“Daniel Lapin is a right-wing fucktard who among other things believes that recycling is evil. He’s also an investment crook who has used his pulpit to cheat his parishioners financially, and like his brother David is up to his eyebrows in the Jack Abramoff scandal. Daniel is the guy who gave Abramoff those fake “Talmudic Scholar” awards in exchange for buckets of untraceable political cash. He’s a crook, and so’s his brother.
So this isn’t really “the Jock and Jew” so much as it is “the Shithead and the Graft Artist”.”
I can’t verify the above “biography” of Lapin, but I tend to agree that Hutch is a graft artist.
proud leftistspews:
Partial Birth,
You aren’t suggesting that these two fine men aren’t men of God, are you?
Hepting v. AT&T is a United States class action lawsuit filed in January 2006 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against the telecom company AT&T, in which the EFF alleges that AT&T permitted and assisted the United States Government in unlawfully monitoring the communications of a large part of the USA, including AT&T customers, businesses and third parties whose communications were routed through AT&T’s network, as well as Voice over IP telephone calls routed via the internet.
The case is separate from, but related to, the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy, in which the U.S. government bypassed the courts to monitor U.S. phone calls without a warrant. Hepting v. AT&T does not include the US Government as a party.
In July of 2006, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California – in which the suit was filed – rejected a U.S. government motion to dismiss the case. The motion to dismiss, which invoked the State Secrets Privilege, had argued that any court review of the alleged partnership between the federal government and AT&T would harm national security.
The case was immediately appealed to the Ninth Circuit, where it has been argued and awaits a decision.
Partial Birthspews:
I don’t usually consider the rotten toilet scum to be “men of God”.
Hey Roger,
State senators Tom, Kohl-Welles, Pridemore, Keiser, and Kline want you to pay more more to register that truck you rarely drive. SB 6900 would establish engine displacement fees. So, the guy that drives his Corolla 30 miles a day five days a week would pay less in registration fees than a guy that drives an F-150 15 miles once a week. Yeah that makes sense.
The face in the cartoon has that vacant look all too common to HA Happy Hooligans. It’s not even up to “What? Me worry?” standards.
I think it’s Goldy after his long-desired and awaited cosmetic surgery that the KIRO medical plan turned thumbs down on with his resulting furor over it the real reason he was let go. So what he had to do is get a low end belt sander at Sears and take a whack at a do-it-your-self face lift. Craftsman, you rock!
A face only an eraser could love…
The Piper
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
What do you call a person who is against a manatory voter ID on grounds that it disenfranchises the poor yet supports taxing a 80 year old lady that makes $450.00 in self employment income for the year….
A more realistic cartoon one of you here would go something like this…
“Son, are you still down in the basement playing on that stupid computer? Why don’t you try going outside sometime and make some real friends? Better yet, why don’t you go outside sometime and look for a job?” The son yells back, “Mom! The people on the computer ARE my friends, besides, I’m 52 years old, so don’t tell me what to do! Just cuz I live in your basement doesn’t make you the boss of me! And stop telling me to get a job. I already told you, I’m an investor.” His mother corrects him, “Honey, for the last time, having a passbook savings account does not make you an investor!” Son, “You don’t know nothin’. At least everyone on the computer thinks I’m an investor. Hey, will you bring me down a TV dinner?” Mom, “Not until you clean your room. The basement smells like beer and feet.” Son, “Nevermind, you stupid wingnut bitch. I gotta write something aginst some troll who just slammed me in a cartoon.”
Ok, that was stupid. Sorry. I just felt like doing some creative writing.
A concerned Liberalspews:
Can you believe this staged crap with the Pentagon shooting down a satlite….Hahahahaha. These neocons will never stop on this star wars shit will they. hahaha
Broadway Joespews:
Roger @ 8:
Didn’t notice anything here in Reno. I’ll call a friend of mine who’s playing in Bendover…….er, Wendover, see if he felt anything.
It’s like the coward who doesn’t have the balls to confront another man, but will hit his girlfriend. If we won’t go after Bin Laden, we’ll flex our muscle by shooting something out of the sky.
Fortunately, while Wells looks pretty messed up, there was no loss of life. But Wells is damn near a ghost town anyway. And I was sleeping with my good friend NyQuil last night, fighting off a miserable cold, so the quake could’ve been right under my house and I doubt that I’d have noticed…..
