– Always, always, always check the ellipses when a conservative quotes something to make a point (in fact, it’s a good idea in general).
– The Trib is right about the pain budget cuts in the special session can cause. But still, not a word about raising taxes.
– Reading Unnecessary Journalism Phrases is going to waste a lot of my time.
– I don’t stay up at night worrying if Rick Santorum is a jackass.
– Does anyone know anything about Michael Baumgartner?
– Anyone seen Saving Aimee?
Hey this article goes on and on and on about various corrupt misdeeds committed by the Koch Brothers:
It’s a treasure trove!
From that Bloomberg article:
LMAO!! The “friendo” from Montana and the skull-f’ed zombie cretin I’m sure will find an Obama-Holder-Soros conspiracy in this somehow.
Let’s review:
The top 400 households in this country take 20 percent of national income.
37 percent of families with young children ARE IN POVERTY..
i.e. the rich are richer than ever before and the poor are setting records for being poor.
This problem isn’t going to be solved by giving more tax cuts to the rich like the morons in the House of Representatives want to do.
Any man-love still for Ryan “friendo”??? Of course there is, of course.
This one is for you Mookie, did your momma diddle this man for him to want to do what he did?
Kunstler’s blog post was pretty good today.
The News Tribune, or maybe the state, I can’t tell which by the editorial got some stuff wrong.
The state has a legal obligation to care for many of those 80K. The number that they could “cut free” is actually quite a bit smaller. Cutting the rest of them free might end p costing us more in the long run.
Who’s lose would cost us more in the long run. WBH is cost effective and and results in cost savings.
Ditto, it’ll cost us more in the long run and maybe more in the short term.
It’s time to man up and pay the bills.
I saw that last night too. This has a chance to be really big. You put the word “Iran” in this and it certainly could spell trouble for the Koch-heads.
How-everrr…Haliburton and KBR got away with looting the treasury and killing and maiming our servicemen and women with sub-standard to deadly construction in Iraq…and there IS a RICH history of Republicans doing “good business” with the “enemy-du-jour”, so I’ll wait to get my hopes up.
Yeah, let’s cut that so that we can slip behind Croatia when it comes to infant mortality!
Five million disenfranchised voters, almost all Democrats?
The wingnut desire “take our country back” apparently justifies their stealing it. We’ve seen it before. They hate democracy and simply want to rule America, not govern.
Bloomberg? Why that commie lovin’ lib’rul media rag? They can’t be trusted. If Mike Bloomberg gets his way, we’ll all have to surrender our personal property and go live on collective farms and sing hymns to our dear leader King Hussein Obama.
Curious, the story has been out for several hours but no mention on Fox News. Funny, why could that be? Is it ’cause Fox is the only network of true Amurkin Patriots?
Tough talkin’ Obama has changed his mind…again.
It went from PASS THIS JOBS BILL NOW! to–Pass it soon. What a joke of a “leader”
All you’ve got? Wake me when Boehner schedules a vote. Wake me when this ends too:
Why are Republicans so afraid of an up-or-down vote? Why are they against democracy? Why do they hate the constitution?
re 9: The wingnut philosophy is that any self-promoting crap that they do , do matter how dishonest or illegal, is somehow transformed into something that is good for everyone if they succeed in perpetrating the action.
A case in point is the s recent statement by O’Reilly that if he is taxed any more than he is, he will quit producing his daily ration of swill and his staff of 18 will be out of a job. Because he, Bill O’Reilly is one of the ‘producers’.
The actual effect of O’Reilly quitting would be to hire a fresh talking head and retain the highly skilled staff of 18 to put words in the mouth of the new talking head (Who is probably wondering: ‘How did I get here?’ — heh….).
That right there is a good reason to raise taxes.
“World waits for Amanda Knox Verdict” Hyperbole is the Best THIng EVER!!!
Really, Southern Africans are standing around their radios right now waiting? People waking up in Sydney and turning on the TV anxiously hoping Amanda will go home? Traders are nervously anticipating the effect of the verdict on the Nikkei? The Moscow subways are eerily quiet as Russians sit at home watching the reports from Perugia?
re 11: The Republicans elected in 2010 were voted in on a promise to create jobs, which they have not done, are incapable of doing if they wanted to, and are obstructing President Obama’s jobs bill.
Obama is a leader — a leader who is being obstructed by a bunch of Republican half-wit ideologues who are funded by corrupt billionnaires like the Koch brothers.
You are a nothing and a nobody who will never so much as contribute a fart in the wind as to the direction this country will ultimately take.
Heh. I’m hearing that Herman Cain is gaining more and more cred among the tea baggin’ faithful.
Also heard that Cain took a bit of offense at a certain hunting ranch frequented by scary Rick Perry.
The right wing jerks are all aflutter!
Omigosh. The time is right on the comments!
Is there anyone left who doesn’t think conservative propagandists are liars who make shit up? Except for gullible teaparty sheep, I mean.
Why doesn’t Harry Reid propose Obama’s nonsense as a Senate Bill???
Harry has shown almost zero interest in this.
If the Democrats aren’t interested, why should the Republicans be??
Checkmate czechsaaz!
Citibank announced today it will charge free checking customers new fees because the bank isn’t making enough money.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, those bankers’ yachts are expensive to maintain!
Breaking — Italian Court Frees Amanda Knox
An Italian appeals court has overturned the convictions of Amanda Knox and Rafael Solecito.
Golly HA arschloch the IRS data says 1.59%. I call LIAR on this post like I have on many of your others.
So the rest of the post is utter BULLSHITTIUM.
And now you see why Lib UnScientist and Stupid Solution Steve want to ban Puddy.
Too many FACTS explode the libtardo mind!
Unprecedented Nobel Prize
For the first time in history, a Nobel Prize has been awarded to a dead person. Ralph Steinman, who was a biologist at Rockefeller University, was selected as a co-winner of the Medicine Prize today. The Nobel Assembly was unaware that he died Friday, but decided to allow his award to stand, even though Nobel Prize rules preclude awarding prizes to deceased persons. The Nobel Assembly reinterpreted the rule to mean Nobel Prizes cannot “deliberately” be awarded to deceased persons.
re 20: Yes. That makes astounding sense. Propose something in the obstructionist Senate that is being obstructed in the obstructionist congress.
You witless asswipe.
@24 I think there are three questions here to be answered.
1. What is the actual, true, accurate percentage of national income the top 400 households take?
2. What is the actual, true, effective tax rate they pay compared to the rest of us?
3. Do the top 400 households actually contribute to the economy in such a way that they deserve to get X percent of the national income, or do they take that income simply because they can?
One obvious example that immediately comes to mind is a CEO who reaps enormous compensation despite losing money for his shareholders and driving the company’s stock down. That’s an abuse of the capitalist system.
More crap from the arschloch’s finger
How many of those families being measured are illegal immigrant families arschloch?
re 24: Do you have a link to the IRS information?
