– I’m pretty amazed that the requirement in the health care law that men and women pay the same is the hill the GOP have decided to fight on.
– Congrats to Whatcom County on electing anti-coal export terminal candidates (Seattle Times link).
– I think the fallout from the district elections will be interesting. Erica C. Barnett teases out some of the political implications.
– I liked reading about Jeff Merkley’s role in ENDA.
– I think I knew the date that the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapsed, but 1940, on this date seems ludicrously recent in my mind.
– Flying is safe.
Sen. Rodney Tom (D/R Medina) continues to amaze me. As leader of the “majority coalition” in the Senate, he has exercised pretty much veto power over state spending.
So now Boeing, the IAM, and Gov. Inslee have reached an agreement to keep the future of Boeing, the production of the wing and final assembly of the 777X, in-state. The machinists’ rank-and-file are just getting a look at the substantial give-backs they will have to make in order to keep Boeing here, and there’s lots of grumbling – the ratification vote will occur with a week or so, and it’s sure no slam dunk.
But Rodney Tom has already poured cold water on the state’s share of the deal. He doesn’t have any problems with the tax concessions – he never met a tax he didn’t want to eliminate. What bothers him is the need for a transportation package, funded by an additional gas tax to repair and improve the highway infrastructure (needed by Boeing to keep it’s parts flowing all over the region).
Rodney Tom’s pronouncement was simply that it’s too complicated, we don’t have time to do it now, maybe later. But he knows that when gas prices rise again, and after Boeing either decides to stay or leave, that “later” will never come, and things will remain the same. All he has to do is procrastinate for a couple of months.
In the meantime, while wealthy Medina residents don’t really care about the price of gas all that much, the family-wage jobs of tens of thousands of workers at Boeing and their supporting local suppliers is at stake. But he doesn’t seem concerned by that, “it’s too complicated”.
Really, how complicated does it have to be? Heck, just pass a bill doubling the gas tax. You can worry about other transportation issues later, but this is the least you could do.
But…But…But…Republicans are the party of business and job creation. (in case anyone thought that temporary Dem label of Tom’s was for real. I’ll switch parties when an R after my name becomes death, but I won’t change any positions…voters are stupid bwaa, haa, haa.)
Completely unrelated to anything political…
Anybody else notice the number of classic 1960 and 1970’s rock songs being played in commercials? The most recent examples are the Geico motercycle insurance commercial where the guy is tooling down the highway on a motercycle to the music of the Allman Brothers Band (“Midnight Rider”). Also at the same time time Target is featuring the psychodelic rock era song “Reach Out” in it’s commercials (“I think it’s so groovy now that people are finally getting together…”. There are lots of other examples, too many to remember off the top of my head.
I know that classic rock has had a renewal of interest among 20’s listeners who enjoy the beat, production, and general quality of the songs, compared with the current stuff which is mostly created on a mixing board with tone auto-correct.
But what really strikes me is the add executives who create these spots. Nearly of them were raised a long time after my generation (it’s a young man or woman’s game), and this is pretty foreign to them. They must have some studies which show that this type of music attracts the interest of viewers of the commercials – regardless of product – and the biggest problem is selecting the right song from the genre.
I-522 will be back. It’s only a matter of time.
I have a huge problem with “Science” declaring GMOs safe. There aren’t any long term data sets, although some long term data in rats is not encouraging, proving them safe. Let me know when we’ve seen a study of humans consuming GMO’s over a lifetime and get back to me on if they are safe.
Meanwhile, let me decide if I want to put them in my cake hole. I’m for everything in moderation is probably not going to kill me but how can I moderate if I don’t know?
After all, it’s not like food science has a great track record declaring things safe. You need to stop eating butter, margarin is healthier as it’s derived from plants. Wait, long term it explodes the risk of heart disease…sorry. We didn’t know.
I don’t mean to pick nits but there have been classic rock stations forever so this music isn’t foreign to anyone. Most of the songs you suggest would have been played on a contemporary rock station when I was a kid. (Hell throw in some Carpenters and Neil Diamond if you want to see me get misty remembering Mom.)
Led Zeppelin, before my time but I still know every drum roll and riff and if I hear Black Dog one more time…I don’t give a F… what you do with that lemon! These days, Plant probably sings til a little of the juice runs in my soothing tea.
Anyway, that is to say I’m now a 40-something with two kids and a bunch of purchasing power so appealing to my sense of nostalgia is natural. The creatives may be young, but the execs with the ultimate yes are me.
Well, John Stossel has found a new theme on which to base his absolute disgust for the less fortunate.
Of course, Stossel’s most memorable moment in his career was this.
