The new is full of rumors of not only a debacle but extinction of the GOP. Seattle Jew: Evolution Moving at Fast Pace for Republicans? I gathered some of this together. Our state seesm to be amongst those with the largest problem. What should be done?
The good news: The Republican Party is headed for the dustbin of history.
The bad news: It intends to take the rest of us along for the ride.
The good news: The Republican Party is headed for the dustbin of history
Definitely. There will be no need for Party affiliation once the last dem is thrown out. I can’t wait. hehehehe
Maher is funny, but he’s an arrogant little cocksucker. He’d be the first one paying through the nose when a socialist US healtcare system didn’t get him treatment fast enough. Even that fucking fat blowhard Michael Moore is getting treatment for his obesity at a “private” clinic.
Maher talks about the tax code. Well, if the fucktards in Washington didn’t create such a complicated mess, maybe the tax code would be “fairer.” Remember, it’s those arrogant cocksuckers in Washington that write that shit, with the help of a bunch of fucking scumbag lawyers. The Dems are just a bad as the Reps when it comes to looking out for their special interest group buddies. You’re not going to have a tax code that fair until you enact a flat tax.
Read Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd in this Sunday’s NYT. This is the epitome of what I have been saying:
Hillary Clinton is UNELECTABLE, and she probably will be the candidate against Rudy. Rudy will wipe the floor with her the same way Bush smoked Kerry.
Jane’s dog – You’re smoking rope, pal. The Republicans have self-destructed because they can’t keep their hands off little boys or can’t stop practicing Morse code with their feet in Minneapolis men’s rooms. They’ve also got a big problem of taking funds under the table, like that Cunningnham guy in California. He’s doin’ time now, if you recall.
The Republicans did it to themselves. It’s almost enough to make you vote for the Democrats.
(Yeah, like that’s gonna happen!! Pigs will be flying into hell with sixpacks of cold Henieken strapped to their backs before that’ll happen!!)
They’ve also got a big problem of taking funds under the table, like that Cunningnham guy in California. He’s doin’ time now, if you recall.
Hey a couple of them slipped up and accidently acted like democrats(well they haven’t quite got to staching cash in a freezer). Hey if you want to play the corruption card I am in. All it will take is a little history lesson of the 1990’s and we won that arguement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 That “fucking fat blowhard Michael Moore” sent a $25,000 check to his most vituperative critic to keep the guy from going bankrupt because of his wife’s medical bills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican have an arrogance problem. They also have a stupidity problem. Finally, they have a sexual perversion problem.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Man is Maher glib. Makes his points pointless. Too bad..probably some reasonable logic in there somewhere.
Republicans must be absolutely terrified of Hillary as President. They have been pushing the lie that she is “unelectable”, hoping enough Democrats take the bait and don’t nominate her. In the meantime, they plan to tarnish the remaining candidates as “inexperienced” or a “greedy trial lawyer”. Their only hope in this election is lies and mud-slinging to distract voters from looking either at the issues or the dismal performance of the Republican Party in governing this country.
The fact is: Every Democratic candidate on the stage during the Democratic dabates will make a far better president than any of the Republican candidates. If truth wins out, the Republicans are toast.
In the meantime, the Snohomish County Republican Party has surrendered Everett and re-located to Marysville. They say is because they need more room to store their street signs. But I’m sure its because they were getting tired of the traffic hassles in driving in from outlying rural areas, their Everett supporters had dwindeled to a handfull, and they don’t want to help pay for a decent transportation system just so they can visit party headquarters from time-to-time.
(continuation of 11):
Remember what the Plumbers did during Watergate, to influence the 1972 election? They didn’t want Muskie as the Democratic nominee, so they forged letters implying he was racist. Remember what Deep Throat said? He said that the Republicans wanted to run against McGovern, and that’s exactly who they got to run against.
Hillary is not “unelectable”, unless you want to believe the Republican lie. The Republicans just keep repeating it, like the “big lie”, until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. You may prefer another Democratic candidate (other than Hillary), and that’s fine. But if you do so because you are willing to swallow the Republican propoganda lies about Hillary, you will find that they already have similar campaigns in the can to be used against your preferred candidate, also.
harry poonspews:
Hillary has the most money to spend on TV advertising, therefore the media will push her as the Democratic nominee.
