Dino Rossi’s State of the State Denial:
(Some 70 other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Dino Rossi’s State of the State Denial:
(Some 70 other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
Why do the Republicans who mock John Edwards’ haircut not mock Dino Rossi’s? Can anyone say, hypocrisy?
@1 proud lefttist
Perhaps because it looks like his mother cuts it.
So, it’s Saturday, another day of Puddy and Piper. I wonder why they spend so much time here posting their, often indecipherable, rants. I’m not sure of this but I’ll credit them with enough smarts to know that they are not going to change anyone’s mind here. That at best everyone just finds them annoying and silly. So why are they posting here? And so often and at such great length. Why aren’t they over at a rightwing blog sharing with their peers?
There is something going on with these two guys. Some emotional needs are going unfilled. Clearly they are lonely . They are lousy listeners. They have an intense need to be right about everything. And virtually no self-awareness at all. They just spew the Fox news/Republican party line without question. Their best argument on all matters is “the other guy does/did it too.
This is why, for instance, that although they have an opinion on everything under the sun, neither one of them will state outright their position on Bush’s use of torture and his killing of civilians. They can’t say that Clinton did it too.
Neither one of them (and Piper is supposedly an attorney) have any concern at all that in America today any citizen can be picked up by the government, imprisoned without access to an attorney or habeas corpus, tortured, and held indefinitely. As long as it’s their side that is committing these crimes against humanity and our constitution they are not concerned. And they consider themselves patriots. Yet by their support for these crimes they betray their country.
As a compassionate progressive I feel sorry for these two. And I feel sorry that there are so many in this country like them. We are truly a nation in decline when so many of it’s citizens are willing to sacrifice rational thought and personal liberty and Christian and American values to follow the likes of Hannity and O’Reilly and Limbaugh and Coulter.
Puddy and Piper you are pathetic human beings. On behalf of this country that you betray. FUCK YOU!
A syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Knowing this, Puddy and Piper support Bush.
Therefore Puddy and Piper support torture and killing of civilians
“History is clear: Over and over again, the U.S. government places fascists in powerful positions. Once in office, they exploit wars and national tragedies to roll back hard-won freedoms. They’re Democrats as well as Republicans.”
Ted Rall
“An Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove”
Rossi, the BIAW’s man.
“I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that’s what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards.”
Mike Huckabee
Major contender to be the Republican candidate for president in 2008
Maybe this will help Puddy and Piper make up their minds.
Ridge: ‘No doubt…waterboarding is torture.’
Former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge told the AP in an interview, “There’s just no doubt in my mind — under any set of rules — waterboarding is torture.” He added, “I believe, unlike others in the administration, that waterboarding was, is — and will always be — torture. That’s a simple statement.” In a separate interview with The Associated Press on Thursday, the current Homeland Security secretary, Michael Chertoff, refused to say what he thinks of the interrogation technique.
Ahhhh, Puddy and Piper, Tom Ridge is a REPUBLICAN. But now that he doesn’t work for the neo-fascist Bushies anymore he can tell the truth. Waterboarding is torture!
Bush tortures.
Puddy and Piper support Bush
Therefore Puddy and Piper support torture
Torture is not a subject that reasonable people can differ about. Torture is evil! To support torture is evil!
Dino Rossi has no chance. The state GOP, if they had any sense, would beg Dan Evans to come out of retirement, but the wingnut loons who have taken over the party will not allow it.
Their motto: “Extremism in defense of irrelevance is no vice; and moderation, in any form, is no virtue”.
If we need good math and science teachers, recruit them and pay them more than other teachers. The WEA does nothing but insure mediocrity in education.
@11. What a sad post. Math and science are important disciplines, but they are fundamentally practical preparations for the work of life and for broadly educated citizens. It is in the humanities that students find by way of academic discipline the basic questions of humanity. What does it mean to be human? What is a good person? How does the individual function in society? Who am I? Math/science teachers address crucial issues of growth by way of their individual personalities. Teachers in English, history, art, drama, etc., do it daily as part of the curriculum of the class. The teacher who inspired YOU was more likely to be your English or history teacher than anyone else. Yeah, right. Let’s find the least truly important disciplines (for the growth of a child) and pay those teachers more than the others. Did you know that colleges value the verbal portion of the SAT at twice the importance of the math portion? It is not a whimsy that they do so.
@3 More likely spamming HA is their job. They’re probably freckle-faced college kids who don’t shave yet working their way through college by making minimum wage in a GOP boiler room operation.
