– The religious right hucksters versus the true believers.
– Sorry Rainier Valley residents, 98178 is the 7th most diverse zip code.
– Getting Iraq wrong helped right winger’s careers. So I don’t see any reason why getting the election wrong would hurt them either.
– What the fuck Representative Scott DesJarlais? (h/t)
– Supporting Walmart workers on Black Friday by not shopping there then seems reasonable enough.
– Her name was Savita Halappanavar.
– How to draw Doug may be my favorite Super Fun Pak Comix ever.
Ho Ho – No.
Teamsters blame the bakers’ union for the Hostess debacle:
BCTGM members were told there were better solutions than the final offer, although Judge Drain stated in his decision in bankruptcy court that no such solutions exist. Without complete information, BCTGM members voted by voice votes in union halls. The BCTGM reported that over 90 percent rejected the final offer and three of its units ratified the final offer.
On Friday, Nov. 9, the BCTGM began to strike at some Hostess production facilities without notice to the Teamsters despite assurances they would not proceed with job actions without contacting the Teamsters Union. This unannounced action put Teamster members in the difficult position of facing picket lines without knowing their right to honor such a line without being disciplined.
Stupidity should be painful. It’s unfortunate that the Teamsters’ union members will feel some of it due to the stupidity of their bakery brethren.
Two months of stock market collapsing, and every day we hear of more loss, more layoofs and plant closings (Hostess, 18000 union workers) and the Fiscal Cliff keeps on wiping out American incomes. Gotta love this administration!
– Supporting Walmart workers on Black Friday by not shopping there then seems reasonable enough.
It also might get you out of a manslaughter allegation:
Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death – NYTimes.com
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11.....230;allNov 28, 2008 – A crush of shoppers tore down the front doors and thronged into a store in suburban New York, killing a temporary employee.
one of the puddfuckles and the likes hero’s.
Of course you blame unions.
Conservatives, are you FOR anything that helps workers? Anything at all?
Go figure. This is the America that conservatives apparently want. And they wonder why they lost the election.
@ 4
This is a Mitt Romney-style deal.
Er, no, it isn’t.
Bain deals didn’t typically give seats on the board and 25% equity stakes in the company to unions in exchange for concessions. That’s what Hostess offered in exchange for the concessions it needed to stay in business.
United Airlines employees took equity in exchange for concessions. UAW has done it. Those weren’t Bain-style deals, either.
The company was in trouble – its revenues had fallen 50% since 2002. It needed help from its unions to stay afloat – Teamsters agreed, the bakers didn’t.
Although it may be for the best – does one really want people as stupid as the bakery union leadership holding seats on the corporate board?
Re Hostess:
Clearly the ownership of the company is in a better financial position in the negotiations. Being in a worse position is not a reason to roll-over.
I feel badly for the Hostess workers because I have not eaten the crap that company produces since I was a child, and would not, in any circumstances allow my children to eat it. It’s crap.
@ 8
I have not eaten the crap that company produces since I was a child, and would not, in any circumstances allow my children to eat it. It’s crap.
Agreed, with one exception: When I was racing criteriums, about 2 hours before a race I would down a Hostess fruit pie for the sugar rush. Worked really well.
Of course, then Western Family started making them, at about 2/3 the cost, and those worked equally well.
Earlier yesterday Puddy asked if the private equity firm that the judge placed Hostess into back in January was the blame. No one could rightfully answer… just throw out their steady stream of useless class warfare epithets. Puddy identified the private equity firm waiting for someone to step up to the plate. Well, they had to get their marching orders from left wrong web sites and they failed miserably! Now we see the crazy mind of the Fascist one whipped into a frenzy drinking his Daily Kook-aid.
Nothing new here; just some crazed rantings of a well known HA lunatic. Move along.
MikeBoyScout… I have a 4 year old Twinkie in the pantry. Aging nicely at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Why? To demonstrate to my sons the exact same thing. It’s crap!
25% of a turd is still a turd.
does one really want people as stupid as the bakery union leadership holding seats on the corporate board?
6 different CEOs in 8 years and not one had experience in the food industry? Who are the stupid ones here?
On another front… the slobbering heads up de Oblamer ASS media’s love of Hamas proves “The Jews” owning the media as some HA libtards claim is farcical! ABC and CNN are mis-characterizing the Israel defensive response to Hamas, Hizbollah and Syrian rocket attacks into Israel. If “The Jews” owned the media, would those Hamas loving reports be on display?
Typical leftist media! Typical HA leftist response!
Bob, you be sure and send those fine people at Hostess a thank-you note for the contribution they’ve made to your gout.
@ 13
Actually, MBS, that note went to the makers of Inversion IPA in OR.
@ 11
6 different CEOs in 8 years and not one had experience in the food industry? Who are the stupid ones here?
Remind me again how much auto industry experience Obama’s car czar had prior to being tapped for that job?
@15 Kap’n Kornflake,
Steve Rattner was never CEO of GM nor Chrysler.
