THAT was a good one Darryl! Back when we first saw the Firefighters working, constantly digging at the World Trade Center, my FIRST thought was WTF are they doing? There HAD to be asbestos in the mess! Why NO masks on ANYBODY!?!?!?
Of the crews that I worked with back at City Light, only a small number were Asbestos Certified, paid higher hourly rate when it was identified on a job site, addl safety training REQUIRED yearly for them. Not even ‘supposed’ to have facial hair under their masks (granted, some still kept their beards). But there weren’t too many takers, nasty & dangerous work, I sure wouldn’t have done it myself. The masks ARE claustrophobic, granted, but at least it would give the Firefighter a fighting chance to survive later on. Those poor Firefighters were totally out of their league!
I always wondered where were their Safety Coordinators? This YouTube leaves me wondering if their ‘fearless leader’ Rudy was the driving force? Irresponsible, actually insane!
How long before the Shi’ite clerics, and the Sunnis we’ve been paying not to fiht us while they buy arms to use against the Shi’ites, decie that “it is no longer time to be silent” and attack each other, or worse, decide that the “time” has come to drive the Americans out once and for all?
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
When will the msm actually do some stories on exactly why all those workers were not required to wear masks when it was well known that the air was toxic? It is not like nobody knows about asbestos. Who made the decision?
By the way:
There is a strategy for cleaning up next November. Have wagons parked outside every polling place. Have workers pretend to be exit pollers ask people if they voted for “any” republicon. If the answer is yes, the morons are escorted to the funny farm where they belong. At the funny farm they can be introduced to things like facts, and reality and stuff…. Anyone who hates America enough to support any republiconvict belongs behind bars for aiding and abetting, or at least in a rubber room where they can’t hurt our country any more.
Puddy's dopplegangerspews:
If Obama gets is the Democratic candidate we’ll be seeing a lot more of this and the “big tent” “GOP” “party of Lincoln” Republicans will likely have some success pushing this racism. After all in 2004 they portrayed combat veteran John Kerry as a coward and war avoiders Bush and Cheney as brave war heroes. Check out this bit below from
Is Hussein Obama the weakest Dem for the General election?
The New Republic Iowa Caucus ^ | January 3, 2008 | nwrep
“Did the weakest Dem candidate for the general election won tonight? I think so.
By sending forth Hussein Osama out of Iowa, Democrats have unwittingly weakened their general election prospects.
Hussein’s exotic mixture of radical liberalism, Kwanzaa Socialism, antipathy towards the unborn, and weakness against his jihadi brethren will all come back to destroy him against almost any Republican opponent, even the snake-grope from Hope.
I think we as Republicans should be celebrating tonight at the coronation of Hussein, in whose presence millions of Democrat women, from elementary school teachers to journalism majors to law school grads to dykes on bikes will go weak in their knees.
As defenders of this great Republic, and of the pinnacle of Western civilization that it represents, we should all come together tonight and agree on a common strategy that will keep the White House from becoming a madrassa.
God Bless America, Land of the Free.”
Puddy's dopplegangerspews:
Hillary criticizes Obama for his progressive record.
” Hillary Clinton signaled that she intends to play on Obama’s as yet unexploited political weaknesses: “Who will be able to stand up to the Republican attack machine?” she asked at an appearance in Nashua.
Hillary’s aides point to Obama’s extremely progressive record as a community organizer, state senator and candidate for Congress, his alliances with “left-wing” intellectuals in Chicago’s Hyde Park community, and his liberal voting record on criminal defendants’ rights as subjects for examination.”
Obama is a black man with a liberal voting record on criminal rights! My Gawd Hillary! I’ll bet the liberal bastard even opposes torture; and as a lawyer likely wants habeas corpus brought back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And leave it to the Republicans to suppress EPA reports about the unhealthy WTC air quality, and to deny health benefits to WTC volunteers who got sick because the Republican government lied to them about the dangers of working there. Why would ANYONE vote for these scumbags?
I have to believe the wingnut trolls who continue to defend this corrupt, lying administration must have some special interest at stake. Probably they’re all hoping to buy themselves presidential pardons or at least early paroles.
