Or in the case of Marvin, they go foot in mouth.
proud leftistspews:
Kudos to Governor Gregoire for naming Debra Stephens to the state’s Supreme Court to replace Bobbe Bridge. Judge Stephens has vast appellate experience, is smart as hell, and comes from the other side of the Cascades. Dino would likely have picked some Republican Party hack who had never even argued in traffic court. Yet one more reason to keep Dino in the private sector next November.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Rightwingers have no sense of humor. They don’t understand humor. And that’s a problem, because when Ann Coulter cracks jokes about putting liberals in “concentration camps” or “executing” them, they take her seriously and want to do it. That’s why
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Probably happened simultaneously as they hit the kitchen floor when their mothers dropped them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet it gives chimpface a warm glow knowing he owes his “re-election” to a cabal of vermin who fabricated fairytales about his opponent’s military service.
@4: LOL.
Lee: We need a new Funniest WingNut Comments highlight reel!
BTW, Damn those Swift Kids, DAMN them!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#2 Lee says:
@1Um, genius, this is a spoof of right-wing attack ads, not an attack on Hillary. Man, you’re a dim bulb…
Those are spoofs? Really? Damn, you’re one smart fella. Are you sure it’s only comedy? I couldn’t find the joke about hillary talking about obama’s kindergarten plans to be president.
On a Wednesday filled with news (checked Omaha lately?), this is the best the HA Happy Hooligans can can do?
Where’s all that dedicated liberal zeal and energy???
Spoof of attack ads vs. HRC, it works to remind people of what a floppity-doppity-do she is. Instead of serving to mock her attackers, it only adds to their argument.
The key to good satire is don’t try when it has the capacity to turn on you…as it did here.
Gosh, who would have remembered HRC’s nasty cookie baking comments from…1992! We all do now, however.
Hmmm…wonder what kind of cookies Arianna Huffington bakes? Or does she have someone do that for her? Probably, since she’s got more $$$ than Rabbit has fleas.
But again…has HA jumped the shark? This is the best you’ve got for today? Hope the rent is paid, cause this sure ain’t gonna be no cash cow!
The Piper
Marvin tries, and fails, to bring teh funny. In other news, the good people of Chehalis confirm that water is wet.
@13 Spoof of attack ads vs. HRC, it works to remind people of what a floppity-doppity-do she is. Instead of serving to mock her attackers, it only adds to their argument.
The key to good satire is don’t try when it has the capacity to turn on you…as it did here.
Gosh, who would have remembered HRC’s nasty cookie baking comments from…1992! We all do now, however.
LOL! Her “nasty cooking baking comments”? Why do we even need to go elsewhere for satire when we already have you, crackpiper?
@15: that’s the truly funny part of the whole thing…the only people who got offended over her comments at the time were the right-wing whackosphere anyway.
The rest of us got the message without getting our panties in a bunch. I suspect the hand-wringing in the original was more than a little forced, in order to stir up the “base” — “Ooh, look at the bad, non-traditional, Thoroughly Modern Woman who wants to take over the White House! Be afraid!!!!111one1!”
“On a Wednesday filled with news (checked Omaha lately?), this is the best the HA Happy Hooligans can can do?”
Hey Piper…have I suggested to you lately that you go fuck yourself?
@13: This is an “open thread.” That means you can post whatever you want in it. If you have something to say about Omaha or anything else, why…feel free to let your thoughts flow like the watery trots you usually bring.
My thoughts on Omaha: tragic. Pointless. My thoughts go out to the families of the victims.
ROTF. This is why I bother to read the comments!
Truly amazing.
He still doesn’t get it.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
proud leftist says:
Kudos to Governor Gregoire for naming Debra Stephens to the state’s Supreme Court to replace Bobbe Bridge. Judge Stephens has vast appellate experience, is smart as hell, and comes from the other side of the Cascades.
Oh great. Another liberal elitist on the bench who will throw out an initiative saying the voters didn’t know what they were voting for. Just more amo for Dino. Re Elect Dino in 2008.
Dan Ratherspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
I’ll bet it gives chimpface a warm glow knowing he owes his “re-election” to a cabal of vermin who fabricated fairytales about his military service.
I tried Rabbit. We can’t get away with the same old lies we use to since the advent of the internet and right wing radio. We never have and never will excel in the “arena of ideas”. We need to get our power back and shut the right wing down. Shut down freedom of speech or we are doomed.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
when Ann Coulter cracks jokes about putting liberals in “concentration camps” or “executing” them, they take her seriously…
Oh that is funny. hahahahahahaaa
Oh wait, I am a dog. roof roof roof roof roof roof
New topic: the retention of Ty Willingham as Huskies Football Coach and the fans’ reactions.