Steve Rattner’s experience was in finance and the task he was to perform for the Treasury was to develop a plan to save both the two manufacturers and related suppliers and finance companies; which he did, buy the way.
The only comparison of Steve Rattner to the failed CEOs of Hostess is that Rattner had the good sense to demand the resignation of GM’s CEO, Wagonner.
Do Conservative Pundits Ever Have To Be Right?
Obviously not. There’s always been a very good line of business telling (stoopid) people what they want to hear. Unfortunately that market dries up after a time. I believe some scientist called it evolution.
Amazing that so many CEO types are so stupid. John Schnatter is waging a losing PR battle (“I, I, I am going to be FORCED to charge you $0.14 per pizza. It’s just evil and socialist!)
And hey, what happened to the idea, floated every time there’s a minimum wage hike suggested, that passing on those costs to consumers will cause such a devastating drop in customers that you’ll be forced out of business? Doesn’t apply here or did you always know you were lying?
So when the collective public shoulder shrug of, “Hmmm, so I might pay $10.27 for two medium two topping pizzas instead of $9.99 while you keep your 18-hole private golf course watered? O.K. But you’re kind of an asshole.” comes right back at him Schnatter goes with, “I’ll cut everyone’s hours and keep them under 28.”
No you won’t. To do that, every full time employee would need to be replaced with 1.3 part-time workers. Just from that alone training costs go up. Then you have retention problems and the associated training costs. Your uniform costs go up. You will have fewer employees maxing out their disability Social Security deduction so you’ll be matching even more disability payments on those extra workers. Your payroll and HR department budgets just went up to deal with the increased staff. Your workers comp insurance is tied to the number of employees you have so that went up.
Shall I go on?
And call it class warfare but that overhead shot of “Papa’s” mansion while you whine about how devastating “Obamacare” is to America is just pathetic. Deep down you know it but you don’t mind being an asshole on public display, right?
Schnatter is losing the PR war? Only to you libtards. Conservatives are ordering Papa Johns like crazy. Better Pizza and Better Ingredients. Kind of reminds Puddy over the Chick-Fil_A brouhaha that you libtards dreamed up earlier this year.
BTW did any libtard help Schnatter build his mansion? Did Schlatter build his mansion with after tax money? Was it his hard work, his ingenuity, and his sales prowess that made him successful?
Puddy remembers when someone showed Baba Streisand’s mansion and how she birthed a cow over it.
George Allen adviser: Romney’s Virginia effort was ‘worthless’
Yes, Slick Willard clearly is a superior leader and you should believe what any Republican tells you, especially before an election.
A right winger in an unusual moment of clarity:
Right wing FOOLS – “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex!
Benghazi – does anyone really care? Who cares if a decision was made to provide no security after alarm of a possible attack. Ok, wrong decision. So what? New findings that the GWB administartion new more about the 9/11 attacks before the attacks – where is this investigation? GWB sent men and women to war with inadequate protection – where is this investigation? GWB sent men and women to war on lousy intelligence – where is this investigation? War is war – so the bad guys of Benghazi won this time, until they are found and justice prevails. Who cares? Only Republican scum that are trying to make an issue of it. McCain didn’t even attend the briefing, only 3 of 9 Republican Senators attended the breifings – I thought they wanted to get to the bottom of this. Political posturing and nothing more over the lives of 4 dead Americans.
I am glad I am not in that double bind, a job that did not pay enough to support oneself, or no job at all. Neither are desirable options.
If a company cannot pay living wages, should it be in business in the first place?
Puddy doesn’t understand what a PR war is. Conservatives may be lapping up crappy pizzas right now but they’ll move on. Everyone who earns wages for a living is watching an asshole. (See Marie Antoinette.) So when in 2016 Schnatter is hosting fundraisers for Marco Rubio that’s a minus not a plus. It will be simple math. There are more non-conservatives, non-owners out there in the world or did you not notice the last election? Every time Shnatter goes on the air, he picks up a handful of conservative customers and loses a couple thousand ordinary Americans. It’s math Piddles. When “Papa” makes these claims about how his business is going to go in the crapper due to Obamacare, everyone except his elitist class brethren is well aware that he’s full of shit.
The big complaint right now is that Obama “fooled” America by offering them stuff. How’s this going to sound. “Now that the economy has turned around, Governor Chrisite wants your vote so Papa John can have an extra golf cart free of charge. But we think it would be better if you can afford to see a doctor. Golf Cart or Doctor, it’s your choice.”
Piddles seems to be missing the entire point. If Miss Streisand spent all her time claiming that her taxes are crushing her earning power then maybe you’d have a point. As usual, no. Right, “Obamacare, is going to be devastating to my finances so I’m going to screw my employees to cover the cost. No watch this drive on my private course.” Yeah, that’s a winning argument for conservatives. T.D.F.
Petraeus tells the Intell Committees today that the CIA told Oblamer’s sadministration that this was a terrorist attack from the beginning and someone took that out of the “official narrative” when Oblamer went to the whitey house lawn and then told everyone it was a video.
