– I’m not much of a beer person, but the White House homebrew is pretty amazing (h/t).
– Perhaps the oddest thing about the people so eager to cheer the death penalty is that they don’t think the government can do anything right.
– Drug patents.
– The Mariners may be terrible but at least they aren’t going to lose 100 games.
– Boxing is my favorite individual sport, but the standards of sportsmanship escape me.
“I reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or teacher is class warfare. I think it’s just the right thing to do.”
Heh. The right thing to do? Not to the moronic right wing idiots who pollute these threads.
I went to a single boxing match about 40 years ago.
My date was tremendously excited.
I left her enough for cab fare home and left after the first match. Filthy.
So, now, because of Obamamism, the White House has Worts?
Today’s boxing scene? Eh.
Eddie Cotton was a bit of a childhood hero. He gave me a punching bag when I was a young teen and taught me how to use it, and how to box. heh. Another instance in my life where a black man reached out to a disadvantaged white kid.
Eddie was robbed in the championship fight against Jose Torres. Dammit! He should have been the champ. Eddie gave me a ticket to the Roger Rouse fight, which came up next. Eddie lost that one, for sure. That was pretty much it for him. I figured he gave it his all in the Torres fight and didn’t have enough left for Rouse. Hell, he must have been over forty by then. But they robbed Eddie. If that fight ever comes up on ESPN’s Classic Boxing, you can see for yourself. I wrote him a letter after the Rouse fight. I wanted Eddie to know he would always be a champ in my book.
The Soulburger’s with hot links and sauce at Eddie Cotton’s place were to fucking die for. That was the greatest place to eat. Eddie scored a KO with that one.
Just had a thought..
Touting that you’re “centrist” (like the ultimate idiot Dori Monson) just means you’re right wing.
Because the right wing in response to “the center” just moves FURTHER to the right and then “the center” moves with them.
Look how degenerate the right wing is right now in Congress.
Politicians and their consultants find “the center” to either 1) get something done (which means whatever it is gets compromised and doesn’t solve the problem) in order to 2) continue to get re-elected. Democratic politicians suffer too much from “centrism-itis” these days which makes them look squishy, not standing for anything.
It didn’t work too well for blue dogs in 2010.
Future politicians out there: stand for something. It might not get you elected to the national level but it could carry you somewhere in local and state politics and you could then very well influence things at the national level in the progressive direction.
Shit, Vermont just passed single payer health care.
There’s a freaking government bank in North Dakota.
Why not have it be class warfare, there’s been class warfare in America for the last 30+ years. Why not point that out and say it’s time to fight, the fuck, back.
Please include the date stamp on Open threads, it helps us tell the open threads apart.
@1 Didn’t you get the memo? Republicans think only wage slaves should pay taxes. They want to exempt capital gains, dividends, interest, corporate income, and inheritances from taxes altogether. The rich, they believe, should never have to pay any taxes because, they claim, the rich create jobs. But where are the jobs?
Finally Obama is talking like a Democrat.
He’d better have this great Democrat’s words in mind:
Shit, as relevant today as it was back then!
They’re going to the cheapest labor they can get away with, i.e. overseas which means more $$$$$ for them which of course they shelter from taxes with every ounce of energy they’ve got.
“A bureaucrat is a Democrat who holds some office that a Republican wants.”
Harry S. Truman
@5 Just had a thought..
Well, that’s progress.
I have to laugh about how disingenuous guys like Buffett are and ignorant about large details.
1st, deductions are not Mandatory. He chooses to talk them. He is required to report all his income, the gross receipts. But Buffett could take no deductions if he feels he is underpaying.
The 2nd issue is his misrepresentation about Hedge Funds. They are set up for long-term, often risky investments thus reasonably subject to Capital Gains tax. The other issue is Dividends. Corporations pay dividends with AFTER-TAX dollars. This means the Corp. has already paid approx. 35% tax on each dollar of taxable income…then the individual shareholder pays another 15%. So Buffett is just plain wrong when he alleges his servant pays a higher rate than he does. If there were no Corp taxes, then he may be right. But if there were no Corp Taxes, his Dividend income would be much higher.
Everett spewing the talking points again…
A rather transparent revision of the, “Oh, if he wants to pay more taxes, why doesn’t he just go and write the government a check and leave the job creators alone.”
Which in itself is a slick and slimy attempt to shield the wealthy from contributing their fair share.
Just another lying sack of shit.
re 13: Didn’t you feel just swell using a BIG WORD like ‘disingenuous’? You now qualify as a Mitch McConnell Little Achiever!
Yes, he may be a Little Achiever, but is he Job Creator?
With Corporations paying well less than 10 percent of the federal tax bill, which has been the case for a very long time – there may as well be no Corporate taxes.
Some Corporations even get freaking negative taxes.
True thinking relying on fact-based analysis promotes progress.
Right wing propaganda promotes REGRESS..
heh. I’m sure Everett is a “Maker”, not a “Taker”.