I don’t believe this guy won an Emmy for chrissake.
@ Da Boss:
That first link didn’t clear out the first HTTP in the little link boxxy thing when I pasted it in. Could you be so kind as to unfuck that for me?
Pretty Please?
It’s funny that the Tea Party is having such conniptions over Christie’s re-election.
Chris Cristie is Tea Party’s newest nightmare
@ 8
Cristie is no such thing. As soon as he gets the nod he’ll be standing side-by-side, holding hands with Glen fucking Beck.
The number of proven bits of plagiarism by Rand Paul are becoming so numerous I have to question when he challenged the haters to a duel if he stole that from 1947s “Jack Wabbit and the Beanstalk.”
@1 rhp6033,
While I politically regret the tentative agreement the IAM gave Boeing for the 777X, the IAM members at least have the right/responsibility to ratify what their elected representatives negotiated. Too bad King Tom has decided to gum up the works for Boeing, the laborers at Boeing and the state.
In the end it is up to us to throw King Tom and the teabagging economy sabotaging Republicans the hell out.
Nice. An ad on MSNBC showed a diverse set of feet of people walking forward, had a man with a prosthetic leg and another person had a cane.
Those pictures have been on Fox for a very long time. About time DUMMOCRETIN led PMSNBC caught up!
Billy Graham’s birthday is today!
Second Amendment Report (TM)
“A young, black Detroit woman was shot in the head and killed on a front porch while seeking help after a car accident over the weekend — and her family and local activists are outraged the shooter has yet to be charged.
“The case is now drawing comparisons to Trayvon Martin and Jonathan Ferrell, the former college football player who was killed in North Carolina.
“Renisha McBride, 19, was fatally shot while standing on the front porch of a home in the suburb of Dearborn Heights in Detroit on Saturday, according to police. The Wayne County Medical Examiner said she died of a shotgun wound to the head.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ve let rightwing trigger-happy gun nuts set the agenda in this country, and here’s what’s happening: They’re arming psycho mass killers, and gunning down innocent people.
Enough is enough. This isn’t working. The gun nuts have had their say and their way. Now it’s time for the adults to take back control.
The Phillippines are being lashed tonight by the most powerful typhoon ever recorded, although that’s probably just a coincidence that has nothing to do with global warming, even though it’s well-established that cyclonic storms get their strength from warm water. After all, Ted Cruz’s dad assures us that global warming doesn’t exist. Also, he says, God is in favor of the death penalty.
Now why hasn’t this made the Friday Night Comix? Close to home, concerns minorities, and it involves a local activity.
PuddyCommentary: While HA DUMMOCRETINS claim they are for minorities, it’s all hot air!
Isn’t it great that the federal government has the funds to review and enforce regulations. If we didn’t pay our taxes, they wouldn’t have the ability to check up on that kind of thing
What is this, some kind of communist plot? Affirmative action? We live in a post racial society, If they can’t compete with the big boys, then they shouldn’t get the contracts. If the poor and the middle class class cannot compete with the 1%, it’s not our job to help them. I’m shocked that you Puddy would be promoting this socialism. We live by the Invisible hand, not some Marxist equality. We worship Ayn Rand, not some new testament Jesus. We live in a capitalist society. Act like it. How dare you sir. How dare you.
DFL Candidate Betsy Hodges has been elected Mayor of Minneapolis. They had second and third preference votes for 30 candidates to redistribute, so it took an extra day.
Mostly good reviews for the ranked voting system.
The 35 candidates in the field was also caused by a low filing fee. St. Paul uses it too, but unfortunately for city government elections. Elections to the state government would be smoother , with the Independence Party no longer being the spoiler.
These is Obummer’s Federal Highway peeps. Since it was written in the contract, it’s binding… unless of course you are Obummer, then you can willy-nilly change times and laws as you please as Obummer has done with Obummercare. So don’t scream at Puddy, scream at the DUMMOCRETINS who are in STP and WSDOT!
Will this make the Friday Night Comix…?
Naaaaaah it’s real news!
CHUCK TODD: You still have full confidence in Kathleen Sebelius?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, I think Kathleen Sebelius, under tremendously difficult circumstances over the last four and a half years– has done a great job in setting up– the insurance markets so that there is a good product out there for people to get. You know, Kathleen Sebelius doesn’t write code. Yeah, she wasn’t our I.T. person. I think she’d be the first to admit that– if we had to do it all over again, that there would have been a whole lot more questions that were asked, in terms of how this thing is working. But my priority right now is to get it fixed. And– you know, ultimately, the buck–
CHUCK TODD: Is she still the right person?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Ultimately, the buck stops with me. You know, I’m the president. This is my team. If it’s not working, it’s my job to get it fixed.
