Yesterday I wrote about three Washington state politicians working to overturn FCC Chairman and all around punk Kevin Martin’s changes to media ownership rules. Here is another Washington state politician who took a strong stand on the issue:
This and some 70 other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.
Also, check out Lee’s (still unsolved) Bird’s Eye View Contest.
Happy Winter Solstice!
Impeachment – 9 Years Ago This Week
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Media Monopoly always wins the freemarket of free ideas. And you Donks just don’t understand how smart I really am.
See. I just proved it. I dare you to contadict me.
We live in a country where people think God is dead and Elvis lives.
Whadaya gonna do?
Temperist @ 3
No, you’re the smartest person here.
@ 2, Republican values
Wow! Thank You for the replay. Many things now make more sense.
@ 1 Don Joe says: Happy Winter Solstice!
I am so ready for Winter to be over already, but thanks for the cheerfulness anyway.
Will someone tell me why WE can not deal with this as a local initiative?
Yes, I know that we had Fed CC. But I also know the framers were pretty adamant about reserving powers over local issues to the States. What could be more relvant to our local culture than the media?
We do have a couple of lawyers but I asked an attorney who has worked on this level and she told me that there is a real constitutional issue here.
So, what would fol,ks think of an Initiative requiring in state origin of a certain percentage of content on media?
@2 Yes, the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying about sex, and the gleeful support of a president who commits wholesale violations of the Constitution and federal laws, is so reflective of Republican values.
Republican values suck.
@9 That one likely gets knocked out by federal preemption. And, since most media companies are multi-state in character, there’s also an issue of whether the state has jurisdiction to regulate out-of-state corporations, even in the absence of federal preemption issues.
Why Bush Hates Iraq’s Christians And Helped Destroy Them
The U.S. Military As Megachurch
High-ranking military officers, with the Bush administration’s blessing, are turning the U.S. military into an evangelical missionary organization. Soldiers who don’t conform to the fundie theology imposed on them by their commanders are discriminated against, harassed, and proselytized.
In 2006, Michael Weinstein, a Jew, founded the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a non-profit watchdog organization, “to ensure that religious freedom is maintained in the United States military … [and] to oppose … religious intimidation by evangelical Christians in positions of power within the US military.” ( His organization’s web site is here:
Weinstein graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy, served as a Judge Advocate General, and was a Reagan administration lawyer. Here is how the “Christian” rightwing has responded to Weinstein’s religious freedom campaign: “[He] has found dead animals on his porch, feces smeared on his walls … slashes in his tires. Men have called to threaten his daughter, women to chant rhymes about shooting him in the head, small children to inform him that he will burn in hell.” (
When people raise constitutional objections to the born-again Christianization of the U.S. military, the rightwing’s response is, “Show me where the words ‘separation of church and state’ are used in the Constitution.”
The answer is that the Constitution consists of more than the words of the document itself. It also consists of the interpretations placed on its words by the courts. We, as individuals, do not get to put whatever interpretation we like on the Constitution. The final arbiter of what the Constitution says, whose interpretation is binding on all of us, is the Supreme Court. That court has used the phrase “separation of church and state” in decisions interpreting the First Amendment dozens of times. The phrase originated with Thomas Jefferson and was also used by James Madison, the principal drafter of the Bill of Rights, to explain the interpretation placed on the religion clauses in the Constitution by those who authored them.
This interpretation is not open to reinterpretation by those who want to destroy our religious freedoms. Their assertion that the Constitution does not erect a “wall of separation between church and state” is a lie.
“For US Army soldiers entering basic training at Fort Jackson Army base in Columbia, South Carolina, accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior appears to be as much a part of the nine-week regimen as the vigorous physical and mental exercises the troops must endure.
“That’s the message directed at Fort Jackson soldiers, some of whom appear in photographs in government issued fatigues, holding rifles in one hand, and Bibles in their other hand.
“Frank Bussey, director of Military Ministry at Fort Jackson, has been telling soldiers at Fort Jackson that ‘government authorities, police and the military [are]God’s Ministers.’ Bussey’s teachings from the ‘God’s Basic Training’ Bible study guide he authored says US troops have two primary responsibilities: ‘to praise those who do right’ and ‘to punish those who do evil – God’s servant, an angel of wrath.’ …
“The Christian right … movement’s meteoric rise in the US military came in large part after 9/11 and immediately after the US invaded Iraq in March of 2003. At a time when the United States is encouraging greater religious freedom in Muslim nations, soldiers on the battlefield have told disturbing stories of being force-fed fundamentalist Christianity by highly controversial, apocalyptic ‘End Times’ evangelists, who have infiltrated US military installations throughout the world with the blessing of high-level officials at the Pentagon. Proselytizing among military personnel has been conducted openly, in violation of the basic tenets of the United States Constitution.
“Perhaps no other fundamentalist Christian group is more influential than Military Ministry, … a subsidiary of the controversial fundamentalist Christian organization Campus Crusade for Christ. Military Ministry’s national web site boasts it has successfully ‘targeted’ basic training installations … and … converted thousands of soldiers to evangelical Christianity. Military Ministry says its staffers are responsible for ‘working with Chaplains and Military personnel to bring lost soldiers closer to Christ … and send them out into the world as Government paid missionaries’ ….
“Mikey Weinstein, the founder and president of the government watchdog organization the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, whose group has been closely tracking Military Ministry’s activities at … military bases around the country, said … using ‘the machinery of the state’ to promote … religion is ‘not only unconstitutional and un-American but it also creates a national security threat of the first order.’
“A six-month investigation by MRFF … found Military Ministry’s staff has successfully targeted US soldiers entering basic training at Lackland Air Force Base and Fort Sam Houston, with the approval of the Army base’s top commanders. … Weinstein points out that on Fort Jackson’s Military Ministry web site, the basic training battalion commander, Lt. Col. David Snodgrass, and the battalion’s chaplain, Maj. Scott Bullock, who appear in uniform in a photograph with Bussey, is a clear-cut violation of Military rules. MRFF contacted Bussey via email … to request information …. Bussey, responding to MRFF via email, did not … answer … the … question, but, instead, … fired back a query … asking MRFF … to direct him to the place in the Constitution where it states there is a ‘separation of church and state.’
“A spokesperson for the Fort Jackson Army base did not return calls for comment. Earlier this week, … Bussey added … to [his] web site … a ‘notice to MRFF and ACLU types’ in bold red letters that says the Bible study classes are strictly voluntary, not command directed in any way, [and] allows soldiers to exercise for themselves the right of freedom of religion ….
“In July, the Pentagon’s inspector general (IG) … issued a 45-page report admonishing several high-level Pentagon officials for participating, while in uniform and on active duty, in a promotional video sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ’s Christian Embassy group. The IG report quoted one high-ranking military official as saying he believed his participation in the video was acceptable because Campus Crusade for Christ had become so embedded in the Pentagon’s day-to-day operations that he viewed the organization as a ‘quasi federal entity.’ The IG report recommended the military officials who appeared in the video be disciplined, but the Pentagon would not say whether it has in fact punished [them].
“MRFF uncovered another recent Campus Crusade for Christ promotional video filmed at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs … [in which] Cadets and academy officials appear in uniform discussing how Campus Crusade for Christ helped strengthen their bonds with Jesus. Scot Blom, the Campus Crusade for Christ director assigned to … the Air Force Academy, says in the video the organization ‘has always been very intentional about going after the leaders or the future leaders’ and that’s why Campus Crusade for Christ picked the Air Force Academy to spread its fundamentalist Christian message. Every week, according to the video, cadets are encouraged to participate in a Bible study class called ‘cru’ short for ‘crusade.’
