Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) gives FCC Chairman Martin hell:
(This and some seventy other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) gives FCC Chairman Martin hell:
(This and some seventy other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
Republicans Are Baby Killers
“This year, when Senate Republicans dropped into the minority, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Lott and their caucus began losing control to four conservative members with clout among several large and vocal interest groups — John Kyl of Arizona, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Jim DeMint of South Carolina and John Cornyn of Texas. …
McConnell could not get backing for even minor compromises with Democrats, in areas ranging from taxes to children’s health care … Coburn, for instance, has held up many bills that involve earmarks and new spending. One, worth about $7 million over the next few years, would increase regulations on pool makers because of accidental deaths of children attributed to pool drains.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info click here: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....col08.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Blocking $7 million to save kid’s lives? You gotta be fucking kidding! Heartless, utterly heartless — kids are gonna die because this scumbag plays partisan politics with public health and safety. Click here for photo of GOP baby-killer:
This guy’s M.D. should be revoked; Bill Clinton got disbarred for far less.
Pelletizer (TM) amazingly you decided to skip this part of the article:
“That leads to the question: How does a legislative caucus function with an ideologically driven group in the driver’s seat?
Democrats have grappled with that themselves. It’s keeping a hum in the halls of Congress.”
Puddy commentary: The left has idealogues all over Congress from the Moonbat! wing, to the Nancy Pelosi Freakazoids, to the Blue Dog Conservatives to the Charlie Rangel build me my monument.
Now Pelletizer (TM), Tom Colburn got a hummer in the Oval Orifice? Why didn’t that make the NY Times, LA Times, WA Post, Sea Times, Sea PEE-Eye, etc? That’s news!
No mention of Bernie Ward (liberal talk host) getting caught with child porn? Oh yeah, he’s not a republican hypocrite so no need to talk about it. No one expected better out of a liberal.
More news from France:
“The French Had Long Known,” which included excerpts of confidential documents from the DGSE intelligence agency. One note, dated Jan. 5, 2001, said al-Qaida was plotting a hijacking and listed potential airline targets, including the two carriers, United and American, that were targeted in the Sept. 11 attacks later that year.”
Fair use from:
And the Socialist Chirac didn’t tell us this? Wait a minute… his bud Clinton was leaving office in 15 days… hmmm…?
Hello Lefties. Did you know 6,107,211 babies have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War. Demographics place 65% as donk so, 3,969,687 babies will not be around to confound elections in 14-18 years. This is why the illegals are so important to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They know their base has been killing off voters due to donkoinfanticide!
Who the hell is Bernie Ward? I’ve never heard of him. Is that my crime, Marvin Stamn?
Fuck you Marvin Stamn.
We can all read about Bernie Ward at:
Let’s talk.
The way The Schools Are Run??
This is a follow up on an earlier comment here and at SJ on the study the schools had done on the APP program. In that post I criticized the lack of professionalism.
I received a reply from its author but she has asked me NOT to post her reply. The key items, however are that she was not given funds to do a quantitative study and that collecting rumors is the normal professional practice in her world (Prof. Educational Leadership).
I urge anyone interested in how the SPS are run to read the report.
Personal to (fucked up) Marvin Stamn:
Is your self esteem so weak that it causes you to try to prove yourself by trolling around liberal blogs and bring to the attention of the comments users of their imperfections?
Too bad we can’t all be perfect like you, Marvin Stamn?
So many asses so wrong so often… don’t you get tired of being the Koolaid machine dupes?
Ann Coulter cleared of vote fraud
Investigators find no probable cause commentator willfully violated law
December 7, 2007
10:15 p.m. Eastern
How many has it been the last few weeks, losers?
@2 What that article says, jackass, is that Democrats are trying to figure out how to get Congress to function despite the ideologues in the GOP caucus; and how to get the country to function despite the ideologue in the White House. America would be far better off if the Rapture arrived and all Republicans vanished!
@3 This is a liberal blog. If you want to read wingnut propaganda, go here:
Gawd, you wingnuts are clueless!
@5 Isn’t it actually your boy Bush who’s letting the illegals in to assure his business friends an ample supply of cheap labor?
@10 So Coulter’s excuse is that she’s too stupid to figure out where she’s supposed to vote?
It should also be noted that Coulter publicly claimed to have been born in 1963, yet she voted in the 1980 presidential election, when — according to her — she was only 17.
I think even the trolls from the far right universe agree on this one though: Media consolidation is a bad idea.
good job by Inslee of raking Martin over the coals for:
1. Writing an op-ed in support of media consolidation before listening to the people of Seattle who came out to testify against consolidation.