@3 Piper is NOT an attorney. http://pro.wsba.org/MemberDeta....._ID=752774 He supposedly owns a hole-in-the-wall human resources consulting business, but there’s no evidence it’s a going concern. On the other hand, there is considerable circumstantial evidence that he has plenty of time on his hands and nothing constructive to do.
Piper also may get his ass in trouble by advertising “free legal advice” on his web site, because he is NOT licensed to provide legal advice, free or otherwise. However, I’m not a rat, so I won’t be the one to turn him in.
@7 “Major contender to be the Republican candidate for president in 2008”
More of a flash in the pan. The only reason Huckabee won Iowa is because it’s a small state and his candidacy was hyped there by two radio jockeys whose shows reach most of the state’s politically active population. This situation was unique to Iowa and will not be repeated elsewhere, and in the subsequent contests Huckabee has barely been in double digits. He is not a major contender and won’t come close to getting the nomination. He has no money, no campaign organization, and no means of waging a national campaign in the states ahead. He can’t even contend in one state, let alone a significant number of the 22 states that will vote or caucus on Super Tuesday, which is now only a few days away.
@10 ??? Evans will turn 83 in October, and has been away from state politics for decades. He’s basically the same vintage as Al Rosellini, who at 97 is well on his way toward proving it’s possible for an ex-politician to live forever.
@11 Which taxes do you want to raise to fund these higher teacher salaries?
@112 Hell, let’s raise ALL the teachers’ salaries, and while we’re at it, let’s raise state employees’ pay, too — as underpaid as teachers are, state workers are even more underpaid. But the teachers most in need of pay increases are not math or humanities teachers, but beginning teachers. In some of the large districts, the veteran teachers at the top of the pay heap are, in my opinion, doing all right — certainly far better than I ever did as a state lawyer. Two 25-year Seattle teachers married to each other are making, what, close to $150,000 a year now? The real problem is that young, single, new teachers in high cost of living urban areas have to live on less than $30,000 a year and that’s simply not possible. If you want to attract new people to the teaching profession, you have to make it financially possible for them to teach. The teacher unions unfortunately have been more interested in boosting the pay of those at the top scales than helping the young teachers. If there is money available, I think it should go to the lower ranks first.
But if there’s money available, I think state workers should be first in line, because they’ve been neglected for decades. What has happened over the years is that a succession of legislatures has rewarded teachers for striking, and punished state workers for not striking, by taking money away from state workers and giving it to teachers to settle teacher strikes. That isn’t fair to the state workers who work just as hard as teachers do, in jobs requiring as much (or more) education, and those state jobs often are more difficult, demanding, and stressful. For example, the turnover among child protection workers is extremely high, because of lousy pay and job stress. That job requires a master’s degree in social work and the pay stinks. Typically, people last only 2 or 3 years in that job, then move on. You read all the time in the papers about incredible screwups by CPS — kids getting returned to parents who stepparents who then kill them. The reason that happens is because of inexperience. Even the CPS supervisors have little experience, because of the high turnover in that job. The legislature has consistently starved DSHS and other state agencies of cash with which to pay salaries attractive enough to keep people in critical jobs, and like everything else, you get what you pay for. I think striking teachers have been insensitive to the needs of both young teachers and other groups of public employees, all of whom are competing for the same limited pot of money.
The Piper
@14 I’ll do it! I’ll rat his sorry ass out! What’s Piper’s website address
@21 Piper, as a supporter of war crimes, including the use of torture and killing civilians, what the fuck do you know about the humanities.
Puddy and Piper let me make it as simple as I can for ya.
If it is intrinsically bad for the terrorists to torture and kill. It is also bad for America to torture and kill.
Anyone who reads a post by Piper or Puddy should always read it through the lens of torture, ie this is a guy who supports torture and the killing of civilians by our government. This is a guy who supports indefinite detention of citizens without trial. This is a guy who thinks the government never arrests an innocent person. How much value should I place in any opinion he expresses.
Roger Rabbit this morning publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and Barack Obama for Vice President. See comment on the “Nevadans Gamble on Romney” thread.
@25 As a rabbit who lives off corporate dividends it is an understandable endorsement. Two
moderateliberal Republicans (dino) who will make sure that the corporations that have funneled millions of dollars into their presidential campaigns will be rewarded with a return on their investment. For folks like myself who want to see an end to the war, the erosion of our civil liberties and increased congressional oversight of the executive office, these are not happy times. Indeed I, who have voted in every election for many years often holding my nose, am seriously considering sitting this one out.@26y Actually, I don’t like that aspect of Hillary’s campaign, and I’m much more in sympathy with Edwards’ issue stances than hers, but I’m a pragmatist and I’m voting for the person I think possesses the ability to get things done. By electing Hillary, we won’t get our whole progressive agenda, but we’ll get part of it and I’m just not confident that voting for Obama or Edwards will produce as much result.
