– On top of everything else, the idea of a 2/3 vote for raising taxes is such an arbitrary number. Why not pi/5? Why not 8/11? Why not 100%?
– Don’t be a seat hog.
– Something something our trolls are always saying Obama is sooooo weak on Russia.
– Looks like Governor Inslee’s budget might be surprisingly not terrible.
– Looks like Dick Cheney is still not surprisingly terrible.
– But Ron Wyden is a good counter to Dick Cheney being terrible.
Roger – another responsible gun owner.
Can someone tell me how a father can a kill thier own son? What does he have to be doing? Was he sleeping with the step mom? What crazed person kills thier own son. For what reason?
I believe the Progressive caucus in the WA State House needs to put forward a bill that requires a 2/3 majority to approve or maintain any corporate or individual tax break or subsidy.
Can someone tell me how a father can a kill thier own son?
Bet your father has a ready answer to that one.
When is torture torture?
Whenever a liberal wants it to be.
Speaking to Valerie Plame’s husband Joe Wilson on the The Ed Show this evening, Schultz suggested: “Your wife was outed by the Vice-President and now he’s saying he has no problem with torture. How do you feel about that? I mean isn’t it torture what your family went through?” – See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/m.....S067N.dpuf
Redefining torture to anything less than three hots and a cot doesn’t help you. Not at all.
New poll finds majority of Americans think torture was justified after 9/11 attacks
By a margin of almost 2 to 1 — 59 percent to 31 percent — those interviewed said that they support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying that they produced valuable intelligence.
In general, 58 percent say the torture of suspected terrorists can be justified “often” or “sometimes.”
We did some really ugly things to people after 9/11. There hasn’t been a repeat of 9/11.
That’s what you’re up against. Idiots making a nagging hangnail into a form of torture don’t help you in your efforts. Sitting so long for that Vanity Fair puff piece photography
must have been torture to Ms. Plame and her diplomat husband.
Breaking News — Obama Moves To Normalize Relations With Cuba
Cuba has freed Alan Gross, and the Obama administration appears set to lift travel restrictions and end the trade embargo. This will get the righties’ panties in a twist for sure. It may even give them wedgies.
@1 Another mentally ill person with guns; another tragic ending.
Marco Rubio wishes Alan Gross was still in a Cuban jail.
Shit by MSNBC:
Through the new digital initiative, known as “Shift by MSNBC,” the network will serve up new topics and introduce new contributors that could gradually make their way to the cable network, Griffin believes – depending on the traction they gain among audiences. “Shift” is expected to launch Monday morning.
And by Friday evening, there will be some fresh material on the multi-media extravaganza thread.
[Excessively copied material deleted]
It’s more complicated than you comprehend. Most things are.
Either that or Menendez suddenly shifted right.
@9 Asymmetrical is right. The Castro regime has managed. The U.S. government and the Cuban expatriates it harbors have floundered. The nadir of U.S. policy came when Reagan gave sanctuary to a terrorist who blew up an airliner full of kids.
Throughout the Cold War, Republican and Democratic administrations alike engaged in prisoner swaps; and now Republicans are whining about a prisoner swap?
Do you get the sense, as I do, that Republicans complain simply for the sake of complaining? If Madonna sat on a Republican’s lap, he would gripe about it, because it’s the only thing they know how to do.
It’s only 10 a.m., but this is shaping up as a pretty good Wednesday so far: We’ll be able to get Cuban cigars again, the righties are outraged, and I’m making over $5,000 in the stock market today. I’ll take days like today anytime!
@11…Problem is that Obama’s swaps usually result in the U.S. getting the shit end of the stick. We get one man (who most likely would have been released at some point anyways, and without giving away the store) and the Communists get three spies and normalized relations that will only benefit them…not really seeing the up-side to this deal.
But hey, you lefties have always been Castro fans anyways, so can’t say I’m shocked at today developments.
