– The Seattle Weekly has an interesting piece on Rosellini’s FBI file.
– Obama is better than George W. Bush. Still it’s still too many deaths in wars.
– Oh, and hey, a deal with Iran for 6 months.
– I’m glad KEXP is going to be DJing the New Year’s Eve at the Space Needle but this article seems to think that Pearl Jam and The Ramones are what’s hot in the streets. What?
“Are you being persecuted?”
I don’t know about you, but as an aging commie-fascist-Mormon-Jihadist who plays golf, I feel persecuted by just about everybody.
Oh dear…Reports are coming in that Karl Rove’s crossroads GPS lied to the IRS about the amount of money it spent on political candidates and advocacy.
Clearly this is an IRS conspiracy and compliance with the law for 501c-3 tax exempt is not necessary.
Congressman Isa? Your subpoena for Karl Rove is ready?
We see the vapidity of the right wing on medical care access issues right here on these threads.
We all see puddibigot re-spew the latest anecdotal pot-shots about the ACA website, or crappy plans, or outright fabrications. Yawn.
When I ask him, repeatedly, to provide an affirmative argument for something he does like, some Republican plan that will solve the problems that the ACA addresses, something he would support – he’s got nothing.
This is emblematic of the Civil War that the Teahaddists are waging against the rest of us – they are not interested in governing, they are not interested in solving pressing problems, they are not interested in any sort of working compromise or practical action – it is all hostility and destruction, all the time. Those gerrymandered districts that allow the House to be controlled by a Teahaddists minority, a vile affront to democracy itself, are the new Mason-Dixon line, the boundaries of a new Confederacy determined to wreck the Union.
@3. To what end? What do they hope to gain from their hostility and destruction? What’s in it for them?
I guess it should be unsurprising that the whack-o-sphere is saying Iran gets to keep their Nukes.
I can’t expect people whose leading intellects don’t understand the menstrual cycle to grasp the science behind atomic bombs.
@ 4
Because Jayzuz!
Some people just want to see the whole world burn. The Problems aren’t the problem, it’s the fact that they just don’t give a shit about anyone or anything but themselves. So they never offer solutions to issues that do come up.
Solutions that might actually solve a Problem robs them of their reason to bitch and whine and bullshit their way into the forefront of the conversation without being held to account for the lack of problem-solving ability.
They do not want to solve the problems. Without the problems, they are ignored. If the Problems are solved or mitigated, they have no reason to bitch. They would just rather have something to bitch about. It’s an attention-getting device.
In the end, they will always shop at WallyWorld for their bottled water and their cheap plastic toys and the weapons they claim they need to fend off the commies, faggots, niggers and zombies that are inevitably coming to rob, rape and steal from them.
They absolutely do not care if their drinking water, food supplies or energy sources cause cancers and birth defects, they don’t give a rat-fuck about any of that. Those aren’t Problems. To them, Problems are: Commies, Jews, Queers, Niggers, Spics, Gooks, Whores and pointy-headed inteelekchuls that tell them what they can or cannot do.
Solving the problems related to our modern world that prevent their Gods from making money interferes with their freedumbs. And the only golden calf they need is money. Everything else is either an entirely secondary concern or not a Problem at all.
Because JayZuss loves you and wants everyone to be rich like David Koch or Neal and Linden Blue.
Lib Sci, “We see the vapidity of the right wing on medical care access”
Unfortunately, we also see the right take over state after state, infringing upon and denying medical care access on several fronts, including refusals to expand Medicaid and passing very real legislation intended to close clinics, part of their War on Women.
I don’t know if it’s been talked about here, but one that I got into several times at (un)SP was the ALEC/ALU legislative template to close “dangerous” abortion clinics by making them comply with the code requirements for Ambulatory Surgery Centers. It’s horseshit, of course, by-passing our nation’s long established code development process to target just one of the many low-risk procedures performed in our nation’s clinics every day. Just another way that Republicans, who seemingly can’t help but project their bullshit on us, insert themselves between doctors and patients. Like I need to tell you any of this, Doc, but it deserves saying, and often.
@5 You said it better than I could. Most of these people probably couldn’t even tell you which continent Iran is in.
Where’s YLB? Is he OK?
They want the End Time. They want to be Raptured. (Or is that ruptured?) And they think they can proactively bring it about by fucking over the rest of us.