In fact, if you’ve ever wondered why some of the trolls posting here have so much time on their hands, I would simply ask whether they have computers in prisons …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ooooooooo … now piper’s going to say I “libeled” the trolls … what of it? Sue me.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Let’s me get this straight pud. The Republiconvicts would rather attack Barak because of where he was born, while supporting another corrupt retard right. I hope Huck Finn wins. He is a nice enough guy. He’s just a nutcase. At least not in as evil of way as the lying chimp though…..
I may give Huckadoodle some $$. Let Ghouliani attack him for being a populist, when we all know Rooodi thinks corporations should be running our country for us…..
The GOP married the “world is only 5,000 years old” evangelical gang, and now they have to live with their child. Huckadoodle. They don’t know who to attack these days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I say this is a free country, we have free speech in this country, partisan propagandists are fair game, and if you can’t take what goes on in these comment threads then you better go hide under your mommy’s skirts before the bogeyrabbit gets you!
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
I can’t wait for Huckleberry’s first debate. They may ask him to explain dinosaurs…… Mountains…….
What will be fun is watching the Republiconvicts tear each other to shreds in the next few months. The Dems will of course be tossing the “too liberal” or “not liberal enough” ball back an forth, and that’s about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can hardly wait until the moderate asks the audience how many of them want to pay a 40% federal sales tax on top of their state sales taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP married the “world is only 5,000 years old” evangelical gang,
Blame Karl Rove – he brought those people in, many of whom had never voted in their lives.
The greedheads have sown the seeds of their own destruction with Bush and Rove.
Elmer Puddspews:
Expect vote caging and other dirty tricks by the Republicans in 2008. the only way these assholes can win is through division and corruption. They have shown clearly they can’t govern.
@15 Yep, what it boils down to is the Greedy Old Plutocrats made a strategic alliance with the fundies by promising them the sky — and delivered nothing. All their other customers feel cheated, too.
Republicans Inc. is a ponzi scheme going under before your eyes.
Factless: It’s your racist buddies who are attacking Obama. Hilarybeast and TwoAmericas are running wild.
Factless: It’s Puddybud plain and simple. All other users of my name are worthless interlopers.
THAT was a good one Darryl! Back when we first saw the Firefighters working, constantly digging at the World Trade Center, my FIRST thought was WTF are they doing? There HAD to be asbestos in the mess! Why NO masks on ANYBODY!?!?!?
Of the crews that I worked with back at City Light, only a small number were Asbestos Certified, paid higher hourly rate when it was identified on a job site, addl safety training REQUIRED yearly for them. Not even ‘supposed’ to have facial hair under their masks (granted, some still kept their beards). But there weren’t too many takers, nasty & dangerous work, I sure wouldn’t have done it myself. The masks ARE claustrophobic, granted, but at least it would give the Firefighter a fighting chance to survive later on. Those poor Firefighters were totally out of their league!
I always wondered where were their Safety Coordinators? This YouTube leaves me wondering if their ‘fearless leader’ Rudy was the driving force? Irresponsible, actually insane!
…. ????
This is a direct quote ( from one of the Shi’ite Iraqi “security forces” in 2005.
How long before the Shi’ite clerics, and the Sunnis we’ve been paying not to fiht us while they buy arms to use against the Shi’ites, decie that “it is no longer time to be silent” and attack each other, or worse, decide that the “time” has come to drive the Americans out once and for all?
When will the msm actually do some stories on exactly why all those workers were not required to wear masks when it was well known that the air was toxic? It is not like nobody knows about asbestos. Who made the decision?
By the way:
There is a strategy for cleaning up next November. Have wagons parked outside every polling place. Have workers pretend to be exit pollers ask people if they voted for “any” republicon. If the answer is yes, the morons are escorted to the funny farm where they belong. At the funny farm they can be introduced to things like facts, and reality and stuff…. Anyone who hates America enough to support any republiconvict belongs behind bars for aiding and abetting, or at least in a rubber room where they can’t hurt our country any more.
If Obama gets is the Democratic candidate we’ll be seeing a lot more of this and the “big tent” “GOP” “party of Lincoln” Republicans will likely have some success pushing this racism. After all in 2004 they portrayed combat veteran John Kerry as a coward and war avoiders Bush and Cheney as brave war heroes. Check out this bit below from
Is Hussein Obama the weakest Dem for the General election?