Typical so typical. DUMMOCRAPTS lie and lie and lie and gleeeeeeeeman has no clue about what happens except his jaunts to the Cape.
Of course the congressional libtard response was of course the talking points had to be changed when they went from classified to unclassified. Yep, take out the truth!
why did Isreal wait until after the election to kill Hamas leader – I smell another fucking conspiracy.
Oh no… Did CNN use faked Palestinian injury footage? Seems so. What will Anderson Cooper do now?
CNN – Clueless News Network… like ylbuttspigot AKA Clueless!
@23 – that’s what make a good ponzi scheme. When only the guy at the top is benefiting.
for any of you interested in smart management and into tech, you’ll want to read this story over at the Atlantic
When the Nerds Go Marching In
via John Cole over at BJ
In other news one leftist pinhead buys the home of another leftist pinhead… Price? $54 Million… What will the OWS inspired leftists say?
Free Markets!
Denny’s franchisee backs off ‘Obamacare’ threat
You know who eats at franchise restaurant chains? The people who most need and support ObamaCare.
F*cking overpaid ‘job creators!’ are as stupid as their losing candidate, Slick Willard.
Mitt Romney loses a shoe in election – I wonder why!
Point to where he said this:
But he did say this:
@25 we see the LIES of AN INSANE FOOL! “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex!
Do all of these revenge firings even come close to the 700,000 jobs per month that we were losing in the latter part of the Bush administration due to the long term effects of Republican policies?
Not even.
This is a PR war that is not going to rebound well on the big business perpetrators of this little piece of marketing psychodrama.
Maybe all of the extra Twinkies™ can be repurposed as packaging filler for nuclear waste. The container may eventually degrade, but the Twinkies™, with their chemically dense spongecake outer covering and soft faux-cream filling, will last for eternity.
@5 “Caterpillar – the leading world class producer of mining and construction equipment”
…and armored bulldozers used by the Israeli army to crush Palestinian houses and any poor souls who might happen to be in the way.
The only valid “point” Pudsucker can lay claim to is the one under his hat.
It’s been almost four years since I’ve had to listen to the President of the United States say ‘nukular’ for the rest of the world to hear and ponder upon the intelligence of the speaker.
We can afford to let big business crap its diapers and cry like a colicky infant. May they rot in hell for eternity and a day, for, in fact, the rich man does not ask for forgiveness, but rather for pity.
CBS News ya moron buttspigot… When directly asked if it was a terror attack what did Oblamer say buttspigot…? Direct from 60 minutes November 5th… left on the cutting room floor the first time…
So who’s lying again ylbuttspigot?
Such a useless piece of HorsesASS! A stalking fiend! He never said TERRORIST ATTACK!
Sucks to be you!
Hey FartyArt… Remember don is on your side.
Put that on your pointy head!
@35 Hec Ramsey,
Right on.
Same thing regarding the sell off in the market.
The babies are having their tantrum.
The most humorous aspect is that these Galtian ‘job creators!’ are only hurting themselves. What will it take for you or most of the people you know to eat at a Папа Джонс, Denny’s or give business to any of these other job killing cry babies?
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
@40 Uncle Puddles,
And what would have happened differently if the President had said “TERRORIST ATTACK!”?
Seriously. WTF?
Would it have brought back the 4 lives lost by the act of terror?
Just WTF is yours and the WINGNUTS obsession with ex post facto semantics?
re 43: They are trying to establish a false equivalency between Dubya’s ignoring of the warnings about bin Laden’s plans and the killing of the 4 Americans in Libya.
If they are successful in pushing their ‘investigation’ forward, the nly logical consequence is to open up a similar investigation into 9/11.
I guess that 9/11 can be put back ‘on’ the table.
The Unions always kill their HOSTess
It will only end when the Unions grow up and realize they are taking the companies and nation down.
The good news for Dubya about a 9/11 investigation would be that he could continue to pursue his favorite sport even while in prison — except on a stationary bike.
“Aerosol!!!” … not
As to the first article cited…it just might be that an increasing number of onetime “true believers” have simply said fuckit and moved on. They might have tired of hearing one lame-ass excuse after another for why the Rapture didn’t happen last week. They may have been disgusted with their huckster/leaders blowing smoke about “morality while genuflecting to images of dead presidents and putting their dicks in all sorts of odd places. Maybe some of ’em got a little pissed about their daughters being called “sluts”. Or all of the above.
@44 Hec Ramsey,
I think the right is just desperate for some public grabbing scandal, and having been provided none by a well run and clean Obama administration they are left with manufacturing one. And like most Republican attempts to manufacture anything it fails spectacularly.
I don’t expect to hear an answer from Uncle Puddles, but it’d be entertaining to hear his opinion about what would have happened differently had Obama or any member of his administration give his preferred incantation magic spell.
LOL!!! I quote remarks from THE DAY AFTER the attack and what does Obama say?
There’s no blaming a video! There’s no blaming a video in that NOV 5 stuff! YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!
YOU ARE A FOOL! Swallowing the BULLSHIT narratives of the right wing BULLSHIT complex!
Heh. It really rankles that the “community organizer” still has his job..
It really rankles that the “community organizer” will give ANOTHER inauguration speech in Jan.
It really rankles that the “community organizer” will have the same job for 4 WHOLE YEARS after that!
What will “ha trolls” do?
They will CONTINUE to be “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex! As they have for MANY, MANY YEARS before the existence of this website and will for MANY, MANY YEARS after the server goes cold.
Do the same old, some old expecting different results.. It’s what insane people do.
But his representatives told the network that while he still plans to cut back hours, the 5% surcharge was only speculative and he never really intended to impose it.
Yup. Screw the workers.
A lot would have changed.
Still waiting for Oblamer to show the official directive he claimed to create. Don’t hold your breath though!
How come…
When Zimmerman shoots an unarmed black kid, the conservatives say we need to wait till all the facts come in, don’t rush to judgement. After all, it’s probably the black kid’s fault.
When Benghazi happens, all the conservative rush to judgement and say, we don’t need facts, it’s the black president’s fault.
I see a theme.
P.S Puddy, never walk after dark in Florida or be President. It’s just safer for you that way. Serial “Cheep Shot” Conservative will turn on you in heartbeat.
Well MBS, the lives are lost. But why did Oblamer’s sadministration remove the consulate’s protection contigent a few weeks before? They may have helped. Remember the Lt Col’s testimony? Oh you forgot that?
Why the coverup for so long? Don’t worry don’t expect you to answer that FlubScout!
Ahhh the Fascist fool strikes again. Because the British Press the next day told the world it was a terrorist attack. Puddy provided the links. The Libyan government said it was a terrorist attack the next day. Puddy provided the links.
Then the time lines appeared. They all contradicted Oblamer’s “official line” of it was a video tape!
buttspigot is ignored for continual lunacy!
Puddy walks in the dark all the time in Florida. Puddy has relatives in gated Florida communities. Puddy drives in the dark too. You should be afraid!
@51 Uncle Puddles,
Is that your final answer? “A lot”?
4 year olds can come up with better answers.
Rep. DesJarlais …
Since when is it news for a GOP “pro-life and family values” politician to be outed as a lying, cheating, secret-abortion-arranging hypocrite?
Aren’t they all?
You know FlubScout @56…
Puddy already laid out in previous threads what would have changed. There is a terrorist act law Oblamer could have invoked. There were military actions Oblamer could have called for. Puddy laid these out in previous threads and you forgot them!
And you have the audacity to call my response childish when you act as a pouting child and forget facts every day on this blog?
Where is the official directive Oblamer claimed he put out with his three talking points? Why hasn’t Oblamer sat down with the families and told them the truth?
Cry Puddy a river moron FlubScout. Puddy doesn’t replay links just because you think you ask nicely. Ask the buttspigot for the links. He answered you before, he’ll answer you again from his crazed databaze!
Nuff yo crap!
@40 sounds to me as if the President was saying that it was terrorism….not sure what your stupid point is. You are too dumb to read into what he is saying. If anything those quotes or back up the President. So he doesn’t use the word terrorism, big deal, you have to understand when your government downplays something, like GWB did with 9/11.
my republican friends keep using the N word, they love it, love it!
@58 Uncle Puddles,
You already “laid out in previous threads what would have changed.”? BULLSHIT. Show me.
The president could have invoked a “terrorist act law”? How does that work? If and only if the president screams “TERRORIST ATTACK!” can the (alleged) law be invoked?
“There were military actions Oblamer could have called for” Are there?
Tell us Uncle Puddles, how long after the report that the Consulate(/CIA outpost) was under attack was it before US military action was called in?
I’m asking you for answers Uncle Puddles.
Not that I expect to be able to provide any, but to show you and the world that you are chewing on yet another nothingburger, like Solyndra, like Fast & Furious and, of course, like Mittmentum.
Republican friends in Massachusetts? 11% of the population claims to be Republican in Massachusetts. So the N word must be NUTZ to describe you!
SCREW YOU. It’s in da crazed databaze. Aks ylbuttspigot. I dare ya! Puddy don’t work for FlubScout! Puddy don’t jump for FlubScout.
Remember when Steve asked Puddy for proof from a previous conversation? No? You forgot that too! Puddy provided much proof. Right from the HA blog. And it was in the crazed databaze. You aren’t Steve! So you LOSE sucka!
Uncle Puddles,
Maybe you’re right. Maybe if a President makes a public show of a terrorist attack something happens.
Remember when President George W. Bush at the rubble pile that was the World Trade Center Complex said on September 14th, 2001
“and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon”?
And then “soon” on May 2, 2011 President Obama made sure Bin Laden heard from us?
Remember last Tuesday??
Here’s a great run-down of the Hostess management debacle from the well known commie-pinko rag…
Of course anti-worker, anti-union anti-(fucking) AMERICAN assholes like Max and “Bob” and the puddypussypissypants will never lay ANY blame at the feet of the vulture capitalists who have sucked billions upon billions out of our economy.
