadership is so thoroughly sick of her that they will throw the dirt right back at her in public, rather than try to just dismiss it and hope it quickly dissapears from the public eye.
Another headline in today’s P.I.:
DOT de-icer ‘burning’ trees along passes
A chemical used to melt ice on Washington roads is damaging tens of thousands of trees along the state’s mountain passes.
The de-icer, calcium chloride, is a form of salt that temporarily damages some trees but doesn’t kill any, according to the state Department of Transportation. The phenomenon, needle browning, will be more evident in pine and fir through the passes this spring.
It seems that this particular de-icer started to be used about four years ago exclusively in some trouble areas.
About three years ago I noticed that some of the evergreen trees along I-405 between Bellevue and Everett were turning brown, dropping their needles, and giving every appearance of dying. This seemed to be most evident in the median which you can view from the northbound lanes of I-405 – especially one patch, near Kirkland, where virtually all the evergreens seem to be dead or dying. I pointed this out to the DOT at the time, I wondered if some disease or pest was killing the trees. I was assured that this was just the trees entering a dormant period due to the unusually dry weather that summer. But all the trees died, as well as quite a few more.
But this new explanation makes sense – the trees most affected are in areas where de-icer might be applied (long slopes), and where run-off or overspray might impact the trees.
Sure, a few trees along the roadways isn’t going to impact the ecosystem THAT much. But I’ve always enjoyed seeing those lush evergreens along the roadway throughout the state – I would hate to see the problem get larger.
(By the way – when my Dad was in Sweden on business, he told me that each town had a central steam plant which provided steam heat to every house and business in the town. The steam pipes ran under the streets, and kept them warm enough that most of the snow melted form them rather quickly. I keep wondering if some solution like that might work on the passes here?)
More from the Headlines:
McCain errs in saying Iran backs al-Qaida in Iraq
Quote from article, in italics:
McCain, the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting, expressed concern about Iran’s rising sway in the Mideast and said, “Al-Qaida is going back into Iran and is receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran.”
After Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut who was traveling with McCain, stepped forward to whisper in the candidate’s ear, McCain said: “I’m sorry; the Iranians are training the extremists, not al-Qaida. Not al-Qaida. I’m sorry.”
Aside from the fact that they can’t keep their talking-points straight, I’m beginning to wonder – is McCain planning on naming Lieberman as his running mate? Or is the Republican plan to take back the Senate involve getting Lieberman to join the Republican Party?
Yes, per ATJ I live in Mason County.
BBG – AKA RightEqualsStupid AKA Left Turd:
Hey, you jealous I finally figgered you out? Eventually enough postings will allow the fragments to coalesce into a cogent engram of your at rest persona. So how does it feel to be exposed again by Puddy? So you need to ask about me. Can’t you figger me out? And I dind’t use perfesser Darryl or Goldy ratting your alter egos out. I didn’t ask for Goldy to reload old tapes to replay your utterly worthless commentary.
Rujax! It’s an open thread. I realize facts hurt your liberal mind…
Factoids Support My Positionspews:
Stephanie Miller reported yesterday that Senator Obama worked only five hours for slumlord Tony Rezko.
Last week Senator Obama told the Chicago Trib that, contrary to Obama’s earlier low-ball estimates or lies, he got c.$250,000 from slumlord Tony Rezko.
$50,000/hour? That makes Obama at least a seven-diamond whore.
For more spiritual solace from the Religious Left, YouTube “James David Manning” + Harlem.
BBG – Recently you posted Laura Bush killed a guy. Do you remember that? That is one of your signature comments. You always run back to it like a wino to his ripple. Then you lost it last week with another rant.
These are your signature comments.
Bagdad Bushspews:
Puddy if I were you I’d do ANYTHING to deflect and to change the subject since ALL the news on your side is bad.
Anyone else on the board know who this idiot is?
19: Still beats Mike McGavick’s record for part-time “consulting work” for Safeco!
This poll is very contradicting…in one question:
“Do you think the United States does or does not have an obligation to establish a reasonable level of stability and security in Iraq before withdrawing all of its troops?”…answer 65%
But another question:
“When it comes to the war in Iraq, which of the following statements comes closer to your point of view? The most responsible thing we can do is find a way to withdraw most of our troops from Iraq by the beginning of 2009. The most responsible thing we can do is to remain in Iraq until the situation in the country is stable.” answer…52% think we should withdrawn by beginning if 2009
So which is it, get out by 2009 or fulfil an obligation of stability and security?
Badgag Bush: Ummmm what are you bring to the argument today?
Yeah I thought so.
Notice BBG is outed by Puddy and he’s awfully quiet.
Puddy did you manage to get through the sixth grade? What’s with “What are you bring to the argument today?” Is that even English? Are you the best the right has to offer? I certainly hope so.
