Your ballot should be coming in the mail this week. City and county council and initiatives aren’t the biggest positions. Especially when the disfunction at the Federal level takes up so much oxygen. But shit is important.
The whistleblower doesn’t want to testify. He saw what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings, when claims were checked for accuracy.
Can’t say I blame the guy.
On talk TV yesterday Schiff informed us that there doesn’t have to be a quid pro quo.
Probably because it turns out there wasn’t one.
Great. Now Steve’s got Goldy doing it.
Verified account
Retweeted Lindsey Graham
Your defense and enabling of Trump makes you as much of a war criminal as he is. I hope you die in a prison cell at The Hague, @LindseyGrahamSC.
12:46 PM – 13 Oct 2019 fr
I think the point is avoiding acceptance of responsibility for nominating Hillary, amirite, Steve?
After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?
@1 Can’t say I blame the guy, either, after Trump proclaimed he should be shot as a spy. Especially knowing that some of Trump’s supporters are more than capable of it.
That’s the crowd you run with, doc. And people are known by the company they keep.
Clarification on my comments @ 4. I was referring to Hillary’s nomination in 2016. Not the one upcoming, although Hillary need only to shiv Warren at the right time for the latter to be reality as well.
I have warned y’all repeatedly not to repeat past mistakes. Don’t think y’all are listening.
This is how y’all get more Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Yes, you’re stupid enough to believe there wasn’t a quid pro quo. Fortunately, most people are smarter than you.
Look up the word “inference” sometime when you’re not too busy posting nonsense on HA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Turning pro-ISIS and pro-Assad, are you? Figures. You’ve been in Putin’s lap for a long time, so it’s not surprising.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 If I still opposed impeachment after all that, I certainly wouldn’t brag about it in a public blog. Makes you look stupid and gullible beyond comprehension, plus a whole bunch of other things.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “Hillary need only to shiv Warren at the right time for the latter to be reality”
Is this the latest conspiracy theory emanating from the White House, or just you putting something stronger than creamer in your Monday morning coffee?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think the horse fucked Doctor Dumbfuck instead of the other way around in the predawn hours this morning. He’s got frothy foam coming out of his ass.
@ 10
Conspiracy theory? Naw.
Hillary enters 2020 race after entire Democratic field have surprise heart attacks
The roadside massacre of Kurdish civilians and a politician that Donald gave the green light on invasion.
You need an ID to buy Groceries.
You need an ID to buy Cereal.
That time he freaked out about filling out an NCAA bracket but speed dialing ‘Dancing With The Stars’ is AOK”
Again, Donald gave the green light, and Putin bombed a hospital.
Death by trigger happy cop. She was black, and at home, but clearly she was fleeing.
Kathy Griffin held up a…wait that’s so 2016…Pro Trump Group fantasizes about Trump as mass killing ‘hero’ of a snuff film.
Got anymore 5th tier right wing websites to link to today, Dumbfuck?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck sez, “Conspiracy theory? Naw,” then links us to a website that bills itself as “the most reliable source of fake news on the planet.”
The difference between him and them is he’s serious and they’re not. What a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s Friday trade deal (which was more truce than deal) is already blowing up.
That didn’t take long, but Wall Street didn’t take it very seriously anyway.
@1. Oh. you are not dead or in jail after all.
Trump had us Cut and Run.
Republicans, think about your sins.
Ana Navarro-Cárdenas Verified account @ananavarro
Once upon a time, GOP stood for Family Values, strong foreign policy in defense of freedom, and Fiscal Conservatism.
Trump: has NO values; abandoned Kurds, coddles dictators; national deficit is $1 Trillion, a 68% increase since Trump is President.
Congrats, GOP. U own this.
What Republicans Said About Impeachmentspews:
In May of 2010, according to FOX and the GOP, offering an administration appointment to a Democratic candidate to discourage him from making a primary challenge was legal grounds for impeachment (as well as a felony).
“I think the point is avoiding acceptance of responsibility for nominating Hillary, amirite, Steve?”
I see what you mean, Doctor. Our allies are dying this morning while Putin is laughing at you and your orange moron for being so fucking stupid, and it’s all my fault because, well, as we all know, Hillary was so…awful.
You’re nothing but a dumbfuck traitor, Doctor. So is your orange moron.
“Trump had us Cut and Run.”
No, it’s all my fault. Hillary was so…awful.
I must think on my sins.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…when claims were checked for accuracy.
Um… er… well akshully…
that’s already been done by the ICIG. The one hand picked by you and Team Trump! That’s why there is an ICIG, and that’s what GOP Senator Chuck Grassley and his GOP staff designed the process to do.
“Credible” and “Urgent Concern”. Both authored entirely by the GOP. Womp, womp.
