And sorry if it’s rather Occupy heavy, that’s mostly what I’ve been reading.
– It will be interesting to see how the leaders of more established liberal institutions interact with the Occupy people.
– While of course, I don’t like the city arresting protesters, I’m glad they’re still working to figure out a way to let them stay (I’m not saying the Occupy people should or shouldn’t take the city up on this, only that I’m glad it’s being offered, and that there is a dialogue).
And here’s some non Occupy stuff:
– Scott Brown really could have probably won this rhetorically. Instead he just decided to be an asshole.
Some believe that the group behind the Occupy protests, Adbusters, has a history of anti-semitism.
# 1: Most people believe that you are an idiot. They would be right.
Under background, you will see that Adbusters is the genesis of the Occupy protests.
Under Criticisms. Accusations of antisemitism.
I spent some time with our fascist brethren over at Sound Politics yesterday – I was in a mood, what can I say.
Anyway, several observations of the wildlife over there struck me – first off, that ‘community’ has only managed two posts all month – kind of pathetic. More pathetic is that the comment threads would be in single digits were it not for myself and a guy named bruce stirring things up over at that retirement home. (I cannot help but think of the cartoon, “Old man yells at clouds” every time I go over there.)
The discussion I tried to have with several of them, about McKenna and health care reform, and Rasmussen polling, was ultimately redirected to “47% OF PEOPLE PAY NO TAXES!!!!” which, of course, went nowhere.
But what was really curious and creepy was a second post on the site by pudge, and the comment thread thereafter. The post itself was a fairly juvenile and quite obtuse rant about inequality and rights, and just STFU about people who have more stuff than you.
If you read the comments, though, there are a number of them responding to comments that just aren’t there. It’s so funny – pudgey deleted people he disagreed with, and wiped out their comments without a trace, as if the post was never there. What’s funny is that he and others leave echos of those comments in their rather frothy retorts, thereby undermining the ‘disappearing’ he is attempting to perpetrate.
A rather ham-handed little authoritarian, isn’t he?
3 – He’s off his nut.. You just gotta walk away.
Life’s too short.
I just love this kind of stuff. Golly…these 1%’ers are really great people, just misunderstood.
Hey Liberal, check this out.
Hmmm, Bachman’s telling Republican voters:
“‘Don’t settle,’ has become Bachmann’s pitch as she tells Christian conservatives they shouldn’t accept a Republican nominee who isn’t fully dedicated to their priorities.”
They may couch it in anti-abortion rhetoric, but what she is really doing is giving the “wink and nod” to Evangelicals that they shouldn’t be voting for a Mormon.
Not terribly surprising.
In part, trauma care is often a public process (see Harborview), and our public sphere is shrinking.
Moreover, trauma often involves very long and expensive stays, with prolonged rehab, and in the capitated model which favors shrinking the hospital to as brief as is safe (most of the time), these kinds of cases are not profit centers for hospitals.
If I’m not mistaken, trauma is also not an equal-opportunity disease – it strikes poorer people more often and more severely. See here, and here, for examples.
These are not the populations that hospitals, for-profit or non-profit, are trolling for. Big money makers are cardiac intervention suites, cancer chemotherapy infusion services, day surgeries and orthopedic and other surgeries.
That’s why you see Swedish opening highly swank hospitals like out in Issaquah, emphasizing those. Those are the patients that bring in the moolah.
Partly this is a result of how we reimburse doctors and hospitals for services – performing a procedure is MUCH more highly rewarded than not, even though managing multiple drugs in complex patients with several severe problems can be much more dangerous. This reimbursement system is consequence of Medicare following nearly verbatim recommendations by a committee of the AMA HIGHLY overpopulated with surgeons.
A recent phenomenon illustrates the incentives. Cardiologists formerly made BIG coin doing certain imaging procedures. Medicare changed the rules recently, and is paying the former top dollar only to for these procedures done in hospitals, and significantly less in an outpatient setting. Therefore, over the past few months, just about every cardiologist in the country has become a hospital employee – making these same procedures “hospital-based” regardless of their location – only now the cardiologists and the hospitals are splitting the take.