Hillary’s operation is top notch – a smooth running, efficient machine. Got to hand it to her.
But I’m not looking forward to more Rubinomics or half-steps to pressing needs. I doubt there will be a repeat of 1994 but I’m almost certain Dems will lose seats in both the House and the Senate after two years of Hillary even if they retain majorities.
I’ll be ok on the glass ceiling breaking but not too thrilled with the end product.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hot New Electronic Toy
The New York Times reports today that cellphone jammers are rapidly growing in popularity. These battery-powered pocket-sized black boxes can wipe out all cellphone signals within a range of 30 feet by pushing a button. Great for using in restaurants or on buses full of teenagers! Illegal as hell, too — $11,000 fine if you get caught. But … how are they gonna catch ya?
I just listened to Mike Huckabee in a question-and-answer session with high school students on C-SPAN, and I have to admit I rather liked what I heard. Not that it makes any difference, considering both parties’ apparent determination to nominate the most undesirable candidates they can possibly dredge up.
8 Actually, it was $12,000, but he donated it anonymously, so the guy didn’t find out until Sicko was released.
ahhh roger…only you would think that suppressing free speech is a good thing.
rog says “Roger Rabbit says:
Hot New Electronic Toy
The New York Times reports today that cellphone jammers are rapidly growing in popularity. These battery-powered pocket-sized black boxes can wipe out all cellphone signals within a range of 30 feet by pushing a button. Great for using in restaurants or on buses full of teenagers! Illegal as hell, too — $11,000 fine if you get caught. But … how are they gonna catch ya? ”
yeah, roger…..that’s sooooo IF you could afford one you would have one obviously and then you could feel like you had some semblance of control over those around you….for once in your life. kinda like a serial killer.
i wonder if you had even thought about the calls you would be blocking? maybe an important one? maybe an emergency?
but since you are a liberal i forgot that it’s ALL ABOUT YOU, right?
See if that fucking blowhard Michale Moore will send you $25,000 so you can buy up a nice inventory of cell phone jammers. Then you can sell them out of the trunk of your car to the wanna be yuppies of Seattle and make a mint!
Go fuck yourself, asshole! Moore’s just another propagandizing asshole, “progressive” idiot – just like you, fuck-face!! Fuck off and die!!
Michael Moore did a good thing by helping a family with their medical bills; and if you can’t recognize that just because he has different politics than you, then you’re the asshole.
Yeah, it really is that simple.
@11 .. absolutely UNTRUE.
WE WANT you to nominate Hillary! We are salivating at the thought of a total stomping like Reagan did to Carter. Its going to be a great day when we finally get the Clintons out of our hair once and for all. As for Obama and Edwards? Nah, neither one of them is even remotely electable. Hell, ask any South Carolinian how much they liked Edwards – he didnt even carry his own state as the VP in 2004 and he didnt run again in the Senate cause he’s so despised down there. Why is he polling so low on your side if he’s so ‘viable’ …? Those are Dems, not GOPers who vote.
As for criminal pols? How’s that Jefferson Davis scandal down in New Orleans coming along? Or.. the gay governor in New Jersey who left his wife and state in shame? Geez, the list is endless and neither side can claim to be pure … as for pedophiles and sex scams – I’d say your boy Billy Clinton takes the prize on that one. He was disbarred for lying under oath – or do you guys just keep forgetting?
Clintons are low lifes and the GOP is praying to God that she is your nominee – she and Soros bought it, she’s yours! Now the rest of the country will line up in droves to make sure she doesnt ever step foot in the WH again. HA!
Roger Maggotspews:
#6: Maybe. When the cartoon kid or the canine makes a run for Republican committee person of Prickly City, she or it is considered a shoe-in because all other Republicans have been outed or indicted.
Roger Maggotspews:
Fatso has done very well with Sicko because capitalism in general and capitalist America in particular treat most of us much better than we deserve. We wait and we wait for Moore to MoveOn to Canada or Cuba or North Korea, but he and his armed bodyguards can’t seem to shake off their millionair American affectations … penthouses, limos, drivers. And Moore’s “Foundation,” the probable source of his chump-change gift, cited above. Like most foundations, Moore’s is used to shelter him from paying his fair share of taxes to the welfare state he extols.