Yes, that’s right! It is another
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Trump supporters are Putin’s useful idiots, and Doctor Dumbfuck is one of Trump’s useful idiots, which makes him a pro-Russia, America-hating subversive. See how that works?
The term traitor, while strictly speaking isn’t applicable here because we’re not formally at war with Russia, nevertheless aptly describes in vernacular the posture Doctor Dumbfuck has adopted toward his native country and its people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 No, but he hasn’t been seen since 9:00 a.m., an hour-and-a-half ago, so he’s apparently fled the scene of his latest crimes against decency and common sense. Or maybe his sorry ass is back in the barn getting a refill.
Hey, Dumbfuck, you might want to reach out to this guy and straighten him out so he’ll know that ISIS 2.0 isn’t all you and your orange moron’s fault. It’s all my fault. Like you say, Dumbfuck, Hillary was so…awful.
“Green Beret turned GOP congressman unloads on Trump for unleashing ‘ISIS 2.0’”
“After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade…”
Should anybody tell him?
Democrats had nothing whatsoever to do with any of it.
Democrats were in a powerless minority everywhere without even enough power to schedule a hearing room.
Trumpist idiot smashes thumb while attempting to drive nail into Klan cross then shrieks like a little girl “Goddamn Leftist nails!”
If it was anybody else it might not be. But it’s actually kind of funny to watch, right?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Word Press comment cue jammed up again.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Yes, you’re stupid enough to believe there wasn’t a quid pro quo.
Exactly as with his vote, his red trucker hat, and his dependency on “T” supplements, he no longer has any other choice.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
7, “Independent voters in Wisconsin surveyed by CNN are in agreement that President Donald Trump committed an abuse of power on his phone call with the Ukrainian president,”
Well shit. In that case the GOP better poll Indiana or Kentucky instead. Hurr durr. Yup!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Democrats had nothing whatsoever to do with any of it.”
Well yes they did. They criticized it, and now they’re investigating it. If they had been good little Nazis and stayed in line like Trump’s GOP congressional protectors, people wouldn’t be questioning it. Remember, criticizing this president is treason.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
29 cont.,
Let’s not forget that scientifically an “Independent” voter in Wisconsin is a Republican voter who simply doesn’t want to bear the stigma and humiliation attendant with the party label.
Cool! This woman can reason things out and come up with dumbfuck shit just like our Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Liz Cheney blames Democrats’ impeachment inquiry for Turkey’s impending genocide against the Kurds”
Yup, the Democrats made Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron cut and run like like the cowards they are because – wait for it, you know it’s coming – because Hillary was so…awful!
You’re both dumbfucks, Doctor. I thought you should know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 A chip off the old block.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s her Cheney upbringing. You can’t expect wine that turns to vinegar to turn into wine again.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Okay, we mocked and criticized. But until January of this year we were fundamentally incapable of causing any of it. And starting in January we gave Trump a Speaker sworn first to await the results of the GOP investigation and then to abide by them. Which she did, despite a rising chorus of complaint from her members.
And how did president peepee respond to all that?
By attempting to extort allies and vulnerable nations to fabricate a political scandal targeting his domestic political opponents and fuck with the election.
She was wrong from the outset. Any effort to work with the GOP is wrong at this point. Voters have to have it spelled out for them. The GOP is fucked-in-the-head. It is not possible at this point to assign rational motivation to any sort of cooperative agreement with them. They aren’t capable of it right now. And perhaps they may never be again. No Democrat who calls for “sitting down with the other side” should be trusted to lead.
They really are nuts. The media, especially the networks, have to play along because too big a chunk of their audience are included. They just can’t afford to alienate them. But just look at Bob. He’s fucked-in-the-head now. He’s actually arguing that Democrats are somehow responsible for Mueller. A lifelong Republican. Hand picked by the White House. Etc. It’s obviously crazy. Obviously. And Bob can’t even see that any more. That’s just how far gone they really are.
You get a neighbor like that and you don’t go in on a water feature together. You build a very tall fence.
@ 35
You get a neighbor like that and you don’t go in on a water feature together. You build a very tall fence.
Until you find a judge to rule it unconstitutional.
Somehow I think the Dem governor of Louisiana will squeak this one out, although the combined votes for the top two GOP candidates in the just-completed jungle primary would be enough to topple him.
Nathaniel Rakich
Confirmed: With 100% of precincts reporting statewide, the GOP has gained a supermajority in the Louisiana Senate. They flipped SD-28 & SD-38.
9:25 PM – Oct 12, 2019
Louisiana is pretty close to Alabama.
Isn’t it, Senator Jones.
This woman is evil. Hopefully a cozy place for her in hell.