# 22, 23: Yes, but they upheld a three-year term and a 23,000 lira fine against Knox for libel against another defendant for implicating him in a coerced confession. Assuming that her time in jail is counted towards that sentence, then perhaps that’s how the Italian justice system figures it can justify holding her for four years.
So what’s the status of the libel charges against her parents? The prosecutor charged them with libel when they criticized him, and libel is considered a criminal offense in Italy.
re 28: “How many of those families being measured are illegal immigrant families arschloch?”
You raised the question. Do you know how to find the answer?
@30 Like any ass-covering bureaucratic government, they have to find both Knox and her parents guilty of something, no matter how trivial, so (a) they can’t be sued, and (b) to protect Italy’s image. “See, they were guilty of a crime, the prosecutor merely charged them under an incorrect section of the code.”
re 30: Is the truth considered libel in Italy? The prosecutors own statements show him to be a mentally unstable person.
One thing that’s certain is the gap between rich and rest of us is widening; the wealthy are getting an ever-large slice of the pie while millions suffer.
The top 400 appear to get less than 20% of national income, according to this article:
“The richest 1 tenth of 1 percent of Americans is only 13,000 households and earned more than 11 percent of the nation’s total 2007 income, according to columnist Bob Herbert in the Sept. 15, 2010, Seattle Times. The top 1 percent of earners has seen its share of America’s income increase from 9 percent in the 1970s to 10 percent in the 1980s, to 19 percent in the late 1990s — and to 23 percent in 2007, the most recent year complete data is available.”
The same article says,
“The average federal income tax rate for the 400 most super rich (average income of $345 million in 2007, the most recent year for IRS data) was 17%; it had been as high as 26% in 1992, according to an Associated Press story on Page 1 of the April 18, 2011, Seattle Times.”
So, the rich are getting more of the national income, and their taxes are going down. Based on these data, I would say there’s some room for the rich to contribute a little bit more toward deficit reduction. You do want to reduce deficits, don’t you?
Of course, puddy can’t say that, because he doesn’t get paid unless he sticks to Wingnut Central’s script.
Roger Rabbit@27:
The data is at the IRS web site. Go visit it like I did! Apparently the HA arschloch didn’t. He must have read it at a left wrong site and he was left wrong on HA.
27 – I heard that on the radio from Robert Reich.
It turns out he mispoke..
The top 1 percent take OVER 20 percent of national income (nearly a quarter actually) and it turns out account for around 40 percent of national wealth..
The tax rate on the top 400 households averages 17 percent like Buffet pays.
The cretinous zombie skull fuck can argue with Nobel Prize winner Stiglitz:
Visit it here http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/07intop400.pdf – PAGE 1
Ya stupid oxygen starved moron!
Markets Close Down
Overnight Dow and S&P futures predicted a stock market drop today in the range of 2.2% to 2.5%. We ended up with the Dow down 2.36% and the S&P 500 off 2.85%.
The Dow fell 258.08 points to 10,655.30, while the broader S&P 500 fell 32.19 points to 1,099.23, below the psychologically important 1,100 level.
Over the last several weeks I’ve seen predictions that the Dow could go as low as 9,000 and the S&P 500 could drop to 900. Valuations of many big-name stocks look cheap against today’s earnings, but corporate earnings probably have peaked, and today’s stock prices aren’t compelling bargains when measured against estimated forward earnings.
A cherry-picked statistic doesn’t necessarily mean what a hate-filled, self-loathing loon would have you think it means. It’s very highly more probable that it’s just another Puddyfact. heh. We all know what those are worth.
Fuck. Read for yourself. What we have is a fraction of a truth at best, told with an obvious intent to mislead. That’s usually called lying. It came out of a hate-filled loon, so of course it’s a fucking lie.
Interesting items in the news:
(1) Rick Perry is taking heat for the hunting lodge his family has leased for the past thirty years. It seems that the entrance was marked by a rock painted with a racial epitat. Perry claims it was painted over in the 1980’s and rolled over, but somebody spotted it recently. More to the point, Herman Cain is calling Perry out on it. The CNBC article has a good insight: if George W. Bush represented the “New South”, does Perry and most of the Republican Party represent the “Old South”?
(2) In the meantime, Cain is winning straw polls but isn’t really running like a candidate. He’s putting off campaigning in Iowa to do a month-long book tour promotion. And, his PR advisor just quit to go to work for a rather small campaign. Is Cain really campaigning to be the next Sarah Palin – making money as a psuedo-politician/pundit without actually holding down an office?
(3) There’s a lot of talk recently about Christie jumping into the race. But his political advisors worked for Gulliani before, and they don’t trust the Republican establishment figures who are begging Christie to step in. He knows that their promises of support will fail to materialize at the first sign of trouble.
What the Republican establishment wants in 2012 is the same thing they searched for in vain in 2008: someone who could defeat the presumptive Democratic nominee. The idea that Perry or Bachman might actually win the nomination scares the pants off them – they want to harness the Tea Party and use it for their own ends, not have it drive the party agenda. More to the point, they know Bachman and Perry can’t win in a general election. They might line up, eventually, behind Romney, but he’s a bit too liberal for their tastes.
(4) Speaking of Sarah Palin, she promised an answer to whether she would run by the end of September. I haven’t heard a peep, but I’ve been pretty busy so I might have missed it. Anybody else here anything? At this point, it would be stupid for her to jump in – all she would do is split the Bachman/Perry vote three ways, instead of two. She’s way behind in fund-raising. And she still doesn’t have a prayer in the General Election, her negatives are way too low.
Nope you dope, I went to the IRS data. The link is right there. Puddy always delivers links. You can see it too fool. Adjusted gross income. The only thing you got right was the 16+% tax rate.
@38 Not now, peanut, the market just closed and I have to do my spreadsheets.
Heh, the purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution can’t refute the IRS data!
Another WOW moment. His link says 1.59% just like the IRS data.
A Nobel Prize winning economist is much more credible than a documented lying cretinous zombie skull atrocity any time..
This arschloch just can’t give it up. IRS data and Stupid Solution Steve’s link agree…
The zombie cretinous skull fuck won’t give it up..
Repeating Roger Rabbit’s cite:
Yes, nearly a quarter of national income.
Earlier this year, the state made a big push at the Paris Air Show for locating aerospace manufacturing facilities in this state – not just the big airframers like Boeing, but the providers of major parts and assemblies like engines, landing gear, etc. Those attending included Gov. Gregoire and much of the state’s congressional delegation.
It’s a two-part strategy: (1) defensively, to prevent other states from syphoning away aerospace manufacturers from the state (Alabama, Texas, and So. Carolina each were represented there as well); and (2) offensively, to argue for locating production facilities near the spot where they will be incorporated into the airframes and thereby saving substantial shipping costs and time in a JIT environment.
