– Repeal Seattle’s jaywalking laws.
– Google street view of Seattle Trails
– How dare you call our hero self-sacrificing?
– This Twitter language map is pretty amazing.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Repeal Seattle’s jaywalking laws.
– Google street view of Seattle Trails
– How dare you call our hero self-sacrificing?
– This Twitter language map is pretty amazing.
Sometimes I read my hometown papers online, and I am reminded of why I’m glad I left. But it does provide some amusement, in that you have to wonder sometimes if the writer isn’t engaging in satire. From a letter to the editor:
(my emphasis)
Get Off Our Lawn – You’re Killing The Grass
@1 I’ll settle for the guy who delivers the Seattle Times to my neighbor at 4:30 AM not driving on my lawn. He’s killing the grass.
OK, so if you like subjective laws that cops can enforce at their discretion, then write one that goes like this:
“It shall be lawful for pedestrians to cross streets at any time or place unless so doing would obstruct vehicular traffic.”
Of course, there is no time or place downtown that crossing a street outside a crosswalk with a “Walk” sign (and a red light stopping traffic) does em obstruct vehicular traffic, and if you think otherwise you haven’t driven a car in downtown Seattle recently.
Government Mandated Troll Warning! This comment contains FACTS. Facts may be inconsistent with your unsubstantiated opinions.
No problem here, Huh?
A global survey reveals workers are unhappy in their jobs. Duh.
Well, the mega church up the street from me has voted to leave the Presbyterian church, since the Presbyterians now allow gay people to be ordained. But, they’re not anti-gay, they still welcome gay people into their church, just please sit in the back, wear this button, and never ever try to take on a leadership role.
This is nonsense, of course. The Presbyterian church has always had gay clergy members. What it hasn’t had is openly gay clergy members. Likewise, churches like Chapel Hill aren’t saying no to gay clergy they’re saying no to openly gay clergy.
With no deficit deal in sight, Republicans are falling back on their bullshit propaganda. Namely, deficits are all the fault of those greedy Social Security and Medicare recipients, and a series of massive tax cuts for the wealthy had nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope Rethuglican intransigence drives the stock market into the dirt again, like they did in August, so I can load up on cheap stocks.
MF Global update: Regulators can’t find the missing $600 million of customer money and are beginning to suspect it disappeared into the firm’s trading losses, people are starting to use the “fraud” word, and Corzine has hired a criminal defense attorney. Oh, and MF Global had a long history of regulatory violations — but it should be noted that was going on long before Corzine took over. There seems to have been a culture of skirting the law at this outfit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably the best we can hope for here is that the customers whose money was filched over the last 10 years were rich people who voted for Bush — and got exactly the amount of regulatory oversight they voted for.
I posted a couple of days ago that it’s legal for congress critters to engage in insider trading. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended that practice today. I She’s full of it. It’s against the law for everyone else to do it, and it should be illegal for congressmen and congressional staffers, too.
“It is not illegal for members of Congress to buy stocks or make land deals based on information they’re privy to through their positions. And the profits are often substantial.
“A recent study of House members’ stock transactions showed them beating the markets’ return by about 6 percentage points annually from 1985 to 2001. A 2004 study involving the same authors showed senators beating the market by 12 percentage points annually.
“Those results ‘are way outside the boundaries of random luck,’ said the studies’ lead author, Alan Ziobrowski, a business professor at Georgia State University. … ‘If you know a piece of legislation is coming down the line and you can trade in that, you can make a lot of money,’ he told msnbc.com.”
That is absolutely disgusting, and emblematic of the crony kleptocratic banana republic we’re becoming.
# 10, 11: The finance guys and capital hill have worked that way for so long, it’s hard to say if there was ever a time when it wasn’t so.
In it’s most common modern form, a big corporation hires lobbyists who get some influential Congressmen in their pocket. Then they talk about how some current policy needs to be changed. After getting a committment that it will be changed in the next Congress, the lobbyist informs the corporation, which then buys or sells businesses based on that information. The businesses might have little value originally, but shortly after the sale is consumated Congress magically lifts the obsticles and the business suddenly has lots of value – but at a considerable cost to the general public. The politician understands this, and has already made the trades themselves.
An example: The big asbestos manufacturers were facing legal claims from workers who had their lungs scarred by the product and were living, if at all, on constant oxygen tubes. Because the value of those claims exceeded the value of the companies, the companies filed Chapter 11 and set up a new company which gave the claimants a share of the profits in the new companies. It was a rotten deal to begin with, it only paid pennies on the dollar for the claims, but it was better than nothing.