Your spelling of satellite aside, it sure has the ChiComs all in a dither…and the Aegis missile seems to have landed on target as advertised.
Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus would be pleased.
The Piper
Broadway Joespews:
And while I hate to play devil’s advocate, I doubt any of you would be complaining about a missile-defense system if it stops a missile coming in from Kim Jong-il. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he said they stopped their nuke program. Who really believes that little nutcase? I ain’t believing anyone who kidnaps actors from Japan and Hong Kong and forces them to act in movies he creates. Uh-uh, not me, folks. And by the way, the only major metropolitan area in the US he can hit with the missiles he’s developing is (wait for it) Seattle.
Sorry, but Anchorage and Fairbanks don’t count, either.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
GBS: Wrong my scuba buddy. When the wife calls me to bed I go. The good stuff always awaits! You guys are a second thought. When I am on late I am traveling.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Yes, these 16%ers forget the 1995 Loral Missile telemetry upgrades the Chinese got for 1996 campaign contributions though no controlling legal authority could “track” them.
Mark The Redneck-Wonkspews:
Just for reference… in case you forgot…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a Grand Jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault charge that he later settled for $800,000.
Let me guess, you’re a home-schooled accountant who lost his job @ Anderson Accounting, Inc. after Enron.
@27: Playing devil’s advocate only works if you have a point. BJ’s argument skips his flawed premise: that N. Korea would ever launch a missile aimed at the U.S. when to do so would be instantly suicidal. First rule of warfare: know your enemy. The North Koreans are neither stupid nor madmen; by testing a nuke, once, within a year they got everything from the Bush administration they could have wanted, all for giving up a technology they already gave up once in 1994. (Before the Bushies reneged on the Clinton treaty.) That’s not the behavior of out-of-control madmen; it’s a nation’s government looking out for its self-interest, just like every other government allegedly does (present American regime only partially excepted, since when there’s a difference between Bush self-interest and national self-interest, we all know who’s gonna get the shit end of the deal – us).
The point is, it’s in the North Korean’s interest to bluster and threaten, even to act irrational – but it’s not in their interest to launch an attack directly on the US, and it’s highly unlikely they’d do so. Meanwhile, it’s highly likely that Star Wars is pouring billions of dollars down a rat hole, populated by rats who are well-connected with Bush. High probability of money being wasted, vs. low probability of technology actually working properly and even lower probability that the advertised threat actually exists. We’d be better off spending the money on a technology to prevent golfers too dumb to get off the course in a thunderstorm from getting hit by lightning.
Typical liberal bigotry. You lump a black man and a Jew and then call them names! If our side did you Dimbulbs would yell KKK and call for the tar and feathers.
Look Rabbi Lapin is a Rabbi, an ORTHODOX Rabbi. Do you even know what that means? How hard it is to become an orthodox rabbi? This isn’t like Jesse Jackson earning an honorary ‘rev” fpr a semestre at some touchy feely, new age camp. This guy knows the word of God and you ought to have the respect to listen!
Rev Hutchinson may not be a Rabbi, but he pretty fucking smart too. What bother you about his black guy is that he has a white congregation in Redmond! You think B Hussein Osamabama is impressive … he got to the state legislature by representing his won people and got to be Senator only because the Republican candidate got sick. Rev. Hutchinson got his job because he is a great and wise preacher and we Republicans care a lot more about this good Christina man’s heart than we do about his skin.
Ask yourself,how come there are not any liberal Black ministers ministering to White congregations? As for Lapin, how come it is OK for a Christian to forgive but when a Rabbi does it you libtards go ballistic!
When the Kopreans launch their rocket and we no longer have the shield Reagan willed into being, lets just hope that the Rabbi and the Reverenc pray for us all!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Komrad Kim can’t hit shit. The last time he tested his 3-stage booster it blew up.
So yu would feel better if we missed? The you would be screaming about the rocket fuel raining on the Pacific causing more global warming!
Look, if we had a system that worked, do you suppose our gov’t would tell everyone?
What do you call a shit-eating cur who can’t argue his way out of a poop-scoop bag?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@19 Last time I checked, Republican administrations collect those taxes, too.