@3 Hahah
Your mother is a slut.
@13 You can’t see the forest for the trees. This isn’t about the prisoner swap. That’s incidental. This is about reevaluating our Cuba policy. I reevaluate my investments every day, and ditch those that aren’t working; why shouldn’t our government reevaluate its policies and change policies that don’t work? What, exactly, has our 50-odd year old policy toward Cuba accomplished? With the Soviet Union gone, and the threat of Cuba becoming a Soviet military and missile base gone, what purpose does it still serve? The world has changed, our Cuba policy hasn’t, maybe it’s time to reevaluate its relevance to the world we live in now?
@13 Didn’t the Israelis recently swap over 1,000 Palestinian prisoner for 1 Israeli prisoner?
@ 15
It serves the purpose of harvesting the Florida vote. The majority of people who fled Cuba in the first few years after Castro took over were mafiosi and the remaining members of the Secret Police who worked for them.
@17 It doesn’t harvest the Florida vote, at least, not for the Democrats. The Cuban-Americans will hate this. They’re all hardcore Republicans. They’re the one-percenters who fled when Batista’s fascist regime was overthrown. They were the people who owned the plantations and sweatshops where the vast majority of the Cuban people spent their lives in sweat labor and grinding poverty. Kinda like the type of society that cheap labor conservatives want to create here.
New York State today made its fracking moratorium a permanent ban, citing health risks.
Meanwhile, Sen. McConnell said yesterday his first legislative initiative of the next Congress will be Keystone XL legislation. The irony is that Keystone XL, which is designed to give Canadian tar sands oil access to Gulf ports and foreign export markets, may never be built because Canadian tar sands oil isn’t economically viable at today’s oil prices.
These prices undoubtedly are temporary, but they could persist for several years, and you probably won’t see Keystone being built until oil rises above $80 again. We’re probably looking at $40 – $50 oil for at least three or four years.
@ 18
‘Hardcore Republicans’? ‘One-percenters’?
That’s not what you really want to call them, is it, RR?
Go on.
You know you want to, and Steve and Better will provide cover when you do.
Give us your best description of Antonio Raimundo.
The World Is Yours.
If it takes a 2/3 vote to raise taxes, then a 2/3 vote also should be required to give tax breaks to wealthy people, businesses, and newspaper publishers.
@20 Your point (if you have one) is — ?
Blowhard Bob has been working overtime the last couple of days trying to find an excuse to call me a racist, but it isn’t working, because it’s obvious to all that I’m not a racist. All I said today was the Cuban expats in Florida are Batista’s crowd and hardcore Republicans. How does that make me a racist? It doesn’t; it only makes Bob a moron.
@ 23
The reasons your statements are racist are wide and varied. Referring to a group of people as towel heads, as you did so recently, is self-explanatory. So is the fact that you twice, after the fact, tried to make us believe that it wasn’t really you, but a Tea Party type, who really would use a term like that.
Referring to an Asian ethnic group, whether it be Japanese or Vietnamese, by a slur is also pretty self-explanatory. The fact that it used to be common language doesn’t mean you can use it today. Think of all of the things that used to be said, openly, about minorities. We don’t use those terms today, at least not if we want to keep our jobs. As I said, Steve will give you cover and Better will try to deflect by pointing out that you aren’t the only one. Which isn’t exactly support for your claim not to be racist, if you give honest consideration to it.
Today you stereotyped a distinct minority using desparaging and derogatory terms. “They’re all….” might as well have been “Those people…”.
Finally, since you mentioned moronic behavior, RR, I will also point out that in segregating @18 Cuban-Americans from white people such as yourself you managed to be extremely incorrect
Less than half (47%) of Cuban registered voters nationwide now say they identify with or lean toward the Republican Party—down from the 64% who said the same about the GOP a decade ago, according to 2013 survey data. Meanwhile, the share of Cubans who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party has doubled from 22% to 44% over the same time period, according to the survey of Hispanics.
in the process. Now that’s moronic.
