– You always hope for a speedy resolution to labor strife, but I support the Longshore workers.
– Slow down on Rainier Ave, pleez.
– This year’s Seattle city budget looks pretty good.
– Sidewalks should never be ‘closed’ for construction projects
– Astronomical Sexism: Rosetta #ShirtStorm and Everyday Sexism in STEM [h/t]
– Agreed that Santarchy is The Worst Fucking Night In The Bars
Seattle Times ran another one of their full-of-shit anti-union editorials last weekend saying the dockworkers should give up their work slowdown while negotiating a labor contract with employers.
Yeah right. That’s like saying two teams should play baseball under rules that allow only one of the teams to play with bats and gloves, the other team has to use its bare hands.
The slowdown is the only leverage the workers have. All the other leverage is on the employers’ side. This is exactly the kind of labor negotiation the anti-worker wingnuts at the Seattle Times would love to see.
Working conditions were awful in this country before there were unions. Only after union thugs dynamited mines and beat up (and sometimes killed) strikebreakers, and met employer violence with violence of their own, were labor rights won. It’s too bad it had to happen that way, but they were dealing with employers who understand no language but force.
America’s conservatives are not at all reticent about using force to impose our will on other countries. Nor have they ever hesitated to endorse the use of force against their fellow Americans, including deadly force against women and children, to break labor strikes and suppress political protests.
So now they’re whining about a work slowdown? Puh-leeze. I don’t want to hear it. The management negotiators should be happy the dockworkers aren’t shooting out their tires and throwing firebombs through their office windows. Whether you like it or not, that’s the kind of world we live in, and it’s the people in power, the people who run things, who created that kind of world for the rest of us to live. Sooner or later, what goes around, comes around.
The horse’s mouth has spoken (or neighed or whinnied):
“Yes, the actual operating jobs are about FIFTY.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s from the CEO of the pipeline company, in reference to how many people will be employed to run the Keystone XL pipeline after it’s built. Anything else came from the horse’s other end.
Exactly. Remember a few months ago when Jay Inslee cut off the funding for the State Patrol to escort USDA inspectors to the docks in Vancouver during the lockout? A week or two after the funds were cut and the playing field was leveled, the owners came back to the table and settled.
When I read stories like this, I’m amazed by the restraint of Ferguson protesters. What would you do if your mother, wife, sister, or daughter was thrown in the city jail for having expired tags on her car, and then raped by a jail guard? I’d be thinking about guns and gasoline.
“Letting the peasants starve is ennobling” says Lord Mike Pence to his fellow nobles, “the dead will motivate the living to toil ever harder. Their sacrifice will reap great rewards for us.”
Give a man a fish, and he may eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll sit around in a boat, drinking beer all day.
@2 – I forget the calculation but I don’t even think we have 45,000 officers watching the Mexican Border. Not sure how they come up with 45,000 workers. Bunch of con artists.
I mentioned this yesterday but it’s republican math on jobs. The steel to build is contracted from India. So the crew of the container ship that already have jobs and would otherwise be carrying car parts or fruit or widgets to port are jobs that already existed but are created by Keystone. And the Longshoremen who are currently employed that will unload the ship are new jobs from Keystone because they were already employed at the port but not for *This* load of steel. That a few dozen rail cars will be added to an existing train leaving the port and will be uncoupled somewhere along the pipeline, those are new jobs. Nobody ever engineered a train or worked the rail yard until we approved Keystone.
It’s the same dumb math used to calculate presidential travel. “OMG! It’s costing the secret service $1m a day to travel with the President!” Never mind that those agents are salaried and it would cost the government $1M/day if the president were sitting in the Oval Office what’s important is that they are costing the government $1M/day RIGHT NOW when the President is somewhere outside of D.C. because somehow they wouldn’t be drawing their pay if they were home in D.C.
I installed a solar energy system on my house (or had installed) – I created 4 jobs for 2 days. Republicans don’t like those types of jobs. The only job they like is keeping the oil executive in power.
I recently posted a Politico article that had various Republican Oil executives calling the Keystone Pipeline Irrelevant. It is nothing more than a political token to Republicans at this point.
