Brit Hume has a fireside chat with Dick Cheney:
(This and over 80 other media clips from the last week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Brit Hume has a fireside chat with Dick Cheney:
(This and over 80 other media clips from the last week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
Excellent article why McCain is unfit to be preznit.
He mistakenly believes that “getting along” with you assholes is the way to go. Bullshit. Defeating libruls and librulism is the only way to move ahead.
Meanwhile, I urge you fucking losers to continue with the strategy of Stalinism, Socialism, Surrender, and Secularism. Those ideas have a long rich history of success wherever and whenever they have been tried.
1 – Pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy welsher!
non sequitur: “excellent article + National Review”
Stalinism: The extensive use of propaganda to establish a personality cult around an absolute dictator, as well as extensive use of the secret police to maintain social submission and silence political dissent.
Explain yourself Mark. Who is this dictator we have established a personality cult around?
Court annuls marriage between twins separated at birth
Twins who were separated at birth and later married each other without realising they were brother and sister have had their marriage annulled by the high court’s family division, it emerged yesterday.,,2239525,00.html
Kos blogs for the Mittster?
It strikes me that the faaaar right will have no choice but to form a new party. Their batshit crazy world view has derailed the GOP. It’s no longer remotely relevant and I predict that the Dems will win the White House as well as veto-proof majorities in both Houses. This is the fault of the religious nutjobs that stole the party away from true conservatives like Goldwater.
The Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, James Dobson wing of the party will be reduced to about 10% of the voters. They’ll probably find some cult-leader to represent them and further eviscerate the GOP.
I guess that’s not all bad since the GOP has been the biggest enemy of our Constitution in eight years.
@1 Mark Levin? LOL! I’ve caught that idiot’s radio show a few times. If he thinks McCain is unfit to be president, that can only mean McCain has something positive to offer.
I broke that story to the HA Happy Hooligans yesterday…
Read @4 on the thread
Day late, dollar short…
The Piper
Gee, upon what data do you base your insightful and piercing analysis? What you barfed up after your last binge drunk?
You keep right on spewing your phlegm and see how far it gets you…and how bad it hurts your own party. All that kind of rhetoric does is to convince the fence-sitters out there that you’re a rabid politcal dog and that whoever you support must be mouth-foamers as well.
In short, you’re a hater, and it shows.
Have at it, dude; the more you do, the more you bugger the chances of Dems.
The Piper
Answer the question: Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
The Piper
Well, we’ll have to differ somewhat on this one.
John McCain is getting some traction, and, on the central issue of the day, national security and terrorism, he’s on the right, and I do mean RIGHT in all senses of the word, page.
Also, in the recent SC debate, he argued strongly in favor of making the Bush tax cuts permanent. His shift in stance on immigration is hopeful, too.
Now, don’t take this as my endorsement of him; just let me ask of you this question: in a November voting booth, and faced with the choice of John McCain versus HRC, BHO, or Johnny “Jihad Against the American Economy” Edwards, whose name would get your ballot check-mark?
We’ll never have another Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus; Great ones come along only once. But his guiding vision – what he called his 11th Commandment – remains valid: “”Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican.” It’s especially valid when speaking here among political heathens.
Of late, they’re doing a great job of beating each other up in favor, actually mostly against, each other’s candidates. Let’s sit back, encourage them in their efforts, and enjoy the show!
As for the right (both conservative and correct) side, Super Tuesday may well sort things out for us, and whoever emerges as our El Jeffe on that day should get our support…ALL our support.
In the meantime, keep up the fight!
The Piper
5 & 9 why is this story of unintentional incest of such great interest to you two “family values” Republicans? And why do you think it is of interest to this blog?
For a special treat read the comments to this story. These folks are what the spawn of a marriage between the incest obsessed Piper and PuddyPud would be like.
Photos from DC. Isn’t this astonishing? Protesters against torture arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court. Now we know what the Republicans mean by values: lies, torture, and war crimes.
81 Protesters Arrested at Supreme Court
Jan 11th, 2008 | WASHINGTON — Eighty-one people were arrested at the Supreme Court Friday in a protest calling for the shutdown of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Demonstrators wearing orange jump suits intended to simulate prison garb were arrested inside and outside the building in the early afternoon. “Shut it down,” protesters chanted as others kneeled on the plaza in front of the court.
They were charged with violating an ordinance that prohibits demonstrations of any kind on court grounds. Those arrested inside the building also were charged under a provision that makes it a crime to give “a harangue or oration” in the Supreme Court building.
The maximum penalty is 60 days in jail, a fine or both.
The court is considering whether prisoners still detained at Guantanamo Bay have a right to challenge their confinement in U.S. courts.