@26 In any case, sitting out the election is not an option. It’s merely acquiescence to whatever others choose to do; and you can be certain the fundies will be getting out THEIR voters, so I strongly urge you to rethink that approach.
Also, it should be noted that, while I own a six-figure stock portfolio (built up from almost nothing by astute stockpicking), it’s all in IRAs and I do not live on my IRAs; all of the Rabbit Household’s bills are paid with pension income.
Also, there’s precious little dividends because most of that money is in non-dividend-paying growth stocks; but in any case, the stocks in the IRAs are what Mrs. Rabbit and I will have to live on after inflation destroys the purchasing power of our pensions, which is happening rather rapidly now.
Lee: You can run but you can’t hide:
“September 11, 2006 Over the Edge: Democrats and the “9/11 Truth Movement”
If ever there was an argument for involuntary commitment, it is the 9/11 Truth Movement, a loose confederation of paranoid psychotics who have managed to convince themselves that President Bush blew up the World Trade Center. For anyone wondering how the Democratic Party could go even farther out on its limb after elevating kooks like Howard Dean to key positions, this movement provides the answer.
Copy left and fair use to the URL Holder above
Moron@3 said:”Neither one of them (and Piper is supposedly an attorney) have any concern at all that in America today any citizen can be picked up by the government, imprisoned without access to an attorney or habeas corpus, tortured, and held indefinitely.”
Please tell me who this happened to.
Headless Lucy@4: New day new name.
At least you are consistent.
@32 If the government is holding someone in a secret facility how would we know you dumb fuck? We do know that they have done this wiyth citizens from other countries who after torturing them finally realized they had the wrong guy and released him to his home country.
And the operative words word in my sentence are CAN BE–as in the military commissions act and Patriot Act, you stupid dumb fuck. Read carefully before you start hunting and pecking.
They say that successful Republican politicians have to dumb down their messages to appeal to their followers. i submit Puddy as evidence that They are right.
I’m sure that Headless Lucy would be flattered to have my comments attributed to her. But I am not Headless Lucy. I am Rossi Lies-you dumb fuck.
A syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Knowing this, Puddy and Piper support Bush.
Therefore Puddy and Piper support torture and the killing of civilians
@32: Jose Padilla:
american citizen, no right of Habeus corpus, Bush has designated him an enemy combatant.
Where is the evidence and the trial?
why can’t we convict the terrorists?
why will they get off? Because the bush administration can’t follow the simple rules of the constitution – they had to chaet and wil end up letting terrorists go because they could not follow the simple rules americans have always folloowed – until now.
torture doesn’t work. torture ruins our reputation. torture is not consistent with the geneva convention that we signed and are supposed to abide by – even the Nazis claimed they abided by the geneva convention (although they really didn’t).
we claim we don’t torture – but we waterboard, which is torture. Anyone can see through our hypocrisy. I am ashamed to be an american who lives in a land that tortures.
Yer not correct nor right. Just liberal, and therefore as ignorant as a rock.
Padilla had his day in court. Convicted on ALL counts. Soon to be sentenced. There. Ya happy? THE SYSTEM WORKED! All the little lawyers and judges played their little games and the POS Padilla who was:
Trained by Al Qaeda-
Acting under AL Qaeda’s orders-
With slam dunk proof of Al Qaeda’s American contacts-
..had a trial in front of a jury, got represented by HIS OWN lawyer, got convicted by the American legal system. Al Qaeda don’t play by any rules. Padilla was treated fair and square.
Torture? THERE’s ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF Padilla was EVER tortured by Americans.
Jose Padilla. The answer to everything wrong!
idiot@35: Then why do you use all of the known and admitted headless lucy epithets?
Puddy and Piper – On behalf of Rossi Lies, FUCK YOU!
The Tommy
Thank you Tommy. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Puddy and Piper are not people worthy of respect. Why?
A syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Knowing this, Puddy and Piper support Bush.
Therefore Puddy and Piper support torture and the killing of civilians
garbage spew @37 Al Qaeda this, Al Qaeda that, blah, blah, blah
Al Qaeda, founded, funded & run by CIA handlers
wise up dipstick
“Well the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so!”
Man who is totally uncouth (liberal): There is ZERO PROOF that Al Qaeda was ever founded, funded or anything else by the CIA! Hell, even the EXTREMELY LIBERAL Wikipedia says NOT! If you are referring to the mujahideen in Afghanistan in the late ’80’s, yer blown. The 2 ain’t the same.
You really need to lose this self-hatred you have, and hatred for all things American and understand: WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS.