— Politico’s top unanswered political questions for 2012
— Washington’s minimum wage goes up next week
— Goldy: “An NHL team? Fuck yeah!”
— Washington business leaders are open to a tax increase
— Seattle’s Lee Rhodes, creator of the Glassybaby, is awarded Entrepreneur Magazine‘s Entrepreneur of 2011
— TPM’s Year in Photos
Washington “has lost a third of its inpatient psychiatric beds in the past decade,” according to the head of a state emergency room physicians group.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: ERs in our state, as elsewhere, are being inundated with mentally ill people who can’t pay and have nowhere to go. That means your health care costs will go higher.
You can add to the lies that people tell themselves the ones we hear from the various religious sects from Zoroaster to Scientology but I’d be getting ahead of myself.
It’s a mystery why our righty friends don’t see our ad hoc, Rube Goldberg, chewing gum and baling wire, health care system that transfers costs of care for the poor and uninsured to paying patients as “socialism” and “redistribution,” because that’s exactly what it is. Very strange that they want to keep this system.
@2 They system is, and always has been, rigged in favor of the “haves.” And it will stay that way as long as our political system is controlled by money.
Here’s an answer for you. You know why the schools keep trying to teach our kids the metric system? Socialism. They’re trying to turn our kids into effete socialists, just like everyone over in europe. Well, this is America and in America we measure things using American, not metric. It’s time you liburals got used to that and got with the program.
Every time a troll utters the stupid phrase “class warfare” in regards to taxes he confirms that a class system exists in America and he likes it that way.
Members of the one percent like Warren Buffet and these patriots call the class system for what it is:
5 – Feet, inches, yards – that’s the English system.
What are you? A 1775 Brit loyalist?
Well, this isn’t England yet, which is just a little too close to those Failure Monkey’s in France for my liking, but you liburls keep it up and we might turn into England. Everybody will have socialism in their doctors office and bad teeth. Why you want people to have teeth like the Brits is beyond me.
I think we had the right idea back in ’43. They didn’t go backpacking though europe and hang out in left bank cafe’s. They went over there and bombed the shit out of the place!
No doubt we will hear a chorus of braying from the Cheap Labor Conservatives about Washington having the nation’s highest minimum wage. (Never mind the fact the cost of living is higher here than in most places, too.) “It’s an outrage!” they’ll scream, that nursing home aides, daycare workers, and fast food workers have to be paid $9.04 an hour. “It’s ridiculous that these people make $18,000 a year!” they’ll cry, as they buff specks of dust off their shiny new Lexuses, Audis, and BMWs. Yes, indeed, in the name of freedom and economic efficiency, employers should be allowed to pay whatever the market will bear.
The funny thing is, if we got rid of all those “welfare” programs these same people decry with equal vigor, that would mean the end of the government subsidies that support keep labor costs low for these businesses; and $9.04 an hour would look pretty good to these employers if they had to pay what it actually costs to get the work done.
After all, government aid to the working poor pays about half the cost of providing these workers to the economy.
@7 I thought our forefathers shot, hanged, or deported all the fucking Tories. They must have missed one.
@8 Back in ’43 a couple million young Americans were hanging out in England waiting to go backpacking in France and Germany.
So now the metric system is a plot to turn America into a socialist country?
I was under the impression the main advantage of learning the metric system and having metric tools was in case you ever did well enough to own a European car.
I mean, you can’t use a 5/8-inch wrench on a Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or Lexus (unless you want to strip the bolt heads). It’s only good on Fords, Chevys, and Chryslers.
You forgot Peugeots, there’s a failure monkey car for you. Typical libural believing that socialist cars from europe are the good ones and capitalist American made cars are no good. Why are you liburals always saying America’s no good?
OK, I’m going to give up on being The Dullard for a while. Thinking like that was starting to give me a headache.
Watch out for Santa’s packing heat.
as a Seattle Thunderbirds season ticket holder, I would certainly welcome at NHL team in Seattle..
oh, and fuck NBA Basketball…I mean Thugball, that POS league should die and go away.
Another patriotic member of the one percent tells it like it is:
Too bad some right wing dopes can’t unlodge their heads from their asses long enough to see the truth about the bullshit they’ve bought into.
Take out ice rink in the off season and play some indoor lacrosse.
Im down with that….
Huh? A SEATTLE entrepreneur? Winning a top spot?
The wingnut asshats have implied all these years that something like that could not possibly happen.
A couple days ago, a dumbass troll criticized President Obama going to Hawaii while the payroll tax/unemployment benefits extension was still in limbo.
Problem is, when he posted his comment, the President was still in Washington waiting for Congress to pass the payroll tax/unemployment benefits extension so he could sign it.
Talk about a dumbass! Don’t these crackheads ever fact-check anything?
Well, the President is in Hawaii now, so criticize away …
“Obama made two trips on Christmas to nearby Marine Corps Base Hawaii, first to attend church services at the base chapel … [and later] returned to the base to visit with several hundred service members and their families ….
“The Obamas posed for photos, signed autographs and stopped to chat with the military families gathered in the dining hall ….
“Many of the service members stationed at Marine Corps Base Hawaii have deployed to Afghanistan, as well as Iraq, where the last American troops were withdrawn earlier this month.”
Meanwhile …
“Back in the Washington area, Vice President Joe Biden and wife Jill Biden spent Christmas visiting wounded service members and their families at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people run off at the mouth simply because they like to listen to themselves.
The payroll tax/unemployment bill got hung up in Congress because Republicans decorated it like a Christmas Tree with all sorts of shit they knew Democrats wouldn’t agree to. In other words, they disrupted the President’s troop visit in the Pacific Theater to play politics.
The Face of Wisconsin’s Rethuglican Party
Take a good long look at this mugshot: This is what the Badger State’s GOP intelligentsia looks like. Oh well, at least Wisconsin has a great NFL team, even if their Republicans are as rancid as cheese left out in the sun since six ways to Sunday.
Meanwhile, the FBI’s criminal investigation of Gov. Scott Walker and his staff forges ahead while a Walker pal languishes in jail.
Now, if they’d just do something about the crooks on Wall Street.
Will never happen..those crooks have the D’s and R’s bought and paid for.
CNN Leonard H. “Kip” Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, stated that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce.
Gingrich commented about his first wife:
‘You know and I know that she’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,'”
Carter,told CNN this conversation took place with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce.
Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich’s first congressional campaigns.
Fact and Truth: Newt Gingrich, is both too old, he will be 70 next year, too immoral, too many times married, and according to his own shallow standards not young looking, tall, physically fit, handsome or as presidential looking as Mitt Romney :)
Newt The Grinch makes both Romney and Obama look more presidential alllll the time.
Face the facts and honesty Gingrich looks like the fat old man that he really is and having a younger, prettier woman does not make him look any more presidential or younger :)
25 – They’ve bought both parties and almost the rest of the country out with them.
If there’s any doubt, look for them to stop any movement towards partnership banks in the States and anything like the Bank of North Dakota.
You can move your money to smaller banks but they’ll sell out to the big boys in a heartbeat when the price is right.
27 – I heard some Republican women in Iowa over the radio fawning over Romney – “Did you see his wife? She’s gorgeous!”..
Some people. Presidential politics is nothing more than a beauty contest to them.
Walker has the dullest of eyes, like he’s just reciting the same old right wing script for the millionth time..
The guy’s an empty shell just doing the bidding of his masters.
Everyone sees it. That’s why it’s been so easy to gather the signatures to recall him.
A funny from Politifact:
The author goes on to lie about liberals and even that is funny but I won’t repeat it here.
“I, I think most Americans want to get into that top 10 percent, by the way and that’s why it’s doesn’t play” – Tom Brokaw
What you say Tom? I thought they wanted to stay 99%ers per your buds in the liberal MSM!
LMAO!! Matt Taibbi’s latest blog posting is a must-read:
As a general rule, 1 %ers are born that way, and that rule is going to become more entrenched if the Rs have anything to say about it. Upward mobility in this country? Yeah, right.
Here’s the link to the OECD study on social mobility:
Well, Gosh, if Roy Blunt Jr. says it’s so, it must be so.
I’m not sure how having a member of the far right, who’s mostly known for being a crook, is supposed to help your chances of becoming president.
Now why would they do dat?
OK, I’m assuming that’s Rolling On The and then you’ve lost me on the rest.
Because they’re American’s and bitching and moaning about being demeaned and wronged is one of our national pastimes.
Politifact… Yes, it’s liberal!
Huh? ABC has the Ellen show. They know what “the limits” are!
It would seem to me that what Politifact doesn’t do is interpret the impact of legislation over time, because doing so relies on not just facts, but they’re interpretation, and the interpretation of facts is a subjective thing.
Since it’s the impact that legislation over time that’s really the crucial thing, I tend not to spend a lot of time with sites like Politifact.
OK, you’ve lost me again. My comment.
Was aimed at The Gay and Lesbian Association Against Defamation, not ABC. It’s a free country ABC can do what it pleases. Don’t like it turn the damn TV off.
Next question. Why shouldn’t have Chaz Bono been on TV? That article you linked bitched about without explaining why they were against him being on TV.
It’s time for the nightly vocabulary quiz! I’ve taken the quiz and posted my score (“RR”). Now it’s your turn!
What is Ellen Degeneres Michael?
Big time FLAMING Lesbian
What MSM group hosts her show?
Facts – I WIN. Your useless blather – YOU LOSE!
L E F T I S T!
Facts – I win.
There wasn’t anything to win or lose there.
Also, nothing to win there.
If we want to talk winners and losers, my boy “run to the left of the pack” Johnny Huntsman is polling ahead of the The New Apostolic’s (Bachmann Santorum Perry) in New Hampshire. The Christian right is out of the fight for the GOP’s presidential nomination!
It’s Romney 35.7 Gingrich 18.7 Paul 18.0 Huntsman 11.3 and then Bachmann way down @ 3.3
zzzzZZZZzzzz.. This comment board’s favorite insane fool is putting everyone to sleep yet again with his too boring blather about “facts”..
Well here’s a fact about Puddybud:
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b mws -c
| count |
| 65 |
1 row in set
65 times he
circle-jerkedconversed with his own sockpuppet. Darryl recently referred to certain behaviors of Puddybud’s as being off in la-la land playing with his own poo.Add this “fact” to that list of behaviors.
Oh my the crazed databaze moron appears. Poor poor ylb created the crazed databaze becuz his photographic memory has the lens cover glued on.
50 – Darryl also called you a pathological liar. You remember that don’t you?
Too sad.
I also remember you trying to “bombshell” me with some remarks Darryl made about google..
Well he says you’re a pathological liar and you play with your own poo.
Keep it up.. A few laughs at your expense eases the pain of what your kind is doing to this country.
Still living vicariously on other peoples’ posts.
Wow ylb, you have no life. I own your sorry ASS and believe me it’s sorry! You remind of someone who has delusions of adequacy.
And… you are still looking for that adequacy! EPIC FAYLE!
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it…
Spuddy, you are a liar. Flat out. Why do you persist in coming in here to post your infantile blather? You’re so fulla shit your ears are green. Of course, being a perfect representative example of the teabaggers, I suppose it is necessary for you to do that, we need the reminder of what a real danger you idiots are to modern civilization.
Its the same sort of mindset that caused people to be so terrified of cats, them being minions or familiars of Satan or Beelzebub or whatever you call it, that caused them to practically exterminate the species throughout Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries. So when the Rat population exploded as a direct result of that, they were able to spread the Black Plague far and wide nearly unchecked for 30 years.
Are you willing to be the type of person that would have their lives ruled by superstition and ignorance? Are you going to be the next version of the Spanish Inquisition? Because, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Not even the primitive, uncivilized, pre-scientific minds that you all seem to share. No matter how badly you want it to be.
It is becoming increasingly obvious, that the sort of thinking processes that the teabagger lunatics demonstrate for everyone to see, would be a direct threat to having to do something important, like saving forests or arable land for future use. You would pave over the last farm to build a McDonalds. You would cut the last tree to wipe your ass on. You would stand directly in front of that giant rocket that would carry the machines to deflect that asteroid away from impacting the Earth. You are Luddites. Primitives. You are no more intelligent or capable of making decisions than the most isolated Pashtun tribesman.
Go back to your mud hut, your cave or your little nest of leaves in a tree. Go back to herding goats or gathering grasshoppers to eat. Your phony little astroturf teaparty is on the wrong side of history.
Thanks for doing the open thread today, Darryl. Odd that you went with dashes different from Lee and I do. I would have figured it would have been bullets.
Puddy, how Christian of you.
Oh my deadtoad appears. The MOFO who wrote this shit
and he still hasn’t provided any FACTS to back it up.
Butt this is very telling…
Hmmm… Since I know I live much better than you, you are projecting again. A Psych 101 thing!
Did you bake your mud before building your hovel? Did Roger DOPEY Rabbit rent you his old cave? Nest of leaves? Surely you live better than that!
You would pave over the last farm to build a McDonalds. How is that burger flipping job doing?
You would cut the last tree to wipe your ass on. At least I wipe my ASS! How are those racetracks in your pink lace panties these days?
You would stand directly in front of that giant rocket that would carry the machines to deflect that asteroid away from impacting the Earth. This is too stoopid to even comment on. Seems to Puddy, when you open mouth, it is only to change your smelly feet.
What a bunch of useless commentary. The rest of the crybaby’s rant is useless as ever.
From the son of a preacher man who wouldn’t post in a recent Sunday Bible Study because he couldn’t! I gave him a Bible study and he DISAPPEARED!
Oh more on deadtoaddy… I wonder did he ever get his “pre-calc” help? As I remember he was struggling with the principles so how did he “understand” the basics?
So how many HA leftists are flying to North Korea to pay homage to their “axis of evil” buddy?
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people run off at the mouth simply because they like to listen to themselves.”
That’s certainly true in your case, rodent.
Why don’t we just get the hell out of South Korea and let the nieghborhood of China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and North Korea settle matters in the area? If you’ve ever noticed, South Korea is a modern, wealthy country capable of defending itself. We don’t need to be there, and our leaving will ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
Meanwhile… Nancy Pelosi is staying at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu in Kona. Cost of her suite?
$10,000 a night. Just another DUMMOCRAPT 1%er who skates with the OWS crowd! If a Republican did that there would be howls at the moon!
Maybe she’s there for the Jack Nicklaus signature golf course!
If the US medical system sucks so bad as Roger DOPEY Rabbit mentions all the time why is Yemen’s president coming to America to seek medical treatment?
Why not GB?
Or some Scandanavian country per ylb?
How about Canada?
Or Roger DOPEY Rabbit’s favrit medical facilities in Cuba?
@61 & 62,
Yeah, it’s expensive flying a 747 from the East Coast to Hawaii, just like it’s expensive getting involved in 2 wars in the Middle East using a credit card to pay for it all.
The real costs of the Afghan and Iraqi mis-adventures haven’t even been totalled-up yet. The current $15 trillion-plus national debt is going to look small when we finally top out and can’t borrow any more to fund the empire.
PI @ 60,
I’m not sure I disagree with you about that.
If we go with Obama’s plan, we’ll have a pretty good first-aid system, good primary care and some trauma capability. I’m not too sure how the rest will work out. Will the government simply take over the health care system and automatically be the employer and supervision for all health care workers? I can’t see the system working unless the government takes it over and determines what treatments or services are provided without reference to anyone’s ability or inclination to pay for their own care. Does it mean that I can’t get some optional surgery done if I choose to? There are a lot of uncertainties about the future of health care in the US.
Dumbshit @ 56-58, 61-63…
Puddywuddyduddypussy’s been wanking again.
Don’t tell Ellen!
So the puddywuddyduddypussy…the poor little woman hating Black People hating Black Man has his panties twisted over our Presidents well deserved Christmas break.
How many vacation days did C+Augustus take in the eight miserable years the rat-bastard was in power…
PS to @ 68…
That was 32% of his Presidency folks.
Thank Goddess that was 32% less time he had to fuck us over.