But the big corporations found a way get around even this, buying the corporations when they had little value (due to the profits-to-victims provisions), then having the rules changed so that the asbestos claimants were forced to accept a much smaller payout from a general fund. Suddenly the companies were profitable again, which went right into the pockets of these financial artists at the direct expense of the injured workers, with the remainder coming from taxpayers to establish the medical payments fund.
This was the type of deal Romney loved to do. Note that not one job was created, no product was created, no sales were made (other than stock sales). There was no added value. They just took money from the pockets of injured workers (and taxpayers) and transferred the profits to themselves.
Is it any wonder the 99% have decided to draw the line?
Via Digby:
Occupy’s Asshole Problem
A very good informative read. Contains insightful strategies for dealing with “assholes” (like black bloc’rs and drug users) in Occupy’s consensus based structure.
re 12: Typical libtard avoidance of the issue.
You never really confronted the problem of the lawn damage caused by the Occupiers. For shame.
Your attempts to change the subject are noted, and rejected. Why do the right wingers keep trying to change the subject?
Oh, yea. The actual facts hurt Republican positions. Corporations taking money from injured workers and putting it into their own pockets is embarrasing, and politicians who profit from it are scoundrals.
Feel free to talk about some people walking on lawns if you want. We will seek to change a system whereby financial intererests, corporations, lobbyists, and their Congresspuppets profit to to tune of billions of dollars from the the misery of others.
I think its a shame that the occupy folks and the tea partiers have become enemys. It seems like we all actualy have quite a bit in common. When the occupy thing came to this area I was actualy hoping Id have a chance to check it out. But then I hear reports of tea party and occupy folks literaly fighting with each other. What a waste.
At the peak there were north of 150 occupy events going on. What you’re talking about was a handful of folks for a few minutes. You shouldn’t let that handful of folks effect you view of either side.
Indeed – I agree.
That’s what the whole ‘We are the 99%’ is all about. This country is becoming a neofeudal oligarchy, with more and more wealth and more and more power concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.
It is a recipe for the death of democracy.
In a practical manner, with wealth begetting more concentrated wealth, with a consequent expansion of poverty, and incentivization driving consumption of luxury goods over reinvestment in the enterprise that generated the wealth in the first place, we see the economy grinding to a halt. A skilled, educated, efficient workforce with nothing to do – and therefore not participating in the economy by spending wages. We see the inability of government to spend on infrastructure – roads, bridges, schools, next-gen internet and new technologies. We see expanding rates of poverty, and food insecurity, and shittier schools with fewer and fewer services – what’s that going to do to the next generation?
I think regular folks – be they Tea Partiers or OWS’ers – are becoming fed up, and realizing they have less and less to lose. Now I think the Tea Party is less organic and grassroots in some ways – was it Santelli’s rant that started it, and FOX’s relentless packaging and promotion? I think it got out of hand and has a life of its own – and I think there is a fearful Southern geriatric component to its demographic that is in part racist and more generally resistant to and resentful of change.
See here about a UW study that said this:
and see here for this from Kevin Drum about an Emory study about the Tea Party:
I think a lot of the ‘smaller government, but keep your hands off my Medicare’ crowd is for smaller government because they see government dispensing largesse to people outside their tribe – brown and black people especially.
but to continue…
I think there is a whole lot of potential for people coming together who care about community, about a fair economic system, about a really representative democracy, about a functioning society – we need to get over all the tribalism, and realize that people who work for a living have far more in common with each other than their differences, and are much more different than the people who rule us and strive to stoke division and resentment among all of us who are getting a smaller and smaller piece of the pie.
Tom Colburn,
The bottom-feeders screwing us.
Look at the names.
Ain’t just rich Repubs.
We need to band together against all these F%@$*ers!
@7 …and watch them get even cheaper?
@16 The Teahadists think everybody is their enemy. Hell, they probably hate themselves, in addition to you, your wife, your kids and even your dog. At least they’ve got it right that they’re victims–even as they’re doing everything they can to enable the victimizers.
Here’s more of that Republican integrity that the puddypussy loves so much.
For little “grasshopper” (party’in hard)…THIS is what Republicans do…it’s how they roll.
To #18 and #20: For me, the Tea Party was an answer to all the wall street and auto bailouts, alot of which started under a Republican President. The things that happened at that time were in such stark contrasts to the things that conservatisim stands for that I still cant believe they were perputrated by a Republican president (and then ramped up under obama). If you just looked at Bushs last 3 months and obamas first 3 months, I seriously doubt you could tell where one stopped and the other began. And I doubt you could tell which half was done by a dem and which was done by a Republican President.
When the Tea Party movement began, I really thought is was going to be a bipartisan movement. And I think that if all of the occupy folks had been in there current state of mind at that particular time, The Tea Party probably would have been a bipartisan movement. Just think about how different things could be right now if it would have been. But instead, the liberals and conservatives in office just get to pit us up against each other, and they avoid having to answer to all of us as a group. I betcha that half of the time spent at the occupy rallies is spent talking about how crazy Tea Partiers are. And Tea Partiers are distracted talking about all the damage those “insane occupy folks” are causing.
