– There won’t be a grocery strike.
– Washington seems to be signing up people for health care at a nice clip.
– It’s pretty easy to interview long dead politicians if you just make up their answers.
– I for one am glad that my work station doesn’t look like the bridge of the Enterprise.
The psychopathic apple doesn’t fall far from the crazy tree.
So, dominionist christians consider themselves “anointed by god” to punish the wicked. I suppose that rationale could be ascribed to any concerted effort to defraud an entire nation and trick its people into butchering each other.
What’s next? A Spanish-style inquisition? Perhaps institutionalized ghetto pogroms and random acts of violence.
The Jewish folks in this country better be paying attention. The language is exactly the same as it was 80 years ago, and it is the same people using it.
Heil Jesus!
“Work station”? The commander’s chair in ST is just that – a chair. It has a few buttons on it but its only real function seems to be someplace where Kirk et al can bark out orders.
Most executive types I’ve known – even the arrogant ones that like to bark out orders – have pretty busy jobs that involve a lot more than that. They rarely seem to have time for bedding buxom aliens, either, but maybe in ST that work station is more fully equipped…
Oh, Cruz had lots of support…from Fox News.
DUMMOCRETIN Voter Fraud Schemer Caught… Nothing new here move along…
Betcha this Jon Stewart Video won’t make the Friday Night Comix…
HA’s Favrit Congressional DUMMOCRETIN ASSHole is at it again… Of course when a DUMMOCRETIN goes postal other DUMMOCRETINS go mum. Let a Republican say something similar and DUMMOCRETINS go postal!
Sniff, sniff…
I smell BUTTBOY. What an ASSWIPE.
@ 6
Truth hurts. One can do almost a a straight correlation from the Klan to the Tea Party, and up here in my neck of the woods, they’re all the same people.
Theres a reason why StormFront has a regular booth at Tea party rallies.
But, you’za good nigga. Youze gonna he’p massa get dem dirty dakkies whut took you chickens.
Malcolm X was right.
The Other Shoe Drops for Scott Walker.
Another John Doe Probe Revealed and It’s Statewide!
Yup. Angry white people overwhelmed with fear and loathing that some lesser brown person is going to take their stuff, or more importantly, threaten their petty local aristocracy.
Hysterical that a black buy like the pud is so in love with them, though his bigotry goes a long way to explaining it.
Can you imagine puddibigot showing up at a TeaKlan rally/cross burning, shouting gleefully, “Kill the MOOSLIMS! String up the ACLU types!! I hate the wetbacks, too – kick ’em out!! End welfare!! Women back to the kitchen!! Shoot the atheists!!”
Do you suppose they’d greet him like he imagines they would?
They aren’t terribly particular about what they say. They say it outright. They just don’t use the word “nigger” anymore. At least, not where any unfriendly ears could hear it.
I guess that makes it OK.
@4 At least he was trying to expand the franchise; your party tries to prevent voting. Republicans think getting guns should be easy and voting should be hard, not the other way around.
Alan Grayson on comparing Tea Party to the KKK: “If the hood fits, wear it”.
In Germany, Chancellor Merkel was re-elected, but needs a coalition partner for her Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union bloc, and it looks like the Social Democratic Party will drive a tough bargain. The Greens dropped out of talks, and Merkel’s liberal Free Democrats got swept out of power, not clearing the 5% threshold to win seats.
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race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race
race race race race race race race race race race race