– Sally Clark should resign if that’s the attitude she takes after hitting a bike.
– I can’t even imagine wanting to follow protesters around with guns.
– My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK
– Jeff Merkley is right about ending too big to jail as a concept.
– Reasonable complaints about women’s soccer in the UK.
DUMMOCRETIN Protesters stormed the Westlake mall on Black Friday, disrupting the yearly tree-lighting ceremony where a throng of young children were present. Many of the children were frightened because they did understand the situation. Some children were observed crying about it. They didn’t get a chance to sing as planned. http://www.king5.com/story/new...../19631329/
DUMMOCRETINS are scum for scaring little children. DUMMCORETINS are scum – period!
The lady that was unkind to the Obama daughters now resigns. I wonder if the Obama girls were scared by her actions?
I heard that the Black (wed, thurs) Friday sales were off by 11%. I was not going to participate in that madness.
I thought this was a good idea from Michael Brown’s parents that was missed by the protesters here in Seattle
“Let’s not just make noise, let’s make a difference.”
“Elizabeth Lauten, the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), resigned Monday following a Facebook post that criticized Malia and Sasha Obama’s appearance at the annual White House turkey pardon ceremony, according to NBC News. ”
Hey, that’s what Cheap Shot Bob did. Took him months to admit that his “joke” wasn’t funny.
Does one have to be an asshole already to run a cop’s union, or do you get trained for it on the job?
@6. That’s just the definition of petty and vindictive. Reenforcing the idea of never challenge authority.
I see that, now that Columbia City has become gentrified, it’s time to do something about speeding on Rainier Avenue.
I didn’t read all of the article on the city councilwoman and the bike accident, but she seemed kind of remorseful to me. What more did you want her to say, or did I mis reading something?
I bike, probably not often enough, just recently in a big city (NYC) and in Central Park. Why do bikers think they own the streets? For the most part cars look out for the bikers. I don’t think there is a problem with drivers thinking that they got in the car that day so they can hit a biker. But bikers, don’t usually go out of there way to yield to pedestrians or cars.
Fun information on Jeff Roorda, who issued this statement:
– In 2001, Jeff Roorda was fired as a police officer in the St. Louis suburb of Arnold, Missouri, for falsifying reports in 1997 and again in 2001
– 2005, Roorda wrote House Bill 396, which would allow police officers to—and this is an exact quote from his bill—”collect hazardous samples without court approval, document and then destroy them, and make them admissible.”
– In early 2014, Roorda wrote and sponsored House Bill 1466, which would change the Missouri sunshine laws requiring open records on police-involved incidents. Roorda’s bill would seal all records involving any/every police action and prohibit police departments from releasing the names of officers involved in shooting
– in September 2014, Roorda continued to speak out against the use of dash cameras and body cameras worn by police officers
What happened to the edit function? Jeff Roordan is the president of the SLPOA, who issued the statement demanding an apology fron the NFL because he hates the 1st amendment.
A real article on the ST Louis Police Union… not that rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears’ @ 6 worthless site siterujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears can’t seem to ever leave… http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/20.....oot-police
Rules for white people protesting at Ferguson created by black people protesting at Ferguson! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....ronto.html
Meanwhile, as a GOP staffer’s scalp was claimed for disrespecting President Obama’s daughters, a different kind of scalp was claimed in St. Louis:
Man beaten to death with hammers in St. Louis, police say
Bosnian immigrant, recently married.
A motive for the attack was not immediately clear. An investigation is ongoing.
Strange when Puddy remembered this story on racist tweets earlier this year, no DUMMOCRETINS were AXED! http://politicalticker.blogs.c.....rial-race/ Why? Because the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm covered it up!
Puddy remembered the execrable and disgusting wheelchair attack ad by Wendy “HA DUMMOCRETIN Abortion Hero” Davis on the new governor of Texas Greg Abbott who has been in a wheelchair since 1984. No one resigned on that despicable attack.
DUMMOCRETINS never apologize!
What’s wrong with Sally Clark’s “attitude?” She was in a car-bicycle accident. She didn’t see the cyclist. She’s sorry it happened. What am I missing?