Meanwhile, all of the politicians in office are just doing the same old same old. Perfectly content to let us all fight each other. But really I think the Tea Partiers have way more in common with the occupy people then they do with the “conservatives” in office. Just like the occupy folks have way more in common with us then they do with the dems in office. But instead of focusing our attention on the people that really deserve it, we get distracted by bickering with each other and we get more of the same from our respective parties. Like I said, its just a shame.
Looks like there’s some election laws that should be tightened up a bit.
I know I criticized the WA Dem’s for not jumping in and helping out Mary Verner, but on second thought, why don’t we tighten up the rules and keep the parties out of our mayoral elections.
I wonder if I’m the only person reading this and thinking Spokane’s new mayor is in over his head:
The HA dingleberry screams
Facts are facts and you are an everyday fool.
Did you look to see who was on that list? Jeffrey Immelt, ObamAA+’s job czar. What? He’s a 1%er? Say it ain’t so!
So as always, you are a reservation loving moron rujax! Still laughing over your Alabama County bankruptcy entry. Oops it was a DUMMOCRAPTIC county!
Here’s more of that DUMMOCRAPT integrity that the rujax loves so much.
This was skipped on purpose by 60 Minutes. But as always Puddy finds the facts!
“They were all great picks,” Schweizer notes. The Kerrys’ capital gains on the transactions were at least $500,000, and as high as $2 million (such information is necessarily imprecise, as the disclosure rules allow members to report their gains in wide ranges). It was instructive to Schweizer that Kerry didn’t try to shape legislation to benefit his portfolio; the apparent key to success was the shaping of trades that anticipated the effect of government policy.
Butt wait there is more…
And it’s from The Daily Beast, used by many HA leftist!
Party on moronic twit rujax. You live on leftist pukewagon Think Progress while I live on real sites.
None other than a troll of these threads whose handle begins with an synonym of urine.
That John Kerry’s a gas bag ‘aint exactly news.
Poor poor poor little puddywuddypussy.
He found a couple Dems that maybe got a LITTLE bit of whst the Republicans get ALL the fucking time.
He’s just sore because his beloved Hermanator is melting like the Hindenberg.
Boo fucking Hoo…
No, but part of pudiot’s schtick is to yell
He may or may not be paid for this shit, but in either case it is entirely that – a big stinking dump dropped all over these threads, his best effort at ruining everyone else’s conversation.
Was P-Dud into Herman?
Where Herman Cain gives us his Rick Perry Brain Freeze impression.
What is Cain’s position on US policy toward Libya? Don’t ask Cain. He’s a business man, and that precludes a straight answer… or something.
Feel the Newtmentum!
Oy…lookee here, puddywuddypussy…another hero with feet of clay.
PS to puddywuddypussy I NEVEREVEREVER have to look as hard as you do for Republican malfeasance and misfeasance. I have to deliberatley NOT post everything I see that demonstrates how utterly and completely corrupt this Republican Party is. Yes there is coruption in the highest levels of this Government…yes some Democrats are in on it…but the Republicans are soooooo much better at it…not even close.
You just got pwned, bitch.
I see there’s an ExxonMobil ad on the teevee right now – and their calling that geologic formation in Canada “oil sands” now, instead of “tar sands”, as they had been for decades.
Rebranding – it’s the American way.
Watch the shiny object over there, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. That guy probably works for CleanCoal, Inc.
…well not IN TO Herm, but into him. LOLOL
If these folks aren’t in the top 1% they’re at least somewhere in the top 5% and this just backs up the OWS’er claim that the game is rigged.
That’s got to hurt!
wow, those occupy walls street folks down on Oakland sure were fine, upstanding citizens…drug dealing, rapes, hell they even had a murder!
thank god the cops rounded them up.
yep, we should stop everything and listen to this bunch of rejects.
To #39: Do you happen to have the date this video was recorded? Because your giving the impression that its brand new.
@12 “Is it any wonder the 99% have decided to draw the line?”
What line have they drawn? It’s business as usual in the District of Corruption. And the rich are doing fine, thank you very much; the Great Recession hits only the poor, workers, and middle class. The kleptocrats won’t take us seriously until we’re pointing guns at them.*
* Heh! Wingnut joke! Liberals will never revolt and corporate thieves know it.