@1 — “What crazed person kills their own son?”
God. He also commands fathers to kill their sons as a kind of loyalty test.
RR: Cuban expats in Florida are Batista’s crowd and hardcore Republicans
Bob: Less than half (47%) of Cuban registered voters nationwide
Florida .ne. nationwide
Cuban expats in Florida .ne. Cuban registered voters nationwide
You can do better than that Bob.
@ 26
Ekim, you are correct. I could have done better.
I could have referenced Floridian Cuban-Americans in the last two major elections.
So I shall:
The Florida exit poll in 2012 showed that Mr. Obama won the Cuban-American vote, 49 to 47 percent. Last month, the exit polling showed that Cuban-American voters supported the Democrat Charlie Crist, 50 to 46 percent, though he lost the governor’s race.
NYT, today.
I apologize for not having Florida’s 2016 results close at hand.
There once was a time
in which RR didn’t claim to know the Cuban mindset. Since then he’s learned @ 18 how all of the Cuban-Americans think. But then, he’s so well-versed on their backgrounds so he would be the one most informed.
Since I’m taking a trip down memory lane, not so long ago Darryl weighed in
a. Looking at the partisan makeup of all registered Florida Hispanic voters in 2012, is 55.5% Democratic and 44.5% Republican.
b. If you normalize (i.e. make it add up to 100%) the 49%-42% result to compare it to part a above, you get 53.8% Obama, 46.1% Romney.
2. The “Hispanic or Cuban” sample in the poll was only 105 people. The normalized poll results (part b above) are statistically not different from the partisan composition (part a above)
on Florida’s electorate. Schooled a snot-nosed conservative in the process, I see.
Right. Because Cuba’s opposition movement are THIS close to overthrowing the government. Just as close as they were from ’59-66. Just as close as they were in 1961. Just as close as they were in the 70s. Just as close as they were after the collapse of the Soviet Union sent the Cuban economy spiraling. Just as close as they were when Fidel resigned in 2008. Just as close as they were in 2013 when the OAS ended sanctions. Just as close as they were when Cuba eased travel restrictions on their own citizens.
50 years of the path of sanctions and isolation has resulted in not a bit of change. Exporting Democracy through trade and contact….I’m sure we’ve tried that somewhere in the world.
“But THIS, THIS is a bridge too far. We can’t let a postage stamp of an island out of fifty years of policy that have gained the United States nothing. That will crush the up-to-now totally influential Cuban opposition!” Sen. Menedez, or words to that effect.
“I anticipate we’re going to have a very interesting couple of years discussing how you’re going to get an ambassador nominated and how you’ll get an embassy funded,” Rubio, an ardent opponent of lifting the Cuban embargo, said.
“I intend to use every tool at our disposal in the majority to unravel as many of these changes as possible,” Rubio said.
If Rubio is unsuccessful, would that constitute a swig and a miss?
TIL that some right-leaning people have trouble with sarcasm and tend to take everything literally. The whole “literal” portion makes sense when you factor in the Earth-Is-6,000-Years-Old crowd. Of course, The Bible is filled with a different kind of irony, but it all seems to be beyond some of us.
@24 “Referring to a group of people as towel heads, as you did so recently, is self-explanatory.”
If it is, why did I have to explain to you that I was mocking the Tea Party bigots who use the term?
“So is the fact that you twice, after the fact, tried to make us believe that it wasn’t really you, but a Tea Party type, who really would use a term like that.”
Well, this makes it three times. Facts are a real bastard sometimes.
George Stinney Jr. Exonerated
A judge has thrown out the murder conviction against George Stinney Jr., a 14-year-old black boy who was railroaded into South Carolina’s electric chair in 1944 by lying cops who claimed he confessed but produced no confession. Probably everyone in that little town knew who really killed the two white girls, but he was from a prominent white family, so they needed a scapegoat. Stinney wasn’t a murderer; he was murdered. And his sham trial will remain a dark stain on American jurisprudence until the end of time.
