Maybe you want to talk about something that isn’t Roads and Transit? Anyway, I miss Do-Nothing-Doc. Sure, he wasn’t investigating Tom DeLay or any other Republican corruption. But at least he wasn’t riding herd on the opposition to basic gay rights:
Representative Doc Hastings of Washington, who led the Republican effort to get a vote on the amendment, said he opposed the overall bill in part because many states already had similar laws and because he viewed it as intrusive. “I do not think it is the place of the federal government to legislate how each and every place of business operates,” Mr. Hastings said.
No: the states, counties, and cities where gay rights aren’t protected are the very places where basic gay civil rights are needed the most.
How about we talk about MORE bad news for liberals this week… besides the BAD NEWS of the election, besiides the BAD NEWS about the Senate havingnfirmed retired judge Michael Mukasey as attorney general…
Federal Court: WA Druggists may deny emergency pill …
read it and whine pro-borts…
Yoohoo…Karl has a message for you too
Did Doc go somewhere? Lompoc perhaps? Or Leavenworth?
1, 2 — Do yourself a favor, cut your dick off and eat it, so you can’t reproduce. Then you won’t need a Protestant pharmacist.
What, no threads about dennis kucinich and his attempt to impeach cheney?
What’s wrong, afraid a ufo will abduct you?
Gotta give the rabbit credit, he writes in 2 posts what most mortals would write in one. Or does it take him time to think of the next sentence?
@1 You win some, and you lose some. The warmonger faction lost in court today, too.
“Court bars second court-martial for Watada, for now
“By Hal Bernton
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“A U.S. District Court judge today granted a preliminary injunction that bars the Army from proceeding with a second court-martial trial of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, the first Army officer to face prison for refusing to deploy to Iraq. …
“In his written decision, Judge Benjamin Settle of Tacoma found that the Army judge ‘likely abused his discretion’ in the court-martial, and that Watada’s District Court case about violations of Fifth Amendment protections was likely to succeed on merit. He ordered the U.S. Army not to proceed with a Fort Lewis court-martial ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....atada.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure, Watada is getting off on a technicality; but the Busheviks have fucked up everything else, and they fucked up Watada’s court martial too, so why shouldn’t the peace faction win one on points?
Feeling just a bit out of sorts as a LOSER this week, roger runt?
the typical liberal whiner… you and goldfarb play into the stereotype on cue everytime
Who cares about Whinetada? He’ll get his just due in the REAL world… let’s hear about where he is a year form now… want to bet whining because no one willhire him?
@5 What the fuck do you expect? I’m only a rabbit.
What do you want, a goddamned dissertation or something?
Actually, I expect nothing… but it ain’t because of your rabbittry…
@7 Did I lose something this week?
No, I just miss him doing nothing.
Great editorial cartoon in this morning’s Times.
Dealing with the Washington Supreme Court’s overturning of I-747, it suggests the perfect campaign slogans for any who oppose the actually three Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn the initiative: “Too stupid to understand initiatives? Smart enough to vote Bridge/Madsen/Owens (pick one) out of office.”
Given that Susan Owens is the only one of the three who won’t be on the 2008 ballot (subject to Bobbe Bridge’s driving), there are a couple of sitting justices who might want to start polishing resumes, packing up the office, and checking the help wanted’s on Craig’s List.
The pro tempore members of the majority in Washington Citizens v. State, Stephen Brown and Teresa Kulik, sit on the Washington Court of Appeals in Spokane, and since Eyman initiatives are hugely popular east of the mountains, you have to say this wasn’t a brilliant career move for them, either.
Also in this morning’s Times are several top of the fold articles warning of impending higher taxes coupled with a plea from Charisma-Less Christine for local governments to show restraint before sticking it to the people.
Restraint? Government? When it comes to tax increase versions of rape, pillage, and burn?
Give it a rest, Chrissie…
In some form or fashion, this will hurt her campaign for re-election since tax increases of any kind anywhere are blamed on those in power at the time of the increase.
In the meantime, the people got screwed yet again…
The Piper
Bill Clinton put a stain on a blue dress.
Bush/Cheney put a stain on the Constitution.
Sorry, wimpy far right brownshirt wannabes, I know which is worse. Go Dennis.
Come on Dennis! Keep pushing that moonbat stuff so the public gets a good, long hard look at your consituency!
Dennis Kucinich and Miss Hillary will no doubt help to keep the GOP in power for decades to come – keep it coming you two! Keep speaking ‘truth to power’ ..! Bwahahahaha!
Stupid Ann @ 16
Where’s Dennis K in the polls? Small constituency – like the circle of nutcases you hang with.
Maybe you and your bunch have more in common with Dennis K than you know. Wouldn’t that deflate your balloon!
I notice the celebrating baby death lefty’s are curiously silent on the great big WIN for pro-life pharmacists.
Typical mature behavior…for a 3 yr old: pretend it doesn’t exist and PRESTO! . .. it doesn’t!