Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) addresses the House on freedom, liberty, the rule of law, and a lawless executive:
(There are some seventy other media clips from the past week in politics posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA-01) addresses the House on freedom, liberty, the rule of law, and a lawless executive:
(There are some seventy other media clips from the past week in politics posted at Hominid Views.)
Today’s Idiotic Letter to the Editor
Ed Towle of Seattle, writing in the fishwrapper, complained about the impact on food prices of converting grain to ethanol, which he called
” … a fad embraced by Democrats, environmentalists and other members of the far left in this country, …”
then added,
“We have to start accessing the trillions of barrels of crude oil available in this country and stop burning our food. Don’t like that? Then maybe we need to start reopening nuclear power plants, and start building new ones to create a truly environmentally friendly fuel — hydrogen. Whatever, we have to stop diverting an ever-growing percentage of our food supply to creating alternative fuels, or we are going to see a severe food crisis not only in this country, but around the world.”
Quoted under fair use; for the complete (and completely idiotic) letter and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ets15.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not a big fan of converting corn to ethanol either, but what really slugs you between the eyes is the letter writer’s absurd claim that America has “trillions of barrels of crude oil.”
First off, the entire fucking planet doesn’t have “trillions” of barrels of crude oil. Scientists of the U.S. Geological Service, who know more about it than this guy, estimate the planet’s original oil reserves were around 2 trillion barrels and we’ve gone through half of it. Wikipedia gives the world’s remaining reserves as 1.3 trillion bbls. and U.S. crude oil reserves as 21 billion bbls.
The main point about U.S. reserves, though, is that the USA has been explored for oil longer, and more intensively, than any other real estate on earth. There are over 21 million oil wells within our borders, and the odds of huge new oilfields having been overlooked are less than zilch, they’re absolute zero.
This idiot, like many other rightwing idiots, has swallowed the idiotic rightwing propaganda hook, line, and sinker. That propaganda says America has plenty of oil and the only thing keeping us from getting it is liberals and environmentalists.
It’s true we’ve put some areas out of bounds for oil drilling and production due to (valid) environmental concerns. But we’re talking a few billions, not inexhaustible trillions, of barrels. The U.S. consumers over 7 billion barrels a year, so ANWR would provide about 15 months of U.S. supply, the Florida coast even less. This isn’t energy independence that we’re locking up for the sake of the environment, folks. Compared to our consumption, those figures may not be puny but they’re not the panacea that uninformed rightwing idiots who haven’t researched the subject and don’t know what they’re talking about think they are.
The reason we aren’t producing all the oil we consume is because we don’t have it, and never did, dummies!! Plus the fact we’ve used up a lot of what was there to begin with. I mean, geez, we’ve been burning it up in cars, factories, home furnaces, ships, planes, etc., for over a century! So, it stands to reason that the reason we don’t have it is because we’ve used it up. Most land-based U.S. oil wells today are stripper wells producing a few barrels a day; most of the U.S.’s remaining reserves are offshore.
This dumbass knows even less about nuclear power and hydrogen than he does about oil — if that’s possible. Even if a bunch of nuclear power plants could magically appear overnight, the world’s supply of uranium is even more limited than its supply of oil. And the standard feedstock for making hydrogen is natural gas, which has essentially the same supply and price issues as oil.
For all the gloom-and-doom talk about peak oil, etc., the fact is the world still has vast amounts of fossil fuels. They’re not inexhaustible, but apart from the fact there’s still a lot of oil that can be produced, world reserves of coal, tar sands oil, and oil shale are many multiples of its oil reserves. Canada alone may have 1.75 trillion barrels of oil-equivalent in its tar sands, and Venezuela around 2 trillion bbls., the oil shale and coal resources are equally large. There are, of course, financial and environmental costs involved in using all of these fossil fuels. However, it is feasible to produce petroleum equivalents from these “unconventional” sources for $40 a barrel or less, and technology likely will help solve some of the environmental problems, e.g. “clean coal” technology.
So, if we can convert these non-oil reserves into oil for under $40 a barrel, why isn’t competition from these sources pulling down the price of crude oil, which currently is flirting with the $110/bbl. price level? Because it takes billions of dollars in investment and years or decades to build up the infrastructure to extract, process, and transport to market these products, that’s why. And that infrastructure isn’t in place because it wasn’t profitable to build it when oil was selling for $10 – $12/bbl.
The world eventually WILL run out of fossil fuels, although as one scientist quoted by National Geographic Magazine said a couple years ago, there’s so much fossil fuel available that we’ll run out of atmosphere before we run out of fossil fuels. Some folks who believe we’re on the cusp of peak oil think ethanol is a vital transition fuel during the time it will take for humankind to invent our way out of fossil fuel dependency. I’m not convinced of that, given the fossil fuel alternatives. There also have been spirited debates about whether ethanol consumes more fuel than it produces, resulting in a net loss of energy resources from converting farm crops to ethanol. You could make a case for ethanol as part of an intermediate bridge to future energy technology IF the feedstock and fuel used in producing it are nonfood biomass that otherwise goes to waste, such as switchgrass or wood chips. I don’t think producing ethanol from corn makes much sense and I do think it’s a fad that’s going to have a rather short shelf life. A recent Harper’s Magazine article called “alternative energy” the next big bubble. Only people who hate their money buy stock in companies like Pacific Ethanol.
So, while I agree with Mr. Towle that the ethanol craze is basically a lot of hooey, nevertheless I’m compelled to point out that the Bush administration is on the ethanol bandwagon as big-time as the enviro-Dems, if not more so, for one simple reason: All those federal subsidies and tax breaks for ethanol pump rivers of money into midwestern farm counties that have been voting 98% Republican since Eisenhower was a little boy. No Republican farmer, or any other kind of Republican, ever turned his back on money. I just wish the Democrats in Congress weren’t as gullible about this as Republicans are greedy about it.
But Mr. Towles’ notion that liberal conspirators are keeping oceans of oil locked in the ground so Republican farmers can get rich from ethanol is pure harebrained cockamamie pigeon poop! To see how crazy he is, all you have to do is spend 5 seconds asking yourself who is making all the money off this.