Everett is obviously a Klown. In fact, I’d bet he’s the dumbfuck Klown posing under yet another screen name. Either that or the new Klown, Everett, is just as dumbfuck stupid as the old Klown, Klynical. Damn. Just what we need – another goatfucker.
Sigh! Why do we get the dregs of the barrel? We definitely deserve better trolls.
@18 True thinking relying on fact-based analysis promotes progress
Please keep us up to-date with your progress!
@19 We definitely deserve better trolls
To saying nothing of more readers . . . this blog has clearly “degraded” since Goldy abandoned ship to get a real job and the heady days of “Hope and Change” have taken a severe turn for the worse.
Heh. Got a silly reaction from a silly reactionary troll who diminishes himself with each feckless attack..
And Rush or Savage-Weiner to share with us today troll?
Hope is indeed high that the fossil fuel industry’s darling – scary Rick Perry, will be turned out for the empty suit he is. Been there, done that with another dope that the trolls here voted for twice..
However there will be no appreciable change if the degenerates in the Congress aren’t turned out as well.
Then what’s keeping you here? Go over to (un)SP. It’s rip roaring over there between Pudge calling everyone who dares criticize his boring, trite posts a “liar” and Jim Miller’s snoozefest homilies.
@21 To saying nothing of more readers . .
Number of posters has definitely gone way down, though there’re a handful who help make up for some of the traffic loss with their non-stop posts.
I’ve been searching for the Truman quote, without success, where he says to the effect that “when someone keeps smacking you in the head, sooner or later you gotta realize who it is that’s doing the smacking”. His reference, of course, was to the Republicans.
This old “If Buffet want’s to pay more, he should write a check” is just another way of saying that they have no more rational arguments, and are resorting to sheer nonsense. We are talking about national tax policy, not charity. Taxes are mandatory because few would pay them if given the choice – they would rather receive the benefits but have others pay the cost.
I finally finished the biography of Robert Morris, who was probably the true founder of the Republican Party, about 1778 in Pennsylvania. It’s funny how far things can turn around. A prosperous merchant, trader, and shipping magnate, he was pretty much responsible for keeping the finances flowing which supported the Revolutionary War movement. An opponant of the “Continental” currency, which rapidly depreciated, he advocated taxation to support new currencies, and as the states dithered in sending in taxes to the national treasury he issued “Morris Notes”, pledging his own personal credit as security for the notes. He was an early advocate of the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution, one of the few signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the document submitting the proposed Constitution to the Continental Congress. He would be spinning in his grave if he saw how the Republicans in Congress played with tax policy to the detriment of the nation’s credit and fiscal soundness.
The Republicans are having a hard time keeping their talking points and policy positions straight. They signed a no-tax pledge, and took the position that a failure to extend a tax cut is a tax increase, but want to end the payroll tax deduction which they claim was “ineffective” – despite all evidence to the contrary.
But they advocate making the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich permanant, and extending them further, because the rich are “job creators” – despite all evidence to the contrary.
So which is it – tax cuts create jobs, or have no impact? Republicans don’t really care, they are just busy carrying water for their wealthy financiers.
In the meantime, Republicans are hoping we have a very short memory, some have even claimed that the economy is “much worse” under Obama than under Bush.
What nonsense. The rescession started in 2007, and by the summer of 2008 the real estate bubble had burst. Wall Street investment firms collapsed first, followed by the entire banking industry, and by early 2009 the U.S. auto industry was threatened with becoming a mere footnote in the history books. The stock market took daily losses of some 250 to 500 points, finally bottoming out in the 8,000 range, and the U.S. was facing the prospect of another Great Depression with 25% to 50% unemployment.
While all of us had hoped that the economy would be back to “normal” by now, the fact is that it is now MUCH better under Obama than under Bush.
But note that most of the economic recovery took place during 2009-2010, when the Democrats had control of the House and Senate. Although Republicans used the Senate “hold” (i.e., a filibuster threat) to block much needed legislation, enough of a stimulous package went through to bring things back on an even keel. But NO progress was made in the past year with a Republican House, and Congressional approval ratings are in the cellar.
Could it be that the danger to the U.S. economy is the lack of consumer confidence, which coincides with the degree of control Republicans have over the economy? If so, the economic remedy is simple – vote every single Republican out of office.
Speaking of class warfare – Sunday’s Doonesbury cartoon was hilarious:
Doonesbury 18Sep2011
While you are at it, you might get a chuckle from this one…
I pledge allegiance…
In 2001, 19 fanatical terrorists took over four airplanes by slitting the pilots’ throats, and then crashed them in a manner intended to cause the greatest mayhem, loss of life and suffering.
Now, ten years later, 289 fanatical terrorists–242 in the House and 47 in the Senate–want to do the same thing to the entire country.
@31 Now, ten years later, 289 fanatical terrorists–242 in the House and 47 in the Senate–want to do the same thing to the entire country.
Really? So you’re charging that, for example, Olympia Snowe is planning to kill as many people as she can, re: “to cause the greatest mayhem, loss of life and suffering?”
Is this the allegation you’re making against a US Senator?