@38 “While members of Congress are not required to disclose their exact net worth, organizations such as the Center for Responsive Politics prepare estimated ranges based on public disclosures. The CRP’s midpoint estimate of the Pelosis’ net worth is $58,436,537 as of 2009, the most recent year for which figures are available, with a possible range from $7 million to $124 million. In addition to their large portfolio of jointly owned San Francisco Bay Area real estate, the couple also owns a vineyard in St. Helena, California, valued between $5 million and $25 million. Pelosi’s husband also owns stock, including $1 million in Apple Inc., and is the owner of the Sacramento Mountain Lions of the United Football League.”
— Wikipedia
I’d say she’s in the 1%.
Is that something, or what? Poor Herm. Hey, wingies out there, raise your hands if you’d like Herman Cain’s hand on the nuclear code.
It was TODAY dumbshit…do you fucking know ANYTHING?
To #46: No joke. You have an ANGER PROBLEM. I dont even hear what your saying because everything you say is said with so much anger. I never did anything to you except for try to answer your questions and ask you a couple questions of my own. You are obviously a very unhappy person and trying to have a conversation with you on any level is clearly a waste of my time. All you are about is belittling people in an obvious attempt to make yourself feel better about what Im sure is a sad pittiful life. You are a bully. You have my sympathy, but you no longer have my attention. Ill be skipping your message from now on.
Lee RUJAX! Rosenberg is just a wannabe – a pretender – strictly an online bully.
if he tried to talk this shit in real life, he ass would get pounded into the pavement.
Thanks for sharing.
To #39. I appologize. I hadnt heard anything about this today, so I had just assumed that it was recorded awhile back.
With windchill it’s going to be about -35 degrees on the summit of Mount Rainier tonight, so be sure to bundle up!
14,992 Billion and counting! Congrats Libs, you’re on the escalating road fo Greece, Italy, France and Spain, just to name a few. Fortunately their leaders are being forced to step down do to their inablity to restore any fiscal responsibility to their countries.
@39…painful indeed. I had to bail and get a drink two minutes into it.
@52: Who is the biggest holder of US National Debt? You have 30 seconds.
Time’s up.
the US. We own about 60%, I think, of our own national debt.
Plus, we make dollars here, and everybody seems to want them.
I’m telling you, with long-term treasury rates where they are, we should borrow 4 or 5 Trillion and build a massive windmill and electric transportation – car and high-speed rail – infrastructure, for starters. We’d be making jobs, patents and clean energy, and we’d kneecap all the oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela – they’d all have to find something productive for their people to do – keep them out of trouble in general.
We need to fix the regular speed rail first. Most of what’s being called high speed rail in America, like the Acela trains that run between Seattle and Portland, is regular speed rail in the rest of the world.
We were running trains at Acela speeds in something like 1915.
LMAO!!! I’m watching Brian Williams’ show. A reporter is interviewing all these Alabama farmers who haven’t voted for a Democrat in their lives curse their Republican Governor for scaring off all their pickers with a mean spirited immigration law.
Why not print up 100 Trillion and hand it out to all the citizens..One big party before default…yeah!
Rick Perry isn’t the only GOP candidate to suffer a “brain freeze.” But Cain is just a komic kandidate, isn’t he? Isn’t he?
@59 Umm, printing money may cause inflation, but it doesn’t cause default. Printing money is the opposite of going into debt, dummy.
@58 Yeah, if they want to hire Americans to pick their crops, they may have to pay more than $5 an hour with no benefits for back-breaking stoop labor.
Yur right, but spending money you don’t have causes default
62 – It became fashionable on the right to hate the people they’ve exploited for decades to do the stoop labor in this country.
Now they’re pointing the finger every which way but at themselves.
CLASSIC right wing behavior!
63 – Stimulate the economy to get growing again and you have the money stupid. Raise the taxes on the rich and the corporations in line with what the rest of the OECD countries pay.
Moronic rujax, the book is full of DIMS. I chose one to demonstrate how CBS 60 Minutes only selected Republicans and Nancy Pelosi.
We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of ylb. We already know what her husband does and how he never hires union labor.
Yet HA leftist loons never charge her as being a cheap labor DUMMOCRAPT! She gets a pass.
Awwww.. Look here folks we have yet another brown people hating racist @ 66…
Lying about the Pelosi vineyard too:
Hardly “cheap”. Dumbass racist..
Memo to rujax, I NEVEREVEREVER have to dredge the right wing sites as you live on left wing whackamole sites for DUMMOCRAPTIC malfeasance and misfeasance. I can visit moderate leftist sites who will actually print truth once or twice a week.
It’s YOU who lives on Kos, Americasblog, TPM. Your posts prove it. As you know ylb has chronicled in his crazed databaze my links. Ask him as I visit many sites each day; left and rightwing. That demonstrates what type of mind ylb possesses and the wastefulness he exudes on this blog. A leech on the guvmint tit.
BTW ylb that was your wife at the 10 second mark on that Sept 22 Seattle Steven Lerner SEIU video. So why wasn’t she at work on a Thursday? Was that automatic time off to slum with the old bum?
68 – Never ever thought you’d stoop so low Puddybud but I should have known better.
You don’t know anything about my relatives beyond that some of them are latino.
Why call them “cheap”??? Have I ever done anything like that to you?
Because you’re a miserable hater.. You and your buddy the asshat – brothers from another mother joined in hate.
Wow ylb at 1AM nonetheless, did the “wife” kick you outta bed or you living outta da house now. 1AM most people are cuddling their bed mates. You on the other hand are just with your handmate!
Brown people hating racist? HAHAHAHAHAHA. You are the North Pasadena black hating racist. Remember I replayed some of your useless shits flushed away by Marvin Stamn.
Oh I have the Pelosi cheap labor links. Maybe now she’s cleaned up her act.
Sleep tight racist @ 70!
Oh I got him riled up. It’s you who plays the guilt by association game here. So deal with it!
LMAO!! Now?
That article I linked is dated Nov 28, 2006!
What a dolt!
Hahahahaha. I’m wide awake. I’m somewhere else.
@71, ignored. I love brown people. I stand up for my people on this blog all the time. It’s well documented she hired non-union Mexicans for her vineyards.
Too bad the truth strikes!
Good try ylb… Here is a 2010 link.
Remember when ObamAA+ said this”
Well it seems the ‘Scandal-Free’ sadministration is playing with his 2008 backers. This paragraph really drops the bomb
Butt wait there is more, the actual $$$$ delivered by this sadministration
Isn’t that about 80% of the money to his pals? Sacre Bleu!
Where did I find this?
The Daily Beast.
And those fools at Occupy whereever should be at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave demanding why ObamAA+ why instead of defecating on sidewalks and police cars in local cities.
We need to fix all sorts of things. Crumbling tracks/slow trains, crumbling schools, decrepit public buildings and spaces, awful roads.
This country has been convinced that it ‘can’t do’ – an especially corrosive aspect of the ‘government is evil’ ideology of the right.
Especially at a time like this – with massive un- and under-employment and a stagnant economy, coupled with an unbelievably low borrowing rate on Treasuries, we indeed should be borrowing heavily to make investments – infrastructure, training, education.
The troll contingent will of course be shrieking about $14 trillion!! Solyndra!! Vince Foster!! TARPPPP!!!!
Inept blowhards all.
I would agree that a massive deficit created by giving rich people more money and killing and maiming thousands of our own young people and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis and others is a horrible waste and terrible economic policy. We should NEVER do that.
However, debt to buy investment, especially when that debt is dirt cheap and you need to put millions to work, AND you need to upgrade the physical plant of the country, AND you need to create and sustain a modern workforce, AND strategic, existential challenges like oil-dependence and global warming demand action – there really is no other responsible course.
Which is really the misuse of money – spending it on Lockheed and Boeing and Halliburton and Wall Street and getting NOTHING in return – or dropping it from helicopters to the unemployed who are SURE to spend it? Better still, drop some from helicopters, and spend the rest on 21st century Hoover Dams.
Check out this graph and blogpost from Krugman.
and this is quite timely regarding the post above, about the ‘creation’ of money.
Go Keynes!!
Fresh evidence that Republicans would rather take the country down than agree to the rich paying one penny more of taxes.
Insane Motherfucker @68…
You are one insane motherfucker.
# 78: From the comments following Krugman’s posting, was this gem…
“The standard of living of the 99% is greater today than it was in 1978 as can be seen by ownership rates of what we now call vital items such as dishwashers, microwaves, computers, refrigerators, cell phones etc….”
Funny, I remember in the 1970’s growing up in a middle-class household with a dishwasher and refrigerator, but not a computer or cell phone, obviously.
But more important (the point he was missing) was that beginning in the mid-1970’s it became the norm for both spouses to work. They did this in order to buy dishwashers, refrigerators, and later computers and cell phones, and perhaps a slightly better house.
In fact, virtually all the increase in “wealth” of the middle class, as measured in “things”, has been due to a doubling of the work load on the American family, and upon increasing debt load.
In the meantime, while “Michael” from Washington argued that the 99% was better off because they had dishwashers and cell phones, the 1% were buying more houses than they could remember, and more importantly, accumulating more and more control over the assets and income of the entire U.S. population.
At the rate we are going (and the rate the Republican wingnuts are taking us), it will not be that long before we return to feudal manoral systems and company towns where all property is owned by a very small group who control every aspect of their tenant’s lives and work.
…yeah…I’ve got an anger problem.
I thought you were black dummy. So now you’re saying you’re latino??
Incoherent always. You hate latinos for shit you fantasize they do. You hate when your rich right wing masters tell you to hate.
