Sorry this is so late.
– The New Southpark bridge is more than half way done.
– Liberals, don’t panic after one debate.
– Jack Welsh proves no matter how good at business you are, you can still say dumb things.
– Why does anyone want to be a Boy Scout anymore?
– Walking and biking improvements in the city budget are starting to look like they may be in the final product.
– I really liked Elementary, so far, but I fear it’s going to be murder every week. One of the things I like about the original Holmes stories is that there was a mix of types of mysteries (it’s one reason to have him not be a police officer with a particular beat) and so far that hasn’t been the case.
The death penalty for unruly children? Republicans are sick freaks.
Republicans don’t belong in government, they belong in an asylum.
There’s another Republican running for office in AR that says:
We need to see these people go down hard in November.
Yeah, I saw and posted on that one in another thread. I’m sure that some southern white man telling blacks that slavery was a blessing goes over really well with them.
Goog grief, Michael, what are wingnuts drinking in Arkansas? Here’s yet another one today. Not only slavery, he’s hating on Lincoln too.
Freaks. All of them. Fucking freaks.
There’s just no end to the krazy.
On Fox,
These freaks need to be out of government and off the toob. Is there an adult in the Republican party? Just finding one would give me some hope. Bob and his Klown friend need not apply.
Pew has Romney up 4:
Last time, it was Obama by 8.
It’s not a battleground state-by-state tally, but for those keeping score it’s a 12-point swing. Likely voters.
Just a little tidbit:
Romney has made progress on the issues. He and Obama now run about even on dealing with health care, Medicare, foreign policy and taxes. Obama led on most of these issues by significant margins in September. Romney also holds a significant 49% to 41% advantage on improving the job situation, despite the fact that most of the interviewing was conducted after the October jobs report, which showed the unemployment rate falling below 8%…
By a 37% to 24% margin, more swing voters say Romney would improve the job situation. Swing voters favor Romney on the deficit by a two-to-one (41% vs. 20%) margin.
Have a wonderful day, Doctor Steve.
– Liberals, don’t panic after one debate.
Why do today what you can put off at least until January 20th?
The crazy, it burns.
Rasmussen has it at a tie, Politico has Obama up by one, Gallup has two polls one that’s a tie one that has Obama up by 5. So what we have is a race that everyone thought was going to be close turning into a close race. The only real surprise here is how dreadfully boring and barely relevant this election cycle seems.
@ 5
If you’re not careful, you might not remove enough of the methanol during the distillation process.
I don’t go anywhere near White Dog. Why trust my liver to some guy with no teeth whose second cousins are also his parents?
@ 10
Think of all the extra sleep you’ll get during the transfer of power this January.
You’ll wake up rested, refreshed, and ready to face RomneyRyan.
Sounds like some of my relations back in West Virginia. I don’t visit very often.
Obama is a lying bastard!
Susan Rice needs to resign immediately and let us all know who in the Obama Administration put her up to telling a blatant LIE! I’ll bet it was Axelrod. Sleazy Chicago douchebags.
It’s great for Romney that all this Obama Admin. sleaze is coming out before the foreign policy debate. Romney is going to crush Obama with this, Fast & Furious and the disaster in the Middle East. Romney will crush Obama’s policy of appeasement.
Romney will paint a picture of Obama as AMERICA’S NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN
If you idiots don’t think it’s going to get worse, pull yer heads outta yer asses.
I sleep just fine. Whoever the next president is will have little impact on my life. I follow the presidential races for fun, but this time around it’s just dull. Neither candidates are saying or doing anything interesting. The press and the pundits are all lazy and stupid. This election cycle sucks.
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate democracy?
I really would like to see the Todd Akien’s of the world and the “slavery was a good thing” fools go down in flames, but even then as reasonable well educated, straight, white guy, from the Pacific Northwest those knuckleheads have zero direct impact on my life.
History will show that the first Obama-Romney debate gave Republicans just enough hope for the 2012 Presidency that they failed to divert their resources to downballot races that they might otherwise have won.
Ahhh yes liberalism is a REAL DISEASE. Romney will be the cure.
rael, you and your ilk are SCUM too!
Oh my… A libtard calling out a libtard… Except when your head is so far up Obuumer’s rear end your shock and amazed act has no meaning anymore! That’s what happens when you are an acolyte and admirer and advocate every day on your putrid show.
Maybe PMSNBC wants a cut?
Apparently Lara Logan feels Obummer has been lying to you about the Middle East.
When some at CBS turn against you…
Look at librul progressive thought. Special!
And some more progressive librul thought. P R I C E L E S S!
Oh my this is gonna smell libtards.
Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril
It could become illegal to resell your iPhone 4, car or family antique
At issue in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons is the first-sale doctrine in copyright law, which allows you to buy and then sell things like electronics, books, artwork and furniture, as well as CDs and DVDs, without getting permission from the copyright holder of those products.
Under the doctrine, which the Supreme Court has recognized since 1908, you can resell your stuff without worry because the copyright holder only had control over the first sale.
That’s being challenged now for products that are made abroad, and if the Supreme Court upholds an appellate court ruling, it would mean that the copyright holders of anything you own that has been made in China, Japan or Europe, for example, would have to give you permission to sell it.
This is what I think everyone would define as government and corporate overreach. A frothy santorum of fear that the government would use this rule to tax you AGAIN and corporations and copy write holders telling us if we could or could not resell our own stuff, or at least pay them a cut for the privilege.
Don’t worry, we will get you on something. Can you imagine the RIAA having this tool too?
He’s got a point. What’s the conservative take? Free market at work?
On Saturday, was the opening day celebration for the SOUNDER Extension to Lakewood. This was one project I was beginning to be skeptical on, although part of the reason was connecting two different railroads built by two different private companies over a hundred yaars ago. The first of the 5 morning trains into Seattle left at 4:42AM this morning(and once it pulled into Seattle, it headed back to Tacoma, for another trip two Seattle. They get a lot of use out of at least two of the trains configured for use on SOUNDER-South.