Fixed. It’ll probably take me a while to remember.
Rep. John Fleming, R-La, complains that the proposed taxes on the wealthy would leave him with a paltry $600,000 per year with which to raise a family.
Rep. John Fleming, Republican whiner
Gee, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel this weekend, the Republicans are making it too easy right now. The problem is, they are trying to defend the indefensable, and everyone is wise to them now.
@32 Unfortunately, she keeps some pretty bad company.
34 – Fleming also said that “class warfare never created any jobs”..
For those of us with a memory…
When Clinton proposed raising taxes on the rich way back in ’92, the right wing idiots bust a gut claiming it would crash the economy and they even called it “class warfare”..
What actually happened?
The traditional Republican justifications for the current system have been proven false:
1. “Rich people are rich because they are smarter than everyone else.” One look at the children of rich people quickly disposes of that rationale.
2. “Rich people work harder than everyone else.” Again, a quick examination of the lives of most rich people prove that to be false.
3. “Rich people are more moral than everyone else.” Do we need to even discuss this?
4. “Rich people are more thrifty than everyone else”. Like John McCain, who can’t remember how many houses or cars he owns?
5. “Rich people create more jobs…” They are still pushing that mantra, but when used to justify tax cuts, it’s been shown that there is no correlation.
6. “Rich people aren’t really rich – a million dollars isn’t what it used to be…” This one’s going to go over like a lead balloon to the average American middle-class family bringing in some 50,000 a year.
Ms Snowe was one of the 3 RINOS who voted for the Barack ObamAA+ Porkulus Bill.
ArtFart is exactly what his name delivers. A man who likes Art butt is just a smelly gaseous cloud otherwise!
@36 @32 Unfortunately, she keeps some pretty bad company.
Including herself, according to the charge. Somebody who had these type of extreme sentiments towards lawmakers would be highly motivated to do something extreme about it, one would think.
re 39: Whut???? Meatballs have heads — and some of them do it wrong — and I can’t deny that truth???
re 32: Deliberately crashing the economy for political advantage, dummy. That’s the comparison. But you’d need a brain to se that.
Here’s something for you to consider: If Republicans deliberately savage the economy for political advantage, and the resulting damage to the population increases the suicide rate, would Republican politicians be guilty of terrorism and would there be real victims.
Yes. Republicans are traitors.
But, of course, that’s not what ArtFart said, and what he alleged was much more serious. And he certainly doesn’t need you to interpret for us. But since you think Republicans are willing to kill people, and are terrorists and traitors, what are you going to do about it, tiger . . vote in the next election?
Yeah they are.
Golly much of this could be said about John Effin Kerry or Robert Kennedy Jr. Want to see their responses? Or you can ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer. He has my entries on these matters!
Go ahead rhp. Grow a set for a change!
All I see is the same bunch of mouths flapping the same old shit.
This place is more stale than a 3 year old loaf of French bread.
If all you idiots here are going to regurgitate the same old shit day after day, at least be entertaining about it for Christs sake.
Why bother fool?
Everyone knows you’re a dope! They don’t need my database for that.
46 – Here’s a perfect place for you:
Don’t let the door turn your ass a bright shade of red on the way out.
The answer to all this bullshit about income taxes and who pays what rate, etc., etc., is to enact a simple, flat-rate income tax. That would stop all this shit about “my secretary pays a higher rate than I do.”
Warren Buffet should just mail the US Treasury a check if he feels bad and shut the fuck up and support a flat rate tax!
49 – Stuck on dumb. It’s not about “feeling bad” – it’s about solving this country’s financial problems.
It won’t be solved by some doing what’s right and the rest turning up their noses and pretending it’s not their problem.
I doubt Sound Politics is any more insightful or entertaining than this hole. Im thinking SP and HA are both TEH SUK..same group of idiots repeating themselves – just like you.
a flat tax makes too much sense for the most of the lemmings to understand.
and buffet is phony – he’s just playing everyone on the left for fools – which most are.
LMAO @ 51!
Try it ((un)SP)! You’ll like it!
And you won’t be missed!
A flat tax makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Do the freaking math!
Buffet is a much smarter guy than you. And for a long time this country did EXACTLY as he recommended. Unlike you he was around then.
Shit Buffet still lives in the same house he bought in the freaking fifties. When taxes on the rich reached into the 90 percent range.
Plenty of people got rich then. Buffet among them.
Stop the wars is Afghanistan, Iraq, the War on Drugs, legalize cannabis, sell-off the gold from Ft. Knox and the god the Fed has, and end the empire – whatever it takes to pay off the debt.
We have a $15 trillion debt!! Cut the spending, enact a flat-rate tax, pay-off the debt. That’s all there is to it.
So, you must be a worker over at H&R Block or a tax attorney, or some other would-be-totally-useless-without-a-complicated-arcane-tax-code sort of person.
The purpose of the tax code is to raise revenue for the US government’s ordinary and necessary business. That soend’t include invading Iraq and Afghanistan and trying to turn them all into American-style democracies. The purpoe of the tax code is also no to insure H & R Block has a good quarter or to enrich the legal and accounting professions.