You’re a tool and a fool and now a racist. What if one of my friends on the left called your relatives “cheap”??? You’d be all over it like a blow fly on a corpse.
You’re done now fool.
Heh. The CEO of Solyndra is a registered Republican…
In the bad old days you couldn’t waste enough money on Republican run outfits.
@74 The self-loathing black loon sez, “I stand up for my people on this blog all the time.”
What a self-loathing, hate-filled, lying piece of shit.
Whatamoron. That FACTS are the FACTS. Nope, the dislike is how illegals kill people and then get off with a slap and a deportation only to return and terrorize again.
First the book. Wait it’s FULL OF FACTS. Especially the one you love to parade around here sex offenders
So lets clear the air moron… FACTS, they always scare the shit outta ylb
Here are mostly your peeps from south of the rio grande
Great compilation of your peeps south of the rio grande
Remember the Bologna family? Here is another example of your peeps south of the rio grande
GAO Report from 2005
– The 55,322 illegal aliens studied represented a total of 459,614 arrests – some eight arrests per illegal alien;
– Their arrests represented a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses – some 13 offenses per illegal alien;
– 36 percent had been arrested at least five times before.
All in 3 minutes of searching. Doesn’t cover the recent American deaths of 2010 and 2011 by your peeps south of the rio grande.
Once again Stupid Solution Steve proves his stupidity.
Now who said that on National TV Stupid Solution Steve.
Your favorite senator from West Virginia The Conscience of the Senate, Grand Kleagle Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd
But there is more… Steve once claimed
Well then Stupid Solution Steve, are you in the field or in the house? headless lucy needs to know! So as everyone can see Stupid Solution Steve, is really bothered by this characterization of his daily life by Robert Byrd. Robert Byrd described you to a T and you admitted the reservation suits you just fine. That’s why he continues to use it in a useless attack.
@87 Speaking of fantasies …
“illegals kill people and then get off with a slap and a deportation only to return and terrorize again,”
… puddydope fantasizes brown-skinned bogeymen lurking in every lettuce field and apple orchard.
cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap
Roger DOPEY Rabbit with another mischaracterization.
Nope, most are law abiding citizens trying to get ahead. But you turn a blind eye to the criminal element who rape, burglarize, rob and kill innocent Americans, some of which are law officers.
Of course Teh DOPED Rabbit skips over the facts! Exploding old rabbit carcass maybe?
@91 “But you turn a blind eye to the criminal element who rape, burglarize, rob and kill …”
I do? When? Where? Link, please.
cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor cheap labor
Your words Roger DOPEY Rabbit. No background checks? Residency Documentation Papers?
Oh most miserable right wing hater who regard my relatives as “cheap”..
There are 11 million or so hispanic undocumented workers in this country (fewer and fewer every day because of their persecution) and if they were all so murderous of blacks as you fantasize, then all your peeps would be wiped out and everyone else too.
Your miserable hateful right wing fellow travelers have regarded them as an “invasion” even when their right wing masters line their pockets avariciously with their cheap labor.
And look here (if you’re not scared of the truth; you are, always have been):
Obama is filling up the prisons with the criminals and has emphasized the violent offenders in his crackdowns.. In fact his policy has gone overboard at times incarcerating people that are here legitimately fulfilling some of the worst of your hateful fantasies. But of course you pay it no mind because your “mind” is full of nothing but hate and Obama Derangement syndrome.
Carry on in your hate and miserable racism. You have no choice in the matter. Its your destiny.
Oh my ylb, is that the best you can do sitting around the “house” all day everyday? Tsk tsk tsk. FACTS destroy liberal arguments! Scream racism all you want to illegal alien facts from below the rio grande causing havoc and killing and maiming? Did you see that poor 18 year old girl who lost her legs due to a drunk illegal alien? Nope cuz you a dope! FACTS scare you! So I know you didn’t read from those links
Where did I bring that up today ylb? Projecting as always! I delivered links where illegals from south of the rio grande are killing Americans. I made no distinction on skin color ya moron!
Who cares ObamAA+ has incarcerated more illegals? How is he ensuring those incarcerated and deported don’t come back? How is he ensuring that some of them with the 2500 guns let go through Fast and Furious are not coming back with them?
You are many months short on the news because Roger DOPEY Rabbit brought this info to the table months ago. Didn’t your crazed databaze search display that?
I D I O T O! July 2011 DHS says 12 Million+ illegal aliens.
Hilarious that right wingers are so frightened of drug trafficking when in so many cases it’s they or their kids who are using the dope.
Stop consuming the drugs and the problem of violent drug trafficking stops.
Allow the reasonable, regulated production of recreational substances with in U.S. borders and the problem of violent drug trafficking stops.