Of course, if you care about jobs in the state, it’s a no-brainer. This is the type of aggressive sales effort which needs to be made, and maintained. If the effort wasn’t made, and aerospace jobs went elsewhere, Republicans would be complaining that Gregoire did nothing.
But that doesn’t stop the Repubicans from trying to turn it into a campaign slogan. By the weekend they were attacking Democrats who attended the trip, including Gregoire and the congressional delegation, for using taxpayer money to take “a trip to Paris with $500 per night hotel suites and $80 per night dinners”. They don’t mention, of course, that they were there fighting for Washington State jobs.
Of course, we would wish that our poliical leaders could take overseas trips and stay at the local equivilent of the Holiday Inn. But that’s not the reality, especially at an event such as the Paris Air Show.
I’ve attending one in the past (but not this one), and I can tell you that hotel space is at a premium during this event, and hotel charges double or triple during the show. Also, only a portion of the selling effort takes place at the air show itself – most of the real efforts takes place during the evening cocktail receptions, dinners, and after-dinner parties where airline and industry executives are wined and dined by literally thousands of lobbyists, salespeople, and government representatives. Just being in the same hotel provides a chance to get in a twenty-minute meeting which might have substantial consequences down the road.
So, for a party who claims to know how business and finance works in the upper reaches of the economy, the Republicans are pretty dumb in this regard. Or they just choose to create a distortion, making it look like a vacation trip being taken on the taxpayer dime (in other words, a lie).
I wonder how many of the top 1 percent are illegal immigrants?
Heh. You never hear that question asked by cretinous zombie skull atrocities…
Ohhhh poor poor arschloch… IRS disagrees moron.
And you are comparing apples and oranges like you always do
Yet your original entry was
is a BIG TIME LIE! So how do you jump from 13,000 down to 400 and assume the data stays the same?
So you aptly renamed yourself
is you arschloch!
Heh. Raw meat for comment thread trolls.
Rachel’s new campaign is part of a larger Charity:Water campaign to buy a well drilling rig and associated equipment. Once the $1.2 million needed for the rig is raised, an anonymous donor will match all contributions including, of course, yours and mine.
lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch… Now that’s a mouthful!
Did some zombie cretin just pass gas again???
I’m leaving the room.
Top 400 earn 1.59%.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Once again the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch is caught lying again!
See ya.
Hopefully the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch is leaving forever!
We can only hope.
Damn, the loon is stupid.
I know this will go over the loon’s head, but the data stops in 2007. Further, capital gains aren’t taxed until one cashes in some fucking chips. The 1.56% the loon touts has absolutely nothing to do with how much fucking wealth is flowing to the rich. The fact is, the IRS data proves the massive increase in wealth as well as an obscenely low taxation rate for the wealthiest Americans.
Puddyfacts. Fucking worthless.
It’s time for another HA poll.
Who is the dumbest fucktard on the planet, the goatfucker or the self-loathing loon?
[ ] Goatfucker
[ ] Self-loathing Loon
Not only is the HA clock on time, the edit function is back. WTF?
And your point is moron?
The point is 13,000 households vs 400. The chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch claimed 400. The data supports 13,000.
Once again this flies right over Stupid Solution Steve. Once you drink the Stupid Solution, you post really stupid things.
The cretinous zombie skull-fucked atrocity does not challenge the facts about the top 1 percent.
The good guys win!!
Two Answers
1) Stupid Solution Steve
2) The chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch
Who is that chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch? 1% IS NOT WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY POSITED
So when did 20% become 1%? The chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch lied in #3!
Sucks to be you!
YOU LOSE schmucko!
58 – the second option is the first’s pet tool..
So I choose the second.
hmmmm. Still no challenge on the facts on the top 1 percent..
Fellow lefties – WE”RE WINNING!
And no response to the original lie from the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch.
The chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch lied in #3!
Of course the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch can’t figger it out.
He lies and lies and lies reading left wrong sites.
Any challenge yet on the top 1 percent taking nearly a quarter of national income???
Nahhh. Not that I can see.
The wrong wing believes you can create jobs by cutting Social Security and Medicare and cutting more taxes on the rich nevermind corporations – they don’t believe in taxing those at all..
They also believe you can never spend enough on national security.
What wealth producers – fancy jets that burn fuel and occasionally blow shit up or a submarine loaded to the teeth with nuclear weapons that just spins around the oceans waiting for a right wing Preznit’s launch codes. Or more carrier battle groups that scares the bejeezus out of tinpot tyrants.
Yep those are real generational wealth creators. Way more than educated, healthy people doing jobs – national service in poor areas or rebuilding crumbling infrastructure.
@64 I vote for the loon as well. I’ve never run across a more stupid person in my life. The goatfucker isn’t terribly bright, of course, in fact, he’s dumber than a box of rocks, but the loon takes teh stupid to a level I’ve never seen before and never would have believed possible. I do suspect that he has enough brain cells firing to know when he has had his ass handed to him. He still completely loses it when that happens. That used to be fun to watch, but now it’s fast getting old.
We ought to just get rid of him. The goatfucker too.
I noticed no one will support the top 400 income earners support 20% or even 15% anymore. Now they want to discuss the 13,000 top wage earners. Why is this? FACTS!
FACTS are not a liberals best friend. In fact FACTS explode loony libtardo minds.
So we can all see the moronic two: Stupid Solution Steve and the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch no longer want to discuss this. So this train wreck has been left at the station and now another train has been boarded by these two crazed libtardo loons!
zzzZZZzzzzz… Did a fart go by about 13,000 top earners?
IIRC, that’s one tenth of the top one percent..
Any challenge on the fact about the top 1 percent taking nearly a quarter of national income or 40 percent of national wealth???
Yawwwwnnn.. Nope…
Say, YLB, you ought to post the Loon-MWS conversation more often. You know, the one where the loon was bragging to his sockpuppet MWS about his dick. My, it takes a really stupid mo-fo to get caught up in something like that. heh. That old post was always good for a laugh, even just thinking about it. Sadly, today watching the loon is more like observing a slow-moving train wreck. I mean, really, the moderators ought to pull the plug on his stupid, lying ass for his own good, if not to remove his vile hatred for all things good and decent from these threads.
Now Stupid Solution Steve is copying Puddy.
Ahhh yes those were chronologically monomaniacal crazed HA databaze comment attacks #3 and #6 from the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch.
Yes Pavlov called it. He will try again… Stupid Solution Steve demands it chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch.
71 – Yeah, that’s a good one:
Think by pulling stuff out of their butts it turns out.
The cretinous zombie skull-fucked atrocity had many, many, many involved conversations with his beloved sockpuppet MWS like this one.
It helped mold him into the zombie cretin he is today.
More snore bore from the left wrong whore. Of course the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch wants to skip over what he originally wrote about the top 400 taking 20% of the income. So he tries another train track with another train.
Stay stupid, it comes naturally to the chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch.
