3,800 U.S. troops and 10s of 1000s of innocent Iraqis dead in a war against a country that never threatened or attacked us
9/11 warnings ignored; Osama still not captured
Katrina and California wildfire fiascos
America’s moral reputation in the gutter
An endless parade of corporate and financial scandals and meltdowns
Countless corruption scandals
Dangerous drugs, tainted food, product recalls
Near misses, passengers stranded on tarmacs, stolen baggage
Gigantic deficits, dollar devaluation, rampant food/fuel/housing inflation
$3.50 gas
Election rigging and prosecutor scandals
CIA leak scandal
Etc. etc. etc.
We are experiencing a near-total meltdown of American life due to the utter corruption and incompetence of Bush and the GOP.
Death toll reaches 2,300 in Bangladesh cyclone as hundreds of thousands await aid
As the death toll from Bangladesh’s most devastating storm in a decade climbs, officials warn the figure could jump sharply as rescuers reach isolated areas.
Dam one storm can out due the enemy in one day than those who have died in Iraq in one year. Year to date is 3794 according to Global Security and 2300 so far in Bangladesh. Maybe Al Gore could do something to help them prevent the heavy loss of lives. Maybe Goldy could offer a prayer with the mullah’s blessings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 What you’re saying is the lives of our troops aren’t worth more than the lives of Bangladeshi peasants. I didn’t know you were so egalitarian, flakey klake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, we can’t expect a blockhead like flakey klake to distinguish between acts of God and homicide.
Roger Rabbitspews:
War = homicide
Roger Rabbitspews:
Warmongers = killers
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
Roger Rabbitspews:
FBI Scandal: Hundreds Convicted With ‘Junk Science’
CBS News reported tonight that hundreds of people have been sent to prison based on unreliable “bullet lead testimony”:
“Aside from eyewitness testimony, some of the most believable evidence presented in criminal cases in the United States comes from the FBI crime laboratory in Quantico, Va. …
“But a six-month investigation by 60 Minutes and The Washington Post shows that there are hundreds of defendants imprisoned around the country who were convicted with the help of a now discredited forensic tool, and that the FBI never notified them, their lawyers, or the courts, that the their cases may have been affected by faulty testimony.
“The science, called bullet lead analysis, was used by the FBI for 40 years in thousands of cases, and some of the people it helped put in jail may be innocent. …
“For years, the FBI believed that lead in bullets had unique chemical signatures, and that by breaking them down and analyzing them, it was possible to match bullets, not only to a single batch of ammunition coming out of a factory, but to a single box of bullets. …
“The FBI first used bullet lead analysis while investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy, trying to match pieces of bullets discovered at Dealey Plaza with bullets found in Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle. By the 1980’s, the FBI was routinely using this analysis to link bullet fragments found at a crime scene with bullets found in the possession of a suspect, almost always in cases where more reliable ballistics tests were impossible. …
“William Tobin, a former chief metallurgist for the FBI … says the Quantico lab was the only place in the country that did bullet lead analysis, and the assertion that you could actually match a bullet fragment to a specific batch or box of bullets went unchallenged for 40 years — until Tobin retired in 1998 and decided to do his own study, discovering that the basic premise had never actually been scientifically tested. Asked what he found out, Tobin [says], ‘It hadn’t been based on science at all, but rather had been based on subjective belief for over four decades. … It’s worthless as a forensic tool.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t a Republican or Democratic issue, it’s a bureaucracy issue. Lurking somewhere behind this tragic story is almost certainly a bureaucracy run amok.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Say, Who WAS That Masked Man?
Over on the pathetic little competing blog, Sucky Politics commentator Jim Miller has fingered the Olympia protesters. They are, he says, communists who sympathize with terrorists and want an American defeat in Iraq. How does he know? By forensic linguistic analysis:
“The name, Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace, is suggestive. In the past those on the hard left have often included ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ in the names of their front organizations. (By ‘peace’ they usually meant victory for communism, by ‘justice’ they usually meant killing those who disagreed with them.) We can guess part of what the ‘protesters’ want … they want an American defeat in Iraq, and a victory for our terrorist enemies.”
Quoted under fair use from http://soundpolitics.com/archives/009654.html — hey Miller, if you think my quoting you on HorsesAss is unfair, suck my rabbit dick! For a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG; all proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Miller, why don’t you send your resume to the FBI? Maybe they’ll hire you to run their bullet lead analysis lab. They could use a pointy head like yours.