02/21/2008 at 8:50 pm
But democrats committ all the voting fraud. I am just saying if the dems want a license to fraudulently control elections we need to take their license away to tax. Pure and simple.
But democrats committ all the voting fraud.
Why did Allen Raymond go to jail for jamming Dem GOTV phone lines? He was a Republican.
Why did the RNC spend 3 million plus to defend Tobin? He was a Republican too.
YLB is a special case, he is for a voter ID. He has nothing to hide. Ain’t that right clueless??!
As for voting fraud – don’t forget Coultergiest – who fraudulently voted in the wrong precinct in the last national election. She’s either stupid, a crook or both. I vote both.
Did everyone hear about McCain’s affair? I guess it’s okay for a republican. Should Dems spend 57 million of taxpayer’s money to investigate this the way the GOP did President Clinton?
he is for a voter ID.
I’m for American citizens being able to exercise their rights on election day.
A shit-eater like Doofus wants to take away citizen’s rights on election day – the greater number of citizens that are prevented from voting, the easier it is for right wing kooks to win.
Partial Birthspews:
I didn’t lump a black man and a jew. They lumped themselves together.
As for Lapin, as I said, I don’t know how correct the bio is. I am open to learn about this guy. Judging from your tone, gipper, I have nothing to learn from you. You assume too much. Just because he is an an “ORTHODOX Rabbi” does not mean he is a good person. I lean toward believing that he is toilet scum.
Which brings us to Hutch Hutcherson: A graft artist, pure and simple. And simple describes the morons in his flock (black, white, or otherwise). Hutch and his flock are nothing more than a feather in the devil’s cap.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
YLB says:
he is for a voter ID.
I’m for American citizens being able to exercise their rights on election day.
A shit-eater like Doofus wants to take away citizen’s rights on election day – the greater number of citizens that are prevented from voting, the easier it is for right wing kooks to win.
02/21/2008 at 10:15 pm
No you are not. Anyone who says it is too much of a burden to carry a free ID to the polls yet supports taxing old ladies if they happen to make $450.00 in SE income is for voter fraud. Nice try though.
My Left Footspews:
You can sure tell that it is spring. Baseball is in the air and Piper SWINGS and misses.
My Left Footspews:
Strike two, looking. Curveball had his knees buckling.
My Left Footspews:
Pinch hitting for an obviously shaken Piper, is MTRasshole. Swinging on the first pitch, he fouls weakly to the catcher. He is left at home plate……crying.
Broadway Joespews:
Geov @ 32:
Uh, did IQ’s drop sharply while I was away? Kim is nuttier than a fucking fruitcake, and completely, totally untrustworthy. The man actually thinks of himself as some sort of messianic figure, and if you’d ever bothered to check out any of the documentaries on the cruelties he’s inflicted upon his own subjects, you’d know he has absolutely no regard for his own people. Thusly, you’re an idiot to underestimate him and his ego. You may be right, and missile-defense may very well be a waste of money. But I’d rather be safe than sorry if he decides to lob something towards Wallingford in a fit of pique. Or a bad hair day, y’never know with him….
Don’t insult my intelligence again, hack.
It resembles Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent, at 3AM giving into his OC disorder.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Geov the crazed forgetful 16%er wrote “(Before the Bushies reneged on the Clinton treaty.)”
Ummmm… Geov, I’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt (except on headless lucy’s 24/7 racism) in comments.
I posted Madeline Half-bright words on how she was fooled by North Korea and how NK broke the treaty. But being a liberal you forget the facts.
Keep drinking that North Korean kool-aid.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ByeByeGOP says: “As for voting fraud – don’t forget Coultergiest…
Yes BBG, she was following in the footsteps of 40K people who voted in NYS, NJ etc. as snowbirds then voted again in Florida in 2000. Look it up goofball. Same thing happened again in 2004.
Obviously shaken? Methinks you have OD’d again. The only think shaken about me is my funk, which is groovadelic!
The Piper
Marvin Stamnspews:
Every woman that I know, regardless of race, education, income, background, political affiliation, is struggling to keep her head above water.
Michelle Obama http://my.barackobama.com/page.....nough/CZm7
Guess life with her husband isn’t all that hopeful despite all their money and privilege.