Already, some are wondering when are they going to Olympia. Studies are planned to take the train to Dupont, the trackage between Lakewood and Nisqually Junction are going to be upgraded for Amtrak Cascades service to Portland and Eugene.
(the photo is one I took, of the train using the Pacific Ave Overpass headed back to Lakewood on Saturday. In this case, the Cab-control coach bringing up the rear.
Over the weekend, in San Francisco, they had a perfect storm of special event traffic, Fleet Week, Americas Cup, and a Giants playoff. For the San Francisco Municipal Railway, it was all hands on deck, with in the case of the F-Market and Wharves and E-Embarcadero historic streetcar lines, a really historic car pressed back into regular service for the first time since a complete restoration, San Francisco Municipal Railway car No.1, built, 1912!
As I said, I was skeptical of the Lakewood extension every happening, as it took 16 years. To put things in perspective, Sound Transit will be putting the first locomotives they bought through their mid-life overhauls, and upgrading to the latest EPA diesel regs(started under Bush by the way), to handle that, and more trains that are planned, Sound Transit has three locomotives, piggbybacked on another agencies order, on order, and these will be more powerful. The GM-EMD(owned by GM at the time) F59PHI use an older prime mover that generates about 3200hp, the Motive Power MP40H-3C locomotives on order from Boise-based Motive Power-Wabtec, using EMD components, get 4000hp.
@7 Cap’n Kornflake,
Hey pal, we have a $1,000 wager on Obama vs Slick Willard going to Darryl’s favorite charity.
If you are feeling your oats with that Pew poll you crowed about, feel free to nut-up and up that amount to my original Slick Willard offer of a $10k wager.
re “Why does anyone want to be a Boy Scout anymore?” I think I need to address this as “BoyScout” is part of my moniker.
Like all old & large organizations the Boy Scouts of America is a flawed institution. I cannot argue that in 2012 that it is not a fatally flawed institution.
But the BSA has been flawed as long as I’ve known it.
Short and sweet, my experience as a Boy Scout many, many moons ago was with a troop that was very loosely affiliated with the parent organization. We never participated in BSA sponsored fund raising. We rarely went to their camp locations.
We did raise our own money, quite successfully. We did go camping once a month and for 9 days in July. We never turned anyone away for any reason, and once in, we fought to keep every Scout.
What I learned as a Boy Scout (God, Others, Self. the BS Law, the BS Oath) has served me for many, many years. It serves me today.
And, not that it matters, but because of my rogue troop I believe the district busted my balls on my Eagle Scout project. I did 3 of them.
No matter. Being a Boy Scout, an Eagle Scout, an Arrowman taught me what is right and how to fight for and win it.
I don’t know why anyone would join the BSA today, but I know the underlying principles of the Boy Scouts are sound, even if the organization’s leadership is batshit crazy.
Obamunism in action. Another $150 million of taxpayer $$ flushed down the green energy rathole. You’d think Obama was spending someone elses money for cryin’ out loud. Oh yeah, he is.
How much more bad news can Obama expect in the next 4 weeks? A lot I suspect. Cuz Obama is incompetent.
Hey fools, your guy Obama set a record at that debate you claim he won.
A 52 point loss. That’s how many points the Ducks scored on the Husky’s. But at least the Dawgs only lost by 31.
You fools were so desperate to get in charge and then you had no idea to govern and retain power. Typical of the screeching lunatic left.
Snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
I can see poor l’il Michael wilting when he says it doesn’t matter who wins as far as impacting his life. I’d call that comment DEFEATIST!
@37 What a Klown.
@37 Jerry,
The last time a Republican was elected as president the country lost:
– 2,996 people killed in the worst terrorist attack in world history
– 4,409 dead and 31,928 wounded in action in an unnecessary Iraq war costing $1.9 trillion
– $14.5 trillion of value of global companies lost in the 2008 financial crisis
– Unemployment rate to over 20%, comparable to levels seen during the Great Depression.
Those are the low lights. There’s a lot more.
In conclusion, F*ck You and your Bush on amphetamines lying SOB candidate Slick Willard.
I forget all the details, but Thurston County was originally part of Sound Transit, and was supposed to get all sorts of services, but they voted themselves out of the deal.
I lived in a Olympia for a couple of years. It’s a nice place to visit, but I’d never move back.
It’s Romney who’s incompetent. Out of 77 companies that Bain took over while Romney was the boss, 17 went bankrupt. That’s a 22% failure rate. The Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program has a failure rate of less than 5%.
Oh and the article you touted says nothing about a loss of taxpayer money. Why? Because no money has been lost. The plant will be coming off furlough when GM restarts the Volt line in the next couple of weeks.
Romney won a debate. BFD. He did it by lying. Winning a debate hardly proves that Obama has failed as a president. Not even close. The debate simply showed that Romney, yet again, will change any position and say anything to try to get elected. Hopefully, the debate woke Obama up so that he will smother Willard in the next debate.
Funny, now that one poll shows Rawmoney ahead, they’ve regained their respectable standing among the pathologically challenged. And of course, when the next labor report comes in showing a spike in first-time unemployment claims, that too will be legit.
It’s tea time at Mad Hatter’s table.
Funny, isn’t it, how polls and labor statistics that favor Obama are the product of some leftist conspiracy, but those which favor Romney are God’s own truth. I’m trying to get my head around that.
A lifelong Republican, former U.S. Senator and veteran of two tours in Vietnam tells us how he’s going to vote:
For Barack Obama..
40: As a current Olympia resident, the in-town transit service is actually pretty good. Not great, but good. If we are ever able to link up with Tacoma via commuter rail, that would be wonderful.
What’s really sad is there is no local bus service between Olympia and Centralia, unless you call ahead to the RT people.