53, 54 – Easier said than done. If we disengage from the world and the world goes to hell, hell will reach our shores eventually. We don’t live in a freaking vacuum. Peal Harbor, 9/11 should have been proof of that.
Libya is an example of a modest intervention that if not undertaken would have resulted in a refugee crisis for Europe on top of the financial crisis they’re struggling with. An unhealthy Europe is not good for the U.S.
The U.S. tax system should be simple as possible but no simpler than to adequately fund the government. The progressive tax systems of Sweden and Germany are working fine for those countries. I believe there’s no reason why we can’t repeat their success.
I’d like to see any other OECD country that is a model for a flat tax. I don’t think there is one. Prove me wrong.
55 – I guess among other OECD countries we’d want to model ourselves after the Czech Republic and Estonia because they have the flat tax.
Wow! Drop everything. Go for flat tax baby!
Improved and perfectly correct!
So why has Barack ObamAA+ produced many economic policies that mimic the Greece situation chronologically challenged monomaniacal serial crazed arschloch plagiarizer?
Really? Then how come so many leftist DUMMOCRAPTS love Ron Paul? He’s one of those freaking isolationists and when you visit FB you see DUMMOCRAPTS all over his page.
Did rhp6033 grow a set and make that “request” to the chronologically challenged monomaniacal serial crazed arschloch plagiarizer? Looks like he didn’t so far.
I guess facts are a scary thing for leftists to view and process. They’d rather read their left wrong sites and come to HA and leave wrong after posting their copied crap!
Hey rhp6033,
Remember a few years back the World Economic Forum? That’s where they discussed global warming and it’s economic impact. The world wide libtardo elite used 50+ private jets to whisk them to Davos Switzerland. Even the NY Times had to admit they were and still are Gulfstream Liberals.
Butt there are way more links you can find if you grow a set and make that “request” to the chronologically challenged monomaniacal serial crazed arschloch plagiarizer! I guess you are self-castrated. That’s such a preventable and terrible event.
You love to throw out so many “self-described” facts. I love to prove you are Cass Sunstein’s Malleable Homer Simpson Idiot, parroting the leftist smear playbook of politics.
The DUMMOCRAPTS lost the House and Senate over it. So, nothing happened for DUMMOCRAPTS ya moron. When the Republicans got control and lowered taxes and reformed welfare the economy took off! It took off so well Clinton then claimed credit for it in 1996.
Revisionist history by the chronologically challenged monomaniacal serial crazed arschloch plagiarizer!
Gotta love this review.
Hey gman, You from Boston. Seems your guvnur is another of those do as I say DUMMOCRAPTS!
His response?
The man on the street response?
PuddyCommentary: This is short and sweet: Elitist DUMMOCRAPT Liberals, full of hypocrisy!
57 – 64 Wow! Yet more dopey bullshit from a total moron!
57 – Keep on recommending the database moron. You’ve done it for years and years and years. You’re obsessed with it. It’s in your head.. I CREATED IT. I CONTROL YOU! LMAO!
58 – LMAO!!! Apples and freaking oranges! Greece’s debt is WAY HIGHER! 2xGDP. How are bond prices dummy? Are we back to Paul Volker days? Shit no! The ratings agencies are bought and paid for tools – like you! Bought any AAA rated Mortgage bonds on their rec lately? The markets has spoken and deemed YOU AN IDIOT!
59 – Paul is remarkable only in that he deviates from the miserable delusional degenerate right wing line. THE LINE YOU WALK YOU BRAINWASHED FOOL! He make for great laughs when he makes other right wing degenerates squirm. No one in their right mind would vote for him.
60 – LMAO!!! Again no one needs to ask me to perform a db search to conclude that you’re a VACUOUS IDIOT!
61 – Been to your beloved Texas lately idiot?? Place has burnt to the freaking ground and its just a taste of things to come. How’s the arctic sea ice doing?
36 percent below normal and the melt season isn’t over yet.
That map show SMOOTH SAILING between Nova Scotia and Murmansk! Take a cruise while you can FOOL!
62 – So you admit higher income taxes on the rich didn’t crash the economy! Wow according to you it took spanking welfare recipients to get “job creators” to exploit their cheap labor. Cut taxes??? Heh. Those capital gains tax cuts in the 90’s (from the level where RAYGUN has raised them) are surely working wonders today. More smelly crap you pulled from your ass.
63 – zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzz.. Right wing crap from a right wing rag. Who’s this Rex Murphy? Someone trained to hate by Mark FrankenSteyn?
64 – Poor Guv – can’t win. If he’s late to a public meeting because of walking or public transportation the right wing will whine about his “green extremism”. Typical right wing idiocy.
Hey fool (Pdope),
This is totally frightening to you. Move over Rosie, Code Pink and gals on “The View”:
Dive under the bed dummy and wish these “radical feminists” away!
The Obamunist efforts at class warfare are purely political and not based on facts.