“‘Our purpose for Campus Crusade for Christ at the Air Force Academy is to make Jesus Christ the issue at the Air Force Academy and around the world,’ Blom says in the video. ‘They’re government paid missionaries when they leave here.’
Weinstein said [this] … gives the impression the Pentagon endorses the fundamentalist Christian organization and … the occupation of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan appears to be … a modern-day fundamentalist Christian crusade. That message, Weinstein said, could lead to more ‘jihads’ against the United States. …
“Weinstein, a former White House counsel during the Reagan administration, former general counsel to … presidential candidate H. Ross Perot and a former Air Force Judge Advocate General, said he had an ‘unexpected’ telephone conversation with several senior Bush administration intelligence officials this week who encouraged him ‘to continue to fight for the separation of church and state in the US military’ because … they are concerned the fundamentalist Christian agenda surfacing in the military could lead to attacks against US soldiers. …
“While Weinstein has worked tirelessly the past four years exposing the Christian Right’s power grab within the military, he says the White House continues to thumb its nose at the constitutional provision mandating the separation of church and state. …
“The ruling was issued in … a lawsuit filed by the government watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and could … show how much influence fundamental Christian leaders … have had on the Bush’s administration. ‘We think that these conservative Christian leaders have had a very big impact,’ said Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW. ‘The White House doesn’t want to talk about how much influence these leaders have, and we want to talk about how much they do have.’ Bush has been vocal about his fundamentalist Christian beliefs and how God has helped him during his presidency. …
Recently, Bush nominated Brig. Gen. Cecil R. Richardson, the deputy Air Force Chief of Chaplains, to replace the outgoing Air Force Chief of Chaplains …. Richardson was quoted in a … New York Times story saying the Air Force reserves the right ‘to evangelize the unchurched.’ …
Weinstein filed a federal lawsuit against the Air Force … after Richardson’s comments were published alleging ‘severe, systemic and pervasive’ religious discrimination within the Air Force. Weinstein is a 1977 graduate of the Academy. His sons and a daughter in law are also academy graduates. Weinstein’s book, ‘With God On Our Side: One Man’s War Against An Evangelical Coup in America’s Military,’ details the virulent anti-Semitism he was subjected to while he attended the academy and the religious intolerance that has permeated [the Academy] over the past several years.
“The … Air Force agreed to withdraw a document that authorized chaplains to evangelize members of the military n[but] Weinstein said MRFF would lobby senators to oppose Richardson’s nomination because of … statements Richardson has refused to retract.
” … Weinstein said in an interview[,] ‘We view Richardson as the prototypical poster child of the type of constitutional rapist we are trying to eradicate from … the US military.’
“In September, MRFF filed a lawsuit in federal court against Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and US Army Maj. Freddy Welborn, on behalf of an Army soldier stationed in Iraq. The complaint filed in US District Court in Kansas City alleges that Jeremy Hall’s … First Amendment rights were violated when Welborn threatened to … block his reenlistment in the Army because of Hall’s atheist beliefs.
“The executive director of Military Ministry, retired US Army Major General Bob Dees, wrote in the organization’s October 2005 ‘Life and Leadership’ newsletter, ‘We must pursue our particular means for transforming the nation – through the military. And the military may well be the most influential way to affect that spiritual superstructure. Militaries exercise, generally speaking, the most intensive and purposeful indoctrination program of citizens ….’
” … Military Ministry’s parent organization, Campus Crusade for Christ, has been re-distributing to military chaplains a DVD produced a decade ago [in which] Tommy Nelson, a pastor … in Denton, Texas, tells an audience of Texas A&M cadets and military officers when they join the military ‘then you are also in the ministry.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
So much for the fucking librul lie that The Producers aren’t paying enough taxes. We continue to pay far more than our “fair share”, while you fucking losers in the bottom half lay in your fucking hammock and get a free ride.
Because of GWB’s tax RATE cuts, The Producers are making even more money and paying even more tax dollars. As a result, fed gummint revenue is higher than it has EVER been.
With regard to the officer who threatened to block a soldier from re-enlisting because of his religious non-belief, U.S. Const. Art. VI states,
“no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States”
2 – And just for the record… Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case that he later settled for $800,000.
Can ya imagine being too fucking dishonest to be a lawyer?
Following publicity about the religious freedom lawsuit against the Army on Jeremy Hall’s behalf, Hall’s life has been threatened by fellow soldiers.
Note, the publication date of the article quoted @16 is December 21, 2007.
Hey Rabbit – As a good lib who supports “free” healthcare, I need you to do a little experiment for me to show how it would work.
Even a fucking idiot like you knows it isn’t really “free”. What you really mean is that you want someone else to pay for your healthcare.
So try this. Go out to a few of your neighbors and tell them you want them to give you money so you can go to the doc or pay for your meds. Be sure to go to neighbors you don’t know. Because that’s what you’re really saying… you want others to pay for your lifetime of fucking stoopid choices that have left you no choice but to be a parasite on society.
Let me know how many people give you money. And if the answer is “zero”, then explain to me why the fuck you should use gummint force to steal from them.
Parasite. Freeloader…. Fucking Loser….
And I want to encourage you “progressives” ( I luv that term) to continue with the strategy of Stalinism, Socialism, and Surrender. You’ve got a real winning combination there which has a long track record of success.
22, 23 – Pay your fucking gambling debt, freeloading welsher!
On Aug. 22, 2007, the Los Angeles Times published the guest editorial excerpted below, which was co-authored by Mr. Weinstein:
“Not so fast, Christian soldiers
” … Last week, after an investigation spurred by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the Pentagon abruptly announced that it would not be delivering ‘freedom packages’ to our soldiers in Iraq, as it had originally intended.
“What were the packages to contain? … Bibles, proselytizing material in English and Arabic and the apocalyptic computer game ‘Left Behind: Eternal Forces’ (derived from the series of post-Rapture novels), in which ‘soldiers for Christ’ hunt down enemies who look … like U.N. peacekeepers.
“The packages were put together by a fundamentalist Christian ministry called Operation Straight Up … [which]is an official member of the Defense Department’s ‘America Supports You’ program. The group has staged a number of Christian-themed shows at military bases …. [T]hanks in part to the support of the Pentagon, Operation Straight Up has now begun focusing on Iraq, where … it planned an entertainment tour called the ‘Military Crusade.’
“Apparently the wonks at the Pentagon forgot that Muslims tend to bristle at the word ‘crusade’ and thought that what the Iraq war lacked was a dose of end-times theology.
” … [T]he episode is … another example of increasingly disturbing, and indeed unconstitutional, relationships … between the U.S. military and private evangelical groups.
“Take, for instance, the recent scandal involving Christian Embassy, a group whose expressed purpose is to proselytize to military personnel, diplomats, Capitol Hill staffers and political appointees. … Defense Department officials allowed a Christian Embassy film crew to roam the corridors of the Pentagon unescorted while making a promotional video featuring high-ranking officers and political appointees. …
“The Pentagon’s inspector general recently released a report recommending … ‘corrective action’ for … officers who appeared in the video for violating Defense Department regulations. But … the report avoided any discussion of how allowing an evangelical group to function within the Defense Department is an obvious violation of the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment.