I used the buses when I lived in Oly in um… 99-01, they seemed to work reasonably well. I lived out by Evergreen for a little bit and hated and then moved into a bungalow by the capitol and dug my neighborhood, but I just couldn’t get into Olympia.
There used to be buses out to Aberdeen and up to Seattle.
Seattle hip-hop artist Macklemore is currently the #1 downloaded hip-hop artist on iTunes. Take that Jay-Z! Macklemore’s pretty awesome and I’m not much of a hip-hop fan.
So with a 7 trillion dollar fiscal cliff approaching, Obama is trying to change the WARN provision which requires employers to warn employees 60 days before a layoff. With a 100 + billion in defense cuts and massive layoffs coming as a result, Obama doesn’t want all these lay off notices coming before the election. He’s OK if everyone gets layed off because of his rediculous spending spree, right after the election.
46, they already do, sort-of. A couple Intercity Transit buses meet the train at Tacoma Dome Station.
One tough part of the schedule, is on the reverse run. A few years ago, I heard a story of a couple of people on the Everett line switching to the AM Return train to Tacoma, and coming home that way. The schedules unfortunately make that shaky at best to continue.
And you seem to forget the administration before never tracked these 19 people, many after their visas expired!
Stooooooooooooopid! What a CubScout!
Sure proud leftist… Even Obummer’s henchwoman Stephanie Cutter had to admit to CNN that Obummer’s $5 Trillion Tax cut was a lie. Yet Obummer kept saying it while Cutter admitted it was a lie. So much for truth on your side, eh proud leftist?
@ 34
MBS, glad you’re keeping track. I remembered the bet but forgot who it was with.
You in the Seattle area?
@ 45
Ah, yes. Larry Pressler. Haven’t heard of him in awhile.
Pressler, whose Senate career was largely unremarkable, took offense to a chapter in one of Alex’s books, Washington Babylon (with Ken Silverstein), in which he quoted various people as saying Pressler was gay, among other descriptions of Pressler’s moronic stumble through his Senate career. Like the time he left a Senate Committee hearing and tried to exit through a closet. Waiting what he thought was an appropriate amount of time so there would be no one left in the hearing room, he came out of the closet to find everyone staring at him.
Looks like the USS Enterprise(CVN-65) is due to be retired at the end of the year, and it’s a shame that the ship itself will be dismantled, I was hoping she could be a museum ship, although it is rare for a nuclear powerd ship to be preserved, although the submarine Nautilus was.(USS Parche was a SSN used for clandestine work, the hull was dismantled, but the conning tower is on display in Bremerton). The reactors for the Enterprise will most likely be buried in Hanford.
The reason I was hoping this Enterprise would be preserved, is because the original carrier to bear the name, CV-5, Halsey’s flagship when his task force moved the Doolittle Raiders into position(the USS Hornet was in their task force, which carried the 16 northwest-based Army Air Force bombers) into position, and at one point, after a couple actions off the Solomons, was all we had left in the Pacific until the shipyards at home had reinforcements ready, was not preserved. At least three Essex class carriers from WWII were preserved, the USS Yorktown(CV-10), USS Lexington(CV-16), and USS Hornet(CV-12). The latter, the ship that recovered the Columbia, the command module for the Apollo 11 mission, is on display in Alameda, was being towed to the breakers when fate intervened.
Currently, women are evenly divided (47% Obama, 47% Romney). Last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points (56% to 38%) among women likely voters.
Confident Obama encourages
supporters to be “obsessive”
I think that means donate a whole bunch of times.
In Germany, the private Hamburg Cologne Express, which launched earlyer this year, seems to be doing good. What I like about this train, is that not only is it a long distance service not operated by Duetsche Bahn, but it is a service operated by a subsidiary of an American COmpany.
In the US, there is a company in Florida that is preparing to re-enter the passegner service market, and I think they actually have a chance at succeeding. The proposal, Miami to Cocoa Beach on existing Florida East Coast trackage, then west over new trackage to Orlando, and eventually Tampa. The reason why I think this one will work, is Florida East Coast’s Vice President for Passenger Service Development. He’s the person Amtrak California used to get the Capitol Corridor(San Jose-Oakland-Sacramento) up and running.
In Europe, competition among the rail operators is happening, in some countries, like Germany, France, and Italy, the passenger operator was just split from the infrastructure owner, in Britain, the Thatcher/Major government opted for full privatization, and one of the operators had complained about it’s implementation. Virgin Trains, owned in part by Sir Richard Branson, recently lost it’s last franchise. Turned out the franchise process was flawed. I think he lost it, because he had complained in the past about the franchises being too short, making it impossible to buy new equipment, and get a return on investment. At first, they were using ex-British Rail rolling stock.
@57 “In the US, there is a company in Florida that is preparing to re-enter the passegner service market”
Not if Rick Scott has anything to say about it.
@33 Upgrading the power on a commuter line can have its good and bad points, the Caltrans run between San Jose and San Francisco being one example. Granted, it’s a longer route and they impose a far more agressive timetable. A typical train will consist of a 4,000 HP locomotive hauling three or four double-decker cars similar to the ones used on the Sounder. I learned (the hard way) that as the train eases out of a station, it’s a warning to find a seat pronto. 15 seconds later the engineer drops the hammer, and you’ll find yourself flat on your face or backside if you’re still in the aisle.
The FEC had been planning this for awhile, before Rick Scott canceled the previous administration in Tallahassee(another Republican) plan. Since this would be using mostly their own right of way, they probably don’t need approval from Tallahassee. What I find odd about the Florida East Coast’s proposal, called All Aboard Florida, is that the Florida East Coast, nearly 50 years ago, abruptly canceled passenger service, but had to be dragged back in, briefly, by the State of Florida enforcing the railroad’s charter, which at the time, pretty much required a daily train between Miami and Jacksonville. AAF only went public with their proposal because they were about to start soliciting public comment on station locations.