The only thing I don’t understand is why a city councilperson has only $25,000 of liability insurance. Doesn’t she make enough money in that job to afford a 300/500 liability policy like everyone else has?
Meanwhile Mary Landrieu is going down… http://youtu.be/9kmmpWSXNsA She votes with Obummer 97% of the time and is a standard DUMMOCRETIN opportunist the other 3%. Listen closely after 30 seconds into the video courtesy by the Black Conservatives Fund!
Remember when Landrieu claimed she sucked because of sexism and racism she double down! No apology.
Cheap DUMMOCRETIN maybe?
@1 Thank God none of those children got hurt! It could have been worse.
Puddy, I hate to tell you this, but no matter how much you suck up to the white racist crowd, they’re NOT going to let you join their tribe.
Travis @ 14,
Get your news from alternative media sources. Stay way far away from the HA DUMMOCRETIN left wrong libtard sites for balanced reporting. The Bosnian guy was white and his hammer wielding killer assailants were black and Hispanic. Of course they are going to say no association to Ferguson. No real crime here by the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN media… The hammer wielding killer assailants are minorities!!!!!!http://heavy.com/news/2014/12/.....uis-teens/ The Bosnians are not burning down the house either!
IDIOT Wabbit @ 20,
Puddy sucks no one unlike you and your love of DUMMOCRETIN crooks. Puddy notices how you excused disgusting behavior NoBalls!
Still DUMMOCRETINS are scum!
@6 “Does one have to be an asshole already to run a cop’s union …?”
Do you need to ask? These guys are too dumb to realize they’re making all cops, including decent ones, look petty and vindictive.
DUMMOCRETINS in action on twitter on the St Louis Rams players… http://twitchy.com/2014/12/01/.....s-players/
@22 “Puddy sucks no one”
ROFLMAO!!! Funniest thing you’ve posted in a long time!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… are y’all contributing to their defense fund? If not? Why not? They are only following some of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for (DUMMMOCRETINS) Radicals! http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson.....13582.html
IDIOT Wabbit @ 25
Truth to some is funny to other factual!
Sux to be the IDIOT Wabbit!
“The hammer wielding killer assailants are minorities!!!!!!”
Um, in case you’ve forgotten, Puddy, so are you.
@14 “Meanwhile, as a GOP staffer’s scalp was claimed for disrespecting President Obama’s daughters, …”
Seems fair to me, although I would venture that she was fired for stupidity, not for insulting the Obamas. Stupid people are dangerous.
“Man beaten to death with hammers in St. Louis, …”
Every city, including Seattle, has roaming packs of street kids. The U District is notorious for them. Don’t get out of your vehicle, don’t confront them, use your cellphone to call police. If the cops kill them, and nowadays cops seem to kill nearly everyone they encounter, you’re off the hook.
@15 Feeling picked on again?
Meanwhile, Republicans take out their frustration with Obama on the working poor. What a class act! Not.
@ 14
I specifically chose a mainstream citation to spew, although I’ve seen others that go significantly further, as no doubt have you. Later this week charges will be filed, names of suspects published (assuming the media does what it typically does), and photos published. By then the Ferguson summit at the White House will be old news and this killing will be white-washed.
No protests at the Bosnian killing site today. No buildings burned. Go figure.
“No protests at the Bosnian killing site today. No buildings burned. Go figure.”
It looks like the guy who fantasizes about the black horde being shot down in the streets of our cities by right-wing militias has found equivalency in the history of Bosnian and black oppression in this country where others tried but couldn’t.
Hung up on hammers, huh?
How about bombs? Ever think about those? You ever bother to connect the dots between bombings in America and white people, Bob? What, you mean you never noticed that before?
@32 Gay people targeted in NYC and all communities accross this Country. Don’t tell me you are going to start to care about all beatings and deaths. Please. Don’t whitewash it.
And with the Gay beatings and deaths, not always are the perpetrators so dilligently pursued, many get aways scott free.
Where is your outrage? What bullshit do you have to say about anyone being beaten or killed for any fucking reason. You have none.
This comment should stop all the ridiculousness of what is being said here. Just stirring the shit up to stir shit up – no different from a protester protesting. Stir it up.