“The extent to which such relationships have damaged international goodwill toward the U.S. is beyond measure. As the inspector general noted, a leading Turkish newspaper, Sabah, published an article on Air Force Maj. Gen. Peter Sutton, who is the U.S. liaison to the Turkish military — and who appeared in the Christian Embassy video. The article described Christian Embassy as a ‘radical fundamentalist sect,’ perhaps irreparably damaging Sutton’s primary job objective of building closer ties to the Turkish General Staff, which has expressed alarm at the influence of fundamentalist Christian groups inside the U.S. military.
“Our military personnel swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not the Bible. Yet by turning a blind eye to OSU and Christian Embassy activities, the Pentagon is, in essence, endorsing their proselytizing. And sometimes it’s more explicit than that.
“That certainly was the case with Army Lt. Gen. William ‘Jerry’ Boykin …. The Pentagon put him in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in 2003. The same year, Boykin was … touring American churches, where he gave speeches — in uniform — casting the Iraq war in end-times terms. ‘We’re in a spiritual battle,’ he told one congregation in Oregon. ‘Satan wants to destroy this nation … and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army.’ The story … was reported all over the … world. The Pentagon reacted with a collective shrug.
“American military and political officials must, at the very least, have the foresight not to promote crusade rhetoric in the midst of an already religion-tinged war. Many of our enemies in the Mideast already believe that the world is locked in a contest between Christianity and Islam. Why are our military officials validating this ludicrous claim with their own fiery religious rhetoric?
“It’s time to actively strip the so-called war on terror of its religious connotations, not add to them … religious wars are not just ugly, they are unwinnable. And despite what Operation Straight Up and its supporters in the Pentagon may think is taking place in Iraq, the Rapture is not a viable exit strategy.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete editorial and/or copyright info see
@17 No, the so-called “producers” are making more money because workers are making less.
P.S., the only thing you’ve ever produced is hot air.
@17 (continued) For the record, Mark the Welsher LIED when he claimed tax cuts ALWAYS result in increased revenue.
This is demonstrably false; disregarding FICA revenues, which were not affected by Bush’s tax cuts, federal revenue was as follows:*
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
2006 – $1,346,019,000,000 (estimate)
* Combination of individual and corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes (including inheritance tax)
Source of data:
As can be seen from the above data, federal revenues declined after Bush’s tax cuts, and are still not restored to pre-tax cut levels.
It’s true, of course, that tax cuts can (in some circumstances) increase government revenue. This is easily demonstrated as follows:
If taxes are zero, government revenues will be zero. Government revenues also will be zero if the tax rate is 100%, because in that case there will be no economic activity. Obviously, there is a point somewhere between a 0% tax rate and a 100% tax rate where government revenues are maximized.
But it’s not a given that cutting taxes will increase revenue. Logically, if the tax rate is below that point, cutting the rate will result in further revenue loss. On the other hand, if the tax rate is above that point, a tax cut will stimulate more economic activity resulting in increased government revenue.
Reagan also implemented large tax cuts, but the raw data from the Reagan era is more difficult to assess because Reagan also raised taxes six times from 1982 to 1987, and revenue growth during that period is at least partly due to these tax increases:
1980 – $359,309,000,000 (baseline)
1981 – $416,552,000,000
1982 – $416,268,000,000
1983 – $391,569,000,000
1984 – $427,109,000,000
1985 – $468,926,000,000
1986 – $486,313,000,000
1987 – $551,035,000,000
(same data source)
However, close inspection of these figures seem to suggest Reagan’s taxes cuts did reduce revenues until his subsequent tax increases produced additional revenue.
Other factors, of course, influence government revenues – the most important of which is the economic cycle. But in general, it appears federal taxation is below the revenue optimization point most (or all) of the time, so tax cuts ordinarily will result in revenue losses, not the opposite. This is to be expected in a democracy, under which voters are unlikely to choose leaders who will tax at a level that discourages economic activity.
Executive Summary: Mark the Gasbag is full of shit.
@17 (continued) Owners produce nothing. Only workers produce anything.
#10 oger Rabbit says:
I believe the impeachment was about obstruction of justice and lying under oath. Lots of people lie about sex without legal consequences. You’re a lawyer, you should know these things.
In the U.S. economy, owners get 60% of GDP and workers get only 40% of GDP. Why is that? And why do owners get to pay taxes at 1/3 to 1/2 the rates paid by workers?
The answer is, Congress considers work to be socially undesirable, and therefore seeks to discourage work by taxing it heavily. Congress wants people to be owners, not workers. Therefore, I own stocks in companies making obscene profits and do no work! Why should I work, when Congress considers working unpatriotic, and imposes punitive taxation on earned income? Unearned income is not only taxed less, it’s also more socially respectable. So I do no work, and produce nothing! I used to work, but now I’m a member of society’s respected idle class.
Personally, I think this system sucks, and will eventually lead to our economy producing nothing, but I just go with the flow because trying to fight the system is like paddling a canoe up a waterfall.
@19 Actually, lawyers are among the most honest people in society, because lying to a client will get you sued for malpractice and lying to a court will get you disbarred, so there are no lawyers who are liars, although there are liars who are ex-lawyers.
@22 “Even a fucking idiot like you knows it isn’t really ‘free’. What you really mean is that you want someone else to pay for your healthcare.”
Let’s quit pussyfooting around — I want YOU to pay for my health care, not on any ideological grounds, but simply because you’re an asshole.
So leave the “someone else” out of it, because this is YOU we’re talking about, Redneck. P.S., when are you going to pay your debt to Goldy, you fucking deadbeat?
@22 (continued) Speaking of freeloaders, either unfuck yourself and pay Goldy the $100 you owe him, or stop freeloading on his web site, you fucking leech.
#30 Roger Rabbit says:
You are so bitter about the choices you have made in life it saddens even me a bit.
36 – Hah! Are those crocodile tears? Phony in any case.
obstruction of justice and lying under oath
The justice of Paula Jones’ payday. Real high crimes and misdemeanors.
@29 Stamn, you’re new here, and an idiot, so I’ll spell it out for you. What I’ve posted on this blog numerous times is that if I had been a sitting (Democratic) Senator (I sure as hell wouldn’t have been a Republican senator) at the time, I would have voted for removal. Why? Because I would have been fired from my job as a judge if I had lied to a grand jury, and so I didn’t see why Clinton shouldn’t get fired from his job for lying to a grand jury. In addition, if I had been sitting on the Arkansas Bar Association’s disciplinary board, I would have voted to disbar him. Why? Because if I did that, I would get disbarred for it, and I don’t see why he should get special treatment. (And he didn’t; he WAS disbarred for that.)
At a more pragmatic (and prosaic) level, removing Clinton from office also would have saved America from the unmitigated disaster of the Bush presidency, because Gore would have run as an incumbent in 2000, and in all probability, would have been re-elected. And, in all probability, 9/11 would never have happened. And, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the fucked-up invasion of Iraq would never have happened. And, in all likelihood, some of the 2 trillion dollars that Bush squandered in Iraq could have been used to strengthen our security and solve some of our domestic problems. For one thing, the money that Bush wasted on his recreational war in Iraq would have been more than enough to keep Social Security and Medicare solvent for the foreseeable future.
So, removing Clinton would not only have been the principled thing to do, it also would have resulted in a much better recent history for our country.
Bush and the idiots who support him should get on their knees every day to give thanks to the Democrats in the U.S. Senate who voted “no” on the impeachment articles. They owe everything they have to those Democratic senators.