The medical system is fraught with these sorts of illogical or irrational, and therefore exploitable, nuances. What suffers is the even-handed, dispassionate access to care that should be all of our rights.
Pass the popcorn – I just love watching the Bible-thumpers eating their own.
And I bet, as Bachmann’s prospects continue to dwindle, that she’ll have less and less to lose, and then the crazy lady is REALLY gonna bring it. Whoo hoo!
Follow up to my post #8 above.
I really excellent site, mixing observations of an ER doc, with politics and humor and good writing is here, called Movin’ Meat.
Highly recommended.
I just revisited Movin’ Meat, that I plugged above. Anyone interested in really entertaining VERY slo-mo, high-def video, check out his second post here, or the home of the videos, here.
Ooh, ooh, this one is supurb!
Really, really cool stuff!
Laugh Of The Day
“Some in Washington have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans,” Cantor said of the protests after accusing the Obama administration’s policies of being an “assault on many of our nation’s bedrock principles.”
I noticed that the arguments for opening a hospital in Gig Harbor tended to mention that if anyone was really smashed up out here it would be nice for them to have a hospital out here to go too. But, now that we have a hospital out here anyone that’s really smashed up still goes to Tacoma General. ;-)
But, that’s not to say that the hospital wasn’t needed or isn’t great to have. It is. It’s just curious how no one pointed out how most of the trauma cases would still be going to T.G. when they were getting ready to build the thing.
When needing complex medical care, data shows that going with a provider whose done lots of what you need is the surest route to a good outcome.
If you’re ‘really smashed up’ you want to be in a big trauma center – those cases are very complex and fraught with complications.
Out in the field, when moving people by helicopter, it’s really no longer a matter of distance, say between Gig Harbor General and Tacoma, or even better, Harborview – it’s only a few minutes flying time at that point.
Sounds like that point being made about Gig Harbor General before it was built had more to do with marketing than trauma care.
Britain’s Central Bank Throws Pensioners And Savers Under The Bus
Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, announced a new round of quantitative easing and said the negative impact on pensioners, savers, and workers approaching retirement is “a price worth paying to save the economy from recession.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I doubt if anyone asked England’s pensioners, savers, and older workers whether they’re willing to accept poverty as their reward for a lifetime of hard work and thrift. It seems to me the government of that country should offer them some sort of offsetting benefit program. Otherwise, you’re not looking at “moral hazard” here, you’re looking at immoral policy.
Oh yeah, btw, King says the world is facing its worst financial crisis ever … so why are stock markets going up?
Yep, marketing indeed.
I love the slow-mo ballon.
I think the stock markets are optimistic that Europe will find a solution so the deck of cards doesn’t completely crumble. The markets closed down today and were dropping the last hour after being up. I suspect there is a lot of short-term speculation, not investing.
Some people believe the Troll is among the finest examples of a Teahadist.
SPeaking of lying douchebags, our President Obama did it again!! This speaks volumes about his character..he loves to make shit up!
I wonder how many times Obama has exaggerated like this? Better question, I wonder how many times Obama has told the truth?
You’ve got to ask yourself, Why would Obama lie when the truth would do?
Do you think Obama is lying about Fast & Furious and Solyndra? Why would anyone take anything this guy says at face value.
# 8: We just got a notice from our employer-provided insurance company (this morning) that hospital MRIs, cardio-grams, etc. would not be processed as “emergency room” services, but would be processed as part of our regular medical care service. I don’t know what that means yet, but I suspect it means that if the emergency room orders an MRI, we will have to pick up the difference.
A couple of years ago they established a seperate (and higher) deductable for an emergency room visit, and enouraged us to use out-of-hospital “urgent care centers” instead. They assured us there were plenty of them, and gave a list of those in the L.A. area. I’ve yet to figure out where an “urgent care facility” is in the Seattle area, much less Everett.
And now that Swedish and Providence are merging, I wonder what that will mean for medical care pricing in the area. I suspect there will be lots of consolidation of services, which can translate into layoffs.