No communities being burned up by the Gay community.
@ 35
Well, you’re right.
Statistically speaking, you are more likely to suffer a hate-based event for being gay than other minority classes.
Since August, how many times did you point this out on HA, ‘bagger? Or was it OK since for awhile, it was a heterosexual white cop in the nation’s crosshairs, and you didn’t have a reason to speak up?
Steve Steve STEVE… Of course Puddy has connected many dots… many times. Think about Obummer old Chicago pals Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers… Given professorships by other white DUMMOCRETINS! White People who are held on a pedestal by DUMMOCRETIN white people all over America.
Weather Underground – A DUMMOCRETIN bastion of white hate.
Puuuuleeeease! Try again. Did you drink too much of Steve’s Stupid Solution over the Thanksgiving Holiday?
Of course IDIOT Wabbit has no worthwhile response to PuddyFacts with that IDIOT Wabbit garbage on #30.
You found 1 guy killed with a hammer. I can find 26 2nd graders killed with a gun. It took a group of teenagers to kill one man. It took one man to kill 26 children. If you want to talk numbers.
“According to FBI data, 8,583 people were murdered with firearms in 2011. Only 496 people were killed by blunt objects, a category that includes not just hammers and baseball bats but crowbars, rocks, paving stones, statuettes, and electric guitars. ”
“What about accidental deaths? According to data from the CDC, 606 people were killed in gun accidents in 2010. Four people were killed by nonpowered hand tools such as hammers.”
I await your apology for trying to find the cheap shot false equivalency between gun violence and hammer violence.
Got to love automated scripts. This is on the right side of the page:
“Shop for ‘death by hammers’ on Google
Dead On Tools Hammers 24 oz. Milled Face Hammer DO24C”
“Weather Underground – A DUMMOCRETIN bastion of white hate.”
And extinct for decades. What’s next out of you, the Symbionese Liberation Army and Patty Hearst? Got anything, um, you know, relevant to the 21st Century?
Ha! I bet you never connected the dots between whites and bombers either. And for the last quarter century they’ve all been wingnuts. Imagine that!! I’m sure you and Bob are suitably outraged, as in not one little bit. You’re obviously too busy making up excuses for white cops shooting and killing unarmed black kids.
Travis, strange… Puddy doesn’t remember the empty headed or testicularly challenged chafed buffy butt screaming about this last year in St Louis… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoM6-3B00ms or this report.
Travis, Never deliver your full ammo load here on HA. Puddy always has something in the clip ready for the right delivery time…
So testicularly challenged one… If Schanz not guilty why did he speed away from the crime scene? http://blogs.riverfronttimes.c.....olence.php
Well, I guess the fact that Doctor Bob dredged up an example of a murder committed with hammers proves that restricting access to guns won’t work and so we should just let everyone (including roving packs of murderous juveniles) have guns.
I see that Jim Miller has a new post up over at (u)SP. In other words, the site is still comatose.
@29…”If the cops kill them, and nowadays cops seem to kill nearly everyone they encounter”
Your name is one of the entries in the definition for idiot.
@42. Pretty much his logic.
“Conservatives hate a Liberal Solution. Conservative then find a tiny fraction or even a single data point where someone, somewhere once, gamed the system, some one cheated, and demand the entire solution is invalid and must be destroyed.”
Steve Steve STEVE, when challenged on Megyn Kelly’s show Bill Ayers DID not renounce his violent ways and wasn’t repentant either in 2014!
So there goes that “theory”, eh?
If teens in St. Louis have to resort to hammers, then maybe Missouri’s gun control laws were working. Well, that is, before Republicans got a hold of them, damn the will of the voters.
Dredged up? You IDIOT Wabbit… The hammer death just happened this past weekend!
Sheeeeesh what a senile IDIOT Wabbit! You are stoooooooooopid too!
And worser jumps right in with it’s brand of loonacy!
Hammers make very little noise when they hit flesh and bone, so they are easy to conceal in use! Another stoooooopid comment by Steve. That Stooopid Solution is still active!