Oh, and one more thing … Miller laughably implies that Michelle Malkin is a “journalist.” I think even his sidekick Don Ward would find that one hard to swallow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Any resemblance between Sucky Politics and the FBI is a random act of nature.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
RR – You are one pathetic human being. The sum total of your existence is this message board. There is a name for people like you. LOSER!!!!
“Is proxy terrorism peformed by big corporations acceptable terrorism?”
Don’t buy Chiquita bananas.
correctnot rightspews:
My goldy:
there is a name for right wingnut ideologues that hang out on a progressive site: troll
there are names for republicans: Corrupt and inept come to mind as do tramplers of the constitution and loudmouth fools.
there are names for republican radioheads: bigots, small minded, xenophobic (look it up if you don’t know what it means)and shallow.
As a wise person said once said to me – you can judge a society by how it treats and talks about the poorest and the elderly. Republicans are enthralled with wealth and don’t have respect for hard work and honesty – that is why the lobbyists are in bed with the republicans.
Carter Tried To Stop Bush’s Energy Disasters – 28 Years Ago
by Thom Hartmann
“And Ronald Reagan’s first official acts of office included removing Jimmy Carter’s solar panels from the roof of the White House, and reversing most of Carter’s conservation and alternative energy policies.
Today, despite the best efforts of the Bushies, the bin Ladens, and the rest of the oil industry, Carter’s few surviving initiatives have borne fruit.”
“What is to be said of a man who spent two years in the Air Force of the National Guard (as a way of not having to go to Vietnam) and proceeded–like so many another spoiled and wealthy father’s son–not to bother to show up for duty in his second year of service! Most of us have episodes in our youth that can cause us shame on reflection. It is a mark of maturation that we do not try to profit from our early lacks and vices but do our best to learn from them.”
Norman Mailer on George W. Bush
headless lucyspews:
That ‘mark of maturation’ is markedly lacking in George W. Bush, and in his sneering, ignorant, chickenshit supporters.
IAFF Firemanspews:
How come you still won’t support your fellow Union Members (Oh wait, in order to be a fellow Union Member you have to first belong to a Union) and go on strike with your Blog?
Why not accept the challenge? Organize. Be a friend of the common middle class worker. Even if it means losing your job, because from what I gather you are part-time and usually Unions don’t like part-time employees. They take away Union jobs. Stand up. Do something instead of constantly bitching about the big bad mean corporations. See how many of your fellow workers will join you. If you are unable to get your fellow workers organized, put your So-Called principals where your wallet is and quit. Only work for a Union Shop. Otherwise, you will continue to support Cheap Labor Liberals like Frank Chopp.
No more Sadam Husien (I know you libs are crushed)Hehehe
Turned the Supreme court into a constitutionists form a liberal activist court
First president to break 60 million votes in an election.
First president since the 80’s to receive over 50% of the popular vote in an election (Bill Clinton wasn’t even close in his two terms)
Castro health finally deteriorates under Bush regime ( I Know you libs are crushed) hehehe
Dow went over 13,000 for the first time under Bush
Tax cuts
First Conservative leader elected to France in recent history (so much for the world hates us)
More people own their own homes now than ever before under Bush
Zero casualties of American Children under his attornery general.
Turned a recession into a booming econmy (well except for liberal radio and news anchors) heehhe
If we could get the HA bloggers to stop being so apathetic about road building in the Puget Sound basin we might be getting somewhere.
headless lucyspews:
# 21 & 22: Exemplify conditions specified in # 20.
Daddy Lovespews:
3 klake
Bangladesh will be underwater in 50 years.
Daddy Lovespews:
There’s a name for people who come into comment threads and yell “Loser!” Ask your mama.
Daddy Lovespews:
So anyone who does not belong to a union is anti-union? Faulty logic. You are incorrect, sir.
Daddy Lovespews:
Bush and the Republican have done such a great job that they are widely disliked.
The Nov. 2-4, 2007, poll finds 54% of Americans saying they have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party, while 37% have an unfavorable opinion. Ratings of the Republican Party are much more negative, with 40% favorable and 50% unfavorable.
“China and India have said any measures impinging on their development and efforts to lift their people from poverty were unacceptable”
There you have folks.
Daddy Lovespews:
30 Pud
You Republicans are so weak. Sure they push back. Jesus, that’s fucking negotiation. But you guys always wont to either fold or start shooting.
Did you liberals know 2% of Antarctica is is seeing a reduction in ice while 98% of Antarctica is is seeing an increase in ice formation.
Inconveniently, of course, Al Gore focused on the two percent like the Global Warming conference did last week.