2. Calling Martin on the idea that all wisdom emanates from Washington DC
Roger Rabbit says:
It should also be noted that Coulter publicly claimed to have been born in 1963, yet she voted in the 1980 presidential election, when — according to her — she was only 17.
12/08/2007 at 10:08 am
She must have voted in King Co.
What a crock…..Republicans Are Baby Killers
Perfect answer….Did you know 6,107,211 babies have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War
I wonder how many were late term, third trimester?????
Then there is this utterly laughable nonsense…..
“Roger Rabbit says:
@2 What that article says, jackass, is that Democrats are trying to figure out how to get Congress to function despite the ideologues in the GOP caucus; and how to get the country to function despite the ideologue in the White House. America would be far better off if the Rapture arrived and all Republicans vanished!”
The Democrat congress can only agree to name libraries and some gov buildings. Let’s see I seem to recall 2006 Democrat campaign slogan “We will go to Washington and end the Iraq war” You poor democrats, can’t deliver what you promised with the majority, can’t deliver as the minority….basically can’t deliver jack…..
Somehow I don’t get the sense that there’s any sympathy for the poor Democrats….thus the record low congressional approval numbers…
Roger, Please take matters into your own hands re: facilitating the rapture…..Please.
“My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that’s because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism.”—MSNBC 2/8/97
Ann Coulter..the Republinazi’s blonde.
“I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don’t need any more.” Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, “Well, before the New Deal…[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start.”
Ann Coulter..the Republinazi’s blonde.
“I think [Whitewater]’s going to prevent the First Lady from running for Senate.”—Rivera Live 3/12/99
“My track record is pretty good on predictions.”—Rivera Live 12/8/98
Ann Coulter..the Republinazi’s blonde.
“The swing voters—I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don’t have set philosophical principles. You’re either a liberal or you’re a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. ”
“You want to be careful not to become just a blowhard.”—Washington Post 10/16/98
Ann Coulter..the Republinazi’s blonde.
Ann laughs all the way to the bank and useless idiots like you help to grow her account. Go read the preface to her new book… every time she’s denounced she sells more books and becomes more powerful. The proof? Every single detractor has fallen into obscurity while she cha-ching’s right along.
She says “Thanks!”
Go read the REST of her book: she gives you loads of her own quotes… of course she joyfully and profitably mocks you with them…
“…Every single detractor has fallen into obscurity”
What the fuck are you talking about. Coulter is a living piece of shit. She should be called on every drop of smegma that cums out of her mouth. If a responsible person remains silent (when she lies), the lie of the bitch spreads.
What is your fucking point, tadfuio;zxchjn, you stinking prickhead.
@17 She used her real estate agent’s address as her voting address. That address is in Florida. Is King County in Florida? Are all WingNuts (TM) as stupid as you? We know Coulter is (either that, or she’s a criminal), but how about the rest?
@18 “The Democrat congress can only agree to name libraries and some gov buildings.”
They’ve done somewhat more than that, although the Republican obstructionist fake president has vetoed most of it, but I agree the Democratic congress is anemic. They’ve stopped well short of both ending the Iraq fiasco and impeaching those culpable for it.
@22 If you’re a conservative, your IQ is not above that of a toaster.
@23 Mein Kampf was a bestseller, too. So was Mao’s Little Red Book. Coulter’s screed completes the triology.
I remember Goldy trumpeting the comments of General John Batiste and how the war was going badly. Now the general has agreed with the Bush surge:
“First, the United States must be successful in the fight against worldwide Islamic extremism. We have seen this ruthless enemy firsthand, and its global ambitions are undeniable. This struggle, the Long War, will probably take decades to prosecute. Failure is not an option.
Second, whether or not we like it, Iraq is central to that fight. We cannot walk away from our strategic interests in the region. Iraq cannot become a staging ground for Islamic extremism or be dominated by other powers in the region, such as Iran and Syria. A premature or precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, without the requisite stability and security, is likely to cause the violence there — which has decreased substantially but is still present — to cascade into an even larger humanitarian crisis.
Third, the counterinsurgency campaign led by Gen. David Petraeus is the correct approach in Iraq. It is showing promise of success and, if continued, will provide the Iraqi government the opportunities it desperately needs to stabilize its country. Ultimately, however, these military gains must be cemented with regional and global diplomacy, political reconciliation, and economic recovery — tools yet sufficiently utilized. Today’s tactical gains in Iraq — while a necessary pre-condition for political reconciliation — will crumble without a deliberate and comprehensive strategy.”
Fair use claws invoked and material copywrite:
Amazingly Goldy has nuthin to say on the topic.
Now that Batiste has joined us whom think right, how many more people will hang onto the defeatism position?