“Bill Ayers”
Puddy, the guy is like 99 years old. Think relevancy. Please!
@29…”If the cops kill them, and nowadays cops seem to kill nearly everyone they encounter”
Yes after Obummer gave away all that military armor to police departments… Must be something in that message eh IDIOT Wabbit?
Remember, Puddy posted it first about Obummer directing the DoD to give surplus hardware to local police departments. Just ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot to review it’s crazed database! Oh wait a minute… You are NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit because you didn’t have the cojones to verify a previous PuddyMissive through the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Sux to be the NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
I just hammer for sport. I have my concealed hammer carry permit. I got my fully automatic AK 37 Assault Hammer that can deliver blows at 200 yards from a site on the internet. Finally, I have 300 hammers hidden in my basement in case the world police tries to take my hammers.
Steve Steve STEVE,
Seems the “nuts” are on both sides. And yes Puddy found the Spokane guy.
Boston Marathon Bombing was by peeps whom held beliefs similar to HA DUMMOCRETINS.
NYC hatchetman held beliefs similar to HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Frazier Glenn Miller hated Jews and was a Pagan Atheist… held beliefs similar to HA DUMMOCRETINS.
So and your point is?
“Boston Marathon Bombing was by peeps whom held beliefs similar to HA DUMMOCRETINS.” “NYC hatchetman”
Lemme guess. Because we’re all a bunch of radical Islamists? You noticed that the Boston bombers were white guys, didn’t you?
“Frazier Glenn Miller”
Oh, because we’re all members of the extremely progressive White Patriot Party – communists, all of us! Heh. Another white guy.
In future comments, please try to be a little bit more reality-based.
Meanwhile, Eric Rudolf, white guy. One of yours. Timothy McVeigh, white guy. One of yours.
“What more did you want her to say, or did I mis reading something?”
Perhaps Carl is a bike Nazi.
By the way, Puddy. Ayers? White guy.
Ayers – DUMMOCRETIN white guy.
McVeigh? – Relevancy?
Frazier Glenn Miller – You skip over his Jewish hatred and his devout Satanism… just like some HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Eric Rudolph? – Ok yes he was a nut!
Meanwhile Sir Charles Barkley speaks out on Ferguson… http://news.yahoo.com/why-char.....soc_trk=tw
Wow Charles Barkley always calls it as he sees it.
Missouri police union condemns ‘tasteless’ NFL players’ ‘hands up’ gesture
Boycott? Why not just shoot them?
I heard it told that the St Louis Rams said the Missouri Police Union are too much a pussy to shoot the St Louis Rams.
The only way I can describe that group of very large African Americans is, it looks like demons, that’s how angry they looked..
The St Louis Rams almost looked like they are bulking up to run through the shots.
If the Missouri police union were to gun those St Louis Rams down in a hail of gun fire, we can be certain a Grand Jury led by the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office would not indict.
America, Fk Yeah!
I agree with Puddybud. We should turn over our judicial system to former professional basketball players. Or maybe Bill Cosby
More from The Black Conservatives Fund… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvdFUIDmg5A Pay attention around the 50 second mark…
‘if you early voted, go vote again tomorrow. One more time’s not going to hurt’ – Don Cravins, Sr. — father of Sen. Mary Landrieu’s chief of staff Don Cravins Jr.
Is there anyway to view comments with Puddy filtered out? Anyone?
Who is the moronic village idiot troll more afraid of? Undocumented immigrants or white police officers?
Damn! And the stats are definitely UNDER-reported.
Heh. Golly! With 11,12 million undocumented workers lining greedhead pockets – it’s only too obvious who frightens the village idiot troll more. But all it takes to calm the fool’s nerves is a trillion dollar fence and a bunch of armed national guard, border patrol, army whatever..
@61 no way.. In the old days of usenet you could add someone like him to your “bozo” list.. You could filter out all the nuts.
Those were the days.
Illegal aliens? Shall Puddy relist the illegal alien killers again absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? You can revisit the crazed database ya moron!
“a trillion dollar fence”
We’re going to see some whack shit coming out of Congress for a couple of years and I imagine that’ll be one of them.