@31 It’s already waited 50 years; it can wait a couple more.
No doubt Republicans will excoriate Obama for opening relations with Communist Cuba, even as they praise Nixon to high heaven for opening relations with Communist China, and trundle off to WalMart to buy stuff from China, sending their money to a Chinese commie regime that uses it to buy missiles, jet fighters, submarines, and aircraft carriers to shoot at the U.S. Navy with.
While Blowhard Bob was busy hammering on the “Roger Rabbit is a racist” meme, I made $7,700 in the stock market today, my best day so far this year. I’m a labor participation rate statistic. I dropped out of the workforce years ago. I see no reason why I or anyone else should work for $7.25, $10, or $15 an hour in a capitalist economy where all the money goes to people who own capital, not the people who do the work. That makes zero sense.
Now Cubans will be able to get life-saving medicines from America for $1,000 a pill. Except they won’t want them, because they’re already getting the same pills for 10 cents each. Instead, we’ll be buying pills from them, and traveling to Cuba for cancer treatments.
Well that’ll play well politically.
Nixon went to China, Bush the Smarter engaged with Russia, Clinton normalized relations with Viet Nam, Bush the Dumber normalized Relations with Khaddafy….
“Cuba…that is just too much. How dare he! GoodDAY SIR! I’m scared of the influence of an impoverished island nation that doesn’t have a strong enough military to run off a Marine Base on their soil. These are the real enemies! Wake up America!” Marco Rubio stump speech.
If you cant handle Fidel’s little brother,…
How long ago was Rubio a great hope for Republican Presidential dreams?
@29 Cubans and Hispanics aren’t the same, especially regarding diaspora politics. Most Cubans vote Republican, which isn’t surprising, because they were Cuba’s one-percenters until Castro threw them out. Most other Hispanics vote Democratic, because Republicans want to throw them out of the United States.
While Retarded Roger was busy hammering on the “I’m so awesome” meme, I made $500,000,000 playing poker in a dark cellar today, my best day so far this year. I’m a labor participation rate statistic. I dropped out of the workforce years ago. I see no reason why I or anyone else should work for $7.25, $10, or $15 an hour in a capitalist economy, when you can just make crap up on the internet where no one can check your bullshit. That makes zero sense.
Republican politicians will condemn the President and all Democrats for this new Cuba move, but will the actual business people who fund the GOP be against the easing of trade barriers with Cuba?
I don’t think so.
Before long, the cigars will be flooding Northward and the Copacabana, Desi Arnaz clones, and the mafia run whorehouses and gambling palaces will be in full swing — just like in the good old days.
… and no, Lucy — you and Ethel may NOT come to the Copacabana tonight and sing Baba-loo!!!
@18 roger not sure you are completely correct regarding today’s Cubans. They may be conservative like you say but today the majority of floridas cubans, overwhelmingly, support better relations with Cuba.
I really thing that’s the real reason republican politicians are upset. Obama, not sure if it was 2008 or 2012 but probably 2008, won 49 % over 47% for the republican creep
@24. You are a fraud. Pretending to have consideration that all humans or people are people and should be treated equally. – “segregating Cuban Americans from white people”
You trying to pretend that you are the slur police and non discrimatory person is laughable.
You are a bigot.
@31 that would be awesome if he did, seeing that most of today’s Cuban Americans in Florida support normalization with Cuba.
Republicans once again put their foot up thier own ass.. Go Rubio!
Just think – you are Cuban living in America and have an effect ion for your homeland that you would never want to see some type of normalization.
You got family in Cuba that maybe now you can send a Christmas gift to them. Boy I’d really be upset.
Good luck you fucking morons, the only way to win an election is to keep cheating.