The fact is, the main energy problem is human population growth and consumption behavior. Even though today’s consumption rates aren’t sustainable, humanity is on a path to vastly increase its energy consumption. In America, people are building houses 3 to 5 times as big as their parents had for today’s much smaller families, and in Asia, every Chinese and Indian wants a car, or will within a few years. This is madness. There isn’t enough farmland on the entire fucking planet to grow enough crops to make enough ethanol to replace oil when the oil runs out. We need to invent high-tech alternatives to fossil energy. It’s theoretically possible; after all, fossil fuels (and corn, and ethanol) merely capture and store solar power; and the solar energy that shines on Planet Earth every 24 hours is the energy equivalent of all the oil the world ever had. So the energy is there, if we can figure out a way to get it.
But the best solution is the lowest-tech solution: This world needs fewer fucking people. Period. In fact, it wouldn’t bother me a bit if Ma Nature got rid of all of you, and replaced you with rabbits. One cornfield can support a hell of a lot of rabbits. Trust me on this.
Well, thanks to that bullet-headed nit-wit, Ronald Reagan, we’ve lost 30 years of alternative energy development that began under the aegis of a real President — Jimmy Carter — and ended under the foolish Grenada atting bozo, Ronald Reagan.
I was ashamed for the WW II generation that they fell so readily for Reagan’s voo-doo huckster bullshit.
Ed Towle is hardcore-wingnut. This should be obvious from his letter above; but for funsies, I did a quickie internet search and came up with this (in the P-I on Sept. 27, 2007):
” … Socialized medicine has been a failure everywhere it has been tried. The Canadian system, for example, consumes an ever-growing segment of the country’s tax dollars, and Canadians are still having to come to America to find health care.
“Despite all the evidence that government-run health care is an abject failure, liberals are still … fighting to impose government-run health care on this country. This does not strike me as being too bright.
Edward Towle
Quoted under fair use; for original and/or copyright info go to
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where to begin? Let’s start with Medicare, a highly successful program has provided health care to tens of millions of senior citizens who otherwise wouldn’t have it.
Okay, Medicare isn’t altogether solvent. But neither is private health care. Nor are the private-pay consumers of health care. Health care’s financial problems aren’t limited to government-run programs; they’re actually worse in privately-run programs. The high cost of health care and the high demand for health services is a system-wide problem, not a problem unique to government health programs, or a problem created by government.
Maybe the Canadian system consumes “an ever-growing segment of the country’s tax dollars,” but the American system consumes an ever-growing segment of our paychecks and private bank accounts, so what’s the fucking difference? The root causes are the same in both countries: Aging populations, expensive medical technology, new cures for diseases that couldn’t be (and weren’t) treated in the past, and so on.
Most Canadians get their health care in Canada. About as many Americans go to Canada to buy drugs, as Canadians come to America to see doctors.
Here’s a reason to fight for government-run health care: It’s more efficient and makes better use of our health care dollars. Government health care dollars pay for health care, not executive salaries and corporate profits and a vast and hugely expensive claims processing bureaucracy. Medicare’s administrative costs are 1/50th those of the private health sector; with numbers like that, only a fucking idiot would choose private health care over government-run health care. Towles is, as his comment about environmentalists and liberals locking up “trillions” of barrels of domestic oil illustrates, a fucking idiot.
And then there’s this …
But at least Towle acknowledges he’s a “conservative.” That’s something, I suppose. It’s getting damned difficult to find a conservative anymore who isn’t claiming to be a “Democrat” or an “independent” or a goat or Osama bin Laden’s fucking buddy or anything but a Republican. Most wingers don’t want you to know they’re Republicans. Mike McGavick didn’t mention his party affiliation on his yard signs or in his TV ads; Dan Satterberg tried to run for prosecutor as a “nonpartisan.” The last thing a Republican wants people to know about him is that he’s a Republican. Can’t say as I blame them; the GOP brand name is in the toilet nowadays. Hell, half the trolls on this board call themselves “Democrats.”
@2 With all due respect for the WW2 generation, probably a lot of the guys who landed on Omaha Beach thought they were fighting Hitler because he attacked Pearl Harbor.
That’s no slam on WW2 vets; a lot of them were uneducated farmboys or factory workers, and what they lacked in knowledge of the world and current events, they more than made up for with sheer guts and endurance.
On the other hand, it was also the “greatest generation” that send their kids to Vietnam and turned their backs on the Vietnam vets when they came home. As one of those shunned Vietnam vets, I have a hard time forgetting or forgiving that.
Faced with the nearly impossible task of getting elected on a pro-war platform, McCain recently has talked up “success” and tried to paint a rosy picture of Iraq. Military analysts and commanders think he’s full of shit. Here’s the headline story in the fishwrapper’s Sunday edition:
“U.S. may be just at midpoint in Iraq
“The Associated Press
“WEST POINT, N.Y. — … Most likely, the war will go on for years, many commanders and military analysts said. It’s possible to consider this just the midpoint.
“The U.S. combat role in Iraq could have another half-decade ahead, or maybe more …. If many experts are to be believed, the Iraq war will follow roughly a 10-year arc …. Many military strategists cite a nine- to 10-year average for insurgencies ….
“Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, the former No. 2 commander in Iraq, said in January that U.S. aircraft could be used … for ‘five to 10 years’ along with ‘an appropriate number of ground forces.’
“That same month, Lt. Gen. James Dubik, … who now heads the Multi-National Security Transition Command in Iraq, told the House Armed Services Committee that Iraqi officials estimate they can’t assume responsibility for internal security until … 2012 and … Iraq’s borders until 2018.
“The insurgency, however, may not be the most worrisome problem …. Some people think the worst struggle will be keeping friction between Iraq’s Sunnis and Shiites from ballooning into civil war. ‘I don’t know anyone who pays serious attention to Iraq who thinks that we are over the hump in terms of internal violence,’ said Jon Alterman, the Middle East program director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. …
“Sen. John McCain … has predicted the insurgency will ‘go on for years and years and years … A thousand years. A million years. Ten million years[.]'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....way16.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When I’m getting beat up in the stock market with no end in sight, I cut my losses and get out. But human nature being what it is, it’s always easier to stay in when you’re throwing away other people’s money — or other people’s children’s lives.