Tell me again why and how this Romney style/Mafia bust-out model is good for anybody except the assholes at the top.
PS- “bob” you are just fucking full of shit…another one like max who owes practically everything to the infrastructure you grew up in, and are willing not only to pay NOTHING in return, but actively work to deny those who come after you the same opportunity you had.
What a morally bankrupt piece of shit you are.
These fucking clowns…
and the cyniklown are beneath contempt.
And rujax, the dumbest of the leftist mofos here forgets how many venture capitalists voted for Oblamer while sucking this country dry.
Another of the really stooooooooooooooopid!
…and Petraeus appeared before the House Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron if I ever heard one…with Republiclowns in charge).
Afterward Rep. Peter King (R-Asshole) declared that the General supported the President and Ambassador Rice. That any information that was left out of Ambassador Rice’s briefing was done administratively.
So fuck you you puerile little toady. Go kiss up to your teabagger hero Allen West before his fifteen minutes are up forever.
And let us bid a fond farewell to the POS Dan Lundgren as well. Next targets are the dumb fuck Darrell Issa and Dana Rohrabacher.
Crow tastes like shit doesn’t it boys?
This is hilarious! This IS A JOKE! After Obama helped liberate Libya from a crazy dictator he’s supposed to turn America’s guns willy nilly and wipe out a bunch of swarthy skinned folks for the barcalounged idiots who watch Faux News?
Uhhh.. He’s been doing enough of that thank you very much with drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and who knows where else. What was the purpose of the CIA outpost just 20 some minutes away from the Benghazi consulate stocked full of trained killers?
Now its bomb, bomb, bomb and boots on the ground time to a country who was GRATEFUL for our intervention?
To a country whose OIL we NEED?
Throwing them INTO THE ARMS of Islamists?
That was the MO of the empty-suit ha trolls voted for twice.
The puddypussypissypants…the best example of a complete ignoramus the goddess ever created.
Pure brilliance!!!
Where the fuck were these hypocritical sons-of-bitches when Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld sent General Colin Powell to the UN with lies about WMD’s.
Those were LIES. The General trusted those thieving cretins and they gave him lies.
Where were you assholes then?
From the “Blogfather”!!
Here’s the real story from maxeee’s favorite publication.
This comment pretty much sums up my feelings on the Twinkie management
Got YOUR hand out???
Where’s da link rujax?
Here’s the video saying something else rujax!
Keep drinking da daily kook-aid
Romney never included farmers in his 47% you stooooooooooooooooopid moron! Romney been for farm subsidies! Looks like Oblamer wanted to cut farm subsidies!
rujax = stooooooooooooooooopid!
Well I went and did it. Michael will be rejoining the Legion Of Car Commuters. But, it’s just a temporary thing and if you’re going to commute by car, Gig Harbor to Bremerton three days a week (22 miles one way) is one of the better ones.
Peter King got taken apart last night by Anderson Cooper. That was fun to watch.
notice rujax never comes back with links just ad hominem attacks and innuendo?
Puddy provided more than just George Soros in his links rujax. Remember that VC who was indicted for underaged sex rujax? No? Well you are one stupid mofo so Puddy has to give you a pass! Oblamer lover! As your dumb ASS brother ylbuttspigot for the links. He’ll give them to you. You is family!!!
Family of stupidity that is!
I only respond like that to the delusionary assholes.
The puddypussypissypants should take note.
A friend of mine who drives trucks for a living has seen the bad side of management-buy-outs. It happened about 2006 or so, and his company (a moderatly profitable freight carrier) was absorbed by a smaller freight carrier which had big venture capital financing available – a minnow swallowing the trout.
The first thing the new management said was they were going to impose wage cuts of up to 30%. That’s when it was pointed out to them that they were Teamsters, and they had a long-term contract in place, and they could re-negotiate at the end of the contract. The company whined for the next year or so about how it had to cut labor costs to be competative. The drivers shrugged – they were Teamsters, if this company went out of business, the freight would go to other companies, and they could get jobs there.
Of course, when the financial crash hit at the end of 2008, the company “suspended” all payments into the pension fund, saying it had to do so to survive. Of course, the previous company under old management could have weathered the storm quite well, with modest expenses and debt. But the new company was incurred with huge debt burders incurred only to buy the old company.
Now the company is trying to force out drivers by re-locating their terminals to distant locations, making them commute an hour each way per day in addition to driving all day long. The company argued that employees who don’t accept the transfers will be terminated and not entitled to unemployment compensation because it is barely within the milage limit (35 miles?) from the old terminal, but nobody’s been able to figure out how they calculate that. Besides, some drivers already drove 20-30 miles to get to the old terminal, now they might have to drive 55-65 miles each way.
Huffington Post, Kremlin mouthpiece:
Several opinion columns praising Russia and published in the last two years on CNBC’s web site and the Huffington Post were written by seemingly independent professionals but were placed on behalf of the Russian government by its public-relations firm, Ketchum.
Once again rujax lost the argument. Puddy ain’t gonna replay the links you moron. Puddy gave link after link of leftist VC who suck America dry while jock strapping Oblamer!
Such a sad sack of leftist rujax shit! How is the reservation treating ya?
Question: Why did the Turd Blossom melt down on the Fake News channel on election night?
I admit to a lack of interest until today. Then I saw this.
Anonymous Claims It Stopped Karl Rove From Hacking The Election By Hacking ORCA, We Think
Don’t worry rujax,
Puddy not worried about you posting the Peter King link, since Puddy done smack yo side you head with facts!
Just think 18,500 people hitting the unemployment line due to the Baker union not coordinating with the Teamsters union!
Got proof or more libtard speculation? Who created ORCA goatlover?
This is great!
Obama is still the President, and will still be four years from now, and Piddles is still a batshit crazy loser spinning wingnut nonsense for the amusement of well informed liberals.
Dance for us Piddles, dance!
Not even CLOSE, fuckwad.
Links to Peter King? THAT’s what we were talking about, REMEMBER?
Who fucking gives a fuck? Those assholes didn’t vote for tha President this time. And so what if they do…it’s a free fucking country. It’s been documented that criminals generally vote Republican. There goes your arguement.
You know shithead…I and very encouraged right now. the goddess has smiled on us all. President Obama walloped the forces of intolerance, hate and evil. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren will sit on the Banking Committee, my daughter and brother can marry the partners of their choice in our great state, we’ve got momentum and lots more to do.
Thanks for asking.
The puddypussypissypants.
No correlation.
OMGerd! A public-relations firm got a story in the press! That’s never happened before! Ever! Checkout TV local news, If it isn’t weather, sports, or a car crash, it’s probably a rip-and-read press release.
I wonder how many pieces of news BP and Exxon got on there (and just about everywhere else in the press) over the same time period.
Piddles is still pretending the 16 minute segment of Rachel Maddow on September 12 didn’t happen. “But, But, But, how come the British press knew? How come the American press covered it up? Yaaargh!”
Riddle me this Piddles? The response included activities from a classified CIA annex involving assets that the public now know exist. But the right’s assumption is, “Well the President should have told the world exactly everything he knew the moment he knew it.” Never mind that acting in such a manner might have gotten those assets killed. I mean, classified information should ALWAYS be shared with the press, right? That’s what you think should have happened?
Why do you hate our troops on the ground? Why do you wish CIA officers dead? Why do you hate our country?
I have a sort of confession to make.
A friend just called me and let me know he got his “free stuff”.
Apparently his health insurance provider failed to meet the ObamaCare 80/20 rule and he received a $1,600 reimbursement today.
So, “FREE STUFF”, Yeah!
And after Willard, and so many of his kind in the House, got their asses kicked running on the theory that, “You know, we’d actually be A-O-K and the economy would be humming if the Job Creators, who are seeing their lowest tax rates since the 30s were doing just a bit better,” Piddles is still peddling the same thinking.
I mean, if the bakers union would just have bent over so the executives could have another raise it would have all been great.
McCain tried to sell lower taxes on the ‘Job Creators’ in 2008. Willard tried it in 2012. Who’s next to peddle the thoroughly discredited economic theory that Piddles is one of the minority clinging to? That ever shrinking minority. That minority who are the only morons who haven’t noticed that trickle-down is and always has been a fraud. Good luck with that.
Oh yes some did you again stooooooooooooopid idiot rujax!
@94 Yeah, it sure looks like the commies won the PR war; that’s why the USSR is thriving and America went under.
Puddy placed a Peter King video link in this thread rujaxmoron! Did you forget it already. Well you are mindless, more than the standard 24 hour moonbat mindless memory malady expressed by others. That video link refutes your Daily Kooks regurgitated psychobabble. Petraeus stated it was a terrorist attack. Oblamer’s sadministration sanitized it.
What checkmate? Oblamer removed the troops on the ground to protect the ambassador you moron! The ambassador is dead due to Oblamer incompetence you idiot.
Nuff said about checkmate!
Clearly our right-turd friends didn’t see or hear the Democratic train coming as they ambled serenely through the tunnel. Why? Because the lights and horns of the approaching locomotive were drowned out by the Wingnut Blather Machine. Consequently, the Republican fools actually believed Romney would win by a landslide.
“Conservative hand-wringing in the wake of President Obama’s victory continues unabated, with both voters and strategists venting their frustration about the GOP’s loss, while condemning the conservative media for leading followers to believe a GOP victory was imminent. (A landslide!)”
Here’s how it got out of hand:
“Instead of being honest down the homestretch, conservative pundits on Fox News and at places like the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post fed Republicans a steady diet of falsehoods and Pollyannaish analysis that ran counter to the clear polling data about the state of the race.”
Yes, the polls were absolutely clear about what would happen, but conservatives retreated into their bubble and refused to believe the polls — just as some of them refuse to believe Obama has a valid Hawaii birth certificate.