@5 ” Golly…these 1%’ers are really great people, just misunderstood.”
They didn’t get where they are by being decent human beings. Do you notice how the rich always marry the rich? That’s because you have to be rich yourself to be married to a rich person, because the rich don’t share.
20 – And there’s a threat to the U.S. from Saddam Hussein’s balsa wood model planes…
Gimmee a freaking break…
What a joke you are “friendo”.
@18 In the zero-sum world we now live in, it’s all short-term speculating.
@20 I like our liars better than your liars. See, e.g., #23 above.
I see that, thanks to very nice donation from a “Golf scramble for Rachel” (that gives me ideas), that Rachel Beckwith’s follow up campaign to contribute $5,000 towards buying a well drilling rig has already exceeded it’s fundraising goal.
It’s not over. I’m believing now that before she’s done, Rachel is going to end the problem of bringing clean water to every kid in this world who needs it. That’d be a pretty hefty accomplishment for anybody, but it’s truly remarkable that nine year-old kid from Issaquah might be the one to pull it off.
Occupy Protesters = Left Wing Teabaggers
“I wonder how many times Obama has exaggerated like this?”
Jesus Fucking Christ! President Bush (as in your “GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT!”)lies us into a goddamn fucking war leaving tens of thousands dead and maimed, leaving the nation trillions in debt as you cheered him on, and now you have the fucking nerve to come here and whine about this??
Go to fucking hell, you stupid fucking Klown.
I bet Fewer times than Bush/Cheney or Clinton did. Probably more than Poppa Bush. Reagan told a whopper every time he opened his mouth.
Save a pretzel for the gas jets.
It really isn’t much different from a real Perry speech.
@8 If the “imaging procedures” you’re talking about are things like coronary angiography, I wouldn’t want to have that done outside of a hospital. There are too many things that can go sideways once you start shoving your own plumbing around in someone’s vascular system. Even something like an IVP carries a significant risk that an unknown allergy to iodine will put the patient into anaphalaxis.
@21 What they’re talking about is that these procedures will be billed differently, because the insurance carriers have arbitrarily decided not to pay for them as “emergency care”. Mostly, it probably means even more paperwork. In practice it’ll still be just as much of an emergency to the patient if the purpose of a CAT scan is to confirm that the pain he’s screaming about is due to a couple of kidney stones. I don’t expect to see CAT scanners and MRI systems installed in every dollar-a-holler strip-mall “urgent care” joint.
You guys forgot the most famous lie of all.
With a crooked finger and eyes staring at the camera, one President said.
“I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky”
I saw Howard Dean over at MSNBC praising Obama so much that I thought Dean would do well to find a tight-fitting blue dress and go over to the Oval Office and give Obama a Lewinski! Man, was he pandering to Obama! Kind of funny when you think about it. After all, didn’t he try for the White House himself once?
I do believe that would be covered in #29.
Yeah, he did it by not pandering to money and power and money and power played a little trick on him with a direct line microphone and a zoom lens.
Obama’s a panderer so he doesn’t have to worry about that so much.
@26 Does anyone know how much one of those drilling rigs costs?
@27 And Eric Cantor apparently sees something wrong with that.
@32 In the scheme of things, that was a little lie that affected only two people, and therefore was much less consequential than the lies told by Republicans every day.
Did Clinton’s sex antics result in a trillion dollar plus bill to future tax payers?
Only from the minds of dumbshit right wing dings.
The motherfucking shithead MISTER CYNICAL conveniently forgets this lie…
…a lie that cost 7500 American Servicemen and Women their lives and left 33,000 wounded.
…a lie that will ultimately cost this Nation $4 TRILLION Dollars.
So Clinton lied about a fucking BLOW JOB. If the Republicans hadn’t hated him so much…if Newt Fucking Gingrich wasn’t such a fucking hypocrite the whole thing would have cost NOTHING.
Killing Amefrican Soldiers is fine as far as MISTER CYNICAL is concerned…wasting $4 TRILLION Dollars is OK.
Just don’t lie about a blow job. That’s bad.