@56 Not much leftist terrorism in America anymore. Hasn’t been for 50 years. Practically all the domestic terrorists are rightwingers now. Of course, I’m not saying Puddy pals around with terrorists. I’m not another Sarah Palin. Puddy is merely a disgusting Uncle Tom.
“illegal alien killers”
You must mean right-wing murderer and border-patrol freak Shawna Forde, the woman who led the murder of a couple of US citizens, one a 9 year-old little girl, mistakenly believing they were illegals.
@62 “But all it takes to calm the fool’s nerves is a trillion dollar fence and a bunch of armed national guard, border patrol, army whatever..”
He probably prefers rightwing vigilantes of the sort who help Cliven Bundy squat on federal land.
@36 I have know idea what you are trying to say. If I could understand what you are accusing me of I would respond. But I really don’t get what you are saying.
@57 Yeah, we don’t want cars and windows to get hurt, do we? Although in the grand scale of things, glass probably matters less than the human lives blown away by trigger happy cops. Like the 12-year-old kid with a toy guy. Or the black guy in Walmart buying a toy gun for his kid. But there’s no racism involved, it’s just a coincidence that most of the shooters are white and most of the victims are black, and about the only cops who ever get convicted of a crime for shooting someone are black cops.
“Not much leftist terrorism in America anymore. Hasn’t been for 50 years.”
You’d think they could come up with someone besides the ancient and irrelevant Bill Ayers to be the symbol of the 21st Century radical left. Oh, I mean besides his BFF, the tyrannical Kenyan usurper, of course.
Anbody, antibody, anybody, pleas help me with post #41.
Thanks Puffy for sharing the video. I’ve seen it 400 times (sarcasm) and each time I was afraid you would ever see that.
You got me good here. What the fuck are you trying to say. Unload at least one bullet if you are going to fire.
Ahhh another of those progressive liberal DUMMOCRETINS @ 61!
Well, you can’t accuse the St. Louis prosecutor of never prosecuting a cop for excessive force …
“[O]n July 25, 2014, just two weeks before Brown was gunned down, a St. Louis County Police Department press release revealed that McCulloch would be prosecuting another police officer, Dawon Gore, for felony assault — because he struck a man’s hand with his baton. … After being charged, he was suspended without pay — Darren Wilson enjoyed paid leave — and jailed on a $3,500, cash-only bond. … If convicted of second-degree assault, he faces up to seven years in prison.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: ‘Course, this cop is black, and in St. Louis County that makes all the difference in the world.
@59 Dennis Rohdman.should make up the only member of the new Supreme Court,
@61 set filter for “idiotic ape”,
“Anbody, antibody, anybody, pleas help me with post #41.”
The standard wingnut decoder ring won’t work with Puddy’s comments. It requires a special Puddy decoder ring. You might be able to get one here:
People who kill undocumented immigrants? Klownservatives no doubt..
Please do.
Let’s see if that number tops white kops killing African Americans. Around 600 or so (way under-reported don’t forget) over a 7 year period?
What a jackASS the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is. It’s illegal aliens who kill Real Americans you ASSwipe! Whatamoron!
Like your friend who killed those two Sacramento County policemen in October, leaving 6 children fatherless due to illegal alien policies you cheer every day!
Their blood in on all DUMMOCRETIN hands who jock strap sanctuary policies of Jerry Brown and Obummer !
Well Steve, after imbibing Stupid Solution all weekend it’s no wonder you can’t read and process two web site links.
Staying Stupid, that’s Steve’s tonic invention!
@79 So that 12-year-old black kid gunned down by a rookie cop with an itchy trigger finger wasn’t a real American? What was he then?
I don’t count murderers as friends.. Remember what Lee said – only an asshole would say something like this..
Well that’s two vs almost TWO PER WEEK FOR 7 YEARS..
Keep trying… Asshole..
This is the kind of immigration policy Puddy prefers.
Awwww, the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot head exploded @ 82.
You continue to call them undocumented immigrants when the US LAW calls them illegal aliens.
You continue to support amnesty for illegal aliens.
You continue to support sanctuary policies for illegal aliens.