Officials briefly closed the court building during the protest. It reopened around 2 p.m. EST.
@4 Iknow! I know the answer! It’s George W, Bush ain’t it? And don’t forget how Bush gets to do all this evil. He is enabled and supported in his evil by “values” right-wingers like PuddyPud and The Crackpiper. Ask Piper and Puddy if they support or oppose torture. The two windbags will give you an opinion on anything and everything but they don’t have the balls to answer that question. If they respond at all it will be to invoke the name of Clinton or call the questioner names but they will not answer that question. They are truly brave republican warriors. weep for your country @4! Weep for your country.
Again Piper and Puddy-why are you here posting on this blog. Do you think you will change anyone’s mind with your intellectual highly reasoned name calling and silly quotes from right wing wackos? Or do you have some unfilled emotional needs that the right wing can’t meet.
Photos of anti-torture protesters arrested at Supreme Court.
Now Piper will accuse me of supporting the terrorists through my opposition to torture and the imprisonment of people without access to a court proceeding. You see Piper, as a good right-wing wacko, doesn’t think that the governmentet can do anything right but for some reason that he won’t explain believes the George W. Bush, the well known liar, when he says every prisoner being held is guilty of terrorism.
Piper 12 – Don’t get me wrong. ANY republican is better than ANY moonbat democrat.
I’m just sayin’ McCain ain’t our guy. He’s NOT a conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
@13-16…Cultural Moron and Fifth Columnist…
Not only are you a pimp for the gang at the Gitmo lockup, you’re also an esthetic dump and cultural illiterate. It’s “bagpipe,” stupid; the instrument is a bagpipe, and only when there are more than one of them is the term “bagpipes” used.
Then again the only “pipes” with which you’re familiar are either the one you undoubtedly use to smoke your dope – only a hallucinated slimeball could say the stuff you do – or the lead one your mother must have used to beat you with as a child. How else to explain these rants that seem to flow from the Charlie Manson Charm School.
Hey! How about them 81 demonstrators? That’s a one more than two Metro bus-loads of folks, a real groundswell and sea of humanity. Why don’t you have a convention of all those folks? I know some available phone booths.
Here’s a question for you: Why are you so Hell-bent for leather to pimp the terrorists? Is it because when you grow up – fat chance that, eh what? – you want to be like them? You support airliners flown into buildings? Beheadings? IED’s? Bombing Spanish trains, British jetliners and refineries, Balinese marketplaces, and scores of Middle Eastern bazaars, cafes, hotels, hospitals, schools and the like?
Get your jollies reading about all that stuff do you? That why you want Gitmo Gangstas to be treated like defendants in American courtrooms?
That how we treated German and Italian POWs during WW II? Or were they confined “for the duration?” No courts, no lawyers, lousy G.I. food, slit-trench toilets, and forced to work choppin’ cotton in Lousiana. BTW…they were lawful combatants, wearing uniforms, and at least paying lip service to international rules of warfare.
In the 1940’s types like what we have at Gitmo would have been tried by a military tribunal, convicted and executed within a few weeks of capture all at the specific direction of FDR, the ultimate Democrat. See, inter alia, Ex parte Quirin, 317 U.S. 1 (1942), a UNANIMOUS (that includes uber-liberal, W.O. Douglas).
But NOOOOOOOOOO……You could care less what they’ve done! You’re all over yourself to hold them up as, at worst, simply misunderstood victims of American perfidy!
How’s that hug-a-thug theory workin’ out for you? Getting a lot of converts among al Quida, et al?
Here’s a deal…why don’t we send you to Iraq or Afghanistan or the Sudan or Pakistan or some place like that, and you can convince all those misunderstood, good-at-heart folks how much you’re on their side, and how you and yours are really their friends, and can’t we just all get along?
And then, infidel, they’ll lop off your head as the disgustingly filthy unbeliever you are.
Who’s your bin Laden now, dipwad?
The Piper
Tell us Mark the Redneck: who is your guy?
The bible thumper who refuses to acknowledge the “theory” of evolution. He’ll be great on global warming.
The former Mayor of New York who through gross incompetence built his command center in a terrorist target and equipped the fire department with inoperable radios leading to the deaths of many of them.
The former Governor who must rely on a notebook to know what his position today is on a given issue.
The libertarian who wants to take away old folks’ access to medicare and end social security the most successful anti-poverty program ever.
Huckabee’s style of “jimmy carter” foreign policy rules him out.
Rudy’s a RINO. NFW on him…
I think Fred is the closest thing to a real conservative out there. But he’s gotta start getting the message out.
This election is really about whether the “American Experiment” is over or not.
