– (a) Uber seems nice, I’m glad the city caved to everything they want. (b) Seems like a solid arrangement, press.
– The Town Hall on Gender Pay Equity is happening December 2.
– It’s strange because every war is also the Cold War for the GOP.
– What Fair & Balanced Would Look Like
– How come Obama never cites scripture? How dare Obama cite scripture?
– Now that Obama is an emperor for doing something other presidents have done, how does it feel living in a not free society?
http://youtu.be/4f7ln_al3qo Obummer wanted to use a Republican to financially destroy the Pentagon for Obummer’s hopy and changey social programs. Then August 2013 and January 2014 Obummer met the ISIS threat. “Just a bunch of JV!” http://weaselzippers.us/197378.....them-that/
Then when ISIS reared it’s ugly beheading Americans head, Obummer got upset because Hagel and the Defense Department were saying something else regarding ISIS and Hagel wasn’t “faithfully” cutting Defense. What seems more likely is the ISIS threat became uglier for Obummer and Obummer needed to throw somebody under de bus again. Puddy bets internal DUMMOCRETIN polling after the November political debacle pointed fingers at Obummer’s ISIS dithering. Top General Dempsey of the Pentagon told Congress he might be pushing for ground troops in Iraq to fight ISIS. The libtard left wrong party mASSes got agitated ASSes! Again, this is how DUMMOCRETINS run wars. They politically mess with the military instead of telling the military to finish ISIS!
So who is the real fool here? The ex-Defense Secretary or the whitey house political west wing in a mad Monday morning dash to replace Hagel? So where is Obummer going now? Which was are the winds of hopey and changey blowing now? The loss of Harry Reid and the senate majority’s first casualty?
Puddy wonders if Hillary can dodge the vast right wing conspiracy in her 2016 campaign as she dodged those numerous sniper bullets when she visited Bosnia in 1996.
20 year anniversary?
Puddy was watching the weather channel early this morning to view today’s national weather and Puddy and Mrs. Puddy busted a gut watching a commercial for Rachel MadCow’s PMSNBC show on the Weather Channel. Must be lacking advertisers!
What is scarier than HA DUMMOCRETINS predicting the political future in 2016? John Effin Kerry as Secretary of State… http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....19818.html
Jim Webb.
Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances……….
George Stephanopoulos asked Obama in an interview airing on This Week about an analogy that many of the president’s critics have drawn: “How do you respond to the argument, a future president comes in, wants lower taxes. Doesn’t happen. Congress won’t do it — he says I’m not going to prosecute those who don’t pay capital gains tax.”
Obama didn’t respond to the question and continued with his talking points, prompting Stephanopoulos to press him again: “So you don’t think it’d be legitimate for a future president to make that argument?
“With respect to taxes? Absolutely not,” the president replied.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Of course it’s a morning that I awake with a massive headache that somebody decides to cut up sidewalk outside my window.
Look at the bright side. It’s probably some of that not-yet-spent ARRA funding being put to good use.
Fact checking an SNL Comedy Skit… The slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm is really protecting Obummer these last two years… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ingtonpost
So where was the WaPo when Tina Fey lied about Sarah Palin seeing Russia from Alaska? No fact checking then! Or Dana Carvey’s impressions of GB? No fact checking then!
Yes, DUMMOCRETINS can say and do anything with impunity.
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS… http://dailycaller.com/2014/11.....-ferguson/
Yes, the party of peace and tolerance is at it again!
It’s a stupid comparison and people making it, especially if they are elected people are not smart enough to be allowed to legislate.
United States Constitution Article I, Section 7
“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”
United States Constitution Article II
“(the President) shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”
Another “Happy” story with regard to Guns.
Still upset that the media didn’t try to convince us Palin is smart? (Satire…look into it. Palin saying she has foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from an island in Alaska that she had never been on…on a very clear day 55 miles away across the Bering Sea. That was SMART analysis Governor.)
“(The Vice President) in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.”
“Palin: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.
Couric: Can you name any of them?
Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.”
“He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.”
@10 kind of like comparing No Shirts No Shoe No Service to justify the right to deny a gay couple service. Wignuts can draw up any anolgy and try to make it work.
Stephanopolis should be asking Reagan and Bush the same question. All be it, he would have to go to hell to talk to Reagan.
We all know those gays would like to come in with no pants too.
@10, @13
See Sean Trende, RCP, today.
It’s a slippery slope.
It’s a claim made to seem reasonable but it’s not reasonable claim.
A future president could in fact tell the IRS to Pardon everyone who paid less than their legal taxes. Now the Federal Government would be liable for lawsuits and repayment for everyone who paid their legal amount. What do you suppose would happen to the economy and the jobs of millions of Federal employees if the Federal Govt. was overnight liable for Billions in direct payments to Americans? And in order to make this idea work, the President while in office would need to direct the IRS to recalculate the tax rate so people would know exactly what not to pay to fall under an Executive order. How will that play in the media? A blanket Amnesty for all who haven’t paid enough taxes? “Thanks to Republican President Perry, Donald Trump paid no taxes.” America, pay what you want…it’s the honor system. (Bye Bye “full faith and credit” so long global economy.)
