and I used to think it was a bit too much to out these people for all their sexual crap
out them all
they taint the closet
this is about as close to Nazi ” they might be jew” stuff you can imagine – racist, slime insinuations, from the mouths of children
harry poonspews:
Republican black people are almost always curiously pale. Like the little girl in the attack ad.
I seem to recall some WingNutz, Inc.™ commenters telling me how despicable it is to use children to make your point. But, like Emerson,WingNutz, Inc.™ commenters are so large that they contain and embrace many contradictions.
I’m positive this will be one.
4240 looks sure to pass now – it’ll win by 2500 or so votes.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Barak had better reign in his nonsense about ‘reforming’ Social Security, or he’ll lose me.
Barak: Get a clue. Social Security is fine. Leave it alone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 I agree. Bush gamed the numbers. He used a Great Depression scenario to create the illusion that Society Security is in trouble. Then, swinging to the other extreme, he used wildly unrealistic growth figures to create the illusion that people would come out ahead under privatization. Under a more probable set of economic assumptions, future retirees will get more Social Security (after adjusting for inflation) than past and current retirees, even if nothing is done to “fix” the system.
Left wingers tell about Nacy Pelosi new math and how it helps the working class?
Nancy Pelosi
Subject: Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits! It will be a sad day for the middle class if and when she gets her way!!!
Read the last paragraph even if you skip the rest, this lady is a nut case!
You aren’t going to believe this. Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401Ks and Mutual Funds! Alas, it is true – all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities! Boy, are we in trouble. This woman is frightening.
Take special note of the last paragraph. Is she really this whacked out?
Nancy Pelosi condemned the new record highs of the stock market as “just another example of Bush policies helping the rich get richer”. “First Bush cut taxes for the rich and the economy has rebounded with new record low unemployment rates, which only means wealthy employers are getting even wealthier at the expense of the underpaid working class”.
She went on to say “Despite the billions of dollars being spent in Iraq our economy is still strong and government tax revenues are at all time highs. What this really means is that business is exploiting the war effort and working Americans, just to put money in their own pockets”. When questioned about recent stock market highs she responded “Only the rich benefit from these record highs. Working Americans, welfare recipients, the unemployed and minorities are not sharing in these obscene record highs”. There is no question these windfall profits and income created by the Bush administration need to be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars redistributed to the poor and working class”.
Profits from the stock market do not reward the hard work of our working class who, by their hard work, are responsible for generating these corporate profits that create stock market profits for the rich. We in congress will need to address this issue to either tax these profits or to control the stock market to prevent this unearned income t o flow to the rich.”When asked about the fact that over 80% of all Americans have investments in mutual funds, retirement funds, 401Ks, and the stock market she replied ”That may be true, but probably only 5% account for 90% of all these investment dollars.
That’s just more “trickle down” economics claiming that if a corporation is successful, that everyone from the CEO to the floor sweeper benefit from higher wages and job security which is ridiculous”. “How much of this ‘trickle down’ ever gets to the unemployed and minorities in our county? None, and that’s the tragedy of these stock market highs.” “We democrats are going to address this issue after the election when we take control of the congress. We will return to the 60% to 80% tax rates on the rich and we will be able to take at least 30% of all current lower income tax payers off the rolls and increase government income substantially.”
We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.”When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied: “We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as “Americans’.”
Get a clue. Social Security is fine. Leave it alone.
Really? I’m aware of a number of bipartisan studies that have concluded otherwise. Do you have a source for your conclusion?
When Social Security provides competitive returns over time compared to the stock market, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles, then it will be fine. Hell, it doesn’t even compete with stupid passbook savings!
If my broker did as bad a job in ROI as does Social Security, she would be out of business. Social Security is a lousy investment.
The Piper
The name is Barack Proud Still An ASS!
Hmmm… Looks like the Hilary gang is up to their old tricks. Amazingly no one from the MSM or HA are writing anthing yet when FEMA did it you all went apoplectic!
Damn, DAMN Republicans! You stop at nothing, you bastards!!
Right Stuffspews:
“Republican black people are almost always curiously pale”
Spoken like a true racist.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“Really? I’m aware of a number of bipartisan studies that have concluded otherwise. Do you have a source for your conclusion?”