I wonder if Oprah is keeping her head above water.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#31 slingshot says:
19 Let me guess, you’re a home-schooled accountant who lost his job @ Anderson Accounting, Inc. after Enron.
Is that a shot at liberal paul krugman? I believe paul was only on an advisory panel for enron… Before he was against them. (hint; he was for them under clinton, against them under bush)
Marvin Stamnspews:
(AP) – Helicopters carrying three senior U.S. senators made emergency landings Thursday in the mountains of Afghanistan because of a snowstorm.
Sens. John Kerry, Joseph Biden and Chuck Hagel were aboard the aircraft. No one was injured, according a statement from Kerry’s office. The senators and their delegation returned to Bagram Air Base in a motor convoy, and have left for Turkey.
“After several hours, the senators were evacuated by American troops and returned overland to Bagram Air Base, and left for their next scheduled stop in Ankara, Turkey,” the Kerry statement said… http://www.breitbart.com/artic....._article=1
No doubt the next words out of kerry’s mouth were that the troops were too dumb to fix a helicopter. Followed up by his bragging about fixing helicopters on the river on christmas eve under orders from president nixon.
@55: If you have actual documentation of 40,000 voter fraud incidents – you should give it.
voter fraud indictments and convictions have been…..how many? and for what?
Didn’t a government panel (of mostly republicans) conclude that it isn’t a major problem? Is it only a problem in republican dreams? It sure was not a problem in Washington State where there was NO eveidence of voter fraud according to republican USAA John McCay.
However, the republican USAA in Arizona was fired for going after rick Renzi – and gee – it appears he is involved in some illegal activity and corruption.
Another case of republican corruption. There are so many it is getting boring (yawn).
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Correctnotright: I posted the actual documentation and URLs on this blog site four times. If you choose not to read the PuddyStudies, well…
I found it, I posted it, the 16%ers ignored it. You can find it too…
The newspaper which did the expose said the FBI would be busy for a long time…
How is it Republican corrpution when the people live in BLUE states NY and NJ.
Using Heilary Cliton words: “I’m sick and tired” of doing your DD.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
Puddybud @ 28:
“SCUBA buddy”??
LOL. I hope you’re not implying swim buddy. Lunch pal, sure. Ying and Yang, OK. Black and White cookie, maybe.
You know what they say; white men can’t jump and black men can’t swim.
Happy Friday.
Hey, Puddy.
No comment of the “cereal killer” gag??
Rad Dyke Rabbitspews:
Puddy’s delegated the small stuff to me, 64. The cereal killer gag was done to death by a Seattle writer, K.K. Beck, almost 20 years ago.
Try to keep up, man. While you’re mired in the quagmire of the past, we’re riding the new wave of Hope. And Change. Into the Obamanation Future. Try to get a clue.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The coffee seller has been battered in recent months by slower consumer spending, higher milk and labor costs and concerns that it may have saturated its domestic market. http://www.reuters.com/article.....38;sp=true
I think we can all agree, except for the 600 that lost their jobs, the others are downright giddy with the increase in minimum wage.
Marvin Stamnspews:
starbucks = the coffee seller
@ 65.
Dudette, I’m already in the Obamanation futre. Read his book a while ago and that’s when I decided I could support him if he became the nominee. I just didn’t think he’d catch fire the way he did this time. 2012 or 2016 for sure.
They say there’s nothing new under the sun, but, did you catch the twist I put on the old joke??
Rad Dyke Rabbit. Hmmmm . . . obviously , being a rabbit your related to Roger Rabbit, but, do you do plumbing?
That looks like my friend Puddybud.
‘Nuff said.
No, it’s Piper.
But if you draw ears on it, I’d said that’s Mrs. Rabbit.
Mrs. Rabbit just saw that and said I’m not getting any Easter Eggs this year.
@5: RR Then we will know who has the eggs in your family (just kidding).
Lee: I love the cartoon – it is sooooo darn true!
A 6.0 earthquake has shaken N.E. Nevada, damaging some buildings but causing no reported injuries.
@3 You mean:Pooper Squat?
Did any HA reader attend “The Jock and the Jew” event?
This was the latest Hutch Hutcherson and Rabid Rabbi Daniel Lapin scam event.