The new is full of rumors of not only a debacle but extinction of the GOP. Seattle Jew: Evolution Moving at Fast Pace for Republicans? I gathered some of this together. Our state seesm to be amongst those with the largest problem. What should be done?
The good news: The Republican Party is headed for the dustbin of history.
The bad news: It intends to take the rest of us along for the ride.
The good news: The Republican Party is headed for the dustbin of history
Definitely. There will be no need for Party affiliation once the last dem is thrown out. I can’t wait. hehehehe
Maher is funny, but he’s an arrogant little cocksucker. He’d be the first one paying through the nose when a socialist US healtcare system didn’t get him treatment fast enough. Even that fucking fat blowhard Michael Moore is getting treatment for his obesity at a “private” clinic.
Maher talks about the tax code. Well, if the fucktards in Washington didn’t create such a complicated mess, maybe the tax code would be “fairer.” Remember, it’s those arrogant cocksuckers in Washington that write that shit, with the help of a bunch of fucking scumbag lawyers. The Dems are just a bad as the Reps when it comes to looking out for their special interest group buddies. You’re not going to have a tax code that fair until you enact a flat tax.
Read Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd in this Sunday’s NYT. This is the epitome of what I have been saying:
Hillary Clinton is UNELECTABLE, and she probably will be the candidate against Rudy. Rudy will wipe the floor with her the same way Bush smoked Kerry.
It aint just me saying it babe.
Jane’s dog – You’re smoking rope, pal. The Republicans have self-destructed because they can’t keep their hands off little boys or can’t stop practicing Morse code with their feet in Minneapolis men’s rooms. They’ve also got a big problem of taking funds under the table, like that Cunningnham guy in California. He’s doin’ time now, if you recall.
The Republicans did it to themselves. It’s almost enough to make you vote for the Democrats.
(Yeah, like that’s gonna happen!! Pigs will be flying into hell with sixpacks of cold Henieken strapped to their backs before that’ll happen!!)
They’ve also got a big problem of taking funds under the table, like that Cunningnham guy in California. He’s doin’ time now, if you recall.
Hey a couple of them slipped up and accidently acted like democrats(well they haven’t quite got to staching cash in a freezer). Hey if you want to play the corruption card I am in. All it will take is a little history lesson of the 1990’s and we won that arguement.
@4 That “fucking fat blowhard Michael Moore” sent a $25,000 check to his most vituperative critic to keep the guy from going bankrupt because of his wife’s medical bills.
Republican have an arrogance problem. They also have a stupidity problem. Finally, they have a sexual perversion problem.
Man is Maher glib. Makes his points pointless. Too bad..probably some reasonable logic in there somewhere.
Republicans must be absolutely terrified of Hillary as President. They have been pushing the lie that she is “unelectable”, hoping enough Democrats take the bait and don’t nominate her. In the meantime, they plan to tarnish the remaining candidates as “inexperienced” or a “greedy trial lawyer”. Their only hope in this election is lies and mud-slinging to distract voters from looking either at the issues or the dismal performance of the Republican Party in governing this country.
The fact is: Every Democratic candidate on the stage during the Democratic dabates will make a far better president than any of the Republican candidates. If truth wins out, the Republicans are toast.
In the meantime, the Snohomish County Republican Party has surrendered Everett and re-located to Marysville. They say is because they need more room to store their street signs. But I’m sure its because they were getting tired of the traffic hassles in driving in from outlying rural areas, their Everett supporters had dwindeled to a handfull, and they don’t want to help pay for a decent transportation system just so they can visit party headquarters from time-to-time.
(continuation of 11):
Remember what the Plumbers did during Watergate, to influence the 1972 election? They didn’t want Muskie as the Democratic nominee, so they forged letters implying he was racist. Remember what Deep Throat said? He said that the Republicans wanted to run against McGovern, and that’s exactly who they got to run against.
Hillary is not “unelectable”, unless you want to believe the Republican lie. The Republicans just keep repeating it, like the “big lie”, until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. You may prefer another Democratic candidate (other than Hillary), and that’s fine. But if you do so because you are willing to swallow the Republican propoganda lies about Hillary, you will find that they already have similar campaigns in the can to be used against your preferred candidate, also.