Really? But you don’t cite them. Why? Dean Baker is just one economist who has written extensively on the ‘crisis’. There are many others.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@10 piddly butt: I see the spelling nazis are still out and about.
Hey ASSProud: He’s one of yours. At least spell his name correctly.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@9: Au contrair. When the stock market provides an inflation proof return that delivers guaranteed retirement income that is both progressive and provides insurance benefits, then perhaps you can make that case. Otherwise, you’re just flopping around like a hooked fish on the dock.
Social Security is not an investment*. It is social insurance. Look it up.
*The fact that you have a ‘broker’ is evidence enough that you really don’t know your way around investments in the slightest.
Do take my advice. When it comes to discussing Social Security, stay in the shallow end and play with you beach toys.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@17 buttwiper:
Polite people say “please”. You give orders.
Please go fuck yourself.
Right Stuffspews:
You mean the government gave itself some t-bills in place of the $$ received to pay for SS?
That is one gov’t agency giving the other an IOU….
So no, not a good investment, especially when congress has to find a way to fund the SS obligations on a year to year basis….
The money is gone.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@21: So tell me RStuff…. if you give the government cash money and purchase a treasury bond, is the money gone?
If you really believe such lunacy, I will gladly take those worthless bonds off your hands if you happen to have any.
But wait, you spewed more: “So no, not a good investment, especially when congress has to find a way to fund the SS obligations on a year to year basis….”
Utterly wrong. Currently social security taxes pay for current benefits and still generate a substantial surplus to the U.S. Treasury. These funds are used to pay for other programs, one in particular which is totally unfunded…your beloved war in Iraq.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
A quiz for you Piper.
The market in government securities since the 1970’s may be characterized overall as:
(a.) One of the great bond bull markets in financial history.
(b.) Bearish in the extreme. A real downer.
(c.) Rather boring after they threw Mike Milken in jail.
I’m counting on your word as a gentleman that you won’t call your financial advisor, Wade Cook, for help. Good luck.
harry poonspews:
re 14: Why are there no black Republican Senators or Congressmen? It ain’t because Democrats won’t vote for ’em.
Why don’t you think before flinging your ‘racism’ accusation.
And my question remains unanswered.
Why are Republican black people usualyy curiously pale?
I don’t know. There are a lot of wierd quirks in politics. Dems claim to be the party of diversity and multi-culturalism but the fact remains that all KKK congressmen are democrats.
Really? But you don’t cite them. Why? Dean Baker is just one economist who has written extensively on the ‘crisis’. There are many others.
David Walker, the head of GAO and the Comptroller General, has been sounding off on this subject for some time, of course.
Regarding this:
Utterly wrong. Currently social security taxes pay for current benefits and still generate a substantial surplus to the U.S. Treasury. These funds are used to pay for other programs, one in particular which is totally unfunded…your beloved war in Iraq.
after 2019 or so that surplus becomes a deficit, meaning the money that now funds those other programs will be gone. That itself is issue, since spending will have to be cut, or revenue raised with regard to those programs, whatever they are.
There is, of course, no “surplus” at all, but rather IOUs – meaning the US taxpayer.
Republicans are just pointing out that their political opinions are on the level of a six year old with these (not-so) swift kids.
Just remember – massive incompetence, Brownie, Gonzalez, lack of scientifc review in the FDA, lack of science at the Interior dept., lack of competence at FEMA, lack of competence in Iraq…and the list goes on.
So it is no suprise that the republican point of view is represented by 6 year-olds who speak better than Fred Thompson and with the same vitriol as Guliani.
You are really a racist bigot, aren’t you? If a Republican had uttered that kind of Klan-speak, you’d be howling the loudest, yet you think you can get away with your clever definitions of who is or is not really “black.”
Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Condi Rice…
Let’s not forget what party the newly elected ethnic minority governor of Louisiana represents…
But you, HP, are a race-baiting clown of low repute and regard…Burned any crosses or hung any nooses lately?