Yes, a future president could pardon Exon/Mobile for environmental damage. But would they? The next election is only two years away. Who wants to be the party who voters know for sure don’t care about clean air/clean water under any circumstance? Suppose Senate and House leaders of that President’s party would be comfortable going to their constituents and saying, “If in fact your water is now poisonous, maybe you should try Evian because no one is going to pay to clean it up.” Think the American People would be comfortable knowing that the next time a Fertilizer plant explodes there will be no compensation to repair your town?
Go for it. I double Dog Dare you.
Have we seen any condemnation of Cosby yet from the idiot @1?
Clink on the link to get the gory details on textbook klownservative behavior.
No worries fiend @ 1
Glenn says its ok to cling forever to your worship of Cosby as a model klownservative..
According to old krackpot Glenn, it’s Cosby who’s the victim.
Once again the absolutely neurotic low IA monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin can’t search the crazed database very well. Puddy discussed Bill Cosby last week when rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears man-sauced a thread on it.
Sux to be the the absolutely neurotic low IA monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin whose crazed databaze failed it again!
Ahhh yes checkmate checkmated himself right from his own ASS
http://www.snopes.com/politics/palin/russia.asp This is why Puddy calls morons like checkmate a low information voter (LIV)! checkmate takes Saturday Night Live comedy just like his diarrhea last week over Puddy’s comment how DUMMOCRETINS take Jon Stewart on Comedy Central as their marching orders for the next day! What Sarah said was
Dayum checkmate, you are one idiotic moron!
You should retire from making entries on this blog.
Sux to be checkmate when checkmate checkmates checkmate from checkmate’s own silly ASS!
For the lunatic DUMMOCRETINS… It sucks to be checkmate when he checkmates himself from his own silly ASS!
Klownservatives say “don’t worry be happy” about tax cuts for the rich..
Just change up the math..
Notice how absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin can’t discuss what happened to Chuck Hagel? Why? There is nothing on any left wrong e-rag puke site it can use to refute Puddy.
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin!
I don’t see the word “condemned” in that..
Don’t worry, be happy fool.. Glenn says Cosby is the victim.
@1 “destroy the Pentagon ”
Last I checked it was still there, although somewhat worse for wear from damage sustained when Bush ignored Clinton’s terrorism warnings.
LOL!!! I laugh at your silly orders.. I laugh at your silly babbling too ..
The same babbling that made John Roberts a tax creator and fantasized Chinese oil wells slant drilling from Cuba..
What a silly dope!
I’m surprised anyone’s left who still gives credence to anything Republicans say, considering they can’t even get the age of the planet right. It must be the low quality of the schools in red states. Or maybe they don’t have any schools in the red states.
Notice the village idiot troll is attempting to “shut up” his political enemies!
What’s next? A visit from one of the hit squad???
@26 Our local village idiot troll has to believe the earth is around 6000 years old..
It’s an essential part of the insurance premium demanded by the cult to which he has subscribed body and soul.
@6 It’s only a crime to do what Republican presidents have done. Which is sort of understandable. That is, if a Republican president has already done it, you probably shouldn’t do it, and if two Republican presidents have already done it, you definitely shouldn’t do it. I think that’s the best argument the GOP has at this point.
Puddy is not your Pavlov dog. Puddy PWNS you 24x7x365.25. You went back and searched the crazed databaze. Right on time. Bark moron Bark! What Puddy writes is for all to read in pixels!
To quote the absolutely neurotic low IA monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin commentary…
There improved and corrected!
The Ferguson grand jury’s decision will be announced at 8 pm tonight, I assume that’s Missouri time, which makes it 6 pm Seattle time.
Only when you are a DUMMOCRETIN it’s a crime. Imagine if a Republican president issues an executive order to not enforce the tax on not skipping ObummerCare insurance while it’s being repealed in Congress 1/20/2107? YEEEEAAAH BABY!
We’ve been prepared for the grand jury’s decision through selective leaking. According to authorities, the police radio traffic indicates Wilson and his partner were responding to a strong-arm robbery call (i.e., Brown allegedly shoving a convenience store clerk while allegedly stealing a handful of cheap cigars) and encountered the alleged suspects in the street moments later. So, we’ll be told, this was a felony stop and Wilson shot a fleeing felon, which is perfectly legal under Missouri law. Then the demonstrations will begin in 100 cities across America; and while the protests will remain peaceful in Ferguson, where the cops will be kept on a short leash, there will be gratuitous police violence against demonstrators in several other cities with black population/white cops demographics. The same pattern that happens every time.
Another Obummer foreign policy debacle… http://www.theguardian.com/wor.....pport-isis
No wonder Chuck Hagel walked into John McCain’s office last week and said he was frustrated. http://www.navytimes.com/story...../19488493/
Yep, Obummer has no clue!
Satire…you should look into it. Now where did I put my recipe for Irish Youth Stew with spare adult ribs.
So the store video shown was alleged IDIOT Wabbit?
U R an IDIOT… Satirically of course!