As noted in the Slog,
“Daniel Lapin is a right-wing fucktard who among other things believes that recycling is evil. He’s also an investment crook who has used his pulpit to cheat his parishioners financially, and like his brother David is up to his eyebrows in the Jack Abramoff scandal. Daniel is the guy who gave Abramoff those fake “Talmudic Scholar” awards in exchange for buckets of untraceable political cash. He’s a crook, and so’s his brother.
So this isn’t really “the Jock and Jew” so much as it is “the Shithead and the Graft Artist”.”
I can’t verify the above “biography” of Lapin, but I tend to agree that Hutch is a graft artist.
Partial Birth,
You aren’t suggesting that these two fine men aren’t men of God, are you?
A great DailyKos diary on Obama’s Senate Record:
The skinny:
I’m still looking for a succinct summary of his record in the Illinois legislature.
After the first question was given on Cuba, I have a new name for Mr. Obama – Backtrack Obama!
(to the chorus of Klea’s Tic Toc) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcTNiWf2Jm8
Flip Flop!
Obama says he’s for it
then Obama says ignore it
and he won’t stop…
Flip Flop!
The lies he’s spinnin’
to try and keep on winnin’
and he should stop!
Btw, this is why heir president wanted retro-active immunity for the telecoms a few weeks back. Tort law at its finest!
Hepting v. AT&T is a United States class action lawsuit filed in January 2006 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against the telecom company AT&T, in which the EFF alleges that AT&T permitted and assisted the United States Government in unlawfully monitoring the communications of a large part of the USA, including AT&T customers, businesses and third parties whose communications were routed through AT&T’s network, as well as Voice over IP telephone calls routed via the internet.
The case is separate from, but related to, the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy, in which the U.S. government bypassed the courts to monitor U.S. phone calls without a warrant. Hepting v. AT&T does not include the US Government as a party.
In July of 2006, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California – in which the suit was filed – rejected a U.S. government motion to dismiss the case. The motion to dismiss, which invoked the State Secrets Privilege, had argued that any court review of the alleged partnership between the federal government and AT&T would harm national security.
The case was immediately appealed to the Ninth Circuit, where it has been argued and awaits a decision.
I don’t usually consider the rotten toilet scum to be “men of God”.
Hey Roger,
State senators Tom, Kohl-Welles, Pridemore, Keiser, and Kline want you to pay more more to register that truck you rarely drive. SB 6900 would establish engine displacement fees. So, the guy that drives his Corolla 30 miles a day five days a week would pay less in registration fees than a guy that drives an F-150 15 miles once a week. Yeah that makes sense.
Oops wrong link:
The face in the cartoon has that vacant look all too common to HA Happy Hooligans. It’s not even up to “What? Me worry?” standards.
I think it’s Goldy after his long-desired and awaited cosmetic surgery that the KIRO medical plan turned thumbs down on with his resulting furor over it the real reason he was let go. So what he had to do is get a low end belt sander at Sears and take a whack at a do-it-your-self face lift. Craftsman, you rock!
A face only an eraser could love…
The Piper
What do you call a person who is against a manatory voter ID on grounds that it disenfranchises the poor yet supports taxing a 80 year old lady that makes $450.00 in self employment income for the year….
A democrat
The ultimate hypocrits.
A more realistic cartoon one of you here would go something like this…
“Son, are you still down in the basement playing on that stupid computer? Why don’t you try going outside sometime and make some real friends? Better yet, why don’t you go outside sometime and look for a job?” The son yells back, “Mom! The people on the computer ARE my friends, besides, I’m 52 years old, so don’t tell me what to do! Just cuz I live in your basement doesn’t make you the boss of me! And stop telling me to get a job. I already told you, I’m an investor.” His mother corrects him, “Honey, for the last time, having a passbook savings account does not make you an investor!” Son, “You don’t know nothin’. At least everyone on the computer thinks I’m an investor. Hey, will you bring me down a TV dinner?” Mom, “Not until you clean your room. The basement smells like beer and feet.” Son, “Nevermind, you stupid wingnut bitch. I gotta write something aginst some troll who just slammed me in a cartoon.”
And scene.
Ok, that was stupid. Sorry. I just felt like doing some creative writing.