The Piper
@28 Piper:
a rogues list of black republicans – looks like the Republicnas get the bottom of the barrel, the good black politicians are democrats and have moral values:
Clarence Thomas: Poor guy has no clue what to do except follow his republican mentors. Probabvly writes the worst opinions on the court.
Condi Rice: ‘Nuf said. Bush toady with no credibility
Correctnotright: Where did you get your “facts” on Clarence Thomas? I bet you were cheering on the high-tech lynching!
Did he say: “Without Affirmative Action, I wouldn’t be on the bench today.”?
Try again it was Sandra Day O’Connor!
What a moe-ron.
Something to chew on Correctnotright:
Morning Joe PMSNBC –
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The polls are showing your husband is trailing Hillary by 46% to 37% in the African-American community. What’s going on here?
MICHELLE OBAMA: First of all, I think that that’s not going to hold. I’m completely confident: black America will wake up, and get [it]. But what we’re dealing with in the black community is just the natural fear of possibility. You know, when I look at my life, the stuff that we’re seeing in these polls has played out my whole life. You know, always been told by somebody that I’m not ready, that I can’t do something, my scores weren’t high enough. You know, there’s always that doubt in the back of the minds of people of color. People who’ve been oppressed and haven’t been given real opportunities. That you never really believe. That you believe that somehow, someone is better than you. You know, deep down inside, you doubt whether you can do it, because that’s all you’ve been told, is “no, wait.” That’s all you hear, and you hear it from people who love you. Not because they don’t care about you, but bcause they’re afraid. They’re afraid that something might happen.
BRZEZINSKI: It’s interesting that you say that, excuse me. Because a stewardess yesterday, a 52-year old African-American, and I asked her if she was interested in Barack Obama, if she would vote for him. And she said, like this, she said: “I don’t think so, because he probably can’t win, because he’s black.”
OBAMA: That’s right. That’s the psyschology that’s going on in our heads, in our souls, and I understand it. I know where it comes from, and I think that it’s one of the horrible legacies of racism and discrimination and oppression.
Puddy review – What have liberals done to change these perceptions? Absoluteny nuthin! Even when a liberal black runs for office the white Democrat establishment makes sure to destroy him. Look up the McCall race in NYS.
Hey LeftNutz (TM) this is something Al Gore forgot to place in his movie. Another inconvenient truth?
Hey LeftNutz (TM) Ol Wolfie of Corrupt News Now interviewed Dick Armitage:
WOLF BLITZER: It’s now been well-known that you were the first administration official to tell Robert Novak, the syndicated columnist, about Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity as a CIA operative. And that started, in effect, he wrote a column after that, a whole chain of events, we all know what happened as a result. I spoke with Valerie Plame Wilson the other day in “The Situation Room,” and I want you to listen to what she said. …
VALERIE PLAME, from “The Situation Room”: Mr. Armitage did a very foolish thing. He’s been around Washington for decades. He should know better. He’s a senior government official. Whether he knew where exactly I worked in the CIA, he had no rights to go talking to a reporter about where I worked. That was strictly off limits.
BLITZER: Now, those are strong words from Valerie Plame Wilson.
RICHARD ARMITAGE: They’re not words on which I disagree. I think it was extraordinarily foolish of me. There was no ill intent on my part, and never seen, ever, in 43 years of having a security clearance, a covert operative’s name in a memo. The only reason I knew a Mrs. Wilson, not Mrs. Plame, worked at the agency was because I saw it in a memo. But I don’t disagree with her words, to a large measure.
BLITZER: Normally, in memos, they don’t name covert operatives?
ARMITAGE: I’ve never seen one named.
BLITZER: And so you assumed she was, what, just an analyst over at the CIA?
ARMITAGE: That’s what it, not only assumed it, that’s what the message said, and she was publicly chairing, chairing a meeting. KABLAMMMMMM
BLITZER: So when you told Robert Novak that Joe Wilson, the former U.S. ambassador’s wife worked at the CIA and she was involved somehow in getting him this trip to Africa to look for the enriched uranium if there were enriched uranium going to Iraq, you simply assumed that she was not a clandestine officer of the CIA?