What the military seers foresee is sending the children of Iraq veterans to fight and die in Iraq. Meanwhile, McCain’s offer to voters is endless war, a U.S. war in Iraq extending beyond our lifetimes, even beyond plutonium’s lifetime …
“Ex-Fort Lewis chief predicts tough spring for U.S. troops in Iraq
“By Hal Bernton
“Seattle Times staff reporter
FORT LEWIS, Pierce County — … Lt. Gen. James Dubik, the former Fort Lewis commander who now heads U.S. Army efforts to rebuild Iraqi forces … spoke from Baghdad’s Green Zone in a videoconference with Washington state reporters.
He … said the gains are fragile … [and] predicted … tough spring fighting for U.S. troops …. ‘I’ve stopped being an optimist … here. I’ve tried to look at things … realistically,’ Dubik said. ‘ … Everything is qualified here.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ik14m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Compare McCain’s happy talk with what this top U.S. commander in Iraq says, and draw your own conclusions. (Not YOU, wingnuts! You couldn’t draw a conclusion if Picasso held your hand.)
Finally, to wrap up tonight’s Roger Rabbit news report, the U.S. House on Friday delivered a great big “fuck you” to chimpface.
“House OKs bill defying Bush on eavesdropping
“By Jonathan Weisman
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — … [The] House approved … terrorist surveillance legislation on Friday, rebuffing President Bush’s demand for a bill that would grant telecommunications firms retroactive immunity ….
“Congress then defiantly left Washington for a two-week spring break.
The legislation, approved 213-197, would … expand the powers of intelligence agencies to eavesdrop on terrorism and spying suspects and keep pace with ever-changing communications technologies.
“Washington state’s delegation voted along party lines, with Democrats voting yes and Republicans voting no.
“The House’s action ensures that Bush will not receive any surveillance legislation for weeks — if ever. Lawmakers from both parties said the gulf between the administration and House Democratic leaders is … so wide … the issue may not be resolved until a new president takes office ….
“Bush … Thursday … demand[ed] House passage of the Senate legislation, warning lawmakers: ‘The American people understand the stakes in this struggle. They want their children to be safe from terror.’
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., responded by all but calling Bush a liar. ‘We understand our responsibility to protect the American people. What the president is trying to do is something that we think should be stopped,’ she said. ‘I am stating a fact. The president is wrong, and he knows it.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://archives.seattletimes.n.....iretapping
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Only the Worst.President.Ever (TM) is capable of equating U.S. security with tort immunity for giant corporations who broke the law. It’s amazing this organ-grinder monkey can keep a straight face when he tells whoppers like that one. What’s unassailably clear is that he cares more about keeping lawbreaking businesses safe from trial lawyers than keeping you and yours safe from Al Qaeda.
Still waiting for the inbred right to call for the resignation of (R) Senator Vitter for getting involved with a call girl ring.
Great video, thanks for posting it.
Hey when are we going to start talking about McCain’s involvement with the Keating FIve?
Still waiting for the Left on this site to talk about the Democratic Spitzer scandal
14 – We have – look it up idiot!
There is a democratic Spitzer scandal? They’re coniving to weaken American bones by forcing carbonated beverages on us?
Ah the souless scum!
On the energy subject, I’ve run accross three encouraging technologies. Solar cells can now be printed. In a selection of colors. A DARPA project to produce an alcohol powered fuel cell. Which is very efficient. I don’t remember which college did it, but they produced hydrogen though a catalytic process from water at the cost of a barrel of oil. That barrel being at mid 2007 prices.
A study by MIT of geothermal resources indicated 5000 times current energy use availible. Sucking the heat out of the Yellow Stone hot spot could produce an incredible (scientific talk for lots)amount of power from a fairly small area. I’m kind of amazed that oil drillers arn’t working in this area.
I believe the thing is solvable. Hope we do, for reasons beyond self interest.
Moron@11: We on the right will no long address Vitter/Craig.
Ask Clueless Idiot@15 for the reason.
Yeah, Pudass, Run away, Run away
Nothing new there
Roger said:
‘Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not a big fan of converting corn to ethanol either, but what really slugs you between the eyes is the letter writer’s absurd claim that America has “trillions of barrels of crude oil.”’
I’d really like it if Roger did literally get a slug between the eyes. One strong enough to shut him up forever, the arrogant shithead.
We on the right will no long address Vitter/Craig.
As long as you’re on this comment board and those two hypocrites are still in office, you’re going to hear about it.
Just more fun on the way to November!
I’d really like it if Roger did literally get a slug between the eyes.
Wingnuts sure do have a hard-on for the Rabbit.
Must be because he speaks the truth and does so eloquently.
Excellent work Rog!
re 5: “With all due respect for the WW2 generation…”, how does Omaha Beach compute with voting for Reagan? Does being in a war forgive them for their spiteful attempt ‘get back at the hippies’ by voting for the loathsome Reagan?
Now this is interesting
Republicans don’t want to talk about:
1. the war (unless they are trying to show the “surge” is working while the military says it really isn’t and there is no political progress)
2. ethics (unles they can talk about democrats and not republicans including Rove, Abramoff, Craig, Vitter, the congressional page scandal, Safavian, Gonzalez and the USAA scandal….)
3. the economy (unless we can listen to bush talk about how this is just a temporary downturn and the “stimulus” package will “fix” it)
4. Bush: He is almost totally ignored except for McCain seeking his blessing for a third term and hiring Rove.
Simmeringsimpleman: Awww headless lucy upset again? Why not give us another anti-Christian rant. Still waiting for those network questions to be answered without Google help? I guess it will be forever.
correctnotright: Are you reading this blog? Or, as I suspect, you skip over truth that hurts your liberal mind? We’ve talked about them. But per Clueless Idiot, anymore talking is taking orders so we’ve taken a permanent moratorium on Vitter & Craig. Abramoff is old news.