Data compiled by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center show households pulling in more than $1 million pay about 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes. By contrast, households making between $50,000 and $75,000 pay about 15 percent.
Obama’s Political centerpiece Buffett Rule would ensure people making more than $1 million a year pay taxes at a higher rate than the middle class. THEY DO!!!
The president proposed the rule after misleadingly Buffett complained he was paying taxes at a lower rate than his secretary. Buffett failed to count the corporate taxes paid by companies he received dividends from. Plus Buffett, Gates and other leftist Billionaires leave earnings in the company, take advantage of endless loopholes and use tax laws to avoid paying taxes at regular rates. Harry Reid even admitted that only 22,000 people who make over $1 million a year pay taxes at a rate of less than 15 percent out of nearly 240,000 families over $1 million of income. Something like 9%. Big deal. According to the IRS, nearly 1,500 households reporting more than $1 million in income paid no federal income taxes in 2009.
Gates only takes a salary of around $600,000. He pays little personal income tax as the richest guy in the world.
This is a joke.
So what if it was? The Republicans have been engaging in class warfare on behalf of large corporations and the rich for the last 30 years. Shouldn’t the Democrats & the middle and working classes have a right to fire back and defend themselves?
The White Salmon will soon be a great free flowing river once again and full of yummy salmon to boot!
Scroll to the bottom of the page for that tidbit.
Maybe its time to ditch the deductions?
They are mixing up taxes paid with deductions.
And the article referenced also says0
It’s fine to have a debate about this.
But it ought to be fact-based, not emotional BS
I think Obama’s class warfare that he says isn’t is the sign of a desperate man watching power slip thru his fingers and not handling it well.
The facts simply do not bear out his fear-mongering. And the undesirable consequences of class warfare are not even acknowledged.
Here is an article on the same issue in today’s Seattle Times.
Little Timmy Geithner dodged the appropriate right question…how many “rich” Americans pay less than the working middle class?
Answer–Very few.
Obama’s emotional class warfare tactics will be crushed with…the facts.
67 – Propaganda. Corporations contribute less than 10 percent of the federal tax revenue.
Give it up. If you care about fiscal responsibility then you support higher taxes on those who have profited mightily on the right wing policies of the last 30 years.
Right now right wing degenerates for Preznit can’t even bring themselves to support 10 to 1 spending cuts to revenue increase ratio.
You don’t care about your country. You only care about you and yours.
67 – And again you’re LYING by ignoring the big picture. You only look at federal income tax. Heard of FICA, Medicare, local state income and sales taxes?
Miserable KLOWN!
The facts are for the last 30+ years, the poor and the middle class have been squeezed while those at the top have done very very well.
The poor and the middle class need every cent they’ve got just to survive and do very basic things like help their kids through college. Any benefit they get from future government policies is money well spent because they take that every cent of that money and spend it in the economy.
Rich people use their money to swindle other rich people out of their money with exotic hedge fund derivative plays! That doesn’t do SHIT to create jobs.
@ That doesn’t do SHIT to create jobs
This from someone who plants himself on HA all day and night and refuses to get a job . . . what a hoot . . .
YLB doesn’t have a job?
How does he/she live?
Who supports him/her?
Does he/she have a family?
Tell me more!
Obama’s base continues to erode. Rick Perry is now joined closely with Jewish Leaders.
Obama is doubling down on all his radical positions. Anti-Israel, Big Government, Class Warfare, Increase Debt, Unbalanced Budgets..
Clinton won re-election because he clearly came to the Republican side with Welfare Reform, Budget Cuts, predictable tax policies.
Obama changes his mind every week.
2 weeks ago, he gave a speech about the need for Entitlement Reform. Now he is against it again?? The list of these flip-flops goes on & on.
Who is the real Barrack Hussein Obama??
78 – You’ve been reading my blog KLOWN.
Here’s the relevant link from that blog post:
I’m honored! Thanks for playing tool.
77 – Where’s your argument troll?
25 million people in this country are either without a job or are underemployed – meaning they’re working a shit job that pay crap wages!
What were YOU doing while writing that attack troll?
I get it. You get paid by the attack. Facts and reason need not apply.
Someone halfway sane compared to scary Rick Perry.
Shit what a disaster that guy would be!
Let’s see what’s up:
Smooooooth sailing for Obama – thank heavens!
I posted “emotional BS” where?
Obama’s not engaging in class warfare, he’s trying to close a budget gap and reduce the deficit.
Personally, I wish he would engage in class warfare, the rights been doing it for years and its time to hit them back on it.
Damn, we’ve got some stupid fucking trolls. All that goatfucking must somehow eat away at the brain or something. Of all the trolls in the world, we get goatfuckers like this Klown and the psychotic, self-loathing loon who earlier fouled this thread with his incoherent, hate-filled lunacy. That just doesn’t seem right. We deserve better.
@ 85
Unfortunately, we have to battle with the trolls we have, than the trolls we wish we could have.