And I’ve been busy fucking your wife in the ass today Puddy. I can’t post all day like you do – I have your wife to attend to.
Still waiting for you to discuss why your boy – Johnboy McCain is trying to block the release of his medical records and his POW records. What’s he got to hide? Other than the fact he is dying of cancer and that he gave aid and comfort to the North Viet Nam Army?
Hannah: This “And I’ve been busy fucking your wife in the ass” comment is why I knew BBG is the original Left Turn. The poor thing doesn’t understand my wife likes a long man.
Google “LeftTurn”
Google RightEqualStupid
You’ll see some of the best ever 16%er commentary left of headless lucy’s racism… NOT. Butt he tries to be funny.
Yes BBG-LeftTurn-RightEqualStupid I did. But it seems ass-fukin was something we left behind in the 8th grade as we grew up and learned other parts of the woman were great for pleasure.
Too bad the 8th grade is the end of your formal education!
So this is the idiot that the GOP thinks should be the leader of the free world? Give me a fucking break. When will these right wing assholes ever learn? We can’t have every damn moron on the planet who’s willing to sign the GOP dogma pledge running around the world fucking things up.
And this fool is going to run on his vast foreign policy experience? Come on clowns – you’re making this too damn easy!
BBG: Throw off the shackles. Return to your original self – Left Turd/RightEqualsStupid. Come on man, let it flow.
BBG, there’s also this:
I don’t know if he’s a pathological liar or just “forgetful,” but he’s not fit to be president either way.
I think it’s kind of telling the shortest threads on this blog are the Darcy Moonbat! love fests.
@ 4
Yes. It tells us that you wingnut trolls have run out of meaningful ways to bash Burner’s candidacy.
@5: Delusions still dancing in that head
Anyone here know Puddy’s real identity?
The Puddybitch has a terrible time staying on topic.
Focus, man…FOCUS!
Now that we have five years in Iraq – it might be a good time to recount these oldies but goodies from the Bush regime…
“Mission Accomplished”
“We’ll be greeted as liberators.”
“We know where the WMD’s are.”
And oh yes – every right wing piece of chickenshit chickenhawk who posts to this board goes another year claiming they support the war in Iraq from the comfort of their local trailer park in Port Orchard.
Yes, people know; they just don’t care.
@8 “The Puddybitch has a terrible time staying on topic.”
I knew people at work like that. Turned out they were secretly downloading pornography.
Senator Clinton is releasing some records sought out by the right wing fools today. Still waiting on that older than dirt fuck McCain to release his records.
Amusing article in the P.I. today:
“Lawmaker lashes out at own, calls for new Senate GOP leader”
Of course, who could this be, but that great source of continuing entertainment, Pam Roach! From the article (italicized):
“Our leadership is a disaster. We offer no plan for regaining the majority, we have no money to support viable candidates and now we attack our own,” Roach wrote.
Roach said the issue came to a head two weeks ago when Senate Minority Leader Mike Hewitt, R-Walla Walla, was disrespectful to her in a meeting.
“He’s just out of control,” Roach said in an interview Tuesday.
“Mike Hewitt has failed the Republicans on all fronts.”
But the GOP leadership in the state Senate didn’t roll over in the face of her diatribe:
“Hewitt was unavailable for comment Tuesday, but GOP leadership said in a joint statement that Roach had been disciplined for an undisclosed personnel matter and she was lashing out at the party.
“Sen. Roach has distorted events that happened off campus to distract attention from internal personnel issues for which she was disciplined,” the statement said. “The matter has to do with Sen. Roach’s official actions, not any off campus comments or observations she has about the caucus. … We are disappointed that Sen. Roach has decided to make a private personnel matter public.”
Well, it doesn’t surprise me if Pam Roach, who once went into a tizzy on the Senate floor demanding to know who had moved the flowers off her desk, would react with anger at some perceived “rudeness” on the part of the minority leader. Heck, she probably thinks anything other than a fawning genuflection in her direction, ending in a kissing of her toes, would be “rude”. But I do think it’s interesting that (a) her party called her on the carpet about some undisclosed “personnel” matter, (b) and the GOP leadership is so thoroughly sick of her that they will throw the dirt right back at her in public, rather than try to just dismiss it and hope it quickly dissapears from the public eye.
Another headline in today’s P.I.:
DOT de-icer ‘burning’ trees along passes
A chemical used to melt ice on Washington roads is damaging tens of thousands of trees along the state’s mountain passes.
The de-icer, calcium chloride, is a form of salt that temporarily damages some trees but doesn’t kill any, according to the state Department of Transportation. The phenomenon, needle browning, will be more evident in pine and fir through the passes this spring.
It seems that this particular de-icer started to be used about four years ago exclusively in some trouble areas.