Clueless Idiot: I want Pelletizer to live on. His oxygen deprived rants are hilarious. Sometimes comedy at it’s best.
Besides, Vitter and Graig and Spizer are Dimcrap issues. We REAL conservatives oppose misues of sexual organs. Just because these big balled politicians were masquerading as Reprican does not change an effing thing.
look, the Dimwitts are going to nominate the bastard son of miscegenation. Obamican’s Momma was a Ho for a Tomcat from Africa! Graet lineage there!
When McCain was fucking around with the Keating Five – he said he learned his lesson. Now he’s literally fucking another lobbyist – I guess he hasn’t learned much.
@13 “Hey when are we going to start talking about McCain’s involvement with the Keating FIve?”
I’ve mentioned it several times in these threads, and it’s been brought up by others, as well. McCain wasn’t convicted but he wasn’t innocent either. Frankly, I don’t think it’s the main issue with McCain’s candidacy; it’s just one more piece of evidence that McCain doesn’t walk his own talk. Over the years, McCain has carefully created a public image of being a reformer and a guy who stands against corruption and for clean politics, but he isn’t what he appears to be, and we’re going to see that a lot more clearly as the fall campaign heats up and he resorts to the same tactics Republicans always use — and have to use, because they can’t win an election by competing fairly, because their ideas lack merit and would be rejected if voters ever got past the noise the GOP spends millions of dollars and countless manhours ginning up.
@14 “Still waiting for the Left on this site to talk about the Democratic Spitzer scandal”
What’s there to talk about? He admitted it, he resigned, he’s gone. He embarrassed himself, his family, his party and his supporters.
You want to talk about it? Okay, let’s talk.
Spitzer was the country’s most effective prosecutor of corporate criminals and thieves. Countless consumers and small investors owe him a debt they can never repay. The loss of his services to New York and the nation is an unmitigated tragedy.
You Republicans, on the other hand, are tireless defenders of corporate greed and corruption. Your own house is a cesspool. So many Republicans have been caught in corruption and sex scandals I’ve lost count of the number.
Here’s something else for you to chew on. This is a liberal blog. What Goldy and his liberal posters do here is not journalism but propaganda. If you’re looking for rightwing dancing-in-the-streets over Spitzer’s fall, you’re in the wrong website, buddy. We don’t do wingnut propaganda here. We do liberal propaganda. If you want the other stuff, you’re in the wrong shop, brother. If you want rightwing propaganda there’s no lack of people selling it and they’ll be happy to take your money.
Now fuck off and go pick your nose, or better yet, pick your ass.
@16 “Sucking the heat out of the Yellow Stone hot spot could produce an incredible (scientific talk for lots)amount of power from a fairly small area. I’m kind of amazed that oil drillers arn’t working in this area.”
Yeah, you would be, wouldn’t you? Typical fucking wingnut — no aesthetic or environmental values whatsoever. Yellowstone is a unique spot on the globe; why not leave it a fucking park? The entire planet is a mass of molten rock and metal; if you drill deep enough, you can find all the heat you could ever use by throwing a rock and drilling wherever it lands. Whatever, keep your filthy cotton-pickin’ Republican hands off Yellowstone, asshole. It’s not yours to drill, it belongs to all of us, held in trust by the National Park Service for common enjoyment, and just because you Republicans never met a natural landscape you didn’t want to destroy doesn’t mean the rest of us have to accept your fucked up values.
@17 “PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says: Moron@11: We on the right will no long address Vitter/Craig.”
You don’t have to, and we’re not really asking you to. We’re going to do it for you. =:-)
@19 What makes you think I’d stand there and let you (or anyone else) do it?
@19 (continued) “I’d really like it if Roger did literally get a slug between the eyes. One strong enough to shut him up forever, the arrogant shithead.”
I have a couple more things to say about this comment. First, it demonstrates what sick bastards conservatives are. When someone says something they don’t like, their instinctive reaction is to resort to violence. Second, when my comments provoke threats of violence from wingnuts, it proves I’m getting to them. That’s good, because these fascist morons need to be gotten to in a big way.
PI, I lump you right in there with history’s other violence-prone ignoramuses. You’ve convinced me you’re on a par with the morons who burned “witches” in the Middle Ages and tramped in Hitler Youth parades in our fathers’ time. No doubt this categorization will be a comfort to you.
As for your specific program, are you volunteering to try it? Let me know when you want to show up at DL for a discussion …
@21 “Wingnuts sure do have a hard-on for the Rabbit.”
I don’t get paid for doing this, so I’ll have to settle for that as my only compensation. It’s enough.
Of course, if they had even a half-baked brain to go around among them, they’d realize that letting someone get a rise out of them is the surest way of encouraging him to do more of it.
@22 No.
@22 raises an interesting point. Wingnuts see the world as black-and-white because these simpletons lack the mental equipment to deal with ambiguity. In the real world, we often find admirable qualities and reprehensible behavior in the same individuals, and it takes both maturity and judgment to encourage the one while trying to steer the individuals involved away from the other. It is an ongoing and often unrewarding task, beyond either the acumen or energy of those who must reduce the world’s complexities to comic-book simplicity because they can’t handle anything more demanding.
Take, for example, the case of the Confederate soldiers. Damned bad cause; damned remarkable soldiering. We ought to salute them, and be glad they lost. You can admire the tactics of a Rommel or Guderian without rooting for his country; likewise, we can (and should) respect and admire McCain for the torture he endured and for refusing to be sent home ahead of his fellow POWs without endorsing all the failures in his military career and personal life, or voting for him. He shouldn’t be voted for; he and his party are wrong for the country. But neither should we forget what he suffered as a POW in the service of our country.
Along the same lines, I greatly respect and admire what the WW2 veterans did on the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific, but many of them suck anyway. I knew WW2 vets who were distant (or even abusive) fathers, who were heartless employers and businessmen, and who used their votes to do much damage to the country they fought so hard for.