Pavlov Puddy called it. Attack try #6. He’s my good Pavlov doggie. Right on time. Thanks Stupid Solution Steve for fulfilling another Puddy Prophecy!
Anyone remember Harold Camping? The rapture preacher?
October 21 is not too far away!
Maybe we’ll get lucky and the zombie and his “friendo” will be beamed up!
Once again we see Glenn Back vindicated by Frances Fox Piven’s own words…
Glenn called it back earlier this year and the moronic twits claimed he was “crazy”. Well her own words vindicates Glenn Beck again…
I love it when their plans are exposed.
Do you guys see what’s happening here?
We have a massive crisis in this country deriving directly from a maldistribution of wealth. Good people here are discussing this, the first step in organizing and problem-solving.
However, a malevolent voice has, as is his M.O., hijacked the entire conversation. Whether or not the 400 top earners get 40% or 1.5% of the total income in the country – it’s a massive injustice that imperils the integrity of the country.
We need sane, capable voices to figure out how we get out of this mess – and ‘puddy’ is here doing nothing but destroying such conversations. He’s not an honest opponent, one who actually helps you hone your argument. He’s a sniveling, loathesome asshole.
Here, watch.
So, puddy, do agree or disagree that there is a maldistribution of wealth in this country that is unjust and incompatible with a functioning democracy?
If so, how do you see effecting a workable solution?
76 comments so far.
25% by the liar.
See post #77 above.
What is he even saying here?
His word salad has the shape of an accustion, without the substance. It has the form of an indictment, with out the merit. It has insinuation without honor or honesty.
Go FFP – a hero to honest, hard working people everywhere.
Oh, fuck Glenn Beck.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Ronald Reagan was a Kenyan muslim socialist? Apparently, yes.
By John Aravosis (DC) on 10/03/2011 05:13:00 PM
More at ThinkProgress.org
Koch Roaches Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales
Should the Koch Roaches be investigated for promoting terrorism?
@80 We need to somehow convince the moderators that it’s long past time to get rid of the loon and Klynical (Everett). If someone with whatever views comes here to have a real discussion, fine. If anyone comes here to disrupt and to try to dominate threads with outright lies, then get rid of them. The same ol’ lies are repeated by the same ol’ people and are refuted time and time and time again. That got old a very long time ago. This site will greatly improve when the moderators finally recognize the game being played on them and pull the plug on a couple of these assholes. If the moderators can’t do that then maybe they ought to just rename the site after the loon, turn it over to him, and be done with it.
“What is he even saying here?”
Beats me. I take it that you don’t have a decoder ring. Me neither. I think Darryl’s got one, but he doesn’t bother using it anymore. I recall him saying that what the loon spews is pure gibberish, even when decoded.
ButtPutty @77 thinks Glen Beck is not crazy.
Only the ButtPutty could find this jabbering idiot (YouTube) not crazy. Remember when Beck compared the children in the Norway attack to Hitler Youth? 85 dead. Yeah, that is sane by the ButtPutty’s standards.
Add @ 86…
@86 People losing interest in her will drive the woman over the edge. With her dissing Megyn Kelly and Fox, I bet Ailes will ditch her within a month. She’ll be reduced to Facebook and twitter soon, with none but a few loons giving a fuck what she says. Thank God. There has never been a dumber, more obnoxious person on the national political stage in my time. Not too long ago it was inconceivable that such a stupid, vile person could be on a major party presidential ticket.
Yup – SERIOUS narcissist.
Wait until the money stops flowing and watch what happens – I bet there will be some seriously entertaining public displays – just keep the microphones near Todd and Bristol and momma grizzly.
Is there enough popcorn?
Palin pandered to the crowd that thinks being uneducated is a virtue. While education certainly isn’t everything, if you don’t have a well-rounded education you probably lack both the skills and background data to analyze a situation and come to the correct conclusion.
Some can do this without higher education, but they are few and far in between. Most, like Palin and Beck, somehow think they have acquired this on their own, and try to simply re-name ignorance as “common sense”, but their lack of essential background knowledge betrays them.
Besides, I’m old enough to remember when racisim was defended as being “common sense”, and opponants of racisim were called “elitists”.
By the way, a higher education doesn’t necessarily result in an acquisition of the necesssary background knowledge one needs. Michele Bachman is a case in point.
It seems like President Obama has linked himself permanently to 2 huge scandals and will have a difficult time de-linking himself…especially Solyndra. Fast & Furious is bad but he can throw Holder under the bus for that. But this Solyndra deal will be mighty tough. More & more info keeps coming out. E-mails. It’s not looking too good. Here is the latest.
The Obama Administration was clearly warned and did it anyway. Please explain.
By the way, it looks like American Airlines (AMR) is heading into serioius financial trouble. A good share of it’s senior pilots took retirement over the last couple of months – some earlier than planned – so they could take their pensions and cash them out. They seem to think something’s wrong there.
The financial community thinks so to, AMR lost over 35% of it’s value today, with circuit-breakers kicking in to slow the free-fall.
American Airlines has been the odd-man-out in the latest rounds of airline mergers. With Delta absorbing Northwest and being in the top spot in the U.S. domestic market, and United Airlines behind them, American Airlines has been coming in a poor third in terms of market share. It’s fleet mix is an odd jumble of planes from different manufacturers within the same range/seat class and routes, adding substantial unnecessary maintenance and crew training costs.
This doesn’t bode well for American. It could end up in Bankruptcy court before long, and the remaining players may be vying for it’s South American routes – American’s biggest asset.
A decade or so ago, it was American’s President who said he didn’t know why anybody would invest in an airline.
Sure. Here’s your “explanation”…
Fuck Off, Troll.
Duh. Your desperation at creating an Obama scandal is showing.
Solyndra was developing new technology – hence the need for government seed money – in the form of loan guarantees.
Any discussion of supporting a commercial venture based on newly developing technology would be fiduciary malpractice if it didn’t include exploring the possibility of failure, of bankruptcy.
And you Republicans know all about fiduciary malpractice.
Statements like
are not indications of fraud or other nefariousness, but merely well-advised anticipation of assholes like you and the quoted Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla) fishing for something to manufacture into a political cudgel.
Hell, does every recipient of a federal student loan guarantee set the world on fire? Obviously not. Are they still good investments – hell yes.
Does every grant given out by the NIH result in a cure for some disease? Obviously not. Is that program still an excellent overall investment? Hell yes.
What about FHA loans, or the GI Bill or any other government program that fostered a potential good when there was no other ‘market based’ way to do that?
I’d wager that such investments in people and in energy technology development and in molecular medicine and in a host of other federal government programs that you fools call “waste, fraud and abuse” yield vastly higher ROIs than do pouring money into Halliburton and Lockheed and Xe/Blackwater and Exxon.
So, De boner, go fuck yourself.
Man the idiot Lib UnScientist is confused when he reads Frances Fox Piven. Those were her words ya moron!