#9 thorn says:
Thank you for the compliment. Although, fortunate for me and unfortunate for you I am not perfect. But thanks anyway.
Something else to ponder especially you undercover brother: Number of my black brothers and sisters of voting age eliminated by abortion by 2008 – 11,480,000 Estimated
Potential black votes lost by Democrats at 90% voting rate: – 10,332,000
Reduce this number by approximately 2 million back for year 2000
Al Gore’s popular vote margin in 2000: +544,683
George Bush’s popular vote margin in 2004: +3,012,499
Gore and Kerry would have had landslides in 2000 and 2004 if liberals didn’t push donkoinfanticide.
#6 thorn says:
Bernie is a liberal talk radio host.
Are you one of the few listener to liberal talk radio? If not, that’s probably you haven’t heard of him.
Is that your crime? Meaning what? Should you also be charged with bernie? Or that the activities bernie is charged with shouldn’t be a crime?
I was wondering how long until you got around to the childish insults.
547,500 per year of black donkoinfanticide. At 90% that 492,750 missing at the polls for the lefty side.
When the HA server does down for a short while, what happens to the rabbit?
Posting withdrawal? Blogging anonymous?
I went to the hearing. Kevin Martin is an arrogant little prick who is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the corporations.
Carl Grossman The Left Foot One, I made an inquiry of you in the Next time, I hope they taser him thread.
Do HA Lefties give to the Marine Core Toys for Tots campaign, or are they as stingy now as they were when the Katrina campaign passed them by?
Corps not Core!
You are a stinking slab of trolling shit, Marvin Stamn.
Also, learn to speak English:
“Are you one of the few listener to liberal talk radio?”
What’s that supposed to mean?
Your own points don’t even make any sense.
Why don’t you troll in G.W. Bush’s toilet, where you belong? The esteemed HA comment section is way too fine a forum to contain the vomit of your dirty toilet brain.
You, Marvin Stamn, are the perfect illustration of the republinazi mind set. You condemn yourself…
Here’s a funny:
som ble brukt var så vidt jeg vet en Mercedes Van, they needed a Mercedes van to handle all the luggage.
Hey Al, how many credits did it cost for the luggage?
Abortion is not illegal. The Iraq war is.
Having previously been personally involved in the FCC’s rulemaking process, I can personally testify that between the General’s Brat and Baby-Face Kevin, it’s been turned into a complete travesty.
Where did I say abortion is illegal? I delivered to you facts on abortion ArtFart.
Why do facts hurt liberal minds?
#40 thorn says:
Not very tolerant of others are you? How do you feel about women? Minorities? Muslims? Christians?
Who are you, the spelling cop? Are you really that limited intellectually to figure out listener should have a S? Pity.
You haven’t even attempted at making a point. All you have done is played your childish little insult games.
Clever. How many years of government education did it take you to figure out that?
Funny. A small minded individual that uses profanity and insults is calling me a dirty toilet brain. Your hypocrisy is astounding!
Once again you are calling me perfect. Yeah, compared to you I am but I’m not really. Stop trying to flatter me.
Since you got pissed off at me for pointing out bernie is being charged with child porn charges, are you a pedophile? I would have thought a good american would be glad to get child predators off the street. Why don’t you believe child predators should be arrested?
Let’s set the record straight on which side are NAZIs.
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. — Adolph Hitler.
Now it’s easy reading the commentary of those here hon the left, want to be the conquerors and those of us whom think right they want us to be the subjected races. Shucks, you liberals have been keeping my people as a subjected race since the start of Planned Parenthood. Just ask Leadlice Loocie (TM) because he knows what its like to be around blacks 24/7.
1) Adolf Hitler knew the Jews had guns. So he banned guns in the early 1930s. His last gun ban of 1938 allowed Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass) which totally disarmed Jews.
Read this book – Vanguard of Nazism The Free Corps Movement in Postwar Germany, 1918-1923 Robert G. L. Waite
— Liberals know consrvatives have guns today. Which party is the party of banning guns?
2) Hitler and his group were the PETAs of the 1930s. They instituted hunting bans.
— Liberals are the PETAs of today. Me I am a person eating tasty animals.
3) At least Hitler didn’t ban Christmas.
–Liberals don’t like Christmas and we see it in schools, public displays and newspaper ads. Liberals, which other holiday has a tree? So why do liberals call them “holiday trees”?
4) Hitler called his political opponents communists.