You continue to support catch and release (Obummer’s existing policy) for illegal aliens.
Deal with the consequences of your friends (fiends)!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit @ 81,
Since you can’t read and process sentences in a coherent manner Puddy will slow it down for your plaque covered brain. You can’t even remember the child’s name. This demonstrates how sad your mind is these days! And you couldn’t even take a few seconds to personalize it! So here it is slowly NoBalls:
NOPE sooooooooo you are a senile DOPE! Butt everyone knew this already!
Sux to be an IDIOT Wabbit with NoBalls!
Puddy is soooooooooooooooo glad you keep counting, moron @ 82!
PUDDY PWNS you silly leaking buttspigot!!!
Remember, for the last 50 years most DUMMOCRETINS hate the military. We saw how Hillary treated her military escorts. Oh wait, they protected her from those fake Bosnian assassination attempts. Puddy’s bad!
We see how Obummer treated Obummer’s hand chosen Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. Started leaking negative info before Hagel was forced to resign. Cashiered out many great generals who wouldn’t kiss Obummer’s anti-military ASS.
Now we see ISIS is trying to get like minded peeps to start targeting military personnel on American soil. All ISIS has to do is contact OWS type DUMMOCRETINS!
The asshole @ 82-87 gives up after listing 2!!!
Yawwwwn… So predictable.
I call them undocumented immigrants because I understand and empathasize with them (save for the sociopathic element it goes without saying)..
You call them what you call them because YOU HATE THEM.
As did Ronnie Raygun. As does George Will and Charles Krauthammer.. As does anyone who realizes you can’t be ugly and abusive to 11,12 million people who line so many klownservative pockets with the spoils of cheap labor.
If that translates to directing local police to leave enforcing federal law to the feds, I’m fine with that.
Obama has deported at roughly the same rate as Bush (he kept Bush’s policy) while waiting for the kraptastic kongress to act. Now he’s finally decided to conditionally defer deportation of 5 million undocumented immigrants which is legal under the law. Again, to change this policy, all the klownservative kongress has to do is act on the bill the Senate passed.
You’re living in an ODS dream world as usual..
Yawwwwn.. Your silly accusations are just more ugly, nonsensical hate from an ugly hater. Pure assholery.
I don’t know, maybe he was going to get the Liza Minelli tickets that were on sale?
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot can’t even hijack PuddyComments. They are still illegal aliens per US Law. Nothing the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot can change US LAW definitions! These illegal aliens are the kind you love to support like Edwin Ramos killer of Anthony Bologna and his two sons Michael and Matthew hidden by scumbag mayor Gavin Newsom’s SF sanctuary law. Hey he’s just an “undocumented immigrant” killer of three Americans. No problem!
Here is another illegal alien you champion – Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, The Railway Killer! Resendez-Ramirez had been arrested while crossing the Mexican border illegally, and the Border Patrol, unaware that Resendez-Ramirez was wanted for murder, returned Resendez-Ramirez to Mexico. Then Resendez-Ramirez subsequently sneaked over into America again and killed several more people before being caught. Hey he’s just an “undocumented immigrant” killer of many Americans. No problem!
A list of people dead http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp due to the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot supporting law breaking by illegal aliens. And then if everyone notices it smiles in the blog writing about sanctuary laws. Sanctuary laws hide illegal alien criminals from ICE you moron absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Hey they’re just an “undocumented immigrant” killers of many Americans. No problem!
They are illegal aliens per US law. The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot supports everything performed illegally here in the bullet points… http://illegalaliens.us/law.htm
Reagan worked from Simpson Mazzoli law http://legislink.org/us/pl-99-603. Obummer has no law for his basic actions two weeks ago. Too bad the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot continues to rely on left wrong sites that lie about Reagan and Simpson Mazzoli. The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is insane, repeating the same debunked lies over and over! It will never change.
Sux being the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot. It’s INSANE!
Of course the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot supports sanctuary laws. It claimed so in # 89.