Puddybud heading on vacation. Will be enjoying the great warm sunshine in the Caribbean as he is as some claim an “unemployed freeloader”! Will be sporatically viewing the left wrong DUMMOCRETIN vomitorium now and then.
Have at it NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Did some left wrong cretin with NoBAlls above write Cuba can now get life saving medicines from America? WHAT? They have had normalized relations with Europe for years. Apparently Europe doesn’tdeliver life saving medicines to Cuba.
What a tard!
Rubio to his credit was a mover and shaker on the Senate’s immigration bill which is now lanquishing in the bagger-addled House.
And it will continue to languish as the bagger fools try one scorched earth tactic after another to defeat Obama’s new policy – all the way to 2016. The hispanic vote is forever lost to them.
Even with the candidacy of Jorge P. Arbusto on the very far horizon.
Puddy did notice the last time Puddy was in Europe, they enjoyed their Cubanos cigars!
HAHAHAHA! See how desperately this fiend NEEDS this website.
“Steve and Better will provide cover when you do”
To explain why you have your head up your ass is not to “provide cover” for Roger.
Really, Bob, we haven’t seen this much PC wingnut hand-wringing since both GBS and I used the word faggot in the same thread about five years ago. Been there, done that. One might say that your new shtick was old before it started.
How about that! Obama has finally earned his commie cred. Wingnut heads must be exploding everywhere.
“Rubio to his credit”
Also to his credit, he has a quality very rarely seen in a Republican anymore – he’s likable. A few whack wingnut views, sure, but he’s still likable.
Responsible Gun Owners (TM; Pat. Pend.) Case #2014-1234567890
Well well, waddya know, it turns out one of the main speakers at last weekend’s “Hell No, We Won’t Obey The Law” gun rally in Olympia is the dude who dreamed up the idea of using women and children as human shields at the Bundy Ranch.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know what kind of people think I-594 is “tyranny.” Assuming this guy eventually gets prosecuted for threatening federal officers, and becomes a convicted felon who can’t legally possess a fireman, you can see why he doesn’t want his buddies being required to run a background check before handing him a gun.
Cheap labor conservatives — no one is cheaper or more conservative than the people running WalMart — don’t merely oppose raising the minimum wage. They want people to work for free.
(Disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own WalMart stock or shop at WalMart.)
@41 Would you like to guess how much I care whether you believe what I post?
@44 Well, then, where is the resistance to normalizing relations with Cuba coming from? Somebody’s against it, or it would have happened long ago. I’m not saying I know, I’m just wondering.
@49 Don’t fall off the boat.
“last weekend’s “Hell No, We Won’t Obey The Law” gun rally in Olympia”
Oh, my bad. I saw the pic and thought it might be a large gathering of the Society of Phallically-Challenged White People.
Just imagine if blacks did that. OMG! And on Whidbey Island!! Bob would probably think his visions of the black horde coming for him were coming true.
Hey, Puddy, if you’re going to buy a kid a BB gun this Christmas, do us all a favor and buy it on-line. We don’t want anything bad happening to you.
No reports of cops shooting any of the people openly carrying guns in Olympia, so I reckon there must not have been any blacks there.
It’s always good to see someone not getting irony. If you lean in really close to your monitor you can recognize irony by the acrid smell of stupid.
@56 he is a creep!
@60 I don’t know. I just think that proponents of normalization just fell under the radar. And I think sometime we do thing just for the sake of not changing, for political reasons. I don’t think democrats really cared one way or the other and republicans were just stubborn to change or see the light and not evolve.
Something like 78% of Cubans in Florida want normalization with their homeland.
As much as a Cuban May hate Castro(s) they probably still love their homeland and still have family there. Now they can be united to some degree, kind of like immigration.
Only 52% want the embargo lifted, but 78% want normalization.
The idiotic turd checkmate speaks to irony every time Puddy delivers the kill shot to left wrong thought. NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit writes irony as much as you write the truth on a subject with representative links.