@38 Don’t worry, your party is working overtime to re-elect him. See #40 above for details.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 So now Boob is siding with judges who rule walls unconstitional?*
* When you pay for them by raiding military funds appropriated for family housing and schools, which Boob heretofore has fully endorsed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I haven’t heard anything from Boob this morning about the Fort Worth cop who killed a black woman in her own home after failing to identify himself as a police officer and opening fire 2 seconds after shouting “show me your hands!!”
Doesn’t he support our local police anymore?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Until you find a judge to rule it unconstitutional.
When they declare Skull & Bones unconstitutional?
And here I thought you people claimed it was the Feelthy Left trying to deprive you of your First Amendment.
Make up your fucking mind some day soon.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Louisiana is pretty close to Alabama.
Almost as close as the age of consent.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
the top two GOP candidates in the just-completed jungle primary would be enough to topple him.
Primary polling locations aren’t even announced until just 2 weeks prior. Location and other poll info only accessible through SOS website which is desktop only. Fewer than 3 days of early voting with restricted hours and locations.
Yup. Hurr, durr, looks like the primary is a near perfect model for the general vote profile.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Bob.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Nope. Sorry. Turns out to be a clean kill.
There was a “gun-shapped” object in the movie she was watching on her television.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 That’s chicken abuse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ex-Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean resigned this morning in lieu of being fired for unprofessional conduct and violating departmental policies on use of force and de-escalating situations. The victim’s family is demanding his arrest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Next up: Trump offers to bomb Taiwan in exchange for China providing dirt on Bloomberg.
Speaking of Republicans and their farm animal issues, I wonder if the fencing and cages is part of what gets them doing freaky things. You know, like they are with cages and toddlers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Today US military forces, acting in support of invading Turkish troops, began firing on Syrian army units in northeast Syria.
White House, State, and GOP (including Lindsay Graham) continue to claim that they oppose the Turkish aggression. And corp media continue to dutifully pass that along.
Next level gaslighting. And it’ll work too. At least insofar as drooling EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE rubes like PI, who claim to oppose intervention, will be derpy-derp-derp “confused”. And that’s as good as a Yellow Cake any day of the week.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Latest polls show Warren picking up support from Sanders and overtaking Biden in some early contests, notably New Hampshire.
My guess is Sanders’ heart attack will knock him out of the race.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
The best thing to do is to just get out of the Middle East entirely. That means no US troops anywhere in places like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Pakistan, Israel, Turkey or any other country in the area. While we’re at it, it’s time to close our bases in Europe, the Korean Peninsula, Japan and elsewhere. We can’t afford this empire any longer.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Probably because it turns out there wasn’t one.
Oops. Too late. Trump bagman Sondland admits under oath it was absolutely a quid pro quo. The “perfect” kind.
Dumbfuck, there is always a Tweet and an admission.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 You’re an idiot. Letting the world descend into chaos, unchecked violence, and ultimately a third world war will cost us a lot more than keeping the peace does. The last time people listened to isolationists like you, it cost the world 50 million human lives. Do you want that to happen again?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Guy you voted for just ordered US troops to side with nuclear Turkey against Russian backed Syria.
The fuck gonna listen to you now? Idiot.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Trumpers are manning the coal shovels feeding that engine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said he was kicked out of this morning’s hearing with Fiona Hill.”
Good. Gaetz is a loose cannon who belongs in a looney bin, not a serious congressional hearing.
Ran Twin Falls out and back today and on the way back to the trailhead I say an older beardy guy wearing a Kos t-shirt. So which one of you went hiking today?
@60 My first art job in the 80s was at Times News in Twin Falls. It lived up to the stereotype of being a big small town. I lasted a year before I realized I had to leave or I was going to go crazy. The closest comic book shop was Boise. Ever go swimming or cliff jumping at the hidden lakes?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now both Bloomberg and Zuckerberg are promising to destroy her, even at the cost of more president peepee.
This is exactly what I mean about DLC/Third Way being a dead end. You can not depend on Wall Street when it counts. Democrats must learn this lesson.
The Fort Worth killer cop has been arrested on murder charges and is in jail. He is, of course, entitled to due process and a fair trial — something Trump wouldn’t give the Central Park Five, or our trolls wouldn’t give Bowe Bergdahl; Republicans seem to like the idea of summary executions, with little or no consideration of guilt or innocence.
This CNN op-ed about Saturday’s Fort Worth police killing of a black woman in her home asks three questions that echo what I’ve been saying all along about police departments: Who are they hiring? How are they training them? Who is supervising them?