THE RAMONES! I love that song!
@10 There’s probably some truth to that. A recent survey showed 48% of Christians believe that Christ will return within 40 years, no doubt many or all of them firmly entrenched in the right wing.
Another Repubelican caught skimming the till. This guy is a big time Texass Teabagger hero in his district. One of the things he’s sorta famous for is his congressional District only being 30 feet wide in places.
Over on Sucky Politics, Jim Miller is whining about the traffic disruptions caused by President Obama’s fundraising visit. On the Seattle Times website, I saw wingnuts whining about the cost to taxpayers of President Obama’s political trips. Never mind that Republican presidents do exactly the same thing. Way back when, I got stuck on an off-ramp near Boeing Field for 90 minutes behind a roadblock on a President Reagan motorcade route. On another occasion, I was trapped (with thousands of other Friday evening bus commuters) at a downtown bus stop on a dark and rainy fall night evening because they stopped all the buses from running for several hours due to a visit by President Clinton and other dignitaries for an APEC confab whose objective was to screw workers across the global. It doesn’t really matter that Jim Miller is too big a Chickenshit to allow comments to his SP posts; what, really, do you say in response to pointless and objectless whining? The best reply is silence anyway.
@13 Republicans steal? You don’t say! Who could’ve guessed …
We have peace for our time.
We could end our troubles with the Islamic world very easily by withdrawing from their countries, stop trying to interfere in their affairs and declare total neutrality in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
@15 Democrats steal? You don’t say! Who could’ve guessed…
@17, Is that you Ron?
@16 Just can’t stand peace, can you?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, wingnuts and other kiddies! It’s time for a Roger Rabbit Quiz! This one is a real toughie, so put on your thinking caps, and take the time you need to solve it — there’s only one correct answer! Are you ready for the question?
Who is to blame for the war Hitler started?
[ ] 1. Neville Chamberlain
[ ] 2. Adolf Hitler
Rightwing war lovers are having a fit over peace being imposed on them.
Virginia certified its election results, and a Democrat won the state attorney general race. Vote suppression just got tougher for Rethugs in the Old Dominion.
@18 I like our crooks better than your crooks.
Ah yes, Chamberlain. The perfect metaphor for black and white simplistic right wing brains. Chamberlain was an appeaser, if he had declared war against Germany in 1938 blah, blah, blah.
But as usual, there’s lots of grey there. What the “appeasement” fans never grasp is that Britain was readying the new technology of radar installations on their coastline in 1938 and they weren’t operational yet. The fleet of Spitfires wasn’t built yet. The fleet of Hurricanes was about half what it would be by 1940.
Sometimes you go to war with the Army you have and not the army you wish to have in the future.
Intentional or not, Chamberlain’s delay meant that for the Battle of Britain the Germans never quite figured out why British pilots weren’t exhausted from patrols looking for incoming attack squadrons. Never quite figured out how every attack met a counter offensive of British fighters. (Hint: it was the completed radar array.)
Meanwhile, the nimble Spitfires could occupy German fighter escorts making the slow moving German bomber fleet coming over the channel easy prey for the fast, strong and well armed Hurricanes. Sure, the bombers did damage but with each mission many of them didn’t return.
In 1938, the RAF would have been destroyed very quickly. By 1940…not so much.
Sometimes you go to war with the Army you have. Sometimes it’s better to buy two years and defeat the enemy with the Army you’d like to have in the future.
uh oh… NBC News is finally looking at Obummercare!
Brandon Browner and Walter Thurmond III, the latest NFL Drug scofflaws. Puddy wonders if they tried some MJ and got caught?
@25 There’s more to the story. From 1937 to 1939, Chamberlain’s defense policy was influenced by B. H. Liddell-Hart, a British Army veteran of World War I and influential commentator on military matters for the British press throughout the 1920s and 1930s. This policy emphasized home defense and defense of the Empire, with support of England’s allies on the Continent a secondary consideration. Chamberlain’s idea, influenced by Hart’s thinking, was to support France with Britain-based airpower. It was during this 1937-1939 period that Britain’s air forces were built up. When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, the British war cabinet reversed this policy and reverted to what Britain had done in World War I, i.e. raising a large land army and sending it across the Channel to the Continent. A few months later, the Brits were retrieving the shattered remnants of this army from the beaches of Dunkirk by any means they could improvise. The defeat of the land army on the Continent was followed by the Battle of Britain, which ended in defeat for the Luftwaffe. Chamberlain remained in office until Germany invaded the Low Countries in May 1940, whereupon he resigned and threw his support behind Churchill instead of Lord Halifax. Arguably, Britain survived because of the buildup of airpower under Chamberlain’s government. As for whether the Cabinet was right to send an army to France, history speaks for itself.