Who is talking about days on vacation rujax? I am discussing vacation costs. All the trips Bush took to his Texas ranch on vacation over 8 years was $20 Million per some leftist pinhead web sites. One ObamAA+ vacation was one-fifth of that. So get your FACTS down moron!
So let’s go there. President Bush played just 24 rounds of golf in eight years in the whitey house. ObamAA+ played his 90th round yesterday!
BTW nice copy of more than 2 paragraphs fool! I hope Darryl whacks the whole thing otherwise Darryl will give you more latitude than Roger DOPEY Rabbit and that would be interesting.
Where? Prove it dipshit! I write about my people and how DUMMOCRAPTS take them for granted all the time. You WRITE NOTHING! You WERE NOTHING! You ARE NOTHING! In the future You WILL STILL BE NOTHING!
I always claimed you were the bottom dweller along with ylb. Yet it seems you hit rock-bottom and are now digging deeper! Too bad someone allowed you to breed!
What rujax? What a miserable biomass you are!
@59 I have a larger fan base than you do. From what I see, you’re your only admirer.
@61 At least Obama isn’t sticking the taxpayers millions for an aircraft carrier stunt.
@63 “why is Yemen’s president coming to America to seek medical treatment”
Maybe because the air is unhealthy where he lives?
The more pertinent quesiton, though, is why are we letting him in?
@62 As long as it’s not on the taxpayer dime, she can spend her money as she pleases. What are you, a fucking commie?
@66 The government has paid for over half of all health care costs in the U.S. for quite a few years now, and I still don’t see government bureaucrats dictating to doctors or hospitals what treatment patients can receive. I do, however, see private health insurers telling sick patients they can’t have any treatment at all.
@70 That’s $20 million that could have been used to help feed all the hungry folks his policies helped to create.
Baseball Rules
It’s recess appointment time! Republicans predictably are crying foul. I say let’s remind them of how baseball — the All-American (except for Japanese leagues) game — is played.
If your pitcher hits one of our guys, our pitcher is gonna hit one of your guys.
Or, we can relabel it and all it Mafia Rules: You whack one of our guys, we’ll whack one of your guys. Or Hockey Rules …
I say let’s all call, write, and email the White House to remind President Jellyfish it’s time to make all those recess appointments of people high on the GOP Hate List, for payback if for no other reason.
Commie? Nope you dope! I’m a Capitalist! What a dipshit Roger DOPEY Rabbit is. She’s a 1%er moron. She jockstraps OWS events.
She spends $250 a week on her hair. How much does Mrs ylb make with her modest income? I bet it’s 1/4 of her take home salary Pelosi blows on her hair. Yet she’s a OWS heroine. The OWS crowd are only upset at Republican 1%ers. That’s why she and Jon Corzine skate at these OWS events.
And that’s why you are a DOPEY Rabbit. Very DOPEY too!
Another DOPEY response. You and other HA participants claim US health care sucks. Yet world peeps run to America for health care. So it must not suck after all since they have all those socialist countries and their wonderful health care systems. More DOPEY commentary from the DOPEY Rabbit!
Another DOPEY Rabbit response. 8 years/$20 million. That’s a low $2.5 million a year. ObamAA+ blew through greater than 80% of a Bush 2 year average
Seems you are on a roll with DOPEYNESS today!
What? You forgot last year, ObamAA+ nominated Donald Berwick as his dubious recess appointment to head Medicare and Medicaid. He is all for health care rationing. Now ObamAA+ nominated Henry J. Aaron to head the Social Security Advisory Board and he has very similar views for health care rationing as Berwick does.
And DOPEY Rabbit, have you read about the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)? That’s scary shit dude! Butt I know with you being the DOPEY Rabbit, it wasn’t on MSNBC!
Interesting… Obstructionist DUMMOCRAPTS now want ObamAA+ to use the same thing they blocked Bush on.
Very interesting Roger DOPEY Rabbit posts this!
LMAO!!! Still bathing in his own poo!
Again, what was this about?
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 296 |
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You said you got that from some “leftist”??? I suppose it wasn’t the one who sent his kids to a seattle college to be taught by liberals and subscribes to a seattle socialist health plan..
Remember this?
You got that from klake the flake.
Remember this?