Me, I think it was a good idea to retain Willingham. His recruits (following a 1-10 season) are just becoming Seniors and I think he deserves a chance to show what he’s been able to do with them. I believe he’s a pretty good recruiter and the team will get better.
What’s most remarkable to me, though, is the fan reaction. I’ve seen a couple of letters (one to the editor in yesterday’s or the day before’s dead tree edition of the Times, one in the fan reaction you can find from the article cited above) complaining about UW being a (gasp!) education-first school.
WTF is wrong with people? Where are their priorities? Football is a kid’s game. It’s fun to watch a game and cheer on your team but for fuck’s sake, griping that education comes before football at a premier research university is just wrong.
My Left Footspews:
I see Marvin is back. Apparently the ass kicking he gets is something he likes.
Thanks for proving once again that Conservatives can’t think and completely lack a sense of humor.
Hats off to Marvin.
My Left Footspews:
The Omaha incident is not political, dumb ass. Unless of course it turns out his parents were right wing ultra-conservatives. You know, the kind of folks who beat the bible into the kid and took him to klan meetings and provided him with his firearm. They spent their days snuffing out his individuality, so in a misguided effort to “go out in style” he lashed out in the way of the conservative….killing everything in sight.
Piper you are a special kind of jackass. You, my marshmallow brained friend, are a prick. A complete prick.
Actually, sounds like the kid is your typical got-kicked-out-of-the-house loser-kid. And the tragedy in Omaha is as much political as Geov’s comments about the weather and a fire at a Renton McDonald’s.
How do you do it? Live with such a constant level of venemous anger? Are you in therapy? Take meds? Or just hate people as a matter of course.
If your social skills don’t improve, you’ll find yourself very lonely with even less influence. Unless that’s what you want, which, if so, is certainly your right. But getting a grip on the interpersonal side of political relationships can be fun and interesting…and my many good friends who are Democrats all attest to mine, charming chap that I am.
Might try it…After all, in the words of G.B. Shaw from his play of the same name, “You never can tell.”
Saw that show in a Broadway revival in 1986 with the great Uta Hagen as Mrs. Clarendon. Marvelous, clever, and witty. But not to that knucklehead Frank Rich’s liking…but he never likes anything outside his wiener POV.
No wonder he comments now about politics, the lowest of professions, since he has no grasp of aesthetics or art. Then again, as a critic he’s pissed since he’s without talent. After all, if he had talent, would he be a critic?
He’s no better as a political commentator, either.
Sounds like the political correctness that has run amok in Seattle schools for some time…continues to run amok.
On a different level, you and Danny Westneat at the Times have essentially the same beef.
When parents support educational excellence only to be criticized as racist for believing that excellence matters, it isn’t any wonder that they lose hope and interest in supporting public education. Here’s hoping the new superintendant runs the report through her shredder and sends the “experts” back to Virginia from whence they cometh.
My guess is that you were very involved in your children’s education, which of itself makes you elititist, per the conventional wisdom types critical of APP.
Let’s not encourage kids to excel, let’s hold them all back down to the lowest common denominater.
Offended? No…amused because it was loaded with satire potential and brought back pleasant memories of how embarrassed the original comment made HRC. Now the Huffington Hooters are taking us on a trip down memory lane, a trip I suspect HRC would rather not take herself.
It’s that old law of unintended but foreseeable consequences rearing its ugly head again.
Liberalism struck. The NEA took over the schools. Dumbing down curriculum. Perfessor Darryl got hired. Wrasslin’ Coach Leadlice Loocie (TM) got a job. Pelletizer (TM) got hired as a guvmint cheese lawyer! Nuff SAID!
It’s fun watching liberals turn on themselves.
For those that don’t know, 23/6 is a huffington production.
Um, genius, this is a spoof of right-wing attack ads, not an attack on Hillary. Man, you’re a dim bulb…
Lee @ 2 re: 1
Which comes first–the lack of a sense of humor or wingnuttia? The two conditions do seem to go hand in hand.
Or in the case of Marvin, they go foot in mouth.
Kudos to Governor Gregoire for naming Debra Stephens to the state’s Supreme Court to replace Bobbe Bridge. Judge Stephens has vast appellate experience, is smart as hell, and comes from the other side of the Cascades. Dino would likely have picked some Republican Party hack who had never even argued in traffic court. Yet one more reason to keep Dino in the private sector next November.
@2 Rightwingers have no sense of humor. They don’t understand humor. And that’s a problem, because when Ann Coulter cracks jokes about putting liberals in “concentration camps” or “executing” them, they take her seriously and want to do it. That’s why
@3 Probably happened simultaneously as they hit the kitchen floor when their mothers dropped them.