Uh oh… CNN is finally looking at Obummercare! So for the bronze plan many peeps won’t be getting their subsidies. The other problem from the CNN video is for those small income Americans is Obummercare baseline plans will still cost more than their previous options, and have larger deductibles than they expected. So young peeps will bail and instead pay that $95 fine. No subsidies no young peeps. Oh no!
It Takes One To Know One Dep’t
A Republican congressman who pushed for drug testing of food stamp recipients has been sentenced to a year of probation for possessing cocaine.
Yep. And Chamberlain backed the idea, somewhat radical at the time, that building up the fighters was more important than building bombers.
@31 Meanwhile, our own Tories never met a peace they liked.
Golly HA DUMMOCRETINS… Many Congressional DUMMOCRETING pizzed at Obummer over Iran. Yet HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to acknowledge it.
Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel not happy.
Chuck U Schumer who has never hated a camera in his face not happy.
Sen. Bob Menendez not happy.
Libtard Prof Alan Dershowitz ain’t too happy.
Saudi Arabia was blind sided. Can you say oil price rise in the future?
Saudi Arabia and Israel are talking over this deal. Who knew mortal enemies would work together? The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
What’s amazing here was Obummer’s red line over Syria’s WMD. And now Syria’s puppet masters Iran are given the green light on Iran’s WMD! Oh wait… Obummer claimed he didn’t draw a Syria red line. My bad! Instead Obummer gave the mullahs a green light with no real concessions.
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Did Obummer allow Teheran to keep all their centrifuges?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Did Obummer allow Teheran to dictate what nuke sites the IAEA could visit?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Did Obummer call for the removal of the sanctions?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Is Obummer making Senate DUMMOCRETINS not add more sanctions?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… Did Obummer give Teheran $11 Billion?
Since Obummer has isolated Israel what happens now HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Can’t really find all these facts together on DUMMOCRETIN web sites.
Seems the Chamberlain reference works perfectly!
Ahhh yes found Chuck U Schmuer’s Iran Deal comments…
Hey Chuck U, that’s because Obummer has no foreign policy clue. Remember he gave the Muslim Brotherhood military aid. Then when the military cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood, Obummer holds back military aid. Isn’t that psychotic decision making?
Yes your honor!
Wow, look at this in Time…
Looks like the DUMMOCRETIN libtard MSM didn’t listen again!
Direct from libtard DUMMOCRETIN sites!
Even a CNN Poll now thinks Obummer sucks…
– 53% of Americans now believe that Obummer not honest and trustworthy. Known back in 2008. Let’s vote present!
– 56% also say Obummer does not inspire confidence. Known back in 2008. What did you expect from a community organizer.
– 40% think Obummer can manage the government effectively… What has Obummer ever managed? Tell us HA DUMMOCRETINS! It means Obummer sucks at management!
And just think…
Obummer did all this to hisself with a slobbering loving DUMMOCRETIN msm. GW Bush was continually hammered by the libtard DUMMOCRETIN loving media.
I would expect the AIPAC wing of the Democratic party to react that way. Actual leadership involves telling people in bed with AIPAC to go spit rather than say, yes Bibi, anything you want is great.
Once again…it only works for Piddles if you ignore the next sentence.
Awww, Uncle Piddles is disappointed cuz there isn’t gonna be a nukular strike against Iran! Like I said, these wingnut dumbfucks have never met a peace they like.
In Knoxville, Tennessee, the Knoxville Locomotive Works announced plans for a new plant to rebuild Diesel-Electric locomotives. It will employ around 200 people, and could get a lot of business. The Tier 4 Diesel emission mandate goes into effect. Existing locomotives are grandfathered in, until their next overhaul.
I see the puddibigot is baaaaack!
Flip-flopping between bloodlust for war with MOOSLUMS!!!! and anecdotes about the ACA, probably cribbed, as usual, from the latest Breitbart or WND.
