– The machinists have more spine in standing up to Boeing’s bullshit than our state legislators.
– The state makes Metro going it alone seem more and more attractive.
– And speaking of our legislature. I realize they just opened up some massive tax loopholes, but Majority Rules has a petition asking our legislature to cut some of them.
– Darrell Isa’s partial transcripts are total bullshit.
– I liked both of Rachel Held Evans’ books, but I didn’t realize they were like the Berenstain Bears.
They may have more spine, but the trip to another right to work state is in their future.
They may have more spine, but the trip to another right to work state is in their future.
@1 @2 Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps a career change would be more palatable than to move across the country to work for chicken feed covering for other peoples’ ineptitude.
Guess they will have to draw straws for Home Depot jobs.
@1 Boeing management will come crawling back to the union when they find out what kind of planes you get with $10/hr. hillbilly labor. In fact, they already are.
I think most people understand by now that three-time car thief Darryl Issa is a grandstanding demagogue and liar in the mold of that old drunk, Joe McCarthy.
Glad I don’t Fly.
Flame on, girlfriend!
Speaking of books, I received this one from Amazon in today’s mail:
“They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010
Republicans Harm America’s Economy — It’s Now A Proven Fact!”
By Eric Zuesse
Here’s the back cover blurb:
“The Democratic and Republican Parties are virtual opposites of each other in their economic records, going back to the earliest period for which economic data were available, around 1910. More than a dozen studies have been done comparing economic growth, unemployment, average length of unemployment, stock market performance, inflation, f3ederal debt, and other economic indicators, during Democratic and Republican presidencies and cognresses, and they all show stunningly better performance when Democrats are in power, than when Republicans are. Thee studies are all available online, and they are all summarized and discussed in this path-breaking book, which settles, once and for all, the question of whether there’s any significant economic difference between the two Parties. Not only is there a difference, but –shockingly — it always runs in favor of Democrats in power. There might be other types of reasons for voting Republican, but all of the economic reasons favor voting for Democrats. Regarding economic performance, the two Parties aren’t even close.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, we Democrats have always known this. This book merely quantifies it for us. The last few years have shown how painful Republican policies are to America’s economic health — a lesson that had previously been learned by the generation that lived through the Depression, but gradually forgotten because their children and grandchildren never experienced the fallout from Republican economic policies — until now.
Having lost 2 recall elections, Wisconsin Republicans are now against recall elections.
Local Election Update
This afternoon’s ballot dump shows Kshama Sawant widening her lead over Richard Conlin to 1,148 votes and SeaTac’s $15 minimum wage proposition ahead by 53 votes.
I’m getting so tired of Boeing’s extortions. They want concisions from the unions and tax breaks from state and local governments while asking for better transportation systems from both. Except they don’t want to pay for it, they want Microsoft millionaires and dirt poor McDonalds and Wal-Mart employees to pay for it with higher gas taxes. I’m so disappointed by Gov. Jay Inslee’s caving while the Boeing Machinist stuck to their guns. Boeing needs Washington State more than Washington State needs Boeing. Washington State is the gate way to the orient, and a technology giant.
I deal with a lot of Boeing executives, they are so Republican/Tea Party/Racist, it is sickening. To hell with them!
Expropriate all Boeing property in the state, tell management and Wall St. they are fired. Start a new airplane company.
The IAM has drawn a line in the sand. We must back their play.
More Boehner B.S.
“House Speaker John Boehner trashed president Obama’s health care plan again Thursday, accusing him of wrecking … ‘the best health care delivery system in the world.’ …
“Two studies out this week — and studies going back 15 years or longer — show quite the opposite. Americans pay more per capita for health care than people in any other industrialized country. In return, we are sicker, die younger and are unhappier with the system.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hmmm, I wonder if the fact nearly everything Republicans say is a lie explains why GOP candidates don’t win at the polls?
@13 Don’t have to expropriate. You’ll soon be able to buy it for back taxes.
When these people are caught, they should be summarily shot, no sentencing hearing necessary.
“Radical anti-government fighters in Syria mistakenly beheaded a wounded fellow rebel soldier after assuming he was a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad, according to an online statement from the radical fighters’ group.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does their faction offer “friendly fire” benefits to recruits?
“A pilot’s mayday distress call sent rescuers scrambling to an area near Miami on Thursday to search for a passenger who reportedly fell out of a small plane. …
“The pilot said he was flying at 1,800 feet about two miles from the shore when the man fell on Thursday afternoon.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ll probably see things like this happen aboard commercial airliners, too, once Boeing’s fleet of cotton picker-built planes takes to the air. You know, fuselage sections peeling off, doors flying open, planes splitting in two like Russian chop-shop cars, etc.
Looks like Mike Kreidler to Obummer to stuff it.
Interesting how local DUMMOCRETINS reject the Big DUMMOCRETIN!
See ya Obummer!
Didn’t Ted Cruz and Mike Lee ask for what Obummer did today?
See ya Obummer!
Obummer said it was on him and not Senate DUMMOCRETINS.
Except Senator Mike Enzi went on the Senate floor in Sept 2010 and proposed a bill to fix Sebelius’ destructions of existing health care policies grandfathering. All Senate DUMMOCRETINS voted no. So Obummer they knew what they were doing!
See ya Obummer!
In related news…AKA the let’s do it again:
Four giant chemical companies and a lobbying group for junk food manufacturers spent 27 million to win by just over a percent.
There comes a point where return on investment comes into play. Run it again.
Will HA DUMMOCRETINS listen to Howard Dean?
Or will they listen to Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz?
This is what PMSNBC likes as their hosts!
I LOVE that the puddibigot’s sig line is a wheedling whine trying to explain away his manifest bigotry. EVERY TIME he posts with it we’re all reminded of both what a hateful ass he is, and how easily he’s called on it, not to mention how TOTALLY clueless he is in formulating an argument or rebuttal. He actually seems to think he’s being clever.
Stupid and hateful – what a way to go through life!
(Yes, puddibigot, we’re all laughing at you.)
Holy Healthcare Horseshit Batman:
Hey schmucko-moron,
Same tired horse manure… It’s always about you, but hey…
It’s a different day! Oh yeah, it’s still about you!
As always… It sux to be you schmucko-moron.
Is anything in any post not true schmucko-moron?
Whinge whinge whinge
On another factual link… Aren’t almost all (prolly all) these cities led by DUMMOCRETIN libtards?
DAYUM… Congressional DUMMOCRETINS continue to proffer the same lie… Will they take Blabbermouth Schultz’ word and run on Obummercare next year? Must be for their low information voter (LIV) crowd! Wait… some of those LIVs live on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile friends of schmucko-moron made a simple beheading mistake…
Puddy knows HA DUMMOCRETINS remember this from last week although Da Perfessa didn’t include it in his weekly comedy link set.
Now revisit history from WikiPedia….
If you disagree with Obummer you were called a racist… Now we’ll see in the future if you disagree with Obummer you will be called crazy and be accused of “philosophical intoxication”!
Google “soviet union psycho wards” and see something fully supported by DUMMOCRETINS everywhere! Shut up your political opponents by all means possible!
Wow, the village idiot has a bunch of time on his hands….must be stuck in the airport in Casper, Wyoming, or is it Pierre, North Dakota?
Retuning from one of the errands he runs for his master, checked out of the Days Inn, returned the Yaris, and now sitting waiting for the cattle car, slathering over paranoid fantasies of psychiatric abuse and Soviet jails and Barack Obama as the new Josef Stalin.
Pitiful, really.
It’s actually quite a revealing look into the creaking gears of the puddibigot’s “mind”, and that of similar Teahaddists, in which an expansion of access to health care, specifically to include mental health treatment, is somehow sinister.
I think, in part, the attack on stigma that such an expansion represents is part of what frightens poor puddibigot – his worldview absolutely depends on defining ‘other’ as a prerequisite for hating ‘other’ – it’s what defines the boundaries of his paranoid, hateful little culture – and as long as people with mental health challenges or addictions can be held at arm’s length and judged/ridiculed/stigmatized, then they buttress the walls that keep him in his little cocoon. He can’t be like ‘them’.
That, and of course, in true Palin fashion, taking something good and turning it into a macabre caricature to frighten the rubes is what Teahaddists do. “Death Panels” were of course actually a sensible and valuable service in which a patient’s goals and needs at/near the end of life were formally made central to the entire medical decision making process – that’s a VERY good thing. Likewise, invoking Stalinist Psych wards when discussing an expansion in access to mental health care (and bringing parity to mental and physical health care) is bizarre and grotesque – which are good descriptors of puddibigot’s opinions in general.
I think puddibigot’s particular fear of locked psychiatric wards, however, may harbor some element of a rational response – I think he may have an inkling that he indeed belongs under close supervision on very potent dopamine antagonists.
Rightwing, or should I say Reich-wing, ‘thought’ taken to its natural conclusions….you get Neo-Confederates and Neo-Nazis duking it out over ideological purity.
This is the world the puddibigot agitates for, traditional Christianism, traditional power structure, Dixie (and by this, I mean the paragon of militarist, violent, rigid proto-fascist American South) rising again, enforced Sky-Daddy worship – a corrosive theocratic-Fascist/Capitalist hybrid – in which workers have no power, women have no power, and non-white/non-male/non-straight/non-Christianist people are reduced to serfs, or worse.
I’ve heard it suggested that in reaction to all this “right”ward movement bullshit of the past few years that the pendulum is going to swing “left”ward just as far.It will be worse than any teabag’s nightmare.
Once again schmucko-moron has it dead wrong…
schmucko-moron… you watch PMSNBC… Puddy uses the internet to view them later! They project hate all the time. Puddy just gave you another of those hateful examples above, Alex Baldwin… Of course you glom over his hateful DUMMOCRETIN libtard comments. It your ilk who keep calling anyone who disagrees with Obummer a racist, along with Rachel Madcow, Loony OClownell, and Sergeant Schultz. And it’s so special to see Da Perfessa continue to use the hateful PMSNBC and their ilk in each Friday Night Comix thread.
Charles Krauthammer nails libtardoism again!
Idiots like schmucko-moron are attacking just like Puddy claimed earlier this week.
Notice the more hateful posts from schmucko-moron. Too bad self inspection is lost on schmucko-moron.
BTW a Days Inn? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR For your information schmucko-moron… I never have to stay at a Marriott again and will still be at their highest level for the rest of Puddy’s life. Ever been to an Intercontinental Hotel schmucko-moron? Yes Puddy’s slave masters pay Puddy’s hotel bills at the best hotels.
But hey per checkmate, Puddy just a button pusher. NOT! Oh Goody Rush Limbaugh about to come on!
I am amazed. I’ve advocated that anything over 25x the least payed worker, temp or offshore subsidiary should be taxed at 80%. The Swiss are doing it.
@37 Hey genius button pusher, why don’t you fix HA’s host server so it doesn’t double-post my comments and the edit feature works? Sometimes I wonder if you designed that software in the first place.
American execs pay themselves zillions because they can, not because they’re worth it.
Wow, Puddy missed CNN covering the 14 senators dissing Mike Enzi’s bill back in 2010.
Awww Poor SENILE Wabbit… Blame Puddy just like Dr Ezekiel Emanuel blaming Fox News for the ObummerCare web site debacle!
@42 You’re as good a scapegoat as any and better than most. It’s hard to believe all the pollution you spew on this site isn’t gumming up the works.
Homeowner Charged In Detroit Porch Slaying
A 54-year-old white male homeowner who shot a 19-year-old black girl who knocked on his front door seeking assistance after being injured in a car accident in the face with a shotgun has been charged with murder.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can’t help wondering whether George Zimmerman’s acquittal led this guy to believe it’s now open season on black people.
Refusing to tip a waitress because she’s gay is more than rude; it’s stealing. If you’re a bigot who despises gay people, fine (as far as it goes), but if you’re not going to tip for that reason then ask for a different server.
Wait staff get paid as little as $2.00 an hour. Tips are their livelihood. Tipping is how wait staff are compensated for the services they provide to restaurant patrons. Waiting on diners is work. When you refuse to tip, you’re refusing to pay people for the work they did for you.
In any context, that’s theft. Which means this family aren’t just obnoxious bigots, they’re also thieves.
I see that less about race than about a suburban guy fantasizing for years about protecting his property with a few rounds.
Finally got his chance and he was damn sure gonna take his once in a lifetime chance to be a “Used a gun to stop a crime” statistic. Probably had a chubby imagining the write up on the NRA blog.
Will this make the Friday Night Comix? Da Perfessa loves PMSNBC… The station of quacks, kooks, and loons!
PuddyCommentary: HA DUMMOCRETINS eat this guy’s shit up all day everyday! And the winning comment is…
Well they are morons. And their moronic audience is 99% of the HA DUMMOCRETIN population!
This was interesting
Black in Seattle
@8 Right on, Girlfriend!