I don’t use drugs myself. Neither should anyone else if they put the proper value on a clear head.
What would you scream if HL or anyone else called your relatives “cheap”???
You’re a miserable racist and you can’t escape it.
You’ve allowed yourself to be brainwashed into HATING my people!
96 – You’ve brought up the killing of blacks by latinos in the past to the exclusion of all else. Your hate has been building up for many months stoked by the propaganda of your right wing puppetmasters!
Hating? I don’t hate “your people”. I dislike the crimes they continue to commit when they continue to return after deportation. This is something you can seem to fathom. If you recall my discourse here on HA which is very different from yours; when my people do crime I say arrest them. When your people do crime you go MIA. Search your databaze and deliver me one comment where you have anything to say about the Bologna Family. I posted it 6 or 7 times. Go on I dare ya!
That’s the difference ylb. You are a sycophant for everyone south of the rio grande!
By ylb moron did I bring it up today? Where in this thread?
That’s your problem… you can’t separate past discussion from the present discussion. That’s why you are a rerun! idioto ad nauseum!
Are you scared one of them is going to kill you?
Then talk to your right wing peeps who hire them to enrich themselves..
Talk to your right wing peeps who support the stupid drug laws!
They’re the ones enabling the criminals you brainwashed fool!
There you go again changing the subject in #102. I asked when have you ever called for the incarceration of illegals? Apparently you know you never said anything about the illegal and the Bologna killings.
You change the subject as always when caught with your hand on your dick!
Heh heh heh heh! You are one sad sack of shit!
You stupid moron! So you have fantasies of multi-billion dollar fences keeping them out??
Boeing got a cool billion or so “building” one of those feckless fences. On the watch of the miserable failure you voted for twice. Was Darryl Issa on that case fool?
Keep calling my people “cheap” and other degrading names. Keep hating them . We’ll just keep Republicans from the levers of power through our legitimate vote thank you very much.
zzzzzZZZZZZZ…. In your puny world..
Black people don’t do crime..
White people don’t do crime..
Asian people don’t do crime..
You focus on latinos to the exclusion of all else..
You see me condemning the Obama policy except when it sweeps up innocents?
Of course not. Your “mind” is too deranged to see it.
Three posts and nothing was said. Just mindless meanderings from a stupid pea brain mind. It’s all because you’ve never said anything about illegal crime from south of the rio grade peeps. Nothing on the Bologna killings. Nothing on the schoolgirl raped and killed in Texas. Nothing on the illegal who killed in Mass earlier this year. I have said time and again incarcerate for black crime.
When asked to check the crazed databaze you run run run! Just like you claimed you have no comments on North Pasadena. Now why is that ylb?
P R I C E L E S S!
Do you have special knowledge of my relatives committing any of these crimes?? Is that why you call them “cheap”???
You’re lying. You hate my people otherwise you would have qualifed your statement as follows:
I’m done with you now.
There you go again ylb. You have no response to the real question asked today so you
You have never said anything about illegal alien crime. You’ll never admit to be being a useless tool so I’ll do it for you.
You are a useless tool.
“There’s never been a ten-foot fence that couldn’t be defeated by a twelve-foot ladder”.
109 – So stupid you are! Crime is crime. You do the crime, you do the time..
Goes without saying..
Keep on being a hateful idiot fool!
Wow, November 15, 2011. ylb finally says something about crime. But as you can see he didn’t use the words illegal alien crime.
He can’t admit that. Funny how that is.
Gotta go meet the gang for breakfast. Much to do today! Big system going live.
The flow of electrons is a great ting.
The lying moron racist still regards my people as “cheap”..
Forgot something so I refreshed…
Still no illegal alien crime comment.
Oh yeah ylb, Roger DOPEY Rabbit thinks your people are cheap too… See his post #93.
Sucks to be you moron!
115 – You’re lying again.
Not lying idiot, it sucks to be you!
117 – Yes you are! Sure sucks to be a latino hating racist liar like you and your buddy the asshat troll!
Another funny thing: the racist hater @ 117 had nothing to say about the cheap labor conservatives in Alabama who are crying the blues and moaning about their right wing governor because their own race hatred BIT THEM IN THE ASS!
tooo dammmnnn funnnnny!
There you go again projecting ylb. There is no hare, just dislike. How many times does one need to tell you FACTS before they finally permeate that thick neanderthal skull?
Still waiting for you to denounce latino illegal alien crimes. Or could it be the Bologna killer was a distant relative and you can’t denounce him? There has to be something in that sick mental psyche that inhibits you from denouncing latino illegal alien crime.
You are on record with your black hatred with your North Pasadena comments. Marvin Stamn really got your goat! HAHAHAHA
Keep screaming and pissing into the fan!