I was a bit startled at the naked fear he expresses about pissing off Saudi Arabia causing oil price rises…well, no, fear is all he and his tribe have, it’s what defines them, that and hate.
I’ve been asking the Illiterate Teahaddist (he’s in IT, isn’t he?) for an affirmative argument for a Republican health care plan that he would support and defend, and why, and how it will specifically solve problems….and of course, puddibigot’s got nuthin’.
checkmate checkmated hisself
There was no real uproar over Nixon visiting China checkmate. This WILL lead to other nations nuclear arming themselves. Watch checkmate, othe Arab nations will be clandestinely contacting Pakistan for “nukular assistance”!
Well it was DUMMOCRETIN Senator Mike Mansfield who snidely quipped “Only a Republican, perhaps only a Nixon, could have made this break and gotten away with it.”
Time, Politico and CNN are part of the Breitbart or WND group?
Man you are a real idiot schmucko-lunatic. Your feckless arguments are getting more putrid as each day passes.
Once again schmucko-moron is NOT a student of history… How many times over the years have Arab nations used oil prices as a weapon? You are really really stupid schmucko-lunatic.
Keep screaming about a health care plan. Puddy ain’t you bitch and Puddy doesn’t bow at the feet of schmucko-moron!
Nope you dope SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. Ever heard of nuclear fallout? Puddy been to Hiroshima. Puddy saw the effects of nuclear war.
You too are a lunatic SENILE DUMBASS and IDIOTIC Wabbit. Butt carry on being a jackASS! It’s your best retirement act, along with early onset senility! You should have stockpiled those Carl Grossman virtual oxygen bottles!
See ya!
“This WILL lead to (Piddles wringing his hands.)” SIC
Other Piddles predictions.
McCain will be President. Rossi will be governor. Rossi will be Senator. Republicans will take the Senate in 2010. Willard will be president.
Regular Nostradamus, this one.
Funny how it works. Giving up the arms program and allowing inspectors in and gaining access to world markets for the first time in decades will lead to countries starting nuclear weapons programs.
in Puddyworld, watching swimmers get eaten by sharks will inspire people to surf the same waters.
Can’t, won’t, whatever….you consistently refuse to say what you’re for…all you’re good for is random pot-shots re-spewed from wherever…
You’re kind has been around for a long time. Your consistent refusal to put forth and defend something better reveals you for what you are…a bone-headed, fear-driven mercenary for the people who are waging an ongoing Civil War. Your type is not interested in governing, in a civil society, in actual problem-solving to make peoples’ lives better. You are a tribal fool, god-deluded, money-worshiping, power-adoring, hate-spewing with nothing good to add to any serious discussion of self-government.
Yes, we are continually laughing at you.
Talk to the hand schmucko-lunatic…
So since Puddy has an employer sponsored healthcare plan… If it’s not approved by Obummer will Puddy get to keep it? Puddy premiums went up. PUDDY Co-pays went up. Puddy Deductables went up. Not a whole lot but they increased. Thanks Obummer!
Mrs Puddy’s plan skyrocketed for next year. Thanks Obummer!
schmucko-lunatic… keep laughing… We’ll control the senate while you laugh. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Looks like schmucko-lunatic agreed that Saudi Arabia used oil as an economic weapon in the past. Well schmucko-lunatic is a historical moron!
BTW did you call or email Martin Bashir and congratulate him on his fowl[SIC] personal attack commentary yet? Everyone knows you cheered that closing commentary. So Puddy won’t be commenting when Rush or Sean or someone else makes a fowl comment!
See ya schmucko-lunatic.
As always… It really sux to be you!
@48 Health policy premiums increase every year. Nothing new here.
Pile on!
So Piddles and puts up with Piddles each have their own individual plan? I see one way you could save money.
Maybe one of you should get a better job so you can have family coverage?
Now be honest…what is the annual average increase in premiums from 2003 to present?
Why would I be thoroughly unsurprised if Piddles version of ‘Skyrocketed, thank you Mr. President’ is actually almost exactly the same as it was over the last decade.
Not at the rates peeps are seeing under Obummercare!
Who knows checkmate. Puddy has a great job. Mrs Puddy’s health care costs went up 13% this year vs. 3% the year before. The letter Mrs Puddy received specifically referred to the ACA (used to be known as Obummercare) as the reason for the 10% cost increase.
Sux to be checkmate. You can view similar received letters on the ‘Nets.