Can you believe this staged crap with the Pentagon shooting down a satlite….Hahahahaha. These neocons will never stop on this star wars shit will they. hahaha
Roger @ 8:
Didn’t notice anything here in Reno. I’ll call a friend of mine who’s playing in Bendover…….er, Wendover, see if he felt anything.
It’s like the coward who doesn’t have the balls to confront another man, but will hit his girlfriend. If we won’t go after Bin Laden, we’ll flex our muscle by shooting something out of the sky.
Here’s a local link on that earthquake:
Fortunately, while Wells looks pretty messed up, there was no loss of life. But Wells is damn near a ghost town anyway. And I was sleeping with my good friend NyQuil last night, fighting off a miserable cold, so the quake could’ve been right under my house and I doubt that I’d have noticed…..
Your spelling of satellite aside, it sure has the ChiComs all in a dither…and the Aegis missile seems to have landed on target as advertised.
Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus would be pleased.
The Piper
And while I hate to play devil’s advocate, I doubt any of you would be complaining about a missile-defense system if it stops a missile coming in from Kim Jong-il. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he said they stopped their nuke program. Who really believes that little nutcase? I ain’t believing anyone who kidnaps actors from Japan and Hong Kong and forces them to act in movies he creates. Uh-uh, not me, folks. And by the way, the only major metropolitan area in the US he can hit with the missiles he’s developing is (wait for it) Seattle.
Sorry, but Anchorage and Fairbanks don’t count, either.
GBS: Wrong my scuba buddy. When the wife calls me to bed I go. The good stuff always awaits! You guys are a second thought. When I am on late I am traveling.
Yes, these 16%ers forget the 1995 Loral Missile telemetry upgrades the Chinese got for 1996 campaign contributions though no controlling legal authority could “track” them.
Just for reference… in case you forgot…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a Grand Jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault charge that he later settled for $800,000.
Let me guess, you’re a home-schooled accountant who lost his job @ Anderson Accounting, Inc. after Enron.
@27: Playing devil’s advocate only works if you have a point. BJ’s argument skips his flawed premise: that N. Korea would ever launch a missile aimed at the U.S. when to do so would be instantly suicidal. First rule of warfare: know your enemy. The North Koreans are neither stupid nor madmen; by testing a nuke, once, within a year they got everything from the Bush administration they could have wanted, all for giving up a technology they already gave up once in 1994. (Before the Bushies reneged on the Clinton treaty.) That’s not the behavior of out-of-control madmen; it’s a nation’s government looking out for its self-interest, just like every other government allegedly does (present American regime only partially excepted, since when there’s a difference between Bush self-interest and national self-interest, we all know who’s gonna get the shit end of the deal – us).
The point is, it’s in the North Korean’s interest to bluster and threaten, even to act irrational – but it’s not in their interest to launch an attack directly on the US, and it’s highly unlikely they’d do so. Meanwhile, it’s highly likely that Star Wars is pouring billions of dollars down a rat hole, populated by rats who are well-connected with Bush. High probability of money being wasted, vs. low probability of technology actually working properly and even lower probability that the advertised threat actually exists. We’d be better off spending the money on a technology to prevent golfers too dumb to get off the course in a thunderstorm from getting hit by lightning.
Oh, and I should mention that I’m not the guy in the cartoon. Really. Honest.
6900 is dead, has been for a while.
@19 Last time I checked, Republican administrations collect those taxes, too.
@10 Partial Birth
Typical liberal bigotry. You lump a black man and a Jew and then call them names! If our side did you Dimbulbs would yell KKK and call for the tar and feathers.
Look Rabbi Lapin is a Rabbi, an ORTHODOX Rabbi. Do you even know what that means? How hard it is to become an orthodox rabbi? This isn’t like Jesse Jackson earning an honorary ‘rev” fpr a semestre at some touchy feely, new age camp. This guy knows the word of God and you ought to have the respect to listen!
Rev Hutchinson may not be a Rabbi, but he pretty fucking smart too. What bother you about his black guy is that he has a white congregation in Redmond! You think B Hussein Osamabama is impressive … he got to the state legislature by representing his won people and got to be Senator only because the Republican candidate got sick. Rev. Hutchinson got his job because he is a great and wise preacher and we Republicans care a lot more about this good Christina man’s heart than we do about his skin.
Ask yourself,how come there are not any liberal Black ministers ministering to White congregations? As for Lapin, how come it is OK for a Christian to forgive but when a Rabbi does it you libtards go ballistic!