@36 Suicide is a permanent cure for sadness, Stamn.*
* Just kidding! I don’t really want you to jump off a cliff or stand in front of a train. That’s too slow. You deserve to continue being ridiculed here on HA. It is so deserved.
Roger one simple response and you chased away the fucking idiot…Thanks.
@36 I’m enjoying the choice I made to quit working very much, thank you. No more tyrant bosses, backstabbing coworkers, or demanding customers! No more cubicles, commuting, or office bullshit! Now I get paid for not working, just like Republicans do. One thing I gotta say for Republicans, they’re not COMPLETELY stupid, only about politics. As long as our society looks down on workers, taxes wage earners to death, and coddles those who live off the work of others, working is stupid. So I don’t work! I live like a Republican now. Why should Republicans have a monopoly on living like Republicans? We’re Democrats so we can live like Republicans, too.
@37 Jones didn’t get any of the $800,000. It all went to the lawyers. Do you think the lawyers who worked on Paula Jones’ case gave a rap about their client? Besides, they knew their client was lying and didn’t deserve any compensation. Their only interest in the case was attacking Clinton. After the lawsuit was over, the lawyers took the money and Jones was discarded like a rag doll.
“Jones now claims she was victimized by both Clinton and his Republican opponents. Her legal fund did not cover the attorneys’ fees, and … she was divorced by her husband … [and] publicly denounced as ‘trailer-park trash’ by author Ann Coulter, who said, ‘I totally believed she was the good Christian girl who had suffered sexual harassment and eschewal, that is what she made herself out to be…. [N]ow it turns out she’s a fraud, at least to the extent of pretending to be an honorable and moral person.’ …
“As of December 2007, Jones … works as a real estate agent in … Arkansas.”
@40 Pleased to be of service.
Happy Yule!
Good points about the military and religion. We should also strive hard to stop the socialistic and politically correct indoctrination by the WEA in the public school system. Teach the Three R’s and call it a day. Don’t try to re-write history for the sake of ideology or campaign for some “progressive” candidate via the education system.
Goldy, you brag about how popular your blog is on your radio show, but when you boil it down, what really is this blog all about? What does it accomplish? Not what is it supposed to be about in theory, but in reality, what is really going on here? I’ll tell you. You and your a few other bloggers post here every day, writing fairly intelligent posts, then a handful of regulars start flaming each other in the comments section, with Roger Rabbit probably accounting for half of all the words written in the comment section. I don’t really have a specific complaint, but more of a question. What is your blog accomplishing? You post, then 90% of the time the same 10 regulars start insulting each other, post after post, day after day. Any way you can get back to original intent of your blog? Or is this what you intended all along? A place for 10 people to flame each other?
Mr. “My word is my bond” (bullshit)
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not” (liar)
Mr. “Crisper English” (aggegious)
Mr. “Wow, I’m so superior” (Pffft.)
Mr. “The Prosecution Rests” (Who ‘effin cares?)
The good Sen. James Inhofe just released a review of 400 “prominent” climate change “skeptics”.
This right-wing bullshit of course is being totally debunked at places like this one but PSilly you being a compassionate conservative and all must inform the good Senator of your theory delivered from on high straight to you on tablets.
The man upstairs is causing the warming!
Now we all know Sen Inhofe is going to hell probably because he insists on attending church on Sunday but your compassion must compel you to do the right thing and call his office.
The man is just plain wrong. You have to set him right.
Goldy – Thanks for hosting this Blog.
Yes, Goldy, thank you for providing this forum for the same 10 people to flame each other day after day, with one person writing 50% of the comments. You are solving so many of this regions problems with your blog.
49 – What’s your point? You don’t like it? Make like a tree..
Gold – thanks for exposing the many hypocritical moronic Repbulican idiots that post here.
That fat, stogy-puffin’, sex-tourist you listen to every day denies he called Huckabee a “huckster”.
Yeah, I’ve never called Huckabee “a huckster.” I’ve called his fans, his supporters “hucksters.”
@14 People who throw dead animals on someone’s porch, smear feces on his walls, slash his tires, and threaten him and his children are fake Christians.
Real Christians don’t do that stuff. Also, real Christians don’t support warmongers or torturers, or lie or steal.
@45 WTF are you talking about? Wingnut drivel.
@46 We’re saving American democracy from Republican tyranny.
@49 Posting on HA — for that matter, reading HA — is a VOLUNTARY activity. Stefan’s lonely little blog would love to have your business. Feel free to go over there if you don’t like it here.
What’s happening on this blog is FREEDOM — freedom to express your opinions, unfettered by the censorship and thought control that goes on elsewhere.
I have yet to see a rightwing blog that has the guts to let liberals say whatever they want on their blog.
Of course, I understand why wingnuts don’t like HA, because free speech is anathema to them. The only freedom they tolerate is the “freedom” to be just like them.
@52 Rich Lowry of National Review calls the prospect of a Huckabee nomination “Huckacide.” Don’t you just love it when they eat each other? =:-D
@57 – Amen Brother.
Wow! This thread is already up to 60 posts! That’s more than the sucky little competing blog gets in a month of Saturdays.
I notice the WingNut (TM) Trolls (SM) have nothing to say about my expose of illegal and unconstitutional religious coercion in our military.
“Port balked at every step, say auditors
“By Jim Brunner
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“Two national consultants who spent months investigating the Port of Seattle’s management of construction contracts described the organization as among the least cooperative they’ve ever encountered.
“David Cotton and Patti Jones, who head separate firms hired by State Auditor Brian Sonntag to conduct the performance audit released this week, said Friday they were dismayed by the actions senior Port managers took to stymie their work.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....it22m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Port of Seattle should immediately be put in receivership.
Remember the Steve Titus case? He was the innocent man who was railroaded to prison by Port of Seattle police who used falsified evidence to convict him of rape.
Titus ultimately was cleared by the investigative reporting of Seattle Times reporter Paul Henderson, who won a Pultizer Prize for his work on the case. But the stress of being wrongly arrested, accused, convicted, and jailed killed Titus, who died of a heart attack before he could sue the port police. He was in his early thirties at the time of his death.
The Port of Seattle eventually settled with Titus’ minor son for $2.6 million. That money came from your port taxes.
The Port of Seattle and its keystone kops police force has been known to our community as a pathetic joke long before they were enmeshed in the pornography scandal.
The Port of Seattle is the single most dysfunctional unit of government in Washington state. It should be disbanded, with its pieces divvied up among relevant state agencies and county/city governments.
Cheney Justice
On Wednesday, Jamie Leigh Jones told a House Judiciary Committee her now-famous story about having been allegedly drugged and gang-raped two years ago by several coworkers shortly after arriving in Iraq as a contractor for KBR, an engineering and construction firm contracted with the military to provide logistical support to the troops. Jones’ story has prompted widespread outrage, partly because the Justice Department and the military failed to prosecute her attackers, but also because it appears that Jones can’t sue KBR for placing her in harm’s way.
When Jones went to work for KBR in Texas, and later for its subsidiary, Overseas Administrative Services, she signed contracts containing mandatory binding arbitration clauses, which required her to give up her right to sue the companies and any right to a jury trial. Instead, the contracts forced Jones to press her case through private arbitration, which she did in 2006. In that forum, the company that allegedly wronged her pays the arbitrator who is hearing the case. For that she can thank Dick Cheney.
