I was listening to some music, when iTunes automatically played the next file in the cue: an old episode of Podcasting Liberally from June 6, 2006, with me, Molly, Will, Carl, Ed Murray, Dan Savage and Eli Sanders. It was kinda a blast, and I especially enjoyed listening to us make our presidential predictions. (Hey Will… how’d Mark Warner work out for you?) Feeling nostalgic? Tune in and enjoy the fun:
[audio:http://horsesass.org/wp-content/uploads/drinking-liberally-june-6-2006.mp3][FYI, I believe this was recorded the day before 710-KIRO offered me my show.]
Oh man… that is funny. I miss podcasting liberally. Radio just doesn’t give you the freedom to say whatever the fuck you want. I think you should do a podcast at least once a month.
We totally do. Beer + no censors = good stuff.
I’m due for a road trip!
OK…Go read this: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ho.....677584.ece
Then ask yourself just how creepy it is.
The Piper
That is pretty fucking creepy, Piper. And then you snuck oner to Page 3, right? ;)
What??? You think I’m a perv? And what makes you an expert?
The Piper
Because that’s what I did. At least Page 3 ain’t Silicone City……
And I wouldn’t call you a perv. That’d imply that scoping Page 3 was somehow wrong…….
Now, getting aroused to something like “This Month in Dairy”? That’s one hundred percent pervalicious. If stodgy old Brits love Page 3, well, that’s actually more like a refreshing change from old stereotypes, eh?
Old stereotypes? How about, “No sex please, we’re British!”
The Piper
That’s what I wanted to type, it just slipped my memory for a minute there. But the Brits do have their perversions. I remember reading somewhere once that the French called flagellation (paddling/spanking) ‘le vice Anglaise’.
Often falsely attributed to him, but nevertheless something he wished he’d said, is Churchill’s “quote” that the Royal Navy’s traditions are, “Rum, sodomy, and the lash.”
Years ago there was a British comedy show, The Two Ronnies, that Ivar Haglund paid to have shown on KCTS. It exemplified British music hall humor, which is often laden with double entendres and buxom babes.
And don’t forget that the precursor to our Doris Day – Rock Hudson pillow talk comedies of the 60’s were British movies of the late 50’s and early 60’s.
The Piper
So why are you donks for forcing little old ladies who made $500 in self employment income to file a 1040 and supply a SS# every year but you are against forcing people to carry a free ID to the polls?
Bad News for Hillary fans!!!!!
I just learned that Hillary has died!
This is awful news. Can the Clintons come back from this ????
Pssstt … the feminists need not worry, THEIR Hillary lives on. It is us Machomen who are in despair.
BTW: anyone wanting to give Seattle Jew a present, this boat would be real fine
14 continued
Of course we all know the real answer is it would make it harder for you to commit voter fraud but it is still fun to ask. hehehe
it would make it harder for you to commit voter fraud
You mean the kind Raymond and Tobin commmited?
Doofus – you’re very concerned about voting fraud.
Get the ACVR on the case:
Another ACVR link for Doofus the poop-scarfing cur!
A blast from the past starring Doofus:
More is on the way Doofus? Is it here by any chance?:
@4 Here’s a creepy thought for ya: Are Ed Hansen and John Craig Herman twin brothers?
Poor Doofus doesn’t realize our side acquired ACVR in the bankruptcy proceedings.
I remember the Two Ronnies. Growing up in Port Angeles, I got nothing but Canadian TV for years until my parents finally sprang for cable, and the CBC showed the Two Ronnies weekly, if not daily it seemed. And don’t forget the Queen of British comedy, Benny Hill. British comedy revealed the manic energy (and perviness) under that British reserve. And Canadian comedy was pretty influential to me as well, with SCTV (which freqently went to SNL), the Frantics, Kids in the Hall, and “This Hour Has 22 Minutes”, which to this day is far superior to any American news-parody show.
And while this isn’t an endorsement, none of those Canadian shows would’ve gotten where they did without airing on the government-sponsored CBC.
20 & 22
Now if only the USDOJ went bankrupt you guys would be on to something. hehehehehe
Mark Warner would have been a FANTASTIC presidential candidate, but thankfully, he’ll be an amazing US Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia when he wins this November.
This is really sad but Clintonian:
Before the New Hampshire Primary – Bill Clinton on Obama:
Bill 1/8/08: “This is the biggest fairytale I’ve ever seen.”
After the New Hampshire Primary – Bill Clinton on Obama to Al Not-So-Sharpton on Al’s Radio Show
Bill 1/11/08: “It’s not a fairytale.”
Puddystudy: Which is it Bill?
Triangulation 101. And, of course, the 16%ers here eat it up.
Who are the 16%ers? Most of the liberals on this blog described by Bill Schneider of CNN as the way out left-field liberals.
Another Lefty Karl Rove – Sidney Blumenthal was caught in the sauce:
James Carville and Sidney Blumenthal – the original Karl Roves.
Bill Mahar: The original kill the conservatives commenter:
BILL MAHER: I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but it does strike me odd that Barack Obama was up so much in New Hampshire one day before and that the exit polls, a lot of them say that people still voted for him as the winner. I’m not saying something was funny going on there, but it does bother me that a private company runs the polling machines and that only they certainly seem to know what went on….
I’m just saying, you know, in crime they always ask qui bono, ‘who profits?’ Who profits from the Hillary victory? They don’t want to run against Obama. Your party does not want to run against him. They want to run against Hillary Clinton and now they have a race with her in it.
TONY SNOW, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: So, Republicans are throwing the election to Hillary Clinton?
MAHER: Well, they’ve done that before.
SNOW: Your hair’s on fire. This is totally wacko!
MAHER: I’m not saying it’s true.
SNOW: It’s completely wacked!
MAHER: Woe, woe. They did it to Ed Muskie.
MARK CUBAN: Let’s just say this: Nobody knows, right? Because who’s in charge of the companies building the machines…
SNOW: It’s completely wacked!
Like PStupes?
LMAO!! PuddyStudy? A student of right wing bullshit.
Half&Half@29: Since your “commentary” has no cream in it, let’s get an understanding.
You’re still not a man until you choose to any my three questions.
Half wimp
Half chicken
You’re still not a man until you choose to any my three questions.
It used to be 4 questions but you don’t talk about the one I did answer do you?
As for the other three?
Sit and spin on ’em. I don’t take orders from you!!!
Half&Half: You only partially answered the Harold Ford question. I accepted what you would answer.
So did your wife wear the pants in the Half&Half family today? She did all last week.