ARMITAGE: Even Mr. Novak has said that he used the word “operative,” and misused it. No one ever said “operative.” And I not only assumed it, as I say, I’ve never seen a covert agent’s name in a memo. However, that doesn’t take away from what Mrs. Plame said. It was foolish. Yeah, sure it was.
BLITZER: So you agree with her?
ARMITAGE: Yes, absolutely.
BLITZER: All right.
As a black man, I am constantly reminded of specific issues. Those issues are racism, victimology, discrimination, affirmative action, social injustice, etc. Now how am I reminded of this issues? It’s because the Leftnutz (TM) in the Leftnutz (TM) MSM world keep reminding me of them. It’s the Leftnutz (TM) MSM who continually use these as race baiting terms. It’s the Leftnutz (TM) MSM Michelle Obama needs to attack. Why isn’t Michelle Obama asking the Leftnutz (TM) MSM how they pimp Hilary more than any other candidate?
But of course you just can’t vote just for a person for the color of their skin right Leftnutz (TM)?
So LeftNutz (TM): Valerie Plame was outed by the Bush administration in retaliation for her husband’s criticism of Iraq war policy? Nope
Well… that’s the ASSIE Voice (TM) tag line for the (TM) NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats (TM) right?
Hmmm… I think Dick Armitage laid this lie to rest.
But of course in due time ASSIE Voice (TM) (Goldy) will use it again next year.
Oh… BTW… Didn’t John Effin Kerry – the Jacques Chirac candidate in 2004 Presidential race drop Joe Wilson like a rotten egg when the Senate Committee determined and exposed Ol Joe as a liar?
But of course don’t let the facts get in the way of your screeches!
Correctnotright: Please ask Hilary about the 900 or so FBI files she got and why she needed them. After all she was just First Lady, not in any elected role or official capacity. What was she up to?
Lrt us know what she responds.
Hey this is an election open thread, so I post. If you don’t like it go pound Pelletizer’s (TM) armadillo!
Now this is funny. Looks like your hero got his comeuppance.
Yet the Moronic Fringe Dull Knives (TM) such as YLB – The Clueless One (TM) – said “It’s from wacko right wing sites don’t trust it”.
Well YLB – The Clueless One (TM) this moe-ron is at it again. Since you discount it why not join his site and tell us how it isn’t so. ?
Hey YLB – The Clueless One ™, Goldy has an ad by Google from OMG Newsmax on the upper right hand corner. Has the migraine started yet?
How many of you LeftNutz (TM) were in Olympia protesting the offloading of military hardware returning from Iraq to Ft. Lewis? Come on, you can admit it. You are among LeftNutz (TM) friends here.
I thought this is what you all were clamoring for; the return of our troops from Iraq. Sooooo it’s okay for the troops to return but not their gear, armor and supplies? Sooooo it’s okay for the people but not the hardware?
Simple minds doing simple things.
How many of you LeftNutz ™ were in Olympia protesting the offloading of military hardware returning from Iraq to Ft. Lewis? Come on, you can admit it. You are among LeftNutz ™ friends here.
Very few I imagine . . . it’s much easier posting to a blog. And certainly less risky, not having to fear arrest and the elements and all the other inconveniences.
Very lonely out there on the front lines where the real work is being done.
I would protest the war, but freight considerations are not something that concerns me. If I am to get pepper-sprayed, it has to be for some understandable purpose.
Sure, I know it’s hard work protesting unloading stuff, but they’ll have to carry on without me.
Puddle: I see you finally figured out how to get the ‘™’ thing on your comment.
Don’t overuse it. You are already boring enough!
I would protest the war, but freight considerations are not something that concerns me. If I am to get pepper-sprayed, it has to be for some understandable purpose.
Can definitely understand not wanting to risk that. Did you make it to the recent anti-war rally in Seattle, though? The ranks seemed a little thin.
ROTF. The one on Hillary Clinton is great too.
jesus fucking christ
and I used to think it was a bit too much to out these people for all their sexual crap
out them all
they taint the closet
this is about as close to Nazi ” they might be jew” stuff you can imagine – racist, slime insinuations, from the mouths of children
Republican black people are almost always curiously pale. Like the little girl in the attack ad.