Mr. “My word is my bond” (bullshit)
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not” (liar)
Mr. “Crisper English” (aggegious)
Mr. “Wow, I’m so superior” (Pffft.)
Mr. “The Prosecution Rests” (Who ‘effin cares?)
Where are those links you said you needed time to find?
You know the ones about me telling Pooper and Doofus to “shut up” or the one about me accepting a bullshit challenge from you to stay away from Kos and Media Matters?
It’s been a long while in internet time.
Or were you just making shit up?
Here’s a great one for DOOFUS and
Mr. “My word is my bond” (bullshit)
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not” (liar)
Mr. “Crisper English” (aggegious)
Mr. “Wow, I’m so superior” (Pffft.)
Mr. “The Prosecution Rests” (Who ‘effin cares?)
You losers were going on about ACORN a while back.
So how about
A . C . V . R ?????
L . M . A . O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ACVR is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of ACORN — what irony! Poetic justice! This calls for a
salute! There’s still hope for America!
“I’m enjoying the choice I made to quit working very much, thank you. No more tyrant bosses, backstabbing coworkers, or demanding customers! No more cubicles, commuting, or office bullshit! Now I get paid for not working…”
Let me get this straight…you graduated some law school, passed the bar, and had a career as an attorney on the public payroll.
And the best you ever got was a stinkin’ cubicle? And tyrant bosses instead of becoming a supervisory employee? And you couldn’t gete along with your co-workers???
Just how bad a lawyer were you? Was you unemployment your choice? Or your employer’s? Frankly, you’ve never clarified that.
That you haven’t a good word to say about anyone with whom you’ve worked or anyplace that you’ve worked says that you’re what we call in the search business a malcontent, which is someone whose lousy lot in life is everyone’s fault but his own.
Is that the story of your life?
My oldest son, the staff sergeant, would listen for maybe 30-seconds to your litany of laments before interrupting to say, “Rabbit, sucks to be you!”
Even so, as you enjoy your tepid Christmas gruel, may I take the opportunity to wish you and yours the Merriest Christmas possible!
No one should be miserable and surly during the holidays, Rabbit, even you.
The Piper
Thor Hearne should be disbarred for his anti-American activities.
@69 Actually, I was a very good lawyer, but as you probably know the reward system in government is fucked up. The only part they got right was paying people for not showing up anymore.
Hey Pooper,
Are you one of the true believers in the ACORN mythology?
Be sure then to check out:
A . C . V . R
@69 (continued) Rest assured, crackpiper, that I was a voluntary retirement. And, unlike you, I’m still a lawyer. In good standing, with zero disciplinary actions, and — unlike you — current on my dues and CLE credits. Unlike you, fully licensed, serving on important committees, and all that stuff. I haven’t given up community service, you see. I’ve only given up paid work. I don’t have to do that anymore. Now they pay me to not work! How could you possibly not like that? It’s the Republican way. It’s what every Republican strives for — getting paid for someone else’s work! Why should Republicans have a monopoly on that? Why can’t Roger Rabbit live like a Republican, after working like a Democrat for 45 years? It’s my turn. If you don’t like it, write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __; and don’t forget to mention that you’re an EX-lawyer.
@69 (continued) Oh, one more thing, ex-lawyer piper: Happy Holidays!
@72 snicker
Something about that ACVR makes the wingnuts scurry for cover.
Roger at way too many today:
Republican Values is an oxymoron. Emphasis on the MORON.
Merry Christmas, Roger. Two bunches of virtual carrots for you.
@77 (munch) (munch) (munch) =:-D
Crackpiper’s retirement plan is a $2.13-an-hour job trolling for WSRP.
Plus tips.
So by flaming each other day after day on a small blog you are “saving democracy?”
And here I thought you used this blog as an outlet for your anger due to unrelated person issues.
The Port of Seattle happens to be the one major state or local government entity in the area that is controlled by REPUBLICANS. Four out of five commissioners on the outgoing board were either admitted REPUBLICANS or endorsed by the King County REPUBLICAN Party and prominent REPUBLICANS. And the same can be said about four out of five commissioners that will be sitting on the port commissioner after the first of the year.
I say consolidate the Port of Seattle into King County government — especially since they have the same boundaries and taxing area. Let King County use the tax revenues currently received by the Port of Seattle for any lawful government purpose. Put the port under solid Democratic control, and we won’t see such huge waste of tax money and subsidy of big business. Maybe some of the $80 million (next year’s tax bite) of property taxes can be spent for human needs, not for subsidy of shipping interests.
Speaking of lawyers:
“Lawyers Stepping Up”
Katrina vanden Heuvel
We are lawyers in the United States of America. As such, we have all taken an oath obligating us to defend the Constitution and the rule of law…. We believe the Bush administration has committed numerous offenses against the Constitution and may have violated federal laws…. Moreover, the administration has blatantly defied congressional subpoenas, obstructing constitutional oversight …. Thus, we call on House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers and Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy to launch hearings into the possibility that crimes have been committed by this administration in violation of the Constitution…. We call for the investigations to go where they must, including into the offices of the President and the Vice President. — American Lawyers Defending the Constitution
Over one thousand lawyers – including former Governor Mario Cuomo and former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein – have signed onto the above statement demanding wide-ranging investigative hearings into unconstitutional and potentially criminal activity by the Bush administration.
Where are the Republicans? Why will they not do what Republican contemporaries of Dick Nixon did, and stand up and defend the constitution from a neo-fascist executive administration? Why do the Republicans place the interests of their (once great) political party and it’s corporate masters ahead of the interests of their country? Why do they hate freedom? Why do they hate America?
In a conference call with reporters yesterday, Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights and winner of the 2007 Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship, said: “The majority of lawyers in this country understand that the Bush administration has really gone off the page of constitutional rights and off the page of fundamental rights, and is willing to push the Congress to restore those rights.” Ratner said he was “dismayed” that a Democratic majority has failed “to push on key illegalities… the torture program, and now the destruction of the tapes involving the torture program; the warrantless wiretapping, the denial of habeas corpus, the secret sites/rendition program, special trials, and of course what we now know is the firing of US Attorneys scandal…. The minimal that absolutely is needed to get us back on the page of law is to have serious investigative hearings that go up the chain of command and figure out who is responsible for what.”
Ratner noted that even with regard to the US attorney’s investigations, where Congressional committees held Harriet Miers, Josh Bolten, and Karl Rove in contempt, leadership has failed to enforce these actions by bringing the resolutions to a vote. “Just announcing that investigations will be held and subpoenas will be issued is terribly insufficient unless Congress is willing to enforce the subpoenas by issuing contempt citations,” Ratner said. “Congress has a constitutional duty to oversee the activities of the executive branch and our entire system of government is threatened when Congress simply folds before an obstinate executive. Issuing contempt citations against Bolten, Miers, and Rove should be Congress’s first order of business in 2008.”
Marjorie Cohn, president of the National Lawyers Guild, discussed the administration’s torture program violating three US-ratified treaties and the US torture statute; the illegal War in Iraq violating the US-ratified UN Charter as a war of aggression; and Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s conflict of interest in overseeing investigations into the torture program and the destruction of the CIA interrogations tapes.