Since the Teabagging Apeman wrote the embargo hasn’t worked, guess that really means European medicines are working just fine!
Sux to be checkmated for the 9 Billionth Time!
To the buttspigot with the crazed databaze,
There is no need. Puddy will be working on the tan and visiting Mrs. Puddy’s family! At least Puddy visits the vomitorium from all over the world. You still visit it from momma’s couch wearing the pink panties.
There are people who enjoy God’s given life and then there are people like you whom reject God and His Only Begotton Son Jesus and follow Satan.
Really does suck being you!
Land of socialism Vermont single payer EPIC FAYLES… http://www.politico.com/story/.....13653.html
Maybe the plan had a Grubasm.
Or it was Grubered!
Or it may have met it’s Gruber!
Seems it never left the concept stage… That’s what happens with libtard experiments… 99.999% of them are born in libtard universities and when the light of day sanitizes them, they fall out of favor with Real Americans!
Bernie Sanders must be croaking in his apartment today!
Butt back to Cuba,
Seems if an American is taken hostage, our negotiator-in-chief gives away the American store with nuthin in return. Pyongyang (Bible workers, Iran (hikers), and Cuba (telecommunications) have now seen Obummer in action. Need to see the original hostage trade links from the libtard press?
Cuba still communist
Cuba no free elections
Fidel still man of the year every year
Cuba gets no life saving medicines
Cuba has no internet access
What will Obummer do if Cuba decides to place nuclear tipped missiles back on it’s soil as the Soviet proxy again?
And he’s done it all without any help whatsoever from the republicans, who’ve done their damnedest to block him and see him fail.
@69 where the fuck did I say that the embargo didn’t work. I said nothing regarding the embargo. You are one fucking idiot, that makes shit up, and trie to put words into someones mouth.
All I said was that 52% of Cubans living in Flordia would like to get rid of the embargo.
I don’t know if the embargo worked and I don’t give a fuck if it did or not, really.
Keep eating the banans.
@73…Quality over quantity.
@69 “The idiotic turd checkmate speaks to irony every time Puddy delivers the kill shot to left wrong thought.”
Ironically, none of your targets are dead.
@70 “At least Puddy visits the vomitorium from all over the world.”
Believe me, it’s been noticed.
@72 “Seems if an American is taken hostage, our negotiator-in-chief gives away the American store with nuthin in return.”
Au contraire, we got two warm bodies in exchange for three of theirs. And if you take the relative quality of the warm bodies into account, we got a hell of a good deal. Obama wins at poker again!
@74 Every cigar aficionado in America wants to get rid of the embargo.
I’m late getting here this morning because the stock market is very active again today, so I’ve been watching it, but there’s actually not that much going on at HA right now. Just the schizo troll acting out his childish fantasies, and Blowhard Bob still feebly trying to call me a “racist.” Very slow here.
Stocks got battered over the last couple weeks, mine with the rest, but I’ve made back $13,000 of it yesterday and today.
Saw this go by on Facebook
“Why is it we can have diplomatic relations with communist China but not communist Cuba?”
Back on January 2, I guessed the Dow average would end the year at 17,826. This was a contest entry I submitted to a national magazine. The Dow actually hit that number about a week ago. As of right now, it’s 17,691. A couple years ago, the Dow actually hit my guess on December 31, but kept going and ended about 25 points higher. Still, that’s pretty close. And with 8 trading days left, I’m nicely positioned this year, too.
I just enter these contests for fun, and I don’t agonize over my guesses. I spend about 5 minutes doing it, and it’s seat-of-pants. I simply pick a percentage, up or down, based on what I know about the economy and stock market. I figured the Dow would advance about 7.5% in 2014 and came up with +1,250 points. Right now, I think it’ll be around 6.5% or maybe 6% in 2015, although I won’t finalize that until I have to submit my contest entry in early January.