Did you know by NASA’s (www.nasa.gov) own measurements Antarctic ice is now 16.2 MM SQ KM this year? Since man placed satellites in the sky in 1979 to peer down and look at the southern ice cap, this is a new record. Wow, I thought it was melting. Yeah in 2% of the area only. Everywhere else it’s increasing in ice.
Wow: Looks like leftist in college universities have issues when people promulgate the truth:
Daddy Love: You are sooooo stupid. Why penalize American workers when China and India won’t play in the “game”.
You realize (well probably not being a liberal) companies will lay off people when they are forced to ascribe to these new limits and their foreign competitors don’t.
You realize (well probably not being a liberal) once there are limits to what companies do, there will be limits to the number of people they hire.
The Government tells Industry X your limit is AB.CD so you need to reduce to this limit. They say well we’ll need to cut back production and lay off these number of people. Too bad says the Government.
Well Mr Know-it-All, what happens to the middle class under this scenario?
Hey Liberals: Why are you not giving like the holiday cheer says to?
Cheap Charity Liberals – Want to spend your tax money but not their personal funds! I bet you all walk by the Toys for Tots areas and steal the toys from them because it’s a Marine thing. http://www.toysfortots.org/
Now here’s a ring tone with the Pelletizer (TM) on HorsesAss in mind.
Of course, the Arctic ice cap is disappearing (Satellite data since 1978 show that annual average Arctic sea ice extent has shrunk by 2.7 [2.1 to 3.3]% per decade, with larger decreases in summer of 7.4 [5.0 to 9.8]% per decade). Glaciers are disappearing. The Greenland ice sheet is contracting (Current models suggest virtually complete elimination of the Greenland ice sheet).
But guess what? Climatologists already fucking know what has apparently come as a big shock to you. “Current global model studies project that the Antarctic ice sheet will remain too cold for widespread surface melting and gain mass due to increased snowfall. However, net loss of ice mass could occur if dynamical ice discharge dominates the ice sheet mass balance.” You see, global climate change due to anthropogenic global warming changes rainfall patterns. In some places it rains (or snows) more. But somone as smart as you already knew that, right?
Pud proves his intellectual dishonesty by picking bits of data from NASA (the space agency) while ignoring the findings of the US Climate Change Science Group, a federal group charged with studying climate change:
“Climate research conducted over the past several years indicates that most of the global warming experienced in the past few decades is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities.” http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/L.....8-ccsp.htm
Daddy Lovespews:
Daddy Love: You are sooooo stupid.
You see, now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings. Lucky for me I consider the source. Kinda the pot calling the kettle, don’t you?
Why penalize American workers when China and India won’t play in the “game”.
Why take the trouble proving something when you can just assert it and move on? Good one. But further agreements will certainly be negotiated, and will be, when a suitably committed and competent administration (i.e., Democratic) comes into power.
You realize (well probably not being a liberal) once there are limits to what companies do, there will be limits to the number of people they hire.
This is a vague generalization. It is probably so general as to be always true, regardless of circumstance. It is still up to you to prove that there is some ill effect from a hypothetical response to global warming. But let me point you here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI) for the true risk/benefit proposition.
And yeah, it’s pretty clear that liberals lke Bill Gates just don’t understand business like you do.
The Government tells Industry X your limit is AB.CD so you need to reduce to this limit. They say well we’ll need to cut back production and lay off these number of people. Too bad says the Government.
Um, I hate to burst your little bubble, but who (and I mean name a name) has proposed this? State a fucking fact once in a while. It could also be true that a suitably benevolent and competent (i.e., Democratic) government would put in place transitional assistance programs or tax or subsidy incentives such that it would be more profitable to go green. Reducing greenhouse gases could spawn whole new industries. Your assertion is unsupported and ignores the universe of possibilities. If you think this closed-end solution is more likely, show us why, concretely.
Besides, our smokestack industries are already moving overseas, and the price of oil is climbing with no end in sight. It would be stupid NOT to take steps toward a carbon-reduced economy.
Well Mr Know-it-All, what happens to the middle class under this scenario?
The middle class is already shrinking under the policies in place under this administration (http://www.factcheck.org/article249.html — they link to original source data). Your concern was never for them thus far, so I think you seem a little late to the game. I’m pretty sure that you don’t give a shit about the middle class.
It’s not surprising. Conservatives like him also listen to economists give them theories on crime prevention, and radio talk show hosts for information on climate change.
Daddy Lovespews:
I’d like to hear one of our conservative idiots make an argument for staying in Iraq that both admits and somehow deals reasonably with the facts that staying
– involves promising to bear huge costs
– has only small chance of success under deal circumstances
– provides an unclear payoff
Anyone in the real world knows that a plan that requires that everything go right is no plan at all. I think what we know right now says leave.
I am NOT a lawyer! Praise God!!spews:
Silly Rabbit. I am not a beached lawyer, a benched lawyer, a sidelined lawyer, a lapsed lawyer, a shyster lawyer, or a liar lawyer. You are.
Nor am I Jessica Rabbit or Roger Maggot except, like, here. Sue me.
Dade: You accepted the Goldycrat spin that you were watching a Republican riot. I saw citizen activism. I was right. You were wrong. Even the Jayson Blair Times, a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC, eventually admitted that the activists were right: even using Gore’s irregular regime of Great Carsoni chad(t) counting in carefully winnowed counties, the regime being protested by an aroused citizenry, Gore lost, loser.
Little Pink Willy: I read Wiki on Willey before posting my post. Ergo the comment that her slanderers slandered her as ‘unreliable.’ Because, shit, everybody knows that Slick would never impose himself on a woman. Willey and Broaddrick are moonbats by definition for even suggesting such a thing about Slick Bill’s thing.
columbo's glass eyespews:
re 29: Why do you argue with people that you consider ‘idiots’?
Wouldn’t that make you an even bigger idot?
columbo's glass eyespews:
re 42: They were hired thugs. If you consider Pinkerton Detectives in the days of yore beating up on strikers to be citizen activism, then maybe you have a point.
But you don’t. I’d like to try a little of that ‘citizen activism’ on you.
Union Machinistspews:
So are they saying NOT to vote for Deeno?
columbo's glass assspews:
Make my day.
Pinkertons? Wobblies? You’re tweaking again.
So nice to see Puddy “my word is my bond! I am OUTTA here!” Bud spewing his usual right wingnut linkage.
Except the opposite of that.
Puddy: Your momma must be so proud.
47: PacMan suggested my word to liberals on this blog was excused because of what you all are. After deep discussion with PacMan I agreed.
Daddy Love: You are still sooooo stupid.
Why take the trouble proving something when you can just assert it and move on? Good one. But further agreements will certainly be negotiated, and will be, when a suitably committed and competent administration (i.e., Democratic) comes into power.
— Kyoto was singed by Clinton and Gore when they WERE IN POWER. Where were the India and Chinese negotiations? Missing in action eh?
This is a vague generalization. It is probably so general as to be always true, regardless of circumstance. It is still up to you to prove that there is some ill effect from a hypothetical response to global warming. But let me point you here (http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bDsIFspVzfI) for the true risk/benefit proposition.
— YouTube to make your points? You can’t articulate them?
And yeah, it’s pretty clear that liberals lke Bill Gates just don’t understand business like you do.
— Microsoft is creating greehouse gases for global warming?
Um, I hate to burst your little bubble, but who (and I mean name a name) has proposed this? State a fucking fact once in a while. It could also be true that a suitably benevolent and competent (i.e., Democratic) government would put in place transitional assistance programs or tax or subsidy incentives such that it would be more profitable to go green. Reducing greenhouse gases could spawn whole new industries. Your assertion is unsupported and ignores the universe of possibilities. If you think this closed-end solution is more likely, show us why, concretely.
— You asked for it so here it is. I hope your little pea brained mind doesn’t blow up
I like this one from Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First said “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth, social and environmental.”
Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs. — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal
He meant liberals = slugs!
Daddy Love:
– Here is what IPCC author Stephen Schneider said: “To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.”
– Prince Philip, World Wildlife Federation, WWF said, “If I were reincarnated, I would come back, return to the Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
My monthly check at the comments here. If it were my space, I wouldn’t be such a first amendment fundalmentalist. Most of you would be banned. Not because of your opinions. But because of your 1. illiteracy 2. inability to further a debate 3. I just don’t like you.
– George Monbiot, environmental author last year said: “Every time someone dies as a result of floods in Bangladesh airline executives should be dragged out of office and be executed.
– Helen Cox, Union of Concerned Scientists said “Free enterprise really means rich people get richer. They have freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow human beings in the process. Capitalism is destroying the Earth. Every time you turn on an electric outlet, you are making another brainless baby.” I wonder how many outlet connections were made to create all the liberals on this blog? Was it 110, 208, or 440V necessary to make some of the most dell knives here?
– Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund said “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We cannot let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the U.S. we must stop third world countries right where they are.”
I don’t care! Arghhhh….
The Bush Legacy
3,800 U.S. troops and 10s of 1000s of innocent Iraqis dead in a war against a country that never threatened or attacked us
9/11 warnings ignored; Osama still not captured
Katrina and California wildfire fiascos
America’s moral reputation in the gutter
An endless parade of corporate and financial scandals and meltdowns
Countless corruption scandals
Dangerous drugs, tainted food, product recalls
Near misses, passengers stranded on tarmacs, stolen baggage
Gigantic deficits, dollar devaluation, rampant food/fuel/housing inflation
$3.50 gas
Election rigging and prosecutor scandals
CIA leak scandal
Etc. etc. etc.
We are experiencing a near-total meltdown of American life due to the utter corruption and incompetence of Bush and the GOP.
Death toll reaches 2,300 in Bangladesh cyclone as hundreds of thousands await aid
As the death toll from Bangladesh’s most devastating storm in a decade climbs, officials warn the figure could jump sharply as rescuers reach isolated areas.
Dam one storm can out due the enemy in one day than those who have died in Iraq in one year. Year to date is 3794 according to Global Security and 2300 so far in Bangladesh. Maybe Al Gore could do something to help them prevent the heavy loss of lives. Maybe Goldy could offer a prayer with the mullah’s blessings.
@3 What you’re saying is the lives of our troops aren’t worth more than the lives of Bangladeshi peasants. I didn’t know you were so egalitarian, flakey klake.
Of course, we can’t expect a blockhead like flakey klake to distinguish between acts of God and homicide.
War = homicide
Warmongers = killers
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
FBI Scandal: Hundreds Convicted With ‘Junk Science’
CBS News reported tonight that hundreds of people have been sent to prison based on unreliable “bullet lead testimony”:
“Aside from eyewitness testimony, some of the most believable evidence presented in criminal cases in the United States comes from the FBI crime laboratory in Quantico, Va. …
“But a six-month investigation by 60 Minutes and The Washington Post shows that there are hundreds of defendants imprisoned around the country who were convicted with the help of a now discredited forensic tool, and that the FBI never notified them, their lawyers, or the courts, that the their cases may have been affected by faulty testimony.
“The science, called bullet lead analysis, was used by the FBI for 40 years in thousands of cases, and some of the people it helped put in jail may be innocent. …
“For years, the FBI believed that lead in bullets had unique chemical signatures, and that by breaking them down and analyzing them, it was possible to match bullets, not only to a single batch of ammunition coming out of a factory, but to a single box of bullets. …
“The FBI first used bullet lead analysis while investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy, trying to match pieces of bullets discovered at Dealey Plaza with bullets found in Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle. By the 1980’s, the FBI was routinely using this analysis to link bullet fragments found at a crime scene with bullets found in the possession of a suspect, almost always in cases where more reliable ballistics tests were impossible. …
“William Tobin, a former chief metallurgist for the FBI … says the Quantico lab was the only place in the country that did bullet lead analysis, and the assertion that you could actually match a bullet fragment to a specific batch or box of bullets went unchallenged for 40 years — until Tobin retired in 1998 and decided to do his own study, discovering that the basic premise had never actually been scientifically tested. Asked what he found out, Tobin [says], ‘It hadn’t been based on science at all, but rather had been based on subjective belief for over four decades. … It’s worthless as a forensic tool.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://www.cbsnews.com/stories.....2453.shtml
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t a Republican or Democratic issue, it’s a bureaucracy issue. Lurking somewhere behind this tragic story is almost certainly a bureaucracy run amok.
Say, Who WAS That Masked Man?
Over on the pathetic little competing blog, Sucky Politics commentator Jim Miller has fingered the Olympia protesters. They are, he says, communists who sympathize with terrorists and want an American defeat in Iraq. How does he know? By forensic linguistic analysis:
“The name, Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace, is suggestive. In the past those on the hard left have often included ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ in the names of their front organizations. (By ‘peace’ they usually meant victory for communism, by ‘justice’ they usually meant killing those who disagreed with them.) We can guess part of what the ‘protesters’ want … they want an American defeat in Iraq, and a victory for our terrorist enemies.”
Quoted under fair use from http://soundpolitics.com/archives/009654.html — hey Miller, if you think my quoting you on HorsesAss is unfair, suck my rabbit dick! For a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG; all proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Miller, why don’t you send your resume to the FBI? Maybe they’ll hire you to run their bullet lead analysis lab. They could use a pointy head like yours.
Oh, and one more thing … Miller laughably implies that Michelle Malkin is a “journalist.” I think even his sidekick Don Ward would find that one hard to swallow.