Also speaking with reporters was Jesselyn Raddack, a former Justice Department ethics lawyer who served as an advisor during the interrogation of John Walker Lindh (the “American Taliban”). Raddack said, “My e-mails documented my advice against interrogating Lindh without a lawyer, and concluded that the FBI committed an ethics violation when it did so anyway. Both the CIA videotapes and my e-mails were destroyed, in part, because officials were concerned that they documented controversial interrogation methods that could put agency officials in legal jeopardy…. ” Raddack pointed to the Department of Justice’s investigations of Enron and Arthur Anderson for obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence, and the need for the same aggressive oversight and legal proceedings in these scandals.
This is a vital effort by those charged with defending our constitution, as Ratner said, “This lawyers’ letter and the growing number of signatures we’ll have on it, and prominent people – it’s a way of saying to Congress, ‘You need some backbone. You need to have a serious investigation, wherever it might go, on these issues that really have taken the United States out of the mainstream of human rights.’ It’s absolutely critical… We’ve opened up the door to illegality…. Unless we have accountability on those illegalities, we’re going to be facing a very bleak future in which fundamental rights will not really be obeyed.”
Now folks, prepare for a shitload of idiotic comments from the Pooper-puddypoop crowd. None of them has the balls to say straight up that they support lies and torture and domestic spying and war crimes but in supporting the Republican Party they do!
J. Edgar Hoover Planned Mass Arrests During Red Scare Era
“WASHINGTON (AP) – Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had a plan to … arrest up to 12,000 Americans he suspected of being disloyal, according to a newly declassified document.
“Hoover sent his plan to the White House on July 7, 1950 …. Hoover … wanted Truman to declare the mass arrests necessary to ‘protect the country against treason, espionage and sabotage,’ The New York Times reported Saturday in a story posted on its Web site.
“The plan called for the FBI to apprehend all … individuals whose names were on a list Hoover had been compiling for years. ‘The index now contains approximately twelve thousand individuals, of which approximately ninety-seven percent are citizens of the United States,’ Hoover wrote in the now-declassified document. ‘In order to make effective these apprehensions, the proclamation suspends the writ of habeas corpus.’ …
“All apprehended individuals eventually would have had the right to a hearing under Hoover’s plan, but hearing boards comprised of one judge and two citizens would not have been bound by the rules of evidence.
“The details of Hoover’s plan was among a collection of Cold War-era documents … declassified … on Friday.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hoover was a fascist fuckwad. He should have been fired in the thirties.
Karl Rove has signed a book deal with conservative Mary Matalin’s publishing imprint, Threshold Editions, to publish his memoirs for $1.5 million. Industry experts predicted Rove would get offered $3 million, though a publisher at Alfred K. Knopf said Rove “doesn’t have the personality” to land a major deal for his memoirs.
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) recently signed an $8 million deal for his memoirs.
@81 No, you completely misunderstand the situation. I’m not angry at anyone. I’m a patriot sounding the alarm about the grave threat to our nation posed by revolutionaries and subversives calling themselves “Republicans.” I fought for America in Vietnam, and now I’m fighting for America again on
@82 “The Port of Seattle happens to be the one major state or local government entity in the area that is controlled by REPUBLICANS.”
Well then, it’s no surprise the port is riddled with cronyism, incompetence, and fraud, is it?
@82 and 91
WOW! I’ll never feel safe in a Port of Seattle public men’s room again.
Rove “doesn’t have the personality” to land a major deal for his memoirs.
Translation: he’s committed so many crimes that he can’t keep all the lies in his book narrative straight.
@82 (continued) I’ll bet most voters didn’t even know they were voting for REPUBLICANS when they elected these people! Otherwise, they wouldn’t have elected them. That’s because port commission candidates can hide their party connections behind the phoney label “non-partisan.”
This strategy for looting the port’s taxpayers worked so well that Republicans are trying to get other elective offices, such as prosecuting attorney and elections director, reclassified as “non-partisan” positions, too.
You see, they can’t get elected if people know they’re really Republicans. So, they try to get elected on the sneak. And you can bet that anytime a Republican gets into a “non-partisan” office, he’s going to be partisan as hell — and corrupt, too.
Fellow progressives:
This holiday season give your favorite right-wing vote fraud paranoiac the gift that keeps on giving:
A . C . V . R
Tom Douglas right now on 710 KIRO is doing a farm aid show for the flood victims of the Lewis County area. If you call in and buy, let’s say, a $50 gift certificate to his restaurant, he will send an equal amount of money to a charity organization helping the farmers.
Here’s the thing. I don’t even think he bills his radio show as a progressive show. But isn’t this blog billed as a progressive blog? How come I can’t recall Goldy doing any charity drives to help anyone in their time of need? Oh wait, he does ask for handouts for himself and his blog. Nevermind.
Goldy the progressive, my ass.
@89 A measly $1.5 million? That won’t even pay his legal bills.
@97 May we ask how much you’ve donated to the flood victims?
@97 (continued) As long as we’re on the subject of liberal vs. conservative generosity, I donated $99 to Operation Helmet to save a soldier’s life in Afghanistan or Iraq, but not one of our resident wingnut trolls ever even claimed to have donated a penny to Operation Helmet.
When it was time to actually “support the troops” by putting their money where their mouths were, the wingntus were nowhere to be found.
You don’t see them hurrying to enlist, either. They prefer that other people die in their holy war.
Roger Rabbit @ 88
J. Edgar Hoover Planned Mass Arrests During Red Scare Era
“All apprehended individuals eventually would have had the right to a hearing under Hoover’s plan, but hearing boards comprised of one judge and two citizens would not have been bound by the rules of evidence.”
My comment on this —
This is exactly how the judicial system in the former Soviet Union and the current People’s Republic of China operates. There is a judge and two “people’s assessors” who try criminal cases. Interesting that Hoover wanted to borrow the communist judicial system …
@97 Isn’t Bush supposed to be a conservative with Christian values?
Bush the Christian-my ass! Bush the conservative-my ass!
I donated two sons. That good enough for you?
The Piper
I donated two sons.
You mean they didn’t volunteer? I wonder what they would think of that turn of phrase?
Way to wear the pants in your family. This is in contrast to:
Mr. “My word is my bond” (bullshit)
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not” (liar)
Mr. “Crisper English” (aggegious)
Mr. “Wow, I’m so superior” (Pffft.)
Mr. “The Prosecution Rests” (Who ‘effin cares?)
whose son is at the U.W. (Seattle!) taking classes from flaming liberal profs like Darryl.
Sure sucks to be a wingnut!
I’m even willing to wish you a Merry Christmas, though it is a stretch.
When I say I donated, I’m using the same thematic language as Rabbit and his donated $99.
BTW…I have a daughter – twin sister to my Marine son – who’s a senior at the UW majoring in French and Political Science. In fact, she’s returning tonight after 4 & 1/2 months at the University of Nantes. She’ll be home for two-weeks before leaving for three months at Lavalle University in Quebec where she’ll be taking political science classes in French.
My oldest daughter is a mother of two and wife in North Carolina, and my #2 son is a contractor who lives with his wife on Finn Hill.
So, my kids are making serious contributions to the quality of their communities and country, and they’re all proud to be conservative, believing that it’s best to make your own way in the world rather than wait for the gub’mint to spoon-feed you.
The Pipe3r
And, yes, they volunteered, with both either re-upping or having an enlistment extended since the Iraq War started. In fact, the staff sergeant re-upped while in Iraq.
Long day…can’t even spell my own moniker correctly!
The Piper
@107 “they’re all proud to be conservative”
1) It’s one thing to be a real conservative with real conservative values.
2)It’s another thing to be a conservative republican who supports torture and war crimes and attacks on the constitutional rights of American citizens.