Man that Lib Unscientist is confounded and confused by another liberal.
Didn’t Pavlov call it with the dumb box of rocks rujax@79.
Still no response to Esteem Audio. And… there won’t be!
He’s plain stupid and ignorant!!!!!
Already responded ekim’s goat breath. Did ya find it yet? You can ask the crazed HA database chronologically monomaniacal lying cretinous zombie skull fucked atrocity arschloch. He already jumped when Stupid Solution Steve whistled like the good doggie he is! Maybe he’ll respond to your goat braying!
Mrs arschloch has you trained well. You heel nicely!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Facts… They really hurt liberals small minds.
did you say something you freak?
have you ever thought about suing your dad? I would if were you.
nature or nurture? I think we all know the answer in your case.
Well rhp6033 since I know you read aviation week you would have read this
PuddyCommentary: So they can’t even modernize their fleet until the union approves the “pay scale”. So no wonder they are in a pickle! Wow all they can do is order more of the same old same old!
Now this will totally confuse Lib UnScientist. I copied and pasted it, like I did with Frances Fox Piven. Lib UnScientist, he’s easily confused.
yet another YLB post-a-thon today.
while everyone else works to pay the bills and bring home the bacon, ylburrito alternates between siestas and posting at HA.
pathetic lifestyle…truly pathetic.
and then you got this stupid shit Lee Rujax spouting off his usual “fuck off asshole!” posts….you never do see him challenge anybody’s posts with facts or an adult response.
what a fucking loser that guy is…
hey Lee Rujax, have you figured out whey nobody listens to your shitty music or reads your pathetic blogs? cmon now, I know you can figure it out…
I dont know how you can stand post at this place any more.
It really is circling the toilet bowl.
Unfortunately for Stupid Solution Steve, that has been missing since March 2010 when he first imbibed his home brew, Steve’s Stupid Solution. Ever since then his mind has been a terrible thing.
So Serious Steve, when will you play back those little Christina comments you claim I made? This straw horse is now just a bunch of warm embers.
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Facts they destroy liberal minds.
Hey hey hey, don’t pick on dumb as a bunch of rocks rujax… That was one of his brighter moments. He’s playing with the hand he was dealt.
Twos and Threes!
Stupid Solution Steve is a floater and he still doesn’t know it.
Sorry ButtPutty, nobody cares enough about you or your posts to look.
No that Cynical is gone, the ButtPutty is going for the honored troll title of psychopath.
There is a good chance that the ButtPutty got his psychosis from an untreated case of syphilis. Hey ButtPutty, we’ve warned you about fucking the goats, but nooo. You knew better. And this is what you get.
Sure is amazing these ekim diagnoses! Seems he’s spot on in self-diagnosis. Since you dabble in the goat apparently you are already in one of the later syphilis stages. Are you secondary, latent or tertiary? Or was your syphilis congenital? Seems ever since you arrived you’ve been on the goat kick! Sick mofo! I say congenital… passed through jo mama’s placenta direct to your silly sick ASS!
This is quite predictable…the lack of intellect by the far-left–
94. Liberal Scientist wonders when Republicans will be done with the charade and finally just start using the Hitler Salute spews:
93. Rujax! spews:
Trying to justify the Obama Administration blowing $532 Million when they were warned about problems is obviously impossible for you dimwits. So you resort to obscenities.
You lose!! Again.
I responded to your inane regurgitation of ‘thug talking points with a detailed answer – and you demonstrate yet again that your not worth my time.
Not that a fucking fool like you deserves clarification…
…but until you assholes can find the NINE BILLION DOLLARS the fucking Cheney/Bush Administration lit on fire in Iraq, we have nothing to talk about.
ButtPutty, your goats are calling you.
For those new to the list, it has been well documented that ButtPutty has a number of “special friends.”
We’ve tried to tell ButtPutty that goat fucking is unnatural. Unfortunately, ButtPutty just loves his goats to death and won’t give them up.
Instead ButtPutty just projects his fetishes onto others and hopes nobody will notice.
Q. What has happened to completely unhinge ButtPutty’s brain?
1. Advanced stages of untreated syphilis
2. Too much thorozine
3. Watching Glen Beck
@102 This place is like a bad habit. There are certainly better things to do. On the other hand, there’s a couple of idiots here I enjoy slapping around. So I indulge myself and feel guilty later. After all, it’s not like the loon or the goatfucker can put up a fight. Beating up on the mentally handicapped isn’t exactly something to crow about. Oh hell, what am I saying? It’s fun to play with the minds of these mental midgets. Hell, they’re so fucking stupid, they don’t even know what game is being played.
@110 “Trying to justify the Obama Administration blowing $532 Million”
We don’t have to justify it. All we have to do is remind voters of what happened the last time Republicans were in charge of our government. To wit:
@110 (continued) And this:
“Mortgage giant Fannie Mae knew about allegations of improper foreclosure practices by law firms in 2003 but did not act to stop them, a government watchdog says.”
Plus a long list of other disfeasances, misfeasances, and malfeasances including food poisonings, “heckuva job” disaster responses, no-bid contracts, massive deficits, showers that electrocuted soldiers, and so on.
Republicans can’t do anything right. Even a monkey throwing darts at a 4-choice quiz question will be right 25% of the time. Republicans are wrong all of the time. They must work at being wrong. It’s the only work they ever did.
Let God Sort ‘Em Out Dep’t
“Texas prosecutors agreed Monday to release an Austin man who spent nearly 25 years in prison for beating his wife to death — but always maintained his innocence — after DNA tests showed another man was responsible.
“The case will likely raise more questions about John Bradley, district attorney for Williamson County north of Austin and once a Gov. Rick Perry appointee to head the Texas Forensic Science Commission. Bradley criticized the commission’s investigation of the case of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in 2004 after being convicted of arson in the deaths of his three children. Experts have since concluded that case’s forensic science was faulty.”
“Willingham maintained his innocence up until his death …. Dr. Gerald Hurst, an Austin scientist and fire investigator, reviewed the case and concluded there was ‘no evidence of arson’, the same conclusion reached by other fire investigators. Hurst’s report was sent to governor Rick Perry’s office as well as Board of Pardons and Paroles along with Willingham’s appeal for clemency. Neither responded to Willingham’s appeals. In response to allegations that he allowed the execution of an innocent man, Perry was quoted as stating ‘he was a wife beater.’
“‘The whole case was based on the purest form of junk science,’ Hurst later said. ‘There was no item of evidence that indicated arson.’ Perry spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said the Governor … was aware of a ‘claim of a reinterpretation of (the) arson testimony.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, he was aware of it — and replaced the members of the forensic commission investigating Willingham’s conviction and execution with cronies to protect himself from the commission coming back with a report saying he allowed an innocent man to be executed.
Rick Perry does not have the judgment that is expected and required of a President of the United States.