There’s also a WW2 veteran I never knew, a B-29 pilot who vanished in 1944, and therefore didn’t have any politics. He would have been my uncle if he had lived.
I’m pretty sure what these guys (who survived) wanted after the war was to never fight another one like that. That’s why they supported the atomic bomb, a strong military, and containing communist dictators. But in those days, you could get those things by voting either Republican or Democrat, as there was little difference between the parties or candidates on those issues, so that’s not an excuse for those who voted for the likes of Nixon.
@27 Well, puddy at least is smart enough to figure out we need each other; but he’s not smart enough to figure out that being a Republican won’t save him from being fucked over by Republicans.
@29 I don’t know if McCain is fucking the lobbyist, and I strongly suspect he isn’t. But we would be better off if he started fucking her and stopped being a water boy for her clients.
Pelletizer@40 yeah it’s another worthless canard thrown up here by BBG. You should spot this type of attack since you use it daily.
Pelletizer@39: Yes, you provide me many ideas for this blog.
“I think Hillary is flawed in many ways, and particularly if you look at her husband’s unwillingness to release the names of the people who contributed to his presidential library. And the reason that is important — you know, are there favors attached to $500,000 or $1 million contributions? And what do I mean by favors? I mean, pardons that are granted; investigations that are squelched; contracts that are awarded; regulations that are delayed.”
That’s Bill Bradley, Huffing about the Clinton brand of brand loyalty. Check it out here:
Bradley pointedly pointed out to Russert this morning that the Clintons have refused to release their tax returns or to open their archives. What are they hiding? This time?
Pelletizer – You mentioned Republicans are cheap labor conservatives, so how would they know about having filthy cotton-pickin hands?
Losing more oxygen to that single celled brain?
And here’s the Obama brand, Chicago style: “Obama says Rezko had bigger role in fundraising … an indicted Chicago businessman raised up to $250,000 for his previous political campaigns, a higher figure than he previously reported, according to two Chicago newspapers.” (
Then there’s Obama’s mentor. The Profit Jeremiah runs in-kind political pulpit rants, the kind that a tax-exempt house of God(damn) is not supposed to run. Unless, of course, we’re talking about the Religious Left, in which anything goes.
“(H)ard-on for the Rabbit.” The horror.
DustinJames: More for you to ponder after you reflect on #43.
“WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton, who has frequently described herself on the campaign trail as playing a pivotal role in forging a children’s health insurance plan, had little to do with crafting the landmark legislation or ushering it through Congress, according to several lawmakers, staffers, and healthcare advocates involved in the issue.”
Fair use and copyleft to the URL owner.
“The U.S. consumers over 7 billion barrels a year, so ANWR would provide about 15 months of U.S. supply, the Florida coast even less.”
Getting tired of this trite tripe. A good goal of energy policy is to displace our reliance not on reliable sources of supply (Canada, Mexico), but on the unreliable sources.
To the extent an international market permits picking and choosing among suppliers, we owe it to ourselves to drill our own and to buy some time while continuing to buy bbls from our friends, and while working to get away from indentured servitude to our enemies.
Right Wingnuttas say, truly, that our nation is the only player that refuses to use its own resources. That’s a consequence of our becoming enthralled by leftwing loons whose craziness is contagious.
Aside from running her mouth, Ms. Clinton ran one big project. Into the ground. That’s why, praise God, we were spared Hillary Care.
Y’all care?
“That’s why they supported the atomic bomb, a strong military, and containing communist dictators. But in those days, you could get those things by voting either Republican or Democrat, as there was little difference between the parties or candidates on those issues, so that’s not an excuse for those who voted for the likes of Nixon.”
To call those comments a dog’s breakfast would disrespect dogs, some of whom are reliable Republican voters. Let’s call it a Rabbit Spew Stew and say the hell with it.
Don’t know about the likes of Nixon, but the Nixon who was twice elected president (and for whom more Americans voted than for any other American … 1952, 1956, 1960, 1968, 1972 … best to forget Nixon v. Brown in 1962) had two outstanding qualities of leadership: He wasn’t Humphrey and he wasn’t McGovern.)
Of course, McGovern was one of those weirdo WWII vets that Rabbit’s yammering about, but so was Nixon, sort of. And surely we can all get behind Paul Fussel, a uniter not a divider, who wrote ‘Thank God for the Atom Bomb.’
And thank God for Reagan, who wasn’t a vet but who thought he was, for at long last having the genius to realize that Communist dictators didn’t have to be forever contained. They could be defeated.
We win, they lose. What a concept.
Did I read this NY Times article right?
Two out of three prostitutes in this article had liberal leanings?
Ouch. Interesting news from Australia Newspapers.
“Okay, Medicare isn’t altogether solvent.”
Is it possible that young Rabbit was snorting and huffing and toking and shooting and dropping too much mind solvent in the good old glory days of liberalism? Medicare is so not altogether solvent that it’s the top ticking time bomb Damoclean sword waiting to eat our frijole lunch.
Comptroller General David Walker told Beck in January and DaveRoss (dross@bonneville) that the unfunded liabilities of Medicare will push past $60 trillion.
Let’s assume that Walker’s one of those wingnuttas who knows the difference between billion and trillion, and used the word ‘trillion’ correctly. Let’s further use a word favored by fashionable left-wing fascists: unsustainable. Medicare can’t be sustained as medical care. Canada can’t sustain its universal version now: that’s why Canadains who need something done and done right come to American hospitals and American doctors. Meanwhile, American doctors and hospitals are being pushed by fat-cat Democrats toward the failed Canadian system.
“Well, thanks to that bullet-headed nit-wit, Ronald Reagan, we’ve lost 30 years of alternative energy development that began under the aegis of a real President — Jimmy Carter” sez Polio Christ, who’s mentally crippled.
Cardigan Carter went for ethanol because he was too damned dumb to do anything worthwhile. Petrol was as expensive in real dollars as it is now, so Peanut had to at least pretend to do something.