Which type of proud conservative are your kids Piper-and you for that matter?
By the way Piper, I’m a flaming liberal. My whole family are flaming liberals. Virtually everyone of my friends is a flaming liberal. And every fucking one of us pays our own fucking way through life. Jesus Christ! Why do you stupid fucking Republicans post on this blog? You don’t put forth a single fucking argument for your “philosophy” that, when compared to what you “conservatives” actually do, holds any validity.
And Piper, if your son is captured by the enemy in Iraq and subjected to torture, will you dare to show the hypocrisy of demanding that the bad guys adhere to the Geneva conventions-just like your President does?
Piper, the way you go on about the military and Iraq one would think that only conservative Republicans serve their country in the military. You fucking Republicans act like there are no liberals or gays in the military fighting in Iraq. The Republican Party, once a Grand Old Party, is dead and stinking Piper. Republican conservatism is nothing but hypocrisy! The party of Lincoln is racist. The party of Teddy Roosevelt is anti-environment. Dead! Dead! Dead! Stinking! Stinking! Stinking! And racist to its immigrant bashing core!The religious wacko Huckabee SHOULD be your candidate next year. He is the real Republican party of 2008!
Don Joe: it was a sock puppet as poster #3. Darryl allow it on the lefties.
Ahhhh Puddybud, PuttyButt is not the same as Puddybud and neither is puddly poo. Nor would be puddypud, or buttplug, or buttybud, or buttypud or budpuud–you see what I’m saying you stupid fucking republican!
Hehehehe Don’t you lover whiney little liberals.
Whaaaa it not fair that Fox has more listeners then we do. The only reason people listen to liberals now days is if they are senile or forced as kids in the public screwls.
@131 You are a real law and order type of conservative, ehh puddy? A real stickler for the rules, eh butty? How about the Geneva conventions Buttplug? How about war crimes Pud? You still support your President, right putty? So you have no real problems with torture and war crimes, right Buttey?
I thought Seattle wasn’t good for anything. You mean one of your own kids was educated here? Shocking admission!
French? Mon Dieu!
It is indeed a stretch to wish you a Merry Christmas as well and in the spirit of giving I offer two gifts:
Merry Christmas coprophagous pooch aka DOOFUS @ 115
Here’s my present to you:
Eat shit mutt!
Roger Rabbit says:
@97 (continued) As long as we’re on the subject of liberal vs. conservative generosity, I donated $99 to Operation Helmet to….
I did one better. I voted republican in the last election to honor our soldiers over seas. Everyone know that their votes are thrown out by liberal voting districts so the best way to compensate them is to vote republican. roof roof
@119 is lying!
Pelletizer (TM) said above: In the U.S. economy, owners get 60% of GDP and workers get only 40% of GDP. Why is that? And why do owners get to pay taxes at 1/3 to 1/2 the rates paid by workers?
I say prove this crap Pelletizer.
Government Tax site?
PSilly @ 121
You served up that ACORN bullshit to Don Joe a while back, well here’s your present right wing bullshit man:
What? A liberal trick you say? Try this then:
#47: Remember your issue with plagiarism:
Ah yes another name to add…
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer (TM)
You never think of anything first. I give you all your attack ideas. You are a follower and everyone knows this. That’s why you drink the stick white kool-aid from the NEW Progressive Democrat Party.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
Yes ACORN. I guess you forgot this:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
Yes ACORN. I guess you forgot this:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
Yes ACORN. I guess you forgot this:
What a moron you are!
You still don’t get it! ACORN Pwns ACVR!!!
Where did ACVR go stupidman? They ran away like whipped dogs with their tails between their legs and didn’t have the BRAINS to keep their domain name – like your bro doofus does everytime I put this up!
John Fund? That bullshit book of his is totally discredited! He’s a right wing bullshit artist. is right wing bullshit WSJ Editorial Page.
You expect people with half a brain to BUY that bullshit?
ACORN has registered 1 million poor voters across this country. Brainwashed, water-carrying fools like you can’t stand it.
Mr. “My word is my bond” (bullshit)
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not” (liar)
Mr. “Crisper English” (aggegious)
Mr. “Wow, I’m so superior” (Pffft.)
Mr. “The Prosecution Rests” (Who ‘effin cares?)
126 – Yeah, their quality control isn’t the best. If their quality control was more like that of YOUR RIGHT WING BULLSHIT, they would have had to pay a million dollar fine!
Okay HorsesASSers: You can see by post #127,
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
doesn’t attack the data presented from Kansas City and St Louis, NOPE. This dope AKA
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
attacks the people who deliver the ACORN truth.
Isn’t this a typical attack from A NEW Progressive Democrat?
YLB says:
126 – Yeah, their quality control isn’t the best. If
May I suggest a voter ID. That would fix everything. Are you with me. After all you don’t have anything to hide do you? hehehehehe
So all can see in post #128:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
Now agrees ACORN “quality control” sucks.
But lost on YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
Jon Fund and Opinion Journal also attacks ACORN’s quality control…
If he had three brain cells he could determine this. I say that one paramecium or amoeba is working normally.
130 – Here’s garlic for DOOFUS, watch this silly cur run away:
Shall I dig up some quotes where you purveyed this right wing bullshit DOOFUS?
So YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
How is your understanding of I900 now? I bet it’s the same as ACORN eh?
Yeah, ACORN should have the quality control of a quality outfit like?
Hey Puddystupid, why don’t you recommend that to ACORN. If they had as much brains as ACVR, then the whole operation would be shut down right now!!!
And shall I dig up the quote where you purveyed ACVR, PWhackjob?
Run away. I am not running away from voter ID. But you are. hehehehehe How are you going to explain away the UDOJ cases? heheheheehehe
Repeat after me losers:
A . C . V . R.
The Raymond book is coming out. You losers are going down with it.
Your losing party, your losing candidates for Prez are going straight down the tubes…
Happy holidays losers…
Such impressive debating skillz
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
You don’t answer the sixth name, you run away from the real ACORN issues and you use your tired AVCR canard.
You’ve got no moves left. You’ve left your safety zone. You aren’t getting your blogging orders from Kos or Matters. The dogs are closing on you. Roof Roof.
Do you have your voter ID or are you a special ACORN voter registration card?
you use your tired AVCR canard.
A. C. V. R.
Are you denying you purveyed that bullshit, PSilly?
Dare me to dig up. Please!!!
Yeah….ROOF!!! Any party who believes a voter ID is unconstitutional but is OK with forcing citizens to memorizes a nine digit SS# every year can only be up to one thing.
Democrats = Party of Voter Fraud.
Remember South Park Episode #151? In Episode 151 the science teacher explains evolution. She went through some special gyrations on how man evolved from a “retarded” fishfrog.
This fact proves where you came from!
Canard: a false, unfounded, and misleading story
So now PSilly and DOOFUS denies ACVR ever existed?
Heeeere’s DOOFUS:
RUFUS says:
Unlike ACT (donks coming together) the ACVR is truely a non-partisan organization. I love it when the truth get out.
Non-partisan? Riiiiiiiight.. Way to lie for your team there DOOFUS the coprophagous cur.
PSilly – admit it, you’re afraid of me exposing you purveying braindead right wing bullshit that is now pwnd by ACORN.
Will Clueless ever answer why it is OK to force citizens to memorize a SS# every year but it is unconstitutional to force that same citizen to carry an ID to vote?
It will never happen because:
Democrats = Party of voter fraud.