The New Republic Iowa Caucus ^ | January 3, 2008 | nwrep
“Did the weakest Dem candidate for the general election won tonight? I think so.
By sending forth Hussein Osama out of Iowa, Democrats have unwittingly weakened their general election prospects.
Hussein’s exotic mixture of radical liberalism, Kwanzaa Socialism, antipathy towards the unborn, and weakness against his jihadi brethren will all come back to destroy him against almost any Republican opponent, even the snake-grope from Hope.
I think we as Republicans should be celebrating tonight at the coronation of Hussein, in whose presence millions of Democrat women, from elementary school teachers to journalism majors to law school grads to dykes on bikes will go weak in their knees.
As defenders of this great Republic, and of the pinnacle of Western civilization that it represents, we should all come together tonight and agree on a common strategy that will keep the White House from becoming a madrassa.
God Bless America, Land of the Free.”
Hillary criticizes Obama for his progressive record.
” Hillary Clinton signaled that she intends to play on Obama’s as yet unexploited political weaknesses: “Who will be able to stand up to the Republican attack machine?” she asked at an appearance in Nashua.
Hillary’s aides point to Obama’s extremely progressive record as a community organizer, state senator and candidate for Congress, his alliances with “left-wing” intellectuals in Chicago’s Hyde Park community, and his liberal voting record on criminal defendants’ rights as subjects for examination.”
Obama is a black man with a liberal voting record on criminal rights! My Gawd Hillary! I’ll bet the liberal bastard even opposes torture; and as a lawyer likely wants habeas corpus brought back.
And leave it to the Republicans to suppress EPA reports about the unhealthy WTC air quality, and to deny health benefits to WTC volunteers who got sick because the Republican government lied to them about the dangers of working there. Why would ANYONE vote for these scumbags?
I have to believe the wingnut trolls who continue to defend this corrupt, lying administration must have some special interest at stake. Probably they’re all hoping to buy themselves presidential pardons or at least early paroles.
In fact, if you’ve ever wondered why some of the trolls posting here have so much time on their hands, I would simply ask whether they have computers in prisons …
Ooooooooo … now piper’s going to say I “libeled” the trolls … what of it? Sue me.
Let’s me get this straight pud. The Republiconvicts would rather attack Barak because of where he was born, while supporting another corrupt retard right. I hope Huck Finn wins. He is a nice enough guy. He’s just a nutcase. At least not in as evil of way as the lying chimp though…..
I may give Huckadoodle some $$. Let Ghouliani attack him for being a populist, when we all know Rooodi thinks corporations should be running our country for us…..
The GOP married the “world is only 5,000 years old” evangelical gang, and now they have to live with their child. Huckadoodle. They don’t know who to attack these days.
I say this is a free country, we have free speech in this country, partisan propagandists are fair game, and if you can’t take what goes on in these comment threads then you better go hide under your mommy’s skirts before the bogeyrabbit gets you!
I can’t wait for Huckleberry’s first debate. They may ask him to explain dinosaurs…… Mountains…….
What will be fun is watching the Republiconvicts tear each other to shreds in the next few months. The Dems will of course be tossing the “too liberal” or “not liberal enough” ball back an forth, and that’s about it.
I can hardly wait until the moderate asks the audience how many of them want to pay a 40% federal sales tax on top of their state sales taxes.
The GOP married the “world is only 5,000 years old” evangelical gang,
Blame Karl Rove – he brought those people in, many of whom had never voted in their lives.
The greedheads have sown the seeds of their own destruction with Bush and Rove.
Expect vote caging and other dirty tricks by the Republicans in 2008. the only way these assholes can win is through division and corruption. They have shown clearly they can’t govern.
remember 200!,6.html
ahhhh 2000
If they had to cheat to win in 2000, what the hell do you EXPECT them to do this year????
This just in: God has told Pat Robertson that a Democrat will win the Presidency in 2008
Watch the video here
@15 Yep, what it boils down to is the Greedy Old Plutocrats made a strategic alliance with the fundies by promising them the sky — and delivered nothing. All their other customers feel cheated, too.
Republicans Inc. is a ponzi scheme going under before your eyes.
Factless: It’s your racist buddies who are attacking Obama. Hilarybeast and TwoAmericas are running wild.
Factless: It’s Puddybud plain and simple. All other users of my name are worthless interlopers.