Your claim is another of your EPIC FAYLES! No one forced you to write that lie! It’s well known since Snopes debunked it 2011 that Palin never said it. Where you been checkmate? Head up your ASS still?
U R an IDIOT… Really!
checkmated again! Back later!
Wow, there are some idiots who thought Saturday Night Live was reality and didn’t get the joke? Gasp!
Congressman falls for The Onion “Abortioplex”
Why are you so upset? Because in taking a riff on what Palin Actually said (“I’m good at foreign Policy because you can see Russia from Alaska”) which was pretty stupid people were by then so willing to believe that Palin is a moron that the SNL sketch seemed believable. (“I can see Russia from my house.”) Factsare and were in evidence that Palin is a mental midget, ((“I read all the papers!”) that’s why people still to this day believe Palin actually said it. There is nothing too dumb that it is IMPOSSIBLE Palin said or tweeted it. Hint….she’s dumb as a post. The fact that you need Snopes to tell you it was Tina Fey as Sarah Palin saying it…equally dumb as a post.
On the other hand, Al Gore is BRILLIANT. He invented the internet.
Satire. “You could start with some Chaucer and work your way up to Swift…
Soooooooooooooo CIA based weapons were being moved from Libya to Syria in the Mike Rogers Benghazi’s report appendix of the report last week. Buried in the appendices. Interesting… That was being buried and kept from the public on purpose!
Now trying to cover up your own stooooooooopidity LIV checkmate? Sorry that doesn’t cut it. Trying to change the subject over your lack of real knowledge on many of today’s real subjects allows everyone to look into the psyche of checkmate and determine checkmate is a blithering idiot! A real blithering idiot! And add checkmate’s name to the idiot crew whom believed it.
count yourself checkmate as one of those who truly believed it. Puddy brought this up back in 2012. http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1197830 Butt, then again, checkmate is a moron!
Remember Al Gore did claim he created the Internet. His voice and face!
There are many people in the immigration pipeline who have complied with all legal requirements, are waiting their turn, and who might for one reason or another be disadvantaged by Obama’s decision to open the tap. They may have claims as well.
It’s a slippery slope. You seem to think that although Obama opened this immigration door a bit wider, someone else won’t decide to push in a door to a different room, down the hall, at some point in the future.
That’s not how precedents work. I think deep down you know that.
Puddy is sure you meant #10!
The announcement that the Iran deal fell through the exact same time the announcement that Hagel gets the ax.
Interesting… This regime sux!
Great critique! http://thefederalist.com/2014/.....zi-report/ Of course libtards have comprehension issues!
Wonder…if I Googled the phrase, “Invented the internet” and Piddles how many results could I find. Piddles really believes Al Gore said he created the internet. You ever run that one by Snopes?
Satire….you should try it. I also recommend Douglas Adams but then his bit on the usefulness of the Babelfish might be blasphemous.
Everything is literal? You’re one of those people that when you open a box of Triscuits your PISSED they don’t have a little slice of cheese or quarter circle of Bologna on it already aren’t you? When you had a Red Bull, did you think it would make you fly?
(Pop Quiz: when the subject is Sarah Palin and the response is about Sarah Palin, how is it changing the subject?)
Here on planet Earth.
Iran Nuclear Talks: Optimism as Deadline Extended
Puddyworld…”Iran deal fell through”
Google Dumps Video Game That Encourages Players To Shoot Gays
“Google has pulled a game from its app store that encourages users to gun down naked gay men. Titled ‘Ass Hunter,’ the game features a person in hunting regalia searching out and killing gay characters trying to attack him. The homophobic game has been available online since 2002 but was uploaded in Google Play Sunday. The description said: ‘Popular game hunting on gays is now on android! Play and do not be gay!’ Business Insider reported.”
@47 good on google.
Asshole @ 39…
No links or quotes… More shit pulled from your miserable ass?
Damn! More “kredible” klownservative kommentary from the village idiot troll..
Thank you again for your service to the progressive cause.
checkmate just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper… Al Gore’s own words checkmate… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnFJ8cHAlco … He took the initiative… In reality it was DARPA which became ARPA which came from AlohaNet, which Puddy used in his masters research! How old was Al Gorebasm then?
Butt back to the original issue which you brought up in #12 which you wrote
Little Diomede Island, Alaska is 2.4 miles from Big Diomede Island, Russia. Seems Sarah Palin is much smarter than checkmate. Sarah checkmated checkmate!
Sux to be checkmate! ENuff of this sucka checkmate.
Wow I like that hack bullshit link @ 44…
The author faults the Republican committee for reading tons of cables, memos, email etc.. You know source material.
She says they should have checked klownservative websites instead!
Klownservative hack bullshit!
No links or quotes – absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
There were multiple appendices.
Link provided by Don Don last week absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
So stooooooooooopid all the time! Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
It just keeps getting better from the moron @ 50:
Uhhhh.. Looks like “taking initiative” to me as opposed to klownservative politicians who prefer doing nothing!!!
Search the crazed databaze absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
Who is “Don Don”? You a baby or something tool?
Where is the pertinent smoking gun quotes asshole?