Reagan fixed the energy crisis by letting the market work. Prices came down, and stayed down for almost 30 years, almost forever in the real world. Supplies stayed up. There was no reason to throw more money after bad subsidies to rich corn farmers.
Two out of three GOP sex scandals involve republican politicians who are gay or worse, who like little boys. This is the category that Puddy no doubt falls into.
Still waiting on Vitter to resign.
By the way – in case anyone forgot – McCain is a liar and a crook who got caught in the Keating Five scandal and furthermore, he’s a coward and a traitor who gave aid and comfort to the NVA while a POW – which explains why he’s fighting so hard to keep records from that era from being released.
BBG: You seem to love da gays. It seems to be your rant du jour.
So which congressman was convicted of doing little boys again?
So tell us, ByeBye, who spun these lying lies in the last 10 days:
* Lied about his NAFTA lies to Canada;
* Lied about his boodle lies about Rezko.
Why, Saint Obama told those lies. McCain’s a pristine virgin in comparison.
Rest of the GOP, however, is dirty. Remember the Prickly City cartoon in which the urchine says she has a good shot at being chosen for Republican committeeperson because all other Republicans have been indicted or outed …?
Studds skated for doing what Mark Foley only typed about. Foley faded away. Studds got re-elected. And re-elected. And re-elected. Never got convicted. Never lost sleep or his govt paycheck.
Being Goldycrat means never having to say you’re sorry.
McCain was on the outer edges of the Keating scandal. Democrat Cranston had a corner on Keating’s market.
Hey simmeringsemperer: ou had plenty of time to look for them but you knew you couldn’t answer them.
I put forth the network questions on March 12.
You can’t cheat by Google or “your employees” as the “average” network engineer knows these questions off the top of their head.
@61: You mean Studds was re-erected and re-erected. Gotta luv dem Mass Peoples.
More Dem McGreevey News:
Washington State Labor and Industries 160,000 employer
accounts, 2800 state employees.
State Farm Insurance 1,300,000 accounts in Washington.
1500 employees.
Private insurance much more cost effective.
Not only that they have competition, helps keep them in check. L&I dont give a fuck. Wait till they get audited.
Holy fuck.
So let me see – Foley dittles little boys and the GOP is okay with that. Vitter sleeps with hookers and the GOP is okay with that. Craig admits to sexual advances in a restroom no less and the GOP is okay with that.
But let’s not stop there – here are some more of Puddy’s heros at work…
Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican legislator, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for molestation of his daughter and her friend for eight-year period starting when they were 9.
Robert “Bob” Allen, GOP Florida state Rep. Arrested in the afternoon at a Veteran’s Memorial Park for solicitation of prostitution from an undercover male officer inside a restroom.
Randal David Ankeney, Republican activist, arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child with force.
Dick Armey (R-Texas), former professor, has been accused by The Dallas Observer of sexually harassing female students.
Bob Barr, Republican Congressman from Georgia. Sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying “The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit.” Was married three times. Paid for his second wife’s abortion (she also suspected he was cheating on her). Failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third and present wife was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party.
Merrill Robert Barter, Republican County Commissioner, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
Robert Bauman, Republican congressman and anti-gay activist, was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Parker J. Bena, Republican activist and Bush Elector, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography (including children as young as 3 years old) on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and advisor to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Ted Bundy campaigned for the Republican Party. Infamous serial rapist who murdered 16 women.
Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then immediately ditched his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary of $97,500.
John Allen Burt, Republican anti-abortion activist, convicted of sexually molesting a 15 year old girl at the home for troubled girls that he ran.
George W. Bush, Republican president, accused in a criminal complaint and lawsuit of raping Margie Schoedinger, who was later suicided. Accused by Tammy Phillips, a former stripper quoted in the National Enquirer in 2000 saying she had an affair with Bush that had ended in 1999. Also noted by Mrs. Blount whom G.W.BUSH while campaigning for her Husband Red Blount and while G.W.BUSH was possibly A.W.O.L from the Air National Guard at age 26 he was all over their 14 year old daughter.
Neil Bush, brother or G. W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition, admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his room while on an Asian business trip.
John Butler, Republican activist, was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-Ca), champion of the Christian Coalition and its “family values.” Sued as an alimony deadbeat by his ex-wife. Said “We can’t forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky.” In 1993 he was caught by police receiving oral sex from a prostitute and attempted to flee the scene.
Keola Childs, Republican County Councilman, pleaded guilty to sexual assault in the first degree for molesting a male child.
Kevin Coan, Republican St. Louis Election Board official, arrested and charged with trying to buy sex from a 14-year-old girl whom he met on the Internet.
Carey Lee Cramer Political consultant and anti-Kerry ad producer, tried for molesting two young girls, one of whom lived with him, and was 8 yrs old; the other starred in an anti-Kerry commercial. Diary Diary.
Dan Crane, Republican Congressman, married, father of six. Received a 100% “Morality Rating” from Christian Voice. Had sex with a minor working as a congressional page. article On July 20, the House voted for censure Crane, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual misconduct.
Richard A. Dasen Sr., Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, convicted of sexual abuse of children, promotion of prostitution and several counts of solicitation, enough to add up to a sentence of 126 years in prison. Investigators estimated that he spent up to $5,000,000 on prostitutes.
Richard A. Delgaudio, Republican fundraiser and Bush pioneer, was found guilty of child porn charges.
Peter Dibble, Republican legislator pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Nicholas Elizondo, Director of the Young Republican Federation molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
John Fund, of the Wall Street Journal, a prominent anti-abortion columnist and GOP fund raiser. He lost his position after it was revealed that he impregnated the daughter of an old girlfriend and then encouraged her to abort his child.
Jack W. Gardner, Republican Councilman, had been convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. when the Republican Party, knowing of these crimes, put him on the ballot.
Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters.
Newt Gingrich, married three times. Gingrich campaign worker Anne Manning admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife. Informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments.
Philip Giordano, Republican mayor sentenced to 37 years for forcing two 8 and 10 year old girls to perform oral sex on him in his City Hall office.