Hillary has the most money to spend on TV advertising, therefore the media will push her as the Democratic nominee.
Hillary’s operation is top notch – a smooth running, efficient machine. Got to hand it to her.
But I’m not looking forward to more Rubinomics or half-steps to pressing needs. I doubt there will be a repeat of 1994 but I’m almost certain Dems will lose seats in both the House and the Senate after two years of Hillary even if they retain majorities.
I’ll be ok on the glass ceiling breaking but not too thrilled with the end product.
Hot New Electronic Toy
The New York Times reports today that cellphone jammers are rapidly growing in popularity. These battery-powered pocket-sized black boxes can wipe out all cellphone signals within a range of 30 feet by pushing a button. Great for using in restaurants or on buses full of teenagers! Illegal as hell, too — $11,000 fine if you get caught. But … how are they gonna catch ya?
I just listened to Mike Huckabee in a question-and-answer session with high school students on C-SPAN, and I have to admit I rather liked what I heard. Not that it makes any difference, considering both parties’ apparent determination to nominate the most undesirable candidates they can possibly dredge up.
8 Actually, it was $12,000, but he donated it anonymously, so the guy didn’t find out until Sicko was released.
ahhh roger…only you would think that suppressing free speech is a good thing.
rog says “Roger Rabbit says:
Hot New Electronic Toy
The New York Times reports today that cellphone jammers are rapidly growing in popularity. These battery-powered pocket-sized black boxes can wipe out all cellphone signals within a range of 30 feet by pushing a button. Great for using in restaurants or on buses full of teenagers! Illegal as hell, too — $11,000 fine if you get caught. But … how are they gonna catch ya? ”
yeah, roger…..that’s sooooo IF you could afford one you would have one obviously and then you could feel like you had some semblance of control over those around you….for once in your life. kinda like a serial killer.
i wonder if you had even thought about the calls you would be blocking? maybe an important one? maybe an emergency?
but since you are a liberal i forgot that it’s ALL ABOUT YOU, right?
Roger @ 8,
See if that fucking blowhard Michale Moore will send you $25,000 so you can buy up a nice inventory of cell phone jammers. Then you can sell them out of the trunk of your car to the wanna be yuppies of Seattle and make a mint!
Go fuck yourself, asshole! Moore’s just another propagandizing asshole, “progressive” idiot – just like you, fuck-face!! Fuck off and die!!
Michael Moore did a good thing by helping a family with their medical bills; and if you can’t recognize that just because he has different politics than you, then you’re the asshole.
Yeah, it really is that simple.
@11 .. absolutely UNTRUE.
WE WANT you to nominate Hillary! We are salivating at the thought of a total stomping like Reagan did to Carter. Its going to be a great day when we finally get the Clintons out of our hair once and for all. As for Obama and Edwards? Nah, neither one of them is even remotely electable. Hell, ask any South Carolinian how much they liked Edwards – he didnt even carry his own state as the VP in 2004 and he didnt run again in the Senate cause he’s so despised down there. Why is he polling so low on your side if he’s so ‘viable’ …? Those are Dems, not GOPers who vote.
As for criminal pols? How’s that Jefferson Davis scandal down in New Orleans coming along? Or.. the gay governor in New Jersey who left his wife and state in shame? Geez, the list is endless and neither side can claim to be pure … as for pedophiles and sex scams – I’d say your boy Billy Clinton takes the prize on that one. He was disbarred for lying under oath – or do you guys just keep forgetting?
Clintons are low lifes and the GOP is praying to God that she is your nominee – she and Soros bought it, she’s yours! Now the rest of the country will line up in droves to make sure she doesnt ever step foot in the WH again. HA!
#6: Maybe. When the cartoon kid or the canine makes a run for Republican committee person of Prickly City, she or it is considered a shoe-in because all other Republicans have been outed or indicted.
Fatso has done very well with Sicko because capitalism in general and capitalist America in particular treat most of us much better than we deserve. We wait and we wait for Moore to MoveOn to Canada or Cuba or North Korea, but he and his armed bodyguards can’t seem to shake off their millionair American affectations … penthouses, limos, drivers. And Moore’s “Foundation,” the probable source of his chump-change gift, cited above. Like most foundations, Moore’s is used to shelter him from paying his fair share of taxes to the welfare state he extols.