I seem to recall some WingNutz, Inc.™ commenters telling me how despicable it is to use children to make your point. But, like Emerson,WingNutz, Inc.™ commenters are so large that they contain and embrace many contradictions.
I’m positive this will be one.
4240 looks sure to pass now – it’ll win by 2500 or so votes.
Barak had better reign in his nonsense about ‘reforming’ Social Security, or he’ll lose me.
Barak: Get a clue. Social Security is fine. Leave it alone.
@5 I agree. Bush gamed the numbers. He used a Great Depression scenario to create the illusion that Society Security is in trouble. Then, swinging to the other extreme, he used wildly unrealistic growth figures to create the illusion that people would come out ahead under privatization. Under a more probable set of economic assumptions, future retirees will get more Social Security (after adjusting for inflation) than past and current retirees, even if nothing is done to “fix” the system.
Left wingers tell about Nacy Pelosi new math and how it helps the working class?
Nancy Pelosi
Subject: Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits! It will be a sad day for the middle class if and when she gets her way!!!
Read the last paragraph even if you skip the rest, this lady is a nut case!
You aren’t going to believe this. Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401Ks and Mutual Funds! Alas, it is true – all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities! Boy, are we in trouble. This woman is frightening.
Take special note of the last paragraph. Is she really this whacked out?
Nancy Pelosi condemned the new record highs of the stock market as “just another example of Bush policies helping the rich get richer”. “First Bush cut taxes for the rich and the economy has rebounded with new record low unemployment rates, which only means wealthy employers are getting even wealthier at the expense of the underpaid working class”.
She went on to say “Despite the billions of dollars being spent in Iraq our economy is still strong and government tax revenues are at all time highs. What this really means is that business is exploiting the war effort and working Americans, just to put money in their own pockets”. When questioned about recent stock market highs she responded “Only the rich benefit from these record highs. Working Americans, welfare recipients, the unemployed and minorities are not sharing in these obscene record highs”. There is no question these windfall profits and income created by the Bush administration need to be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars redistributed to the poor and working class”.
Profits from the stock market do not reward the hard work of our working class who, by their hard work, are responsible for generating these corporate profits that create stock market profits for the rich. We in congress will need to address this issue to either tax these profits or to control the stock market to prevent this unearned income t o flow to the rich.”When asked about the fact that over 80% of all Americans have investments in mutual funds, retirement funds, 401Ks, and the stock market she replied ”That may be true, but probably only 5% account for 90% of all these investment dollars.
That’s just more “trickle down” economics claiming that if a corporation is successful, that everyone from the CEO to the floor sweeper benefit from higher wages and job security which is ridiculous”. “How much of this ‘trickle down’ ever gets to the unemployed and minorities in our county? None, and that’s the tragedy of these stock market highs.” “We democrats are going to address this issue after the election when we take control of the congress. We will return to the 60% to 80% tax rates on the rich and we will be able to take at least 30% of all current lower income tax payers off the rolls and increase government income substantially.”
We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.”When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied: “We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as “Americans’.”
Get a clue. Social Security is fine. Leave it alone.
Really? I’m aware of a number of bipartisan studies that have concluded otherwise. Do you have a source for your conclusion?
When Social Security provides competitive returns over time compared to the stock market, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles, then it will be fine. Hell, it doesn’t even compete with stupid passbook savings!
If my broker did as bad a job in ROI as does Social Security, she would be out of business. Social Security is a lousy investment.
The Piper
The name is Barack Proud Still An ASS!
Hmmm… Looks like the Hilary gang is up to their old tricks. Amazingly no one from the MSM or HA are writing anthing yet when FEMA did it you all went apoplectic!,2933,310316,00.html
Typical, just typical!
Hey lefties: You need to listen carefully as one of your heroines explains why she is sooooooooooo stupid!
And now John Edwards has been Swift Kidded!
Damn, DAMN Republicans! You stop at nothing, you bastards!!
“Republican black people are almost always curiously pale”
Spoken like a true racist.
“Really? I’m aware of a number of bipartisan studies that have concluded otherwise. Do you have a source for your conclusion?”