Let’s review. First something a little painful while we work up to SOMETHING GOOD:
First the miserable mewlings of the zombie:
I’ve been saying for years DUMMOCRAPTS will eventually show their racist colors when God deems it right.
Now here’s a DUMMOCRAPT????
Sorry zombie, HE’S ONE OF YOURS! He’s the shrublet that Dumbya lifted his leg and watered!
For years we’ve groaned through all the guilt by association of Obama with his repudiated pastor Jeremiah Wright – none of those ugly fantasies from the degenerate right wing being the least bit represented in Obama’s public record.
Now we come to Perry whose family did the least possible to remove that ugly racist slur from the rock at the entrance to that ranch. Legions of political allies of Perry have visited that ranch – NONE have forced Perry to remove that slur.
You may not think much of Perry Zombie but your ugly partner IN SLIME, the “friendo” loves the guy!
After this, kindly keep your racism baiting TO YOUR STUPID SELF!!!
Perry’s Jobs (TM)
“As Texas governor, Rick Perry spent tens of millions in taxpayer money to lure some of the nation’s leading mortgage companies to … his state, calling it a national model for creating jobs. But the plan backfired.
“Just as the largest banks began receiving public cash, they aggressively ramped up risky lending. Within four years, the banks were out of business and homeowners across Texas faced foreclosure. In the end, the state paid $35 million to subsidize it. …
“An Associated Press review of federal mortgage data, court filings and public statements found that Perry downplayed early warnings of an impending mortgage crisis as alarmist. …
“The AP analysis found that Washington Mutual, Countrywide and their subsidiaries boosted risky lending in Texas within a year after receiving grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund.
“In October 2007, as credit-rating agencies continued downgrading hundreds of billions in mortgage-backed assets on Wall Street, Perry’s spokeswoman … dismissed concerns about the looming economic implosion as ‘slightly alarmist.'”
And then there’s this:
“As Perry offered $20 million in grants to Countrywide and $15 million to Washington Mutual Inc. … he took in tens of thousands of their dollars for his gubernatorial campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not only does Rick Perry lack the judgment and common sense needed to be President of the United States, he’s too dishonest to be a congressman let alone president.
Perry won’t even make it to the primaries. He’ll be out of the race by Christmas.
Perry’s not the only GOP candidate on the ropes:
“Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is losing her pollster and senior adviser in a staff exodus that raises questions about the viability of her White House bid and her campaign finances.
“Pollster Ed Goeas plans to leave the campaign after upcoming debates in New Hampshire and Nevada, and senior adviser Andy Parrish is returning to the Minnesota congresswoman’s office where he served as chief of staff. …
“In other staff changes, Doug Sachtleben, a deputy press secretary, had transferred back to the congressional office after only a couple months with the campaign. So has Bachmann’s scheduler, Kimberley Rubin.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bachmann won’t make it past January.
Corrupt Republicans #011-5823984-080 and #011-5823985-080
This has already been posted but bears repeating:
“Koch Industries, the company controlled by GOP mega-donors Charles and David Koch, sold millions of dollars of petrochemical equipment to Iran in an end-run around a trade ban and cheated the government out of nearly 2 million barrels of oil from federal lands, according to a blockbuster report in the November issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a Republican and I’ll show you a gangster who traffics with our enemies and thinks he’s above the law. This case is a two-fer.
123,124 – For the country’s sake, I certainly hope so!
How much of an idiot is Hank Williams Jr?
In days past I’d wonder if Pudge might pen another obnoxious “song”.
But those days are LONG GONE. Thanks heavens!
Neither did GW but that did not stop the SCOTUS Rethugs from electing him president.
I know exactly what you mean…it just gets a little old pimp-slapping ylb and Lee Rujax around like $3 whores.
Ive seen farm-raised Silvers put up more fight.
Even the republicans I slap around at another site are more entertaining to beat up on than the brain dead pretenders here.
such is life….hope you guys are staying busy over in Div 16 land.
and how many times did the lefty frothers call bush TEH NEU HYTLUR!!!!!11111elevenoneone…
pfft….same shit, different day – the hypocrisy by both sides is nauseating.
ylbeanbandit starts off this thread at 8:13 am and finishes strong(so far) at 10:23pm
epic….The L on the forehead truly earned.
Did some moronic asshat one-note have something stupid to say, again???
Slap around Republicans???? LMAO! Puhleeeze..
Btw, have you heard the the UN’s trying to take our guns away? Again! Seems like the right recycles this one every 5 years or so.
Let’s see how long we can go!
Moronic asshat one-note wonder: name-call, name-call, name-call, progressives teh suck, right wing morons rule! I heart Dori… blah, blah, blah..
@129 “I know exactly what you mean…it just gets a little old pimp-slapping ylb and Lee Rujax around like $3 whores.”
At least they have enough smarts to charge for their services. You guys bare your cheeks for free.
Tuesday Stocks Outlook
Lower. European bourses likely will be down about 2% (comparable to today’s U.S. decline), Asian exchanges even more. So we may be looking at a Tuesday selloff in the NYSE and S & P 500 comparable to Monday’s decline.
Why are Asian stocks down more than European stocks? Because Asia is staring at a 2008-type credit freeze. About half the lending to Asian banks is from European banks, mostly in dollars, and European banks are strapped for dollars.
Meanwhile, Greece is spinning into a “death spiral.”
The ultimate outcome of all this, whatever it is, ain’t gonna be pretty. It’s not time to buy U.S. stocks yet, no matter how cheap they may look. They ain’t so cheap when you factor in a 10% to 20% decline in next year’s corporate earnings.
How fun. The world still needs the old greenback.
And hysterical considering that almost ALL of QE2 went into European banks.
Hey kids, looks like the price of oil is headed back down..
If only a double-dip didn’t come with it. Shit.
Funny as hell that the asshat troll notices this. If he’d only look at the comment he’d finally figure out where to get his beloved iranian oil.
Hysterical! Now I’ll turn in before the mating call rings out!
@138 Quote of the day:
“[W]hat bothers me is that financial markets are responding primarily not to economic but to political developments. Europe’s perverse insistence on austerity, stemming from a wholly erroneous diagnosis of the cause of its crisis …, coupled with doubts about their banks’ ability to withstand sovereign bond losses, is pushing the continent’s economy into a completely unnecessary recession.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here in the States we call this “Hooverism” and it’s what conservatives do every chance they get. Oh, they’re not against all public spending — they always manage to gin up plenty of money for war — only spending that helps American citizens survive in their own country. Now, this brain-eating virus is going systemic, attacking Europe. Asia will follow; it’ll have to when European banks shut down their credit lines. The best way to explain this misguided ideology is by picturing a Republican as someone who tries to put out a fire with gasoline.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“Authorities searched for a gunman who opened fire from a speeding car on Monday at an ambulance, a police car and at least two other vehicles along a San Diego freeway, the California Highway Patrol said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Everyone knows guns don’t kill people. They’re inanimate objects until some jackass picks one up and pulls the trigger. That’s why Republican legislators in Wisconsin think any jackass should be able to get a gun without a background check and carry it on freeways and playgrounds without a permit.