60, CalTrain is about to go electric, as the final hurdles are being cleared. They got a waiver to use lighter double-deck EMUs from Europe from the Federal Railroad Adminstration, as they would need it to share track with the Gilroy trains, as well as the proposed Dumbarton Bridge service from the East Bay, proposed Coast Daylight train from LA(via the Coast Route), and if it ever happens, High Speed Rail via the Central Valley. The trains would also have to share the Peninsula Line with a couple UP frieghts, including one that goes all the way into San Francisco. Southern Pacific should have proposed this a long time ago, but they instead tried to get out of the service, even offering to buy vans for those commuters they had not driven away. Then Silicon Valley happened.
There are a few Republican Governors who did not cancel rail upgrades Democratic predecessors put in motion. Although all three are fierce partisans, and I disagree with every other thing they have done, got to give credit where credit is due. In Maine, the Downeaster extenion to Brunswick was not canceled by Governor LaPage, and will be starting soon. Same thing in Virginia with Governor McDonnell in Virginia with Amtrak service to Norfolk, and the most interesting is Amtrak’s Michigan service, the Wolverine corridor. 110MPH running from the Indiana line to Kalamazoo, and so far, Governor Snyder has not cancelled the other upgrades, in fact, they might be buying trackage to Detroit from Kalamazoo(as track owner Norfolk Southern had downgraded the line again).
Then there are the two TALGO transets ordered for the Chicago-Milwuakee Hiawatha corridor by then-WI Governor Jim Doyle, which would have given Wisconsin greater control over a train they have paid some of the funding for for decades, as they would not have had to depend on Amtrak’s chronically short equipment pool. The plan was to use a maintenance facility that would have been built as part of a far larger project. When Walker canceled that one, the two trains were mothballed. TALGO was also building 2 more trains for Oregon at the facility, and they should be coming this way soon. These trains will be better than what we have now, with a proper cab car, instead of a converted locomotive.
As for the Midwest, with the services funded by Illinois(which soon will have CHI-STL at 110MPH), Missouri, and Michigan, the new rolling stock they are procuring will be bi-levels based on the California Car Design, but a new manufacturer won the contract, new for the US mainline market, but back in their home country, they made buillet trains. I guess for the company from Japan, they can come down to our speeds for awhile.
no wonder YLB is a fan of Pressler….
For Republicans “obsessive” is obsessively lying your ass off and obsessively denying Americans the right to vote. Oh, and there’s that obsession of theirs about keeping their plans for America a big secret.
@ 64
no wonder YLB is a fan of Pressler….
Well, they have a lot in common. Both of them were subject to assumptions that they had sexual preferences for men.
In Pressler’s case, apparently rumors he was gay.
In YLB’s case, more than one of us on HA has thought he was a woman.
So there’s that.
CO likely voter poll:
Romney 50
Obama 46
MOE 4%
Two OH polls:
Ohio: Romney 48%, Obama 47% (American Research Group)
Ohio: Obama 45%, Romney 44% (SurveyUSA)
Not unrelated, Romney’s pulling staff from PA to concentrate on OH.
Meanwhile, Obama’s playing the Big Bird card.
Obama’s an awfully long ways from 50% in PA:
Pennsylvania, Another Swing State? Obama 43%, Romney 40%,
Undecided 12%
Bitter clingers arise.
I don’t think the reality of what Obama has done with that “stoner” debate performance has quite sunk in yet for the unhinged lunatic left.
It’s devastating. Now the PBS and other leftist funded media are looking for anyway possible to make Romney look bad. PBS is doing it with Public money BTW. Some lefty’s are beginning to absorb the gravity of the momentum shift. But they are falling into the trap of spewing venom instead of facts. Precisely what the undecided and soft voters don’t want. The problem for the left and the good fortune for the right is that you kooks don’t know any other way. Scream LIAR, scream other unkind things all you want. You are screeching to the choir who is already voting for Obama and disgusting the undecideds.
Cannot thank you foul-mouth, ill-mannered left-wing crackpots enough!!
Where’s Aaron Sorkin when you need him?
How much trouble is Obama in?
Even Big Bird is flying the coop.
Sesame Workshop Response to Campaign Ads
Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.
Too fuckin’ funny.
There is a new ARG poll for Ohio. This poll has Romney now leading Obama in Ohio, 48/47. Looking at the poll sample – DUMMOCRAPTS/Republicans/Independents in this poll is 42/33/25; in 2010, it was 36/37/28; in 2008 spread was 39/31/30. Isn’t that strange they are still oversampling DUMMOCRAPTS? We all know why! Obummer would look even worse! Butt, Romney is now ahead. What will da perfessa’s Ohio poll say now?
Deeper diving with independent responses, Romney now leads by 20 points, 57/37. Remember Obummer won misled independents by 8 points in 2008 with a 52 to 44 percentage spread due to the slobbering libtard msm.
Here is a huge assist for Obama. The Support of Snoop Lion, formerly known as Snoop Dogg, who gives his top 10 reasons to Not vote for Romney and his Top 10 reasons to vote For Obama.
What an impressive intellectual Snoop Lion is. I’m sure as this goes viral on the Internet, you will see Obama’s ratings skyrocket with the Independents. Also, check out the article-
Pay special attention to Snoop Lion’s #1 reason for not voting for Romney-
The number one reason cited for not voting for Romney is because “He a white n****.”
How impressive. You can tell Snoop Lion, a huge Obama supporter, carefully chose his words as to not be perceived a racist.
Snoop Lion, a man of our times with something well thought out to share with America on behalf of Barrack Obama.
The number one reason cited for not voting for Romney is because “He a white n****.”
I’m Barrack Obama and I approve this message.
HAHAHAHAHA! Now this is awfully funny unless you are a libtard!
Biden will flounder in trying to regain the ground that President Obama lost in last week’s debate, or as Saturday Night Live’s Seth Meyers put it, “Is there anything more exciting than Joe Biden thinking it’s up to him to get the lead back? It’s Tebow time!”