Any resemblance between Sucky Politics and the FBI is a random act of nature.
RR – You are one pathetic human being. The sum total of your existence is this message board. There is a name for people like you. LOSER!!!!
Nine Inch Whales?
“Is proxy terrorism peformed by big corporations acceptable terrorism?”
Don’t buy Chiquita bananas.
My goldy:
there is a name for right wingnut ideologues that hang out on a progressive site: troll
there are names for republicans: Corrupt and inept come to mind as do tramplers of the constitution and loudmouth fools.
there are names for republican radioheads: bigots, small minded, xenophobic (look it up if you don’t know what it means)and shallow.
As a wise person said once said to me – you can judge a society by how it treats and talks about the poorest and the elderly. Republicans are enthralled with wealth and don’t have respect for hard work and honesty – that is why the lobbyists are in bed with the republicans.
Carter Tried To Stop Bush’s Energy Disasters – 28 Years Ago
by Thom Hartmann
“And Ronald Reagan’s first official acts of office included removing Jimmy Carter’s solar panels from the roof of the White House, and reversing most of Carter’s conservation and alternative energy policies.
Today, despite the best efforts of the Bushies, the bin Ladens, and the rest of the oil industry, Carter’s few surviving initiatives have borne fruit.”
Wow when
The “esteemed” Markos Moulitsas called it Clinton News Network. So it’s official now – a leftist idiot finally wakes up and calls it so!
Oops… got my Kos links mixed up. Oh well…
“What is to be said of a man who spent two years in the Air Force of the National Guard (as a way of not having to go to Vietnam) and proceeded–like so many another spoiled and wealthy father’s son–not to bother to show up for duty in his second year of service! Most of us have episodes in our youth that can cause us shame on reflection. It is a mark of maturation that we do not try to profit from our early lacks and vices but do our best to learn from them.”
Norman Mailer on George W. Bush
That ‘mark of maturation’ is markedly lacking in George W. Bush, and in his sneering, ignorant, chickenshit supporters.
How come you still won’t support your fellow Union Members (Oh wait, in order to be a fellow Union Member you have to first belong to a Union) and go on strike with your Blog?
http://www.tvweek.com/blogs/ja mes-hibberd/2007/11/strikers_g ain_fan_support.php
Even better, why do you actually do something for the common middle class worker and organize the Radio Station?
http://www.aftra.com/aftra/aft ra.htm
Why not accept the challenge? Organize. Be a friend of the common middle class worker. Even if it means losing your job, because from what I gather you are part-time and usually Unions don’t like part-time employees. They take away Union jobs. Stand up. Do something instead of constantly bitching about the big bad mean corporations. See how many of your fellow workers will join you. If you are unable to get your fellow workers organized, put your So-Called principals where your wallet is and quit. Only work for a Union Shop. Otherwise, you will continue to support Cheap Labor Liberals like Frank Chopp.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/ local/259427_olywalmart14.html
You forgot.
No more Sadam Husien (I know you libs are crushed)Hehehe
Turned the Supreme court into a constitutionists form a liberal activist court
First president to break 60 million votes in an election.
First president since the 80’s to receive over 50% of the popular vote in an election (Bill Clinton wasn’t even close in his two terms)
Castro health finally deteriorates under Bush regime ( I Know you libs are crushed) hehehe
Dow went over 13,000 for the first time under Bush
Tax cuts
First Conservative leader elected to France in recent history (so much for the world hates us)
More people own their own homes now than ever before under Bush
Zero casualties of American Children under his attornery general.
Turned a recession into a booming econmy (well except for liberal radio and news anchors) heehhe
If we could get the HA bloggers to stop being so apathetic about road building in the Puget Sound basin we might be getting somewhere.
# 21 & 22: Exemplify conditions specified in # 20.
3 klake
Bangladesh will be underwater in 50 years.
There’s a name for people who come into comment threads and yell “Loser!” Ask your mama.
So anyone who does not belong to a union is anti-union? Faulty logic. You are incorrect, sir.
Bush and the Republican have done such a great job that they are widely disliked.
Yeah, people just love Republicans. Not.
24: Still an idiot!
The latest from Global Warming conference:
“China and India have said any measures impinging on their development and efforts to lift their people from poverty were unacceptable”
There you have folks.
30 Pud
You Republicans are so weak. Sure they push back. Jesus, that’s fucking negotiation. But you guys always wont to either fold or start shooting.
Did you liberals know 2% of Antarctica is is seeing a reduction in ice while 98% of Antarctica is is seeing an increase in ice formation.