Got a problem with the “deficit” Cyniklown? puddypussy? emperor max-minidick?
Well here’s your answer.
Jobs. Motherfuckers. JOBS.
re 20: The rule around here is that whatever criticism a Republican makes of Democrats is what his party is actually doing.
One example: Fiscal responsibility.
a = Steve Jobs is a 1%er, late CEO Chairman of Apple
b = BIG EVIL CORPORATION Apple maker of iPad, iPhone, and iPod
c = Occupy Protesters using Apple Products
I think it’s so telling these Occupy Wall Street protesters are walking around with their iPods and iPhones and iPads made by the genius of our time Steve Jobs. Since most of these people don’t seem have a yob, how can they afford technology made by a BIG EVIL CORPORATION?
Wasn’t Steve Jobs’ one of the evil 1%?
Wasn’t Steve Jobs’ products used by Wall Street to generate $Billions?
Didn’t Apple send manufacturing and service yobs overseas?
Aren’t all of Apple’s products made with overseas labor?
So by the standard transitive property of equality, If a = b and b = c, then a = c. So apparently they make exceptions to certain evil %1ers!
What about Apple Stores?
re 27: Occupy Protesters = Left Wing Teabaggers
This is a roundabout way of you admitting that Teabaggers have no credibility.
re 27: …and we’ve got you calling them Teabaggers, which is what they are.
Yeah – that one got thousands of people killed and cost the country trillions.
re 42: Jobs could have had those products made in the U.S He instead chose to outsource the production. That is not the fault of the end user.
And the objection to corporations is not a blanket condemnation. It has to do with many of them having an inordinate amount of power in what is supposed to be a representative democracy.
You are such a bore.
Nice false arguments there Puddy. It’s not really worth digging through them and untangling them so just go and DIAF, ‘K.
Once again Libtardos can’t deal with facts! Dispute one of those facts! You can’t. Occupy Wall Streeters are using Apple products made overseas!
For anyone over in Spokane there’s a meet and greet with mayor Mary Vernor next Tuesday.
Yes, they’re using all sorts of products made in all sorts of places from all sorts of stuff. That is a fact. There now do the world a favor and throw yourself in front of a bus. Preferably a moving one.
This is why headless lucy is such a schmuck!
1) Apple Sues Amazon Over Term ‘App Store’
2) Apple Sues HTC
3) Apple Sues Samsung over it’s Android Pad
4) Apple Sues Motorola over Multitouch in Android Phones
5) Apple sues over power adapter knockoffs
Need to see more moron?
This is why headless lucy is such a pinhead!
Since I can’t enumerate the “Apple Sues” on their inordinate amount of power on this thread Google that phrase!
Ummm… Michael some of the Occupiers were asked… “There are billionaires and then, there was “this different, quiet billionaire,”
Still not doing anything worth justifying your breath, Puddy. Tea Baggers wanted to keep government out of Medicare, people on Leno can’t do simple math, people on Talking With Americans though Canada was part of the USA…
Maybe a nice jump from a high bridge?
Ummm… Michael some of the Occupiers were asked… “There are billionaires and then, there was “this different, quiet billionaire,”
That doesn’t even make sense, btw. Who the fuck are the Occupiers and they were asked a statement? Generally you ask people questions.
Take a walk down the street there’s probably a couple different plants in the night shade family in your neighborhood, you could brew yourself some tea.
Puddy has correctly concluded that Occupiers (has a much better ring than Teabagger) use products made by corporations; therefore,the PuddMind concludes, the occupiers are insincere.
They should be using computers grown on organic farms. Oh, but the organic farms use tractors made by corporations, so the Occupiers are still being inconsistent.
What a bore.
All he has to do to disprove the 99%ers is show that there’s no crony capitalism going on, that the ultra wealthy aren’t under taxed, that no one on Wall Street is getting away with anything illegal, that increasing funding for community colleges and job training programs wouldn’t do any good, that spending money fixing up crumbling infrastructure would be a drag on the economy…
See, easy.
And as much as I do think he’s become a complete bore, I really don’t want him to take up my suggestions about ending his life. ;-)
Q- What is the whooshing sound coming out of Puddy’s ear?