Marty Glickman, Republican activist, was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with a juvenile and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
Mark A. Grethen, Republican activist, convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Jon Grunseth, Republican businessman and candidate for Minnesota governor, withdrew his candidacy after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter, and tried to grope one.
John Hathaway, Republican Senate candidate, was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Howard Scott Heldreth,who gained fame during the Shiavo media-circus, was convicted of two charges of raping a child in 2002.
Neal Horsley has called for the arrest of all homosexuals. Admitted on the Fox News Radio’s The Alan Colmes Show, that he’s had sex with mules. Put photographs on his Web site of naked men engaging in homosexual acts and a nude woman engaging in bestiality amid shots of grotesquely maimed fetuses. Drug dealer convicted of possession of hashish with intent to sell. He calls for “the establishment of a new government, one that can obey God’s plan for government.”
Paul Ingram, Republican Party leader of Thurston County, Washington, pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Bob Livingston, former Congressman (R-La.) resigned from the House in the wake of revelations about his past adultery.
Donald Lukens, Republican Congressman, was found guilty of having sex with a minor – a girl he was accused of sleeping with since she was 13.
Nicholas Morency, Republican anti-abortion activist, pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
Jeffrey Patti, Republican Committee Chairman, was arrested for distributing what experts call “some of the most offensive material in the child pornography world” – a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Brent Parker Utah State Representetive. Arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover officer posing as a male prostitute.
Harvey Pitt, SEC Chief under George W. Bush until he was forced to resign in 2002. Worked for New Frontier Media, a firm which distributed teen sex videos.
Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican governor, had sex with a 16 year old when he was 28.
Tom Shortridge. Republican campaign consultant, was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
Craig J. Spence, Republican lobbyist, organized orgies with child prostitutes in the White House during the 1980s.
Jim West, Spokane Mayor. Supported a bill, which failed, would have barred gays and lesbians from working in schools, day-care centers and some state agencies. Voted to bar the state from distributing pamphlets telling people how to protect themselves from AIDS. Proposed that “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person” among teens be criminalized. Had a sexual affair with an 18 year old boy.
Keith Westmoreland, a Tennessee state representative (R), was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to minors under 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
Wow you right wing asswipes must be proud!
Shame shame shame BBG. You know you have to give attribution to the originator of thought. Oh… wait you’s a lefty so you followed Clueless Idiot’s plagiaring style. So BBG who did you plagiarize from?
Maybe BBG it was:
Maybe BBG you stole it from other sites that copy the same thing over and over.
I thought the plagiarism policeman Perfesser Darryl would remove posts without attribution, but if you’s a lefty you get a pass.
BBG wrote: So let me see – Foley dittles little boys and the GOP is okay with that. Vitter sleeps with hookers and the GOP is okay with that. Craig admits to sexual advances in a restroom no less and the GOP is okay with that.
Posted on this board 3 times FBI didn’t find any wrongdoing by Foley. But BBG can’t rest. I think more and more BBG is RightEqualsStupid. Ignores the facts and dwells on the same thing over and over.
The other curious thing, when we brought up local and state donkey indiscretions in 2006 and 2007 this blog with it’s leftist HorsesASSholes pooh-poohed them.
By the way BBG where have I said these are my heroes?
Did I say Mel Reynolds or Gerry Studds or Barney Frank are your heroes?
Top 10 Democrat Sex Scandals in Congress
PuddyFacts come with attribution.
Puddy I can see why you would be interested in trying to change the subject from where I got my information. You sure don’t want to have people knowing the truth about your perverted party. And again – because it’s the only way an inbred moron like you can play – you’re changing the rules again.
The FBI didn’t find any wrongdoing by Foley. Well – the FBI hasn’t charged Spitzer either but that doesn’t seem to matter to you. Can’t have it both ways asshole.
And just because Bush’s FBI didn’t tell the truth about your boy toy Foley – doesn’t mean the Dem’s FBI won’t.
Now let’s get back to the list. What do you have to say for your party asswipe? And unlike you – I posted a list of people who were primarily criminally charged and/or convicted. Tell us Puddy why are all you republicans such perverts?
Puddy you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit your ugly wife on her big fast aids-infested ass.
Oh I forgot, Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. Yeah, no body no conviction.
Or Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne.
BBG Yes you are RightEqualsStupid. Your former self is shining through more and more.
BBG: Plagiarism is held highly on this board by Perfesser Darryl. Usually he eradicates the blog entry. But you’ll get a pass as the perfesser lets lefties go.
There are perverts in both parties BBG(RightEqualsStupid). You can’t see them cause of the beam in your eye.
BBG: How about SF Mayor Gavin Newsom cuckolding his very close friend Alex Tourk. Tourk quit as Newsom’s campaign manager when he learn Newsom was banging his wife, who was Newsom’s mayoral aide.
BBG you missed this one:
BBG you forgot the O’Donnell family
Rosie – Gay woman
Chris – gay NYS legislator. Butt there’s more
See what Danny Noriega said…
Did you forget “I can’t type. I can’t file. I can’t even answer the phone.” Personal secretary Elizabeth Ray when caught with Wayne Hayes?
Did you forget the beauty pageant queen and Senator Charles Robb?
Did you forget Donna Rice and Gary Hart?
Did you forget Wilbur Mills and stripper Fannie Fox?
Did you forget? Of course you did RightEqualsStupid!
BBG AKA RightEqualsStupid said: “The FBI didn’t find any wrongdoing by Foley.”
So why do you continually bring up this canard?
BBG AKA RightEqualsStupid: Did you forget this one?
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his chief of staff, Christine Beatty?
The Detriot Police Chief Gary Borwn started investigating the Mayor’s police security detail for undue overtime. As the investigation unfolded, police investigators discovered wild parties and an overtime cover up. The police investigators also uncovered hints various secret affairs through text messages of the Mayor to his chief of staff and various other women.
All of a sudden, Kilpatrick fires Detroit’s police chief Gary Brown. So Brown filed a wrongful termination suit against the mayor claiming that he was fired to cover up the mayor’s affairs.