They should invest in Solar and other alternative renewable energy sources to create real jobs.
Oil executives are calling for the lifting of Crude Oil export embargo – so much for keeping the oil for ouselves so we cut our dependency on foreign oil…..The discussion should be alternative forms of energy not oil.
The XL Pipeline is irrelevant.
Thanks czechsaaz for the good fight – keep the monkeys honest.
Time for Puddy to implement convoluted Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit logic:
So it seems rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears hates labor unions along with rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears’ labor union hating Senate DUMMOCRETINS! Who knew this about rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? http://www.washingtontimes.com.....ilibuster/
Wow, another ignorant joack-booted union thug leader whom just woke up!
So now we know… http://talkingpointsmemo.com/l.....y-commerce
PuddyCommentary: Pelosi is scum. Trying to destroy House seniority! Smackdown delivered. Butt, there is more… http://www.bloomberg.com/polit.....elosi-ally
The libtard arrogance of Pelosi-scum. Puddy wrote about how Pelosi treated the poster child of the 2012 erections who was paraded here by many HA DUMMOCRETINS!
From HA DUMMOCRETINS own words… Republicans, supposedly per DUMMOCRETINS, are controlled by what is said on Fox News. Well now we learn from last night’s empirical evidence, DUMMOCRETINS are controlled and receive their nightly goose stepping marching orders from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central.
Who knew?
So if you don’t possess control of your caucus are you really a serious congressional leader? Libtard msm ask this all the time of Boehner!
LMAO@the idiot@11..
No mention of Gruber in this thread to be seen..
The village idiot troll’s “grubasm” has dissipated..
Musta smoked a pack of camels to come down from that eruption.
You mean the kind of leader your wife paid dues to village idiot troll?
Imagine that. MONEY from YOUR HOUSE going to a labor union..
You’re such a smelly BUTThole.
“Slow down on Rainier Ave, pleez”
Is gentrification complete or something? For years the best advise would have been, don’t even drive on fucking Rainier Avenue, most especially at night. And if you have to cross Rainier, try to time it so you don’t have to stop at a red light. Keep moving. Don’t slow down. A quick read of the local crime blotter would drive the point home.
@10 Well, if that’s your job-creation logic, then let’s build bridges to nowhere and dams on dry creek beds, because all of those projects create jobs.
As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what the Columbia River and Tennessee Valley dams were — government spending to create make-work construction jobs during the Depression. They didn’t know what to do with the water or electricity, so they gave it to the farmers for almost nothing.
Then Word War 2 came along, and the U.S. suddenly needed massive amounts of electricity to make aluminum for planes and plutonium for bombs, and eureka, there was the unused electricity sitting there, ready to be used. The dams won the war for us.
Maybe Keystone XL will save the U.S., and perhaps all of humanity, in some way we can’t foresee right now. You never know. It’s just kinda hard to see right now.
Meanwhile, yeah, the unions want several thousand construction jobs for a couple years. Can’t blame ’em for that. I think we should give them much more. We should give them the hundreds of thousands of construction jobs they’d get if Republicans stopped blocking the infrastructure spending our country desperately needs.
@11 “Pelosi is scum.”
I’ll take our scum over your scum every day, and on Sundays, too.
Only 2 posts by Pudnutz in this whole thread? Is his boss making him do some actual work during the workday?
Shocking eh NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
It’s not Puddy’s you moron it’s a union thug leader screaming about Keystone!
Yes you can keep Pelosi! Even her fellow Congressional DUMMOCRETINS rejected her in the vote. Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz led the charge!
Wow that low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep has now gone back to it’s low read and content lacking blog to attack Puddy?
Undocumented workers usually have illegal documents! That’s A-OK with the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
On my commute in, there was a bicyclist that give cyclists a bad name. No hand signals. He took up a third of the road. He didn’t stop at stop signs, he blew through intersections and yet he was visually rude to a car that didn’t defer to him.
@10 because Democrats aren’t little lemmings like Republicans.
LMAO!!! Does this mean klownservative greedhead bidness operators are TOO STUPID to distinguish fake documents from real???
Of course they are! Greed DULLS THE SENSES!
and Damn!!! Notice that the troll calls them “undocumented”!!! Why is this?? I thought the proper term to an always wrong wing nut some form of “illegal” period (wetback if you’re an idiot Republican from Alaska)..
Or “cheap” if you’re an an asshole HA KLOWNSERVATIVE!!!
Hey troll.. What no comment on your wife paying dues to an labor organization led by some “thug” leader???
Of course not.. To acknowledge this FACT would show you to be a typical BUTThole klownservative idiot!
&23 I have republican friend, ohhhhh my Republican friends, especially this one who is a tobacco farmer. He employs Jamaicans to harvest his bounty, and he know that they are illegal, he checks no documents.
He’s a real beauty – he doesn’t have a problem being racist and bigoted. He’s just a regular guy Republican Teapartier guy, white and old.
Puffy would be proud of this guy.
Hey empty tea bag,
You answered the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
To the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep,
Puddy never does your bidding. You, low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep are my Pavlov doll.
Back low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep, bark!
The puddyfuckwad is after all is said and done, a moronic fuckwad.
THAT…is perfect logic.
The horse’s mouth has spoken (or neighed or whinnied):
“Yes, the actual operating jobs are about FIFTY.”
There will be a lot more indirectly created jobs involved with the clean up and cover up of the inevitable oil spills.
According to the klownservatives KXL will make everyone so HAPPY!!! Especially our own pet village idiot troll.
Our pet village idiot troll desperately wants 10.3 MILLION Americans to lose their health insurance..
No. Don’t believe the troll if he bleats “repeal and replace”…
@26 try learning English, one if the requirements to be a citizen by republicans. I didn’t say that they don’t have documents, all I said is that he doesn’t bother to check or ask.
Remember this thug cop? http://chicago.cbslocal.com/20.....n-in-cell/
5.7 Million people already lost their insurance and their doctors due to the lie from Obummer due to ObummerCare. Where is that in Dead Schultz’ commentary? Some of the 10.3 Million are receiving ObummerCare due to illegal federal exchange subsidies which Professor Gruber claimed in videos were illegal! The ObummerCare law specifically said those subsidies were only from state exchanges.
So why didn’t Dead Schultz discuss why Obummer delayed the employer mandate which even the LA Times, NBC News, Wall Street Journal and other libtard locations admit 25-60 million will lose their employer provided insurance? Remember Gruber claimed in another video that was on purpose to force them onto ObummerCare.
That link proves once again Dead Schultz doesn’t know what’s in the law after the law was passed, and your posting of Dead Schultz’ idiotic rant proves you are an absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep. Bark you moron, bark!
As always it sux to be you!
From the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt:
Ummm… Okay!
To the absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep @ 30,
It was a union thug leader who made the claim of lost jobs. Reading is NOT FUNDAMENTAL to your absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creepy ASS!
Puddy finished reading the “mostly true” Politifact response…
Puddy wonders why the libtards at Politifact added may? It’s factual 5.7 Million lost their insurance due to ObummerCare.
Wow, this was purposely skipped over by HA’s absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep. Puddy already provided link after link of those who definitely lost insurance including one with Megyn Kelly interviewing Professor Gruber last fall regarding those whom lost their insurance due to ObummerCare. Check the crazed databaze absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!!!!!
Sooooooooooooooo 10.3 million – 5.7 million is 4.6 million peeps absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep! And since there are some of those receiving the illegal federal subsidies… Hmmm…?
Still sux to be the absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Wow Obummer going to implement executive amnesty even though it’s not that popular with hispanics. http://hotair.com/archives/201.....everybody/
Butt a pathway to citizenship is popular. So after Obummer had a 60 vote senate in 2009 and claimed Obummer was not an emperor is Obummer doing it now after getting the smackdown back on Nov 4th? Because Obummer doesn’t care about the will of the people!