A- PuddWind
I slept with Puddy’s mother so many times, she started calling me Pokemon.
Mr. Rogers: ‘That older gentleman with the teabags pinned to his head is called a Teabagger. Can you say that: Teabagger?
Little PuddWind: ‘Teabagger!!’
Mr. Rogers: ‘I knew you could!! ………………
Funny stuff!
The idiots believed it was a “conspiracy” and it turned out to be there own damn fault! They flooded this poor banking firm with endless e-mails…then ate crow.
Idiots that are on the front pages of papers around the world and have pulled off multi-day protests in over 150 cities.
What’s so great about crony capitalism and Wall Street and big banks getting away with breaking the law? That’s what they’re protesting.
@36 I previously saw a breakdown and the rig itself was about $750,000. The associated equipment, materials and supplies needed to drill brought the total to $1.2 million. That’s actually less than Rachel’s first campaign raised. However, I understand those funds are already going towards obtaining clean water in Ethiopia.
You don’t see the banner for it pop up until you donate, but when the $1.2 million for the rig is reached, an anonymous donor will match the entire amount and they’ll get two rigs. Rachel’s second campaign is contributing to the rig, so donations to her campaign will also be matched when the goal is reached.
Another thing to note, all overhead costs are paid by yet another anonymous donor. Your donation does not go to salaries or office supplies. It goes to clean water.
Rachel picked a great charity.
And all those products were made by BIG EVIL CORPORATIONS Michael!
Hey Mike, that comment was from one of yours!
ABSOLUTELY headless lucy… Using technology made by the BIG EVIL CORPORATIONS paying those %1ers to tell the world about your “plight” and those “zero sum game” arguments are absolutely disingenuous!
“And as much as I do think he’s become a complete bore, I really don’t want him to take up my suggestions about ending his life. ;-)”
I was pulling for the nightshade option.
Gawd! A psychotic Klown and a self-loathing, hate-filled loon. It’s long past time HA banned the both of them. It’s not about freedom of speech. It’s more like culling the herd, or in this case, removing the two most stupid, disruptive and treasonous asswipes from these comment threads. Coast to coast, we need to send shits like these packing and send them back to the backwaters of society where they came from. Let’s get the program going by starting with these two tards.
Still waiting for the big phoney Stupid Solution Steve to display my Christina Green comments. Personally we know Steve is crazy!
Oh wait, being stupid was patented and made into a liquid by Steve!
Damn, the loon is stupid. Do you all realize just how fucking stupid someone has to be to keep pounding on some stupid, pointless crap as some protestor using a fucking IPhone? OMG!! The hypocricy!! Lordy, to be so stupid must hurt like hell. And this is coming from a flat earth loon who rejects science and yet claims, I’d guess, to be some kind of weird faith-based database programming consultant. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t let some hate-filled loon who believes the earth is only 6,000 fucking years old anywhere near my fucking server room.
More from the Alinksy playbook of Occupy Wallstreet
I don’t need to repost the hate a loon has spewn. Everybody here saw the loon use Christina Taylor Greene, who was murdered by a right-wing extremist, as a tool in his hate-filled rages. The only one questioning that this disgusting display ever took place is the self-loathing, hate-filled loon himself, and nobody here except a psychotic, dumbfuck Klown gives a flying fuck what the loon thinks about anything. They can both go to hell.
There goes the man who patented a stupid solution making crap up like always. Just like his Christina Green scream! I acknowledge Creationist Science every day. Steve Jobs created the iPod, iPad and iPhone. Great science Stupid Solution Steve!
Stupid Solution Steve is always a hoot!
Which says nothing about the protestors. No one’s calling for a return to the middle ages.
I’m still trying figure out why our trolls are pro corporate crime.
Corrected with facts!
And there’s plenty on the other side that want to kill the poor & cheer when doctors who perform abortions get shot. Yawn.
Do legislators not get all sorts of crazy emails all the time when there aren’t protests going on? You’ve still proved nothing.