So let me ask BBG – RightEqualsStupid – If this was Republican mayor and that is happened, you’d be one of the first screaming bloody murder.
BBG AKA RightEqualsStupid: Did you forget this one?;pageNum=5
Kennedy and Dodd? Hmmm…
“” Kennedy said something similar and added, jokingly, “Makes you wonder about the leaders of this country.””
BBG: Come on back with your original name Left Turn or was it Left Turd?
Puddy – so you have no answer – you must think it’s okay to be a gay republican – I guess that makes sense since you are too. I destroyed you on this thread. It was so easy – I didn’t even use half the ammo in my clip. I didn’t have to go for 40 year old bullshit where there was no charge or conviction. I didn’t talk about affairs. I talked about your GOP pals who were arrested or went to jail for having sex with kids. Kids like yours no doubt. I suppose you support that too don’t you asshole?
As for names – how many you use?
How many times you been arrested for having sex with your own kids Puddy? How much time you serve? How about your wife? She fuck your kids too?
Oh yes I forgot – if we’re going to look at affairs – why not start with the God of the republican party Ronnie the Raygun. Had an affair on his first wife. Made worse by the fact that the affair was with his best friend’s wife. So he dumped his own wife, lied, cheated, stole his best friend’s wife….
Wow – no wonder the GOP is all screwed up. Ronnie is their example!
Porr Puddy – has to go back 40 years to find sex scandal or racist democrats. Well – the live republicans are corrupt right now and giving us plenty:
At least democrats have the decency to resign when caught – but Vitter and Craig keep hanging on…and they are tolerated by the republicans.
What a double standard – resign if you are democrat to howls of republican protests –
RightEqualsStupid@Everywhere: I already said per Clueless Idiot we won’t be answering to Vitter and Craig. Clueless Idiot speaks for the lefties here, so we don’t take orders.
Correctnotright: So LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosas affair is 40 years ago?
So SF Mayor Gavin Newsom’s affair is 40 years ago?
So Detriot Mayor Kwame Kirkpatrick’s affairs are 40 years ago?
Do you read correctnotright, or do you just spin facts?
Has Villaraigosas resigned? No
Has Newsom resigned? No
Has Kilpatrick resigned? No
Are you stupid? Yes
BBG@88: Never. But rumor on the street has it you’ve been hershey highwaying many little peeps. Wasn’t it your cousins who starved that little boy and got 8 years in prison each? Wasn’t it your uncle who was just released as a sex offender three status?
The problem is not that politicians have affairs, from either party. Who gives a shit? That will never end.
The problem is the executive branch using wiretaps gainst its political opponents. Again, whether Republican or Democrat. Although when a Democratic administration starts outing Republican mischief, affairs, and even ilegal acts using the illegal wiretaps that Republicans are currently cheering on, I gotta say my first impulse will be to laugh derisively.
BTW RightEqualsStupid: Goldy told you all my other name. Lee and Darryl send love notes to Pelletizer to assist the old man so he knows who others are.
I figger you all out by myself.
Correctnotright: When Republicans have sexual peccadilloes people don’t die.
Who were these two with again?
Mary Jo Kopechne
Chandra Levy
Mary Jo Kopechne
Chandra Levy
Let’s see – no arrests no convictions – the answer must be – who they were with? Republicans.
Notice how Puddy just bails out when he’s beaten?
Just like McCain who bailed out and gave up names when he was a POW!
Correctnotright: As i remember Gerry Studds never stepped down after his 1983 censure vote. He was re-erected many times by Mass peeps. Barney Frank is still in congress.
Speaking of dirty dealings. Why didn’t Madame Dianne Feinstein quit when it came out she was found out she was steering all that loot to her hsubands corporations? You know the ones that were supposedly to fix Walter Reed Army Medical Center? Search this blog and you’ll see all the links I’ve provided over the years for her shenanigans.
Why hasn’t William The Freezer Jefferson resigned?
97 Pud
Chanra Levy? You know they caught that guy who killed her, right? And that even though Gary Condit never had anything to do with her disappearance or death, his career was ruined by the Republicans?
You know this, right? And you just perpetuate the lie for fun?
Badgag Bush: Wrong again on both accounts. Puddy hasn’t bailed.
Tell me who beat me? Correctnotright? Smashed his puny argument in 93, 97 and 100.
Tell me who beat me? BBG AKA RightEqualsStupid AKA Left Turd? You’ve got to be crazy.
Daddy Love: Did you get Chandra Levy’s killer caught from the National Enquirer?
OR did you get the Mossad connection from here:
Please do tell Daddy Love.
Or maybe Daddy Love you were referring to the cover up from same two doctors who investigated Waco who investigated Chandra Levy’s bones?
Maybe Daddy love likes reading the works of Salvador Astucia, the author of OPIUM LORDS: “Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination.” He claimed to have written the book that solved the mystery of the Kennedy assassination.
Sorry I forgot to give the Amazon Link:
Daddy Love reads some interesting stuff.
Daddy Love Condit’s career was ruined by himself. his California peeps got tired of his obfuscations.
Daddy Love whoile you are at it look up
“In the 5th-season South Park episode, “Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow”, a machete-wielding Earth Day activist chops off Kenny’s arms and legs. This has been acknowledged as a reference to Einhorn by South Park co-creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker.”
Why are Earth Day activists so violent?
So Daddy Love, who “killed” Chandra Levy?
Where is the URL for this explosive revelation?
You know BBG AKA RightEqualsStupid AKA Left Turd I forgot to answer your question above?
However, instead of the 967 months in jail ? nearly 81 years ? for which he was liable, Judge Robert Lewis, another Democrat, gave him, in a plea bargain with the office of District Attorney Ron Moore, who was elected as a Democrat, a 10-12 month sentence.
Clinton Democrats boycotting Daily Kos
The Early Show covered for Obama. Go to for the video.
Puddy do you follow the example set by your party leader Ronnie The Ray Gun and have affairs on your wife? As ugly a bitch as she is – who could blame you?