Inconveniently, of course, Al Gore focused on the two percent like the Global Warming conference did last week.
Did you know by NASA’s (www.nasa.gov) own measurements Antarctic ice is now 16.2 MM SQ KM this year? Since man placed satellites in the sky in 1979 to peer down and look at the southern ice cap, this is a new record. Wow, I thought it was melting. Yeah in 2% of the area only. Everywhere else it’s increasing in ice.
Wow: Looks like leftist in college universities have issues when people promulgate the truth:
Daddy Love: You are sooooo stupid. Why penalize American workers when China and India won’t play in the “game”.
You realize (well probably not being a liberal) companies will lay off people when they are forced to ascribe to these new limits and their foreign competitors don’t.
You realize (well probably not being a liberal) once there are limits to what companies do, there will be limits to the number of people they hire.
The Government tells Industry X your limit is AB.CD so you need to reduce to this limit. They say well we’ll need to cut back production and lay off these number of people. Too bad says the Government.
Well Mr Know-it-All, what happens to the middle class under this scenario?
Hey Liberals: Why are you not giving like the holiday cheer says to?
Cheap Charity Liberals – Want to spend your tax money but not their personal funds! I bet you all walk by the Toys for Tots areas and steal the toys from them because it’s a Marine thing. http://www.toysfortots.org/
Now here’s a ring tone with the Pelletizer (TM) on HorsesAss in mind.
32 Puddybud
SNow in Antarctica. Stop the presses.
Of course, the Arctic ice cap is disappearing (Satellite data since 1978 show that annual average Arctic sea ice extent has shrunk by 2.7 [2.1 to 3.3]% per decade, with larger decreases in summer of 7.4 [5.0 to 9.8]% per decade). Glaciers are disappearing. The Greenland ice sheet is contracting (Current models suggest virtually complete elimination of the Greenland ice sheet).
But guess what? Climatologists already fucking know what has apparently come as a big shock to you. “Current global model studies project that the Antarctic ice sheet will remain too cold for widespread surface melting and gain mass due to increased snowfall. However, net loss of ice mass could occur if dynamical ice discharge dominates the ice sheet mass balance.” You see, global climate change due to anthropogenic global warming changes rainfall patterns. In some places it rains (or snows) more. But somone as smart as you already knew that, right?
This is all from the new Fourth Assessement Report Summary for Policymakers. http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm.....yr_spm.pdf
Try hard not to think about that.
Pud proves his intellectual dishonesty by picking bits of data from NASA (the space agency) while ignoring the findings of the US Climate Change Science Group, a federal group charged with studying climate change:
“Climate research conducted over the past several years indicates that most of the global warming experienced in the past few decades is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities.”
You see, now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings. Lucky for me I consider the source. Kinda the pot calling the kettle, don’t you?
Why take the trouble proving something when you can just assert it and move on? Good one. But further agreements will certainly be negotiated, and will be, when a suitably committed and competent administration (i.e., Democratic) comes into power.
This is a vague generalization. It is probably so general as to be always true, regardless of circumstance. It is still up to you to prove that there is some ill effect from a hypothetical response to global warming. But let me point you here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI) for the true risk/benefit proposition.
And yeah, it’s pretty clear that liberals lke Bill Gates just don’t understand business like you do.
Um, I hate to burst your little bubble, but who (and I mean name a name) has proposed this? State a fucking fact once in a while. It could also be true that a suitably benevolent and competent (i.e., Democratic) government would put in place transitional assistance programs or tax or subsidy incentives such that it would be more profitable to go green. Reducing greenhouse gases could spawn whole new industries. Your assertion is unsupported and ignores the universe of possibilities. If you think this closed-end solution is more likely, show us why, concretely.
Besides, our smokestack industries are already moving overseas, and the price of oil is climbing with no end in sight. It would be stupid NOT to take steps toward a carbon-reduced economy.
The middle class is already shrinking under the policies in place under this administration (http://www.factcheck.org/article249.html — they link to original source data). Your concern was never for them thus far, so I think you seem a little late to the game. I’m pretty sure that you don’t give a shit about the middle class.
Watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI
It’s not surprising. Conservatives like him also listen to economists give them theories on crime prevention, and radio talk show hosts for information on climate change.
I’d like to hear one of our conservative idiots make an argument for staying in Iraq that both admits and somehow deals reasonably with the facts that staying
– involves promising to bear huge costs
– has only small chance of success under deal circumstances
– provides an unclear payoff
Anyone in the real world knows that a plan that requires that everything go right is no plan at all. I think what we know right now says leave.