Remember, Obama claimed 25 times on camera that Obummer does not have the legal authority to act without Congress on immigration. http://bit.ly/1qYOU9V
And for those loony libtards who claimed Reagan did the same thing… WRONG… Reagan was operating under Simpson-Mazzoli a PASSED law! The problem was there was no border enforcement! Even to this day libtards are against that because as Pelosi mentioned, illegals are the new DUMMOCRETIN voting pool. Yes Puddy gave link to that to in the absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep crazed databaze!
A well written piece covering the New York Times expose… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....like-that/
Meanwhile you have to love this for you leftist Gruber Truthers… http://youtu.be/kDomkBtJC7Q And for the resident IDIOT Wabbit… Obummercare is at 37% approval… approved by those who are getting the subsidies! Ain’t that so absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep? So here you go leftist PINHEADS… http://thefederalist.com/2014/.....it-a-rest/
Unlike HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards whom hijack more than two paragraphs repeatedly and get away with it, Puddy only used two!
Earlier it was discussed the epic fayle of federal subsidies and how the IRS had to rule because 36 states said no thanks! That’s going to the Supremes!
Gonna be real interesting next spring.
School shooting at FSU… perp dead three injured. http://www.tallahassee.com/sto...../19311083/
Wait for the IDIOT Wabbit posting of the same event…
No one lost their insurance. I think if 5 million people lost their insurance you would be hearing more about it….and it is pretty quite out there.
Noone lost their doctors. You can find another good doctor. When you visit the ER you don’t get your doctor. When you are referred by a doctor to see a specialst, then you get a new doctor too. When you move to a new state, as all the Republican conservatives claim they are doing to go to greener pastures, away from liberals, guess what you get a new doctor.
Finding another good doctor isn’t impossilbe and is part of life. But the Ape doesn’t know about life, all he knows how to do is ruin other peoples lives.
Where are those links empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt? Puddy offered many links and the absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep has them in the cred databaze! Just ax the absolute low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt!
Recently Puddy put forth the Megin Kelly link that had 5.09 million with Gruber!
Sux to be you empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt!
Here’s a hijack from a Puddy link earlier this year!
“Opponents of the law clam a wide variety of numbers for enrollments. First you have to remember when we say enrollments under the ACA we mean all insurance types, not just the 8 million through the marketplace. If you take the 4.7 million who lost their plans and subtract that from the 8 million who got plans on the marketplace, and then subtract those who may not pay you get a number more like 4 million. Of course the 4.7 million who lost plans got insurance through more places than just the marketplace. The real numbers when taking all data into account truly seems to be closer to our 15 million estimate which as you can read below is actually pretty conservative.”
So they didn’t lose their plans empty puffed chafed butt tea bag? Got proof?
http://thehayride.com/wp-conte.....0×563 and…
So why did Obummer say this on NBC news empty tea bag?
Meet the guy who Grubered Obummer chafed butt… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....-him-back/
Well the chafed puffed butt above claimed that Weinstein didn’t lose his insurance! Actions always have consequences!
@43 actually it SUCKs to be you.
Where is your link. Where are the voices of the 5.3 million. I don’t hear anybody!
Bill Cosbt sure was busy assualting woman – a third accuser comes forward.
Puffy – quick send him a bible. Did he forget that there are the ten commandments?
@ 46,
Puddy asked for your links first… Chronological order or are you as chronological challenged as the crazed databaze deala?
Can’t think of an original chafed butt line so you hijack sux to be you?
Sad; so sad!
New Internet terms:
Gruber verb groo-burr
: To tell a lie deliberately with the intent of misleading.
: To misinform people based on the belief that they are too stupid to understand the wisdom of your position.
example: To conceal the truth about Obamacare it was necessary to gruber the entire nation.
: A calculated mistruth intended to deceive listeners
example: The explanation given in favor of Obamacare was one huge gruber from one end to the other.
Gruberish noun groo-burr-esh
: Any bewildering deluge of falsehoods designed to confound an audience based on the speaker’s awareness that the truth must be concealed by any means necessary.
example: A preposterous mountain of gruberish was put forth intended to hide the fact that the entire nation had been grubered about Obamacare.
Republicans were not grubered! Only DUMMOCRETINS!
Republican: if President Obama changes immigration policy, it will poison the well, and republicans won’t want to do anything further on immigration.