I have yet to meet an educated teabagger. Every single one I’ve ever encountered has been a bigoted, uneducated lying fool who cannot cogitate two separate strings of thought without blaming some outside force for their own ignorance and stupidity. I suppose thats what “faith” is all about.
A whole lot of folks were told one thing by their schools, their churches, media, the politicians they listened too, while the world went in the opposite direction from what they were told. Plus, the world changed (the world always changes!) and 80% of the world changed with it.
The Tea Baggers are the leftover 20% that couldn’t change with the world & couldn’t see deal with the fact that what they were being told didn’t matchup with reality. So they created their own reality and are trying to force us to live in it. It, obviously, wont work. I feel kinda bad for them.
***Oops, scratch the word see***
The Tea Baggers are the leftover 20% that couldn’t change with the world & couldn’t deal with the fact that what they were being told didn’t matchup with reality. So they created their own reality and are trying to force us to live in it. It, obviously, wont work. I feel kinda bad for them.
I’m still waiting for Puddy to repudiate Glen Beck’s characterization of the teenage victims of the shootings in Sweden as the equivilent of “Hitler Youth”. But all he’s done is deflect and thrown up conditions before he would respond.
I can only conclude that he approves of Beck’s attempts to minimize the actions of right-wing white supremecist by denegrating his victims.
@85 We deserve better
You have to earn it, and how many years has HA had to do that without success? Other than a few holdouts like YLB and RR who have nothing else going on, this blog has downsized faster than Obama’s ratings. Even Goldy had to seek greener pastures after his last gambit based on donations failed.
Sorry, Steve, but you’re getting just what you deserve.
90 – This blog succeeds at roping in braindead right wing haters.
Ropin’ the dopes. Entertaining and informing the masses about the bankruptcy and vacuity of the right wing since May 10, 2004.
Long live HA!
YLB @ 80-
Your links answer none of my questions…..
YLB doesn’t have a job?
How does he/she live?
Who supports him/her?
Does he/she have a family?
Tell me more!
Are you unemployed YLB?
For how long?
Are you married?
Is your husband/wife a government employee?
How do you live with yourself slacker?
92 – Only two commenters have more entries in these threads than I do KLOWN.
One of them is Roger Rabbit and the other is..
a very good friend of yours.
And he don’t lean left.
That’s a FACT!
Spin any fantasy you want about me. It pales in comparison the delusions of your ideology being played out in the Congress right now.
And that is so VERY BAD for our country.
Shame on you,
How about you? You posting on your bosses dime?
It’s really none of my business, just like YLB’s private life is none your business.
Shorter Michelle Bachmann: I have no idea what I’m talking about.
“Evest spews”
What, the Klown caught in the middle of changing screen names again? How many screen names is the stupid goatfucker using these days?
@92 “Is your husband/wife a government employee?”
What’s the relevance of that? Oh, I get it, you’re one of those people who think government employment is welfare, not work, because you’re too stupid to understand that unloading a truck or writing a report for a government employer is exactly the same amount of work as doing it for a private employer, and government workers have the same bills to pay as private sector workers — so why do morons like you always expect government workers to work for free? At least they add some value to society. I can think of plenty of private sector workers who not only don’t deserve to be paid, but should be required to pay the rest of us for the privilege of occupying their jobs — let’s start with bankers …
@72 It’s about time a Democrat played politics with a visceral issue. Republicans have been doing it since Creation. The trouble with Democrats is they’re continually get walked over because they don’t behave like Republicans enough.
It’s just not natural!
Where serial arschloch plagiarizer? Did you forget like usual there was a tax cut in 1997? That’s when investment and the economy really took off!
You definitely are a moron!
Call Grossman once said
That wrong headed meatball IS YOU serial arschloch plagiarizer!
OMG!!! Agenda 21!!! For Realz!!!
What’s the deal with the whole UN one world government crap. The Right’s been pushing that one off and on since the 50’s. And it hasn’t happened yet. They got a bunch folks all freaked back in Clinton’s day too.
HA’s serial arschloch plagiarizer sez
Interesting… So Puddy went to the NY Times, libtardo DUMMOCRAPT loving NY TImes… Seems they disagree with the serial arschloch plagiarizer. Always verify with fools such as serial arschloch plagiarizer.
Hmmm Exxon-Mobil had US income of $7.7 Billion and paid $1.3 Billion in taxes more than 10 percent serial arschloch plagiarizer! – WA Post.
Butt when GWBush was president Exxon-Mobil’s tax payment was way way more. So why is Exxon paying less now that when it was under GWBush?
So where is this 10% figger coming from serial arschloch plagiarizer?
@94 YLB’s private life is none your business
Well . . . . if YLB talks up a storm about how other people should pay more taxes, BUT pays none himeself because HE THINKS HIS HIGHER CALLING IS TO SPEND ALL DAY ON HA TRACKING VISITORS’ IDENTITIES, plenty of people might think his private life is relevant.
Anyway, YLB loves the treatment here much more than what he gets at home.
@85 Damn, we’ve got some stupid fucking trolls.