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b fuwa -c
| count |
| 63 |
1 row in set
You got that from MTR the bet welsher.
With over 30K comments here #2 (as in Mr. Stinky) is hardly one to blather about “having no life”.
Our moment is approaching again!
Everybody’s bitch.
Oh my the crazed databaze fool appears again. Still living vicariously on others commentary. Wow ylb, you came back and still have no life. I own your sorry ASS and believe me it’s sorry! You remind of someone who has delusions of adequacy.
And… you are still looking for that adequacy! EPIC FAYLE!
Still lyao? You know ylb, you set such low personal standards and then you consistently fail to achieve them. How are those delusions of adequacy?
Now why is that?
Okay I won’t tell Ellen that rujax is a miserable biomass. She can read it here!
89 – LMAO at the “pathological liar”, here at HA, “playing in his own poo”..
Those circle jerks you had with MWS (playing with your own poo) were
P R I C E L E S S !!!!
I’ll leave to your cat box activity now.
Still can’t answer those questions in #89?
Still using other peoples’ posts vicariously to make yourself feel adequate!
Still dreaming those delusions of adequacy!
Still setting those low personal standards and consistently failing to achieve them!
Yes ylb, you are a piece of work! A working piece of leftist garbage!
Not to long ago there were marches and protests in S. Korea calling for the US to get out. They don’t want us there, they don’t need us there, we should leave.
We also have a air force base in the middle of Greenland
that we probably don’t need and where the locals don’t want us. Unfortunately for the locals, their governed by the Dutch and the Dutch don’t give a shit what the locals think.
Not sure if they still own them or not, but the army used to own a couple ski hills, just for army folks. One of them was in Germany. ‘Cause it’s so hard to find a ski hill in Germany…
I’m not an isolationist, I don’t think we should fold up everything and block out the rest of the world, but there’s a lot of stuff that we could close down.
I don’t know where in the world that $3+ million “travel” expense is coming from. Maybe it’s taking the Presidential family, the White House Staff, and the entire press corps and extrapolating the commercial cost of their seats from D.C. to Hawaii, and multiplying by two (since the President had to stay in D.C. due to the House Republicans being both idiots and jerks at the same time).
Maybe it’s figuring in the cost of a charter of a 747, multiplying by two, and adding in the cost of the other Air Force jet that flies the same route to carry the Presidential motorcade.
But it’s assuredly NOT out-of-pocket costs. We already own the airplanes, if not used they would sit on the tarmac or be used in training flights so the pilots can keep their hours up. And the Air Force crew gets paid regardless (at least this way they get a trip to Hawaii, instead of being stuck at Andrews AFB on stand-by duty).
The actual out-of-pocket cost is for on-board food and fuel – and I can assure you that even though Air Force One is not the newest, most efficient model of 747 available, it does NOT use over a million and a half dollars of fuel to go from D.C. to Hawaii and back.
Okay, a little back-of-the envelope calculations:
Surprisingly, the milage between Washington D.C. and Honolulu listed on websites ranges by as much as a 1,000 miles. I took the middle figure of $4,519 miles.
Next, we have to calculate fuel consumption. This can vary a lot by the model (even within the basic 747-400 configuration), and depending upon the payload weight and wind direction and speed. I’m assuming it’s carrying near the maximum payload for simplicity sake (I doubt it is anywhere near to that in reality), and that the pilot is avoiding the jetstream, and therefore using 5 gallons per mile as an average consumption rate.
So at this point a one-way trip consumes 22,595 gallons of fuel.
Then we have to figure the cost of jet fuel, which can vary between $4.00 to $8.00 per gallon. I’m assuming the jet fuel was purchased under a goverment-bidded contract, with an average of $5.00 per gallon.
This means that the cost of a one-way trip in jet fuel is about $451,900. Multiply by three (due to the President having to stay in D.C. longer than his family), and you have a fuel consumption cost of $451,900.
Which is considerably less than the 3+ million the article reports for transportation expenses. Sure, there is some ground transportation expense, but that hardly makes up the difference.
Sounds like somebody we all know, eh?
Oh my rujax… still attacking SDAs. When Christ comes again what will you say rujax?