About three years ago I noticed that some of the evergreen trees along I-405 between Bellevue and Everett were turning brown, dropping their needles, and giving every appearance of dying. This seemed to be most evident in the median which you can view from the northbound lanes of I-405 – especially one patch, near Kirkland, where virtually all the evergreens seem to be dead or dying. I pointed this out to the DOT at the time, I wondered if some disease or pest was killing the trees. I was assured that this was just the trees entering a dormant period due to the unusually dry weather that summer. But all the trees died, as well as quite a few more.
But this new explanation makes sense – the trees most affected are in areas where de-icer might be applied (long slopes), and where run-off or overspray might impact the trees.
Sure, a few trees along the roadways isn’t going to impact the ecosystem THAT much. But I’ve always enjoyed seeing those lush evergreens along the roadway throughout the state – I would hate to see the problem get larger.
(By the way – when my Dad was in Sweden on business, he told me that each town had a central steam plant which provided steam heat to every house and business in the town. The steam pipes ran under the streets, and kept them warm enough that most of the snow melted form them rather quickly. I keep wondering if some solution like that might work on the passes here?)
More from the Headlines:
McCain errs in saying Iran backs al-Qaida in Iraq
Quote from article, in italics:
McCain, the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting, expressed concern about Iran’s rising sway in the Mideast and said, “Al-Qaida is going back into Iran and is receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran.”
After Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut who was traveling with McCain, stepped forward to whisper in the candidate’s ear, McCain said: “I’m sorry; the Iranians are training the extremists, not al-Qaida. Not al-Qaida. I’m sorry.”
Aside from the fact that they can’t keep their talking-points straight, I’m beginning to wonder – is McCain planning on naming Lieberman as his running mate? Or is the Republican plan to take back the Senate involve getting Lieberman to join the Republican Party?
Yes, per ATJ I live in Mason County.
BBG – AKA RightEqualsStupid AKA Left Turd:
Hey, you jealous I finally figgered you out? Eventually enough postings will allow the fragments to coalesce into a cogent engram of your at rest persona. So how does it feel to be exposed again by Puddy? So you need to ask about me. Can’t you figger me out? And I dind’t use perfesser Darryl or Goldy ratting your alter egos out. I didn’t ask for Goldy to reload old tapes to replay your utterly worthless commentary.
Rujax! It’s an open thread. I realize facts hurt your liberal mind…
Stephanie Miller reported yesterday that Senator Obama worked only five hours for slumlord Tony Rezko.
Last week Senator Obama told the Chicago Trib that, contrary to Obama’s earlier low-ball estimates or lies, he got c.$250,000 from slumlord Tony Rezko.
$50,000/hour? That makes Obama at least a seven-diamond whore.
For more spiritual solace from the Religious Left, YouTube “James David Manning” + Harlem.
BBG – Recently you posted Laura Bush killed a guy. Do you remember that? That is one of your signature comments. You always run back to it like a wino to his ripple. Then you lost it last week with another rant.
These are your signature comments.
Puddy if I were you I’d do ANYTHING to deflect and to change the subject since ALL the news on your side is bad.
Anyone else on the board know who this idiot is?
19: Still beats Mike McGavick’s record for part-time “consulting work” for Safeco!
This poll is very contradicting…in one question:
“Do you think the United States does or does not have an obligation to establish a reasonable level of stability and security in Iraq before withdrawing all of its troops?”…answer 65%
But another question:
“When it comes to the war in Iraq, which of the following statements comes closer to your point of view? The most responsible thing we can do is find a way to withdraw most of our troops from Iraq by the beginning of 2009. The most responsible thing we can do is to remain in Iraq until the situation in the country is stable.” answer…52% think we should withdrawn by beginning if 2009
So which is it, get out by 2009 or fulfil an obligation of stability and security?
Badgag Bush: Ummmm what are you bring to the argument today?
Yeah I thought so.
Notice BBG is outed by Puddy and he’s awfully quiet.
Puddy did you manage to get through the sixth grade? What’s with “What are you bring to the argument today?” Is that even English? Are you the best the right has to offer? I certainly hope so.
And I’ve been busy fucking your wife in the ass today Puddy. I can’t post all day like you do – I have your wife to attend to.
Still waiting for you to discuss why your boy – Johnboy McCain is trying to block the release of his medical records and his POW records. What’s he got to hide? Other than the fact he is dying of cancer and that he gave aid and comfort to the North Viet Nam Army?
Hannah: This “And I’ve been busy fucking your wife in the ass” comment is why I knew BBG is the original Left Turn. The poor thing doesn’t understand my wife likes a long man.
Google “LeftTurn”
Google RightEqualStupid
You’ll see some of the best ever 16%er commentary left of headless lucy’s racism… NOT. Butt he tries to be funny.
Yes BBG-LeftTurn-RightEqualStupid I did. But it seems ass-fukin was something we left behind in the 8th grade as we grew up and learned other parts of the woman were great for pleasure.
Too bad the 8th grade is the end of your formal education!