And I’m still trying to figure out what so wrong in protesting against greed, white collar crime, and large profitable corporations paying no taxes.
Once again Michael will not listen to the facts. We know why. His mind will crater! Listen to SEIU chief Stephen Lerner describing how to bring down banks and destroy capitalism. If that’s not returning to the middle ages what is Michael?
Oh and if they want to destroy the banks, who will be paying all those people for their unemployment requests?
LOL… Nice whack site.
Again, the protestors are protesting things like lack of funding for job training programs at community colleges and things like the Citizen’s United ruling.
I’ll you’re doing is posting irrelevant pap.
I’ll take it then you’re pro white collar crime. You sure as shit haven’t said anything against it.
Yes Yawn… Another false equivalence!
Great job Mikie!
Lying to us about his disgusting behavior here following the Gifford shooting probably helps the self-loathing loon to live with himself.
Did Lerner say that Michael?
Oh yeah… in the other thread I posted a Lerner video from Sept 22nd 2011. I asked the HA arschloch was that his wife cheering Lerner at the 10 second mark. The HA arschloch hasn’t answered.
Hmmm… implied yes?
Oops, my bad. I forgot you don’t see anything wrong with shooting doctors who perform abortions. It’s an easy mistake to make seeing as the other 99% of us think that’s wrong.
And where did you get that from Mikie? Search all of HA Mikie!
Time and Date Stamp
Still waiting to hear why we should just roll over and accept white collar crime, profitable corporations paying no income tax, and the Citizens United ruling…
“Creationist Science”
WTF? I suddenly realize that I may have seriously underestimated just how fucking stupid the loon might be. Damn! And I was already thinking he was really fucking stupid, probably one of the dumbest tards on the entire planet.
Well don’t you. Let’s hear it! Abortions a legal procedure, shouldn’t doctors be able to perform them without fear?
The Solyndra Scandal just keeps on going. It’s almost like the Obama Administration is waterboarding itself!
I’ve read enough of the hate-filled lies coming out the loon for one day. It’s just too fucking boring.
Ban the asswipe. Get the fuck rid of him.
Nah, he’s just trying to steer the thread off topic or get me to scream at him. Neither are going to happen. As it happens I’m headed offline now anyway.
So to recap: when Wall street steals money, when corporations which make large profits pay no taxes, when the Supreme Court makes bad calls like citizens united, our righty friends think we should just shut up and take it. We shouldn’t use our constitutional rights to freedom and assembly to change anything we should just shut the fuck up and go along.
Fuck that.
@86 Quit your goddamned pathetic whining, STFU and be a man at least once in your miserable fucking life.
Ask that of Barack ObamAA+ who took GE and has it’s CEO as his Jobs CZAR!
Typical liberal response!
Why don’t you be a man and post those comments you claimed I made?
Wait… you’d need to grow a pair!
What a waste of fucking time. That’s what happens when the HA moderators roll over and let assholes shit their hate and lies all over the comment threads. Hell, why don’t you just rename this fucking blog after the loon and get it over with?
One last comment.
We are.
“you’d need to grow a pair”
So says a fucking coward.
@21 – your own quoting of Obamas quite doesn’t even indicate that the Ptlresident said that he met the guy. Did he not say he met the guy? That’s like saying no one booed a gay American soldier.
I don’t know about the rest of you but I pay no mind to skull-fucked zombie cretins.
Let them ramble on in their insanity. They’re only good for a laugh..
Don’t respond to them.
Are these fools always so unhinged?
Wow. We’d better put on a helmet so we don’t get hit with any of the exploding craniums. Whenever they resort to the vulgar talk and call for you to be banned and other meanguy stuff, it means they lost the argument and are losing their alleged minds.
Heh. Sorry Phillies fans – your team got outplayed.
Notice how Stupid Solution Steve always interjects Christina Taylor Green into the thread and every time he has to prove something was said he runs away like a cowardly dog with it’s tail wrapped around it’s leg?
Ummm Stupid Solution Steve, when challenged by your little brother leftandstupid, I appeared with GBS downtown at the appointed spot. In fact I watched GBS arrive in his little German toy. No show from leftandstupid. Then the second time he said Tuesday at a DL. Another no show from leftandstupid.