Yeah, well, it wasn’t so long ago that a “friendly” on HA had you reduced to tears, and to add insult to injury nobody would come to your aid despite your incessant pleading . . . except for some of those trolls. And remember you said you’d never forget who stood up for ya? Well . . . I guess you did!
And we really thought you were different than all the others! Figures!
Hey serial arschloch plagiarizer,
Which leftist said you were monomaniacal? Did you figger it out yet? And how come you are missing all those other monomaniacal entries in that vaulted “attack” databaze?
Oh I attack that databaze cuz you use it as a crutch! Each time you place your results box I own your silly ASS and you can’t see it yet after all this time.
@103 “Hmmm Exxon-Mobil had US income of $7.7 Billion and paid $1.3 Billion in taxes more than 10 percent serial arschloch plagiarizer! – WA Post.”
That was last year. In 2009, Exxon paid zero federal income tax.
Hey puddydope, do oil companies pay you to shill for them, or do you do it free?
100 – Where? YOU PUNTED on the point – Clinton raised taxes on the rich. NO EFFECT ON THE ECONOMY! YOU LOSE! Raygun raised capital gains taxes in the 80. Did that cause the early 90’s recession??? LMAO!!
101 – No truth in that right wing bullshit I can see. SHAME ON YOU FOR TWISTING CARL GROSSMAN’S WORDS for your twisted purposes. Just like the time YOU STABBED GBS IN THE BACK! You’ll do ANYTHING for your holy TEAHAD of RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
103 – EPIC FAIL! DUMBASS ALERT! DUMBASS ALERT! Look here. Yes it’s not under 10 percent but that’s because Corps are making record profits and federal receipts from INCOMES ARE DOWN! Look here. It’s been much lower in the past. Look here. Corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP are nearing HISTORIC LOWS. They’re not a drag on the economy! TOTAL UGLY BRAIN FART!!!
106 – Heh. YOU DID! OVER 239 TIMES! You subscribe to the socialist health plan in (gasp) Seattle and send your kids to a socialist campus in (gasp) Seattle to be taught by lefties like Prof Darryl. You’re a CLOSET LEFTIST Puddydope!
And the database????
Poor fool. YOU LIE AGAIN! The database is not a crutch miserable serial LIAR!
IT”S THE TRUTH! IT”S YOUR LEGACY and the legacy of every other right wing whackjob who has pasted right wing bullshit and name-calling in these comment threads..
It exposed the TRUTH about the right wing whackjob websites you’re addicted to and the TRUTH about your past support for Bill Clinton (ignoring his trysts with women like Gennifer Flowers). It exposed the TRUTH about your silence over DUMBYA reaching for the bottle when he could have used prayer! (You could have read about it in the Enquirer!) It exposed the truth of your “CHRONOLOGICAL FAILURE” to cite an old Maine DUI when Bush reached for the bottle in 2005!
Our household like any modest income household probably pays more taxes as a percentage of our income than many wealthier households who have the advantage of sophisticated tax advice and loopholes not available to those of our income level. We pay sales taxes, payroll taxes (including FICA/Medicare), gas taxes, utility taxes, etc.. It’s a total lie that we pay “none”.
Nope that’s a lie. I don’t know the “identity” as in true name, address or anything else of any troll who comments here. I’ve met a few of the HA bloggers and a handful of the lefty commenters.
If a troll changes his or her handle in these threads, then I try as much as I’m able to track the changes through the database I keep. It’s a way of having some fun observing the behavior of a troll over time.
I care about holding a troll accountable for his or her behavior in these threads which is public knowledge and can be done by anyone who takes an interest.
Nolaguy is an example of a right wing leaning commenter who I cannot call a troll even though I don’t agree with much of his comments and believe him to be flat out wrong about many thngs. He doesn’t behave like a troll.
Whatever floats your boat dude!
Roger DOPEY Rabbit… I already demonstrated oil companies pay more in taxes than four tech companies who shill for Barack ObamAA+,
GE, Apple, Facebook, and Google. Now why is that Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Except the effect on the economy was to reject DUMMOCRAPTS in the House and Senate. The economy took off after the Republican tax cuts. This is why you are a moron!
Nope you DOPE. We were discussing you. Anyone can review the thread and see it. Carl and I were discussing his failing health. I always stood up for him. He said that to another leftist loser like you. We then discussed how you love to dismiss NewsMax and other sources. His words about you were P R I C E L E S S! Regarding GBS, the “stabbing him in the back” were your words. Somehow you love to jump into conversations and see your silly ASS in pixels. Sad so sad!
2008? Moe-ron this is 2011. No wonder you didn’t want to provide links! Old data again.
Oh yes it is. You run to it everytime to try and prove another of your conjectured worthless points. In you attacks on me you’ve continued to fail fayle FAYLE!
Now this is so funny. He’s in Mongolia and he drinks fermented mare’s milk as a gesture. And guess where you ran. Daily Kooks! They complained the press ignored the story Butt not the serial plagiarizing arschloch! Nope he’s a left wing dope getting his info from left wrong sites. No wonder you are left wrong so long!