In other news, SCOTUS has allowed a Muslim woman to sue jailers in Orange County, California, for religious discrimination because they made her remove her head scarf while in jail; and an electric airplane won a $1.35 million prize by flying a 200-mile course at an average speed over 100 mph on 450 lbs. of lithium batteries. The designers said it’ll take at least another five years of work before an electric airplane breaks the sound barrier.
Thanks being my puppet and my bitch YLBarrio. You stayed up an extra 1 hour and 2 minutes -desperately waiting for me to respond, while my ass went to bed and snuggled up to the mrs.
I knew exactly what you would do…I played you like a bitch.
So, in the midst of that maelstrom of right-wing talking points and insults and misdirections above, provided by ‘puddy’ in the guise of a debate, I posed, in all earnestness, this:
I did this as a demonstration, an object lesson, though I really did want to hear an earnest, honest answer from him.
What did I get for engaging ‘puddy’ like this?
Nada. Bupkis. A wish sandwich, with moldy bread no less.
P-dud, the rappin’ Republican, hurling insults and talking points from his mother’s basement. Pathetic.
Puddy @ 99: As usual, Puddy, you look for the easy answer which conforms to your prejudices, and that’s the end of your analysis. The union’s the problem, you proclaim!
AMR does have a problem that it needs the agreement of the pilots to add airplanes to the fleet. But that’s because AMR tried, a long time ago, to cut costs by emplimenting a tiered pay structure which allowed the more senior pilots to retain their existing pay and pay newer pilots considerably less. This would have resulted in a substantial pay cut for most of the pilots. The hard-fought compromise, which narrowly averted a strike, was to tie the pay scales to the type of aircraft being flown. In theory, this accomplished the company’s goal since smaller aircraft were typically operated by newer pilots, and larger aircraft were flown by the most senior pilots. But it just kicked the can down the road, because as aircraft types were retired and new aircraft were added to the fleet negotiations had to be continually re-opened. But this really hasn’t been a priority for American Airlines, it’s management has been immersed in other issues, and the issue just lingers and festures.
American Airlines as a whole (AMR) is suffering from considerable management inertia with respect to it’s fleet. It has relied upon mergers and acquisitions of smaller airlines to grow, with the resulting strange mix of Airbus and Boeing aircraft, along with quite a few regional jets. What’s even more strange is that they’ve done nothing to remedy the situation, flying everything from Airbus A320’s, Boeing 737’s, MD-80’s, and Boeing 757’s on the same routes, which is a logistics nightmare in terms of aircraft parts allocation, maintenance, and crew certifications. Even simple maintenance issues become complicated, because not all aircraft mechanics at an MRO are certified to work on all the aircraft types using that airport.
U.S. domestic carriers, in general, have been way behind in modernizing their fleet. They put off modernization in the late 1990’s because of fare wars and emerging competition from the low-cost carriers. Then post 9/11 they put it off due to the decline in air travel due to fear, TSA hassles, and a rescession. When things were just beginning to look better, the economy crashed again in 2007-2009. Anybody looking at the Boeing flight line at Paine Field could see the problem: the only tail logos visable were from foreign carriers, no U.S. carriers were buying new wide-body aircraft.
The problem, of course, is that older aircraft are less efficient in terms of fuel burn, and require considerably more maintenance as they age. It’s not like an old car, where you can drive it until it gives out. The FAA requires frequent inspections which increase as the airplane gets older. This includes “C” checks, where the aircraft is brought into the hanger for a month or two, EVERYTHING is taken off the airplane until you see nothing but bare metal inside and out, and every inch is inspected for signs of metal fatigue, cracking, stress, rust, etc.
So finally, the U.S. carriers have recently stepped up to the plate and started ordering newer, more efficient aircraft. United was the first, as it picked up some of the 787 delivery slots opened by deferrals or cancellations from other carriers. But American is coming in dead last among the U.S. major carriers in it’s recent order, and what does it do? It splits them between Boeing and Airbus! Instead of having a strategy to resolve it’s odd fleet mix, it’s compounding the problem! If ever there was an airline which needs a major management shake-up, it’s American.
I don’t think the order really means anything, because I think it’s going to get cancelled long before American ever takes delivery of any aircraft (except possibly some A320’s).
Now the lying bastard Holder is exposed for lying to Congress. It goes from bad to worse. Obama will have to throw Holder under the bus. Watch Holder resign soon to pursue some teaching job and book-writing deal. Please explain this-
All Holder can do is say he forgot or didn’t read the memo or some other BS.
Thank God for public records and e-mails.
Fast & Furious
High Unemployment
Massive Debt increase
Class Warfare is his only out.
Things are soooo ugly right now because of Obama’s lack of experience, ideology and crooks are him.
They have used him and will take him down.
This here how heterosexuals have fun, family values at their finest.
George W. Bush was/is a Monkey.
Heterosexual Warfare
More heterosexual warfare – you people are a real bunch of violent individuals.
A little more self loathing to stat off the day from gleman. Have you thanked your pops for introducing you to “the lifestyle”?
143 – Asshat one-note wonder, I did you a favor pointing to where you can find a domestic dealer for iranian oil – your buddies, the Koch Brothers, the corrupt bastards who line their pockets selling equipment to the Mullahs, who inspire your mating call.
Let’s play it again for everybody:
we buy iranian oil…
What gratitude!
Right on cue, Boeing issues a press release (at 7:32 a.m. Seattle time) giving it’s forcast for new aircraft in North America:
“MONTREAL, Oct. 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) forecasts that air carriers in North America will take delivery of 7,530 new airplanes over the next 20 years at a market value of $760 billion. Taking retirements of airplanes into account, the North America fleet will grow from 6,610 airplanes today to about 9,330 airplanes by 2030.
Demand in the United States and Canada will focus primarily on single-aisle jetliners. This is driven by the need to replace aging airplanes with new, more fuel-efficient airplanes. For the purposes of the Boeing forecast, the North America market consists of the U.S. and Canada. Mexico is included in the forecast for Latin America….”
Of course, these won’t all be Boeing orders, a significant number will go to Airbus, and the Chinese competition (COMAC) will have it’s single-aisle offering available within that time period.
So how realistic are those number? Well, given the number of “unkowns” in projecting the economy and technology advances over the next twenty years, it’s not bad. Airbus numbers and Boeing numbers may vary, but not enough to make a huge difference. You have to remember that Boeing and Airbus are making decisions on which products to offer airlines, and those products will often be in service for 15 or 20 years. Given the long lead time and incredible expense involved in bringing a new aircraft to market, the major airframers have to be right. If they bet wrong, they pay dearly – they could be shut out of a significant market segment for decades.
Anyone think the fat blob is going to run?