Silly Rabbit. I am not a beached lawyer, a benched lawyer, a sidelined lawyer, a lapsed lawyer, a shyster lawyer, or a liar lawyer. You are.
Nor am I Jessica Rabbit or Roger Maggot except, like, here. Sue me.
Dade: You accepted the Goldycrat spin that you were watching a Republican riot. I saw citizen activism. I was right. You were wrong. Even the Jayson Blair Times, a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC, eventually admitted that the activists were right: even using Gore’s irregular regime of Great Carsoni chad(t) counting in carefully winnowed counties, the regime being protested by an aroused citizenry, Gore lost, loser.
Little Pink Willy: I read Wiki on Willey before posting my post. Ergo the comment that her slanderers slandered her as ‘unreliable.’ Because, shit, everybody knows that Slick would never impose himself on a woman. Willey and Broaddrick are moonbats by definition for even suggesting such a thing about Slick Bill’s thing.
re 29: Why do you argue with people that you consider ‘idiots’?
Wouldn’t that make you an even bigger idot?
re 42: They were hired thugs. If you consider Pinkerton Detectives in the days of yore beating up on strikers to be citizen activism, then maybe you have a point.
But you don’t. I’d like to try a little of that ‘citizen activism’ on you.
So are they saying NOT to vote for Deeno?
Make my day.
Pinkertons? Wobblies? You’re tweaking again.
So nice to see Puddy “my word is my bond! I am OUTTA here!” Bud spewing his usual right wingnut linkage.
Except the opposite of that.
Puddy: Your momma must be so proud.
47: PacMan suggested my word to liberals on this blog was excused because of what you all are. After deep discussion with PacMan I agreed.
Daddy Love: You are still sooooo stupid.
Why take the trouble proving something when you can just assert it and move on? Good one. But further agreements will certainly be negotiated, and will be, when a suitably committed and competent administration (i.e., Democratic) comes into power.
— Kyoto was singed by Clinton and Gore when they WERE IN POWER. Where were the India and Chinese negotiations? Missing in action eh?
This is a vague generalization. It is probably so general as to be always true, regardless of circumstance. It is still up to you to prove that there is some ill effect from a hypothetical response to global warming. But let me point you here (http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bDsIFspVzfI) for the true risk/benefit proposition.
— YouTube to make your points? You can’t articulate them?
And yeah, it’s pretty clear that liberals lke Bill Gates just don’t understand business like you do.
— Microsoft is creating greehouse gases for global warming?
Um, I hate to burst your little bubble, but who (and I mean name a name) has proposed this? State a fucking fact once in a while. It could also be true that a suitably benevolent and competent (i.e., Democratic) government would put in place transitional assistance programs or tax or subsidy incentives such that it would be more profitable to go green. Reducing greenhouse gases could spawn whole new industries. Your assertion is unsupported and ignores the universe of possibilities. If you think this closed-end solution is more likely, show us why, concretely.
— You asked for it so here it is. I hope your little pea brained mind doesn’t blow up
“Make big business pay for greenhouse-gas emissions, Dion says Canada Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion”
Sen. Chris Dodd: “Tax ‘Greenhouse Gas’ Emissions”
Daddy Love more for you:
I got quotes from your friends.
I like this one from Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First said “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth, social and environmental.”
Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs. — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal
He meant liberals = slugs!
Daddy Love:
– Here is what IPCC author Stephen Schneider said: “To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.”
– Prince Philip, World Wildlife Federation, WWF said, “If I were reincarnated, I would come back, return to the Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
My monthly check at the comments here. If it were my space, I wouldn’t be such a first amendment fundalmentalist. Most of you would be banned. Not because of your opinions. But because of your 1. illiteracy 2. inability to further a debate 3. I just don’t like you.
Daddy Love:
Did you like those quotes from your friends?
Daddy Love: I had to go back to work last night.
– George Monbiot, environmental author last year said: “Every time someone dies as a result of floods in Bangladesh airline executives should be dragged out of office and be executed.
– Helen Cox, Union of Concerned Scientists said “Free enterprise really means rich people get richer. They have freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow human beings in the process. Capitalism is destroying the Earth. Every time you turn on an electric outlet, you are making another brainless baby.” I wonder how many outlet connections were made to create all the liberals on this blog? Was it 110, 208, or 440V necessary to make some of the most dell knives here?
– Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund said “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We cannot let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the U.S. we must stop third world countries right where they are.”
Amazing what your side says Daddy Love.