I’ll bet it gives chimpface a warm glow knowing he owes his “re-election” to a cabal of vermin who fabricated fairytales about his opponent’s military service.
@4: LOL.
Lee: We need a new Funniest WingNut Comments highlight reel!
BTW, Damn those Swift Kids, DAMN them!!!
#2 Lee says:
Those are spoofs? Really? Damn, you’re one smart fella. Are you sure it’s only comedy? I couldn’t find the joke about hillary talking about obama’s kindergarten plans to be president.
“Are you sure it’s only comedy?”
Marvin Stamn…calling you “dumb as dirt” gravely insults dirt. The video is not just “comedy,” it’s a very specific type of comedy called “satire.”
Let me guess…Winddings like you “don’t believe in satire” because it looks like it must have some roots in satanism or some such thing….
Was this comment supposed to be coherent, or are you having another meltdown, Marvin?
Well isn’t this special?
On a Wednesday filled with news (checked Omaha lately?), this is the best the HA Happy Hooligans can can do?
Where’s all that dedicated liberal zeal and energy???
Spoof of attack ads vs. HRC, it works to remind people of what a floppity-doppity-do she is. Instead of serving to mock her attackers, it only adds to their argument.
The key to good satire is don’t try when it has the capacity to turn on you…as it did here.
Gosh, who would have remembered HRC’s nasty cookie baking comments from…1992! We all do now, however.
Hmmm…wonder what kind of cookies Arianna Huffington bakes? Or does she have someone do that for her? Probably, since she’s got more $$$ than Rabbit has fleas.
But again…has HA jumped the shark? This is the best you’ve got for today? Hope the rent is paid, cause this sure ain’t gonna be no cash cow!
The Piper
Marvin tries, and fails, to bring teh funny. In other news, the good people of Chehalis confirm that water is wet.
Film at 11:00!
Spoof of attack ads vs. HRC, it works to remind people of what a floppity-doppity-do she is. Instead of serving to mock her attackers, it only adds to their argument.
The key to good satire is don’t try when it has the capacity to turn on you…as it did here.
Gosh, who would have remembered HRC’s nasty cookie baking comments from…1992! We all do now, however.
LOL! Her “nasty cooking baking comments”? Why do we even need to go elsewhere for satire when we already have you, crackpiper?
@15: that’s the truly funny part of the whole thing…the only people who got offended over her comments at the time were the right-wing whackosphere anyway.
The rest of us got the message without getting our panties in a bunch. I suspect the hand-wringing in the original was more than a little forced, in order to stir up the “base” — “Ooh, look at the bad, non-traditional, Thoroughly Modern Woman who wants to take over the White House! Be afraid!!!!111one1!”
Piper Scott,
“On a Wednesday filled with news (checked Omaha lately?), this is the best the HA Happy Hooligans can can do?”
Hey Piper…have I suggested to you lately that you go fuck yourself?
@13: This is an “open thread.” That means you can post whatever you want in it. If you have something to say about Omaha or anything else, why…feel free to let your thoughts flow like the watery trots you usually bring.
My thoughts on Omaha: tragic. Pointless. My thoughts go out to the families of the victims.
ROTF. This is why I bother to read the comments!
Truly amazing.
He still doesn’t get it.
proud leftist says:
Kudos to Governor Gregoire for naming Debra Stephens to the state’s Supreme Court to replace Bobbe Bridge. Judge Stephens has vast appellate experience, is smart as hell, and comes from the other side of the Cascades.
Oh great. Another liberal elitist on the bench who will throw out an initiative saying the voters didn’t know what they were voting for. Just more amo for Dino. Re Elect Dino in 2008.
Roger Rabbit says:
I’ll bet it gives chimpface a warm glow knowing he owes his “re-election” to a cabal of vermin who fabricated fairytales about his military service.
I tried Rabbit. We can’t get away with the same old lies we use to since the advent of the internet and right wing radio. We never have and never will excel in the “arena of ideas”. We need to get our power back and shut the right wing down. Shut down freedom of speech or we are doomed.
when Ann Coulter cracks jokes about putting liberals in “concentration camps” or “executing” them, they take her seriously…
Oh that is funny. hahahahahahaaa
Oh wait, I am a dog. roof roof roof roof roof roof
New topic: the retention of Ty Willingham as Huskies Football Coach and the fans’ reactions.
Article (Seattle Times)
Me, I think it was a good idea to retain Willingham. His recruits (following a 1-10 season) are just becoming Seniors and I think he deserves a chance to show what he’s been able to do with them. I believe he’s a pretty good recruiter and the team will get better.