Damn, the thought of Biden running on to the stage wearing #15 and within 10 minutes, becoming confused and a joke is almost too much to bear. Biden is the most experienced debater. He is under tremendous pressure to perform. Biden has been grilled on what to say so much that he will become paralyzed in front of America trying to remember what it was he was told to say and not say and a complete laughing stock.
Ryan has a tremendous command of facts and details and an outstanding delivery to connect with average people. Joe thinks he’s a fucking comedian!! I think Joe is right. He is.
Oh noes… even the Daily Kooks have it showing Romney ahead!
Scrutonium. My gosh that is funny stuff.
Axelrod may be showing signs of being infected. I saw him sweating profusely when called on his LIAR platform when even the MSM was calling BS on him.
And Axelrod’s comb-over is looking more & more pathetic.
I liked Scrutonium too. Iowahawk has some funny stuff sometimes!
WA Post entry
Puddy response… of course!
Online analysis had his speech similar to his 2008 one. Apparently he thought he could sleep walk through the convention and be kool! Well it seems the independents are not enthused with the Emperor’s new clothes, and the DUMMOCRAPTS are worried his clothes are the only thing transparent about Obummer’s sadministration!
Lieawatha’s legal work in her Harvard Office is starting to make it to the public at large.
Yet, everyone would know the headlines if Romney was the debate loser! The pathetic rael has them down cold.
I’ve been wondering where the liberals are. Virtually none of the usual suspects are around today.
I might have figured it out.
So much pro-Romney poll data came in last night, and with the MSNBC news that Team Obama is shaking up HQ in Chicago, I think they all realized they had to go out and get jobs for the first time in four years. They’re out looking.
What happened to that guy calling himself Roger Rabbit?? I disagreed with most of his conclusions and he was a little nasty at times, but he showed some occasional flickers on intelligence, unlike the lefty flat-liners that infect this Blog regularly.
Where is Roger Rabbit?
rael is putting the whammy on Obama with his mantra of
17. Rael spews:
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
10/08/2012 AT 3:21 PM
18. Rael spews:
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
10/08/2012 AT 3:21 PM
19. Rael spews:
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate democracy?
Doesn’t seem to be working for old Rael, does it?
@ 85
he showed some occasional flickers on intelligence,
Nah, every so often he just cut-and-pasted the wrong article. Don’t confuse error with intelligence.
Maybe all the libbies are hanging out at Sound Politics today.
I see there’s a NYT piece on WA-1 mentioned over there:
Thanks for the assist on that one, Jay!
From the NYT piece @ 89:
“So many voters came out of the woodwork to vote for hope and change,” said Frederick G. Gouge, a retired mechanical engineer in Edmonds, which was in the old First District.
Back where I’m from they call those parasitic things termites. I guess it fits.
Man, I wonder if it will be this quite on HA on Tuesday evening, November 6th.
President releases new ad — featuring Big Bird…
SESAME STREET: Take it down…
Obama sits for interview — with NICKELODEON…
(current headlines on Drudge)
SOUNDER actually has a pretty conservative frequency. 4 trains a day from Everett in the morning, 4 afternoon to Everett with now reverse runs. Tacoma, less than 10 a day, although the 2 reverse runs allow for more efficient use of rolling stock, rather than go into the yard after each run. Also, the trains are not operated by Sound Transit employees(in fact, ST has no drivers on it’s payroll, whether for trains or buses, except for the handful of employees on Tacoma LINK, and that is about 10, total). In Utah, things are way different on the Utah Transit Authority’s FrontRunner commuter train from Ogden to Salt Lake City, very frequent, runs in it’s own right of way on an easement within the UP right of way(very smart, as UP and passenger trains have had problems in recent years, and they own most of the mainline track in Utah, due to mergers), and since the UTA had so much fun and experience operating the TRAX Light Rail network(which is also being expanded), they chose to operate the trains themselves. The Provo extension opens in December, and they will start with 60 trains a day.
Before it became a highly partisan issue, believe it or not, the first modern Light Rail system in the US was in San Diego, a red bastion of California. Rolling stock can last a long time when properly maintained, or even just given a chance to be used.(San Francisco MUNI Car No.1 is proof of that) What I liked about San Diego’s original Santa Fe Station-San Yisidro Trolley line, was it was originally single-tracked, built on the cheap, but later double-tracked, and the rolling stock were literally off-the-shelf Siemens U2 Light Rail Vehicles, and since it was new at the time, they got a Buy American waiver, and the first batch was built in Dusseldorf. THe Trolley took off, and the San Diego MTS became a loyal Siemens Customer, and they even located a US Assembly plant in Sacramento. With loyal customers in San Diego, Portland, and Salt Lake City, a site well picked. It has been 30 years, and San Diego is now buying replacements for the original rolling stock, but while a few might end up in museums, the others are being put to good use. A couple are already there, and liked so much, Mendoza, Argentina is buying two-dozen more.
The latest model on offer to US and Canadian systems in the low floor category by Siemens, the S70, is rapidly becoming the standard model in the US, as a baseline at least. They are offered in variants between 80 to 95ft long. They have had orders large(SLC and SD) and small, and in the latter, as small as 9 for Norfolk, VA and 4 for Atlanta’s streetcar project.
90. Serial conservative spews:
I suspect these fragile beings will all be hyperventilating together. Breathing deeply into paperbags. I doubt they can breathe into a paperbag and post at the same time.
THe 1st District was drawn by compromise between the Redistricting Commission members, as intended. The commissioners, including Former US Senator Slade Gorton and former Seattle Deputy Mayor Tim Cies, wanted a competitive district. At least in this one effort, compromise was still alive, and not the conservative idea of compromise. Same thing with the end of the Metro Ride Free Area. Although I think the compromise should have gone further, with the tunnel routes staying fare free, but you can’t get everything you want in a compromise. That is what I liked about Councilmember’s Lambert and Hague on the GOP side, and the Democratic COuncilmembers on the allegedly non-partisan body, they did not hold out for everything.