See everybody? This fiend is just a jerk who doesn’t back up what he claims..
Typical klownservative.. You gotta be a total idiot to put a fraction of a cent’s value on anything this tool kraps here.
Al Gore is not the issue absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot. checkmate brought it up to cover for his Sarah Palin mistake! It’s only 2.4 miles not 55 miles!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
In the appendix absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot.
Sux you can’t read eh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot
@32 1/20/2107 – yeah you big ape
I like being under Piddles’ skin. The 1991 Gore bill (High Performance Computing Act of 1991) funded UIUC at the University of Wisconsin. While a scholarship student at UIUC a guy named Marc Andreesen worked on a little project called Mosaic.
Maybe Piddles has heard of him. He’s kind of famous in com-pew-ter circles.
Ummm checkmate we’re discussing Sarah Palin… You trainwrecked to Al Gorebasm… Your wrote 55 miles across the Bering Sea…
Pfffffffffffffft… wrong again! Not even 1/10 of that distance.
Sux to be checkmate.
Still no quote @ 57. to back up what he claims @ 39…
Let’s see it asshole.. As you barked at me a while back..
If I could prove you pulled shit from your ass over Roberts and the ACA, surely a klownservative jerk tool like you can back up what you claim in 39..
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Btw. Is the moronic bullshit you are refusing to backup in Appendix 4 pages 61-91???
1/20/2017 – So empty tea bag with the chafed puff butt?
Puddy wonders if OWS racist deadtoad covered in his own vomit is in Ferguson, Mo right now!
Bigotry is ignorance, as is very apparent from homophobes and racists, especially the ape, he couldn’t be more ignorant as displayed in comment after comment.
A black guy in Ferguson could hold up a sign reading how to become a legal murder, become a cop. And conservatives will think of that As disrespectful, un called for, and look in disdain. But then when some baptist church hypocrite holds up a sign stating God hates Fags, Fags going to hell. Then it becomes free speach, swept under the rug. True Christians values. Or discrimination of religion.
Puffy are you bare footed and shirtless, you ape?
The difference absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot was you offered a link from the LA Times which didn’t refer to anything you offered. So Puddy said prove it. No one could open the link for three days. In fact no one came to your aid in multiple threads. What does that say about the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot and the support for such a monomaniacal moron? Not well liked eh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? A legend in it’s own mind!
Puddy don’t have to prove anything to absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot.
Multiple sites have reported this discrepancy. No refutation from left wrong sites so far!
Puddy doesn’t do your bidding absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! U R Puddy’s Pavlov dog. Puddy PWNS you and don’t forget that!
Now watch the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot reaction…
Bob you are half ape too. You sit by as an innocent bystander.
Wow! Klassic klownservative… Thinks he’s better than everybody else. Totally reminds me of our jerk village idiot tool in these threads.
“Dr. Huxtable” is a klownservative fiend.
How does one do this? “how to become a legal murder” empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt?
Ahhh yes
Changed the subject in #66… Puddy called it!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
I could open it just fine with two different browsers.
You were lying.. You provided the dangling link and didn’t even think of using archive.org. I bet that SHOCKED your miserable ass! HAHAHAHAHA!
Damn! You’re stupid! Damn! It sucks to be you. That was just one time.. Many , many times you’ve pulled shit from your ass just like that..
Thank you so much for representing klownservatism as you do.
Thanks once again for your service to the progressive cause.
Puddy is lying? Did anyone answer your open link request? Wanna review the threads to show everyone how really stoooooooooooooopid you are absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? Puddy knew of other sources but the onus was on you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! You up for that?
Just say yes… Please say yes… We can revisit your pitiful request..
Where’s that quote from the Republicans that “proves” the CIA “shipped” arms from Libya to Syria??
The klownservative fiend hasn’t produced it. Sux to be him.
So you knew beforehand that you pulled shit from your ass!
The Sol-Gen made a tax argument to the SCOTUS in his brief and you knew..
See no further proof needed that YOU VALUE BULLSHIT over TRUTH..
You’re an ugly liar. Thank you for representing klownservatism as you have for nearly 10 years.
Thank you again for your service to the progressive cause.
Oh yes, Bill Cosby called Republicans racists… http://newsforafricanamericans.....uates.html
So much for Cosby being a Republican…
HAHAHAHAHAHA! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot didn’t know about that!
http://www.politico.com/news/s.....17311.html Bill Cosby likes Obummer and dislikes Hannity…
HAHAHAHAHAHA! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot didn’t know about that!
Puddy wrote Puddy knew of other sources. Puddy provided a link on this blog. Puddy didn’t read them. Didn’t need to. You were going to provide the “information”.
It really sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Shrug.. You said he was a klownservative.. YOU SAID THAT..
It appears Cosby thought he was a genius. And better than other people..
You’ve said the same..
David Duke was a Republican was he not?
So absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot are you saying yes? Looks like from your answer in #72 you said yes… You keep harping on it so you want everyone to see your pitiful “Can anyone open this link” request and the pixels of silence. Come on moron grow some balls!
Soooooooooooooooooo the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot didn’t know those Bill Cosby facts!
Puddy knew it! Puddy knows the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot reads useless left wrong e-rags!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Bill Cosby discussed conservative family values absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is searching the crazed databaze right now! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no one opened my link! Puddy is right!
And didn’t read them to do a self check??? Not only are you an admitted hater of truth..
You are a coward. You are really scared of being shown wrong.
Thank you for representing klownservatism as you have for nearly 10 years.
Thank you for your service to the progressive cause.
Thank you for post #79. Time to post the link… You just said yes! Puddy warned ya! Pavlov’s dog reacts as always!
Remember you went there with your big mouth absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Puddy doesn’t need to check anything you provide. Puddy provides link after link after link!
HAHAHAHAHA!!! So you’re saying he was a “house divided”..
He has to have an “R” next to his name to shore up the foundation. Too funny you are!!
Well I have to admit this washed up comedian that you have annointed MANY MANY TIMES with the holy title of “klownservative” is not holding up too well.
Puddy never said anything about Bill’s mindset. You are absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! You didn’t know those facts and now you are like checkmate… in cover your ASS ode.
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Take your best shot tool.
Everyone here knows you’re an idiot.
Can anyone confirm that this link works?
Awww no one came to the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat defense… Awww…
No one answered you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Man it really sux to know a whole thread of nuthinness! No support for the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
So now who is the monomaniacal idiot? YOU absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Goldy said klownservatives are NOT funny.
LMAO!! You said these klownservatives tickle your funny bone:
monomaniacal: Shrug.. You said he was a klownservative.. YOU SAID THAT..
Puddy: Really? Where is it in the crazed databaze?
BTW #84 had to really hurt your leetle feelings…
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
LOL!!! Scraping the bottom of the barrel..
Yes this person supported me on the tax argument issue. And you had to admit you were wrong.
Damn!! You really respond when people team up on you! It figures.. You tried the same with Pacman, MWS.. Mr Klynical didn’t seem too enthralled with it.. And then there were those funny hitsquad trolls…
You are a really lonely troll without someone to “creep” with you.
The St. Louis County prosecutor has just announced that the grand jury declined to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.
Big Diomede is uninhabited .
Palun’s statement is still stupid. She was stating her foreign policy experience amounts to a chunk of rock she had never.personally seen being in view of Alaska.
“We had an excellent diplomatic exchange me and that pile of rocks.” Or words.to that effect.
Why is the puddyfuckwad defending the drunken bum Palin clan?
They’re a bunch of no class shitheads with an undeserved sense of entitlement…OH!
They’re just like the puddyfuckwad!!! I get it.
Changing the train tracks again… Was that answer in this thread http://horsesass.org/open-thread-1111-3/ you idiot? Nope you dope!
Lying again. That’s the story of your life. Rewriting Puddy’s commentary! Calling yourself a hero.
You are a joke!
Good try checkmate @ 89.
Still an EPIC FAYLE. It’s 2.4 miles not 55 miles!
Sux to be checkmate!
Hmmm… Michael Brown wasn’t shot in the back after all eh IDIOT Wabbit?
You tried the same with Pacman – Really? GBS met Pacman…
You are a moron – For the clueless!
Again, not a soul answered the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot in that 1111 open thread! http://horsesass.org/open-thread-1111/
Amazing these DUMMOCRETIN OWS thugs on teevee creating anarchy! Obummer is asking for calm and being ignored by the OWS DUMMOCRETIN thugs!
Did anyone hear the prosecutor mention ‘fleeing felon’?
As Brian Stelter reported over the weekend, Stephanopoulos, NBC’s Matt Lauer, CBS’ Scott Pelley and CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon all held off-the-record meetings with Wilson in an effort to land the first interview. CBS’ “60 Minutes” had been in “especially hot pursuit” of locking down the interview, according to Stelter’s report. Off-the-record introductions are a routine part of the television booking process.
Meanwhile, Al Jazeera is scrambling to find this mysterious lagomorphic expert on the ‘fleeing felon’ doctrine to highlight their Sunday talk show.
OWS DUMMOCRETIN thugs in Ferguson destroying minority owned businesses per CNN.
Waytogo Libtardos!
Wow it seems Michael Brown was shot in the police car after all. It seems Michael Brown punched Officer Wilson in his police car. Minority witnesses claim Michael Brown charged Officer Wilson. Hmmm…? Not the stories told on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
OWS Blacks looting black businesses on CNN and Fox News. DUMMOCRETIN OWS peeps are a strange bunch. Reporters and camera people being attacked!
McCulloch: Autopsy findings showed #MichaelBrown had no wounds to his back, several witnesses adjusted stories after that was released.
McCulloch is a Democrat. He was part of Team Obama’s Truth Squad.
LOL!!! You keep sprinkling GBS on PacMan as if that excuses your miserable behavior.. Not gonna work fool..
You and PacMan “creeped” together in these threads – PERIOD..
I called you two a “tag team” – big, ugly and stupid trolls ganging up on commenters here like Donnageddon.
When PacMan split the scene you created your most degenerate work of all – MWS… You needed to “creep” with someone so bad – you circle jerked your own sock-puppet!!!
Damn! What a legacy of madness and idiocy!
You know you’re living in a police state when the police can never be held accountable for killing unarmed kids.
Dark day for this country. Keep your head down.
Hmmm could it have been ObummerCare proposed insurance increases that allowed Scott Walker to become Wisconsin governor? http://www.washingtontimes.com.....um-spike-/
@ 103
How is being subject to a two-month investigation of multi-agency data by a grand jury not accountability?
He was held accountable for his actions. He was found to have acted within the law.
Predictably, the streets are filling with Anarchists, Communists, Thugs, opportunistic anti-Israel/anti-Semites, hopped up looters, idiots, opportunistic race hustlers etc… basically the best of society.
@103. Sad but too often true.
Thought experiment…
House Intelligence Committee reviews thousands of pages of from the ground reports, eyewitness statements, forensic evidence and after-the-fact direct witness testimony and concludes that there was no wrong doing and no stand down order. “But these three operatives say in a book that the conclusions are wrong they were told to stand down and they were there. WE MUST BELIEVE THEM!”
St. Louis County Grand Jury reviews thousands of pages of witness statements, forensic evidence and after-the-fact direct witness testimony and concludes that there was no wrong doing in the shooting of Michael Brown. “I believe they came to the right decision and the witnesses who say otherwise are obviously wrong.”
What is the primary difference in these opposing reactions?
@105 I hope you’re not trying to make the argument that things went by the book, which proves the book is fair or just or right.
“How is being subject to a two-month investigation of multi-agency data by a grand jury not accountability?”
Poor absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot @ 102! Has to change the subject when proven to be the low life moron everyone on the blog knows it to be!
EPIC FAYLE in the argument department! Open thread 11/11 and no one came to your link “defense”. That speaks volumes about your monomaniacal fecklessness and how you are viewed on this blog by fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS! A clarion call to your stoooooooooopidity!
Sad day on 11/11 for the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Or is it still For the Clueless… Aptly named because you are clueless!
@110 twisted Republicans always dying on their sword.
When CNN and ABC News reported items skipped over by the committee’s final report, that’s strange. we find out there was intelligence breakdowns after telling us in the previous paragraph there were no intelligence breakdowns makes real sense. Then in the Appendices we learn things did happen that the report said didn’t happen, makes for strange commentary! http://thefederalist.com/2014/.....zi-report/
Now that Chuck Hagel was fired, Obummer needs a token Republican in the cabinet.
Dick Cheney fits the bill perfectly as SoD!
Watch heads explode!
On a different subject… Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS using these fools in their ObummerCare arguments against Avik Roy? Yes you know who you are. Puddy can use Google really well… http://crooksandliars.com/karo.....t-obamacar
Or these rubes in their ObummerCare arguments against Avik Roy? http://mediamatters.org/video/.....ama/196745
And of course these well known idiots in their ObummerCare arguments against Avik Roy?http://www.dailykos.com/rss/tag:Avik%20Roy.xml
Well, now that Jonathan Gruber has proven Avik Roy correct with the six videos that recently surfaced by a single Pennsylvanian who lost his insurance due to ObummerCare what will HA DUMMOCRETINS fabricate next from their left wrong sites!
1 – Individual premiums are going up 25%
2 – Employer premiums didn’t go down but up at least 3% even through the mandate delay
3 – The $2500 savings was a lie
4 – Keeping costs down through state exchanges was a façade
5 – The Cadillac Tax was a ruse to pin cost escalation on insurance companies
““We’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as president of the United States” – Another of Obummer Lies!
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” – Another of Obummer Lies!
“If you like your plan you can keep your plan” – Another of Obummer Lies!
Will HA DUMMOCRETINS finally admit Avik was RIGHT?
Don’t worry Puddy won’t hold PuddyBreath as Puddy waits!
Here’s one IDIOT’s Avik Roy attack… http://horsesass.org/open-thre.....nt-1263421 – Hint: It’s monomaniacal
Remember the OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad screaming about this… http://horsesass.org/open-thre.....nt-1263527
Well the guy won… http://www.towleroad.com/2014/.....-seat.html
Won by almost 40%… Don’t DUMMOCRETINS consider that a landslide? Seems that special brand of hate (Google Gordon Klingenschmitt wins in Colorado – About 24,700 results (0.41 seconds)) and view where OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad receives it’s special brand of hatred delivered here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Wow those sites are very scary just like OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad!
Ahhh yes the scene of the first crime… OWS inspired morons – “Gotta make ’em pay”! http://www.breitbart.com/Breit.....ational-TV
From other sites y’all can find…
“You’re too much of a pussy to shoot me.”
“The unidentified witness wrote that the 18-year-old Brown “has his arms out with attitude,” while “The cop just stood there.” The witness added, “Dang if that kid didn’t start running right at the cop like a football player. Head down.”
Conference Chair: Cathy McMorris Rodgers – NorthWest DUMMOCRETINS are a screaming…
Juan Williams – Do these so called black leaders represent the best interests of black people? No leadership, no vision, no constructive actions! http://www.foxnews.com/opinion.....-violence/
Michael Eric Bad Attitude Dyson
Jesse HiJackson
Al NotSoSharpton
John Screw Loose Lewis
Maxine Poverty Pimp Waters
The heroes of rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
Maybe they are dealing with 93% of blacks dying in Chicago are killed by blacks…
Update… Al NoSoSharpton gonna make hot air in Ferguson at noon!
@ Schizo @ 117
Gordon Klingenschmitt is an avowed White Supremacist, you fucking moron. He regularly quotes R. J. Rushdoony, and is an active voice for the Christian Dominionist movement.
Those people openly promote the idea that only European Whites can be real Christians and as such, only White European Christians have the right to rule the whole world based on their “Christian” version of Sharia Law. To them, YOU are merely obsolete farm equipment, and are just another member of an undesirable section of humanity that is descended from demons and needs to be eliminated from the human species. Your skin color offends them to the point of extreme reactionary violence. They don’t see anything but that, at all. Everything else you claim for yourself, that is your “faith”, your political loyalties, your education, your ability to perform certain types of work is all outside of their consideration entirely. None of it matters.
Anyone who sees witches and demons everywhere is obviously deeply mentally ill. Just because he was elected to hold public office doesn’t legitimize his ideology. It only indicates how stupid or lazy the local electorate really is, or possibly how corrupted the election system could be. Using his election as somehow legitimizing his personal philosophy is also a pretty good indicator of your own particular psychosis.
The old Mount Baker Klan is revitalizing itself, and is becoming a little less timid about attending county council meetings or running their sympathizers and adherents for public office. At one time, well into the late 1930’s, it was the largest Ku Klux Klan organization west of the Mississippi River. Do you really believe that they’ll make a distinction between a “good” nigger and a “bad” one if they were able to dominate the political conversation?
Shit no. You’ll be frogmarched into whatever enclave they build for you and your family along with every other non-white, non-christian person they can get their hands on. How many of your friends and neighbors will you denounce before they come for you? Thats how the Gestapo worked. And the Spetznatz. And the KGB. And the Khmer Rouge. And the Stasi. And the Catholic Inquisition. And the French Revolution.
Thats what the Christian Reconstructionist movement is all about. That is the entirety of it’s purpose, idiot.
Puddy glad to see OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad reads Puddy entries, contrary to it’s continual screams otherwise. Puddy doesn’t care one iota about Gordon. Apparently this district liked this “racist” Gordon better than the DUMMOCRETIN alternative.
Puddy knows racists congregated together. Are some better racists than others? Is OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad a “good” racist while Gordon is a bad racist? Somehow on May 25th 2013 the “good” racist deadtoad farted this…
Puddy never heard of Gordon until you delivered him to all of us last June. So it seems you two run in similar circles. Puddy bets Gordon uses the same N-word in a similar connotation as HA DUMMOCRETINS racist OWS vomit covered deadtoady!
The nihilist affirmative action baby uncle fucking tom puddyfuckwad doesn’t like real Black Leaders (or Ol’ Rujax, but so fucking what).
Black Leaders that are DOING SOMETHING…TRYING to do SOMETHING positive instead dancing on the teee-vee like the castrated field hands “Bumpin B-Car” Ben Carson, the Republican Shoeshine BOY Michael Steele, the fucking WAR CRIMINAL Allen West. These clowns appear regularly on FAUX News telling all those smug white assholes EX-ACTLY what they want to hear.
“Yes, Maassaa…yessss maaasssaaa, ev’rything’s FINE maaaaasssaaa. We loooooves you, maaaaaasaaaaa. ”
Just like the Samuel L. Jackson character in ‘Django,’ the puddyfuckwad and his fellow ‘house negroes’ are so smug and self-satisfied about having theirs that they just don’t give a fuck about generations crippled by intentional, institutional racism and persons of all color condemned to poverty by a neo-liberal establishment monomaniacally focused on cheap labor and pitting color against color and class against class.
Oh…looks like I forgot the serial rapist Bill Cosby. Him too.
Here’s the deal…puddyfuckwad spends literally hours and hours vomiting and shitting his “squid ink” on a little blog in the fifth whitest city in the US.
And he’s calling out men and women who go to the mattresses EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY to do SOMETHING….ANYTHING for the betterment of their constituencies which include the poor and disenfranchised of every color.
SHAME on the puddyfuckwad.
So ANOTHER young Black Man has been murdered by police. More young Black men will be murdered by police and vigilantes because it’s open season.
The sorry-ass puddyfuckwad could care less.
The sorry-ass puddyfuckwad can do nothing but tear apart people of any color who try to help, and encourage those who seek to subjugate anyone and everyone, but the easiest ones first.
There’s a special place in hell for assholes like the puddyfuckwad.
@123…I you are a great example of a left-wing uber racist. You and the KKK are just two sides of the same coin. This gross “real blacks vs fake blacks” bullshit is fucking evil…grow the fuck up.
@124. I don’t follow your logic. How is Rujax railing against puddy, using some of the same reasoning used by Malcolm X about , racist?