— So do the lefties on HorsesASS
We are in danger of forgetting that the Bill of Rights reflects experience with police excesses. It is not only under Nazi rule that police excesses are inimical to freedom. It is easy to make light of insistence on scrupulous regard for the safeguards of civil liberties when invoked on behalf of the unworthy. It is too easy. History bears testimony that by such disregard are the rights of liberty extinguished, heedlessly at first, then stealthily, and brazenly in the end. — Justice Felix Frankfurter
That sounds like the NEW Progressive Liberal Mantra to me!
Democratic complicity in Bush’s torture regimen
The Washington Post reports today that the Bush administration, beginning in 2002, repeatedly briefed leading Congressional Democrats on the Senate and House Intelligence Committees — including, at various times, Jay Rockefeller, Nancy Pelosi, and Jane Harman — regarding the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation methods,” including details about waterboarding and other torture measures. With one exception (Harman, who vaguely claims to have sent a letter to the CIA), these lawmakers not only failed to object to these policies, but affirmatively supported them.
This information was almost certainly leaked to the Post by intelligence officials who are highly irritated — understandably so — from watching the manipulative spectacle whereby these Democrats now prance around as outraged victims of policies to which they deliberately acquiesced, when they weren’t fully supporting them. Numerous liberal bloggers are already drawing the only conclusions that can be drawn, and expressing their outrage and horror at the Democratic Party leadership. Those sentiments are indisputably appropriate, and I just want to add a few more points to them.
Jay Rockefeller was one of the key Democrats briefed on the torture methods who never objected. But it’s far worse than that. In September, 2006, Rockefeller was one of 12 Senate Democrats to vote in favor of the Military Commissions Act, one of the principal purposes of which was to explicitly authorize the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation program” to proceed (even though it continues to be illegal under the Geneva Conventions). Thus, not only did Rockefeller remain silent when continuously briefed on illegal torture methods by the CIA, he then voted to legalize those methods by voting in favor of one of the most Draconian laws in modern American history. That law also retroactively immunized government officials from any liability for past lawbreaking.
Rockefeller is not just any Democrat. He is the individual whom the Democratic Senate caucus thereafter elected — and still chooses — to lead them on all matters relating to intelligence. Just consider how compromised he is and they are when it comes to investigating abuses by the intelligence community over the last six years. Rockefeller was complicit in all of those abuses, and the Democrats voted for him — and still support him — as their Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. How can Rockefeller possibly preside over meaningful investigations into conduct and policies — including the destruction of the videotapes and the conduct which those videotapes would reveal — of which he approved? And how can Senate Democrats pretend to be outraged at such policies when the leader they chose supports them?
Greenwald’s conclusion:
“Whether it’s the war in Iraq or illegal surveillance or the abolition of habeas corpus and now the systematic use of torture, it’s the Bush administration that conceived of the policies, implemented them and presided over their corrupt application. But it’s Congressional Democrats at the leadership level who were the key allies and enablers, never getting their hands dirty with implementation — and thus feigning theatrical, impotent outrage once each abuse was publicly exposed — but nonetheless working feverishly the entire time to enable all of it every step of the way.”
I note with little surprise that the Steel-Electric ferries appear to be corroded beyond useful repair. They are now estimating that “repairs” would require totally replavcing at least 45% of the hull, and it seems like the scope gets worse every single square foot of paint they scrape off.
This is sort of typical of the state DOT ‘wait until the earthquake brings it down and maybe then we’ll do something’ attitude, but still it represents a real opportunity for those of us who actually understand how fuel inefficient and environmentally degrading these diesel ferries actually are.
The latest emergency conference put together by the ferry lobby reveals that average ferry user has a household income of $90K per year, substantially greater than that of the Washington state population as a whole.
It is time for the rest of us to stop subsidizing their urban sprawl. If these rich people desire to live in places like Bainbridge and Port Townsend, they ought to content themselves with competing for the local jobs, not expect the rest of us to subsidize their expensive commutes.
If these ferries are going to be replaced it ought to be done on the same basis the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge was done….it ought to be financed entirely by user fees.
No new ferries without 100% fairbox recovery.
Marvin Stamn and Puddybud,
You are a couple of tar-babies, aren’t you?
It is clear that anything I say or don’t say can be used against me.
I drop out of your pathetic trolling mission.
Sorry for all of my “childish” name calling yesterday. I was in a nasty mood, but you, Marvin, inspired me.
Thorn: Thanks for the racial epithet. You wear your liberalism well on HorsesASS!
You are so nimble with words on a blog.
#50 thorn says:
Yeah, I kinda figured you were a racist.
But in “American lore,” the expression tar baby is also a racial slur
“used occasionally as a derogatory term for black people.”
You’re the one with the racial slurs, not me.
You never dropped in. All you did was cuss and name call.
No one expected better from you.