Notwithstanding Doctor Dumbfuck’s bleating, American law enforcement is broken, and needs sweeping reforms. Police departments need to change their hiring, training, and supervision. Too many of the wrong people have been hired; they need to get rid of racist, rogue, and above all trigger-happy cops. If you’re so paranoid and fearful that you’re going to shoot a kid with a toy gun or fire at any movement in the dark, you shouldn’t be a cop, period. And we need to stop letting police unions run police departments; their proper role is to represent their members in personnel matters, not dictate departmental policies. Let’s hire the right people, train them properly, pay them well, and supervise them carefully. It’s a tough and demanding job, and those who can’t do it right don’t belong there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Wasn’t me. You would’ve recognized the long pointy ears and cottontail, and I would’ve been hopping, not running.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Y’know, better spammers and trolls, I prefer the spammers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Good luck getting Democrats to vote for another billionaire. (Just ask Howard Schultz.) And everybody already knows Zuckerberg is a piece of shit.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Honest Joe Biden-Einstein’s China Corruption Netted Millions, Not The $420,000 Biden-Einstein Claims. Helpful hint for Demorat loons, for your next hoax go back to hiring Russians, they are much better at it than you bumbling clowns.
Although Hunter Biden’s lawyer has said that his client’s stake in the company is only valued at $420,000, a analysis estimates it’s value to be millions.
“It is difficult to imagine, if not incomprehensible, that a 10% stake in those economics is worth only $420K,” Steven Kaplan of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business told “The distinction they appear to be making is they capitalized the management company with $4.2 M even if the fund manages $2 B. The value of that management company is likely far in excess of $4.2 M if they are managing $2 B.” cited Kaplan estimating that Hunter Biden’s share in the investment company could be valued at around $20 million and up to “hundreds of millions of dollars” over the investment lifetime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans don’t believe in democracy and try to keep American citizens from voting in their own country, state, and community.
Heck, even my future Social Security benefits, modest as they are in terms of present monthly value, will be worth hundreds of millions and perhaps billions or trillions if both Social Security and I survive for perpetuity.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now do Javanka you lying, ignorant, brainwashed, corrupt piece of shit Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now we know why Trump fired his chief warmonger. Bolton, a lawyer, knows criminal behavior when he sees it.
Twin falls trail by North Bend. I was good I didn’t wreck it by going to the Popeye’s on the other side of 90 though I do love Popeyes spicy fried chicken.
One of the few fast food items I have gone out of my to eat.
I have a group of school dads that like to go to our local dive bar. This place is kind of a pit of filth but beers are $4 ($3.50 domestic mega beer bottles) and the crowd is well, colorful. I’ve walked in on drug deals in the bathroom. From one part of the bar you can see the monitor for the patio cam and I used to see the backpack guy who everyone in town who wasn’t naive knew sold weed doing handoffs out there a lot in the pre legal weed days. Haven’t seen him around in a long time.
Anyway, it’s as close as this suburb gets to a rough place and almost nightly the local police, who I know because I do a bunch of events for the city, come in around 11 and talk to the staff and a few customers and make their presence felt.
I have often had this thought looking at them in their full upper body armor, second 9mm on he chest, 4 spare magazines on the belt, pepper spray (2) and some have a third 9mm too. “I don’t blame them for wanting to be safe and ready but for a certain personality type, suiting up for out of control combat for every shift might enhance a combat mentality where the general populace is something to dominate not serve.”
To be clear there have been zero officer involved shootings here that I can find online except for a bank robbery that is approaching the end of living memory. But it does give me pause. Do they really need to be ready to fire 50 rounds each at all times? What about crime in the last 50 years here suggests the police need to be that heavily armed.
BTW, they have a surplus heavy assault vehicle too that they put on display for the kids from time to time which is weird.
Is it possible that law enforcement is being conditioned to see escalating combat as a normal part of their duties?
In the pool, if you got stuck with ‘John Bolton will be the guy who prefers U.S. Law over political calculations’ you won the big prize.
NYT: John Bolton instructed Fiona Hill to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council that Rudy Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney on a rogue operation with legal implications, Hill told the investigators.
It amuses me to no end that the Conservatives Nazis that dribble in here are still linking to Breitbart like it has any more credibility than the Weekly World News. Hell, the old Mad magazine was more accurate, and that wasn’t even supposed to be intentional.
Whats next, linking to Batboy articles?
You know Hillary had him murdered don’t you? I saw it on the internet, so it must be true.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
76, “Is it possible that law enforcement is being conditioned to see escalating combat as a normal part of their duties?”
It absolutely is.
A very close family member has provided legal representation to police agencies for decades now. As an advocate, it has been part of his responsibility to fully comprehend LE training in areas like use of force, tactics, self defense, etc. And also owing to that advocacy, he has naturally become fairly captured by the workplace culture.
Put simply, among modern police it is a fairly well established belief that the right of any non-LE citizen to go about their private business, even in the privacy of their home, can not as a matter of principle overcome a police officer’s duty to get to the end of their shift unharmed. Consequently, in almost all of these fatal encounters police respond reflexively by blaming the victim. It is very similar to the way most militaries respond to civilian casualties.