Really? But you don’t cite them. Why? Dean Baker is just one economist who has written extensively on the ‘crisis’. There are many others.
@10 piddly butt: I see the spelling nazis are still out and about.
Hey ASSProud: He’s one of yours. At least spell his name correctly.
@9: Au contrair. When the stock market provides an inflation proof return that delivers guaranteed retirement income that is both progressive and provides insurance benefits, then perhaps you can make that case. Otherwise, you’re just flopping around like a hooked fish on the dock.
Social Security is not an investment*. It is social insurance. Look it up.
*The fact that you have a ‘broker’ is evidence enough that you really don’t know your way around investments in the slightest.
Do take my advice. When it comes to discussing Social Security, stay in the shallow end and play with you beach toys.
@17 buttwiper:
Polite people say “please”. You give orders.
Please go fuck yourself.
You mean the government gave itself some t-bills in place of the $$ received to pay for SS?
That is one gov’t agency giving the other an IOU….
So no, not a good investment, especially when congress has to find a way to fund the SS obligations on a year to year basis….
The money is gone.
@21: So tell me RStuff…. if you give the government cash money and purchase a treasury bond, is the money gone?
If you really believe such lunacy, I will gladly take those worthless bonds off your hands if you happen to have any.
But wait, you spewed more: “So no, not a good investment, especially when congress has to find a way to fund the SS obligations on a year to year basis….”
Utterly wrong. Currently social security taxes pay for current benefits and still generate a substantial surplus to the U.S. Treasury. These funds are used to pay for other programs, one in particular which is totally unfunded…your beloved war in Iraq.
A quiz for you Piper.
The market in government securities since the 1970’s may be characterized overall as:
(a.) One of the great bond bull markets in financial history.
(b.) Bearish in the extreme. A real downer.
(c.) Rather boring after they threw Mike Milken in jail.
I’m counting on your word as a gentleman that you won’t call your financial advisor, Wade Cook, for help. Good luck.
re 14: Why are there no black Republican Senators or Congressmen? It ain’t because Democrats won’t vote for ’em.
Why don’t you think before flinging your ‘racism’ accusation.
And my question remains unanswered.
Why are Republican black people usualyy curiously pale?
I don’t know. There are a lot of wierd quirks in politics. Dems claim to be the party of diversity and multi-culturalism but the fact remains that all KKK congressmen are democrats.
Really? But you don’t cite them. Why? Dean Baker is just one economist who has written extensively on the ‘crisis’. There are many others.
The Concord Coalition for one:
David Walker, the head of GAO and the Comptroller General, has been sounding off on this subject for some time, of course.
Regarding this:
Utterly wrong. Currently social security taxes pay for current benefits and still generate a substantial surplus to the U.S. Treasury. These funds are used to pay for other programs, one in particular which is totally unfunded…your beloved war in Iraq.
after 2019 or so that surplus becomes a deficit, meaning the money that now funds those other programs will be gone. That itself is issue, since spending will have to be cut, or revenue raised with regard to those programs, whatever they are.
There is, of course, no “surplus” at all, but rather IOUs – meaning the US taxpayer.
Republicans are just pointing out that their political opinions are on the level of a six year old with these (not-so) swift kids.
Just remember – massive incompetence, Brownie, Gonzalez, lack of scientifc review in the FDA, lack of science at the Interior dept., lack of competence at FEMA, lack of competence in Iraq…and the list goes on.
So it is no suprise that the republican point of view is represented by 6 year-olds who speak better than Fred Thompson and with the same vitriol as Guliani.
Manipulating kids is the republican way….
You are really a racist bigot, aren’t you? If a Republican had uttered that kind of Klan-speak, you’d be howling the loudest, yet you think you can get away with your clever definitions of who is or is not really “black.”
Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Condi Rice…
Let’s not forget what party the newly elected ethnic minority governor of Louisiana represents…
But you, HP, are a race-baiting clown of low repute and regard…Burned any crosses or hung any nooses lately?
The Piper
@28 Piper:
a rogues list of black republicans – looks like the Republicnas get the bottom of the barrel, the good black politicians are democrats and have moral values:
Clarence Thomas: Poor guy has no clue what to do except follow his republican mentors. Probabvly writes the worst opinions on the court.