When the Kopreans launch their rocket and we no longer have the shield Reagan willed into being, lets just hope that the Rabbi and the Reverenc pray for us all!
@27 Komrad Kim can’t hit shit. The last time he tested his 3-stage booster it blew up.
@22 concerned liberal
So yu would feel better if we missed? The you would be screaming about the rocket fuel raining on the Pacific causing more global warming!
Look, if we had a system that worked, do you suppose our gov’t would tell everyone?
What do you call a shit-eating cur who can’t argue his way out of a poop-scoop bag?
Roger Rabbit says:
@19 Last time I checked, Republican administrations collect those taxes, too.
02/21/2008 at 8:50 pm
But democrats committ all the voting fraud. I am just saying if the dems want a license to fraudulently control elections we need to take their license away to tax. Pure and simple.
But democrats committ all the voting fraud.
Why did Allen Raymond go to jail for jamming Dem GOTV phone lines? He was a Republican.
Why did the RNC spend 3 million plus to defend Tobin? He was a Republican too.
Where’s the ACVR when you need them?
Ooops – it was a fraud!
A better link:
Eat shit Doofus!
YLB is a special case, he is for a voter ID. He has nothing to hide. Ain’t that right clueless??!
As for voting fraud – don’t forget Coultergiest – who fraudulently voted in the wrong precinct in the last national election. She’s either stupid, a crook or both. I vote both.
Did everyone hear about McCain’s affair? I guess it’s okay for a republican. Should Dems spend 57 million of taxpayer’s money to investigate this the way the GOP did President Clinton?
he is for a voter ID.
I’m for American citizens being able to exercise their rights on election day.
A shit-eater like Doofus wants to take away citizen’s rights on election day – the greater number of citizens that are prevented from voting, the easier it is for right wing kooks to win.
I didn’t lump a black man and a jew. They lumped themselves together.
As for Lapin, as I said, I don’t know how correct the bio is. I am open to learn about this guy. Judging from your tone, gipper, I have nothing to learn from you. You assume too much. Just because he is an an “ORTHODOX Rabbi” does not mean he is a good person. I lean toward believing that he is toilet scum.
Which brings us to Hutch Hutcherson: A graft artist, pure and simple. And simple describes the morons in his flock (black, white, or otherwise). Hutch and his flock are nothing more than a feather in the devil’s cap.
YLB says:
he is for a voter ID.
I’m for American citizens being able to exercise their rights on election day.
A shit-eater like Doofus wants to take away citizen’s rights on election day – the greater number of citizens that are prevented from voting, the easier it is for right wing kooks to win.
02/21/2008 at 10:15 pm
No you are not. Anyone who says it is too much of a burden to carry a free ID to the polls yet supports taxing old ladies if they happen to make $450.00 in SE income is for voter fraud. Nice try though.
You can sure tell that it is spring. Baseball is in the air and Piper SWINGS and misses.
Strike two, looking. Curveball had his knees buckling.
Pinch hitting for an obviously shaken Piper, is MTRasshole. Swinging on the first pitch, he fouls weakly to the catcher. He is left at home plate……crying.
Geov @ 32:
Uh, did IQ’s drop sharply while I was away? Kim is nuttier than a fucking fruitcake, and completely, totally untrustworthy. The man actually thinks of himself as some sort of messianic figure, and if you’d ever bothered to check out any of the documentaries on the cruelties he’s inflicted upon his own subjects, you’d know he has absolutely no regard for his own people. Thusly, you’re an idiot to underestimate him and his ego. You may be right, and missile-defense may very well be a waste of money. But I’d rather be safe than sorry if he decides to lob something towards Wallingford in a fit of pique. Or a bad hair day, y’never know with him….
Don’t insult my intelligence again, hack.
It resembles Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent, at 3AM giving into his OC disorder.
Geov the crazed forgetful 16%er wrote “(Before the Bushies reneged on the Clinton treaty.)”
Ummmm… Geov, I’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt (except on headless lucy’s 24/7 racism) in comments.
I posted Madeline Half-bright words on how she was fooled by North Korea and how NK broke the treaty. But being a liberal you forget the facts.
Keep drinking that North Korean kool-aid.