The whistleblower doesn’t want to testify. He saw what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings, when claims were checked for accuracy.
Can’t say I blame the guy.
On talk TV yesterday Schiff informed us that there doesn’t have to be a quid pro quo.
Probably because it turns out there wasn’t one.
Great. Now Steve’s got Goldy doing it.
Verified account
Retweeted Lindsey Graham
Your defense and enabling of Trump makes you as much of a war criminal as he is. I hope you die in a prison cell at The Hague, @LindseyGrahamSC.
12:46 PM – 13 Oct 2019 fr
I think the point is avoiding acceptance of responsibility for nominating Hillary, amirite, Steve?
After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?
@1 Can’t say I blame the guy, either, after Trump proclaimed he should be shot as a spy. Especially knowing that some of Trump’s supporters are more than capable of it.
That’s the crowd you run with, doc. And people are known by the company they keep.
Clarification on my comments @ 4. I was referring to Hillary’s nomination in 2016. Not the one upcoming, although Hillary need only to shiv Warren at the right time for the latter to be reality as well.
I have warned y’all repeatedly not to repeat past mistakes. Don’t think y’all are listening.
This is how y’all get more Trump.
@2 Yes, you’re stupid enough to believe there wasn’t a quid pro quo. Fortunately, most people are smarter than you.
Look up the word “inference” sometime when you’re not too busy posting nonsense on HA.
@3 Turning pro-ISIS and pro-Assad, are you? Figures. You’ve been in Putin’s lap for a long time, so it’s not surprising.
@4 If I still opposed impeachment after all that, I certainly wouldn’t brag about it in a public blog. Makes you look stupid and gullible beyond comprehension, plus a whole bunch of other things.
@6 “Hillary need only to shiv Warren at the right time for the latter to be reality”
Is this the latest conspiracy theory emanating from the White House, or just you putting something stronger than creamer in your Monday morning coffee?
I think the horse fucked Doctor Dumbfuck instead of the other way around in the predawn hours this morning. He’s got frothy foam coming out of his ass.
@ 10
Conspiracy theory? Naw.
Hillary enters 2020 race after entire Democratic field have surprise heart attacks
I see someone came back just in time to miss…
The roadside massacre of Kurdish civilians and a politician that Donald gave the green light on invasion.
You need an ID to buy Groceries.
You need an ID to buy Cereal.
That time he freaked out about filling out an NCAA bracket but speed dialing ‘Dancing With The Stars’ is AOK”
Again, Donald gave the green light, and Putin bombed a hospital.
Death by trigger happy cop. She was black, and at home, but clearly she was fleeing.
Kathy Griffin held up a…wait that’s so 2016…Pro Trump Group fantasizes about Trump as mass killing ‘hero’ of a snuff film.
Got anymore 5th tier right wing websites to link to today, Dumbfuck?
@12 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck sez, “Conspiracy theory? Naw,” then links us to a website that bills itself as “the most reliable source of fake news on the planet.”
The difference between him and them is he’s serious and they’re not. What a dumbfuck.
Trump’s Friday trade deal (which was more truce than deal) is already blowing up.
That didn’t take long, but Wall Street didn’t take it very seriously anyway.
@1. Oh. you are not dead or in jail after all.
Trump had us Cut and Run.
Republicans, think about your sins.
Ana Navarro-Cárdenas Verified account @ananavarro
In May of 2010, according to FOX and the GOP, offering an administration appointment to a Democratic candidate to discourage him from making a primary challenge was legal grounds for impeachment (as well as a felony).
“I think the point is avoiding acceptance of responsibility for nominating Hillary, amirite, Steve?”
I see what you mean, Doctor. Our allies are dying this morning while Putin is laughing at you and your orange moron for being so fucking stupid, and it’s all my fault because, well, as we all know, Hillary was so…awful.
You’re nothing but a dumbfuck traitor, Doctor. So is your orange moron.
“Trump had us Cut and Run.”
No, it’s all my fault. Hillary was so…awful.
I must think on my sins.
Um… er… well akshully…
that’s already been done by the ICIG. The one hand picked by you and Team Trump! That’s why there is an ICIG, and that’s what GOP Senator Chuck Grassley and his GOP staff designed the process to do.
“Credible” and “Urgent Concern”. Both authored entirely by the GOP. Womp, womp.
Yes, that’s right! It is another
@20 Trump supporters are Putin’s useful idiots, and Doctor Dumbfuck is one of Trump’s useful idiots, which makes him a pro-Russia, America-hating subversive. See how that works?