PuddyCommentary…Puddy likes the “I’ve been burned already with a website” comment from Obummer. If you waited until it was fully configured, tested and approved for you America wouldn’t have been burned by the website.
Typical DUMMOCRETIN… I did this… I did that… Remember Obummer personally killed Bin Laden not Seal Team Six who ultimately paid the price for that with Obummer and BiteME’s bragging!
What does that mean HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Choose as many as needed from below
1) You signed the law Obummer. You went around the country 30 times (video documented) .period. guaranteed., so it’s not Obummer’s assurances that have put 4 million and counting defenseless newly uninsured Americans in this situation!
2) Or it must be the regulations Obummer approved that sandbagged standard Americans and their insurance policies? For 10 days you and your DUMMCRETIN peeps like Dan Pfieffer and Jay Carneybarker have been rebuking those fine Americans who are complaining they are losing their insurance do your your sandbagging regulations. They have blamed insurance companies and then strong armed them to stay quiet or no goodies for you!
3) Or you really didn’t read the bill so you didn’t know Sebelius changed the grandfather clause? So Nancy Stretch Pelosi was absolutely correct in saying you had to read the bill? Come on are you really going to make us think the “smartest preznit evah” is really a charlatan? Maybe this will work with the low information voter DUMMOCRETINS who didn’t know Nancy Pelosi was a DUMMOCRETIN or Joe BiteME was VP. Damn those Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Waters videos are P R I C E L E S S !
4) Or is Obummer correctly suggesting this Obummercare bill wouldn’t have passed with the number of votes if Obummer had been honest with America back in 2010? CNN and ABC have provided the internal Outhouse meeting notes and the Wall Street Journal printed the meeting notes where DUMMOCRETIN Politicos overrode the DUMMOCRETIN Policy peeps. So Obummer didn’t know he was lying 30 times (video documented)?
5) 16 DUMMOCRETIN Senators?
Found this on Twitter…
This one is also great!
Oh my goodness… Obummer did what? Daily Beast so has to be trusted by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
When are HA DUMMOCRETINS going to admit Obummer is the .worst. .president. .evah.? Even beating out Carter!
Puddy loves it when Obummer cuts Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz off at the knees
So Obummer didn’t contact you about Obummer’s “forthcoming” half-ASSed half-baked weaseling apology?
I see the puddibigot is on a tear this morning – his employer must have allowed him the morning off from his technician’s duties. Or perhaps he’s in a dingy Motel-6 somewhere having greasy eggs and blog posting, waiting to catch the cattle car flight from Casper, WY or some burg in rural Oklahoma.
Looking at the long line of shrieking insanity above, I’m not sure where to start….how ’bout @26?
Daily Beast is somehow revered around here? Not sure that makes any sense – though why hsould it, it’s a puddibigot post, after all.
Dubowitz, who’s that?…well, he’s the executive director of something called the “Foundation for the Defense of Democracies”, and as you might surmise, it’s a den of flag-draped paranoid MOOSLUM haters like Michael Ledeen and other denizens of the AEI and National Review and such.
The story that the puddibigot linked to was actually rational sounding (at first) regarding the easing of sanctions and the ongoing negotiations with Iran, when at the end it concluded with a paranoid and racist flourish that puddibigot quoted above. THEY’RE GOING TO KILL US IN OUR BEDS!!1!!!
More fear and loathing from the Teahaddist id.
That’s all you ever get from whackjobs like the puddibigot. What a bleak and joyless world he must inhabit, heathens and MOOSLUMS and uppity women and TEH GAYZ! lurking in every dark corner and alley, ready to spring out and destroy his marriage or nuke his church. He’s a quivering glob of hatred and fear and poor English skills, cackling in his perceived superiority and unctuous self-righteousness, awaiting his Sky-Daddy to come down and smite the people he loathes.
What a pathetic excuse for a life.
Here are some of the comments from the puddibigot’s ‘Daily Beast’ story above…
Seems that like the puddibigot, all sorts of paranoid hate-spitters went off their meds this morning.
Don’t have to read any further.
“I politically regret the tentative agreement the IAM gave Boeing”
You mean the “piece of crap”? apparently, so do they.
Cbs, “Ooops.”
The lesson to be learned here is when you are a media conglomerate whose books division is hoping to score big on a title, having your news division breathlessly report on the book and it’s author on your high profile show without fully vetting said source, mistake might be made.
The only question I have left is, Is Simon and Schuster allowed to lean on CBS news as a corporate partner to perform as a PR arm of the publisher?