Regarding Alabama, illegals are illegals. If they are being hired then that’s a problem. Something you just can’t fathom.
What part of illegal don’t you get ylb? Why can’t you denounce illegal alien crime?
Remember Roger DOPEY Rabbit has been saying cheap labor for years. No lie there. You are a moron. No lie there. Sucks to be you. No lie there.
Insane motherfucker is still lying…does it EVER stop?
120 – O sick racist lying fool. I denounced crime in 111.
If a poor slob jumps his tourist visa to take a cheap labor conservative’s miserable pay and line the right wingers pocket it’s only because he’s desperate to support his family.
If the cheap labor conservatives weren’t so greedy the slob wouldn’t bother to take the risk!
Look at those dipshit right wing farmers in Alabama! They’ve reaped what they’ve sown!
And you’re here every day trying to cover up their dumbassery with fear-mongering about criminals!
Where moron? PROVE IT.
Oh wait… there is nothing to prove cuz there is no lie. You’ll just cut and past like always with a sentence or two of nothing significant.
Moronic twit ylb, has Roger DOPEY Rabbit been calling south of the rio grande cheap labor for many years? Yes he has.
Have you ever called him on it? Not that I can remember.
Now you got your pink lace panties all twisted around your scrote because I continued Roger DOPEY Rabbit’s rant on people south of the rio grande? Yes you do.
When Mark Foley was assumed to have broken the law I was asked what I thought. I mentioned IF he broke the law send him away. When the FBI claimed he broke no law I reminded peeps what I originally said.
Now you can’t condemn illegal alien law breakers. You make some stupid general statement and think that absolves you. Pfffffffffft… You can’t condemn Edwin Ramos can you ylb? You can’t condemn Humberto Leal Garcia can you? You can’t condemn any of these can you ylb.
You are one sicko. Still deflecting with that Alabama rant. DA FAYLE! The only dumbasses are you and rujax!
So, it sucks to be you!
124 – Miserable liar. RR’s argument HAS ALWAYS BEEN with the cheap labor conservatives!
What’s the worst YOU can say about them?
Freaking lame. Morons who couldn’t think out of the box to save their miserable lives. Now some of those dumbasses are going to be blaming the “gubmint” for their food bill going up just like the idiot farmers are cursing the “gubmint” for giving their dumbass peeps EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED!
And you call my relatives “cheap”??? Which ones Puddybud? You don’t know who they are. You’ve never met them to my knowledge. Are they the relatives of European descent?
Of course not. They’re the latinos!
When have I ever done that to you Puddybud? When have I EVER called your people, your relations, degrading names?
LMAO!!! This country that has been duped by right wing fear-mongering for decades, settling for the expedient to appease the ignorant UNTIL we have a prison population BIGGER than communist CHINA! ONE QUARTER of the WORLD’s prisoners.
And what does this fool want – expand the prison population by 12 million+????
They all committed a “crime” right? The “crime” of wanting a better life for themselves and their families?
Sacrificing mind, body and soul for the miserable pay of the cheap labor conservatives.
NOT EVEN A SLAP ON THE WRIST for the greedheads who profit off their cheap labor!
Oh the mind of ylb.
How can Roger DOPEY Rabbit call them cheap labor conservatives unless the hire cheap labor? And idiotic one, who are the cheap lobor? People south of the rio grande. He’s been calling them that for years. And everyone can see you can’t condemn illegal alien crimes perpetuated by your peeps south of the rio grande on Real Americans.
You instead throw up canard after canard while you sit on your FAT ASS living off your wife.
Where did I say expand prisons by 12 Million+? Another deflection by ylb da moron! They should apply for legal residence like my neighbors did. But nooooooooo, ylb doesn’t understand legalities.
Do I want to meet your relatives? NOPE. If they think like you they are cheap in the head like you.
All this time you skip over the crimes committed and NOT ONCE have you said you abhor illegal alien crime.
Why is that ylb? Why can’t you admit that? Is it because you committed crimes in the past and you’d be a hypocrite?
You are one sicko. Maybe Michael Moore can reprise his movie and make it about some Seattle lardASS sitting at home all day blogging about how oppressed illegal aliens are turning a blind eye to their crimes.
I wonder how many would view that piece of digital mess?
127 – LMAO!!!
I’m done with you miserable fool. I”M NEVER DANCING to your orders EVER!
I’ve made my positions clear. I oppose people hurting other people through methods both illegal and legal. It matters not who does it. Such individuals should be fined heavily so they are deterred from such behavior or in the worst cases removed from society.
The cheap labor conservatives use cheap labor and buy politicians with the profits. They buy lower taxes. They buy less regulation.
They buy morons LIKE YOU with the propaganda they fund.
Carry on fool.