Afraid? You just posted it above. You already let the cat out of the bag.
So tell us about this psychological test again:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake.
Hey YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake.
The wife just called. Time to take care of real bidness.
See ya!
Silly cur @ 143,
You don’t have to memorize your social security number. You can look it up when it’s needed.
Do you see you photo on the soc sec card?
I guess the next thing you’ll be calling for is filing for an extension on your voting right if you forget your id at home or couldn’t find the time between working 2-3 jobs to get one.
Silly, silly, cur.
Do you see you photo on the soc sec card?
I guess the next thing you’ll be calling for is filing for an extension….
But to file an extension what do you need??? That is right your SS#. Sorry you lose. Again:
Democrats = Party of voter fraud.
I guess the next thing you’ll be calling for is filing for an extension….
But to file an extension what do you need??? That is right your SS#. Sorry you lose. Again:
Democrats = Party of voter fraud.
Shapoooopy…Take that to the bank!!!! hehehehehhehehe
148 – Smelly cur, you would be against a citizen filing an extension on exercising their voting right if they lacked the proper documentation.
Not only are you a smelly cur (from eating right wing shit), you are a Nazi cur.
[German accent at the polling place] May I see your papers, please. They are not in order. Please leave immediately or you vill be shot…
The silly, shit-eating cur is making a fallacious argument of equivocation. Paying taxes and voting are not in any way the same thing.
Heh. The cur wants all kinds of capricious hoops for voters to jump through before they can exercise their sacred right to vote.
He would. He’s a mutt. He’s used to jumping through hoops on his masters’ orders.
@107 – …they’re all proud to be conservative, believing that it’s best to make your own way in the world rather than wait for the gub’mint to spoon-feed you…
Piper – you have it all wrong – I’m a Democrat, not a liberal, and I’ve worked for the last 18 years with the same company, earning a good living and being a responsible person. You point out the problem of being a Republican – you guys think your so self righteous, and the moral compass of the world, when in reality you are the morons and most corrupt individuals in life. You fight for the rights of an unborn baby, but the minute it is pushed from the womb you want to take all of its rights away – moronic and hypocritical to say the least.
Here is an example of your precious free market at work Piper. Here is an example where the free market, supported by you Christian values pro-life Republicans, places profits over life.
“Insurance companies make money by finding ways to not pay claims. That’s the truth of it. This past week, we sadly saw the result of this in the death of Nataline Sarkisyan. From the CA Nurses Association:
On Dec. 11, four leading physicians, including the surgical director of the Pediatric Liver Transplant Program at UCLA, wrote to CIGNA urging the company to reverse its denial. The physicians said that Nataline “currently meets criteria to be listed as Status 1A” for a transplant. They also challenged CIGNA’s denial which the company said occurred because their benefit plan “does not cover experimental, investigational and unproven services,” to which the doctors replied, “Nataline’s case is in fact none of the above.”
The CA Nurses Assoc. organized a massive protest against Cigna’s spreadsheet-based decision, but the turnaround from Cigna came too late for Nataline, who passed away without ever receiving her transplant. C&L has news video on the story, and it is absolutely heartbreaking.
I keep thinking about this poor girl’s parents, having already gone through so much with their child who battled and survived cancer only to face this latest hurdle, to be told by doctors — including the head of pediatric transplant surgery at UCLA — that she had at least a 65% chance of surviving six months or more with a liver transplant…and then be told by their for-profit insurers that they wouldn’t pay to save their child’s life. Death by spreadsheet and profit margin, indeed.”
But hey Piper, this situation is better than socialized medicine right Piper. Just like it’s OK for this great country to invade occupy and displace kill and torture the citizens of other countries but if they do it to us it’s a crime.You fucking Republicans are loathsome creatures.
Check out Ron Paul deny the science of evolution and call it a theory.
UN report: Two million Iraqi children face disease, poverty.
More news from the Republican’s war in Iraq. “freedom is on the march.”
Look at the twists and turns and back tracking Mitt Romney has to do to be considered a viable candidate for the religious wacko (once great, now dead and stinking)
republican party. This is your party Puddy and Piper and Marvin, etc.
The hits just keep on coming for Willard. Via the Concord Monitor:
…There was a time that he supported stem-cell research and cited his own wife’s multiple sclerosis in explaining his thinking; such research, he reasoned, could help families like his. These days, he largely opposes it. As a candidate for governor, Romney dismissed an anti-tax pledge as a gimmick. In this race, he was the first to sign.
People can change, and intransigence is not necessarily a virtue. But Romney has yet to explain this particular set of turnarounds in a way that convinces voters they are based on anything other than his own ambition.
In the 2008 campaign for president, there are numerous issues on which Romney has no record, and so voters must take him at his word. On these issues, those words are often chilling. While other candidates of both parties speak of restoring America’s moral leadership in the world, Romney has said he’d like to “double” the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, where inmates have been held for years without formal charge or access to the courts. He dodges the issue of torture – unable to say, simply, that waterboarding is torture and America won’t do it.
When New Hampshire partisans are asked to defend the state’s first-in-the-nation primary, we talk about our ability to see the candidates up close, ask tough questions and see through the baloney. If a candidate is a phony, we assure ourselves and the rest of the world, we’ll know it.
Mitt Romney is such a candidate. New Hampshire Republicans and independents must vote no.
Let me ask you conservative posters on this blog three simple questions.
Something is screwed up. Let’s try again.
@11 Roger Rabbitt
WADR, the (other) attorney I discussed this with agreed that , the Fed agencies might disagree BUT then 10 th amendment and the cable company precedents argue the other way.
The localSeattle govt controls what Comcast can Broadcast.
I can imagine that the fed. law might preclude local ownership and liscensure to use airwaves may well be a Fed issue because they go interstate, BUT anythng that uses cable or other local wiring is clearly under local control.
The same is true for print media.
why would happen oif Gregoire and the Demo legislators passed a locqal content law?
@57 Rabbit
You say the blog is freespeach? Thats is a part truth. This is confined speech, safe talk where there is little effect on the polity.
I “heard” some data the other day of the impact of all the blogs vs the Postman column. The ratio is still bizarrly one way.
The data was pretty superficial but I would be tit was correct.
YLB says:
The silly, shit-eating cur is making a fallacious argument of equivocation. Paying taxes and voting are not in any way the same thing.
To a democrat that is right. A democrats are leechs when it comes to taxes and are cheats when it comes to voting. I am glad you are finally coming around.
I think we can start by boycotting “My Space” which is owned by “News Corp”, maybe the biggest culprit.
My work is done-BOLDLY the horsesassys go into the future! A future with a dead and stinking Republican party at it’s feet.
re 17: “We….” Who do you think you are kidding, you, “drooling, green-skinned idiot”! (Willaim James Reference)
I’ll put it this way. If I had the choice of being waterboarded by a third party or having my fingers smashed one at a time by a sledgehammer, I’d take the fingers, no question.
It’s horrible, terrible, inhuman torture. I can hardly imagine worse. I’d prefer permanent damage and disability to experiencing it again. I’d give up anything, say anything, do anything.
Piper, Puddypud, Marvin, etc–Do you support torture?
#167: First identify yourself so we know who you are in real life.
When #167&168 properly identifies themselves with their God-given (parental given) real names and Goldy concurs with their IP Address, email address and ISP, we’ll answer the question. Until this happens our mouths (fingers) are sealed.
Personally I think this person hates others 24/7.