Since the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot lives in King County and in Seattle, it must support those policies passed by the King County Council on illegal aliens calling them “residents”! Giving them free pre-natal care and immunizations as illegal aliens instead of calling up ICE and having them deported. It’s King County tax payers who foot that bill for illegal aliens. So they can sign up through the WA State Obummer exchange and get ObummerCare. Who knew? All those sanctuary cities harboring illegal alien killers. That’s absolutely no problem to the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
So absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot are you finally a tax payer again or is it only the missus?
Funny, how the SchizoPoodle doesn’t mention the fact that the most successful serial and mass killers in our history were all native born. In fact, nearly all of them seem to be pretty diehard Conservatives. Of course, he’s too busy fellating himself over the apparent GOP triumph in the last election to acknowledge the fact that everything he has now, in terms of basic Liberty, he owes to Unions, Liberals, Scientists and other pointy-headed intellectual types.
I’m still wondering when he’s going to move to one of those Conservative paradises that is Missouri or Mississippi where they don’t tolerate any of those damn queers, commies or sciency people.
You hate Liberals so much, why don’t you leave, Mr. Schizo? How about you move to Texas?
Oh, thats right. They don’t have free mental-health clinics there.
OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad head explodes too! Puddy loves it…
Yes, the Republicans now have the senate. Remember Obummer claimed Obummer’s policies were on the ballot. DUMMOCRETINS weren’t impressed so they didn’t vote. Republicans did and Obummer’s policies were summarily REJECTED! Sux doesn’t it?
Native born serial killers are Americans you moron. Check. Who cares? Not part of the illegal alien narrative. Train crash by the OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad. Deflect and confuse that’s OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad’s motto. Adam Lanza was a die hard Republican? Got proof?
Didn’t you claim not to feed the Puddy just last week? You are such a moronic idiot OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad!
Illegal alien killers are NOT AMERICANS. They are NOT supposed to be here! Check.
Is that too hard for your pea sized brain to comprehend? Must be since you seem to champeen them too!
Puddy moved to the NorthWest because Puddy was moved by one of Puddy’s ex-employers. If you don’t like Puddy living here you can move. Go ahead. Make Puddy’s day!
Heh, wow.
A grown man taking on the persona of a chronically lead-poisoned nine-year-old to foster the apparency of debate on immigration.
What happened SchizoPoodle? You get fired again?
Perhaps leaving all those crucified mice around your cube wasn’t such a hot idea after all huh.
Oh now the moron has to change the subject since his ASS was kicked above! Keep dreaming OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad. You have a really polluted mind – crucified mice!
Where do you come up with these “sayings”? It’s nice to be able to work from home in a home office. The ex-employer move happened in 1993. So if Puddy been unemployed since 1993, how could Puddy buy and pay off the house mortgage? Hmmm…? You really are a stooooooooooopid moron!
Been at the home office since April 2013. Just ax the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot chronicles which system Puddy uses, the cities Puddy visits and what airports Puddy passes through!
Trips over for the rest of the year butt the Mrs and Puddy will be out of town later this year visiting while your insipid life is stuck in King County doing farm animals with ekim!
Ah, yes, “doing farm animals” is one subject GOATSEBOY, THE SPAWN OF SATAN knows all about. Goats, chickens, sheep, he does them all. His one area of expertise.
Perhaps leaving all those crucified mice around your cube wasn’t such a hot idea after all huh.
That happened after the pencil dicked GOATSEBOY, THE SPAWN OF SATAN got through fucking them.
The psycho puddyperson is doin’ the old ‘Gish Gallop’ in fine style.
Puddy eats cooked goats, chickens, sheep, etc…
Curry chicken, goat and lamb – yum
Chicken tikka masala – yum
Grilled lamb chops – yum
You on the other hand eat them raw ekim! Then you abuse them being the DUMMOCRETIN you are!
Sux to be ekim!
Has the village idiot troll proved that some group (like undocumented immigrants) in the 7 years ending in 2012 killed more blacks than white kops?
Don’t think so!!!
WRONG! From your beloved Anschutz Examiner:
Prosecutorial discretion village idiot! Papa Bush used it to defer 1.5 million deportations. Ask the virgin son makin’ the bookoo bucks about it. Have him earn his college tuition!
You’re proved wrong again! You SUCK!