@81 Because we had a Republican president then, and have a Democratic president now. Remember the Conservative Credo: Republicans can do no wrong, and Democrats do nothing right. It’s what they live by.
RR @76:
The GOATSEBOY is firing blanks, only he is too dumb to know it.
The only “killshots” the puddyfuckwad delivers are to his own (way past non-existent) credibility.
@78…You are leaving out the undeserved policy shift the Communists won.
@86 What did they win from this policy shift?
Awwwwww… The fiend’s life is not so good for it.. It so NEEDS our liberal company.. It really is SO NEEDY.. Especially on Saturday nights.
It so NEEDS to vomit its diskredited klownservative bullshit to “the world”.. Maybe this fiend should take a detour on vacay to those slant drilling cuban oil wells anyone?
If those places it boasts about visiting knew about its krapping behavior here in these threads, its krackpot kredulousness, they might not let it come back! It’s a dope here, it’s a dope there, it’s a dope EVERYWHERE!
The fiend is a joke! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@87…A potential (if Comrade Obama has his way) bail-out of the Castro regime.
A physicist derives life, publishes an equation:
Klownservative pin heads WILL EXPLODE!
Klownservative sex tourists like Limbaugh will flood the place, bags of viagra in tow. “Free market” in action!
@88 Yeah, you gotta wonder about the psychology behind it all. Freud would’ve had a field day with him.
@89 Personally, I think the Castro brothers aren’t long for this world.
Wow! The Dow is up 421 points today. Closed at 17,778, just 48 points below my contest guess. Probably gonna overshoot now, by a couple hundred points, unless ISIS bombs Washington D.C. next week or another flesh-eating virus bug shows up.
@93…I’m sure they have a succession plan.
@95 But it won’t be the “Castro regime” anymore. In any case, you’re missing the point. After 54 years of isolating Cuba, the communist regime is still in power. Don’t you think it’s time to try a different tactic? If experience is any guide, continuing to seal off the island is more likely to prolong the regime’s grip on power than bring it down. Exposing the Cuban people to the outside world has a greater potential to bring about change.
Well well, the unnamed spy Obama got along with Alan Gross in exchange for 3 Cuban spies was a big fish indeed. Do you trolls still want to sing your trope that Obama got a bad deal?
Score another one for Team Obama! The U.S. has terminated the commands of 3 senior ISIS leaders with extreme prejudice.
@86, 89, 95…
Make some fucking sense will ya?
What the fuck is the huge threat from Cuba now that it’s big-state sponsors are gone?
News flash…NOBODY is a ‘Communist’ anymore.
@100 they are upset because now more Cubans vote democrat now.
Republicans should learn that you can have all the bomb, aircraft carriers, war ships, bullets in the world put together but one little cyber attack will put you under.
Once again instead of talking about solutions and bringing them forward and implementing them, all they have are big fucking mouths to blame. They take no accountability for anything because they don’t know how to govern.
Go home and stay home you idiots, and pay back what you are stealing from the American public.
Go home you’re drunk.
Thanks for the compliment. Go Rubio!
@103 And you’re not?
Every day that goes by it is becoming clearer that Republicans are becoming irrelevant. They spout a bunch of bullshit and do nothing.
Indeed! There goes Rubio’s people:
Top aides to Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, two of the most vehement anti-Communist voices in Washington, took an all expenses paid trip to China this month courtesy of the Chinese government…
The Tampa Bay Times learned of the aides’ visits — which have not yet shown up in Senate or House disclosures — from a source backing a group that wants to see more normal relations with Cuba.
“It represents a real double standard,” said Chris Sabatini, senior policy director of the Americas Society and Council of the Americas, when the Times told him about the trips. “At the same time they are denying citizens’ right to travel to Cuba, they feel staff can travel to another country that has the same pattern of human rights abuses.”
Klownservatism: thy name is hypocrisy!
“We’ll meet again…”
As was his show, Stephen Colbert’s celebrity send-off was television at it’s best.