What’s most remarkable to me, though, is the fan reaction. I’ve seen a couple of letters (one to the editor in yesterday’s or the day before’s dead tree edition of the Times, one in the fan reaction you can find from the article cited above) complaining about UW being a (gasp!) education-first school.
WTF is wrong with people? Where are their priorities? Football is a kid’s game. It’s fun to watch a game and cheer on your team but for fuck’s sake, griping that education comes before football at a premier research university is just wrong.
I see Marvin is back. Apparently the ass kicking he gets is something he likes.
Thanks for proving once again that Conservatives can’t think and completely lack a sense of humor.
Hats off to Marvin.
The Omaha incident is not political, dumb ass. Unless of course it turns out his parents were right wing ultra-conservatives. You know, the kind of folks who beat the bible into the kid and took him to klan meetings and provided him with his firearm. They spent their days snuffing out his individuality, so in a misguided effort to “go out in style” he lashed out in the way of the conservative….killing everything in sight.
Piper you are a special kind of jackass. You, my marshmallow brained friend, are a prick. A complete prick.
Thank you so much for making my day! A genuine special moment between us, filled with pregnant implications and heartfelt nuance.
I can’t wait for the next one!
The Piper
Actually, sounds like the kid is your typical got-kicked-out-of-the-house loser-kid. And the tragedy in Omaha is as much political as Geov’s comments about the weather and a fire at a Renton McDonald’s.
How do you do it? Live with such a constant level of venemous anger? Are you in therapy? Take meds? Or just hate people as a matter of course.
May I recommend, “Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War That Is Destroying America” by Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel?
If your social skills don’t improve, you’ll find yourself very lonely with even less influence. Unless that’s what you want, which, if so, is certainly your right. But getting a grip on the interpersonal side of political relationships can be fun and interesting…and my many good friends who are Democrats all attest to mine, charming chap that I am.
Might try it…After all, in the words of G.B. Shaw from his play of the same name, “You never can tell.”
Saw that show in a Broadway revival in 1986 with the great Uta Hagen as Mrs. Clarendon. Marvelous, clever, and witty. But not to that knucklehead Frank Rich’s liking…but he never likes anything outside his wiener POV.
His review of the show was stupid: http://theater2.nytimes.com/me.....%20Bernard
No wonder he comments now about politics, the lowest of professions, since he has no grasp of aesthetics or art. Then again, as a critic he’s pissed since he’s without talent. After all, if he had talent, would he be a critic?
He’s no better as a political commentator, either.
The Piper
I just posted at SJ an angry comment on the report issued today on the Seattle schools.
The author is a very prestigous proof of educational leadership at U VA.
Amateurish, hearsay, rumors! If this is an expert report, we are in deep shit
Sounds like the political correctness that has run amok in Seattle schools for some time…continues to run amok.
On a different level, you and Danny Westneat at the Times have essentially the same beef.
When parents support educational excellence only to be criticized as racist for believing that excellence matters, it isn’t any wonder that they lose hope and interest in supporting public education. Here’s hoping the new superintendant runs the report through her shredder and sends the “experts” back to Virginia from whence they cometh.
The Piper
Sounds like the political correctness that has run amok in Seattle schools for some time…continues to run amok.
Political correctness, huh? You mean like being offended by a comment about baking cookies?
All kidding aside, I actually do agree with SJ on that. It was another useless exercise in political correctness.
In this morning’s Times is a column by Jerry Large proving your point, though that wasn’t his intent.
My guess is that you were very involved in your children’s education, which of itself makes you elititist, per the conventional wisdom types critical of APP.
Let’s not encourage kids to excel, let’s hold them all back down to the lowest common denominater.
The Piper
Offended? No…amused because it was loaded with satire potential and brought back pleasant memories of how embarrassed the original comment made HRC. Now the Huffington Hooters are taking us on a trip down memory lane, a trip I suspect HRC would rather not take herself.
It’s that old law of unintended but foreseeable consequences rearing its ugly head again.
The Piper
So I’m confused then. Were they “nasty” comments or not?
There is no nuance. It would appear that you outing yourself as Marvin.
Your hubris knows no bound.
Carl@35: Goldy outs sock puppets
Piper@32: The NEA has been doing that since 1965.
We were 3rd or 4th in Math and Science in 1965.
Liberalism struck. The NEA took over the schools. Dumbing down curriculum. Perfessor Darryl got hired. Wrasslin’ Coach Leadlice Loocie (TM) got a job. Pelletizer (TM) got hired as a guvmint cheese lawyer! Nuff SAID!
Now we’re dead last among industrialized nations!
Thanks NEA!