As for the way legislative districts are drawn, I prefer that we should go to a system of proportional representation, and instead of fighting it, the parties should be on the ground floor. One thing I notice about German Chancellor Merkel, she might be tough, but when she has had to, she has compromised with the Social Democrats. She would not have been Chancellor in her first term under the German system if she had not. The Free Democrats, their traditional allies, did not have the votes, they did in 2009, but it looks like next September, if the Free Democrats don’t get their act together, most likely it will be Chancellor Steibrueuck(the SDP Candidate), and/or a coalition with the Greens again, or the arrangement they had 2005-2009(Grand COalition among the two parties, and the SDP candidate was a minister in that cabinet). THe reason? In some polls over the past couple months, and most state elections, the FDP has been polling at 4%. Unless one wins 3 district seats in the Bundestag, the proportional component of the German electoral system kicks in at 5%, and in one state election, I heard they go as high as 7.
Poor Nate Silver… still in da tank for Obummer.
Golly Nate they are much higher for Romney. Yet greg bragged about Nate Silver last month…
How quickly things change eh greg?
You’ve got to be kidding me. Another DUMMOCRAPT lining her pockets? Another 1%er?
Hey libtards, your peeps in Virginia in action!
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Oh boy… This is gonna be devastating for the Joe BiteME/Paul Ryan debate since it was Joe BiteME who blabbed it too!
Yes, DUMMOCRAPTS have no compunction to keep military secrets since they can use it for political gain. Seems these fearless warriors met their demise due to Obummer sadministration braggadocio!
Yawwwn… Do I detect some misogynist, homophobic, chickenhawk noise from a couple of idiot trolls?? Whatever..
There goes the Log Cabin Republicans – newly minted “independents” I guess.
GOP’s homophobia unleashed by a virulently anti-gay Mormon candidate for Prez?? Say it’s not so!
LMAO!!! 30 percent of Americans believe NPR and PBS account for greater than 5 percent of Federal spending and a whopping 7 percent think it’s OVER HALF:
New name for our trolls: the 7 percenters!
Vote Willard, keep your job!
So sayeth a wise “jawb kweateh” whose taxes Willard MUST CUT!
LMAO!!! Jack Welch, wise ‘jawb kweateh’ and Obama hater, leaves Fortune Magazine after his Beckian conspiracy theory is shot down in flames:
Jack, just go on Beck’s show. You’ll get “better traction” there.
Oh this is interesting:
Yet our dear right wingers in this country still NEED to believe this country is going broke.. They NEED to believe this because they don’t like a dark complected guy from Chicago in the White House.
Hmmmm. Most new jobs reported in the last positive jobs report are in FACT
Well I’ll be.. Guess I shouldn’t be listening to the trolls..
“It takes a lot of brass to accuse a guy of doing what you did.” – Bill Clinton
In his speech — delivered in a ghetto-style accent that Obama doesn’t use anywhere except when he is addressing a black audience — he charged the federal government with not showing the same concern for the people of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina hit as they had shown for the people of New York after the 9/11 attacks, or the people of Florida after hurricane Andrew hit.
Departing from his prepared remarks, he mentioned the Stafford Act, which requires communities receiving federal disaster relief to contribute 10 percent as much as the federal government does.
Senator Obama, as he was then, pointed out that this requirement was waived in the case of New York and Florida because the people there were considered to be “part of the American family.” But the people in New Orleans — predominantly black — “they don’t care about as much,” according to Barack Obama.
Unlike Jeremiah Wright’s church, the U.S. Senate keeps a record of who was there on a given day. The Congressional Record for May 24, 2007 shows Senator Barack Obama present that day and voting on the bill that waived the Stafford Act requirement. Moreover, he was one of just 14 Senators who voted against — repeat, AGAINST — the legislation which included the waiver.
Yes, President Clinton. Yes, it does.
Anyone here talk about Willard’s foreign policy speech?
That old belligerence is back BIG TIME:
Bank on a brand spankin’ new war.. I don’t think it’ll be nearly as popular as the last war drumbeat back in 2002.. The old cretins watching Faux News in their barcaloungers are kicking in
droves.. Pulling the lever for Willard will be their last moment of glory.
@ 104
YLB, decreasing borrowing by the private sector is not a good thing.
Do you understand that?
We want the economy to expand, the private sector to borrow more, so that more goods can be purchased, thence more goods produced, thence more people paid by the production of those goods so that more purchases can occur.
Borrowing is good. Creditworthiness amongst borrowers is better.