Condi Rice: ‘Nuf said. Bush toady with no credibility
Correctnotright: Where did you get your “facts” on Clarence Thomas? I bet you were cheering on the high-tech lynching!
Did he say: “Without Affirmative Action, I wouldn’t be on the bench today.”?
Try again it was Sandra Day O’Connor!
What a moe-ron.
Something to chew on Correctnotright:
Morning Joe PMSNBC –
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The polls are showing your husband is trailing Hillary by 46% to 37% in the African-American community. What’s going on here?
MICHELLE OBAMA: First of all, I think that that’s not going to hold. I’m completely confident: black America will wake up, and get [it]. But what we’re dealing with in the black community is just the natural fear of possibility. You know, when I look at my life, the stuff that we’re seeing in these polls has played out my whole life. You know, always been told by somebody that I’m not ready, that I can’t do something, my scores weren’t high enough. You know, there’s always that doubt in the back of the minds of people of color. People who’ve been oppressed and haven’t been given real opportunities. That you never really believe. That you believe that somehow, someone is better than you. You know, deep down inside, you doubt whether you can do it, because that’s all you’ve been told, is “no, wait.” That’s all you hear, and you hear it from people who love you. Not because they don’t care about you, but bcause they’re afraid. They’re afraid that something might happen.
BRZEZINSKI: It’s interesting that you say that, excuse me. Because a stewardess yesterday, a 52-year old African-American, and I asked her if she was interested in Barack Obama, if she would vote for him. And she said, like this, she said: “I don’t think so, because he probably can’t win, because he’s black.”
OBAMA: That’s right. That’s the psyschology that’s going on in our heads, in our souls, and I understand it. I know where it comes from, and I think that it’s one of the horrible legacies of racism and discrimination and oppression.
Puddy review – What have liberals done to change these perceptions? Absoluteny nuthin! Even when a liberal black runs for office the white Democrat establishment makes sure to destroy him. Look up the McCall race in NYS.
Hey LeftNutz (TM) this is something Al Gore forgot to place in his movie. Another inconvenient truth?
Hey LeftNutz (TM) Ol Wolfie of Corrupt News Now interviewed Dick Armitage:
WOLF BLITZER: It’s now been well-known that you were the first administration official to tell Robert Novak, the syndicated columnist, about Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity as a CIA operative. And that started, in effect, he wrote a column after that, a whole chain of events, we all know what happened as a result. I spoke with Valerie Plame Wilson the other day in “The Situation Room,” and I want you to listen to what she said. …
VALERIE PLAME, from “The Situation Room”: Mr. Armitage did a very foolish thing. He’s been around Washington for decades. He should know better. He’s a senior government official. Whether he knew where exactly I worked in the CIA, he had no rights to go talking to a reporter about where I worked. That was strictly off limits.
BLITZER: Now, those are strong words from Valerie Plame Wilson.
RICHARD ARMITAGE: They’re not words on which I disagree. I think it was extraordinarily foolish of me. There was no ill intent on my part, and never seen, ever, in 43 years of having a security clearance, a covert operative’s name in a memo. The only reason I knew a Mrs. Wilson, not Mrs. Plame, worked at the agency was because I saw it in a memo. But I don’t disagree with her words, to a large measure.
BLITZER: Normally, in memos, they don’t name covert operatives?
ARMITAGE: I’ve never seen one named.
BLITZER: And so you assumed she was, what, just an analyst over at the CIA?
ARMITAGE: That’s what it, not only assumed it, that’s what the message said, and she was publicly chairing, chairing a meeting. KABLAMMMMMM
BLITZER: So when you told Robert Novak that Joe Wilson, the former U.S. ambassador’s wife worked at the CIA and she was involved somehow in getting him this trip to Africa to look for the enriched uranium if there were enriched uranium going to Iraq, you simply assumed that she was not a clandestine officer of the CIA?
ARMITAGE: Even Mr. Novak has said that he used the word “operative,” and misused it. No one ever said “operative.” And I not only assumed it, as I say, I’ve never seen a covert agent’s name in a memo. However, that doesn’t take away from what Mrs. Plame said. It was foolish. Yeah, sure it was.