I have a set dude! In fact one needs more than a set to deal with the abject monotonic left wrong stupidity that reeks on these pages. FACTS work just fine!
It’s very telling these Occupy Wall Street types are yelling and screaming about Wall Street 1%ers.
Well who did Barack ObamAA+ load his cabinet with?
Ummm Mikie, I have written my abortion position on this blog over and over and over. Don’t have to repeat it for you just because you choose to skip over my posts.
That’s your problem dude!
Great podcast
Every now and again I agree with Thomas Friedman. This would be one of those times.
I had to leave the thread yesterday before Pud and everett arrived.
The discussion, needless to say, descended into drivel, at least from their side.
A couple of observations:
everett posts long, multi-paragraph quotes without attribution. Googling them takes you inevitably to Fox News or Rassmussen.
Is this non-attributed pasting of long quotes of copyrighted material a violation of HA rules, and a violation of fair-use guidelines?
pud’s regurgitation of right wing talking points, to the tune of ‘ooh, the dirty fucking hippies are using Apple products – from a CORPORATION’ is nothing more than mainlining the Tea Party bullshit of the day, as discussed here over at Digby’s place.
Again, puddy either does not link, or when he does it is to a site that leave my iMac begging to be dipped in bleach, as with his last link above that Michael commented on. And all he’s doing is blasting the Tea Party’s latest drivel, accompanied by his ‘unique’ style of insult and misdirection and disruption.
He refuses to maintain a consistent line of discussion, pivoting and changing and diverting – he’s playing the clown, and reveling in being an asshole.
I challenged him last week, on the Open Thread 10/3, to post something coherent, to challenge him to prove that he was not in fact some sort of talkbot, and he posted this:
It shows that he is capable of coherent, reasoned discourse, even if I disagree. And it illustrates and highlights that the antics as above on this thread are deliberate and destructive.
I really don’t think shutting someone down, banning them, is a recourse to be taken lightly. I commented just this week on what I saw over at Sound Politics, where pudge makes comments ‘disappear’, while stupidly leaving the rightist responses to those comments in place – which both makes those fools look like they are yelling at voices in their heads, and preserves the evidence that someone who disagreed with them had been trying to engage them, and had been ‘disappeared’.
As I said then, ham-handed authoritarianism by someone intolerant of even entertaining a dissenting opinion.
Here, I think we have a different problem. Sure, puddy seems to disagree with the general leftist bent of things, and that’s fine, to be welcomed even, but he is not posting in good faith, and I think that that’s key. He’s not trying to argue persuasively, he’s not defending a point of view, he’s not seeking common ground, he’s not discussing grave threats to our society and economy – he is a clown, offensive and insulting and distracting.
He does not carry a point forward and challenge other posters on their beliefs or thinking – I would love that. I don’t want an echo-chamber, but if someone disagrees, I want them to defended that position – prove I’m wrong, enlighten me – in that way, synthesis can be found, and it is creative – both in the meeting through understanding, or respect even if agreement is not reached, and community is created and reinforced.
puddy’s posts do none of that – like I said, he’s playing the clown, and in so doing he is getting in the way of what a thread like this can be best at – reasoned discourse, education, inspiration, community. His antics are deliberately destructive and are getting in the way of the people who want community here to be able to be here – and that’s a real loss. Sad thing is, I think that’s his purpose, and if we let him do that, then we’ve all lost something dear.
Time to deconstruct Lib UnScientist because it’s so easy…
Oh really. Just like you regurgitated the Maldistribution of Wealth talking points I found all over Google last week? HAHAHAHA!
Libbie, I watch all the news casts. This past week I was in a different country again. While there I watched their news and how they portray the events. They panned the crowd and the interviewers noted the iPads, iPods, and iPhones. Oh BTW there was no Fox News on the hotel channels so I watched left wing CNN International for “American News”, and the BBC International station was GARBAGE! Sidenote: BBC laying off lots of people soon!
