– Where to Get a Hot Meal for the Holidays
– Four Reasons To Be Hopeful for 2015
– I am digging Emmett’s Gross Happiness Index of Washington, and may have to play around with the data a bit.
– It seems both happy and sad that it’s 2014 and the President one time only calling on women in a press conference is news.
– Have you done all of your Christmas shopping? I should probably start mine (kidding, sorta).
“Joe Scarborough Blames ‘Avalanche Of Hate Speech’ For NYPD Shootings”
Perhaps Bob can refresh my memory. Did Republican Joe Scarborough blame the assassination of two police officers in Las Vegas on the “avalanche” of right-wing hate speech?
What’s sad is that press conferences permitted by Obama occur so infrequently that even having one is news in and of itself.
Eight questions isn’t a press conference. It’s a visit on Santa’s knee.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., one of the most prominent lawmakers working to curb campus sexual assault, has removed from her website the debunked claim that one in five women will be sexually assaulted while in college, according to Politico.
No matter. That War On Women thing wasn’t working out as expected, anyway.
And then there’s that whole HillaryLaughingWhileGettingARapistFreed thing.
@3 It’s not at all clear that statistic has been “debunked” as you claim, Bob. It’s being debated, and it’s complicated, because the statistical results obviously depend on how “rape” is defined. Additionally, because unwanted sexual interactions are underreported by victims, study design also has a large effect on statistical results. At a minimum, the issue deserves serious consideration, but all you’re bringing to it is snarky, knee-jerk, uninformed, and unthinking sniping. Waytago, Bob. Some doctor you are.
@2 Neither the Constitution nor federal statute requires presidents to hold press conferences at regular intervals or any intervals.
@5 Roger, He’s just sad that Obama didn’t wear a tan suit.
@ 6
Or red and white Jockey’s silks.
@6 If Obama wore a navy blue suit, Republicans would complain about it. If he wore a gray suit, they would carp. If he wore a black suit, they’d snipe. They just want something to complain about, and because the economy is recovering and stocks are doing great, they’re talking about suit colors. It’s a sign things are going well, at least compared to the multiple clusterfucks of the Bush years. Even police deaths are down by over 20%. It’s awfully hard to find something to dislike about the changes that have occurred since Obama took over from the Republican crackhead chimp.
@ 8
You’re right, RR. I don’t dislike this one bit:
Democrat pre Nov. 2009:
Governors: 28
States legislatures: 60
State Control: 17
House Members: 258
US Senators: 60
GOP pre Nov. 2009:
Governors: 22
State legislatures: 38
House Members: 177
US Senators: 40
Democrats post Nov. 2014:
Governors: 18
State legislatures: 29 (1 tied).
House members: 179
State Control 17
US Senators: 45
GOP post Nov. 2014:
Governors: 31
Control 67 state legislatures (1 tied).
State Control 23
House members 243:
US Senators: 52 (54 after the AK and LA results decided)
Goldy @GoldyHA
I-594 background check blocks gun sale to wanted man at Spokane gun show. Just like the law intended. http://www.katu.com/news/local.....98861.html … via @katunews
2015 Gun Show calendar by the same company that put on the one you referenced:
JANUARY 3 & 4 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (400 Tables)
JANUARY 10 & 11 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (400 Tables)
JANUARY 17 & 18 IDAHO FALLS, ID Shilo Convention Center 780 Lindsay Blvd (185 Tables)
JANUARY 24 & 25 BURLEY, ID Best Western Plus Burley Inn 800 N. Overland Ave. (160 Tables)
FEBRUARY 7 & 8 TWIN FALLS, ID Twin Falls Co. Fairgrounds Fair Ave., Filer, ID (150 Tables)
FEBRUARY 14 & 15 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (400 Tables)
FEB 28 & MAR 1 POCATELLO, ID Shoshone-Bannock Hotel
& Event Center 777 Bannock Trail
Fort Hall, ID (200 Tables)
MARCH 14 & 15 LEWISTON, ID Nez Perce Co. Fairgrounds 1229 Burrell (350 Tables)
APRIL 3, 4 & 5 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (750 Tables)
APRIL 11 & 12 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (300 Tables)
MAY 16 & 17 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (300 Tables)
JUNE 13 & 14 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (400 Tables)
JULY 11 & 12 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (300 Tables)
JULY 18 & 19 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (400 Tables)
SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (400 Tables)
SEPTEMBER 26 & 27 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (400 Tables)
OCTOBER 3 & 4 IDAHO FALLS, ID Shilo Convention Center 780 Lindsay Blvd (185 Tables)
OCT 31 & NOV 1 BOISE, ID Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) 5610 Glenwood (400 Tables)
NOVEMBER 6, 7 & 8 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (750 Tables)
NOVEMBER 14 & 15 POCATELLO, ID Shoshone-Bannock Hotel
& Event Center 777 Bannock Trail
Fort Hall, ID (200 Tables)
NOVEMBER 21 & 22 LEWISTON, ID Christmas Bonanza
Nez Perce Co. Fairgrounds 1229 Burrell (350 Tables)
DECEMBER 5 & 6 SPOKANE, WA Spokane Co. Fair & Expo N. 404 Havana (400 Tables)
So good luck with that.
When did citizens United open the money flood gates?2010? Do you see that as a factor?
Only a conservative like cheap shot “I support torture ” bob revel in gun violence.
@ 12
For all you know the outstanding warrant preventing a transaction from occurring may have been for an unpaid ticket or fine.
I have no objection to the law’s passage – it makes absolutely perfect sense to me. I just think it’s silly to point out a news item as proof of principle without any specifics. The initiative’s intent was to stop the wrong people from acquiring firearms. If the guy pays his $200 fine, clearing the warrant, and shows up at the next gun show to buy what he couldn’t buy earlier this month, do you think we’ll hear about it here?
We might. But only in the HA comments section.
Yup bob we should do nothing
Why socialism for the rich doesn’t work without wage suppression is explained here … http://seekingalpha.com/articl.....ket-puzzle
@1 Hate Speech – has anyone, ANYONE, come out against the hate speech of the Westboro Babtist Church. I seem to remember more people talking about free speach. Tell Joe and the rest of the right wing nuts to take a fucking hike. Either they condone hate speech all togther or accept it (not saying that the protesters or people speaking out against police actions as hate speech, merely reitterating what Joe the asshole thinks is hate speech).
I wonder how many beatings and or deaths were provoked by the Westboro Baptist Church hate speech?
And speaking out against the WBC because of their actions of protesting a soldiers funeral isn’t the same as speaking out against their hate speech and message.
Hypocracy is alwasy evident when you can call out someone for their Anti-gay position or thier silence on the matters.
Brian Fishcer ? claims Gay Agenda is the greatest threat to liberty.
Oh yeah, how about ISIS, how about Cops that discrimately kill, how about Religion?
Is this Hate Speech that Joe the Asshole can get behind?
Monkey Bush was a real failure. Today’s economic growth is the strongest since 2003.
@12 and turning a blind eye to rape.