This crossover is not unique. Fox News Channel aired a ton of stories on the Tuskegee Airmen and made sure everyone knew they were nicknamed Red Tails in the days before Red Tails was released by 20th Century Fox, or 21st or whatever then are calling themselves now.
schmucko-moron is in his normal idiot mode today
Hey doofus you surely don’t pay attention to the HA DUMMOCRETIN thread writes do you Google search
From HA DUMMOCRETINS thread headlines
– There are two fascinating stores on the Newsweek/Daily Beast website tonight, one political, one not. The first, called “A Disaster to Dwarf…
– According to a Newsweek/Daily Beast poll of likely voters, Barack Obama now rates behind Jimmy Carter in the pantheon of great presidents.
– Damien Lewis, who co-authored The Embassy House with Davies, said in a statement to The Daily Beast Saturday that the leak that included …
– Daily Beast’s Ben Jacob was underwhelmed by the RNC event. In other venues, we had this contribution from former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL).
The first four entries schmucko-moron… So easily baited to another EPIC FAYLE; the rest of schmucko-morons rants are as useless as tits on a bull!
As always… It really sux to be schmucko-moron. Notice schmucko-moron can’t deal with facts. Did Obummer back off Iranian sanctions of not schmucko-moron? Is it a fact? If so why you still covering for the .worst. preznit. .evah.?
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters says Obama’s foreign policy is always the same, he promises a Ferrari and delivers a bicycle with 2 flat tires. – Ralph is spot on!
Now onto the Obummercare web site… This is useful information!
More DUMMOCRETINS in action. Gotta love how DUMMOCRETINS don’t think laws pertain to them!
@14 Well, best wishes to him. A man who, especially in the later years of his ministry, has spoken so eloquently and joyfully of God’s love.
I see the GOP’s latest prop for their Benghazi meme blew up in their faces today.
@33 “Obama’s foreign policy is always the same, he promises a Ferrari and delivers a bicycle with 2 flat tires”
At least he didn’t let our country get attacked by terrorists, and then go to war against the wrong country.
Cool how the intellect of Piddles works.
People got convicted for bribery = the law doesn’t pertain to them.
People are charged with a crime = people are Democrats.
For your pre-SAT level reading comprehension pleasure,
The people in Piddles link are
a. Men
b. women
c. Democrats
d. A & B
But then, Loughner was a satanist according Piddles solid right nut website evidence and that’s good enough for Piddles. So par for the course.
I think I have Piddles theme song right here…
@35 Oh my, what a catch.
Right, that foreign policy is so terrible that by the end of the Obama administration Iran may be giving up their weapons program.
Israel, Iran, Arabs Attended Same Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament
Forum Aimed to Organize Conference on Ridding Middle East of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Wouldn’t it be horrific if there was a civil war and regime change to a radical Islamic government in a country with a know stockpile of chemical weapons.
Syria has met first chemical weapons destruction deadline, OPCW says
For the first time in American history, a district attorney will go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense, which is both unethical and illegal, in a case that saw an innocent man serve 25 years for a murder (of his own wife) that he didn’t commit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hopefully they’ll throw the lying eyewitness into that cell with him.
Another bit of pre-SAT reading comprehension since I’m sure the nut-o-sphere will be frothing about election fraud.
People who illegally obtained driver licenses in Virginia through bribery used the licenses to
a. Drive
b. Apply for employment
c. vote
d. cannot be determined by evidence at hand
@39 “Cool how the intellect of Piddles works.”
He has one?
Ten days. Seems about right.
Down here in my hole under the big tree on the east side of the park, I don’t have a TV much less cable, so I didn’t “discover” the HBO show “The Newsroom” until recently. This scene is great:
Considering how many innocent people are being fished out of prisons around the country by the Innocence Project and DNA evidence, it’s clear a lot of sloppy prosecutorial work has gone on, so it’s a start. No, 10 days isn’t much for 25 years of an innocent man’s life, but the ex-D.A. also lost his judgeship, his law license, and his professional reputation. And hopefully, cases like this will wipe the smug grins off the faces of stupid politicians like Rick Perry, who probably sent an innocent man to his death, and George W. Bush, who smirked and snarked while refusing clemency for a woman who may not have deserved clemency but did have a right to die with dignity when she paid for her crimes.
Here’s another good one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGAvwSp86hY There’s lots more, just go to You Tube and search for “The Newsroom.”
Guns and Ammo’s editor resigned, over the uproar caused by a pro- gun control column.
TALGO USA has taken the first step in suing the state of Wisconsin for breach of contract. Their claim is for $65 million.
@49 With the gunners and gun culture running amok like they are, it won’t take long before a sujpermajority of Americans have had enough of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, if not the Second Amendment itself.