The term traitor, while strictly speaking isn’t applicable here because we’re not formally at war with Russia, nevertheless aptly describes in vernacular the posture Doctor Dumbfuck has adopted toward his native country and its people.
@16 No, but he hasn’t been seen since 9:00 a.m., an hour-and-a-half ago, so he’s apparently fled the scene of his latest crimes against decency and common sense. Or maybe his sorry ass is back in the barn getting a refill.
Hey, Dumbfuck, you might want to reach out to this guy and straighten him out so he’ll know that ISIS 2.0 isn’t all you and your orange moron’s fault. It’s all my fault. Like you say, Dumbfuck, Hillary was so…awful.
“Green Beret turned GOP congressman unloads on Trump for unleashing ‘ISIS 2.0’”
“After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade…”
Should anybody tell him?
Democrats had nothing whatsoever to do with any of it.
Democrats were in a powerless minority everywhere without even enough power to schedule a hearing room.
Trumpist idiot smashes thumb while attempting to drive nail into Klan cross then shrieks like a little girl “Goddamn Leftist nails!”
If it was anybody else it might not be. But it’s actually kind of funny to watch, right?
Word Press comment cue jammed up again.
Yes, you’re stupid enough to believe there wasn’t a quid pro quo.
Exactly as with his vote, his red trucker hat, and his dependency on “T” supplements, he no longer has any other choice.
“Independent voters in Wisconsin surveyed by CNN are in agreement that President Donald Trump committed an abuse of power on his phone call with the Ukrainian president,”
Well shit. In that case the GOP better poll Indiana or Kentucky instead. Hurr durr. Yup!
@26 “Democrats had nothing whatsoever to do with any of it.”
Well yes they did. They criticized it, and now they’re investigating it. If they had been good little Nazis and stayed in line like Trump’s GOP congressional protectors, people wouldn’t be questioning it. Remember, criticizing this president is treason.
29 cont.,
Let’s not forget that scientifically an “Independent” voter in Wisconsin is a Republican voter who simply doesn’t want to bear the stigma and humiliation attendant with the party label.
Cool! This woman can reason things out and come up with dumbfuck shit just like our Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Liz Cheney blames Democrats’ impeachment inquiry for Turkey’s impending genocide against the Kurds”
Yup, the Democrats made Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron cut and run like like the cowards they are because – wait for it, you know it’s coming – because Hillary was so…awful!
You’re both dumbfucks, Doctor. I thought you should know.
@32 A chip off the old block.
It’s her Cheney upbringing. You can’t expect wine that turns to vinegar to turn into wine again.
Okay, we mocked and criticized. But until January of this year we were fundamentally incapable of causing any of it. And starting in January we gave Trump a Speaker sworn first to await the results of the GOP investigation and then to abide by them. Which she did, despite a rising chorus of complaint from her members.
And how did president peepee respond to all that?
By attempting to extort allies and vulnerable nations to fabricate a political scandal targeting his domestic political opponents and fuck with the election.
She was wrong from the outset. Any effort to work with the GOP is wrong at this point. Voters have to have it spelled out for them. The GOP is fucked-in-the-head. It is not possible at this point to assign rational motivation to any sort of cooperative agreement with them. They aren’t capable of it right now. And perhaps they may never be again. No Democrat who calls for “sitting down with the other side” should be trusted to lead.
They really are nuts. The media, especially the networks, have to play along because too big a chunk of their audience are included. They just can’t afford to alienate them. But just look at Bob. He’s fucked-in-the-head now. He’s actually arguing that Democrats are somehow responsible for Mueller. A lifelong Republican. Hand picked by the White House. Etc. It’s obviously crazy. Obviously. And Bob can’t even see that any more. That’s just how far gone they really are.
You get a neighbor like that and you don’t go in on a water feature together. You build a very tall fence.
@ 35
You get a neighbor like that and you don’t go in on a water feature together. You build a very tall fence.
Until you find a judge to rule it unconstitutional.
Somehow I think the Dem governor of Louisiana will squeak this one out, although the combined votes for the top two GOP candidates in the just-completed jungle primary would be enough to topple him.
Nathaniel Rakich
Confirmed: With 100% of precincts reporting statewide, the GOP has gained a supermajority in the Louisiana Senate. They flipped SD-28 & SD-38.
9:25 PM – Oct 12, 2019
Louisiana is pretty close to Alabama.
Isn’t it, Senator Jones.
This woman is evil. Hopefully a cozy place for her in hell.
GOP = Party of Lies, Corruption & Betrayal
@38 Don’t worry, your party is working overtime to re-elect him. See #40 above for details.
@36 So now Boob is siding with judges who rule walls unconstitional?*
* When you pay for them by raiding military funds appropriated for family housing and schools, which Boob heretofore has fully endorsed.