A Republican governor who happens to be a rising GOP star is trying to deal with this by urging his fellow Republicans to “stop being the party of stupid” and “we’ve had enough of this dumbed-down conservatism.”
Good luck with that. My prediction is there’s no cure for terminal idiocy; it simply leads to termination of the idiot’s existence. And that’s where the GOP is going and will continue to go.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think we should relentlessly and ruthlessly make fun of all the rightwing jackasses who predicted a Romney “landslide” until they disappear. Because they need to just fucking disappear. Some cancers disappear only when the host body dies, and that’s what’ll happen in the Party of Stupid’s case, too.
Wow Piddly, even for you that’s a spectacular missing of the point.
@102 “Oblamer removed the troops on the ground to protect the ambassador you moron! The ambassador is dead due to Oblamer incompetence you idiot.”
Uncle Puddles,
I’m certain you will not give up on “Benghazi!” any time soon.
But I’m keeping track of the WINGNUT failures of manufactured “Oblamer” scandals.
So far, I’ve got:
a) Solyndra!
b) Fast & Furious!
c) Benghazi!
for sure. Should I add:
d) Death Panels!?
e) FEMA Death Camps!?
And were there any I missed?
As the HA mouth piece for every manufactured “Oblamer” scandal that comes out of the Fox Puke Funnel, you’re the resident expert.
Thanks in advance!
Puddy has to give checkmate some credit though. For weeks on HA all we heard from dunceman and his buds how Benghazi was a false narrative created by Republicans. Well General Petraeus has shown how Oblamer’s sadministration has be-tray-ed us by lying for all those weeks so they could get reerected.
rujax hasn’t even come face to face with the facts! This proves checkmate is smarter than rujax, although that’s not saying much!
@107 Uncle Puddles spewed,
that’s not saying much!
Despite a flood of comments with a lot of words, that’s right, you don’t say much at all. :-(
Oh ButtPounder of low intelligence, I neither know nor cared if the story is true. I found it amusing, more so than you. You I find to be utterly boring.
Mostly I pass on your posts as completely worthless and mindless drivel. (pause) A quick scan shows you posted nothing of value in this thread either. How utterly predictable. But I will go back and read the other posts.
Oh, and I’ll pass on your goat party as well.
Really Roger SENILE Wabbit? Really? You already forgot Lt. Col Andrew Wood’s Congressional testimony Roger SENILE Wabbit? Lt. Col. Andy Wood was the former head of a U.S. Special Forces “Site Security Team” in Libya Roger SENILE Wabbit. They were pulled out of Libya in August Roger SENILE Wabbit. Lt Col Wood testified before Congress in a House Oversight Committee hearing talking about the lack of security at the American consulate in Benghazi Roger SENILE Wabbit.
Google it sucka!
You are more than senile… stupid… moronic… idiotic… and full of bullshit!
What are you babbling about taking out of context as usual?
FlubScout farts!
a) Solyndra! – True
b) Fast & Furious! – true
c) Benghazi! – Proving very true
for sure. Should I add:
d) Death Panels!? – What did Paul Krugman say again FlubScout?
e) FEMA Death Camps!? – Don’t know about that one! Got link?
Going to fix dinner. See you pukes lata!
Butt before I leave here is a great synopsis of the Oblamer sadministrations lies on Libya!
We all know why it Al Qaeda was removed. Because Oblamer claimed he decimated Al Qaeda and this would hiccup Oblamer’s narrative. Well Al Qaeda has said they ain’t dead!
Don’t forget Gang…
The puddypussypissypants is never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever….
Just ask him.
That Fox shit is just that…
Get better fucking sources, dude.
@110 Uncle Puddles,
You said “Lt. Col. Andy Wood was the former head of a U.S. Special Forces “Site Security Team””
And, as you know, Lt Col Wood said “The SSTs mission was to support and answer to Chief of Mission in Libya. I worked directly for the Regional Security Officer.”
The point is that Wood, a National Guard member on temporary assignment, was not the point man for security in Libya, but by his own testimony was 2 links down the chain of command in country.
To your false point about ‘removing the troops’, again what does Lt Col Wood tell us?
Now, Uncle Puddles, I understand the reason you never dared to volunteer to serve in the uniform of the armed services of our country was because … Yeah, I forgot because I don’t give a shit to hear your lame excuse.
But had you served you might be aware that the reason Wood left when he did was because THAT’S WHAT HIS DEPLOYMENT ORDERS STATED before he left.
But you keep pitching your WINGNUT BS, you yellow bellied coward. Keep pitching.
More sad for the dying Republican party
Republican Lock On Florida’s Cuban-American Vote May Be Over
Viva Obama!
This is going back aways but I found it too funny:
And if it’s proved Bill Ayers played a significant role in writing “Dreams of My Father”, this will finally blow up “the messiah’s” claim Bill was a casual acquaintance.
LMAO!!! Are there no lengths this idiot would travel to be shown naught but a FOOL in the course of events?