ByeByeGOP says: “As for voting fraud – don’t forget Coultergiest…
Yes BBG, she was following in the footsteps of 40K people who voted in NYS, NJ etc. as snowbirds then voted again in Florida in 2000. Look it up goofball. Same thing happened again in 2004.
it is too much of a burden to carry a free ID
Just let the ACVR take that one up DOOFUS.
Eat shit mutt!!
Obviously shaken? Methinks you have OD’d again. The only think shaken about me is my funk, which is groovadelic!
The Piper
Every woman that I know, regardless of race, education, income, background, political affiliation, is struggling to keep her head above water.
Michelle Obama
Guess life with her husband isn’t all that hopeful despite all their money and privilege.
I wonder if Oprah is keeping her head above water.
#31 slingshot says:
Is that a shot at liberal paul krugman? I believe paul was only on an advisory panel for enron… Before he was against them. (hint; he was for them under clinton, against them under bush)
(AP) – Helicopters carrying three senior U.S. senators made emergency landings Thursday in the mountains of Afghanistan because of a snowstorm.
Sens. John Kerry, Joseph Biden and Chuck Hagel were aboard the aircraft. No one was injured, according a statement from Kerry’s office. The senators and their delegation returned to Bagram Air Base in a motor convoy, and have left for Turkey.
“After several hours, the senators were evacuated by American troops and returned overland to Bagram Air Base, and left for their next scheduled stop in Ankara, Turkey,” the Kerry statement said…
No doubt the next words out of kerry’s mouth were that the troops were too dumb to fix a helicopter. Followed up by his bragging about fixing helicopters on the river on christmas eve under orders from president nixon.
@55: If you have actual documentation of 40,000 voter fraud incidents – you should give it.
voter fraud indictments and convictions have been…..how many? and for what?
Didn’t a government panel (of mostly republicans) conclude that it isn’t a major problem? Is it only a problem in republican dreams? It sure was not a problem in Washington State where there was NO eveidence of voter fraud according to republican USAA John McCay.
However, the republican USAA in Arizona was fired for going after rick Renzi – and gee – it appears he is involved in some illegal activity and corruption.
Another case of republican corruption. There are so many it is getting boring (yawn).
Correctnotright: I posted the actual documentation and URLs on this blog site four times. If you choose not to read the PuddyStudies, well…
I found it, I posted it, the 16%ers ignored it. You can find it too…
The newspaper which did the expose said the FBI would be busy for a long time…
How is it Republican corrpution when the people live in BLUE states NY and NJ.
Using Heilary Cliton words: “I’m sick and tired” of doing your DD.
Puddybud @ 28:
“SCUBA buddy”??
LOL. I hope you’re not implying swim buddy. Lunch pal, sure. Ying and Yang, OK. Black and White cookie, maybe.
You know what they say; white men can’t jump and black men can’t swim.
Happy Friday.
Hey, Puddy.
No comment of the “cereal killer” gag??
Puddy’s delegated the small stuff to me, 64. The cereal killer gag was done to death by a Seattle writer, K.K. Beck, almost 20 years ago.
Try to keep up, man. While you’re mired in the quagmire of the past, we’re riding the new wave of Hope. And Change. Into the Obamanation Future. Try to get a clue.
The coffee seller has been battered in recent months by slower consumer spending, higher milk and labor costs and concerns that it may have saturated its domestic market.
I think we can all agree, except for the 600 that lost their jobs, the others are downright giddy with the increase in minimum wage.
starbucks = the coffee seller
@ 65.
Dudette, I’m already in the Obamanation futre. Read his book a while ago and that’s when I decided I could support him if he became the nominee. I just didn’t think he’d catch fire the way he did this time. 2012 or 2016 for sure.
They say there’s nothing new under the sun, but, did you catch the twist I put on the old joke??
Rad Dyke Rabbit. Hmmmm . . . obviously , being a rabbit your related to Roger Rabbit, but, do you do plumbing?
Clinton motorcade kills cop
(oops, I linked to the time magazine article that had the headline “bush motorcade kills cop”)
How does liberal bias work?? Read it and learn.
Officer Killed Escorting Clinton
Marvin@70: Liberal MSM Bias?
Not by these 16%ers.
Amazing how soft and cuddly the second article is!