@125…Using the words of a hate preacher to defend another hater…lame.
Real black leaders rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? Let’s go through the things rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears supports because those real black leaders never show up for…
1 – Omar Thornton kills 8 white people! Where were those black leaders on this?
2 – Nkosi Thandiwe – Kills Brittney Watts in cold blood! Tiffany Ferenczy was shot Lauren Garcia was shot and left paralyzed. Where were those black leaders on this?
3 – Johnathan Anthony, Antonio Pass, and Jekari Strozier beat and kill Joshua Chellew because he dated a black woman. Where were those black leaders on this?
4 – Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington are killed by Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr. Where were those black leaders on this?
5 – Kelly Lynn Hunnewell mother of four was killed by Troy Stevenson, Trenton Barnes and Lorenzo Young. Where were those black leaders on this?
6 – Channon Christian, 21, and her boyfriend Christopher Newsom, 23 were carjacked, kidnapped, raped and killed in January 2007 by 5 blacks… Here is the story rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears. You need to read the gruesome story for yourself because Puddy knows you are as clueless as ever! http://www.knoxnews.com/news/l.....s-in-focus Where were those black leaders on this?
You see rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, you are clueless to this. You hate any black man who stands up against the status quo, and leaves the reservation. Hence that “beautiful soliloquy” you wrote @123 against great Black Americans. NOT! Good for you idiot! Stay on the reservation.
Mattresses? That’s what you think about? Not the salt mines like your idiot cousin? Puddy not calling out anyone except the idiots you jock strap every day rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
Puddy read about the black man shot in NYC and the black kid in Cleveland. The NYC cop should be held accountable. Let the grand jury decide. The black kid shooter should be held accountable. Let the grand jury decide.
In other words, you are not going to justify your logic because you don’t like the messengers?
This is the standard modus operandi of DUMMOCRETINS. They can’t see the world for what it really is! Soooooooooooo make excuses.
Y’all do that every day. Witness the attack on Rudy Giuliani by Michael Eric Dyson earlier Sunday when Rudy claimed 93% of blacks die at the hands of their fellow black men and women. Dyson tells Giuliani he has an attitude problem for telling the truth with FACTS.
Shoot the messenger is a Saul Alinsky tactic perfected by DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
@127, 129, 130…
Does puddyfuckwad get PAID to be that stupid, or does he carry water for the ofay for free?
Just askin’…
@124, 126…
You are who?…some slap-dick off the street?
Fuck you.
There IS no logic…this is knee-jerk ignorant CRACKER bullshit.
Dig this…”sigh” YOU are the PROBLEM.
And… rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears head explodes…
@133…Yep, there is no doubt that you are a true blue racist.
Help me out here, smart guy…at whom is my ‘racism’ directed?
So this as good a time as any to get this out of the way…
The puddyfuckwad keeps bleating about (among many other things) his opinion that tech is a pure meritocracy and he is the baddest m-f’er in the bidness ‘cause he beats whitey at whitey (or ‘brown-ey’s) own game. Ha!!! Take THAT you slacker libtards!!!
We all know that Tech is the furthest thing from a meritocracy. To get over really big in tech all you need are three things: 1) the work ethic and morals of a school of piranha; 2) big connections; and 3) a LOT of money. The bootstrap days have been overfor a loooooong time.
So comes now our hero the loud and proud puddyfuckwad, bumpin’ to the beat of a different drummer, spouting this stupid counter–intuitive Faux News friendly narrative bullfuckingshit and ‘cause the techies are libertarian (piranha) or BIG Tech or Government Contractors (teat-sucking assholes), they eat this shit up…and puddyfuckwad can’t get fired!!
Seriously. Think about it. He does not even have to be good…just ‘not bad.’ He’s totally bored anyone and everyone in earshot with his religious whack-jobbery so they know he won’t get caught with a couple of white girls and an ounce of blow in a Louisiana (or Missouri) motel room, so they’re glad to have him. Even if he fucks up, if it’s not too bad and they can send someone in on the Q.T., no problem. And bonus, bonus…they’re jake with the Government and some industry hiring guidelines.
If the dude is an independent contractor, C-corp or S-corp? DOUBLE-WINNER…minority owned business!!!
The puddyfuckad is REALLY SLICK…the ultimate affirmative action baby…wayyyy getting over and doing it on the backs of dead black kids in the streets.
Nice work. He fits right in the school.
@136…So you are not only a racist, but also just straight up stupid.
Go back and read what you’ve vomited all through this thread, it’ll be in vain though because you Liberals believe that being a lefty makes you incapable of racism or bigotry.
@138. That’s silly, everyone is capable of being racist, or a bigot, the good people realize they have the capacity and do something about it. Rujax!’s language is vulgar, but it’s no worse than some the offensive language used by conservative christians here. Rujax! is sarcastic, maybe you are not understanding the sarcasm.
What you all have failed to do, several times, is actually define what Rujax! has said that makes him racist, and why.
@139…I would submit that everything Rujax has written here is proof.
(Sarcasm? What a lame excuse.)