“Butt before I leave”
You’re leaving, Puddy? Oh, please do…and please take your butt, and your equally poop-filled cranium, along with you.
But he SAYS he’s pro-life???
The puddypussypissypants’ kinda guy!
…and max and bob and cyniclown take this loon seriously.
I’m watching Anderson Cooper tear Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to shreds. The house Republican’s haven’t gotten the memo and are going to just keep on lying and go down with the ship.
The Newshour has a story on Colorado’s legalization on pot. I haven’t watched it yet.
Wrong again FlubScout.
Hey FlubScout… you missed this on purpose
And this too!
Shale Energy — Boom Or Bubble?
We’re told “fracking” can make America energy-independent, but experts are raising the alarm that shale gas is a bubble, not a long-term industry. A disturbing fact coming to light is these wells deplete very quickly. This means the U.S. might have only 10 years of shale gas, not the 100-year supply claimed by fracking boosters.
We don’t have 100 years of natural gas. period. We might have more than 10, but we don’t have anything near 100.
An important thing to remember about energy production is that it takes energy to produce energy. The amount of energy required to find, produce, and transport oil, gas, coal, and other energy resources is stated as EROI (energy return on investment). Corn ethanol, for example, uses almost as much energy to produce as it provides, limiting its viability as a fuel. Here are some EROIs for other energy resources:
Domestic oil circa 1930 – 100:1
Domestic oil circa 1970 – 40:1
Imported oil circa 1970 – 40:1
Hydroelectric power – 40:1
Imported oil circa 2005 – 35:1
Wind power – 33:1
Domestic oil circa 2000 – 15:1
Domestic natural gas – 15:1
Nuclear power – 15:1
Solar photovoltaic – 10:1
Canadian tar sands oil – 10:1
Biodiesel and gasohol – 5:1
Ohio’s GOP Gov. John Kasich is pushing to replace the state income tax with royalties from fracked gas production. His argument is based on the claim there’s a trillion dollars worth of recoverable gas in Ohio, but this figure came from a single anonymous industry source, and is scoffed at by industry experts as a wild exaggeration. That probably doesn’t bother Kasich, because his real agenda is not to fund public services, but to defund them. If Ohio voters buy this pie-in-the-sky, and it turns out to be untrue and the state’s public schools and public services collapse as a result, Ohio’s Republicans will have won a great victory for their cause.
@129 The 10-year estimate might be too low; reputable sources suggest we may have 11 years.
@124 The problem is Republicans are like Viet Cong on opium; they don’t even know they’ve been shot, and keep coming at you until you blow them completely apart.
I offer puddy as an example of a Republican who doesn’t comprehend that he’s been annihilated.
@127 Uncle Puddles,
And what is the reason to extend the temporary deployment of the National Guard to Libya?
Facts not in evidence ya cowardly non-serving dope.
I wonder if any of our trolls were down in Longview on Wednesday night?
First off you have no idea about Puddy’s military history… So suck on that moron!
The previous attacks on the Benghazi compound FlubScout. The ambassador’s security worries from his diary reported by CNN.
And the cover-up asked for by the CIA!
So you see FlubScout… you need to improve your media sources over the standard left wrong materials.
Had to be a libtard!
So much for the Oblamer’s sadministration transparency claims.
Poor fool @ 139 and many others… His beloved right wing bullshit FAILED to depose the “community organizer” so he clings to every scrap of right wing crap that is flung towards his fatuous head by the right wing grift machine.
Such a sad existence.
“6 different CEOs in 8 years and not one had experience in the food industry? Who are the stupid ones here?”
That would be the morons who read that statement and still insist it’s all the unions’ fault.
Super-Fun-Pak Comix wasn’t funny, IMHO.
Prove anything is false! Just another ylbuttspigot smelly diarrhea stain in a thread!
You are the sad existence! No job! Copying everyone’s blog entries!
A ylbuttspigot joke!
Capital gettin’ scarce? It takes a lot of Capital to turn sand laced with bitumen in into oil.
Oops, here’s the link for that one:
143 – Poor fool. This manipulation of the benghazi attack will FAIL to depose the “community organizer” just as your beloved right wing plutocrats with all of their money FAILED!
Their strategy relies on BULLSHIT! We all saw the BULLSHIT FAIL on Nov 6..
As long as you rely on FAILING Faux News and other right wing BULLSHIT,
Find a job yet ylbuttspigot?
R U still receiving unemployment checks ylbuttspigot?
What kind of role model R U for your son ylbuttspigot?
Keep those Oblamer dreams going while you sit at home wasting oxygen ylbuttspigot!
Hey ylbuttspigot, while you are stuck at home living off Mrs buttspigot’s SEIU paycheck for Christmas, Puddy taking the whole family overseas for Christmas. FREE! Well Puddy has to pay airport taxes on the tickets. So much for your FAIL WITH IT charge.
Sucks to be you! Keep your inner dope alive! EPIC FAYLE!
I was not planning to go to Wal-Mart on friday. Now I will just because it might annoy a LAZY striker.
Knock yourself out.