So the right wing making an economic prediction turns in your dung heap of a mind into a political outcome
EPIC FAIL!! You’re a dumbass!!!
The National Enquirer! If it was good enough for Edwards it’s good enough for the idiot you voted for twice..
Oh and what about your first response to Dumbya falling off the wagon in 2005???
A Maine DUI???? In 2000???
I use the database to have fun at your expense exposing your holier than thou, name-calling ass just like you do EVERY DAY with the ugly name-calling and the right wing bullshit you paste here.
You think you can go on living like this?? Without any consequences???
You reached a new low with that one dope.
YAWN… epic stupid!
@114… Chopping again… Here is the whole statement: And guess where you ran. Daily Kooks!
Moe-ron looniness!
@115 EPIC FAYLE… The databaze is a crutch. While most real Americans would happily accept the burden of providing for their family; you sat at home getting paid unemployment, copying another person’s idea, (well… you are aptly named re-run) and make it yer own! Did you apply for that “extension” since the corporate world rejected ya? How about McDonalds? Or maybe Denny’s? WalMart? Costco? Any yob?
@116 GBS and I disagree on torture for saving other people’s lives moe-ron. He chose to think there was a shiv in his back. I didn’t place it there turdball.
Carry on. You are sooooooo stooooopid! It burns.
@112 deserves it’s own response to the serial arschloch plagiarizer. The economy didn’t so squat until 1997 moe-ron! Historical revisionism can’t save your sorry ASS here!
The issue was the Bushitler bullshit.. I said there was little to none that here in the threads.
Remember those pictures from zombietime about Bush=Hitler?
You did this to a guy you called your friend, a guy you broke bread with, a former Navy Seal who proudly served his country!
Oh leetle serial arschloch…
I took umbrage to GBS comparing Bush to those despots.
You can’t get it through your stupid arschloch head there is no comparison! GBS made it and I took exception to it. In fact I came at his so strongly for him saying it he was shocked! You apparently loved the comparison. Heck you jumped in trying to egg us on! And to this day you are trying to make hay of this comparison.
Nope you dope… I placed quotes around them ya idiot to demonstrate they were not mine.
Such a feckless all day on the left wrong sites moron!
Proud to be an ASS pegged you P E R F E C T L Y!
You are Frankly ODD and Monomaniacal. Repeating the same horseshit over and over and over hoping it will stick!
If timing is everything then you have NOTHING!
120 – Nope you didn’t use attribution you asswipe. I had to search to find out whose words you used.
You obviously never thought I’d follow through.
So I didn’t put GBS’ comment in quotes moron?
Last chance douchbag! Better check that fayled databaze again! Better yet time to make you into a LIAR for the 6 quintillionth time…
This was GBS’ quote too:
So the serial arschloch plagiarizing moron is still pissing into a blowing fan. Going for shitting next?
Such a crazed databaze LYING fool. His own search engine FAILS!
Remember GOOGLE sez there are more than 400 monomaniacals in the HA blog. You only show 259. Why is that moe-ron?
Proud to be an ASS pegged you perfectly…
FRANKLY ODD and MONOMANIACAL. You surely demonstrate this over and over and over! And your own databaze search skillz SUCK
Now you are 14 for 14 in da fayle department! Batting 1.000 in fayle. I hope your son reads this. He can view his “daddy” fayling again and again!
No response from the HA crazed databaze keepa?
Oops… Another search fayle from the big HA fayle!
123 – zzzzzZZZZzzz..
More lies. In that 147 you say quotes around the words are the same as attribution.
Fayle.. It’s not..
You did not link to the words so I had to do a search..
Was there a link in that 147??? Nope.
You used GBS, “your friend” to put on the same level as park protesters equating bush = hitler.
Fayle it’s not the same thing..
You treat your “friends” like that????
With a “friend” like you who needs an enemy???
heh. Oh by the way..
You called Carl Grossman your friend too. Look what I found:
How are you going to treat this “friend” now?
I don’t respond to your idiocy anymore. If I feel the need to have a laugh at your expense, I’ll do it on my blog.
Right now it’s not funny how twist yourself into grotesque shapes trying to pretend to be holier than thou. I’ve had my fill of it.
Then why does Roger DOPEY Rabbit place quotation marks around his copy and pastes ya DUMBASS?
More fayle. I placed quotes because the line belonged to someone else!
And you are still exhibiting those FRANKLY ODD and MONOMANIACAL traits identified by Proud to be an ASS.
He identified you perfectly!
Carl Grossman didn’t take exception when I described John Deadwards for what he is like you did. Somehow I remember
being typed by your unemployed fingers!
Still grabbing for strawmen!
And you are still exhibiting those FRANKLY ODD and MONOMANIACAL traits identified by Proud to be an ASS.
He identified you perfectly!
Regarding attribution, everyone knew GBS said it as it was in the same thread.
More fayle!
And another thing serial arschloch plagiarizer you of all people should NOT be discussing attribution! You’ve been plagiarizing for years! Where are the quotes around my comment @119 or the “Puddy said”