– Sen Wyden and his staff handled a hands up protest about as well as one might expect, but I’m surprised it was organized without anyone on staff’s knowledge.
– Another reminder that the Supreme Court is not always going to do the right thing.
– Male Nerds Think They’re Victims Because They Have No Clue What Female Nerds Go Through [h/t]
An weird factiod:
Economists Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon compared different economies in modern Africa and found that the countries that lost more people to the slave trade were also the poorest countries today. (And have less trust in general)
Oh noes! Save us klownservatives.. Blow up the comment threads at Hot Air and the Gateway Racist. The Muslim Kenyan Usurper must not be allowed to sign another tax increase into law.
Well dang.. I guess my days of paying $1.89 a gallon (with my QFC discount) are coming to a close.. Oh wait! That’s why a top klownservative is pushing a tax increase.. Can’t have US Consumers associating a reduction in their cost of living with TWO-TERM President Obama. Once he signs the increase into law well, they’ll just blame him for it like they always do.
Got it.
Not to worry, gas will soon be free, and El Presidente will get credit for it. Oil dropped another 5% today. Anyone want to bet against the Saudis driving everyone else out of the business? Their lifting costs are 5 bucks a barrel. Will there be anything for Keystone XL to transport except hot air?
@3 can I get an Amen!
It takes a democrat in Calufornia to fix what a Republucan broke and it takes a republican in Kansas to make it worse than it was to the point where he is apologizing for his failed policy, the big question is whether he’s going to fix what he broke or let it get worse.
Is there a tax hike coming in Kansas?
Republicans talk about working hard in all communities to get out the vote (or attract mor black voters). Reince Prebis (spelling?).
That’s all bullshit, they don’t plan on working hard, they’ll just continue to cheat.
@6 No, I think at the operative level they’ll work hard to catch up with the Democrats’ technological edge, and I think they’ll work hard to turn out their voters. But they’ll also game elections with gerrymandering, voter suppression, and cheating and stealing elections as much as they can get away. They’re going to work every angle, legitimate and illegitimate, because they know they’ll never have a majority of eligible voters in their camp. How can they when their policies are designed to benefit 5% of the population at the expense of everyone else?
Republicans united behind John Bonehead.
As constellation to passing legislation to stone gays, Republicans have agreed to castration to all heterosexuals that commit adultery.
5)A Democratic Governor who has twice ran the state after actors had the office.
One thing that I was wondering would ever happen, is groundbreaking on California High Speed Rail. Well that is now tomorrow, or actually later today.
One thing that I was wondering would ever happen, is groundbreaking on California High Speed Rail. Well that is now tomorrow, or actually later today.
@12 which leaves me to say – Damn, I wish my State had high speed rail.
I hate to fly, I would rather drive a car 16 hours straight. But would live to take a rail trip instead.
I go by the motto – if the plane you are in crashes it is your own fault for putting yourself in that plane, nobody else to blame.
Republican Governors can’t balance budgets, leaving piles of shit everywhere, including now Jan Brewer. But new gov. Says no new taxes. What a bunch of idiots. They should start with cutting their pay and pensions.
13)I have taken Amtrak Cascades a few times recently, and there was trackwork underway near Kelso, possibly from stimulus money, and some of the money other states turned down.