BLITZER: So you agree with her?
ARMITAGE: Yes, absolutely.
BLITZER: All right.
As a black man, I am constantly reminded of specific issues. Those issues are racism, victimology, discrimination, affirmative action, social injustice, etc. Now how am I reminded of this issues? It’s because the Leftnutz (TM) in the Leftnutz (TM) MSM world keep reminding me of them. It’s the Leftnutz (TM) MSM who continually use these as race baiting terms. It’s the Leftnutz (TM) MSM Michelle Obama needs to attack. Why isn’t Michelle Obama asking the Leftnutz (TM) MSM how they pimp Hilary more than any other candidate?
But of course you just can’t vote just for a person for the color of their skin right Leftnutz (TM)?
So LeftNutz (TM): Valerie Plame was outed by the Bush administration in retaliation for her husband’s criticism of Iraq war policy? Nope
Well… that’s the ASSIE Voice (TM) tag line for the (TM) NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats (TM) right?
Hmmm… I think Dick Armitage laid this lie to rest.
But of course in due time ASSIE Voice (TM) (Goldy) will use it again next year.
Oh… BTW… Didn’t John Effin Kerry – the Jacques Chirac candidate in 2004 Presidential race drop Joe Wilson like a rotten egg when the Senate Committee determined and exposed Ol Joe as a liar?
But of course don’t let the facts get in the way of your screeches!
Correctnotright: Please ask Hilary about the 900 or so FBI files she got and why she needed them. After all she was just First Lady, not in any elected role or official capacity. What was she up to?
Lrt us know what she responds.
Hey this is an election open thread, so I post. If you don’t like it go pound Pelletizer’s (TM) armadillo!
Now this is funny. Looks like your hero got his comeuppance.
Didn’t Puddy tell you so last year?
Yet the Moronic Fringe Dull Knives (TM) such as YLB – The Clueless One (TM) – said “It’s from wacko right wing sites don’t trust it”.
Well YLB – The Clueless One (TM) this moe-ron is at it again. Since you discount it why not join his site and tell us how it isn’t so. ?
Stupid men @ 5&6:
So how did Bush “game” the numbers?
Hey YLB – The Clueless One ™, Goldy has an ad by Google from OMG Newsmax on the upper right hand corner. Has the migraine started yet?
How many of you LeftNutz (TM) were in Olympia protesting the offloading of military hardware returning from Iraq to Ft. Lewis? Come on, you can admit it. You are among LeftNutz (TM) friends here.
I thought this is what you all were clamoring for; the return of our troops from Iraq. Sooooo it’s okay for the troops to return but not their gear, armor and supplies? Sooooo it’s okay for the people but not the hardware?
Simple minds doing simple things.
How many of you LeftNutz ™ were in Olympia protesting the offloading of military hardware returning from Iraq to Ft. Lewis? Come on, you can admit it. You are among LeftNutz ™ friends here.
Very few I imagine . . . it’s much easier posting to a blog. And certainly less risky, not having to fear arrest and the elements and all the other inconveniences.
Very lonely out there on the front lines where the real work is being done.
I would protest the war, but freight considerations are not something that concerns me. If I am to get pepper-sprayed, it has to be for some understandable purpose.
Sure, I know it’s hard work protesting unloading stuff, but they’ll have to carry on without me.
Puddle: I see you finally figured out how to get the ‘™’ thing on your comment.
Don’t overuse it. You are already boring enough!
I would protest the war, but freight considerations are not something that concerns me. If I am to get pepper-sprayed, it has to be for some understandable purpose.
Can definitely understand not wanting to risk that. Did you make it to the recent anti-war rally in Seattle, though? The ranks seemed a little thin.
I was at the FCC hearings hooting and booing the bad guys.
Wow White Rose I knew the Registered (R) but it doesn’t display correctly.
You are one of those fair weather protesters. Hmmm… Interesting indeed.
Oh yes White Rose… Facts are boring to a liberal.
There is only one fact in #’s 48 and 49 — and they are BOTH in #48.