I haven’t heard anything from Boob this morning about the Fort Worth cop who killed a black woman in her own home after failing to identify himself as a police officer and opening fire 2 seconds after shouting “show me your hands!!”
Doesn’t he support our local police anymore?
When they declare Skull & Bones unconstitutional?
And here I thought you people claimed it was the Feelthy Left trying to deprive you of your First Amendment.
Make up your fucking mind some day soon.
Almost as close as the age of consent.
Primary polling locations aren’t even announced until just 2 weeks prior. Location and other poll info only accessible through SOS website which is desktop only. Fewer than 3 days of early voting with restricted hours and locations.
Yup. Hurr, durr, looks like the primary is a near perfect model for the general vote profile.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Bob.
Nope. Sorry. Turns out to be a clean kill.
There was a “gun-shapped” object in the movie she was watching on her television.
@46 That’s chicken abuse.
Ex-Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean resigned this morning in lieu of being fired for unprofessional conduct and violating departmental policies on use of force and de-escalating situations. The victim’s family is demanding his arrest.
Next up: Trump offers to bomb Taiwan in exchange for China providing dirt on Bloomberg.
“That’s chicken abuse.”
Speaking of Republicans and their farm animal issues, I wonder if the fencing and cages is part of what gets them doing freaky things. You know, like they are with cages and toddlers.
Today US military forces, acting in support of invading Turkish troops, began firing on Syrian army units in northeast Syria.
White House, State, and GOP (including Lindsay Graham) continue to claim that they oppose the Turkish aggression. And corp media continue to dutifully pass that along.
Next level gaslighting. And it’ll work too. At least insofar as drooling EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE rubes like PI, who claim to oppose intervention, will be derpy-derp-derp “confused”. And that’s as good as a Yellow Cake any day of the week.
Latest polls show Warren picking up support from Sanders and overtaking Biden in some early contests, notably New Hampshire.
My guess is Sanders’ heart attack will knock him out of the race.
The best thing to do is to just get out of the Middle East entirely. That means no US troops anywhere in places like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Pakistan, Israel, Turkey or any other country in the area. While we’re at it, it’s time to close our bases in Europe, the Korean Peninsula, Japan and elsewhere. We can’t afford this empire any longer.
Oops. Too late. Trump bagman Sondland admits under oath it was absolutely a quid pro quo. The “perfect” kind.
Dumbfuck, there is always a Tweet and an admission.
@54 You’re an idiot. Letting the world descend into chaos, unchecked violence, and ultimately a third world war will cost us a lot more than keeping the peace does. The last time people listened to isolationists like you, it cost the world 50 million human lives. Do you want that to happen again?
Guy you voted for just ordered US troops to side with nuclear Turkey against Russian backed Syria.
The fuck gonna listen to you now? Idiot.
Trumpers are manning the coal shovels feeding that engine.
“Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said he was kicked out of this morning’s hearing with Fiona Hill.”
Good. Gaetz is a loose cannon who belongs in a looney bin, not a serious congressional hearing.
Ran Twin Falls out and back today and on the way back to the trailhead I say an older beardy guy wearing a Kos t-shirt. So which one of you went hiking today?
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@60 My first art job in the 80s was at Times News in Twin Falls. It lived up to the stereotype of being a big small town. I lasted a year before I realized I had to leave or I was going to go crazy. The closest comic book shop was Boise. Ever go swimming or cliff jumping at the hidden lakes?
Now both Bloomberg and Zuckerberg are promising to destroy her, even at the cost of more president peepee.
This is exactly what I mean about DLC/Third Way being a dead end. You can not depend on Wall Street when it counts. Democrats must learn this lesson.
For instance:
The Fort Worth killer cop has been arrested on murder charges and is in jail. He is, of course, entitled to due process and a fair trial — something Trump wouldn’t give the Central Park Five, or our trolls wouldn’t give Bowe Bergdahl; Republicans seem to like the idea of summary executions, with little or no consideration of guilt or innocence.
This CNN op-ed about Saturday’s Fort Worth police killing of a black woman in her home asks three questions that echo what I’ve been saying all along about police departments: Who are they hiring? How are they training them? Who is supervising them?
Notwithstanding Doctor Dumbfuck’s bleating, American law enforcement is broken, and needs sweeping reforms. Police departments need to change their hiring, training, and supervision. Too many of the wrong people have been hired; they need to get rid of racist, rogue, and above all trigger-happy cops. If you’re so paranoid and fearful that you’re going to shoot a kid with a toy gun or fire at any movement in the dark, you shouldn’t be a cop, period. And we need to stop letting police unions run police departments; their proper role is to represent their members in personnel matters, not dictate departmental policies. Let’s hire the right people, train them properly, pay them well, and supervise them carefully. It’s a tough and demanding job, and those who can’t do it right don’t belong there.