Oh really Lib UnScientist. I had leftists ask how I could post multiple links in the same comment. I post links all the time. You and others scream they are from righty locations or you discount the leftist MSM locations I find my information from. So I use the HuffPo whenever possible. And you are not displaying the latest in DNC talking points? Come on and be truthful Lib UnScientist… I Google your diatribes and it’s so easily to determine it’s reconstituted leftist stink piles from the DNC. I posted from 2010 comments from Jim Wallis who “accidentally” discussed how the 2010 DNC platform had wealth redistribution as their main plank. You are just regurgitation them in 2011. You can ask the crazed HA databaze arschloch for the Jim Wallis commentary. It’s all there.
This is your action dude “reveling in being an asshole.” You are the one who creates quotes and then claims your opponent said that. You are the one who then writes long diatribes with “answers” to words never written or conceived by me or others. Your convoluted and contrived quotes are a laugh a nanosecond.
The rest purposely skipped as left wrong hogfeed. Apparently you chose to skip over my continual posts about the plight of black people and how they are treated by the DUMMOCRAPTIC Party. Well I don’t need to speak to that anymore as Herman Cain is doing a great job identifying how blacks have been brainwashed into believing the DUMMOCRAPTIC Party has always been their friend. Did you watch Herman Cain on The View? Did you see the simpleton Joy Behar and her Republican comment. Elizabeth Hasselbeck was P R I C E L E S S with her Abraham Lincoln comeback.
So you see Lib UnScientist… it’s the crazed left wing of HA who is always disingenuous when it comes to the ills of this country. Barack ObamAA+ has tried his $4Trillion experiment. It ain’t working. He thinks Dodd-Frank and ObummerCare are the greatest things since his birth and his claim to calm the seas. Those two things are stifling job growth. I didn’t say that. Economists and Small Business have stated over and over ObummerCare is not allowing them to hire new workers. Google it fool!
Stop being a destructive quote injecting moron and take the blinders off.
So Lib UnScientist… Do you reject the email to NY Legislators?
Lib UnScientist,
When I asked HA libtardos did they want a terrorist attack before GWBush left office 1/20/2009 so he couldn’t claim he was vigilant, they chose not to answer. Did you think the same?
Hmmm…? You can ask the crazed HA databaze arschloch for my questions and the leftist answers.
It was very telling!
Is there a bigger dumbshit than this one?
Did some skull-fucked zombie cretin fart in his hand and then dragged the claw across his pie hole?
“When I asked HA libtardos did they want a terrorist attack before GWBush left office 1/20/2009 so he couldn’t claim he was vigilant, they chose not to answer.”
No doubt that’s the way it went down from a self-loathing, hate-filled loon’s perspective. But the truth is so much simpler and oh-so-obvious, that again reality must interject and deliver a dead-fish-slap to the psycho-loon’s face. In other words, Darryl and his decoder ring weren’t around that day and nobody here had a fucking clue what the loon was even talking about.
Hi guys – limited posting today.
I see P-dud is suffering under the illusion that I was engaging him – when I was speaking to the community about him.
“Is this non-attributed pasting of long quotes of copyrighted material a violation of HA rules, and a violation of fair-use guidelines?”
Blame management. The dumbfuck Klown has been busted, deleted and warned about that countless times. I don’t know if the problem around here is a lack of balls or what. When I witness somebody basically say “fuck you” after warned about something and nothing is done about it, I usually perceive two problems, the former problem being less troubling to me than the later.
Silence is a rejection of the insane zombie cretin and his baiting behavior.
Spoken from the HA arschloch who stalked me for almost 6 years.
Yeah, right ya moron!
Notice how Lib UnScientist doesn’t like anyone talking about his uselessness?
Runs with his tail between his legs.
Run on little doggie run on and run away!
Don’t worry I don’t expect any rejection from any leftist on those emails!
You and 49 other HA leftists dumb cinder block rujax! Bottom of the left wrong barrel!
puddypussy has to lie to try to cover up how stupid he really is.
It’s golden indeed.
HAHAHAHAHA dumb cinder block rujax!