“Ooooops sorry God, I hated Puddy so by natural selection I hated you!”
Bah, most of my relatives are 7th day, they’re nice, hardworking, folks just like everyone else. There’s nothing cultish about them or the churches they attend. Anyone, anywhere, can take things a little too far and go a bit off the deep end, and yeah, there’s probably a few 7th day folks that do. Those folks are statistical outliers and and don’t reflect the values or ways of the rest of the group anymore than the ELF reflects the views of the Sierra Club.
Does the minimum wage decline if price levels decline? That is, if we have deflation, does that mean WA lowers its minimum wage to reflect the delfation in the economy?
Has anyone on the right ever made that equation Michael?
We know all about SDA attacks by HA leftist pukeheads on this blog.
Beats the fuck out of me. Does it really matter? I was making the point that what statistical outliers do doesn’t reflect on what the mainline of any group does. The ELF being a statistical outlier in the environmental community.
Which is right in line with much of America at the time.
@97, 100
I used the environmental community as an example because I’m a member of it and used to be on a Sierra Club executive committee.
Nope, the law wasn’t written that way. With minimum wage as high as it is now, we should probably do an update so that the wage only goes up when prices go up. We could also look what England does and have a lower “training wage” for people under the age of 18.
The Angry Bear’s New Years Tax wishes:
Sounds like a plan to me.
You might be wondering what’s going to happen to the Republican Evangelicals in the 2012 election. It looks like they are being faced with the prospect of supporting either a serial adulter or a mormon. Would they sit this one out?
Not likely – the Republicans already have their strategy for keeping them in line well in place. I spent Christmas weekend with a number of my Evangelical friends, and was assured by quite a number of them that the “secret” about President Obama’s nefarious plans for America were about to be exposed. I couldn’t figure out what the heck they were talking about. It’s the “whisper campaign” in effect – the type which Karl Rove excels at.
You might remember that Karl Rove targeted a justice on the Alabama Surpreme Court in the 1980’s. He was an upstanding and widely respected justice, fair and smart. So, of course, Rove had to destroy him. He planted articles in Readers Digest naming him one of the “worst judges in America”. But more importantly, he used Republican students at the Univ. of Alabama Law School to start a whisper campaign that he was using his children’s charity to troll for abuse victims, but that everyone was afraid to call him out because of his powerful position. These students went home to their friends and families and spread the libelous rumors, which spread in geometric progression within weeks. Not knowing the source, the justice was in a poor position to respond without giving credence to the rumors by acknowledging them.
So that’s pretty much what is happening how, against the President. The whisper campaign is that President Obama is a secret muslim who plans shortly to shred the U.S. Constitution and replace it with Sharia law. Here’s a take on it, from Victoria Jackson who’s swallowed it hook, line, and sinker:
President Obama & the Muslim Brotherhood
For those of us who are old enough, this whole “secret conspiricy” thing isn’t really new, it’s just the subject has changed. It used to be John Birch society warning us that there is a communist conspiracy in the highest branches of government which is posed to take over the government completely as soon as it receives it’s signal from Moscow.
rhp6033 and useless links.
How about a real link dude?
# 103: We tried that, back in the 70’s. The problem was the adult unemployment rate started rising as businesses tried to cut corners by hiring teenagers instead, then laying them off as soon as they turned 18. A friend of mine worked at McDonalds and for two years, was an assistant manager, and suddenly found he couldn’t work the summer between high school and college for that reason. At least the manager didn’t give him any B.S., he told him exactly what he was doing.
Okay, just for you Puddy:
President Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
But even if my links don’t work due to a typo, they are still more useful than the ones you regularly provide.
OK, so scrub that idea.
Oh really? You don’t check your links before finalizing? No one could use that link.
See ya!
re 110: The link worked fine. Victoria Jackson is now the conservative crackpot Doppelganger of Sally Strothers.
The link @105? Wow you have clicking skills
Puddy would rather try to start an argument over a broken link than try to defend the Republican tactics which are the substance of the post.
What a useless motherfucking fool this nimrod is…not to mention a serial prevaricator and a self-righteous hypocrite.