@60 Wasn’t me. You would’ve recognized the long pointy ears and cottontail, and I would’ve been hopping, not running.
@61 Y’know, better spammers and trolls, I prefer the spammers.
@63 Good luck getting Democrats to vote for another billionaire. (Just ask Howard Schultz.) And everybody already knows Zuckerberg is a piece of shit.
Why Trump stabbed Kurds in the back.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Honest Joe Biden-Einstein’s China Corruption Netted Millions, Not The $420,000 Biden-Einstein Claims. Helpful hint for Demorat loons, for your next hoax go back to hiring Russians, they are much better at it than you bumbling clowns.
Although Hunter Biden’s lawyer has said that his client’s stake in the company is only valued at $420,000, a analysis estimates it’s value to be millions.
“It is difficult to imagine, if not incomprehensible, that a 10% stake in those economics is worth only $420K,” Steven Kaplan of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business told “The distinction they appear to be making is they capitalized the management company with $4.2 M even if the fund manages $2 B. The value of that management company is likely far in excess of $4.2 M if they are managing $2 B.” cited Kaplan estimating that Hunter Biden’s share in the investment company could be valued at around $20 million and up to “hundreds of millions of dollars” over the investment lifetime.
Republicans don’t believe in democracy and try to keep American citizens from voting in their own country, state, and community.
@70 “over the investment lifetime”
Heck, even my future Social Security benefits, modest as they are in terms of present monthly value, will be worth hundreds of millions and perhaps billions or trillions if both Social Security and I survive for perpetuity.
Now do Javanka you lying, ignorant, brainwashed, corrupt
piece of shitRepublican.Now we know why Trump fired his chief warmonger. Bolton, a lawyer, knows criminal behavior when he sees it.
Twin falls trail by North Bend. I was good I didn’t wreck it by going to the Popeye’s on the other side of 90 though I do love Popeyes spicy fried chicken.
One of the few fast food items I have gone out of my to eat.
I have a group of school dads that like to go to our local dive bar. This place is kind of a pit of filth but beers are $4 ($3.50 domestic mega beer bottles) and the crowd is well, colorful. I’ve walked in on drug deals in the bathroom. From one part of the bar you can see the monitor for the patio cam and I used to see the backpack guy who everyone in town who wasn’t naive knew sold weed doing handoffs out there a lot in the pre legal weed days. Haven’t seen him around in a long time.
Anyway, it’s as close as this suburb gets to a rough place and almost nightly the local police, who I know because I do a bunch of events for the city, come in around 11 and talk to the staff and a few customers and make their presence felt.
I have often had this thought looking at them in their full upper body armor, second 9mm on he chest, 4 spare magazines on the belt, pepper spray (2) and some have a third 9mm too. “I don’t blame them for wanting to be safe and ready but for a certain personality type, suiting up for out of control combat for every shift might enhance a combat mentality where the general populace is something to dominate not serve.”
To be clear there have been zero officer involved shootings here that I can find online except for a bank robbery that is approaching the end of living memory. But it does give me pause. Do they really need to be ready to fire 50 rounds each at all times? What about crime in the last 50 years here suggests the police need to be that heavily armed.
BTW, they have a surplus heavy assault vehicle too that they put on display for the kids from time to time which is weird.
Is it possible that law enforcement is being conditioned to see escalating combat as a normal part of their duties?
In the pool, if you got stuck with ‘John Bolton will be the guy who prefers U.S. Law over political calculations’ you won the big prize.
NYT: John Bolton instructed Fiona Hill to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council that Rudy Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney on a rogue operation with legal implications, Hill told the investigators.
It amuses me to no end that the
ConservativesNazis that dribble in here are still linking to Breitbart like it has any more credibility than the Weekly World News. Hell, the old Mad magazine was more accurate, and that wasn’t even supposed to be intentional.Whats next, linking to Batboy articles?
You know Hillary had him murdered don’t you? I saw it on the internet, so it must be true.
“Is it possible that law enforcement is being conditioned to see escalating combat as a normal part of their duties?”
It absolutely is.
A very close family member has provided legal representation to police agencies for decades now. As an advocate, it has been part of his responsibility to fully comprehend LE training in areas like use of force, tactics, self defense, etc. And also owing to that advocacy, he has naturally become fairly captured by the workplace culture.
Put simply, among modern police it is a fairly well established belief that the right of any non-LE citizen to go about their private business, even in the privacy of their home, can not as a matter of principle overcome a police officer’s duty to get to the end of their shift unharmed. Consequently, in almost all of these fatal encounters police respond reflexively by blaming the victim. It is very similar to the way most militaries respond to civilian casualties.
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