All the marxists running for the D nomination are european socialists in various shades of gray. Not a nickel’s worth of difference between them. I’m truly afraid of all of them and what they would do to our economy, our freedoms, our culture, and our security.
The only way anybody could support any of them is to be unAmerican to the core of your rotten souls.
@20…ObL’s Bitch…
We know your candidate is anyone who advocates surrender, appeasement, American defeat and humiliation, who turns a blind eye to the butchering of innocent civilians by terrorists, and who wants to force the world to convert to his (there are no “her’s” in this category since they have zero rights of any kind) way of thinking.
Keep givin’ it up and layin’ it down for evil, pal, because you reap what you sow.
The Piper
@1 I agree your side shouldn’t try to get along with us liberal assholes. Our intentions toward you fascist goatfuckers are purely malevolent. Now pay your gambling debt, deadbeat!
@5 yawn. That’s yesterday’s news, and was posted on this board 24 hours ago. You should read newspapers more often.
I’ve got better things to do than sit in front of a computer all day.
I note with interest that Gregoire wants to use user fees to cover the capital costs for the 520 bridge, much as the state did in the sweetheart contract they had with United Infrastructure. In general, I support the concept of user fees to cover not just Operations & Maintenance costs, but capital costs as well.
That being said, we really need to look at Washington State Ferries before we toss good money after bad. Gregoire wants to come up with a third of a billion or so to cover capital costs for the Port Townsend to Keystone run, a run which on it’s best year carried less 3% of the total ferry passengers and considerably less than 3% of the total ferry passenger-miles.
This run, in fact, is used by about two thousand people a day, when winds and tide permit…or actually about 1000 people, making round trips.
If the people of Pierce County are going to be paying user fees that cover the capital costs as well as O&M costs of their bridge, and the people of King County are going to be paying for the capital and O&M costs of their bridge, it would seem only appropriate that the people who use the PT-Keystone ferry pay the capital and O&M funds of their transportation as well. Unfortunately, the tolls currently charged don’t even cover the O&M costs, in fact, they only cover about one-sixth the O&M costs.
So if we are to have equity, the ferry tolls must be raised by six-fold….just to cover O&M. Now that leaves dividend yield on the bonds used to finance the construction of new ferries. Based upon the Tacoma Narrows bonds, the dividend yield is 4.6%, meaning the interest costs for that one-third of a billion dollars capital expense will be over $15 million a year, with amotization of the principal over 50 years adding another $9 million a year.
Now I ask all the reasonable people out there, is there really and difference between the PT-Keystone ferry run and the infamous “Bridge to nowhere” that earmarked 270 million for a bridge from Ketchikan (population 7662) to Gravely Island (population 40 people)?
Reasonable people would probably shitcan both projects, but if the locals CHOOSE not to be reasonable…shouldn’t the USERS have to foot the whole bill for the PT-Keystone ferry. If so, the fare would be about $50 per passenger…each way.
And what about Qwest field and Safeco Field-shouldn’t the USERS have to foot the whole bill? If so ticket prices would be a lot higher than they are now. It pisses me off every day when I pass those two stadiums on my way to the International district for lunch knowing that the very food I eat at a restaurant will be taxed to pay off those stadiums. Sports teams and their fans are parasites on this community.
I agree with you a thousand percent, and that goes double for the worthless damn Sonics who are now running out on Seattle after extorting the Coliseum remodel to keep them here.
A pox on all three of the organizations….
The situation with the State Ferry system is getting worse
More boats have been found that the Coast Guard says require urgent repairs.
The Evergreen State, Kaleetan, and Tillikum must have work done in the next 120 days and the Rhododendron must be fixed before it is returned to service
If ever there was an agency that urgently requires an audit, it is the Washington State Ferry System. Most of these boats have been running on waivers granted by the Coast Guard from the normal safety standards required of motor vessels (an adequate number of life rafts or lifeboats for the passengers, for example), because they managed to convince the Coast Guard that they were a government agency that knew what they were doing. The facts seem to be showing that to be anything but the truth.
We need to put the ferry system on a short leash…inspect every ferry while the audit is completed, and not put one more dollar into capital improvements anywhere in the system until we find out what this whole mess is going to end up costing, and whether or not it’s worth that much.
a syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Piper knows this yet supports Bush..
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and the killing of civilians!
To allow the condition of these vessels to deteriorate to this point.
This surprises you? These are the people who don’t maintain floating bridges until they sink, don’t maintain viaducts until they fall down around someone’s ears, and whose negligence over the past 55 years has largely created the traffic problems in King and Snohomish counties.
But the only way they are going to get adult leadership is to audit them. And until the audit is completed and the condition of EVERY SINGLE BOAT assessed, they shouldn’t get a single dime for capital projects.