YLB, sometimes it’s the trolls being hard to argue with that is why I usually stay away from this one. It’s the “their way of the highway” attitude they have, that makes it hard for compromise in this country. It’s hard for many to believe, on both sides of the ideological divide, that the current head of Amtrak is not a Democrat, but a Republican. He was Federal Railroad Administrator under Bush, made the interim president in the last years of the Bush Administration, and the board gave him the job for the time being since then. Joe Boardman, in my opinion, is becoming of the best heads of Amtrak in years, considering some of his predecessors. The last guy that knew how to operate passenger trains in the private sector was W. Graham Claytor, appointed by Reagan, kept by Bush and Clinton until he quit for medical reasons. Claytor kept the Southern out of Amtrak, and ran the Southern Crescent pretty well, better than Amtrak.(A core New York-Atanta route, with three day a week service to New Orleans), and even interlined with Amtrak at both ends of his line. Boardman has managed to whether a recent operating subsidy cut without cutting service, and even has managed to ask for less than that. Above the rail farebox recovery, that is before the capital expenses are taken into effect, is 85%, Metro only gets less than 20, by the way. One thing that he is doing with the diners, is adopting practices tried out here on Amtrak Cascades, where they replaced antiquated inventory tracking practices with a scanner. Also, he wants to go one better, go cashless in the diners. The antiquated systems used on the rest of the fleet, are costly. Also, the conductor’s punch is being replaced by barcodes, QR Codes, and iPhone Apps. That is a far cry from what my late father’s high school classmate used when he worked for Amtrak, after coming over from a long career in freight railroading. In a recent article in TRAINS Magazine about yet another congressional attack on Amtrak’s on board services(this has been going on since the late 1970s), he suggested that they are getting better, and Congress seems to only be getting in the way. Sometimes that is true, sometimes it’s Amtrak’s bureaucrats that get in the way. Case in point, the 24hour diner experiment on the Sunset Limited, actually worked, it got good response from the passengers, lower level management, the unions, just about everybody, but a change of leadership, and the experiment was over. (I usually don’t totally agree with the group that published this story, but this point, I do agree)
# 102: So, David Siegel is one of the wealthiest men in America, with wealth earned not by building a shipping industry (Vanderbuilt), a steel industry (Andrew Garnegie), or oil industry (John D. Rockefeller). Instead, David Siegel made his by selling vacations “timeshares” to blue-collar “marks” who will pay thousands of dollars for a chance to spend a couple of weeks a year in a timeshare (hoping to exhange for that Maui trip!) that they will probably never be able to use because the industry is rife with over-selling the available resources.
Somehow he claims that a slightly larger tax on his net profits (after payroll expenses) will require him to lay off employees to maintain his standard of living. A standard which includes attempting to build the biggest house in Florida.
Really, these guys have no ability to feel guilt at all.
The reason why the unions did not resist the experiment? On Amtrak trains, only the engineers and conductors change every 4-8 hours, the rest of the on board crew, ride all the way to the end, including in the case of 7/8, the Empire Builder, and it’s Seattle based crews, it’s a round trip to Chicago and back, the 2nd day out on the rebound, crossing Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana, a 14-hour grueling shift for coach and sleeper attendents, with an even more grueling(as they are already working on the turnaround for the next train to Chicago, leaving King Street Station later the same day, they don’t have the spare rolling stock ready to go in case of a major delay) 5 hour shift the next day. The crew found they were not being rushed when the 24hr diner experiment was tried on the Sunset, and probably would have worked on the Empire Builder too.(I was not kidding about the 14hour day, I tried to get hired on at Amtrak). The oil boom in North Dakota is pushing ridership up on the Empire Builder, and suprisingly it is big, for a train that pulls into Fargo in a 2 hour window in the early morning hours(both directions). The bulk of the new boardings is in Minot and Williston.
# 108: A temporary rise in credit-worthiness or private debt creates a short-term gain as consumption increases due to borrowed money, but a much longer decrease in GDP growth as consumers have to pay off prior purchases. Kind of like having that morning shot of a double expresso – it’s great for the first few hours, but by late morning you are dragging – unless, like an addict, you keep getting more shots.
A far better long-term policy is to decrease private debt, freeing up money for investment and future purchases without incuring debt.
But politicians usually don’t worry about anything past the last election, so they prefer to have private borrowing increase so that the economy appears to be improving. This resulted in the stagnation of the 1970’s, as nobody wanted to bite the bullet and risk a depression by increasing interest rates of taking money out of circulation (until the Fed did that and at the same time Carter’s re-election chances). Taken to it’s extremes, as it did in Bush’s housing bubble of 2005-2006, it can create very big problems (the Great Rescession from which we are still suffering the after-effects).
Of course, conservatives try to apply this lesson to public debt as well. But there are considerable differences between the two, as well as a few similarities.
The similar aspect is that it is better to be debt-free in general, as it gives more flexibility and room to take advantage of opportunities and deal with emergencies as they arise.
But the dis-similar aspect is that public financing should be contrarian in most respects to private financing. In good economic times, the government should hold back on unnecessary payments for infrastructure, etc. so as not to compete with private industry for resources and financing, which might be inflationary. But in bad economic times, the government should be spending money not only to keep the economy from nose-diving, but also to take advantage of reduced pricing available for infrastructure projects and low financing rates.
Yes, it’s basic Kensyean economics, but I think it works much better than the Chicago School of Management economics did (remember the Lafler curve?).
One of the recent attempts to go after Native American names in sports teams, I think may go too far. Although I went to O’Dea, I don’t mind Blanchet having the Braves as a mascot. I think that West Seattle should not have had to change the name of their mascot, as it once was home to the tribe whose chief is the city’s namesake(and another high school in West Seattle bears his name). There should be no blanket policy on this, but a case by case policy. Like Renton High School, the mascot honors one Native American, Henry Moses, last chief of the Duwamish Tribe, great-grandnephew of Chief Sealth.
I brought this one up, because the WIAA and activists are at it again on that issue. Now a really offensive case, Eastern Washington University, now called the Eagles(I liked the mascot while I was there), the old mascot from a long time ago? Until 1972, it was the Savages.
On another case, sometimes traditions are good, such as the Washington State Ferries tradition of using Native American names, although it might change again. First when the state took over, the first new-build boats were the Evergreen State class, her sisters were going to be called the Vacation State and Washington State, but changed to Klahoya and Tillikum. With the retirement of the Rhododendron, the Evergreen State is the last non-native named boat in the fleet, but some are pushing for the new Olympic-class boat under construction to be named after Ivar Hagglund. Others in the running are Tokitae(native name for a captive Orca Whale, Lolita), and a couple tribes, including Muckleshoot. I got a problem with naming the boats after politicians, and Ivar did run, although as a joke, for Port Commissioner, and since he was popular, and name was on the ballot, won. ALthough in a way, two boats are named after politicians sort of, the Chetzemoka and Sealth are named after chiefs.
Oh my Obummer lies, more libtards cries
Funny but true!