Only in the wingnut world of pretend Democratic scandals.
What are these assholes going to do for money when Murdoch and the Koch Brothers go to jail? Hard to buy elections when the money’s gone.
‘Bout time OUR President took on the dickhead House Republicans.
Let see them try to slither out of the trap Obama’s putting them in.
136. Roger Rabbit spews:
I charge WAYYYYYYY more than $3!!! $5.50-6.00…at LEAST!
This asshole is a crackhead right?
The fat man’s out!
Per de boner:
Yes, indeed – but aren’t these things – like the minutes of the Cheney energy commission, or the deposition of Cheney and Bush WRT Plame, or the Republicans storing emails on Republican Party servers that ‘lost’ them, or the fucked-up voter rolls – the things that Republicans regularly run away from recording or subvert access to?
Unbelievable chutspah. Unbelievable dishonesty.
I say we give the Republicans the old Confederacy and call it done. They are intent on making this Republic ungovernable.
I take it that deboner is yet another Klynical screen name. The dumbfuck Klown can change screen names, but he’ll never be able to hide teh stupid.
Now the lying, perjuring scumbag Holder is staring at an Independent Counsel. You lefty’s can only respond about things you read on the DailyKos about Bush. Bush is no longer President. Bush is not running for office. Obama is, unfortunately for all of you leftists. you can try using the Saul Alinsky focus shift techniques, but all Obama’s “record” is fair game, including this.
Sorry Steve, I’m not Cynical. I miss his comments and how he makes you so furious. He has moved on but others are taking his place from way out here in The Last Best Place.
But if PuddyBud is banned, I’ll certainly leave too. Then you can talk in an echo-chamber and beat your dog to tame that excessive anger which grips you.
Dare to dream.
I say go for the two-fer.
Actually, Holder’s inaction on Wall Street crime has a hell of a lot to do with the occupy Wall Street movement, which is largely a movement of the left.
Here is another long-time Democrat seat going bye-bye.
This guy screws around arrogantly re-districting and screws himself! Pretty humorous, isn’t it.
Fast & Furious is clearly an attempt to backdoor the 2nd Amendment. No doubt. They wanted those US guns in Mexico and when they were found to be involved in border crimes, there was to be a scream for GUN CONTROL, GUN CONTROL.
Holder is in deep,deep shit.
Ask the lawyer on this Blog for his legal opinion.
How will Holder riggle out of his lie?
What more is to come?
It’s so bad, that CBS and the LA Times are leading the charge on this, not Fox News.
That’s real bad.
Heh. The south is being overrun by ‘crazy ants’!
Those right wingers down there are reaping what they’ve sown. Texas burnt down to the ground this past summer because of climate change denial. They’re eating tainted seafood from a terribly polluted Gulf because they can’t think out of the box on energy and now they’re being overrun by a plague of pests. They’ll end up POISONING themselves to rid themselves of the ants..
Oh well, some people never learn.
168 – zzzzZZZzzzzz… Gun nut paranoia…
Actually, no. It was just a screw up.
@165 “I say go for the two-fer.”
I’m all for it.
Solyndra, De Boner’s Grand Scandal
If he did lie, and that hasn’t been established yet, I hope he decides it’s time for him to “spend more time with his family.” Hell, I hope Holder saves us a bunch of trouble and just decides to “spend more time with his family” period. From his lack of investigating fraud on Wall Street to his support of bullying and monopolistic practices of Big Ag Holder’s been an embarrassment.
What I don’t get is that even when the left speaks out about stuff like this the right acts like we’re still supporting the guys. Obama’s approval ratings are in the tank and yet, to hear the right everyone on the left still is in love with the guy and all those dissatisfieds are votes for the right. Huh?
So De Boner, can you explain just how Solyndra is some terrible scandal? Please explain your reasoning. Inquiring minds want to know.
#174 Continued…
As bad as the Obama admin has been on this stuff, I don’t think many folks are operating under the illusion that the right would have done a better job.
Compared to invading the wrong country and losing suit cases filled with $100 bills it does seem rather small potatoes.
People make bad business deals all the time, Solyndra was one of them.
Assuming he did lie, he could use the same technique as practiced by the Shrub, Turd Blossom, Darth Vader, Scooter Liby, Condi Rice, Donald Rummie…
Want more?
BTW, has Darth Vader been to Nigerhead yet? Seems like the type of place Darth Vader would hang. You know, good place to get drunk, shoot some guy in the face, then lie to the authorities about it.
The “friendo” is glued to Issa’s committee hearings on CSPAN or something or other.
It’s all about man-love for Issa. Issa is just one Republican tool trying to bring Obama down.
test the latest from chrome..
Yep edit comments still works!
Darth Vader demands apology
White house says “We certainly don’t owe an apology for the fact that, under this administration’s policy, this president’s policy, the United States of America does not torture, does not engage in torture.”
Rumor has it that De Boner is over at the ButtPutty’s pad fucking goats.
De Boner better take care or he is going to have oozing sores all over his Boner. We may even have to call De Boner “De Boneless”.
LMFAO @ “texas burned down because of climate change denial”
you really are a fucking retard arent you ylb.
I see you are posting all….day…..long….again.
nice life, loser.
Wow Lib Scientist is asking a lucid question. I’m shocked and amazed.
Sorry dude I was out at the work site until now. I’ll get back to real soon. I have an emergency to take care of. A bud just lost dear his mother unexpectedly today (she was supposedly in great health) so I’ll be back once I make some calls and figure out if the family needs anything even from this long distance. You won’t see any other PuddyPostings until I address your comment even though there are some really moronic ones from the moronic crew!
Can you wait Lib Scientist?
LMFAO @ 184
As I said in that comment:
Some people NEVER learn!
Dense as a freaking black hole between the ears and the ears never see daylight.
Saw the protesters in Westlake park last night, after pulling a late night at work.
Interesting how that many teabaggers would have been a national mandate or some other B.S. but the same amount of people protesting wall street and corporate greed and there is nothing.
the times has no coverage of it except for a piece telling how they are slated to be arrested. What a waste of paper.
How many were actual protestors and how many were the usual hobo’s just hanging out?
I guess it would be difficult to tell the difference, right?
Hey Lib Unscientist, sorry for the delay. Ever tried to migrate 80,000 users from one system to another? Man I am tired and will be glad to get outta here.
Okay your question…
In some instances yes.
Does taxing the rich solve the problem? No. Does wealth redistribution solve the problem? Nope
Does comparing this to (echo chamber sound) THE GREAT DEPRESSION mean anything? Nope different era and different circumstances.
Does pitting one set of Americans against another solve anything? Nope
So what’s a workable solution? Reduce government spending, across the board back to 2008 levels. Also we need a national dialog in this country where real problems can be discussed. Calling people Tea Baggers at the national level won’t get it done but hey, we’re at the grunt level so have at it. Search and tell me who on your side in the House called Republicans Tea Baggers.
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