The most damning lie by the Obama Regime is still the one a CBS Correspondent, Lara Logan, blasted the Obama Taliban APOLOGISTS on–
Obama wants Americans to believe the Taliban are somehow now milder and more lovable. It’s an Obama ruse or as Logan puts it, Obama is a LIAR!
Another HEH HEH HEH!
Delusional, like the HA ylbuutspigot
Big Bird to the rescue.
Oh Lucy… Dis is not gud!
Father of a fallen soldier not happy with Obummer… Puddy wonders how many others were treated this way?
Well when you were community organizer compassion wasn’t part of the job description!
Is Obummer’s sadministration backing suicide bombers?
This is interesting, a Democratic State Rep endorsing the Republican for Lt. Governor? Well, the position rarely changes hands, and Lt. Governor Owen has been in office since 1996, and has a reputation for being a Blue Dog, or a DINO. I don’t mind factions within a party, but one side can’t entirely dominate. In the Democratic Caucus in Olympia, The left has to know that sometimes a few of their own party will have to vote against them once in awhile, and the right has to know that they can’t take the Democratic party to where it is too GOP-light.
Here I am with Dad. He’s quite a guy.
It’s probably a shock to most of you.
What could go wrong?
Biden To Answer Questions at Vice Presidential Debate After Months of No National TV Interviews
@ 124
It’s probably a shock to most of you.
No real surprise to Vera Baker, tho.
The daredevil who is going to do the high altitude balloon jump has an interesting team supporting him. He has as a consultant an Air Force officer who did it once before himself, and for medical support, a former NASA Flight Surgeon. Dr. Clark has a personal reason for this, his wife was an astronaut aboard the Columbia on the fatal flight. Dr. Clark’s hope, is that the suit the daredevil is wearing, could work good for high-altitude ejections. An option his wife and her fellow astronauts did not have from the moment when Houston gave the go for the de-orbital burn.
It may surprise many of you that I know one of the Republican congressional candidates personally, and I think he’s a pretty good fellow. Dan Mathews and I probably disagree on policy (we’ve never discussed politics), but I think we could do a lot worse in Congress.
The problem is, the last thing I want is a novice Republican in the House to be manipulated by the Tea Party and the Republican House leadership for another two (or four?) years of obstructionism at the average American’s expense.
But more to the point, there’s a few commercials running on his behalf recently, the one which talks about drinking and other bad conduct in the Democratic incumbenet’s “taxpayer supported office”. Of course, what the ad fails to mention is that the bad conduct was by a few spoiled fraternity-brat interns who were fired for their conduct and promptly sent videos – of their own bad conduct – to the Republicans for future use.
My wife, who is considerably more conservative than I am, was offended by the commercials, even though she didn’t know the background behind them. She said she would e-mail Mathews and tell him of her dissapointment in him using such tactics.
I’m seeing a big turn-off of television commercials for both sides. The mute button and channel-changer on remotes has come in handy for many people. It appears to me that people realize that they aren’t going to get any useful information from mailers or from TV commercials, and tune them out (political mailers go right from the mailbox to our recycle bin). This may be a historical change in the way campaigns are being conducted.
rhp, the ad wars are making some of people’s most watched shows unwatchable for another month. I had an American Government instructor at EWU who was a sitting state rep,(then-Rep Jeff Gombosky(forget the exact spelling, been 10 years), 3rd District, D-SPokane), and he told how with a small budget, he got in. He put his ads in the spots where they would get the most exposure to the voters who voted in primaries, at the time, Jeapordy and Larry King! Well, the latter is retired, the former pretty much still on.
rhp, another thing about advertising turnoffs. Last year, when I visited Vancouver and Whistler as part of a trip my mother won, we were up there the week of Veterans Day, and it was in the middle of BC Civic ELections, and while most are non-partisan, the big cities do have parties, and there are not too many spending limits on this election in Canada. All over Vancouver, there were ads from the centrist Non Partisan Association(that is their name) attacking incumbent Mayor Gregor Robertson on his spending being out of control. The result, Gregor was re-elected. The ads were everywhere, even on Skytrain stations. The NPA did have one consolation, they went from 1 seat on the City Council to two.,_2011
A good reason not to have so many events in the same day. A mess for San Francisco over the weekend, and part of the reason is the E-Embarcadero line has no turnback loop, and the bulk of the fleet for the E and F lines are single-ended historic streetcars. Love the sign on Muni No.1 in the photo in the article.
In Australia, they seem to have their own equivalent of Rush Limbaugh, and he may have gone too far. Labour Party leader and Prime Minister Julia Guillard’s father passed away recently, and a Sydney morning radio host said that he died dissapointed in his daughter, and Australian Social media just exploded. Some in the Liberal Party(which is actually a conservative party) have jumped to defend him, and so has the Murdoch press(of which the host is not an employee), but former Liberal leader and current Shadow Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the host went too far, and has even called out his own colleagues who defended the guy.
Turnbull could be looking at the big picture. The effect not condeming the host’s remarks could turn off voters from other parties. Since the preferential voting rules Australia uses requires voters to rank every candidate, he may be worried about getting higher preference votes from parties like Family First and Democratic Labor(a splinter group off of Labor that is pro-Union, but conservative on social issues, has preferenced the Liberals and the Liberals junior partner National Party in the past).
MikeBoyScout @35: I missed your post until now.
I also benefited from the Boy Scout experience. My troop leaders were extraordinarily dedicated, and despite being conservative Southern Baptists they didn’t care if we wore our hair long (in the 1960’s and early 1970’s), and didn’t bow to the local counsel office and their quotas/schemes. What we did do is camp every month, hike every month, go to the summer BSA camp in our area, and conduct a “big project” at least once every summer involving a trip to a Jamboree (national or international), hiking portions of the Appalachian Trail, or going to Philmont. I ended up an Eagle Scout and a Vigil Honor arrowman. When my father died when I was 16, my scoutmaster and Explorer adviser went out of their way to make sure I didn’t get “lost”. I still exchange Christmas cards and a letter with them every year.
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